So we're about to play (after all that's happened) another rousing game of let's do the same thing and it will turn out great this time, centuries of history notwithstanding.
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Yep .. I swore I would never vote Democrat again unless someone is clearly aware of vaccine risks. RFK, Jr will get my vote, and as much time as I can devote.
Same! Switched from Independent to Republican in 2016 because I could never see myself voting Democrat ever again. I was raised by a Boston, Irish Catholic, Kennedy Democrat - and my Mom - who had voted Democrat for most of her adult life, was, in the last 10 years of her life - forced to reckon with the fact that the Democratic party was no longer the party of Kennedy(s). Unlike me - she must have held out some hope because she never switched her party affliation from Independent to Republican and here we are - 16 years after her death and the daughter who learned so much about life from this amazing woman is pretty sure if she were here today - she'd be re-booting her old RFK pins (which I was blessed to have inherited) and whole heartedly cheering on Bobby Kennedy, Jr. This daughter will be doing so as well.
Yes, how can he see that the science is bought and paid for when it comes to the vaccines, but not when it comes to global warming (renamed "climate change" when the warming was no longer working out), especially now when it should be obvious to all that the global warming hoax is part of the Great Reset and is being used as justification for building a control grid over humanity and for genociding billions (you cannot sustain 8 billion people on windmills and solar panels).
And here Allison McDowell calls RFK Jr. out as controlled opposition for promoting the idea that the pandemic was "mismanaged" as opposed to a massive psychological warfare operation based on deliberate fraud and deception:
Environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lamented that there were no current laws on the books to punish global warming skeptics. . “I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under,” Kennedy told Climate Depot in a one-on-one interview during the People’s Climate March. The interiew was conducted for the upcoming documentary Climate Hustle.
Kennedy Jr. accused skeptical politicians of “selling out the public trust.” “Those guys are doing the Koch Brothers bidding and are against all the evidence of the rational mind, saying global warming does not exit. They are contemptible human beings. I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under.”...
Kennedy saved his most venomous comments for the Koch Brothers, accusing them of “treason” for “polluting our atmosphere.”
“I think it’s treason. Do I think the Koch Brothers are treasonous, yes I do,” Kennedy explained.
“They are enjoying making themselves billionaires by impoverishing the rest of us. Do I think they should be in jail, I think they should be enjoying three hots and a cot at the Hague with all the other war criminals,” Kennedy declared.
“Do I think the Koch brothers should be tried for reckless endangerment? Absolutely, that is a criminal offence and they ought to be serving time for it,” he added.
Kennedy previously called for jailing his political opponents. Kennedy Jr. lashed out at skeptics of 2007 declaring “This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors” In 2009, RFK, Jr. also called coal companies “criminal enterprises” and declared CEO’s ‘should be in jail… for all of eternity.”
Damn that is scary. I didn't realize he was THAT adamant about Climate Change. Just great....I guess he will be the one to usher us into climate change hell just like Trump ushered us into the toxic injections....
I ultimately do not believe that anyone as President can do anything about what's happening. The corruption is too entrenched. I paid very close attention to what happened during the Trump years and bottom line is that he was pretty much blocked by all sides. People often complain that "he didn't drain the swamp, he surrounded himself with the swamp," but they fail to realize that so many of the appointments he made had to get approved by the Senate, where Mitch McConnell was in charge. So Trump could have chosen Catherine Austin Fitts as his Secretary of Treasury, but then McConnell simply would have said "I can't get her approved, but here's a list of people I can get approved" (all swamp rats). Of course, Trump's ego would never let him admit this, but that's how it works,. Same for the nominations for the Supreme Court---Trump didn't chose them, someone gave him a list of "pre-approved" people.
I just don't believe there is anyway to stop anything at the Federal level--the elections are stolen and all of the key positions are controlled. I'm not a Trump groupie, but I think it's important to study what really happened, as a way of determining if we can ever take the govt. back and I just don't think so. To his credit, Trump did try to fight back on covid--he immediately called it out as a possible hoax (I think he said is this the Democrats next hoax?). And I think he pointed out something along the lines of "why are we getting so much hysteria from the media, we only have x number of deaths, which is far less than we have from the flu each year, and we never have this level of hysteria." But the media is simply too powerful and they set the narrative--they got the whole nation hopped up on fear, all the other politicians got in line with the narrative, so Trump was out there on his own and eventually caved. And I also think it's hard to fight back on a medical issue as a non-medical professional--so he had to defer to those around him Fauci and Birx who were part of the operation.
