Maybe the Trump admin found the leverage stick they have been using on Lindsey? Maybe the Trump admin has found a lot of leverage sticks, if they weren't destroyed by the deep state in retreat? Why no real Epstein disclosure? Because in a land where leverage is king (money and threat of wet work is also forms of leverage, just as much as sticky work / blackmail), you don't give away your leverage stick by revealing it to everyone. You can bet too, all the data that Doge is vacuuming up is going into making the AI (Palantir / Grok) leverage stick one of the biggest in the world. The only question is who will ultimately control that stick.
You can bet Musk will have his finger on the pulse of it.
Yep. Miss Lindsay knew to scurry out of his hidey hole and declare his allegiance to Trump. Zelensky has to know his position is weakened now. Good. End this war and save lives.
Hahaha! You are so right! Good analogy. Something ..... 'Wormtongue'. He's such a slimey little opportunistic scumbag with no moral compass. I'd love to see the control file, cause you know he's got one!
Graham is the epitome of the disgusting flip-flopping money stuffing filthy maggot, garbage human being that inhabits the district of corruption. They have pictures of him doing things and he will always go in the direction that the political wind is blowing.
Yes, but "we" have those pictures now, and he is our "dirty snake" "disgusting flip-flopping money stuffing filthy maggot, garbage human being" "dirty rat bastard born out of satans backside."
I kind of see this that the leverage stick may have changed hands. And maybe why the Epstein docs are less than forthcoming, though I'm sure they have vacuumed a whole lot more into the Palantir / Grok AI then just the Epstein docs.
Yeah, that explains the limited hangout on the Epstein disclosure. They got these bastards by the balls, just like their previous masters. Now they're controlled by the new sheriff. Hopefully we will now see the octogenarians finally forced to retire. These evil bastards claw onto power with a death grip.
Yes, this was the first thing I noticed in the aftermath of the Zelensky/Trump dustup. IMO, Graham knows this is going to crash and burn and he sees an opportunity right now to switch horses. Zelensky gave him an "out" and he's taking it. I'm still not sure what game Graham is playing, whether this is simply for upcoming election survival for his 2026 race or whether there is something deeper and more sinister driving both his initial support for Zelensky and his about-face.
Didn't Lindsey Graham go to Ukraine with John McCain and Amy Klobushar telling the Ukrainian military to essentially bring it to the Russians and we will back you?
As pretty much anyone in the LGB community over the age of 40 (I'm 66) can tell you, Lindsey Graham is as blackmail-able as a human can be.
A homophobic gay man whose aides could - if they had backbones - tell stories about him for days.
All the while he enjoys his boys, while voting against anything LGB-related (not talking T here).
Decades of boot-licking to keep proof of 'indiscretions' hidden away.
Honestly, Lindsey is not so different from most of his congressional colleagues in that respect. Operating from fear of being exposed ... hardly ever voting for what their constituents desire.
You'd stand a better chance in a lights out room full of vipers than trusting Lindsey Graham. On Snake Island off the coast of Brazil the serpents have a photo of Lindsay on their walls.
Graham and his buddy McCain were meddling Ukraine before the 2014 coup and they were meeting with the Nazis there and promising all kinds of weapons once Obama was gone. Trump did send them javelins and other weapons that were used against the Russians in the Donbas. Trump says that the war wouldn’t have started if he had been president.
Bull. See above plus he never insisted that Zelensky uphold the Minsk agreements that Russia signed in good faith.
Though she's relatively a no-name in the scheme of it all, we can't forget the Democratic senator from Minnesota, Amy Klobuchar's involvement with those two PsOS during the O'bummer years over in Ukraine. Unlike McCain, who's dead, and l'il ol' lady Lyndsey Graham, who, like a suddenly terrified bawking hen is practically molting, pooping all over the place, while Klobuchar is out there still beating the drums of war for Zelensky.
What a 180-degree turn. If Lindsay Graham is ditching Zelenzky this is a sure sign that the current government in Ukraine is on its way out and a peace agreement - one way or another - will be on the horizon.
Lindsey Graham is the type locality for scum. actually even scum serves higher a purpose. LG is proof that elections are fake. Nobody could vote for this guy. I guess he figures 'fight to last Ukrainian,' was Z.
