While I believe it’s axiomatic that the bigger a government grows, the smaller individual freedoms become, it’s difficult to evaluate the failure of a highly socialist or communist nation when the largest and most militaristic government the world has ever known imposes sanctions or a blockade.
Cuba is a mixed bag. Americans can’t wander freely and are confined to approved areas. My Mexican friends and in-laws find the country still terribly poor, thanks to Uncle Sam. Then there’s the mindset. After several generations of communism, some or many fear the risks of a market-based economy.
Thanks to the Monroe Doctrine, most of Latin America is under-developed by design.
Unless things have changed since 2008--when I visited Cuba twice, Havana & Santiago--I was able to wander wherever I pleased and speak with whomever I wished.
I checked last year (or the year before) and as a holder of a US passport, I was obligated to use an official tour and couldn’t deviate, even though my travel would have been from Mexico and back to Mexico.
My thrifty relatives who live in a nondescript town in Mexico went to nondescript places in Cuba and were not impressed. They were anxious to return home and said never again.
Roy: Not at all. I heard many serenading us in Havana. Guitars, accordions, and others. Being a car enthusiast, I saw cars there I had never seen before like Sangyoung from Korea. Having worked in Korea at the world's 2nd largest cement company, Sangyoung, it surprised me. If I could find a 90-+5 y.o. Cuban National Socialist lady, I'd be there in a wink.
"Democracy Now" believes that men can become women! And that it is ok to mutilate children. How can you believe anything they say in light of this. I agree. I would not trust them.
As Democracy is (perfected), the orifice of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the orifice of the People(cattle) and the White House or all Government Houses will be adorned by a DOWNRIGHT MORON....Period
Sachs can "sound good," but he is just one of them.
They roll him out as "opposition" as it is necessary; and nothing changes, except a continued march to a one world government, one world religion, one world digital currency, under a one world ruler.
"Jeffrey D. Sachs is President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Co-Chair of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition, Commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission for Development, academician of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican, and Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Honorary Distinguished Professor at Sunway University. He is also a University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He has been Special Advisor to three United Nations Secretaries-General, and currently serves as an SDG Advocate under Secretary General António Guterres..."
Hugo Chavez was not a fan of the United States hegemony and control by its oligarchy. So, the United States destroyed Venezuela since it wouldn’t comply. There are “refugees” all over South America (especially Chile) and the United States waiting for the old Venezuela to return.
Yeah OK. If anything, the communists within our CIA planning to use Dominion machines (and ES&S and Hart-Civic) to rig one last election for total global power set up Chavez and he started to think he was independent.
Stop helping the commies allied with Islamists worldwide running us as controlled opposition from within to achieve their one world government by demonizing the United States as they set up their one world unelected government of unelected officials with digital passport chains and ESG social credit score whips... the new world order.
The American people never consented to their empire building. We want nations to be left alone as do we.
Problem is the commies...first led by Soviets now CCP... don't want to leave free people alone. They're incompetent, insecure grifters who can't produce and so must lie, cheat and steal.
They've been trying for about a hundred years, but we still have sovereign nations with borders. That will disappear quickly though along with your freedom if we allow them to rig 2024 and complete their coup.
Get involved. Unite locally. Organize and challenge your county election officials / commissioners.
Start with "Let My People Go" on Rumble by Dr. David Clements. Shows threat, rigging system and solution.
Cause of America (Dr. Douglas Frank...proved voter roll manipulation...will connect you with team)
Or True the Vote. 2000 Mules Researchers. "Engage" tab on website. Local team building. IV3 to challenge and clean voter rolls.
Or Steve Stern with Precinct Strategy. Be a Committeeman or Committeewoman. Google him.
Secure 2024. It's literally our last chance.
Trump 2024. MAGA.
God bless you and yours.
Unity is our strength. Diversity, equity and inclusion are Marxist dog whistles used by communists to organize useful idiot suckers and leverage them for power.
I think "Democracy Now", is like each and every one of us, good and evil. You have to discern for yourself what the motive of the sponsors of the show is each time you listen to their story, but remembering there could be an ulterior motive. After all, there is always an angle, in ulterior motive..
