That "judge" and any who conspired with him should be dealt with severely. Immediate disbarment, and criminal charges. They committed cold blooded murder. No forgiveness for them. None.

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Perhaps some think my words are rash, but acts like this are simply unconscienable to me. A person like that is not fit to judge anyone.

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And the lawyer also!

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It looks more and more like 80% of our judges are corrupt tyrants incapable of serving justly and who play God. So many have no accountability and they are a key part of the destruction of our society.

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Can we get the Judge’s name?

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Go to Children’s Health Defense Defender. I believe it’s there.

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Let’s not forget the medical workers who administered 18 vaccines in one day. This is medical malfeasance at best, but in reality, it is simply criminal. They should also be disbarred and arrested.

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When will the Criminals be brought to Justice....

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They are plowing on through like nothing is wrong. Pushing the deadly vaxxes, trying to convert all vaxxes to mRNA, removing exemptions, mandating still at many universities (where they can really get them). They think if they just plow through like nothing's wrong, business as usual, that we will all forget what happened and eventually the "movement" will go away.

Teach the kids. Put your opinions out there to new parents and grandmas, even if it means losing friendships. Get the word out.

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Her there MLY PHD, would appreciate you explaining the difference between this family being Dysfunctional and Traumatized” Looks like this poor man now having to deal with a Vax injured son and two growing young adults.

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Also try to pass the word that there is some hope in IVM and petazole (animal version of anti parasitic drug) for the (MANY) new people contracting cancer

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It's an evil that's hard to explain in terms of human frailty alone, isn't it? Time. With it, more people know. And more of them know that we know. I'm waiting for that critical mass. When more people at the political fundraisers find the bad taste to drop the turd in the punchbowl, and weather the awkward silences. Tick tock.

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This is one of the best Substack comments ever.

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No words. Just a lump in my throat, tears in my eyes and my chest feels tight. I used to be the kook warning people about vaccines (years before COVID), and lately I just feel like the kook with no words left for this. This story is heart wrenching, stomach churning, infuriating…Not sure what it will take to ever make it stop.

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Fellow kook too. This story left me in utter disbelief and heartache.

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What is the proper response to someone who is attempting to kill your children? The courts are not going to provide disincentives for this child sacrifice behavior by officious types- so, as long as no personal penalty is forthcoming, the behavior will continue.

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‘So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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Our doctor is an old school anti-vaxxer but the medical establishment and most insurance companies do not like him at all. Medicare will not take him but the Mennonites and other people still drive over 125 miles to see him. He gives you your choice of treatment options, either natural remedies or medicine if you prefer. He will NOT GIVE ANY VACCINE period! He is also a toxicologist. A friend who is a physician asst drives over 120 miles one way to see him says she will never go anywhere else.

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Lucky you!

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I've always wondered how we revere doctors so much, personally and culturally--it's in our bones because it begins in childhood. Even if you don't believe in God, you put doctors on a pedestal. Then I went to my kids pediatric appointment and it hit me like a ton of bricks. A person they rarely see, maybe never before: "Stick your tongue out and say ahh, take a deep breath, and take your pants down while I feel your testicles." It's submission, while the parent is standing right there smiling and nodding as if to say, this is a person you should completely surrender to no matter what.

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I only liked this cause it’s funny to picture. I agree partly because I know of a very small handful of truly good good doctors.

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Thank you so much for what you are doing!!

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"Mentally ill" for "believing in the Bible." Right. According to "occult 'science.'" Because belief in non-existent (or at least not sufficiently proven to exist) particles that "cause disease" and toxic injections that "cure disease" is so rational and superior.

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After hearing FOUR different vaccine scientists say they DO NOT take any vaccines including one who has not taken a vaccine in over 40 years! Now this! If you think they are only putting this nano-tech in the Covid jab, guess again. They are finding it in flu shots and other vaccines as well. WATCH CLOSELY! Share this with any parent even thinking about giving this to their kids and also share this with the dummies in white coats still pushing this!! https://rumble.com/v5fr0z7-red-alert-its-in-our-blodd-dr.-ana-mihalcea.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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1 Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers.

2 For they will wither quickly like the grass And fade like the green herb.

3 Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.

4 Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.

5 Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it.

6 He will bring forth your righteousness as the light And your judgment as the noonday.

7 Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. (Psalms 37:1-7, NASB)

It is time for the LORD to act, For they have broken Your law. (Psalms 119:126, NASB)

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Oct 22
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Oct 22Edited

I am just sick over this. Sick. All of the particulars of what happened, each part another dagger, and the knowing that judge, doctor and mother all pushed through what was so obviously a deadly decision. All should be shot in the head at point blank range--or more appropriately, lethal injection.

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Too humane of a punishment.

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What happened to my Body my Choice?

What happened to the fact that TN allows for Religious Exemptions: Requires only a signed statement by the parent/guardian that vaccination conflicts with their religious tenets or practices.

Or is that a catch 22... if you request a religious exemption you are too mentally ill to have a religion?

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Until they're brought to justice this continues.

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They'll never be brought to justice, not under any administration.

