The crazy thing is that 'mild and self-limiting' is A-OK by today's standards. Is our vaccine 'mildly' damaging peoples' hearts? Sure, but that's ok, cost of doing business. This reminds me in a lot of ways of the AZT Phase II trials, where reporting of serious adverse events was like a mild blip to be swept under the rug.

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The gaslighting is maddening - “well even if it harms some people, it saves many more lives.” The fact that it doesn’t prevent infection or transmission doesn’t matter. Just keep lying is their mantra

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gaslighters need to be hunted down in the future and tongues removed or worse

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its criminal and demonic

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Great to hear you on the Progressive Commentary Hour with Gary Null.

You are as interesting to listen to as you are to read.

If I were in charge of Pulitzers, you'd have one.

Stay strong Celia, and siempre adelante!

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We're witnessing an unprecedented attack on all of humanity, but now they especially are coming for the kids in more ways anyone should want to imagine and we need to wake up to the realities going on across the world regarding these atrocities.

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Forgot to mention I've secured tickets to the "Sound of Freedom" movie regarding one man's journey to rescuing trafficked kids coming out starting July 3rd. For those who may not be able to afford tickets the second link has a place to claim a free ticket from those paying it foward.

https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-freedom Type in your zip to see locations


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I've read about this movie. It's been a while trying to get it released I think.

Thanks for the link.

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Yes I was waiting to hear more and got informed about it from the anti-NYTimes, as noted in the article the nytimes didn't even list the movie in their article covering 107 other movies coming out over the summer.

"There is however one notable movie which somehow failed to meet the standard of "All the Films Fit to List." This failure to even mention it -- (silence still ongoing as of today) -- is so strange, in fact, that it is shockingly conspicuous (and suspicious) in its absence from the list. The movie has already pre-sold 573,000 tickets -- will be showing in theaters nationwide -- features two established stars..."


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I used to live in Korea. They'll probably tell ya kimchi keeps the covid away. And honestly, it's probably about as effective as a covid shot.

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There are many proven benefits and valid reasons that kimchi and similar fermented vegetables help to maintain a healthy gut biome. And it has the added bonus that it won't kill you.

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Because TPTB have demonstrated over and over again that they have their (and others') ears firmly plugged in regard to these horrors, I suspect it will take a generation or more--and many tear-soaked, prematurely full cemeteries--before any sort of honest society-wide accounting takes place.

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Thank you again, Celia.

How do myths go unexposed? I think part of the answer is every member of the Oligarchy Club has a strong incentive to protect the myths.

What would Mr. Spock say about our New Normal world? The writer’s tool of “logic” has led me to some very disturbing conclusions.


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In the 21st century wars are fought in the mind using mass hypnosis and nanotechnology. Brains are the battlefield, and the spoils of war.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-first-world-mind-war

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Confirmed. At this late stage in the worldwide Covid psychosis, pro-jab advocates cannot deny their willing culpability as instruments of an unimaginably evil power.

Those of us patiently observing the madness in benign disbelief need to stand up and speak out. Defend and protect.

Remember "silence = violence?"

I used to hold my tongue. No longer. Speak out. Be heard.

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The way Miguel de Unamuno expressed a similar thought is eloquent:

"A veces, callarse equivale a mentir. Porque el silencio puede ser interpretado como aquiescencia."

("At times being quiet is equivalent to lying because the silence may be interpreted as acquiescence.")

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Well come on now. You cannot say the jabs are harmful. How the fuck are they going to get the money to run the goddamn studio.

These fucktards will never learn. EMFs are what is really going to continue wiping out humanity. The only way to save the physical bodies of humans (we are spiritual beings and these bodies are a temporary recluse) is to hang Schwab, Gates and related criminal morons like ZELENSKY. Fuck goddam Lindsey Graham the SOB is seen sitting at a dinner table with Zelensky and other crimnal murdering fucktards stating how happy he was to be sending the money to him.

Now please excuse my harsh language. I am just a stupid ass boomer aged rockhead who hated school and went to no college. Oddly after going overseas in the late 70's and being jailed in Afghanistan for a year in 1978 I made a deal with the big guy upstairs that if he would get me out of that cement prison I would work every day for the rest of my life. I took a shit job in NYC in 1980 at $3.20 hr. Amazingly it seems the owner had every one of his wife's relatives in the positions that were not the actual working positions which were all Latinos. The beautiful dancing Puerto Rican redhead I met there who was watching 7 or 8 automatic stitiching machines was amazing.

I got to stand next to her as she taught me how to do some of the packaging tasks, spooling etc. Jeez after about a month or two I was completely off my usual as I had and still have respect for others but more so for women lets say. Well I slapped her butt and she belted me in the jaw and almost knocked me out. She eventually became my wife.

