
I was curious to see how Sweden covered it. Predictably infuriating, both major newspapers, DN and SVD placed it way under the fold, on their sites. Maybe nine stories down.


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Hopefully, the perpetrators of the real Espionage against America , Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Joe Biden & all of their traitorous henchmen will find their Day in court & prison soon. This would be of some retribution for the years of misery they have caused Julian Assange, a Hero for Freedom.

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I think you will need to live the rest of your life and several more before that ever happens to them and the likes of them. Don’t bother to hope either.

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Since 2016, I have been posting that "Until Hillary Clinton is indicted, found guilty, and imprisoned, America will not find social peace, nor prosper." Clinton is a massively infected boil on America's heart that must be lanced & flushed. (fortunately Janet, I am a reasonably patient guy)

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Well, isn't that neat and tidy? And they even managed to credit the Vatican with doing this good, to boot! This is a masterpiece of extrication from a nearly impossible situation, and whoever came up with this solution (with matching sentences to time served, so no injustice was supposedly done and everyone can continue to enjoy themselves with no lingering feelings of guilt - or even retribution?) is obviously a fucking genius.

Did anyone else notice that Assange isn't looking anything like as haggard as we've seen him in the past? In fact he's looking positively porky. Hmmm ...

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Yes I did notice. I was happy to see that he looked strong, even if porky. I expected him to be a skeleton, barely able to walk.

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think back to his disclosures cc. prison expenditure on food, and an indication of the kind of food provided, in the text of his letter to KC3, and I believe the word "porky" will strike us all as inappropriate

now thank the deliverance from that torture for coming in time, he will be able to EAT FREELY, in what it may be is, like his speech, in his own delicate way

thank you Celia for the glance into H.C.'s State dept. ( I am glad to have read that on

an empty stomach )

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I was the one who characterised him as "porky" rather than Celia, who merely repeated it. I can't believe someone has such a leisurely life that they can take ten minutes out to comment on the slant of a single adjective but if those are your priorities then who am I to interfere? OTOH, I am not going to be bullied by such absurd sensitivities and woke priorities - you lot really do specialise in the inconsequential and irrelevant - and I anyway think it is apt in the circumstances (those being that we have usually seen him looking dangerously thin) and has the twin merits of being both descriptive and economical. There's not a lot more that you can usually ask from a single word.

It's worth tackling the belief that it is your business to run around trying to change the language people use or trying to get them to self-censor. This is a pernicious modern habit which needs to be stamped out for numerous reasons; chief of which is that it is totalitarian in nature and limits free expression. There are also some very real consequences of this kind of demand for limitations on free speech. There are, for example, uncounted millions who are endangering their health and potential lifespan through being clinically obese (and worse) simply because no one would tell them they were fat. Quite the opposite, in fact, because the state stepped in and, along with giving them a long list of euphemisms for the same thing, told them it was alright. At some point in the future they are going to realise that it was not what the State or their colleagues said that was important, but what the laws of Nature dictated. They are going to rue not having learned that lesson at an earlier point in their life, before the damage was done. So which is kinder?

Anyway, no one likes a bossy-boots.

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Bad food will make anyone "porky".

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I truly hope it’s him.

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The fact that he looks quite different on the couple of photos/videos that don't really show him makes me question whether this truly is Assange.

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I had that thought of course but if you look closely, it is him. The gait, the face, it's him. (I mean to say I think so.)

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Oh, juicy! 😊 Of course none of us should take this at face value, least of all those of us whose default position is suspicion. Sorting everything out in the middle of the ocean (even more remote than "the middle of nowhere", I'll note) makes for a better set of headlines than "Assange Dies in Belmarsh as Political Prisoner".

This is definitely going to be a must-watch as the developments come in. I'm going to be particularly interested in seeing what the intelligence people inject into the discussion as disinfo. This is going to be a very ripe moment to spot who isn't really on our side. If the episode ends up with 200 possible explanations of what happened (think 9/11) then we can probably safely conclude that he's dead.

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The people around him will know if he's dead, he can't be dead.

