No the good doctor is NOT antisemitic.

He could be best summarized in the quote, “…the idea that all people are created equal and with certain inalienable rights endowed by their creator…” - and this is what you call pro-human.

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We have an anti human problem

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Thank you. Of course he's not anti-semetic, just pro human, and there is no way to not be human and astounded by the cruelty we can't seem to stop. This world is unraveling, I trust however impossible to understand, something better is coming.

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Todd learn how to spell Semitic, and unalienable not inalienable

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Mark, Todd learn how to spell Semitic, and unalienable not inalienable

Todd, a comma is required.

Semitic, no comma here

unalienable, needs a comma

not inalienable. A period is needed here.

10 words and 4 mistakes ~ hmm

If you're going to be a grammar NAZI, yah might wanna try harder?

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Anything EVER that criticizes the tribe will be kneejerk perceived as antisemitic. Do-gooder gentiles not wanting to be bigots buy into this POV. In the face of a full-blown genocide, it's now finally dawning on many people that they've been duped for decades (centuries!) by a very cagey strategy to get away with literally murder, but also everything in between including lying, cheating, and stealing.

Apparently, there are still some people these days who have not yet gotten the memo:

Anti-Semitism - Its A Trick : We Always Use It

Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni


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All those who are realizing they have been duped for generations ..now have to learn they have wholesale been duped by the whole GOD bullshit that underwrites this genocide.

God is the so-called, subliminal Saviour of religious, Jewish and secular Zionist atrocities.

And the Christian franchises are the Son-In-law Lifeboats that the murderous Jews jump into when a light is shone on the God they created and the reason they created it.

As the identity Jew cannot condemn real atrocities done in their name without the trauma of identity loss. So too the Christian must cling to the so-called son, of this political and hypnotic device called God; lest they too wake up to its intent, purpose and their own identity trauma.

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Your hatred of God is deep-rooted and highly ignorant. Anyone that denies a God creator has been sucking on the Darwinin kool ade too long.

By denying the Almighty God of the Bible, you must deny science and mathematics. The Bible proves them both, and they, in turn, prove the Bible.

With hundreds of fulfilled prophecies, it's illogical to think it's hundreds of coincidences.

Besides, there is no missing link. The Genome project put that nonsense to rest.

The fulfillment of REV 12:1-2, alone should shut the mouths of the anti-God philosophers indoctrinating our youth with their fantasies of the nature of man.

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Great Game India recently did a report about confessions of Israeli soldiers, who revealed that they had been given "unchecked authority":

- https://greatgameindia.com/exposed-inside-israels-military-orders-to-shoot-civilians-and-burn-homes/

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A favorite writer of mine, C.J. Hopkins, recently wrote an insulting piece called “10/7 Truthers.” Many of us who have called for the genocide in Gaza to cease were appalled by his callous disdain for his readership. Many unsubscribed from him, myself included. Thank you Celia, for keeping this front and center. It’s an outrage. I confronted him in the comments section. He must have been having a bad day when he penned that ridiculous and insulting post. I feel for C.J. He’s being mauled by the German government (again). But no one sane can look at what’s happening in Gaza and then write a piece like that.

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I have spent my whole life being the person who sits alone in the cafeteria.

I don't crave popularity.

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That’s good, Celia. I concur. It’s often a lonely place, but a necessary place to be in a time of manufactured horror where the masses are sedated into accepting the unthinkable. We love you, Celia.

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Being alone one always knows of a surety that he/she is in good company. I was alone from age 18 to 28 and set off by myself to places unknown and enjoyed the sanctity of my freedom to go where and when I wanted to. I travelled then on a motorcycle an d the feeling of freedom was mind boggling.

But unlike you Celia with the pretty name, I did raise hell from time to time. I refer to it as getting an education. And I did. Piles of money as a height specialist building towers as high as 356 feet with men who looked on me as different but nonetheless accepted my views and perspectives.

I do crave being alone but I meet that desire in places that are deserted and often people-less. Abandoned silver mines, ghost towns, old pioneer graveyards, etc but often with the company of my best friend.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Ah keg! Alone with your thoughts ..Where you can read Pamela Geller with real admiration.

Now tell us again how the Israeli State is justified in slaughtering the innocents of Palestine keg.

Tell your audience how Palestine never existed until Arafat invented it and how The Levant real estate was always Jewish titled ...because God said so.

Tell us keg. There is a mountain of depositions where you have testified but tell us again. One more time for Zeke keg.

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Hang on fake poet, as I explain to you the basics of how two and two equals four but I will not repeat myself. You surely are a lost cause, a tiger without claws and a rebel with no cause.

To refresh your jaded memory always focused on the sexual aspect of sharpened sticks, the bottom line here is the question of how to stop moslem hamASS terrorists of gang raping little Jewish girls. There is but one way. It is to give them what they imposed on innocent children.

Not dealing with humans here but nutbar hamASS terrorists. it is called setting the rules. HamASS started it but the Israelis have only one choice and that is to give them the same treatment in kind. Thus their response in self defence. Or would you prefer they throw bagels at hamASS instead? As itn is written, an eye for an eye and hamass made the rules but the Israelis are ready to respond in kind.

Yes, Palestine never existed until araFAT made it up to secure a starting point to steal Israeli land. Like it or not the Palestinians started it and the Israelis are justified in finishing it.

A good thing about violence airhead is that when nothing else will work, violence surely will. Why are soldiers and police armed? Beat your pea brain against the tree and try to figure the obvious out.

As to Zeke his IQ dwarfs yours and he never forgets what I tell him.

Now go pack a lunch loser.