No, SC has a large veteran population, vets think throwing money at the Pentagon and being involved in conflicts are good policy. Lindsey doesn't do well here in the Upstate of SC but the midlands and costal areas, where the military bases are, he's pretty strong. Lindsey is proof that any idiot can spend other people's money. Hopefully he's overplayed his cards with Ukraine.
Lindsey always leans toward populism as his next election draws nigh. Hopefully a viable candidate will run against him in the primary, he can be defeated. The soon departing, very worthless SC Governor and equally worthless fellow Senator Tim Scott have already come out in strong support for Lindsey. He knows he might be in for a serious campaign battle. We sure hope so!
It makes sense that Lady Bug Graham would try to be getting out in front of this to save himself. Who knows what kinds of crimes he's been complicit in throughout this war.
Thanks for giving us Tucker's words...didn't know all that evil shit going down, which is likely common practice with so-called benevolent "aid" $, though I did know Zelensky was an arrogant asshole scumbag.
Maybe the Trump admin found the leverage stick they have been using on Lindsey? Maybe the Trump admin has found a lot of leverage sticks, if they weren't destroyed by the deep state in retreat? Why no real Epstein disclosure? Because in a land where leverage is king (money and threat of wet work is also forms of leverage, just as much as sticky work / blackmail), you don't give away your leverage stick by revealing it to everyone. You can bet too, all the data that Doge is vacuuming up is going into making the AI (Palantir / Grok) leverage stick one of the biggest in the world. The only question is who will ultimately control that stick.
You can bet Musk will have his finger on the pulse of it.
Yep. Miss Lindsay knew to scurry out of his hidey hole and declare his allegiance to Trump. Zelensky has to know his position is weakened now. Good. End this war and save lives.
He reminds me of the creepy SIDE KICK in Lord of the Rings demonically possessed king, or the HOBBIT sleazy side kick of the King.
No moral character and a BROKEN moral compass that will lie for personal gain.
You can NEVER TRUST a person like that.
Hahaha! You are so right! Good analogy. Something ..... 'Wormtongue'. He's such a slimey little opportunistic scumbag with no moral compass. I'd love to see the control file, cause you know he's got one!
Love it! Nothing fits Graham better than the analogy of Wormtongue
For sure - Epsteins “game” was NOT a new method.
Honey pots (esp w/illegal underages) has been useful for intelligence agencies and blackmail for a long time.
In the past they also targeted homosexuals who were easy to manipulate
Out of fear of being outed - but times have changed, so “children” are new the new lure. Disgusting.
He looked coked up to me.
He oozes a dose of Uriah Heep, not the band, too.
Do not get me wrong it is all "STAGED" with the ever-changing Trump !!!!!
How dare you speak truth to absurdity.
Because "paranoia" is a survival Skill !!!!
Ha, ha, so it is and made better still when accompanied by knowledge of history:
Graham is the epitome of the disgusting flip-flopping money stuffing filthy maggot, garbage human being that inhabits the district of corruption. They have pictures of him doing things and he will always go in the direction that the political wind is blowing.
And did I mention that he is a dirty rat bastard born out of satans backside?
Yes, but "we" have those pictures now, and he is our "dirty snake" "disgusting flip-flopping money stuffing filthy maggot, garbage human being" "dirty rat bastard born out of satans backside."
I kind of see this that the leverage stick may have changed hands. And maybe why the Epstein docs are less than forthcoming, though I'm sure they have vacuumed a whole lot more into the Palantir / Grok AI then just the Epstein docs.
Yeah, that explains the limited hangout on the Epstein disclosure. They got these bastards by the balls, just like their previous masters. Now they're controlled by the new sheriff. Hopefully we will now see the octogenarians finally forced to retire. These evil bastards claw onto power with a death grip.
Thanks. I never heard DC, district of corruption. Love a good laugh.
Or District of Criminals
That's a good one too. Thanks.
Yes, this was the first thing I noticed in the aftermath of the Zelensky/Trump dustup. IMO, Graham knows this is going to crash and burn and he sees an opportunity right now to switch horses. Zelensky gave him an "out" and he's taking it. I'm still not sure what game Graham is playing, whether this is simply for upcoming election survival for his 2026 race or whether there is something deeper and more sinister driving both his initial support for Zelensky and his about-face.