I have never liked Ms. Goodman…even when I was a loyal supporter and listener of NPR and other ‘alleged’ alternative news sources, like Democracy Now, back in the day. And then when she supported the CONvid Scamdemic, lockdown, mandate, forced vaxx BS, she showed her true colors.
Goodman, even her name is double speak? I'm so happy to hear there are people like you, that recognize the damn demic and predicament that humanity is in! We couldn't speak up before, but now we are growing in numbers! Hopefully the cultist culture club members will start to take notice.
Amy Goodman - was always a paid propagandist and full-time liar. Its just taking some folks many years to recognize it. NPR; National Propaganda Radio, since its inception.
Look at the names of some of their shows:
(show name) (translated)
Democracy Now - Democracy Never
Fresh Air - Fresh load of crap
All Things Considered - A Very Narrow Band of things to Consider
The fluffy sounding jingles they play, they drab voices. All designed to lull people to sleep. It has been very very effective. just speak with any NPR listening retard.
I went from a registered Democrat towards the end of Obama’s first term to a ‘decline to state’ voter. (Not an ‘independent’ as most people don’t realize that registering as an ‘independent’ is with a political party!) But I still get political flyers from the Dems and have had a raft of fundraising texts recently from the Dems as well! Stopped listening to NPR, or watching PBS over 7 years ago.
Those people from "democracy now" supported and pushed for the mass poisoning of children, pregnant women and the disabled. Do not ever forget their real face. They already told you who they really were.
Ralph Nader was on Democracy Now this morning. I used to be one of his fans. Don't remember when I stopped, but I disagreed with everything he was espousing except for Democratic and Republican parties are about the same--Uniparty.
The same was true that I used to be a fan of Amy Goodwin and Democracy Now, but that changed when she wouldn't allow an honest discussion or reporting of vaccine safety issues going back at least a decade.
I consider NPR, PBS to be legacy main stream propagandists and they are good at it. Oregon, Washington and California demonstrate the effectiveness of National Propaganda Radio and Propaganda Broadcasting System are at dispensing propaganda.
Couldn't be better stated. As someone who used to know hundreds of people in Portland, Oregon I can attest that your words are all too accurate. The people there are truly sick, the most highly propagandized and dehumanized, and completely clueless as to their state of dysfunction. They actually do not know that propaganda is a 'thing' and relegate it to 1930's Germany in their minds. They are scum and they deserve whatever horrible fate awaits them. They begged for and cheered on all this mess. People like myself tried for years to warn them only to face their gormless derision.
Isn't it crazy how the people that we used to think they were on our side, so to speak, are now so completely on the counterintuitive? I agree with you, about that sentiment, wholeheartedly! Turn coats! Benedict Arnold's! It's not funny, just a bit surreal. We didn't change our allegiance they change theirs. I am on the side of humanity and they lost what we once shared.
The trucker protests really were a line in the sand. They "deplored" an historic, landmark "working class" movement on this continent. If they reenacted "Spartacus," they'd side with the Roman Senate, at best (so they could claim they believe in "democracy" or a "republic.")
I asked Amy, face to face at a book signing, to investigate chemtrails. Her response was, "You get the story and I'll publicize it." I said, "I'm a stone mason. You're a journalist. You need to get the story." And that was that.
I think it is just as well. I don't think Amy has that drive that Sharyl Attkisson has to do investigative journalism that challenges the conventional narrative.
I did a quick and dirty search to see if I could find the broadcast which airs on our local low wattage KSKQ in Ashland, OR. I did not find what I was searching. Ralph sort of listed a litany of bad 6 majority opinions of the Supreme Court, one of which he claimed gave unlimited immunity to presidents, reversal of the Chevron Defense, which will give corporations the ability to pollute the air, water and our lives. There were things he twisted to fit, in my opinion, conservatives and their opinions are bad.
I usually don't listen, to this station as for the most part, the various hosts push the conventional narrative. They do have excellent blue-grass on Sundays.
The love of money is the root of all evil. The sanctions are just another form of warfare, this time and many times it is economic warfare. The powers that be, own the system. Money has free speech. Another good resource of how the destruction capitalists destroy and coquer for control and profit, like what they did to Venezuela and have done over and over again, is the "Shock Doctrine", written by Naomi Klein.
