Vaccine injury = criminally negligent vaccine injury and death …. All brought to you by an increasingly corrupt criminal and greedy medical cartel system.
Vaccine injury is so bland and clinical isn't it? No emotional content to communicate the true monstrosity of the means of death. Just like the bio weaponeers want it. Silent anonymous death borne by the invisible at their own expense and funded at their own expense
Now THAT'S what you call a bio weapon with true civilization-destroying synergy.
Checks ALL the boxes. Especially that all important one. UNACCOUNTABILITY because of plausible deniability. The mad men of mass murder learned their lessons the last go at it. They took some of those Nuremberg guys right out and shot them after a swift conviction. Not the kind of accountability to lure the best and brightest psychopaths to create the next generation of mass murder bio weapons. Not good to scare off the agents of murder. Because "the winners" and "the good guys" may requite their services down the road. Of course lots of Nuremberg-worthy candidates escaped and/or got operation paper-clipped... So they could help build the bio weapons abomination we have now.
Never let a crisis or a genius psychopath go to waste
Just trying to think like those who consider themselves to be the virtuous good guys
Very poignant and sad. However, very very crisp when it comes to the truth and what is really going on. World War II never stopped. I just came over here as a smoldering coal, and then they waited, waited and waited and then slowly use there Luciferian bellows in DC to stoke that smoldering Coal. It is now fully ignited.
The system protects the guilty because "they're one of us"
Set a precedent of disciplining the guilty and soon enough the guilty might find themselves under threat
These things can EASILY get out of hand.
No self-respecting crime syndicate allows outsiders to determine how and who gets discipline. In "this thing of theirs" THEY decide who gets whacked and who doesn't. NOT the lowly drug addicts, tax payers and others they prey on. Order requires discipline and they can't allow the prey to mete out the discipline. That would be chaos
THAT'S why we have a deep state. THAT'S why ALL populist movements that even hint about being responsive to the people and their needs are always met with "Operation Existential Threat" ... to the deep state. What the hell is the point of the DOJ FBI CIA NSA etc etc if they aren't used to enforce internal discipline so they can keep the prey in check?
Way back in 2016 vaccines were being questioned by Dr, Andrew Wakefield. CDC clinical test data for MMR vaccinations showed a high incidence of autism. Especially when given to young children. But rather than halt the program the CDC hid the data from the trusting public.
SIDS was also likely from childhood vaccinations, but the "authorities" never came clean on that.
Dr. Tent believed that most autoimmune disorders were caused by vaccines.
And now it is clear that many food allergies are caused by childhood vaccinations.
So it is not just the mRNA vaxxes, but all vaccines should be avoided.
So incomprehensible. I hope some how those that have continually pushed vaccines get held accountable. I’ve seen how they affect children and they deny and I’ve had friends die within 24 hrs of the shot. My son’s buddy died a painful death of blood clots in his legs. So many are getting rare cancers. It’s time to stop the pharmaceutical industry that kills with their drugs.!
ALS is absolutely horrible. Vaccine injury. Its been going on for so long it makes me cry. Some injuries take so long to appear that the cause is distanced from the injury. Jon Rappaport had a post not long ago where he asked chatgpt what diseases have been misdiagnosed as a new diseases. The list is very long. My wife passed away 9 1/2 years ago from ALS. She was the most healthy in her family but she is gone. Very quick. So for 5 years after she passed I researched every article of relevance on ALS. I was in premed 50 years ago so I understand medical terms. And I can speed read which I am so glad I learned in 8th grade. Because I am mechanically minded that's what I notice. This is what I found(simplified). Neurological diseases have different names depending on where in they attack. Same with cancers. But, except for ALS and polio. Mechanically they are identical. So, I come to find out there is an extremely high percentage of those that have gotten the oral polio vaccine get polio(7 to 15% actually). They renamed it to protect the guilty. They call it flaccid paralysis today. The US sent the oral polio vaccine to India. Take a look at the percentage of flaccid paralysis in India to this day. My wife had the oral polio vaccine in the mid 60's. THEY ARE EVIL AND DON'T CARE.
Likewise I know someone who has ALS and ben bedridden for half of his 10.5 years since the diagnosis. I spent scores, maybe hundreds of hours investigating this monstrous disease and have come to the same conclusion that it was vaccine induced.
Yes, I wonder about those of us who were inoculated in the 50s and 60s.
Even before cvid, were many of us contracting cancers and prion disease because of those shots and oral vaccines?
Bernice Eddy discovered the polio vaccine contamination in the early 50s and notified authorities, who hushed it up. I believe she reported it again a few years later, to Congress. Eventually lost her position and lab. Interesting but not surprising story.
This is so true… I come from a heritage of Ukranian immigrant Canadian homestead farmers. They were never sick. They grew up without medicines…only good food and very hard work and extreme winter conditions. They were often starving, but never sick. I watched as this all changed from my grandparents generation to the current epidemic of chronic illnesses. Toxins injected into our bodies and our water and our food supplies and even into our air. How messed up can it get?
I imagine if everyone knew what they do and have done, they would have no place to hide from being torn to shreds. We need the majority to stand and not be divided on stupid shit.
William, sounds like you have a lot more information to share based on your research. I hope you do. I’m very sorry to hear about your wife. Truly it is crimminal what has been taking place.
Thank you. Dr. Terri Wahls had progressive MS and completely reversed her disease using a protocol from the early 1900s that was used for the treatment of epilepsy. Her book is easy to read and you don't need a medical degree to understand it. Many worldwide have reversed MS, epilepsy, dementia, Alzheimer using her protocols.
