Mar 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

to use current woke lingo: I identify as a conspiracy theorist. My pronouns are : told/you/so

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

My pronouns are:


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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

haha- i think i'll use that at the next supervisor meeting!

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Thank you.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

fwiw- During the lead up to the War on Iraq, I was working in DC and knew a woman who was married to a guy at the state department. Long before the vote in Congress, she told me that it was already decided and that the war was definitely happening. So, that vote was just for the sheep to make it look like we were still living under representative government. The truth is that America has been owned by the central bankers since 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act--the bankers run the govt and the rest is just an illusion.

Here's financial expert, Greg Mannarino, on the central banks being the real government:


Who collectively runs the entire financial system? Who runs the economy? Who runs world markets? The answer to all these questions is CENTRAL BANKS.

Central banks run the world, period. The illusion may be that Kings, Queens, Monarchs, Dictators, Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc. along with so called representative democracies or “We the People” get any kind or choice is nothing but an illusion.

The dire situation regarding the world economy is deliberate, as central banks are collectively pushing it off of a cliff. If we were to look back on history, we would see that it is precisely these economic downfalls/situations which lead the world population into World Wars. War of course, is both the end game and the scapegoat which will be blamed by our so-called world leaders as the source AND REASON WHY the world economy is failing and inflation continues to skyrocket- anything to distract people from the real culprit, central banks.

Here's ex-Secretary of Labor, Robert Reisch, under the Clinton Administration admitting the truth:


Robert Reich understands the current power structure of the U.S. because he was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a member of the CFR, and he was Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration. Robert Reich's January 7, 1999, article in USA Today states:

"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. . . Congress is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or house members politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy . . . Then he goes back down to the Fed and runs the country. . . . America's foreign policy is being run by the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) . . . and when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress." [23

And the best documentaries on the bankers and all of the wars are:

Bill Still's The Money Masters


Mike Rivero's All Wars are Bankers Wars


It's basically 8 billion of us against the psychopathic, genocidal banking cartel.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

sometime watch aron russo- who relates that rockefeller told him about 9/11 before it happened- and all the countries who were going to be targeted- it is worth watching- it backs up what you are saying 100%

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Oh, yes, I totally remember that one. Let me see if I can find it:

Here it is:

"The Globalist Agenda in 12 Minutes" with Aaron Russo


Looks like this has the segment with him talking about his "friendship" with Nick Rockefeller (I think they were basically trying to "recruit" him to their side, since at that point I think Aaron was thinking about running for Governor). And yeah, Nick basically told him in the pre-9/11 days that there was going to be a "big event" and that we would see soldiers searching caves (so they really have all the narrative, including details like that, all worked out in advance---total genocidal psychopaths!!). And I think he also gets into their plans to chip us--if not in this segment, it's got to be in the full version of this interview, because I've seen Catherine Austin Fitts play it (and Aaron was right about that because i have since seen Professor Richard Werner in y/t central banker endgame in 3 min, say that some of the central banks have RFID chips ready to go).

Also, I'm really glad you mentioned Aaron Russo--he was such a hero for getting the truth out there. In my comment should have linked to his documentary on the 1913 banker takeover:

America: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo (2006)


(I remember back in the days of the Ron Paul End the Fed rallies, people used to hand this documentary out, same with 9/11 truth videos)

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Back in the late 90s/early 2000's, I worked in a dumpy diner near a major university in a big city.

The folks from the archaeology department (regular customers who'd come in and order breakfast when they weren't traveling back and forth for digs in Iraq) inadvertently tipped us off to the same thing: impending war in a few years.

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I've heard the same about the war in Ukraine. Don't remember where now but it was "predicted" years ago.

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I love your stuff. Greg Mannarino is new to me, but I have enjoyed Bill Still and Robert Reich in his own way, and Mike Rivero at WRH. I think too much of the "system" is a place not to go, because the effort is going to be gobbled up in something broken. The system is geared for suicide.

So I think we might be able to accumulate all good efforts under a roof of our own. We can make our own congress. Here's an intro, cheers.