And the book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman," by John Perkins. Explains it all. The intelligence apparatus recruits out of The Peace Corps, that's how f&*ked up it all is.
"The love of money is the root of all evil," was written for nobody. When you diagnose dis-ease you look for all the signs and symptoms and in our system, around the world, they're all there.
This is nothing new. The United States has been interfering in the politics of South and Central American countries for over a century, and in the process destroyed their social systems and brought about the rise of gangs.
Milei came into office as a big booster of Israel and Ukraine wars reliant on aid from the United States government for continuation. In response to President Nicolás Maduro this weekend winning reelection in Venezuela — a long-term US target for “regime change” — Milei is speaking in unison with the US government as well
As loyal as Robin to Batman, US sidekick Milei, immediately condemned the Venezuela election results and called for a military overthrow in the fellow South America country. Announced Milei, “Argentina will not recognize another fraud, and expects the Armed Forces this time to defend democracy and the will of the people.”
He calls economic hit men (like he once was) the instruments by which regime change is achieved in different countries without using the military. It's been one of the most effectve weapons wielded by the US in Central/South America, Africa and Asia. Think of Allende in Chile, for one. It's a good way corrupt "banana republics" and failed states have been created by the stealth US govt in so many countries. "Neocolonialism" method.
Yet, Perkins also believes in "climate change." So, there's that.
Perkins needs to be introduced to the concept of plasma cosmology, and how electricity drives the universe. The gravitational model is a failure. See the 'current' activity on the earth-facing side of the sun? Climate alarmists are ignorant and/or agenda-driven. Thunderbolts.info
the fake Harris polls could be used to show the election if lost by Trump by vote fraud was legit.... sparking a revolution like in Venezuela ... because we know today Harris doesn;t need any votes to win by a landslide
I always took to heart Alec Leamas' view on these matters, in this, one of my favorites scenes from one of my favorite movies, "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold."
Reviewing the 60s, I think we know pretty well what Allen Dulles was all about. These days? I have no idea. Whatever remnant of belief that intel acts in the best interests of the USA evaporated with COVID and the treasonous WHO treaties.
The imperial eunuchs of America have forced many "changes" everywhere. For example, they forced a bizarre version of "democracy" in Spain in the 1970s. Most people absolutely hated the idea of federalism. They wanted political and administrative centralization, which is what they were taught in the schools of the Francoist regime. However, it was the Americans who decided to favor the Socialists, using the German Social-Democratic Party as a means to bribe everyone who needed to be bribed, to ensure the political change of Spain, expand NATO and feed their little crocodile pet who now is known as the EU. The political transition to democracy only brought corruption, cultural destruction and non-stop mass theft.
For example: the Petrol Monopoly of the Spanish State was sold to former "far-right" nationalist in the North and in the East. Besides being thoroughly masonic, the Basque and Catalan nationalists also became in love with fascism and nazism in the 1930. Big business opportunity! Then, in the 1980s and 90s, they suddenly became trickle-down capitalists, Reaganites, zionists and they would dance any tune played by people in the same line of work as Jeffrey Sachs.
Today, Spain is a weak, deindustrialized country with many economic troubles. The sovereign people were just stooges of American goons.
This story has happened everywhere in the world. And the opposition to the current regime is completely zionisitic and retarded, just as the spooks wanted.
But I don't understand how come so many people in the entire world continue to have any faith in the communists, who have been collaborating all the time with the fascists. It's never true that the masses are the only ones who can be hypnotized: all the ideologues who pretend to be "saviors" of the Fatherland are also working for the globalists.
Mr. Sachs apparently had an ‘epiphany’ during the CONvid Scamdemic, and has dramatically changed his tune on a lot of issues and situations he used to support.
This is what some people say. Know that his portfolio has some pretty bad stuff in it:
Sachs & co. engineered the economic collapse of Soviet Russia that caused mayhem for Soviet citizens and sharklike black marketeers and mafiosi running things, per CA Fitts. Until Putin righted things after the disaster under the alcoholic Boris Yeltsin (who assigned ex-E Germany KGB agent Putin to a good leadership position; why Putin is fluent in German).
May God help the people of Venezuela. I am sorry for their suffering.