I’m assuming her approach is a variation on all the glycogen depletion and fasting techniques out there. Autophagy and sunshine are the cures, if and when this world fully awakens to what has been done to it. The material and the spiritual must converge. Cleansed by fire and pain, awake in sorrow and regret. I wonder how much longer the charade of normalcy can last, and how many more of us it’ll take with it before it finally dies.
Have you seen a connection of ALS and mercury? Or mercury and paralysis? It is in some vaccines and in silver amalgams as a cavity filling. The "Iron Horse" Lou Gehrig was durable but he played with pain. To relieve his aching feet, Gehrig soaked in mercury baths.
In two seasons the Iron Horse went from all-star baseball player to forced retirement, never to play again.
We actually thought that was it actually. She had 11 of the old mercury fillings and three had cavities underneath. They used a new type of imaging that showed the mercury had entered her jawbone. So we were using chelation therapy for the removal of the mercury. But no, it was ALS. All neurological diseases result from the neuron cells no longer being able to process glucose for energy in the mitochondria. That is where they come up with the term 'mitochondrial disease'. It's greatly explained simply in Dr. Terri Wahl's book. There are many vectors though.
She did not have ALS.(my wife did). But she(Dr Wahls) is showing through her research(and explains thoroughly and simply in her book) that because all neurological diseases are a result of the neuron cells not being able to use glucose for energy any more causing death of the cell(s), that reverting diet back to similar when we were infants(fat and protein based rather than glucose based) it stops the death of the cells and from there can be rebuilt. That's what she did for herself. I have not looked recently to see if any one has used her protocol/diet for ALS. I would use it if necessary but I've already moved my diet that way because it is neuro-protective.
Over the past 8 or so years I've come across case studies of ALS victims slowing down, and even having some success with halting the disease's deterioration. This supports what you already know that the keto diet is indicated for those addressing existing and would be neurological problems.
Dr Mercola has had an epiphany of sorts by no longer strictly adhering to his former keto approach to vibrant health. He now views it as a short to medium term strategy for addressing mitochondrial problems even as he now believes bacterial optimization in the colon is the key to tweaking the electron transport chain. But if keto serves you best then don't rock the boat. Thank you.
Wow. I was reading about polio after I heard about Forrest Maready’s book, “The Moth in the Iron Lung.” I came to exactly the same conclusion about polio. I said it has to be that polio = ALS! Thank you so much for this post.
If doctors would internalize the risk of their treatments... they would not do 99% of what they do.
If patients would knew the real risk they are incurring... they would refuse most things.
Only through clever deception can so many people live like we have lived for so long. Lies like social security, mandatory insurance, mandatory reporting of diseases which transformed doctors into spies. And many other things. Most people would only give up this huge error of public health when they die.
The contumacy of most humans to repeat the same evil over and over and never face reality is truly demonic.
I propose a bribe. Give people money to stop poisoning people. Give pediatricians twice the money they get for injecting people if they don't inject people.
I always wondered why more doctors and nurses didn't shoot saline and flush the garbage down the drain. I wondered about someone just openly selling fake cards in the same manner as someone say obtaining fake "papers" for jews in nazi occupied countries during wwII, and saying "come and get me, I'm not hiding anything" and forcing the evil to burst from the boil and expose itself.
If our guess is correct then I'm dismayed by the abbreviation because ostensibly it appears as a timid and tentative way to state something that should be shouted from the rooftops in plain language. Perhaps Celia's intent was not to give the word/phrase energy, thinking that the mere utterance might exacerbate the Satanic presence.
Was it C.S. Lewis who said that Satan's greatest trick was/is to convince much of humanity that he doesn't exist?
Most here would agree that we're in a spiritual war and this isn't a good time and place for ambiguity.
True. Its not my place to presume to speak for another. But I stand firm that evil is that which is destructive to Natural Law and the majesty of Creation. Satan, Kali, etc. be they metaphor or literal is the destroyer of life, regardless of ones belief.
Humans get into squabbles small and large over my God is better than your God when the discourse should be the God of Creation vs Nihilism.
Speaking for myself, I'm not going to attenuate Anti Christ by mealy-mouthing AC.
What do you know about the Christian Zionists who are actual nihilists trying to bring about their precious end times for them and the chosen people to get the magic ride to heaven while the rest of the people go down? I'm asking for someone to explain these people to me and how they operate in plain sight and proud of it while we just watch it happen. How is it possible for a crazy sect to operate in the highest offices (Mike Johnson) while their faith advocates for an acceleration toward catastrophe?
Bruce Chatwin on that very subject,as he was dying of AIDS in last book ' UTZ 'writes:-
‘The suffering giant ‘ (Utz) added without conviction,’is the emblem of our persecuted people.’(soviet czech)
-I commentated facetiously that a taste for giants was usually a symptom of decline: an age that took the Farnese Hercules for an ideal was bound to end in trouble.
Utz countered with the story of Frederick William of Prussia who had once made a collection of real giants-semi morons mostly- to swell the ranks of his Potsdam Grenadiers.
He then explained how this weakness for giants had led to one of the most bizzare diplomatic transactions of the 18th century :in which Augustus of Saxony choose 127 pieces of Chinese porcelain from the Palace of Charlottenburg,in Berlin,and gave in return 600 giants ‘of the required height’ collected in the eastern provinces.
‘I never liked giants,’ he said.
‘I once met a man’,I said ‘who was a dealer in dwarfs.’
‘Oh ,dwarfs,you say?’
‘Where did you meet this man?’
‘On a plane in Bagdad.He was going to view a dwarft for a client.’
‘A client!This is wonderful!’
‘He had two clients ,’I said.’One was an Arab oil sheikh.The other owned hotels in Pakistan.