Yes. What's amazing is the number of people still supporting Z.
Yes, I saw somewhere a whole 4% of Ukrainians
Didn't Lindsey Graham go to Ukraine with John McCain and Amy Klobushar telling the Ukrainian military to essentially bring it to the Russians and we will back you?
Good question. I don’t remember, but could be.
Pure perfection, Celia: "LG: Human Weathervane"
As pretty much anyone in the LGB community over the age of 40 (I'm 66) can tell you, Lindsey Graham is as blackmail-able as a human can be.
A homophobic gay man whose aides could - if they had backbones - tell stories about him for days.
All the while he enjoys his boys, while voting against anything LGB-related (not talking T here).
Decades of boot-licking to keep proof of 'indiscretions' hidden away.
Honestly, Lindsey is not so different from most of his congressional colleagues in that respect. Operating from fear of being exposed ... hardly ever voting for what their constituents desire.
Term limits, FFS.
"...ya don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows..."
"...look out kid, they keep it all hid..."
"Oh get sick get well hang around an ink well ... "
You'd stand a better chance in a lights out room full of vipers than trusting Lindsey Graham. On Snake Island off the coast of Brazil the serpents have a photo of Lindsay on their walls.
Graham and his buddy McCain were meddling Ukraine before the 2014 coup and they were meeting with the Nazis there and promising all kinds of weapons once Obama was gone. Trump did send them javelins and other weapons that were used against the Russians in the Donbas. Trump says that the war wouldn’t have started if he had been president.
Bull. See above plus he never insisted that Zelensky uphold the Minsk agreements that Russia signed in good faith.
Trump owns the war just as much as Biden does.
I’ll give him kudos for trying to end it though.
Though she's relatively a no-name in the scheme of it all, we can't forget the Democratic senator from Minnesota, Amy Klobuchar's involvement with those two PsOS during the O'bummer years over in Ukraine. Unlike McCain, who's dead, and l'il ol' lady Lyndsey Graham, who, like a suddenly terrified bawking hen is practically molting, pooping all over the place, while Klobuchar is out there still beating the drums of war for Zelensky.
What a 180-degree turn. If Lindsay Graham is ditching Zelenzky this is a sure sign that the current government in Ukraine is on its way out and a peace agreement - one way or another - will be on the horizon.
WHY WHY WHY do the people of his state keep voting for this disgusting person?
Kissing bombs in Ukraine headed for Russia. Evil beyond measure.
WAR IS A RACKET and he’s deeply committed to keeping it going.
Wake up and get this demon out of your state people!
I can’t even listen to what he vomits out of his dark heart.
Lindsey Graham is the type locality for scum. actually even scum serves higher a purpose. LG is proof that elections are fake. Nobody could vote for this guy. I guess he figures 'fight to last Ukrainian,' was Z.
No, SC has a large veteran population, vets think throwing money at the Pentagon and being involved in conflicts are good policy. Lindsey doesn't do well here in the Upstate of SC but the midlands and costal areas, where the military bases are, he's pretty strong. Lindsey is proof that any idiot can spend other people's money. Hopefully he's overplayed his cards with Ukraine.
Celia, you’ve got to see this.
Too funny. (Wish it really was funny..)
I say we strip Lindsay Graham naked, put him out in the middle of a wheat field in Ukraine, and let him run for it, like John Colter.
I for one am elated if they help Hamas defend themselves against the Zionist pschycopaths.
Silver lining in every cloud:).
Lindsey always leans toward populism as his next election draws nigh. Hopefully a viable candidate will run against him in the primary, he can be defeated. The soon departing, very worthless SC Governor and equally worthless fellow Senator Tim Scott have already come out in strong support for Lindsey. He knows he might be in for a serious campaign battle. We sure hope so!
It makes sense that Lady Bug Graham would try to be getting out in front of this to save himself. Who knows what kinds of crimes he's been complicit in throughout this war.
Lindsay Graham, "mentioned only to be disparaged".
Thanks for giving us Tucker's words...didn't know all that evil shit going down, which is likely common practice with so-called benevolent "aid" $, though I did know Zelensky was an arrogant asshole scumbag.