I truly believe our only hope is at the state and local level. And the other hope, which still would be a disaster, is an event like the Carrington Event of 1859 which blew out the power grid. We are apparently due for such an event, and though it would be catastrophic for humanity, it would put an end to their Great Reset digital slave grid.
No one is coming to save humanity. Too many people on the planet - or so say the powers that shouldn't be. Eugenics is what they prefer to practice. Also, they historically like experimenting on the masses, like during the last 3 years. Right now they have to push the save the environment, save the planet, climate change agenda. Look over the candidates for 2024. Anyone pushing 15 min cities, digital ids, CBDC, the trans agenda, climate change, and war, proxy or regime change, most likely is the one who will win in 2024. As Carlin said before he passed, "America is finished". I sure pray someone proves Carlin wrong!
Yes, I agree-nobody is coming to save us. And I personally think there's no hope of taking back the federal govt--the corruption is too entrenched and the federal govt has been captured (in 1913 by the banking cartel, and now even more so--see Mike Whitney's The Plan to Wreck America at The Pentagon is already working on a "zero trust" policy with regard to the internet, so by 2027 we will be required to have digital ID to access the internet. And apparently, there are already plans for smart cities in Dallas, Chattanooga, and Pittsburgh (I think Sage Hana had a post on this). So, I guess my point with all of this is that there is so much infiltration and subversion that these agenda items are moving forward, I guess by the permanent govt, and it doesn't seem like the "elected"/selected government can really do anything to stop any of this. All they seem to do is have hearings and write angry letters. The agenda continues to move forward.
I have more hope at the local and state level, but that really requires all of us to start working on informing them. I know that there are some states that are moving forward with trying to make gold/silver legal tender, which at least gives us another option for when they deliberately collapse the dollar.
Forgot to add, on the point of Trump being blocked on all sides, Paul Ryan and other members of his party decided not to run, so that in 2018 control of the House could go back to the Dems and they could move forward with impeachment. And his own party opened investigations into the Russia Hoax, which was cooked up by Hillary. We basically have a uniparty--they are a tag team that works together to protect and advance the elite agenda.
To his credit, Trump tried to have a more sane foreign policy, but with all of the pressure on him with the endless investigations, he eventually caved and his policy became more in line with the establishment. Mike Whitney does an excellent job in outlining out this happened:
I think the best RFK Jr. can do is to use his campaign as an opportunity to inform and educate the American people about the Great Reset, vaccine dangers, etc. in the same way that former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul used his campaigns for President to educate millions of us about the Federal Reserve.
Ronald Reagan changed right after he got shot... early into his presidency. I can imagine Skull & Bones class of 1948 G.H.W. Bush, who just happened to be V.P. at the time, sticking his finger into his bullet hole, as he is lying in his hospital bed, and whispering in his ear, "It's the economy stupid." "We have six ways from Sunday... "
But I still wonder if there is a way for us to break free by setting up parallel economies and working together, though we will need a medium of exchange and we will all need to start growing food. And by growing food, I mean that anyone with a yard should be planting fruit and nut trees and have huge garden---imagine how much food an entire neighborhood could generate if they worked together and did that.
thanks Sandra. That video of RFKjr at the gatewaypundit should shake people to their senses who support this democrat nutcase. Just because he is right about the vaccine, doesn't qualify him to be president. Any politician who speaks the way Kennedy did in that video disqualifies him in my mind to be president.
Yes, I found it quite shocking. Yet others seems to dismiss it as "well that was nine years ago." Sorry but someone who has such a tyrannical mindset and believes those who rightly disagree with him should be treated as war criminals, is nobody I want as President.
And yes, I completely agree with this: "Just because he is right about the vaccine, doesn't qualify him to be president," especially given his continued support of the global warming hoax, which is being used by the ruling elite psychopaths to set up a digital slavegrid over humanity.