‘And what did they do with those dwarfs?’Utz tapped me on the knee.
He had paled with exitement and was mopping the sweat from his brow.
‘Kept them,’ I said.’The sheikh,if I remember right,liked to sit his favourite dwarf on his forearm and his favourite falcon on the dwarf’s forearm’
‘Nothing else?’
‘How can one know?’
‘You are right,’ said Utz .’These are things one cannot know.’
‘Or would want to’
‘And what would cost a dwarf?These days?’
‘Who can say?Collecting dwarfs has always been expensive’
‘That’s a nice story ,’ he smiled at me .’Thank you .I also like dwarfs .But not in the way you think.’
UTZ p 40 on giants,the sovietism too far within the Herculean greed of Fauci.
A very sad story indeed. I had a good friend who came down with ALS after being prescribed a statin drug to lower his cholesterol. Towards the end he asked me to come over to his office to feed him since he wasnt able to lift his arms anymore. This was a man who had a black belt in karate and was super fit before ALS took him down. When his daughter texted me "My Daddy died today," I wept. He was a good man taken out by corrupt Big Pharma and ignorant physicians. Dr. Aseem Malhotra exposed the fraud Big Pharma perpetrated with Statin drugs. Most physicians still push them even though they do not prevent heart attacks just as physicians today still push the C@vid jabs.
Now we know ALS has always been caused by Medical poisoning. A close friend suffered with ALS after receiving 2 Moderna Injections. She past away November 2022.
On the other hand, my neighbor claims she has had 4 Covid injections and she seems to be doing well.
One of the weakest arguments that the alt-med side (our side) has against the toxicity of vaccines is that it is demonstrably true that many people are not adversely affected by the shots, including many who take them regularly, and religiously.
The most plausible, and persuasive explanation I have heard is from Marc Girardot, in his book “The Needle’s Secret”, in which he hypothesizes that the most significant factors determining what is going to happen post injection are the speed, location and concentration of the product in the bloodstream. The random effects we are seeing, apart from hot lots, underlying medical conditions and so on, can, according to him, be attributed to a high percentage of the injections going IV, with devastating results. I wish more “alternative” types would give his book and theories a good look and a fair shake because he is one of the only ones with a rational explanation as to what is happening here.
It made sense to me, from the beginning, that they would randomize the shots as well as the effects…what better way to hide what is being done? They are not stupid, just evil.
I don’t know the answer, but the randomized outcome has always been true of all injections, not just the Covid shots.
The military is one (captive) control group worth taking a look at. You have large samples of men (and women) with generally good baseline health who have had widely different reactions to the Covid shots and others. A good friend of mine (and fellow Marine) had major problems following the Anthrax “vaccine”….and many others didn’t. I haven’t had a shot of anything besides dental anesthesia in 40+ years so I can’t speak from personal experience.
I also have avoided vaccines for 30 plus years…just intuitive radar told me they were no longer safe, (if they ever were). I have a background in medical sciences, so I also see red flags before most. Now as a practicing acupuncturist I view things more holistically, and I know that individual constitutions also play a role great in determining outcomes. I also believe karma has some play in our lives, but karma is for learning…good vs bad outcomes, judged by human standards, can look like just experiences that are all forgivable from higher levels of consciousness which alters our perceptions of world events. I prefer to seek answers from all levels of existence…then things start to make more sense and even suffering can be turned to good purpose.
At the acupuncture clinic where I work we have a contract with the VA so I see a lot of military vets. Many have been exposed to tremendous toxicity during their tenure with the military, but vaccines are a big one. What can I say? Most of them are very sick and I believe many would not be if they were not vaccinated. Not all of them took the Covid vax but many did have anthrax and others, which they did not even know what they are getting. Signing up for military service means you give your rights to your body away. They are treated like lab rats. I think many within the military are waking up to the agenda and refusing to comply. It the pattern of illness for most vets is quite complex due to multiple exposure to many sources of toxins…burn pits, jet fuel, as well as vaccines.
I’ve heard his hypothesis. I respect the man’s intellect and concede he might be right, but at this point I just don’t agree. I think scapegoating the manner of delivery tends to exculpate the very design of the product. It hides intent behind a smokescreen of negligence. People will build up amyloid at different rates. Some people will clear it entirely. They’ve proven that with the prion protein genes. I’m inclined to think that explains the continued excess mortality, so long after the seeds were planted, and the variability in speed and presentation. We’re dealing with evil, not stupidity.
I’m not arguing stupidity and I sure don’t think Girardot is. And I’m not just speaking about Covid vaccines, but anything delivered via needles which bypasses the body’s natural screening and filtering processes.
I work in trees, so a little of the discussion is beyond my pay grade. What I have seen with my own lying eyes, over and over again, with groups of people who are roughly the same physical condition (military, high school age sports,etc) is that the “side effects” vary so much as to demand further investigation into not just the “what” but also the “how”.
My friend did tell me that she went to the Dentist a few days after the injection and had some dental work done, shortly after leaving the Dentist she past out, and that was when her troubles started.
I have had an intuitive feeling to avoid all dental work for the time being…it feels like something is in the anesthetic. I have had this feeling for about 3 or 4 years now. Currently I am avoiding any substance injected directly into my body, as well as all dentists and doctors….I am used to finding my own way with health issues, of which I thankfully have few. I am also not particularly afraid of sickness or death. I think that helps me traverse the quaggy mire we are currently in. I make my best choices and carry on. I try and have conversations with people about the issues but most people at this point are afraid to talk about anything controversial. They do so at their own peril. For anyone interested in natural alternatives to medicines check out the Forgotten Side of Medicine substack. Many good options for self treatment.
