"Let's get together before we get much older," reference HERE. You guys. I thought we were shameless Who fans here.


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Great album, great tune, great artist(s), great memories. It wasn't Baba O'Riley, it was the Yeeeeeah on WGFA, our grad year '71 that launched a 2-car drag race, my late friend David and I, each driving a Motor City land yacht on a 45MPH road soaring all of 90 just before g-force braking into a 25MPH neighborhood. The cops heading the other direction couldn't turn around quick enough to find the two culprit drivers who each had pulled into unknown private driveways then ducked beneath the window glass of their sleds as the boys in blue went on a fruitless search further down the road. American Graffiti.

But in a different kind of way this tune rivals it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTXyXuqfBLA

And I'm posting it because it has a Swedish connection: https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Mah_Na_Mah_Na

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I Love The Who. And also the Kinks! Also, have you heard the Roger Daltrey album with Wilco Johnson (from Dr. Feelgood?) I think it came out in the last decade. You should give it a listen.

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David McGowan tackled the Jim Jones psyop years ago. I'm not sure it's also on the site that his daughter curated (Center for an Informed America). In any case, they managed to take out Leo Ryan, who was investigating. And the "massacre" seems to have not been by choice or command of JJ, as the CIA would have everyone believe.

References to it in a much larger psyops rabbit-hole are here: http://www.whale.to/b/henry.html

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Thank you for this.

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Oh wow thank you. Is there any psyops in the 1960s-1970s that Tavistock was not behind? Ugh.

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Probably not:).

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Talk about your dad during Saturday's Zoom call. Share anecdotes about how he would perceive today's crazy times. How did your father help shape your worldview? Your father's humor was top notch. Rush Limbaugh always said such nice things about your him.

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Regretfully, I do not Zoom. Also, I'm not a paid member. I like meet meetings, 1/1. I went from the West Coast USA to Vichy France for a meet/meet 2023 and in the past have attended over 10 of David Irvings meetings. It's the fine people you actually meet is what's important.

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great news!

Will you invite Lewis and Rafa in the zoom call? Maybe they're camera shy!

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totally. I'm thinking of putting them to work,

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—- “ WE WILL N O T ‘ GIVE-UP !!!!!’ “ … ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️







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How can WE Unite; and why do WE resist such?

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That would be good.

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I'm offering an iPAK webinar Monday evening on the science of aging. Register at https://https://ipak-edu.org/science-webinar/ . Or, if you're just interested in optimizing your chance for a longer life, try aging-advice.org.

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Josh I don't care about aging, I just like to quote my beloved Pete Townshend. :)

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I assume by your use of word beloved that you don’t know about his mass downloading of child rape material? He claimed he was helping the Police! This was a big story in the UK at the time as celebrity nonces tend to be, but look at his Wikipedia and it has been almost airbrushed from his bio. Now I know more about how Big Evil operates this makes perfect sense. It’s a big club and we aren’t in it….(thankfully)

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Deenzy, I guess you have yet to encounter a "big story in the UK" you have misgivings about? I assume by your comment YOU do not know that Scotland Yard seized 12 computers from Mr. Townshend and found nothing on them. Hence no trial. Hence nothing. I have a long email from him detailing this whole thing, as we were friends and in touch after an interview I did with him in 1993. He DID cross a line and used a credit card to, he said, look at an exploitation site for research purposes. Knowing him, I do, yes, believe that. He is deeply involved with battered women, and exploited children as causes, and he made a colossal mistake. Tommy is about incest. I did a long interview with him about it. He is traumatized but, I contend. not a pedophile. I don't expect you to either investigate, believe my words here, or keep an open mind. Where is ONE person claiming Mr. Townshend was in any way inappropriate, male, female, adult or child? Please don't dodge the question.

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Having re-read the official version of events I have to correct myself and say there is no evidence that he “mass downloaded” child rape content but using discernment & reading between the lines of the curated story there is no doubt in my mind that he is a wrongun. At that level of fame they all are

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I still like the music though especially Baba O’Reilly

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S I R E …!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOUR S P I R I T, •••••• “SOULMIND” ….!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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Here is what I have on Jim Jones and the Jonestown history: http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj32/08.html : Rev. Jim Jones, FBI + CIA agent

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj37/36.html : Jonestown - CIA Mind Control 1 of 2 & 2 of 2

http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj37/36a.html :Jonestown People's Temple were Murdered

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Both the People's Temple Agricultural Project (a.k.a. "Jonestown") and the Covid-19 lockdowns were both "Prisoner Dilemma Game" military ops by CIA/DOD.

Jim Jones had to have been in clandestine services/CIA. How else does a poor-as-a-churchmouse inner city preacher get the State Department clearances to obtain passports and enough money to pay for the costly transportation of 900 (or 500 depending on who's counting the bodies) very poor, inner city congregants from San Francisco onto a Union Carbide property in British Guyana?

To do so, Jim Jones would have had to obtain the approvals from (1) Guyana, (2) Union Carbide, (3) MI-6 British Intelligence, and (4) the U.S. Department of State. All of that is a major undertaking, and is NOT something a preacher of a poor, inner city congregation could have accomplished without outside financing and the hidden hand of CIA.

Like the smaller scale "Jonestown" operation, the Covid-19 operation/lockdowns was a MUCH LARGER scale Prisoner Dilemma Game in which we were all held prisoner in our homes in 2020, with the ineffective and deadly mRNA shots substituted for the Kool-Aid (actually Grape Flavor-Aid). The only escape from Covid "to return to normal," as the lying media drummed into the people's brains, was to take the unsafe and ineffective experimental mRNA shots. And so most did as they were told to do as they felt they didn't have much choice. And now many are sorry they injected the Cull-Aid into their bloodstream!!!!!!!!!

Just 10 days after the Nov. 18 massacre at Jonestown on November 27, 1978, the Moscone/Milk assassinations happened in San Francisco, with the "hidden hand" clearing the pathway for the rise of Diane Feinstein who, prior to the assassinations of Moscone/Milk, couldn't even win an election to become Mayor of San Francisco on her own! So, yes, it was a clean-up operation to kill Moscone and Milk as both had numerous political ties to Jim Jones.


There are no coincidences.

"The Black Hole of Guyana The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre" by John Judge (1985)


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Hey Celia!

Do you notice it's easier to be healthier, now that's you're in Spain than when you were in NYC?

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Actually, Ralph, my health crashed once I got here. It has taken me three months to stabilize. I didn't know if it was the heat, the altitude, some wifi thing, or what. I lost a lot of time. Jason Home's copper protocol is helping me greatly. AS DID the two repairmen who arrived 2 weeks ago to fix my air conditioner!

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Thanks, Celia!, I just ordered a couple of Jason Hommel's books. Sometimes air conditioning can be nice. I remember in the late 50's how thrilled I was when I first rode in a/c cars at a Oldsmobile dealership I volunteered at.

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Death and reincarnation...

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You're a fighter like I've never seen before. You go girl!

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