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Thanks keg ..that all that certain readers here wanted to know. :-)

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I said it a long time ago. Unlike you I am transparent. Any more questions fire away. It was an easy thing to answer logically. More directly if you strike me I will return the favor. It was not the Israelis who started it but they will finish it. Two wrongs do not make a right but neither does one wrong left unanswered. It is called self defense but your rabid hatred of Israel exposes you. As it does hamASS.

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Too bad. Stay popular with your readers.

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In my honest opinion, YOU were the one having a bad day!! A very very very bad day.

Do you not understand satire at all? Neither what a false flag operation is? Like 9/11, Pearl Harbour, "Covid", and so on....

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Whatever. It was very clear to those of us who unsubscribed that this was not satire. Read his responses to my comments. It wasn’t satire, Explorer. Nope!! And after reading CJ for many years, most of us know satire when we read it from one of the GOATS of satire, CJ Hopkins.

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CJ is a bit of a tool, imo.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Never heard of the tool ..I'll check him out.

In edit: I just read his blathering denial by facetious admissions.

You're right, he is a tool.

Different demographic to the Russell Brand cult but operating on the same style.

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Mr. Hopkins is a ‘satirist’ among many of his talents. The Art of Satire and it’s subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) ‘undercurrent’ of meaning, is now no longer understood by 99 % of the people.

Propaganda and the constant barrage of mistruth and lies (from both side’s perspectives) has dulled and impaired people’s ability to discern anything, satire or otherwise.

People are so entrenched in their ‘ideologies and belief systems’, which has led to the loss of any sense of irony. 🤦🏼‍♀️😵‍💫

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I know what he does for a living and he’s damn good at it, Lupita. But that wasn’t satire as was evidenced by his responses to me in his comments section. He has been very sick and I’ll say that I can forgive his disdain this time, but I won’t forget it. Hence, I unsubscribed. One should never insult one’s readership.

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Mel, I never unsubscribe to people. Why? Because I like to get both “sides” of a viewpoint. Just like I always welcome free speech and non-censorship. Of course, that is your choice!

And I subscribe to CJ as well. We are living in a 🤡 world-lol!

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I wasn’t censoring him. He can say whatever he wants. He did. I dislike being talked down to for supporting the ending of a slaughter so bad, I’ve never seen anything like it in my lifetime, so I unsubscribed. I will still read CJ. But for now, paying for being insulted is out of the question. He had written a gorgeous essay on the topic just a few months ago. He should have left it at that. Cheers, Renee Marie. What a beautiful name you have! Mel

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All good Mel! I gotcha!😉

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Death Squads--that's the term I employ for snipers targeting Palestinians and their babies.

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I have Jewish friends who have told me that Netanyahu is doing to his people, practically the same as what Hitler did to them. After all, he was very big on mandating the questionable covid vax on the Jewish people.

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Thanks, Celia, for this horrible post, it needs to be out there.

Here is the full video:



I hope we can get the supporters of the Israeli Genocide of Palestinians everywhere in the world (such as Robert Kennedy Jr and Peter & Ginger Breggin among too many in the U.S.) to look into the tube of the Israeli Offensive Force’s (sicK) sniper rifle scope and see framed in the crosshairs the face of a Palestinian toddler and then I want them to pull the trigger and watch his/her head explode and then tell me they support the IOF.

Get free, stay free.

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Thanks for this longer video because it allows better exposure of the fraud that it is.

We must never take any button-pushing news at face value.

My rule of thumb is when they tell us people are being killed they're being saved and when they tell us they're saving them they're killing them.

Jewish Dr Mark Perlmutter is lying just as Muslim Dr Ibrar Majid lied after the faked 2017 Manchester bombing.

They wheel out people of the "right" religion to speak against the alleged atrocities.

I'm not saying what's happening in Gaza isn't bad - it's really, really bad, it's a Gazan pogrom - they're just not doing the killing first to move people out - I don't know how they're moving them but perhaps the Abraham Accords give us a clue.

1. He implies he was at Ground Zero and saw stuff there - he saw nothing - 9/11 was an evacuated demolition just like every other demolition known to man.

2. Why on earth would "almost exclusively" only children be being killed? That makes no sense.

3. He speaks of "incinerated" and "shredded" children - we see no evidence of this.

4. "Taken out shrapnel as big as my thumb". No evidence of this. Children shot twice by snipers. Where? What is the situation where you have Israeli snipers targeting children?

5. He tells us he has photographs of children but we don't see them.

At 6:29 we are shown what looks like a pile of clothes and then what could easily be rubber dolls (very common in this psyop) while we see and hear a couple of shots. We are told "Some shootings have been captured on video" but there is absolutely nothing convincing about this scene.

Dr Ibrar Majid's performance on the BBC reminds me very much of this.

This is his highly-packaged interview talking about "scenes from a battlefield" ...


... and yet these are the children in hospital with zero tubes and little bracelet bandages - nothing at all wrong with them.


They lie and lie and lie and lie and lie ... .

Fakenukes Phil on Bitchute has a number of videos on the fakery.


And I recommend my own post, Blood and bandages: are they real? which isn't exclusively about the Israeli-Palestinian fakery but fakery in general - it's everywhere.

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oh, the twists and turns of the toboggan run that is the kneejerk double-bind mindf*ck of politicized shaming into silence.

your ability to face down the bullies who wield this ignoble yet stunning weapon!

truly a gift worth sharing.

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just listen or read Ron Unz at unz.com for a deeper understanding of this cult. Pray for them.

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Yes, Ron Unz is a fearless truth teller and researchers. I think he's an ethnic Jew, but not religious.

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Thank you. Mind boggling. Horrific.

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I propose wailfare state.

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so very very sad. thanks for sharing. we need to remember this.

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Thank You, Dr. Perlmutter.


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"The truth is hate to those who hate the truth"

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