Dr Terri Wahls explains very simply the mechanics of neurological diseases in her book 'The Wahl's Protocol'. Inflammation is the main cause of a lot of diseases. The spike protein causes inflammation wherever it goes.
Inflammation, yes but what spike protein? Spike protein is brought to you by the same folks who have now "officially" recognized "gain of function". This is the same mythology that convinced people to welcome the new and improved "vaccine" technology in the first place. As long as the "Virus Theory" is perpetuated, vaccines will never be exposed for what they truly are.
I attribute one of the things that helped me and my partner weather the Covid storms was a supplement that tremendously reduced inflammation and oxidative stress while at the same time bolstering immunity. Any of that strange illness that got a foothold with us was gone within a half day without any sequelae. We both worked thoughout the period from 2020 up to current date without any major problems…we did not mask except in rare instances, or if patients felt fearful, nor did we protect ourselves in any other way.
So just based on our 2 person experience, I do believe that inflammation and oxidative stress (a.k.a. cytokine storm) are what hospitalized many people and led to what was dubbed “long Covid”, and concluded that this could be avoided by managing inflammation and oxidative stress.
Check out the website for more information based on their scientific evaluations. Dr. McCord is a world class scientist in the field of molecular biology and oxidative stress. They had published some information about the protective effects of the supplement during Covid, but not sure if the gov forced them to take it down or if it is still there.
I use organic whole foods quercetin with bromelain, vitamin C and zinc(Amazon. 4 tabs a day maintenance and up to 8 if I get covid or any cold now. And I actually know a couple of doctors that use it for allergies and they rave about it. Privately of course.). Walter M Chestnut here on substack has tons of real research on covid. The dude is awesome. I also use organic astaxanthin with vitamin E from New Zealand(need to take it with an oil for maximum absorption that's why vitamin E). Astaxanthin works as well as ibuprofen for inflammation and there is actual science behind it. I take 4 12mg tabs a day for a bad shoulder that I have to get fixed and I've taken up to 6 if I overdo my shoulder. Since it seems that most colds/covid attacks through the sinuses, I use Zicam swabs in the nose(not the pills) then the quercetin and astaxathin(that combo of quercetin and astaxathin is excellent for acid reflux and long covid with the tinnitus by the way). I don't get knocked down any more and it's gone in days. I'll check out your link, thank you
Thank you for sharing this powerful testimony... I don't know who this young man is but I pray that a miracle is granted that heals his body completely. His description of the co-suffering that happens between the hearts of two people that are so strongly connected and bonded through the power of real love was so eloquently described.
My heart breaks for all affected by these kill shots. Thank you for sharing one of many stories.
I’m going to print this story and keep copies in my car and purse. I will tape it to inside of bathroom doors, leave in a restaurant inside a menu, leave on a car windshield or slip it into a grocery shelf. I would also slip into a magazine in waiting room of medical facility, but I won’t step foot in one unless there is an emergency or visiting a loved one.
If only the “Alternative media” and “health freedom movement” would throw out the Germ Theory a lot of lives could have been spared. Unfortunately it is only a few voices that do.
Eric F Coppolino sums it up very well in his latest post:
My cousin, age 60, got the first and second dose of Moderna in 2021 and months later was diagnosed with ALS. She suffered for 2 years before her death in Dec 2023.
T'is CNS poisoning so poisoned by pharmkeia, its direct side effects being a dime a dozen hence plausible deniability is the way for those who happily slay.... Medical violence being 'the norm' of a benchmark ritual of entry into big modern, whatever that means, society, signed of as the next best thing to sliced bread by the programs of the govern the minds minders. We are witnesses to a vast crime scene, at which bodily, soul and mind autonomy is usually not respected, albeit only obvious for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, it seems. T'is all allegedly for the greater good, which good? Whose bank account good? Whose power grid good? Qui bono? Dunno, however it is definitely not the recipients of any concoction via metal sharp skin harming object spreading deep into muscle tissue and the life blood system or just sprayed via the airways. All that after coming through a birth on earth via their mothers and life giving fathers! To be fair to cows lets leave the vaca out of the cines as those beautiful animals are also God's creation not harming a soul not even by farting as the minders would like us to be LIE ve, we seem to have arrived at the height of human 'modern' intelligence. So can it get any better? Oh well......t'is all topsy turvy now, the slogans have done a marvelous job capruring the minds of many of mankind, smile it is still for free and comes from within, Saludos, Grüß Gott.
We no longer have to characterize someone as vaccine injured.
We can just say that they’re vaccinated.
Everyone who is vaccinated is injured.
Cause of death?
They were vaccinated.
Sadly, no death certificate will ever state vaccines as the cause of death even though they directly are.
Vaccine injury = criminally negligent vaccine injury and death …. All brought to you by an increasingly corrupt criminal and greedy medical cartel system.
Vaccine injury is so bland and clinical isn't it? No emotional content to communicate the true monstrosity of the means of death. Just like the bio weaponeers want it. Silent anonymous death borne by the invisible at their own expense and funded at their own expense
Now THAT'S what you call a bio weapon with true civilization-destroying synergy.
Checks ALL the boxes. Especially that all important one. UNACCOUNTABILITY because of plausible deniability. The mad men of mass murder learned their lessons the last go at it. They took some of those Nuremberg guys right out and shot them after a swift conviction. Not the kind of accountability to lure the best and brightest psychopaths to create the next generation of mass murder bio weapons. Not good to scare off the agents of murder. Because "the winners" and "the good guys" may requite their services down the road. Of course lots of Nuremberg-worthy candidates escaped and/or got operation paper-clipped... So they could help build the bio weapons abomination we have now.