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This is why my go to guy on Russ/ Ukraine is Scott Ritter. He was weapons inspector then and told the A hole war monger George W, "the decider" ", and his power and money hungry group that THERE WERE NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! Of course they plowed ahead and killed millions of innocent people for nothing. And have no doubt, this base of Neocons then are todays new Neo Liberals who what the same thing. Scott Ritter has been there and knows it all.Thats why he is not on MSM

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There are no words. We must face the fact that most people embody this kind of "morality."

On what basis do I make this claim? First, the majority of a nation that believes and resorts to insult in defense of an utter absurdity -- the crime syndicate's official story of the attacks of Sep 11. That was when I really began to despair...Second, the cheering on of an invasion of and war against a country completely outside of those attacks -- even in the official lie.

If the people of a nation continue to believe that the karma set in motion by such immorality is not going to come back and bite them -- bite them so hard their great-grandchildren will feel it -- then that provides further support for my thesis -- the absence of basic morality and true intelligence rules the day in the country formerly known as "America."

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I wish I didn't have to agree with you. Edward Bernays' backers won.

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I understand. I wish I wasn't right.

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The crime has to happen first, before it can be responded to. I've told people that. It's gotten old. I've also said this, and I hope it never gets old. "You give me accountability and transparency, and I'll give you morality." I was speaking as an architect at the time. For this:


The alt news has grown incredibly; I hope we can talk about forming an organization that we can invest in, ongoing, and build, and carry out on with our own political process. Cheers.

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I think I'm missing your point with "The crime has to happen first, before it can be responded to." Can you help me understand how that pertains to my comment?

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It pertains to all crime. It comes from civil law, where one can only go to court after a loss, or with the supreme court, where someone has to be killed before they'll consider hearing it. Meanwhile bad laws can be on the books and enforced. And I really have said that before, and it's not about you.

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Oh, I believe you -- that you've said it before.

My comment addressed after-the-fact behavior; at least I thought it did.

The crime of the Sep 11 attacks happened. The crime syndicate issued its official story -- an utterly absurd and impossible one. It completely avoided any mention of its admission -- based on the official version -- of its eye-watering failure to protect the country -- along with the demand that "the people" believe the impossible. Complete absence of any official investigation, courts martial, or criminal charges. Instead, the "American" people found their Fourth Amendment protections tossed right out the window -- to which they applauded.

Then the invasion of Afghanistan. Then the Iraq war. All to cheers and that incessant, adolescent insistence upon "support our troops."

This was what I meant by the nation's "immorality" and overall lack of intelligence.

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I've experienced it. I was at a bar, talking to a young vet. The conversation came to "support our troops". He said, "I'll show you what that means. You buy me a drink." And he acted like it was time to throw down, which we didn't. But I do think he fell for that govt slogan. It's like saying, "I support the people of Iowa." What does that mean? I think nothing. So it means "do not question the government, or you will be shamed."

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Might be a good time to remind him and all "vets" that we've already bought them 𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔 of drinks. And meals. And housing. And training. And clothing. And education. And travel. And medical care (such as it is). While they have been deployed illegally "working" for a Cabinet department that plays a huge role in draining the taxpayer dry. While doing nothing for "protecting and defending the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic."

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In response to this and your OP, I appreciate your integrity on the matter. We should be taking this whole situation as flat-out wrong, but we have to dig deeply enough to include all of our wrong. You've seen my site... I think we have lost our connection to more organic approaches, and I link that to modern senses of convention; what actions are considered OK?

I think that in the modern world, we face into a system, and resort to the use of it. I think we have human roots which precede all convention. We could construct a society our of humans to begin with, and all the needed resources or structure to follow. We could rely on ourselves and each other as something to ratify and invest in.

[EDIT-ADD} "what actions are considered OK", or within consideration?

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And the 1,000s maimed for life on both sides. And poisoned by vaccines and how many suicides?

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The intention of the “news” organizations and the reporters is to move people from where they are to where they want them.