Amen my friend. They should not be poorer than Brazil or Colombia and that's a fact.
I've often wondered how with a culture as rich and vibrant as Latin America's, all the nations therof have been such a catastrophic mess..
Ah! ..American foreign policy toward places with oil and other resource might have something to do with their catastrophic mess.
Its as if the book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins hasn't been in the public domain for 20 years to explain all of this.
While I believe it’s axiomatic that the bigger a government grows, the smaller individual freedoms become, it’s difficult to evaluate the failure of a highly socialist or communist nation when the largest and most militaristic government the world has ever known imposes sanctions or a blockade.
Cuba has been quite successful.
Cuba is a mixed bag. Americans can’t wander freely and are confined to approved areas. My Mexican friends and in-laws find the country still terribly poor, thanks to Uncle Sam. Then there’s the mindset. After several generations of communism, some or many fear the risks of a market-based economy.
Thanks to the Monroe Doctrine, most of Latin America is under-developed by design.
Unless things have changed since 2008--when I visited Cuba twice, Havana & Santiago--I was able to wander wherever I pleased and speak with whomever I wished.
I checked last year (or the year before) and as a holder of a US passport, I was obligated to use an official tour and couldn’t deviate, even though my travel would have been from Mexico and back to Mexico.
My thrifty relatives who live in a nondescript town in Mexico went to nondescript places in Cuba and were not impressed. They were anxious to return home and said never again.
I’m glad you had pleasant experiences.
I wish Cuba was as democratic as Israel.
Cuba is a piss poor craphole. Aside from that it's a great place! 😀
That is very much a topic for discussion. I've gathered it is (or at least was) illegal for Cubans to own musical instruments!
The ban on musical instruments in Cuba, only applies to piano accordions..
..So there's some progress there.
Roy: Not at all. I heard many serenading us in Havana. Guitars, accordions, and others. Being a car enthusiast, I saw cars there I had never seen before like Sangyoung from Korea. Having worked in Korea at the world's 2nd largest cement company, Sangyoung, it surprised me. If I could find a 90-+5 y.o. Cuban National Socialist lady, I'd be there in a wink.
Any "failed highly capitalist nations?" Ever?
"Democracy Now" believes that men can become women! And that it is ok to mutilate children. How can you believe anything they say in light of this. I agree. I would not trust them.
Seems you are right. The guys bio stinks: https://www.jeffsachs.org/
The guy's bio is as bad as it gets. But there's some evidence that he's seen the light in his older days. This particular piece seems spot on.
Karma cleansers everywhere.
Democracy now is the awful msm!! Tied to the DNC! Ugh, !!!
As Democracy is (perfected), the orifice of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the orifice of the People(cattle) and the White House or all Government Houses will be adorned by a DOWNRIGHT MORON....Period
Sachs can "sound good," but he is just one of them.
They roll him out as "opposition" as it is necessary; and nothing changes, except a continued march to a one world government, one world religion, one world digital currency, under a one world ruler.
"Jeffrey D. Sachs is President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), Co-Chair of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition, Commissioner of the UN Broadband Commission for Development, academician of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences at the Vatican, and Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Honorary Distinguished Professor at Sunway University. He is also a University Professor and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He has been Special Advisor to three United Nations Secretaries-General, and currently serves as an SDG Advocate under Secretary General António Guterres..."
To control the river, control both sides of the banks.
There is only one escape out of this evil, matrix world; and it is through the strait gate/narrow way of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hint: modern Christianity is completely apostate, just as Jesus warned us would happen.
jesus was a joo. joos control USA's money. Take that control away and nations will prosper. Look at Germany 1933 to 1939, look at Iceland since 2008.
More Rubbish!
Dr Sachs is more than his bio.
Two wankers ..wanking with reckless abandon.
Hugo Chavez was not a fan of the United States hegemony and control by its oligarchy. So, the United States destroyed Venezuela since it wouldn’t comply. There are “refugees” all over South America (especially Chile) and the United States waiting for the old Venezuela to return.
…and we used a rigged election using dominion software (or some component there of) to get the results that we wanted (by we, I mean the US CIA).
Yeah OK. If anything, the communists within our CIA planning to use Dominion machines (and ES&S and Hart-Civic) to rig one last election for total global power set up Chavez and he started to think he was independent.