Never let a crisis or a genius psychopath go to waste
Just trying to think like those who consider themselves to be the virtuous good guys
Very poignant and sad. However, very very crisp when it comes to the truth and what is really going on. World War II never stopped. I just came over here as a smoldering coal, and then they waited, waited and waited and then slowly use there Luciferian bellows in DC to stoke that smoldering Coal. It is now fully ignited.
Great analogy Silvano
Biden pardons = modern day operation paper clip
The system protects the guilty because "they're one of us"
Set a precedent of disciplining the guilty and soon enough the guilty might find themselves under threat
These things can EASILY get out of hand.
No self-respecting crime syndicate allows outsiders to determine how and who gets discipline. In "this thing of theirs" THEY decide who gets whacked and who doesn't. NOT the lowly drug addicts, tax payers and others they prey on. Order requires discipline and they can't allow the prey to mete out the discipline. That would be chaos
THAT'S why we have a deep state. THAT'S why ALL populist movements that even hint about being responsive to the people and their needs are always met with "Operation Existential Threat" ... to the deep state. What the hell is the point of the DOJ FBI CIA NSA etc etc if they aren't used to enforce internal discipline so they can keep the prey in check?
Way back in 2016 vaccines were being questioned by Dr, Andrew Wakefield. CDC clinical test data for MMR vaccinations showed a high incidence of autism. Especially when given to young children. But rather than halt the program the CDC hid the data from the trusting public.
SIDS was also likely from childhood vaccinations, but the "authorities" never came clean on that.
Dr. Tent believed that most autoimmune disorders were caused by vaccines.
And now it is clear that many food allergies are caused by childhood vaccinations.
So it is not just the mRNA vaxxes, but all vaccines should be avoided.
So incomprehensible. I hope some how those that have continually pushed vaccines get held accountable. I’ve seen how they affect children and they deny and I’ve had friends die within 24 hrs of the shot. My son’s buddy died a painful death of blood clots in his legs. So many are getting rare cancers. It’s time to stop the pharmaceutical industry that kills with their drugs.!
ALS is absolutely horrible. Vaccine injury. Its been going on for so long it makes me cry. Some injuries take so long to appear that the cause is distanced from the injury. Jon Rappaport had a post not long ago where he asked chatgpt what diseases have been misdiagnosed as a new diseases. The list is very long. My wife passed away 9 1/2 years ago from ALS. She was the most healthy in her family but she is gone. Very quick. So for 5 years after she passed I researched every article of relevance on ALS. I was in premed 50 years ago so I understand medical terms. And I can speed read which I am so glad I learned in 8th grade. Because I am mechanically minded that's what I notice. This is what I found(simplified). Neurological diseases have different names depending on where in they attack. Same with cancers. But, except for ALS and polio. Mechanically they are identical. So, I come to find out there is an extremely high percentage of those that have gotten the oral polio vaccine get polio(7 to 15% actually). They renamed it to protect the guilty. They call it flaccid paralysis today. The US sent the oral polio vaccine to India. Take a look at the percentage of flaccid paralysis in India to this day. My wife had the oral polio vaccine in the mid 60's. THEY ARE EVIL AND DON'T CARE.
Everyone should read 'The Wahl's Protocol' by Dr. Terri Wahls if they or ones they know have neurological problems.
Likewise I know someone who has ALS and ben bedridden for half of his 10.5 years since the diagnosis. I spent scores, maybe hundreds of hours investigating this monstrous disease and have come to the same conclusion that it was vaccine induced.
Yes, I wonder about those of us who were inoculated in the 50s and 60s.
Even before cvid, were many of us contracting cancers and prion disease because of those shots and oral vaccines?
Bernice Eddy discovered the polio vaccine contamination in the early 50s and notified authorities, who hushed it up. I believe she reported it again a few years later, to Congress. Eventually lost her position and lab. Interesting but not surprising story.
Before 1900, people didn't have these diseases. We wouldn't even know because the history won't tell us. Movies might fabricate though.
Did anyone have arthritis or colitis too back then? I believe they are caused by toxins in our food from ingredients and pesticides.
This is so true… I come from a heritage of Ukranian immigrant Canadian homestead farmers. They were never sick. They grew up without medicines…only good food and very hard work and extreme winter conditions. They were often starving, but never sick. I watched as this all changed from my grandparents generation to the current epidemic of chronic illnesses. Toxins injected into our bodies and our water and our food supplies and even into our air. How messed up can it get?
I imagine if everyone knew what they do and have done, they would have no place to hide from being torn to shreds. We need the majority to stand and not be divided on stupid shit.
William, sounds like you have a lot more information to share based on your research. I hope you do. I’m very sorry to hear about your wife. Truly it is crimminal what has been taking place.
Thank you. Dr. Terri Wahls had progressive MS and completely reversed her disease using a protocol from the early 1900s that was used for the treatment of epilepsy. Her book is easy to read and you don't need a medical degree to understand it. Many worldwide have reversed MS, epilepsy, dementia, Alzheimer using her protocols.
I’m assuming her approach is a variation on all the glycogen depletion and fasting techniques out there. Autophagy and sunshine are the cures, if and when this world fully awakens to what has been done to it. The material and the spiritual must converge. Cleansed by fire and pain, awake in sorrow and regret. I wonder how much longer the charade of normalcy can last, and how many more of us it’ll take with it before it finally dies.
Have you seen a connection of ALS and mercury? Or mercury and paralysis? It is in some vaccines and in silver amalgams as a cavity filling. The "Iron Horse" Lou Gehrig was durable but he played with pain. To relieve his aching feet, Gehrig soaked in mercury baths.
