The state of israel is a creation of the Rottenchilds as an instrument for world domination. They hijacked the Jewish faith by twisting biblical stories. The people who run the "state" of israel and the section of their population who support the Palestinian genocide are not humans and I stop there.

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All of this is much older than the Rothschild dynasty. To see these things in writing all you have to do is read either the Babylonian Talmud or the 12th century Zohar which became the foundation of Kabbalism. All Rabbis study the Talmud and the 23 books of the Zohar which is actually full of witchcraft, astrology, numerology and all kinds of occultism. It's is these belief systems that are the problem.

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Yes- it’s okay to be anti-Israel, as it’s a globalist project...

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nothing wrong with being anti-israhell

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Just like it says in the bible. This is the exact behavior Jesus called out in the jewish community. And see also: John 8:44

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RemovedMar 4
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Or Babylonia radinites, but their god is Satan, period. Of course one does not condemn all, if so then we could be judged by our evil government.

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Yes I believe so, and kazarians I believe, I guess all sects of them are basically the same. Just evil.

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Much of what we are now facing has come directly from the occultism of the 12th century Zohar. The Zohar was not written by people of Khazarian ancestry. It was written by Sephardic Rabbis in what is now SW France but at that time was the Kingdom of Occitania. The people who wrote all 23 books of it claimed at the time that they were simply putting into writing what had long been Hebrew traditions. Aleister Crowley's Thelema sprung from this tradition as well as Luciferian Theosophy and the entire New Age movement.

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RemovedMar 4
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I remember reading about Ukraine for greater Israel. Either way we look its all evil. Just want to say love and peace to world, we will rise above this.

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"correction" re Zev Zelenko:

1. Zelenko TREATED the Satmars (an' many other Orthodox) but was not Satmar himself--he WAS Orthodox (Orthodox are mostly Zionist, some are not)

2. He was not an anti-Zioni in statement or deed--he traveled to Israel to speak to the Orthodox rabbis there, to warn of the jab-dangers and let people know about Z-Stack (cheap protocol anybuddy could do)

He wuz whut we call a "mensch" wuther he wuz a Zionist or not AND he TOTALLY shouted from the rafters against Israel sellin' out its "chews" to Pfffizer an' trackin' 'em with green pass... A good man is a good man--shouldn't be judged if "gawdferbid" he wuz Zionist or not... (imo)

His brother is a zionist an' is friends with Roseanne Bar

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Yes people pretending to be Jews, hiding behind Jewishness and antisemitism, people who believe in redemption through sin:

"The Birth of The Cabal"


"1666 Redemption Through Sin"


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Perfectly put. It is not what Judiaism is about. There are meant to be the light of peace - the lighthouse. This genocide is not committed by Jews but by the globalist psychopaths who are running our world. There is the oxymoron though that many of the settlers have used to claim land in the West Bank - “it is sacred and therefore it’s ours”???? Sacred means it belongs to God and one God whatever his name may be. Misdirected teachings from msm and influential leaders…. The only silver lining is that this atrocity is bringing the vile divisiveness created into sharp focus. They all lived side by side once. I saw this and saw they were selling beachside properties/land. My shock was profound

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This is looking like the Mideast version of Lahaina, with immense geopolitical implications.

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some of the reports of course are that the support for this by the citizens of israel is very very high

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It’s looking like America after the wall.

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Not against the Jews. Only the Zionists!

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Any Jew who buys the land in Gaza is now a Zionist.

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It's not that simple. There's a problem with Jewish culture that extends beyond "Zionism" -- in at least two ways. 1) Baked into the matzoh of Jewish culture from the 1st century Anno Domini to the present lurks an inveterate hatred of Jesus and Mary, and by extension, of Christianity itself. 2) The vast majority of Jews in the post-modern West (from the 19th century to the present) are Leftists and/or Communists.

I've begun to suspect that these two may be intertwined, concretely beginning in the 19th century and metastasizing in the 20th -- where Jews realized that Leftism and Communism are the best weapons to use against Christianity, to prevent it from ever regaining sociopolitical dominance again. This realization no doubt included a happy (if not overjoyed) awareness of the decomposition of Christendom by the time the 19th century unfolded (no doubt that decomposition was long-standing, and it already began falling apart in the 18th century). Coincidentally, what was replacing Christendom was some weird era of "Secularism" (which we could also call "post-modern") -- an era we still haven't adequately defined and which still is morphing in ways difficult to comprehend. Complicating this civilizational process has been an unprecedented astonishing growth of technological progress beginning in the 19th century and only accelerating in amazingly exponential ways into the 20th and 21st.

Then another thing happened on the way to the Forum: In the early 19th century began a process throughout Europe and America of liberating Jews from societal restrictions they had been living under for centuries (which Leftists, of course, chalk up to Evil White Western Christian Anti-Semitism). For the first time since the 4th century A.D., Jews suddenly found themselves relatively free to swim around -- and the new pond they were free to swim around in was experiencing an unprecedented "secularist" freedom from Evil Christianity. I wager that what Jews did with this confluence of events was to dive in, participate, and eventually weaponize it. This ongoing weaponization perhaps has morphed further into globalism and a Cabal intent on destabilizing the West in order to dismantle it and replace it with a totalitarian new world order.

When I say "Jews" I don't mean all Jews -- the schmuck who owns a bagel bodega and is just trying to live his life, etc. Just as with Islam, there are likely millions of Muslims who are relatively decent and don't really follow the murderous hatred woven into their own Islamic culture. But that doesn't mean there doesn't remain a cultural problem with concretely deleterious effects.

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The bagel shop owner still benefits from his ingroup status, gets interest free loans, and probably inherited the store front from one of his weasel real estate developing kin.