Stop helping the commies allied with Islamists worldwide running us as controlled opposition from within to achieve their one world government by demonizing the United States as they set up their one world unelected government of unelected officials with digital passport chains and ESG social credit score whips... the new world order.
The American people never consented to their empire building. We want nations to be left alone as do we.
Problem is the commies...first led by Soviets now CCP... don't want to leave free people alone. They're incompetent, insecure grifters who can't produce and so must lie, cheat and steal.
I think your "One World Government" has been in place since about 1950.
The "New World Order" is the old-world order, threatening you with apprehensions of what's to come, to hide in plain sight what is already here.
They've been trying for about a hundred years, but we still have sovereign nations with borders. That will disappear quickly though along with your freedom if we allow them to rig 2024 and complete their coup.
Get involved. Unite locally. Organize and challenge your county election officials / commissioners.
Start with "Let My People Go" on Rumble by Dr. David Clements. Shows threat, rigging system and solution.
Cause of America (Dr. Douglas Frank...proved voter roll manipulation...will connect you with team)
Or True the Vote. 2000 Mules Researchers. "Engage" tab on website. Local team building. IV3 to challenge and clean voter rolls.
Or Steve Stern with Precinct Strategy. Be a Committeeman or Committeewoman. Google him.
Secure 2024. It's literally our last chance.
Trump 2024. MAGA.
God bless you and yours.
Unity is our strength. Diversity, equity and inclusion are Marxist dog whistles used by communists to organize useful idiot suckers and leverage them for power.
Sorry pal ..dominion is what dominion does.
What was is and forevermore shall be.
Idiots cannot be kept from their destiny.
What a pathetic and ungrateful response to the freedom you were handed with great sacrifice to preserve as an American.
Literally your civic duty.
China can't produce?
Except everything we wear and use.
... after stealing our technology which China does constantly. Not to mention zero child labor laws.
I think "Democracy Now", is like each and every one of us, good and evil. You have to discern for yourself what the motive of the sponsors of the show is each time you listen to their story, but remembering there could be an ulterior motive. After all, there is always an angle, in ulterior motive..
I have never liked Ms. Goodman…even when I was a loyal supporter and listener of NPR and other ‘alleged’ alternative news sources, like Democracy Now, back in the day. And then when she supported the CONvid Scamdemic, lockdown, mandate, forced vaxx BS, she showed her true colors.
Goodman, even her name is double speak? I'm so happy to hear there are people like you, that recognize the damn demic and predicament that humanity is in! We couldn't speak up before, but now we are growing in numbers! Hopefully the cultist culture club members will start to take notice.
We'll have coffee when they start to take notice.
I think most have noticed, at least a bit, but many are paid, skilled liars for the uniparty industrial complex.
You are 100% on point with your comment on 'Goodman'.
Amy Goodman - was always a paid propagandist and full-time liar. Its just taking some folks many years to recognize it. NPR; National Propaganda Radio, since its inception.
Look at the names of some of their shows:
(show name) (translated)
Democracy Now - Democracy Never
Fresh Air - Fresh load of crap
All Things Considered - A Very Narrow Band of things to Consider
The fluffy sounding jingles they play, they drab voices. All designed to lull people to sleep. It has been very very effective. just speak with any NPR listening retard.
So agree with your sentiments! And your NPR program ‘list’ and ‘translations’!
Similar, really started to change for me when Obama was elected. Could have been cued in even earlier, right after Sept. 11.
I went from a registered Democrat towards the end of Obama’s first term to a ‘decline to state’ voter. (Not an ‘independent’ as most people don’t realize that registering as an ‘independent’ is with a political party!) But I still get political flyers from the Dems and have had a raft of fundraising texts recently from the Dems as well! Stopped listening to NPR, or watching PBS over 7 years ago.
Very similar track for me. Honestly, I don't even know how I'm registered right now.
Those people from "democracy now" supported and pushed for the mass poisoning of children, pregnant women and the disabled. Do not ever forget their real face. They already told you who they really were.
Yes! They clearly delineated their stance many times and many times their stance involved perpetrating crimes against humanity.