I lived next door to Julian's dad, John Shipton, in Sydney for 13 years and he was friends with all members of my household and was in our house frequently until 2016 when he moved to Victoria.

In 2019 it hit me that Chelsea Manning was an agent and when I realised her story did not add up I predicted that Collateral Murder would be faked and sure enough - it is. This, of course, calls into question the Iraqi and Afghan War Logs. How real is any of that content? I tried to tell John but he wouldn't have a bar of it - also others around Julian. No one would listen. I'm not asking anyone to believe me, of course, just look for themselves.


A friend suggested that Stella Moris was an interesting name for Sara Gonzalez Devant to change to being only one letter different from Stella Maris and she suggested I look up occult associations. Interestingly, Stella Maris is associated with the sirens, the creatures who lured sailors to their deaths and also to child snatching.


It's all very interesting how the children came about no? I wonder if Sara was an agent who turned. Now that really is a mystery.

Anyway, I'm very glad that Julian has been released.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I'm glad too.

I hadn't quite said he was dead yet - just that if the social media intelligence brigade decide to mire the story in hundreds of contradictory explanations in the way they have with so many other things then it's high on the list of probabilities. I'd be very interested to hear from your end of any proofs of life you come across, especially if you find them satisfactory.

I read most of your Chelsea Manning piece and it crossed my mind while doing so that to have someone already firmly in the spotlight start promoting the trans agenda was a coincidence too far. (Of course we didn't think so at the time, or maybe some did.) I still don't know whether Assange was ever for real. Wikileaks, if it didn't exist already, is the kind of tool intelligence services would have to create anyway, even if just from the perspective of keeping control over various factions of power. His cultish upbringing doesn't really help in this regard. Although I can well understand why he might hate Britain now, it still strikes me as odd that he's moving back to Australia. I was under the impression that he'd spent all his adult life here, but I may be wrong. Still, if someone spots him at the MCG watching an Ashes Test then I'd love to hear whether they were convinced it was him.

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I met Julian once. He was visiting his dad and gatecrashed a party we were having. This was well before Wikileaks. I only spoke to him for a few minutes but in that short time he managed to tell me he was the first person to be arrested for hacking government computers or something of that nature.

When I realised about Chelsea it hit me - "Oh as soon as the Wikileaks ship appeared on the horizon they would have been sending out the welcoming party." So yes if it didn't exist already, it's exactly what they would have created anyway but perhaps instead of creating it themselves they were waiting in the wings to latch onto genuine people as soon as they appeared.

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That's very interesting and has the sort of verisimilitude of how things might well have happened. He may well have "supped" with them (without the long spoon) and that might have been long enough for them to build up some animus against him. If he wasn't in Intelligence I can't imagine he will have known quite how powerful they are. He may even have thought they were his friends. (That's what I thought in a period of my life when I found myself surrounded by dozens of them. But then I was a bit of a dick at that age, which so many of us are especially if we're doing well, and I suspect Assange might have been too.)

I must mention that I'm mildly concerned about the photos that came up on the Google page when I went to see how old he was. He's looking very coiffured in a couple of them and I'm not sure he has the same air that I've registered as him in the past. I'll look into it a bit more if I get the chance tonight. I wasn't looking for discrepancies, just for his age, and didn't expect to be perturbed by the photos. (Not greatly perturbed, just slightly.) Have a look for yourself, I'll be very interested in your thoughts. The search I did was just a simple "Assange Wiki", knowing that Wikipedia would have his d.o.b. at the top of his sidebar.

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Chelsea Manning is a woman-beating man, FWIW.

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What do you mean?

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I'm not sure what's confusing about what I said - he beat his ex-girlfriend, and he's not a "she". He's a man.

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I would argue Assange has been the official taste tester at his local all you can eat 24/7 Chinese buffet.

Neat and tidy indeed. Well put.

All shenanigans by the psychopathic thespians running our world of course.

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Alexis Cossette-Trudel (geopolitician) of Radio-Québec always said that Assange was in protected custody, not in prison! Was he right 🤔

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That's interesting. Who then, was "in charge?" I just hope he was not injected. Too much to hope?

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Alexis would answer the Patriots. The same ones who asked Trump to run for the presidency.