In two seasons the Iron Horse went from all-star baseball player to forced retirement, never to play again.
We actually thought that was it actually. She had 11 of the old mercury fillings and three had cavities underneath. They used a new type of imaging that showed the mercury had entered her jawbone. So we were using chelation therapy for the removal of the mercury. But no, it was ALS. All neurological diseases result from the neuron cells no longer being able to process glucose for energy in the mitochondria. That is where they come up with the term 'mitochondrial disease'. It's greatly explained simply in Dr. Terri Wahl's book. There are many vectors though.
I'm confused because I think we said Wahls had both MS and ALS? Did I misread what you wrote?
She did not have ALS.(my wife did). But she(Dr Wahls) is showing through her research(and explains thoroughly and simply in her book) that because all neurological diseases are a result of the neuron cells not being able to use glucose for energy any more causing death of the cell(s), that reverting diet back to similar when we were infants(fat and protein based rather than glucose based) it stops the death of the cells and from there can be rebuilt. That's what she did for herself. I have not looked recently to see if any one has used her protocol/diet for ALS. I would use it if necessary but I've already moved my diet that way because it is neuro-protective.
Over the past 8 or so years I've come across case studies of ALS victims slowing down, and even having some success with halting the disease's deterioration. This supports what you already know that the keto diet is indicated for those addressing existing and would be neurological problems.
Dr Mercola has had an epiphany of sorts by no longer strictly adhering to his former keto approach to vibrant health. He now views it as a short to medium term strategy for addressing mitochondrial problems even as he now believes bacterial optimization in the colon is the key to tweaking the electron transport chain. But if keto serves you best then don't rock the boat. Thank you.
Wow. I was reading about polio after I heard about Forrest Maready’s book, “The Moth in the Iron Lung.” I came to exactly the same conclusion about polio. I said it has to be that polio = ALS! Thank you so much for this post.
If doctors would internalize the risk of their treatments... they would not do 99% of what they do.
If patients would knew the real risk they are incurring... they would refuse most things.
Only through clever deception can so many people live like we have lived for so long. Lies like social security, mandatory insurance, mandatory reporting of diseases which transformed doctors into spies. And many other things. Most people would only give up this huge error of public health when they die.
The contumacy of most humans to repeat the same evil over and over and never face reality is truly demonic.
I propose a bribe. Give people money to stop poisoning people. Give pediatricians twice the money they get for injecting people if they don't inject people.
Money can make demons behave like saints.
I always wondered why more doctors and nurses didn't shoot saline and flush the garbage down the drain. I wondered about someone just openly selling fake cards in the same manner as someone say obtaining fake "papers" for jews in nazi occupied countries during wwII, and saying "come and get me, I'm not hiding anything" and forcing the evil to burst from the boil and expose itself.
Celia, regarding, "I wonder if they did it to usher in the AC." what does AC mean? I can speculate but I'd rather you tell me. Thank you.
My guess is AC means Anti Christ
... that's what my mind came up with, too
If our guess is correct then I'm dismayed by the abbreviation because ostensibly it appears as a timid and tentative way to state something that should be shouted from the rooftops in plain language. Perhaps Celia's intent was not to give the word/phrase energy, thinking that the mere utterance might exacerbate the Satanic presence.
Was it C.S. Lewis who said that Satan's greatest trick was/is to convince much of humanity that he doesn't exist?
Most here would agree that we're in a spiritual war and this isn't a good time and place for ambiguity.
But there are many roads of spirituality. Not everyone's spirituality derives from Christianity.
True. Its not my place to presume to speak for another. But I stand firm that evil is that which is destructive to Natural Law and the majesty of Creation. Satan, Kali, etc. be they metaphor or literal is the destroyer of life, regardless of ones belief.
Humans get into squabbles small and large over my God is better than your God when the discourse should be the God of Creation vs Nihilism.
Speaking for myself, I'm not going to attenuate Anti Christ by mealy-mouthing AC.
What do you know about the Christian Zionists who are actual nihilists trying to bring about their precious end times for them and the chosen people to get the magic ride to heaven while the rest of the people go down? I'm asking for someone to explain these people to me and how they operate in plain sight and proud of it while we just watch it happen. How is it possible for a crazy sect to operate in the highest offices (Mike Johnson) while their faith advocates for an acceleration toward catastrophe?
Exellently put.
Bruce Chatwin on that very subject,as he was dying of AIDS in last book ' UTZ 'writes:-
‘The suffering giant ‘ (Utz) added without conviction,’is the emblem of our persecuted people.’(soviet czech)
-I commentated facetiously that a taste for giants was usually a symptom of decline: an age that took the Farnese Hercules for an ideal was bound to end in trouble.
Utz countered with the story of Frederick William of Prussia who had once made a collection of real giants-semi morons mostly- to swell the ranks of his Potsdam Grenadiers.
He then explained how this weakness for giants had led to one of the most bizzare diplomatic transactions of the 18th century :in which Augustus of Saxony choose 127 pieces of Chinese porcelain from the Palace of Charlottenburg,in Berlin,and gave in return 600 giants ‘of the required height’ collected in the eastern provinces.
‘I never liked giants,’ he said.
‘I once met a man’,I said ‘who was a dealer in dwarfs.’
‘Oh ,dwarfs,you say?’
‘Where did you meet this man?’
‘On a plane in Bagdad.He was going to view a dwarft for a client.’
‘A client!This is wonderful!’
‘He had two clients ,’I said.’One was an Arab oil sheikh.The other owned hotels in Pakistan.