Ralph Nader was on Democracy Now this morning. I used to be one of his fans. Don't remember when I stopped, but I disagreed with everything he was espousing except for Democratic and Republican parties are about the same--Uniparty.
The same was true that I used to be a fan of Amy Goodwin and Democracy Now, but that changed when she wouldn't allow an honest discussion or reporting of vaccine safety issues going back at least a decade.
People like Goodman and the ‘alternative news’ sources like NPR, were equal opportunity propagandists for the Plandemic/Scamdemic.
I consider NPR, PBS to be legacy main stream propagandists and they are good at it. Oregon, Washington and California demonstrate the effectiveness of National Propaganda Radio and Propaganda Broadcasting System are at dispensing propaganda.
Couldn't be better stated. As someone who used to know hundreds of people in Portland, Oregon I can attest that your words are all too accurate. The people there are truly sick, the most highly propagandized and dehumanized, and completely clueless as to their state of dysfunction. They actually do not know that propaganda is a 'thing' and relegate it to 1930's Germany in their minds. They are scum and they deserve whatever horrible fate awaits them. They begged for and cheered on all this mess. People like myself tried for years to warn them only to face their gormless derision.
Great points.
Fittingly, Noam Chomsky was/is one of her idols.
Isn't it crazy how the people that we used to think they were on our side, so to speak, are now so completely on the counterintuitive? I agree with you, about that sentiment, wholeheartedly! Turn coats! Benedict Arnold's! It's not funny, just a bit surreal. We didn't change our allegiance they change theirs. I am on the side of humanity and they lost what we once shared.
I don't always know who possesses integrity, but I eventually learn who lacks it.
Well said.
The trucker protests really were a line in the sand. They "deplored" an historic, landmark "working class" movement on this continent. If they reenacted "Spartacus," they'd side with the Roman Senate, at best (so they could claim they believe in "democracy" or a "republic.")
I asked Amy, face to face at a book signing, to investigate chemtrails. Her response was, "You get the story and I'll publicize it." I said, "I'm a stone mason. You're a journalist. You need to get the story." And that was that.
I think it is just as well. I don't think Amy has that drive that Sharyl Attkisson has to do investigative journalism that challenges the conventional narrative.
What did Nader say exactly during his appearance on the "Democracy Now" program?
I did a quick and dirty search to see if I could find the broadcast which airs on our local low wattage KSKQ in Ashland, OR. I did not find what I was searching. Ralph sort of listed a litany of bad 6 majority opinions of the Supreme Court, one of which he claimed gave unlimited immunity to presidents, reversal of the Chevron Defense, which will give corporations the ability to pollute the air, water and our lives. There were things he twisted to fit, in my opinion, conservatives and their opinions are bad.
I usually don't listen, to this station as for the most part, the various hosts push the conventional narrative. They do have excellent blue-grass on Sundays.
Thank you very much for the summary.
The love of money is the root of all evil. The sanctions are just another form of warfare, this time and many times it is economic warfare. The powers that be, own the system. Money has free speech. Another good resource of how the destruction capitalists destroy and coquer for control and profit, like what they did to Venezuela and have done over and over again, is the "Shock Doctrine", written by Naomi Klein.
And the book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman," by John Perkins. Explains it all. The intelligence apparatus recruits out of The Peace Corps, that's how f&*ked up it all is.
"The love of money is the root of all evil," was written for nobody. When you diagnose dis-ease you look for all the signs and symptoms and in our system, around the world, they're all there.
And fwiw, Max Blumenthal's wife, Anya Parampil, just wrote a book about Venezuela.
Finally published. Wasn't it delayed for some reason?
This is nothing new. The United States has been interfering in the politics of South and Central American countries for over a century, and in the process destroyed their social systems and brought about the rise of gangs.
Naomi Klein, "Shock Doctrine"
Milei came into office as a big booster of Israel and Ukraine wars reliant on aid from the United States government for continuation. In response to President Nicolás Maduro this weekend winning reelection in Venezuela — a long-term US target for “regime change” — Milei is speaking in unison with the US government as well
As loyal as Robin to Batman, US sidekick Milei, immediately condemned the Venezuela election results and called for a military overthrow in the fellow South America country. Announced Milei, “Argentina will not recognize another fraud, and expects the Armed Forces this time to defend democracy and the will of the people.”
