Yes he is a walking advertisement for the BS that is the 'vaccine' and also for the fully broken and corrupt political system we find ourselves living with.

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Yeah. And me and my family, unvaccinated, are still alive and none of us got "covid" again. Hmmm. Didn't corn pop say we would be dead or gravely ill? FJB!

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the ones who still want Biden are those who( paid and )worked very hard to put him there in place. So he can serve and facilitate their projects.

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deletedJul 18·edited Jul 18
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He's a sock puppet and now they need a cleaner sock.

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"Joe Biden Is Now A Walking Advertisement For Covid Shots Not "Working.""

He's also a walking advertisement that over vax/jabbing can bring on dementia/cognitive decline due the well documented inflammatory action going on.

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This assumes he actually took the drug in those photo-ops. Could be, but also could very likely be increased deterioration accelerated by whatever drugs they've had him on with some regularity to pump him up when needed. He was already bad by 2020 so I favor the latter.

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Exactly - zero chance he took any jabs imo

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Do you understand he has Organic Brain Damage from two aneurisms, one of which burst in his brain and has had two surgeries on his brain to correct them?

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What's your point? I'm addressing the issue of the vax or not so what you say lends credence to him not taking the shots. I do recall he had a major surgery many years ago but he never showed significant signs of mental deterioration until he was much older.

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My father had dementia and I tried to stop his gp giving the covid treatments ... I sent a lot of documentation / research as to how I arrived at that decision. He threatened me with the Court of Protection which would remove my rights and ability to make decisions in his best interests as his power of attorney,

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Doctors must PAY for their BETRAYAL of Humanity. They have been SHOWERED with Helicopter Money 💰 our money, to poison us all.

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Wow, I've been taking care of my father with dementia as well, for about 8 years now. He lives with us. When his doctor asked about such. I simply replied "I don't like or believe in Fauci. He helped kill my brother (AIDS treatment)." My own doctor tried for several minutes to convince me to get those shots, by telling me she took 3, to which I replied, "of course you did, or you'd be fired". She then changed the subject, gheez 😞

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He declined fast became doubly incontinent, couldn’t communicate and required 24 hour nursing care until he died ... which took nearly a year

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I am so sorry for your loss and what happened to your father. As much as I miss my parents, I am glad they died before 2020, when they would have been killed by covid protocols, like other elderly people I knew were.

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Me too. 100%

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Same here

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So sorry to hear of your loss. 😔 that gp is a jerk.

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So sad💞

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So very sorry for your loss. It was beyond disgusting how they threatened people into taking those toxic jabs.

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KarenD - My deepest condolences 💔

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You mean a walking cadaver !!!!

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All horseshit...! 😑 there is no covid-19 isolate. Let's see it. 😳

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Correct. It's just convenient for the Powers That Be to call our natural response to environmental toxicity, exacerbated by 5G, 'Covid.'

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Red Pill Expo STUDY HALL -- (18 June 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief


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Every time someone tells me they got covid recently I say "You got the shots, didn't you?" They act surprised and respond "yes I did." Then I tell them that I only know of vaxxed people that keep getting covid and say the shots don't seem to be working. I am looking for dot connecting or critical thinking. Let them think about it. 🤔

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Good job Annie! I had one of “those” on my daily walk. I had no idea she was one of “those” 🥸!

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I am not letting them off the hook. I am not mean but I ask the questions. Still waiting for an answer back from any of them.

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After 4 years, isn’t it about time people asked questions? I can’t believe that some people are this far behind in reality. Mind boggling!

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it's a good way in to a larger conversation.

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Naomi Wolf and her husband, a "security expert" analyzed the thing that happened last weekend--with straight faces.

Here's a comment from under a recent (realistic) video --

"It requires a very special level of naïveté to fall for any of this."

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I agree.

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Both Naomi & Hubby are suspect…she’s all hooked up with The Wellness Company and a Gold & Silver company as her sponsors.

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I agree!