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The only good part of the story is that Assange is free.

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The tiny ship Truth Barrier wound up in the news stream:


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An obvious election year ploy, but nice he got out. I wish there was as big an outcry for the J8 people who are still languishing and did nothing more than attend a political rally.

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I wonder what his diet was like? Gourmand a la Hindmarsh? And then allowed to shuffle around a concrete yard for an hour a week? How many interrogation drugs?

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Seems not a favorable legal precedent for journos publishing material acquired through the moral, potentially illegal, acts of others. What freedoms were purchased? I pray for his safety from nefarious forces in the coming years.


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That's definitely an aspect we should not forget. And we should probably remove the "illegal" appendage or conditional. It was very convenient for the State, is almost certainly a lie (even though it's accompanied by convictions) and there are anyway plenty of circumstances where you have a moral and legal duty to break the law. Selling the country out from under the feet of the people might be thought to be one of those circumstances. ;)

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Edited to add moral to the potentially illegal, thanks. If the acts weren’t considered illegal by those in power then there wouldn’t really be prosecution.

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I think they were only considered illegal when it was convenient for the State to have them be illegal. Before Chelsea Manning (and since) they've been only too keen to shout from the rooftops about the protections afforded to "whistleblowers".

In many ways the "legal system" is a complete joke and really is just a "pick and mix" buffet counter from which they choose the ingredients needed to get the result they want. It's only there to protect the State, the rich and the powerful. To believe otherwise, and especially to believe it is some sort of impartial higher authority that will defend the little man, is almost a pinnacle of self-delusion and naïveté. (I'm not suggesting this is what you think at all, but I do remember when I used to - and it's not as though I was young then. ;) )

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The US has a Department of Justice?

Great news about Assange.

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Why do ALL government “departments” act the exact opposite of their name?

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To deceive the regressively-taxed public, which pays their cushy wages.

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Julian is on a corporate business jet!!!!! Who’s paying for that?

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There’s more to this story that we’ve been told!

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Are we being psyop? I’ve been asking this question for months 🤔

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YES. 100%.

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Ok! We agree. Now what’s the psyop exactly? Because nothing makes sense even if we have a lot of clues!

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I posted this on the thread related to Assange, you can find it near the bottom currently. I will paste/copy it here:

I believe the 'elite' are following a script, Biblical script, and they will not deviate from it. There are many many examples of this being the case.

Watch this theatrical production unfold:

Julian Assange (a limited hangout) is playing Barabbas. Biden is playing PontiusPilate (Potus) and will give the people the choice of the release of Jesus or Barabbas. Donal Trump has a conviction on his hands surrounding Stormy Daniels case, and now Assange has his coming guilty plea (though Barabbas was allegedly a killer - but its all about the symbolism of being guilty of something).

Will we see (perhaps this Thursday during the 'debate'?) Potus on the TV offering a pardon to the people, whereby they get to choose who gets released - Assange or Trump?

If we see that then on to the next part of the script.....

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God Bless Julian, Stella and their children.

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I hope he can now live as he wishes to, and free of his fiendish persecutors.

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Re Assange's release, fanfare and aftermath: "Outta the frying pan-into the fire!"...Australia (as Beta test zone for next-level global lock-downs) may pose a threat to Julian's well being, unless he's got Ricardo Bosi as security staff coordinator. MSM spin upcoming! Timing of release-Obama/Biden Admin now plays next pre-election chess move--aka--Optics: public perception [and yet: BlackRock still owns the Media and Corporate conglomerates who own the Global News factory...] Will Aussie Cossack gain citizenship in Russia? ...Will Snowden have the freedom to leave Moscow (if he desires.) I believe we are seeing a quickening the likes of which is historically epic and unprecedented... [how is everyone feeling about the "internment camps" item Mike Adams and Reese have reported on?]

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Surprising, and his release right before election season, I doubt that this will give Genocide Joe a bump in the polls, but maybe an excuse for a bump.

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Didn't Trump promise to commute Assange's sentence if elected?

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He had a chance and did nothing

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Great news!

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this hasn't 'aged' well...

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