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100% - the psyops (reverse psyops, counter-psyops) psychological warfare and propaganda - all the same but different. We've been used and trained like lab rats. Using your own data to predict your actions but sway you to how they want you to act. You THINK you're in control, but you're not. Power of persuasion, subliminal messaging, brainwashing, etc. Since the invention of the internet and especially since the advent of social media, they've definitely implanted a "hive mind" in society and know how to manipulate it at will.

"We Were Warned About Computer Driven Self Fulfilling Prophesies"


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NOT a "blunder" but a lie-started, Orwellian-illegal War of Aggression (US/UK/NATO business as usual): https://carlbherman.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-one-article-you-need-to-prove.html

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Thanks for this...Great work!

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Carl, this is excellent. Do you have a PDF version available?

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No, but with a little work you can copy, paste, and create a PDF. You might like my usual historical overview to our news show; just start reading after Professor Fetzer's news summary: https://carlbherman.blogspot.com/2023/03/87-minute-video-need-to-know-news-lucid.html

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Thank you so much, Carl. What a treasure trove! ❤️

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“Nation Building” is code for Enormous Profit for the Military Industrial Complex. Just like “Climate Change” is code for transferring all wealth from the People to the Elites.

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Today is also the anniversary of the 1999 war crime of America/NATO bombing Yugoslavia.

The Bible calls America-Babylon "the hammer of the whole earth" for good reason.

Her end is not good:

How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations! (Jer 50:23)

Christians: BeSureYouAreSaved.com

Jesus said few were actually, in truth, born again. The time is later-than-late.

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I remember when Bush, Clinton, and McCain, maybe others, said to us, "thank god the war is in their back yards and not ours"... To applauding audiences. I wouldn't pray for that. Right on the heels of that, I was an early-days 911 truther, and in late 2004 they started saying that questioning the official story defiled the families of the victims and meant that we were terrorists. And I remember Dick Cheney hitting the podium with his fist saying, "We must have terror". Those were dark days indeed.

Moving on to today... Has the pandemic seemed pretty bad to you? It seems like the worst thing so far to me. They've got another one in the pipeline, and they're consolidating WHO control over govts on pandemics rights now. What I'm writing about right now is how so much of the whole modern system is broken, that I question investing in it. I mean the parties, the universities, the press, all govt agencies; no help there. They blacked out OWS (and others). The alt media is growing, and we're sharing a lot, but I think we can take it a step further, to the point of being organized among ourselves, and maybe accumulate what we invest in our organization, a bit more outside of the system, in our own NGO. Here's an intro: https://markgmeyers.substack.com/p/introduction-to-a-democratic-approach

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None of the dimwitted legacy media in Australia will admit they were wrong.

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NewThink™ by the NWO:

"All war is wrong therefore our wars are right!".

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

The Iraq War was orchestrated for Israel’s foreign policy objectives by PM Benjamin Netanyahu and mostly dual neo-con Israeli/American citizens-Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, late Foxnews contributer/cheerleader Charles Krauthammer, etc.

Pat Buchanan, who once referred to Washington D.C. as ‘Israeli Occupied territory’, wrote an article detailing who was behind the war back at the onset in March of 2003:


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I like the bit where all the sub-headings are self evident, trying to carry water for the one total bullshit sub-heading. 'The specter of Iraq has led the U.S. to dramatically change how it approaches global conflicts'. Oh yeah, we have dramatically changed alright. No more of that strong arm stuff for us.

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Prove me wrong: all but a handfull of our 'leaders' are tools and/or bought off mind controlled NWO clones. Its been the UN's goal to destroy the USA and the west, europe to bring it into NWO, its proved horribly costly but the shills are still in power bc we the epople cant see through any of the subterfuge.

Im a conspiracy factist , our leaders are all sold out, along with most corporations, media, hey the wortld! Bible tells me so and it is SO.

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A general strike may have altered the calculus on Iraq, but there was none.

Will the general strike in France end this war now?

I mean, all the US wars are connected to this one, so none moreso than former uKraine has merited a general strike if we want to remain living....

I don't think anyone in scAmerica can afford to miss a few days of work lest we end up in tents on wet cardboard

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