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Yeah, there can still be enablement, even if only semi-passive.

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I agree, but it still gives me pause when I hear Brother Nethanael (Realjewnews.com) speak of his feelings on this matter. He is a previously raised Jew now Orthodox Christian. it's hard to know what to believe exactly.

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as long as israel describes its self as a zionist state i see nothing wrong with being anti israel.

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I don't think anyone, I mean the regular farmers and peoples of the land who want to get on with real life and real living whilst taking care of themselves and their loved ones, were asked if they wanted the two biggies of the last century, war is a racket as per Smedley Butler, and the carving up of the territory and the sharing of the loot is usually done years before they sign a 'peace treaty', go figure.....same 'ol, same 'ol, there truly is nothing new under the sun and like Lahaina many places have build back better projects waiting for them, so the place is going to be renovated just not for the people living there before. Thanks Celia, your book on aids is a gem, I'm so enjoying the way you write, t'is unique to who you are for sure and a style to learn from, Gracias!

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God willing the global predators will be gone from earth soon.

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Hoping for it isn't enough. We've got to do something about it. Zionists do control the governments and much of the media debate in our countries. I live in Canada. And John Hagee-style Christian Zionist is truly diabolical movement and a big element of the political support for the genocide. Surely by now it has been well established that something is truly rotten in the Israeli education system where they seem to be teaching that hatred and bloody mass murder of Palestinians is OK. The Jewish citizens of Israel are definitely not looking good as a population group. The is very little organized opposition among Jewish Israelis right now identifying the horrific nature of the holocaust their country is inflicting on a civilian population, most of them women and children. There's lots of concern for the 150 or so "hostages "but the where are the strong Israeli voices in the Israeli media speaking up for victims of the assault on Gaza? How many lies are constantly recycled about Oct. 7? Why are there so many Israeli Jews trying to block trucks trying to get food to the starving population.

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Good points

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The Israeli education system may perpetuate it; but doesn't their belief in their right to rule the world and treat the rest of humanity as saves come from Noah, who cursed Ham and Canaan to be a race of slaves to his brothers’ sons for eternity?

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RemovedMar 4
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That's certainly one way to look at it.

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I'll answer in due course. I want to think about it for a while. Thanks for your interest poetinapaperbag. It seems you have a thesis pertaining to all groups in general with a certain emphasis on a particular group or groups. Am I getting your drift?

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RemovedMar 6
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Now that they have thoroughly identified themselves, I think it is up to God-fearing people to take them out. For every Sodom where God takes them out, there are more stories about the people of God being inspired and strengthened to take out His enemies.

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The word your looking for is KABBALISTS. Masonry, Globalism and just about everything else you stated above have sprung from that BELIEF SYSTEM that is NOT a race or group of people but is practiced by people. That is a very big distinction. THEY always want to make everything about race when it is the belief system that is the problem.

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Are only Masons & Zionists allowed to purchase?

Would a Palestinian friend I have be able to buy as he’s a Mason?

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Israel is a Rothschild State. -- Judaism is under attack by the Zionist movement of the 1890's. Zionists are mostly white-skinned Europeans impersonating orthodox religious Jews as heretics and gangsters of the Rothschild gang and Germany's 3rd Reich financed by the US and the British Empire. Zionism was deceptively promoted by the 1917 Balfour Declaration authored by a Rothschild. The beginning was set in motion in 1829 when Baron Rothschild purchased Bethlehem (West Bank) from the Ottomans - http://tinyurl.com/3dj8847y

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All zionists are jews. All billionaires are jews. All the central banks are run by jews. At what point will people stop being afraid of naming the jew. Look at history. It was always them in every nation that ever hosted them, before having to forcefully remove them...

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Biden is a Zionist, but he is also Catholic. One can be a Zionist without being Jewish.

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Biden is not a catholic. Biden should not be allowed to receive communion- i dont think he is in fact. He literally supports abortion. Just like Nancy Pelosi is not allowed to receive communion in her diocese of San Francisco

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

Christian Zionists are not Jews, nor are lots of billionaires. Our rulers want us to blame everything on Jews; but Jews are often just as much victims as the rest of us. Good propaganda is both deep and complex and the lies and deceptions about Jews and Jewishness are many and deep.

Only about 75% of Israelis are Jewish and not all Jews are Zionists by any means.

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The jew is always the victim. That's the jews only characteristic. You need to pity the jew. Poor shylock! Now pay your interest goy!

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Ok retard

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So, no facts or debate, just straight to ad hominem? 😩

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Agreed. Judaism is a religion. Zionism is an ideology. I await the day humans are no longer divided by religion, gender, etc.

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You’ll be waiting a long time, I think

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I saw this was happening at a synagogue in San Diego. I did not understand what it was. Thanks for pointing this out. So, they are having events all over the US like this, to essentially sell the land “evacuated” since this 10/7 event started? Is that what is occurring?

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This sale of ‘properties’ (land/property) evacuated by Palestinians) was happening at a Synagogue in San Diego? Which one?

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I am not sure. Someone I my real estate office posted an event like this last week, and I believe it is what Celia is referring to. Uncertain though.

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It is apparent that Providence no longer extends mercy to mankind; now––>only justice. Through self-directed (negative ego) dependence on human intellect, human beings now find themselves severed from the Source of eternal truth. Effective, earth-bound workings of political and economic life can only be successful when spiritual life is acknowledged and welcomed to roam free.

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The problem Is that they hide behind this words. Being a "Jew" a "Zionist" or a "Globalist", anyway, they use this to do their shit. And they are there cause there are people who support them. Who's gonna buy this land bathed in blood ? , this Real state with a nice View to the beach ? Good people, Band people ? Just Nice families ?

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