The shop had 60 employees. Somehow I moved up the ladder but the first move was to shipping manager from delivery boy (I was 26 yo). The shipping manager was 65 yo and he became an assistant. I swear to God should strike me dead if I am not being truthful. So this went on and within two years I had to build a little office to run the place because it was truly a shop of morons in charge. Not those who actually worked, they were the smart people but the non latinos. These non latinos would talk and treat them as if they were garbage. It was simply beyond reality.

So I slowly fired all the idiots and asked one of the actual working people from each department if they would be a manager. There was already one person that was more or less doing it. Yea I gave all the money to them as well of course. The women were amazing. The men enh but better then the previous but the women were amazing. One day something went on in the office and yelling with one of the slouches that did nothing and I slammed doors and was quiting. Ringing the elevator bell to leave and could not wait and headed toward the stairs. I hear yelling and who comes rrunning around the corner but the Red head and she jumps me and is kissing me saying don't leave you can't leave and I was completely out of any state of reality and said ok but I gotta go and I did.

The boss called me at home and gave me a raise and I did not quit.

Now as to the Red head she was a married woman 14 years my senior and I was living with someone for 7+ years. Well yea you guessed it we got together and God bless her she has since moved on but she lives within me always as she is my Guardian Angel without question and everything she went through ie illness was to teach me.

The owner had said he was going to give me 25% of the business. and he dropped dead. The family, while I found the idea of those people are bad, were still his family and I thought the owner was a good man (I was young and dumb). I signed the contract at their lawyer.

I had a mentor who saw the contract and they basically cheated me of everything. I am shortening this story but we, my beautiful Amelia I and I took back everything they stole with their cheating ways. Three months of work renting another loft and over a weekend moved tons of equipment with a crane and left a check on the desk. On Sunday morning Amelia called the ten people we wanted to hire and they were all their on Sunday morning to see their machine in a new place. I had made arrangements with all the customers already. I took the physical corporate books and they had no clue. The bookeepper was in on it as well.

Well it is hard to believe, I get it, but trust me we are Human and that Power of Attraction thing is very real. Not saying I can do it knowingly as I had no knowledge that our belief in the success of what we were doing was why it happened but I guarantee NOW after living 40 years since we did that in 1983 that it is unquestionably how shit works and it requires nothing but the imagination of the individual and your intuition knowing what you are doing will be.

WE ARE HUMAN and we are the shit. Never sell yourself short. I did for decades. I am not poor and I have no debt and I am at peace but I have my Guardian Angel with me always. She is here and she was unluckily sick in bed for ten years. I learned after three visits to the Hellospitals to never go again. One day after those three visits she woke up and was mumbling. They sent a nurse to take a blood test and was low sodium and said call 911. Well she said fuck no I would rather die. I must say that was tough but those three visits we so wrong and it was just so crazy. I told the doc no but isn't friggin Salt sodium? It was 2005 and I had Himalayan Salt in the house. Back and forth and he finally said 1/2 teaspoon every 2 hours. Yup 14 hours later she was talking normal.

She still had this muscle wasting illness Myotonic Dystrophy and was bedbound but never again was she unable to get by as she took 1/2 tsp am and pm. Who knew how broken the system truly is.

I DO. Allopaths are not intentionally evil. The system is intentionally evil. Read up on John D Rockefeller the dog of all dogs. Well no sorry dogs. He is evil incarnate and Gates and Schwab are his henchmen. This was planned genocide unquestionably. Friggin Gates had stated it numerous times about vax killing of 15% annually.

Thats my story.

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ANY damage to the heart is serious & lasts a lifetime. Heart muscle does not repair itself. The fact that medical authories have sought to convince patients & citizens that myocarditis is mild is a huge violation of the Hippocratic Oath.

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I don’t see any way out of this absent turning our lives over to Christ and repenting of our sins. We are fallen creatures severely limited in discernment absent turning to God day after day. I cannot frame the motivations of the people engaging in this great reset outside of the existence of genuine evil. And why is it that even if these people do not believe in Christian mythology, why is it that their every action is centered around the original sin (deceiving and killing humans with promises of immortality) over and over again? Call them masons, call them elites, call them technocrats and oligarchs, but they all seem demon possessed to me, if not literally at least in the mythological sense. I cannot for the life of me understand why they continue to create such utter carnage for innocent people without the slightest admission of wrongdoing outside of this mythology. God save us from these monsters.

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I want to know how are the families living after that.

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There has been chatter & some personal anecdotes about families being paid off by Big Pharma to stay silent, esp in the case of sudden deaths. Interesting, eh ?

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The Vaccines

Dissolve Cells.

The Vaccinated

Are Dissolving.


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most deadly war we have had with 'globalists' so far///// a silent war the casualties of which we are hardly aware.

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Woohhh it’s time for your weekly booster shot. Must keep current on your vaccination against your life.

Those that took the jab are surly having buyers remorse by now?

Bunches of folks need to swing. Anyone that pushed this poison shall swing or die from the inevitable results of the jab. Hahahahha

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