The good people of CA will not forget what this evil woman did as CA AG and CA DA. She will get the same result as John Kerry did when the service men he served with exposed him for the liar, traitor and coward that he was and is today. That crew destroyed his chances of winning the election and I believe when the stories about Kamala start pouring out from the folks in CA she will experience the same fate. KAMALA HARRIS IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and that should be front and center. She is not eligible to be VP or President. Neither was Obama, neither is Ted Cruz (a natural born CANADIAN citizen), Dr. Shiva (a natural born citizen of India), Nikki Haley, Bobbie Jindal or Marco Rubio. WAKE UP AMERICA. SPEAK OUT.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

John Kerry suffers from illusions of grandeur, Gavin and Kamala too. There are plenty of us who know their record better than they do.

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You are talking to the Wind...Amerika especially Kalifornia...The land of narcissit and the home of the Slave and also busy blowing Themselves how fricking unique and beautiful WE are !!!!! The grinding wheel is still turning and it will get very ugly !!!!!

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Oh it is going to get ugly for sure.

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The funniest description I've seen of Kamala is "Arsenio Hall's side piece." From the famous pic of her & another hoochie mama steppin' out with him one night.

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That's not Arsenio Hall. That's Montel Williams. At least on the video I saw.

Never saw one with Arsenio.

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Oh my bad. Two swingin' dudes from the 1980s who were always on TV. I still don't know why either of them was famous. LOL.

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I met one man who was on the team to defeat Kerry. He got a call from his

seargent from Vietnam, he said he respected the man so much he stood up when he received the call!! Anyway, he explained how they gathered former Vietnam vets together to show what a lying coward Kerry was. I hope the same will happen to the folks who were treated horrible by Can't Harris in Ca. United you stand.

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This happened so fast! After scrolling through today's facebook feed, I see the magick and hypnosis already in play. whew!!!

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Satanists are horrible and her sick followers are giving her the thumbs up on YouTube. The masses are so ignorant it’s shameful.

I could see years ago, but at this point, it’s so obvious what’s going on. Absolutely nobody has a right to put their head in the sand and pretend nothing bad is happening to this country.

No excuses.

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Remember also there are bots and troll armies... who knows how many of those "fans" really are.

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Stop Celia. You are giving them exactly what they want. The ‘possibility’ that she could win is the only crease they need to ram in millions of fake votes and machine flipping. The goal is to make her tolerable, so that a ‘come from behind’ victory is plausible. They will do anything to cheat her into the White House and only the very obvious lie of it all will be good enough to prevent them from the ultimate steal. This election is all about down ballot. Biden is gone because he is a down ballot tsunamic disaster. They are stuck with camela, so she has to be good enough for the tank and file not to need a clothespin to steal for her. She isn’t, but they will try to make her smell better. Nothing she can do will change the thousands of hours of kindergarten teacher talk she has vomited onto the internet. We just have to run those to romper room clips until they melt the tape. She is an idiot, plain and simple, and we don’t need another one.

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I do not respond well to commands, Bob. You are telling me I do not know what it means to cover current events, or that I should forsake description and chronicling because it might be "giving them exactly what they want?" I write what comes to me.

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I have taught kindergartners. I have never degraded language to the level of Kamelese.

She simply cannot - speak - anything.

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what an ignorant statement: she's the VP of the US and you think she talks below a kindergarten level.

Have you done a grade-level analysis of Trump? Talk about rambling nonsense.

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RemovedJul 23
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Speaks so well to the programming of The System...substance, character and intellect be damned.

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throwing ignorant insults at a strong intelligent woman just shows how desperate you are.

And scared.

Women are the largest voting constituency, and Trump's misogynist behavior and rantings, coupled with his attacks on reproductive freedom, spell doom for the Republican Party. Why do you think they're trying to "moderate" their stance on abortion? It's a loser for Republicans, especially against a whole new crop of young women who recoil at Old Man Trump.