Great link! thx!
Concur with other fellow who sez you need to discern what to trust and what not to with every source. And the aims can change with time.
Have you heard of John Perkins? Listen to him talk about his book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man".
He calls economic hit men (like he once was) the instruments by which regime change is achieved in different countries without using the military. It's been one of the most effectve weapons wielded by the US in Central/South America, Africa and Asia. Think of Allende in Chile, for one. It's a good way corrupt "banana republics" and failed states have been created by the stealth US govt in so many countries. "Neocolonialism" method.
Yet, Perkins also believes in "climate change." So, there's that.
Perkins needs to be introduced to the concept of plasma cosmology, and how electricity drives the universe. The gravitational model is a failure. See the 'current' activity on the earth-facing side of the sun? Climate alarmists are ignorant and/or agenda-driven. Thunderbolts.info
And yet, if you look at Sachs bio, it seems he’s the deep state shill: https://www.jeffsachs.org/
Confusing for sure.
the fake Harris polls could be used to show the election if lost by Trump by vote fraud was legit.... sparking a revolution like in Venezuela ... because we know today Harris doesn;t need any votes to win by a landslide
I always took to heart Alec Leamas' view on these matters, in this, one of my favorites scenes from one of my favorite movies, "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold."
Reviewing the 60s, I think we know pretty well what Allen Dulles was all about. These days? I have no idea. Whatever remnant of belief that intel acts in the best interests of the USA evaporated with COVID and the treasonous WHO treaties.
Tedros made the news today demanding a roll-out of avian flu mRNA vaxxines, to be manufactured in Argentina.
Ah, yet again, the "man of freedom" in Argentina. Will he publicly tell Tedros to stuff it?
Ah. That's not good.
James Lord, your brief comment and clip, none-the-less, covered a lot of water that has gone under the historical bridge.
thank you.
The imperial eunuchs of America have forced many "changes" everywhere. For example, they forced a bizarre version of "democracy" in Spain in the 1970s. Most people absolutely hated the idea of federalism. They wanted political and administrative centralization, which is what they were taught in the schools of the Francoist regime. However, it was the Americans who decided to favor the Socialists, using the German Social-Democratic Party as a means to bribe everyone who needed to be bribed, to ensure the political change of Spain, expand NATO and feed their little crocodile pet who now is known as the EU. The political transition to democracy only brought corruption, cultural destruction and non-stop mass theft.
For example: the Petrol Monopoly of the Spanish State was sold to former "far-right" nationalist in the North and in the East. Besides being thoroughly masonic, the Basque and Catalan nationalists also became in love with fascism and nazism in the 1930. Big business opportunity! Then, in the 1980s and 90s, they suddenly became trickle-down capitalists, Reaganites, zionists and they would dance any tune played by people in the same line of work as Jeffrey Sachs.
Today, Spain is a weak, deindustrialized country with many economic troubles. The sovereign people were just stooges of American goons.
This story has happened everywhere in the world. And the opposition to the current regime is completely zionisitic and retarded, just as the spooks wanted.
But I don't understand how come so many people in the entire world continue to have any faith in the communists, who have been collaborating all the time with the fascists. It's never true that the masses are the only ones who can be hypnotized: all the ideologues who pretend to be "saviors" of the Fatherland are also working for the globalists.
Or we could blame the communists for not stepping down and freeing 40,000 people who would be alive right now.
Sachs is the worst and so is "Democracy Now!"
Same morons who advocated for Ovomit to lift sanctions on Cuba.
Mr. Sachs apparently had an ‘epiphany’ during the CONvid Scamdemic, and has dramatically changed his tune on a lot of issues and situations he used to support.
This is what some people say. Know that his portfolio has some pretty bad stuff in it:
Sachs & co. engineered the economic collapse of Soviet Russia that caused mayhem for Soviet citizens and sharklike black marketeers and mafiosi running things, per CA Fitts. Until Putin righted things after the disaster under the alcoholic Boris Yeltsin (who assigned ex-E Germany KGB agent Putin to a good leadership position; why Putin is fluent in German).
I’m not saying here that Sach’s ‘change of tune’ means anything more than he’s ’singing some different songs’ off his playlist!