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What you say is true. Because virology and "vaccines" are now secular religions, or religious rituals, beyond question. To a degree (or maybe it's more than "a degree"), virology has replaced belief in supernatural causes of dis-ease, and vaccines have replaced prayer and seeking healing from God. Unless another religious belief is returned to, or created or deemed "right," our current virology/vaccine rituals will remain beyond question. For those that do dare to question this religion, they will be deemed an "evil-doer" or "disinformation extremist" or some such bullshit.

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Todd Callender will sue them personally. I know it's a small concession compared to the destruction, but these people need to be held accountable. They need to be stripped of all their worldly assets to help pay for this child's lifetime of medical expenses

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I will settle for losing the inflated reverence they get. Nothing they say is every wrong and can't be wrong in the eyes of normies. And if they ever are wrong it's because they meant well and didn't know.

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they have never been brought to justice, this is a generational saga, it's the epochellipse...

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Yes, he is a GR8 problem.

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Being on ‘lockdown’ in SoCA from mid March 2020, gave me time to listen to a lot of s**t. One of the first things I was onto was a video series done by a guy, Patrick Gentempo on the dangers of childhood vaccines. RFK Jr. was one of the persons participating.

Then I was “off to the races’ as they say and into the CHD website. And down many other ‘rabbit holes’ about ‘vaccine injury’ mostly in children. It is a CRIME how children are required to get ALL these Vaccines before age 5 just to attend preschool and school!

I am of a generation who only received maybe three ‘vaccinations’ in the mid 50’s to early 60’s. And I have never participated in the scam of the flu shots and the ‘adult vaxxines’!

Then the EUA mRNA C*V*D Vaxxine was rolled out. What could go wrong with that? EVERYTHiNG! I wasn’t going anywhere near that deal!

Vaccines and the alleged ‘diseases’ they prevent is ONE GIANT SCAM from Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Healthcare Delivery System.

This family is the example of the dysfunction in the legal and healthcare system, run amok.

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Aren’t the number of required childhood vaxxs up to 70 now? They continue to ramp up the poisoning of future generations.

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Outrageous. Who are the parents that go along with this insanity?

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The practice of pediatric medicine is to blame for these injuries. The revenue stream generated by the ‘childhood vaccine schedule’ in these group pediatric healthcare provider ‘practices’ is HUGE and is criminal.

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Not to mention the billions of taxpayer dollars spent by the U.S. government healthcare departments and agencies in 'vaccine' development.


David Martin: "I'm calling out the House investigation right now on coronavirus and on SARS-CoV-2. They are willfully misleading the public into the illusion of doing anything that is ultimately substantive; and, the reason they are doing it is because they can't afford the political cost of calling into question the ultimate criminal racket that has pervaded this country since 1980. The criminal racket of active agencies, captive federal government authorized agencies, which are captive federal funded agencies who are willing, with impunity, to get into organized crime rackets with state universities and other universities for the economic benefit of those institutions to criminally conspire to create pathogens known to harm humans. And, since the passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, the entirety of this racketeering position has been known, has been promoted, has been evidenced time and time again; and, to date, no member of Congress has had the integrity to tell the American people that we need to shut down that criminal racket. That's why they're not willing to talk about it." (and much, much more)

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More information at CHD (Children's Health Defense). Story called '5-Year-Old Develops Autism After Being Forced to Get 18 Vaccines in 1 Day.' https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/isaac-ihben-autism-vaccine-injury/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20241018

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Thanks Janet, was about to post the link. What needs to be made public is the clinic/doctor, nurse or PA that injected 18 shots at one time to these dear children. Lets name the clinic and make it public information and FOIA how much they were paid per shot per child. Sue them for battery and harm along with the judge and the slimy lawyer.

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Scopes Monkey Trial, 1925, Tennessee.

When the Marxist, God-less ACLU declared war on God. And began to banish God, first from the minds, then from the hearts of the American people. Marxists truly do hate God. Totalitarians don't tolerate any authority that contradicts them. They are god, they pronounce, the only god. Their pseudosciences are their scripture.


William Jennings Bryan, as the prosecutor and defender of faith in God had this to say about the trial:


"The case has assumed the proportions of a battle-royal between unbelief that attempts to speak through so-called science and the defenders of the Christian faith, speaking through the legislators of Tennessee. It is again a choice between God and Baal; it is also a renewal of the issue in Pilate's court."

"That cannot be the answer of this jury representing a Christian state and sworn to uphold the laws of Tennessee. Your answer will be heard throughout the world; it is eagerly awaited by a praying multitude. If the law is nullified, there will be rejoice wherever God is repudiated, the savior scoffed at and the Bible ridiculed. Every unbeliever of every kind and degree will be happy. If, on the other hand, the law is upheld and the religion of the school children protected, millions of Christians will call you blessed and, with hearts full of gratitude to God, will sing again that grand old song of triumph:

"Faith of our fathers, living still, In spite of dungeon, fire and sword; O how our hearts beat high with joy Whene'er we hear that glorious word--Faith of our fathers--Holy faith; We will be true to thee till death!""

FF - A century ago, in the same state, Tennessee, the words of Bryan ring even more prescient. As truth always does, withstanding the test of time.

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Christ said when you throw out God from your land and soul, the old gods and demons will return 7 fold. That is what we are seeing now. God help us.

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