I smell the FEAR throughout this site.

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As Rand Paul said to fauci, "The masks are theater". The truth is it's all theater. Two quotes, first from the Who, "meet the new boss, same as the old boss", And from Black Sabbath, "we're going off the rails on a crazy train". Why do we have to vote for criminals to preside over our life and govern our imaginations with machinations?

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We don't, Thomas. Nice bit of alliteration by the way 🤓

I wrote in Ron Paul for years and finally stopped legitimizing their criminal system by voting in it. Twain nailed it when he said, "If voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it."

Note to self: Order T-shirts, "Stop voting, it's killing you." 😜

Best of luck, friend,

~~ j ~~

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Nailed it. To think that RFK Jr publicly offered to be their candidate, but this brain-dead shell with an evil record is their choice is just another example that the machinations are no longer hidden. It’s all out in the open. I do not consent, nor will I give this subject a moment more of my energy. Watching the dumpster fire isn’t in my plans.

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Hello. Please kindly give me a list of ways to avoid seeing the shit show!!!!!

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I learned decades ago from yoga that the greatest power we all have is our attention. "Where attention goes, energy flows" refers to everything from what happens when we give an aching low back our attention and begin to focus on releasing tense muscles to putting down the phone and listening to the people in front of you. When it comes to our crazy, crazy time of information overload and manipulation, it truly takes discipline. Sometimes we do great - unsubscribing, deleting apps, minimizing time online, etc - and sometimes we're in doomscrolling overload. For me, I'm always walking a fine line as I have two jobs that both involves research. But bottom line, political and media manipulation is a huge waste of time. Just delete! :)

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The cabal is running on overtime to keep the brainwashing in place, and using hollywood as its frontmen, while the dark sorcerors of Atlantis are busy behind the scenes conducting their kabbalistic black magic spells.

- Beyonce is a mother of darkness, and all her songs are occult ritual with programming imbedded. Subliminals, and musical frequencies that are tuned to "unlock" the human biofield (these are the frequencies that have been labelled the solfeggio scale; they are organic and support life) so that subliminal messages can then be uploaded into our fields of consciousness without our awareness.

I wrote a stack about sound frequency previously that goes into musical frequency: https://kayallen.substack.com/p/the-first-divine-emanation-sound

- The song Unholy by Sam Smith is a perfect example of exactly how this is done….and Xi Earthstar lays out the specifics in her video beginning at the 15:23 minute mark and ending at the 17:10 mark: https://youtu.be/Bu0uVnMPAAY.

Make no mistake, occult ritual is being ramped up like crazy; it's the source of much of the chaos that people are picking up on energetically. It's reaching a fever pitch; people need to intentially don the full Armor of God every day for themselves and their loved ones at all times, and continue to actively NOT CONSENT to any of it.

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Taylor swift is up there with her witchcraft as well

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She is indeed!

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These are all MTF ( males to females ) Harris / Beyonce / Lady GaGa / Madonna- and list goes on and on.

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Mother of God. Can we stop this rubbish?

This sounds as bad as what we are supposedly fighting.

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True Judith.

I am done .

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Thanks for the info on Beyonce. I knew she was one of the high-up satanists but couldn't remember her "title." The satanists are def ramping it up and they do not care that they are right out in the open. This shows desperation, IMHO.

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I agree! They are running out of time. All the info that I've learned about Project Looking Glass is that no matter what they did to try and change things, their timelines do not exist in the future of humanity. It doesn't stop them from trying, though...and also trying to take as many of us down with them as they possibly can.

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They absolutely will do as much damage as they can on the way down. That's why faith in God (IMHO) is the best shield one can have.