‘And what did they do with those dwarfs?’Utz tapped me on the knee.
He had paled with exitement and was mopping the sweat from his brow.
‘Kept them,’ I said.’The sheikh,if I remember right,liked to sit his favourite dwarf on his forearm and his favourite falcon on the dwarf’s forearm’
‘Nothing else?’
‘How can one know?’
‘You are right,’ said Utz .’These are things one cannot know.’
‘Or would want to’
‘And what would cost a dwarf?These days?’
‘Who can say?Collecting dwarfs has always been expensive’
‘That’s a nice story ,’ he smiled at me .’Thank you .I also like dwarfs .But not in the way you think.’
UTZ p 40 on giants,the sovietism too far within the Herculean greed of Fauci.
Yes it does. And its manifestations/signs are real.
“What term might replace “vaccine injury” that does it more justice?”
Vaccine Holocaust. How does that sound?
Okay, but that will trigger all those who deny the holocaust happened.
Its all so sad and depressing, so many innocent people harmed and killed by those horrible "vaccines".
There's a quartet of health restoration practitioners that goes by the acronym of AGES, which stands for the first letter of each of their last names.
They claim they can reverse the effects of the vaX.
I am only just beginning to assemble all their data attempting to help a couple of friends.
It's imperative to counter tales of illness and despair with those that offer possible solutions and invigorate the spirit.
Indeed. If a demonic determinist tells you you’re in his prison, use your higher powers to liquify and slip between the bars.
“It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.”
A very sad story indeed. I had a good friend who came down with ALS after being prescribed a statin drug to lower his cholesterol. Towards the end he asked me to come over to his office to feed him since he wasnt able to lift his arms anymore. This was a man who had a black belt in karate and was super fit before ALS took him down. When his daughter texted me "My Daddy died today," I wept. He was a good man taken out by corrupt Big Pharma and ignorant physicians. Dr. Aseem Malhotra exposed the fraud Big Pharma perpetrated with Statin drugs. Most physicians still push them even though they do not prevent heart attacks just as physicians today still push the C@vid jabs.
Now we know ALS has always been caused by Medical poisoning. A close friend suffered with ALS after receiving 2 Moderna Injections. She past away November 2022.
On the other hand, my neighbor claims she has had 4 Covid injections and she seems to be doing well.
One of the weakest arguments that the alt-med side (our side) has against the toxicity of vaccines is that it is demonstrably true that many people are not adversely affected by the shots, including many who take them regularly, and religiously.
The most plausible, and persuasive explanation I have heard is from Marc Girardot, in his book “The Needle’s Secret”, in which he hypothesizes that the most significant factors determining what is going to happen post injection are the speed, location and concentration of the product in the bloodstream. The random effects we are seeing, apart from hot lots, underlying medical conditions and so on, can, according to him, be attributed to a high percentage of the injections going IV, with devastating results. I wish more “alternative” types would give his book and theories a good look and a fair shake because he is one of the only ones with a rational explanation as to what is happening here.
It made sense to me, from the beginning, that they would randomize the shots as well as the effects…what better way to hide what is being done? They are not stupid, just evil.
I don’t know the answer, but the randomized outcome has always been true of all injections, not just the Covid shots.
The military is one (captive) control group worth taking a look at. You have large samples of men (and women) with generally good baseline health who have had widely different reactions to the Covid shots and others. A good friend of mine (and fellow Marine) had major problems following the Anthrax “vaccine”….and many others didn’t. I haven’t had a shot of anything besides dental anesthesia in 40+ years so I can’t speak from personal experience.
Joe…thank you for your thoughtful comments.
I also have avoided vaccines for 30 plus years…just intuitive radar told me they were no longer safe, (if they ever were). I have a background in medical sciences, so I also see red flags before most. Now as a practicing acupuncturist I view things more holistically, and I know that individual constitutions also play a role great in determining outcomes. I also believe karma has some play in our lives, but karma is for learning…good vs bad outcomes, judged by human standards, can look like just experiences that are all forgivable from higher levels of consciousness which alters our perceptions of world events. I prefer to seek answers from all levels of existence…then things start to make more sense and even suffering can be turned to good purpose.
At the acupuncture clinic where I work we have a contract with the VA so I see a lot of military vets. Many have been exposed to tremendous toxicity during their tenure with the military, but vaccines are a big one. What can I say? Most of them are very sick and I believe many would not be if they were not vaccinated. Not all of them took the Covid vax but many did have anthrax and others, which they did not even know what they are getting. Signing up for military service means you give your rights to your body away. They are treated like lab rats. I think many within the military are waking up to the agenda and refusing to comply. It the pattern of illness for most vets is quite complex due to multiple exposure to many sources of toxins…burn pits, jet fuel, as well as vaccines.
I’ve heard his hypothesis. I respect the man’s intellect and concede he might be right, but at this point I just don’t agree. I think scapegoating the manner of delivery tends to exculpate the very design of the product. It hides intent behind a smokescreen of negligence. People will build up amyloid at different rates. Some people will clear it entirely. They’ve proven that with the prion protein genes. I’m inclined to think that explains the continued excess mortality, so long after the seeds were planted, and the variability in speed and presentation. We’re dealing with evil, not stupidity.
I’m not arguing stupidity and I sure don’t think Girardot is. And I’m not just speaking about Covid vaccines, but anything delivered via needles which bypasses the body’s natural screening and filtering processes.
I work in trees, so a little of the discussion is beyond my pay grade. What I have seen with my own lying eyes, over and over again, with groups of people who are roughly the same physical condition (military, high school age sports,etc) is that the “side effects” vary so much as to demand further investigation into not just the “what” but also the “how”.