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They'll say it's 'long covid' and pull him. That way, they can still say it could have been worse, had he not been vaxxed. They can keep him in office for rest of the term. And can say 'however, campaigning will take too much of a toll.'

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I agree with you and the Karens 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣%.

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The GOOD Karens!

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That will most likely be their spin

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This is what I think might happen

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The irony; COVID may blow him out. Fake President blown out by fake Virus that he pressured everyone to take a fake vaccine to get us back to a great fake economy. There is a theme here.

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Could not have said it better myself!!!

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Seriously, there is NO specific, vetted or standardized test for covid. There never has been. When a can of motor oil can test positive, you should be questioning a few things.

If anything, The Dummy has a summer cold, not covid. He is a mental basket case without the basket, extremely weak physically and prone to having his body attempt to keep him functioning beyond Mr. potato-head status.

He never had any mRNA injections for a body that weak would fall off the cliff of life in a matter of months. It's all top-notch in-your-face cow-floppy-do. That is all it ever is and ever will be.

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I know.

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Actually the motor oil (PCR test) came back negative - sample submitted by former Tanzania President John Magufuli. The goat, bird, and paw-paw fruit came back "positive"

Challenging WEF/WHO/pharma can be detrimental to one's health: Presidents Magufuli, Pierre Nkurunziza (Burundi), Jovenel Moïse (Haiti) and other leaders and ex-Presidents died mysteriously.

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Political dissent is apparently a public health issue now.

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Finally something I'm 'truly' positive for.

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Well Celia, as we all know, eventually the left eats its own. Exhibit A is big neon lights is being shown to the hoards - and to cap it all we can only imagine the left losing their minds and all sense of reasonableness, as if they had minds and / or reasonableness to begin with. Basement Biden is a gonner and I suspect Hunter (the smartest man he knows) will also fall under the wheels of the bus as the Biden Brand has served its purpose and is of no further use to the political pimps.

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I would say that this election is just one damn thing after another, but that is not entirely true. Some of the damn things overlap.

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In the 1960s, my great aunt had dementia - nothing to do with covid-vaxxes. Lots of people get dementia for all sorts of reasons, including (I would suggest, off the top of my head) a lifetime of suppressed trauma, some kind of spiritual dis-ease, and cocktails of pharma-products combined with a lousy diet.

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Or perhaps an accumulation of unrepented sins?

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If one defines "sin" as 'Self-Integrity-Negation', and defines "unrepented" as 'refusing-to-face-and-deal-with-one's-stuff', then I agree.

When Jesus dealt with the paralysed man and asked "which is it easier to say: Take up thy bed and walk, or, thy sins be forgiven" he was making the point (in my interpretation) that there was no essential difference between the two 'states'. Body-mind-spirit is 'one thing'. Spiritual malaise, psychological disturbances/stresses, and physical illness all go together as 'one-thing'.

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Jesus Telling the paralyzed man to "take up his bed" I think might have confused the feeble and unfortunate chap.

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Well, according to Luke 5:24, he did manage to get up and carry his 'bed' away. Of course, having been let down through the roof by his friends, I guess it was more of a make-shift two-poles-with-stretched-canvas type of bed, which would not have been too heavy. That said, who know what to believe these days with all the fake news? :)

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the plot twists its soiled underwear.

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So pre planned since 2020.

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How is it possible to test positive for Covid-19 in 2024? Did the marketing department forget to send out the propaganda update? FJB and FDJT. Vote 4 Pedro!

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You've served our purpose Joe. Signed the executive orders etc.etc.

Time to go ..with the parting BS to reinforce the Covid virus narrative.

Piss off you creep and now we will suffer the "Father of the Vaccines" grub for the next 4 years.

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The ruling class is ALL-IN on JD. We should have seen this when Theil pumped $15M into his Senate race.

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That's AIPACsemitic

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So there are no limits anymore as to what you can give a candidate? Don't tell me, they just set themselves up as "PACs", right?

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There’s a limit for you and me. But the rules are setup for the ruling class to rule.

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