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And play Gregorian Chant, the evil ones HATE that

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Kamala can’t run on how women have been treated in California—the worst state in the union for women. Getting divorced in California means everything is split down the middle including the kids—even if they are six months old and still nursing. Whoever is more responsible, like has a job, then foots the bill, no child support necessary if you aren’t working. Men quit their jobs because it’s a liability. This worked great for narcissistic men, drug addicts, and wife abusers—if she couldn’t prove it in court which would cost her at least 70,000 dollars then forget it, it’s contempt of court and she could go to jail. Don’t think that men didn’t catch on really fast—wow, I don’t have to pay nothin and I can drop the kid off any old place—my girlfriend’s my moms, whatever. I don’t have to pay anything. So, kids live in three and four households a week and they are super traumatized. The moms don’t get any preference. Now if you are one of these glass ceiling types and hate moms, then California isn’t bad. But if you are a woman with children, forget it. They hate motherhood here and kids. Look what they did to kids during the pandemic, no food, no school, no education. I have to stop because I could go on. California is the worst state for women. Period.

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I never hear anything good about California anymore. Teachers, turning the kids into transvestites without parents knowledge, maps of streets that have shit and no shit, high Taxes, no gun rights, and now only 38% of household even speak English!! I could listen more that I’ve heard over the last couple of years, but it would be way too long!

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There is nothing good about California except the weather. I couldn't wait to get the hell out of there.

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We left in 2021

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I booked 4 months after the "pandemic" began. Saw the writing on the wall. August 2020 I was on the road outa there.

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But the weather, oh!

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Thanks Celia, extremely sickening on so many levels... Kamala's utter incompetence is what they're counting on.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

We've been conditioned to accept "The Emperor's New Clothes" for so long, it won't be difficult to sweep those who wish it to be so, right down that path, on the way to the slaughterhouse. Bad moon rising.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

I have been convinced from the get-go that she has been gaslighting us with her ditzy schtick - and laughing at us all the while.

She’s been lying in the weeds waiting for her ascension?

Poor lass may rejoice in the temporary power and glory, but if, as many believe, she is a willing puppet, she is expendable. Does she know that? Perhaps she does, but is too far entangled she cannot extricate herself.

I can’t wait to find out all the ingredients of this narrative soup in which we live.

May God have mercy on us all!

Say, Amen 🙂

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They all become disposable. I remember before lockdown, in upstate New York, every small town had a Wiccan bookstore. It’s seeped in to society.

I foolishly did reiki for a while.

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Reiki is a beautiful healing modality. A gift to mankind. Period.

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What if it just moves the illness to another part of the body?

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Oh so sneaky dangerous.

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The ego prevents acknowledgement of dispensibility.

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Yes, witchcraft through and through.

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Scripted actor no doubt.

Can she fulfill her role?

Does she even understand her role?

Will she remember her lines and have stage presence to perform properly?

One thing for sure, the trump haters will vote for her no matter what. So two mind controls in play. Hate on trump, love on Kamala. If the race get close enough then the cheating takes her to victory.

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You know we're in deep doo doo when they have to resort to T&A and pronouns.

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But it’s not even just woke anymore. There’s a flavor of sorcery for all of us. Something for all of us to latch onto that will traumatize, confuse and distract us. There’s a “Killing us softly” playlist for all of us…

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It only works if: you buy in. you watch, listen and focus exclusively on it... you consume the TV, radio shows and TV shows and movies. Stop consumption, disconnect and reconnect with your garden, meditate on G.O.D. listen to Gregorian Chant(s) and classical music (Mozart for example), work puzzles, talk to friends just one on one (no cell phones!)... as the hippies used to say 'tune out and drop out' LOL!

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Yes! This is the antidote… and I think the way forward in any case. 😊🙏

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At least it's hilarious at this point -- cringe beyond cringe! Even a Beyonce song isn't going to save the Democrats.

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Ya wanna bet?

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"To see what can be, unburdened by what has been."

-Kamala Harris

Considering the YouTube video of her repeating this line over and over again, ad nauseum, I'm assume this will be her campaign slogan? She's so brilliant!

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I predict there will be "those" who think they get it.

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