My friend did tell me that she went to the Dentist a few days after the injection and had some dental work done, shortly after leaving the Dentist she past out, and that was when her troubles started.
I have had an intuitive feeling to avoid all dental work for the time being…it feels like something is in the anesthetic. I have had this feeling for about 3 or 4 years now. Currently I am avoiding any substance injected directly into my body, as well as all dentists and doctors….I am used to finding my own way with health issues, of which I thankfully have few. I am also not particularly afraid of sickness or death. I think that helps me traverse the quaggy mire we are currently in. I make my best choices and carry on. I try and have conversations with people about the issues but most people at this point are afraid to talk about anything controversial. They do so at their own peril. For anyone interested in natural alternatives to medicines check out the Forgotten Side of Medicine substack. Many good options for self treatment.
She was healthy and active prior, and never did the other yearly vaccines
Dr Terri Wahls explains very simply the mechanics of neurological diseases in her book 'The Wahl's Protocol'. Inflammation is the main cause of a lot of diseases. The spike protein causes inflammation wherever it goes.
Inflammation, yes but what spike protein? Spike protein is brought to you by the same folks who have now "officially" recognized "gain of function". This is the same mythology that convinced people to welcome the new and improved "vaccine" technology in the first place. As long as the "Virus Theory" is perpetuated, vaccines will never be exposed for what they truly are.
I attribute one of the things that helped me and my partner weather the Covid storms was a supplement that tremendously reduced inflammation and oxidative stress while at the same time bolstering immunity. Any of that strange illness that got a foothold with us was gone within a half day without any sequelae. We both worked thoughout the period from 2020 up to current date without any major problems…we did not mask except in rare instances, or if patients felt fearful, nor did we protect ourselves in any other way.
So just based on our 2 person experience, I do believe that inflammation and oxidative stress (a.k.a. cytokine storm) are what hospitalized many people and led to what was dubbed “long Covid”, and concluded that this could be avoided by managing inflammation and oxidative stress.
Check out the website for more information based on their scientific evaluations. Dr. McCord is a world class scientist in the field of molecular biology and oxidative stress. They had published some information about the protective effects of the supplement during Covid, but not sure if the gov forced them to take it down or if it is still there.
I use organic whole foods quercetin with bromelain, vitamin C and zinc(Amazon. 4 tabs a day maintenance and up to 8 if I get covid or any cold now. And I actually know a couple of doctors that use it for allergies and they rave about it. Privately of course.). Walter M Chestnut here on substack has tons of real research on covid. The dude is awesome. I also use organic astaxanthin with vitamin E from New Zealand(need to take it with an oil for maximum absorption that's why vitamin E). Astaxanthin works as well as ibuprofen for inflammation and there is actual science behind it. I take 4 12mg tabs a day for a bad shoulder that I have to get fixed and I've taken up to 6 if I overdo my shoulder. Since it seems that most colds/covid attacks through the sinuses, I use Zicam swabs in the nose(not the pills) then the quercetin and astaxathin(that combo of quercetin and astaxathin is excellent for acid reflux and long covid with the tinnitus by the way). I don't get knocked down any more and it's gone in days. I'll check out your link, thank you
Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this powerful testimony... I don't know who this young man is but I pray that a miracle is granted that heals his body completely. His description of the co-suffering that happens between the hearts of two people that are so strongly connected and bonded through the power of real love was so eloquently described.
My heart breaks for all affected by these kill shots. Thank you for sharing one of many stories.
I’m going to print this story and keep copies in my car and purse. I will tape it to inside of bathroom doors, leave in a restaurant inside a menu, leave on a car windshield or slip it into a grocery shelf. I would also slip into a magazine in waiting room of medical facility, but I won’t step foot in one unless there is an emergency or visiting a loved one.
What should we call the injuries? Attempted murder.
How 'bout plain old genocide?
If only the “Alternative media” and “health freedom movement” would throw out the Germ Theory a lot of lives could have been spared. Unfortunately it is only a few voices that do.
Eric F Coppolino sums it up very well in his latest post:
My cousin, age 60, got the first and second dose of Moderna in 2021 and months later was diagnosed with ALS. She suffered for 2 years before her death in Dec 2023.
To start a contest? Traumatic Vaccine Toxicity Disorder, Post Vaccination Toxicity Disorder, Vaccine Injury Syndrome, Vaccine Auto-immune Disorder, Vaccine-Induced Neurological Disorder, Vaccine-Induced Cancer
T'is CNS poisoning so poisoned by pharmkeia, its direct side effects being a dime a dozen hence plausible deniability is the way for those who happily slay.... Medical violence being 'the norm' of a benchmark ritual of entry into big modern, whatever that means, society, signed of as the next best thing to sliced bread by the programs of the govern the minds minders. We are witnesses to a vast crime scene, at which bodily, soul and mind autonomy is usually not respected, albeit only obvious for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, it seems. T'is all allegedly for the greater good, which good? Whose bank account good? Whose power grid good? Qui bono? Dunno, however it is definitely not the recipients of any concoction via metal sharp skin harming object spreading deep into muscle tissue and the life blood system or just sprayed via the airways. All that after coming through a birth on earth via their mothers and life giving fathers! To be fair to cows lets leave the vaca out of the cines as those beautiful animals are also God's creation not harming a soul not even by farting as the minders would like us to be LIE ve, we seem to have arrived at the height of human 'modern' intelligence. So can it get any better? Oh well......t'is all topsy turvy now, the slogans have done a marvelous job capruring the minds of many of mankind, smile it is still for free and comes from within, Saludos, Grüß Gott.