Epstein files are a distraction from Gaza, Ukraine disaster, the southern invasion, economic implosion (including loss of the reserve currency), etc. etc.

Jesus is the only way out of this evil matrix world: NarrowWayTruth.com

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I don’t know what Kimmel’s relationship was with Epstein, but I do know he very aggressively pushed manadatory jabs and wanted to deny unvaxxed healthcare and is partly responsible for millions of deaths and injuries.

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Distraction from Gaza? Get ready to multitask. Because Evil is. The more the Light sheds darkness the more tenacious the wicked become. Soft ball is not an option.

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I daresay this operation wasn't simply a Mossad operation but sanctioned by the Deep States of many countries. You cannot control people who aren't compromised.

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"This story confuses me, in that it seems to always be omitted that Robert Maxwell was a Mossad agent, and that the entire Epstein/Maxwell blackmail operation was enacted on behalf of Israeli intelligence, unless I am missing something."

Yes, I've noticed the same. This was obviously a Mossad operation to blackmail US politicians and policy makers, yet that aspect seems to get ignored. I noticed on sites with many Christian Zionist commenters, they seem to have a blind spot and are unable to connect the dots.

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Trump is on the list, so why cite a witness as proof of it not happening?

Compounds are big, some people don't get to see some of the clientele...

We need to be objective about this.

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They say that Maxwell was killed in Spain. Which means he had great friends: Spain is a beautiful place to be killed.

Also, there are not enough prisons for everyone of this bastards, and they are expensive.

The best solution would be to use their homes as prisons. Appoint their neighbors as wardens, with guns and tasers and all the works. A compensation could be to lower the taxes on their "property" so long as the prisoner doesn't escape.

And no doctor visiting the prisoners, because we want the prisoner to live as many years as possible.

Also put cameras everywhere, a robots that shoot laser beams. And rig the perimeter of their mansions with plastic explosives that would go off if the prisoner tries to escape.

And this would be considered cruel, but what the heck: no electricity or electronic device of any kind for these prisoners. Let them rot slowly of boredom and lack of interaction with prey... I mean... other human beings.

That's what I think. It would be cheaper than the stupid system of prisons of today.

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I still don’t understand why. If Israel is such a great “friend” of the USA why would they need to blackmail our government ? They got millions of dollars from us and support from us in many ways. Does the blackmail mean THAT was the reason why we supported our “friend “?

It’s so disgusting and sad that so many children were at the hands of so called famous “people” who in reality are so depraved and evil that human does not apply. The only way I see any justice is to completely destroy our entire government and start fresh. However The only question then is who is not like the politicians there already. I do not think anyone is capable of being a leader in any office being in charge of anything.

It’s so far off the fucking charts of humanity and goodness that no one is in this country could be trusted or believed for generations.

It’s just too far gone. Our country is finished and our world of reality is completely false for so long that even though the winds of change is in the wings now it’s still the MONSTER’S world and we are just their fodder.

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Dershowitz is such a scum bag.

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Just in:

Looks like Wimkin put up a download alternative site:


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You nailed it right here: 'The entire Epstein/Maxwell blackmail operation was enacted on behalf of Israeli intelligence.'

As usual, there were also other foreign interests funding these operations. Refer to: The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors >>> Posted on Jimmy Dore’s YouTube site >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3rhlXhvf-c&t=1s

Makes me wanna take a long shower...

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That’s a lie cause Trump admitted he went there and left after he saw it was a pedo pad

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Now what? Where does this go? Al Gore must be an inconvenient truth, weather related only.

Poor girl. Weird men woman have strange ideas of sex, but best way to capture anyone you like who has money, power, and deranged integrity

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It's an endless 'nothingburger' - a bag of air. Vacuous internet noise. The years roll by and nothing ever happens. Nobody is ever brought to justice. Justice itself now appears to be an elaborate illusion, just like democracy. Tyrannical totalitarianism marches ever closer though.

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I don't trust that they will ever tell the truth about anything and especially not "The Donald" Trump. There are so many photos and videos of Donald Trump with Epstein and Maxwell, there is no way he wasn't deeply involved.

At one time, back in the late eighties, early 90's "The Donald", was nicknamed the "Pizza man". Donald Trump's Mentor Roy Cohn was a very wicked man.

And I believe Donald Trump is one of the most deceitfully wicked men that has ever walked the face of the earth.

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