BINGO - no one gets into that House of White unless they stamped and approved by the powers that shouldn't be who run the planet as their personal empire. As Carlin said "forget the politiicians. They're put there to give you the illusion you have a choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have OWNERS. They own YOU" - Carlin also said, it's a private club and you and I are not in the private club. What's the old saying, if voting really mattered, they wouldn't allow you to vote. Whoever wink wink "wins" in 2024 has an agenda to carry out. Climate change is the next big agenda to be pushed hard by whoever is the next Prez.
I’ve spent 40 years fighting to stop the oil and coal titans from contaminating our water, our air and our children with toxins, arsenic, benzene, PAHs, the mercury that has poisoned every freshwater fish in America — AND the carbon which now poses an existential threat to our planet.
I have litigated these issues for almost four decades. I know the science backward and forward. It is ironic to me that activists awake to Pharma’s corruption and greed still remain blind when it comes to Carbon’s. Predatory industries employ the same playbook. Pharma convinces the public that the autism epidemic is an illusion. Big Tobacco swears smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Monsanto convinces us that glyphosate is harmless. Similarly, Big Oil and King Coal go to great lengths to persuade us that carbon doesn’t heat the planet.
They all capture regulators, tame reporters and corrupt lawmakers to subvert democracy. They use the same phony tobacco scientists and mercenary biostitutes to gin up fraudulent studies that sow doubt and give political cover to their corrupt politicians.
In the 1970s, Exxon employed the world’s most brilliant carbon scientists to understand oil production. The company prided itself on knowing more about the fate of the carbon molecule than anyone on Earth. Internal documents show that those scientists warned Exxon that business as usual would melt the Poles, cause sea levels to rise and trigger cataclysmic climate change.
Rather than changing its business model, Exxon and its Carbon Cronies invested half a billion dollars in a four-decade campaign of lies and deception to gull the public. Their campaign was abetted by their deep-state allies, the intelligence apparatus, the military-industrial complex, and the MSM, which took cues from its oil and automobile advertisers. This cartel engineered a suicide pact for humanity and the planet. They are the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed.
Please try to escape the seduction of their lies and propaganda and help us fight these villains.
fwiw - He posted the above comment as a "moderator" twice over there.
And although I've heard that they censor comments over there at CHD on this very issue, these two were allowed to be posted:
VOICE OF REASON: "Net Zero Will Lead to the End of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist". The author notes that the emphasis on a false climate crisis is becoming a “tragedy for modern civilisation”, which depends on reliable, affordable and environmentally viable energy. “The windmills, solar panels and backup batteries have none of these qualities,” he states. This falsehood has been pushed by what has been termed a climate industrial complex, comprising some scientists, most media, industrialists and legislators. Furthermore, he continues, this grouping has “somehow” managed to convince many that CO2 in the atmosphere, a gas necessary for life on Earth, one which we exhale with every breath, is an environmental poison.
I am a retired chemist in my 70’s and have studied this anthropogenic global warming > global warming > (now) climate change and it is obviously an huge scam designed by the murderous scumbags that brought us the global lockstep covid hoax and the Warp Speed, died suddenly and unexpectedly, clot shots. The climate change hoax is the designated primary engine to depopulate the vast majority of the planet and leave the small percentage that remain in a state of neofeudalistic thralldom depicted in The Hunger Games. Of course the climate changes. The vast majority of geologists believe that much of Canada was under 2 km of ice 20,000 years ago. So who can dispute that the climate of our planet changes? Clever name change. The rest of it is total crap science along the lines of Neil Ferguson, the well paid whore of Bill Gates at the fittingly named Imperial College, with his lifetime of failed computer projections, topped off with his infamous computer modeling of the covid hoax. With your intellectual brilliance including litigating the details involving scientific research, it cannot but enter my head that you are a limited hangout despite all your good work.
Again, I don't understand how he can continue to promote this utter BS--he knows the science is bought and paid for when it comes to the vaccines, but then somehow things the science around "climate change" which clearly has BIG MONEY behind it, is somehow not bought and paid for?
Meanwhile, there are others who have intellectual integrity and are able to change their position on issues in light of new evidence. One such person is Mark Crispin Miller--he used to promote global warming/climate change, but no longer does and has in fact posted on the possibility of weather weapons being used to create some of the extreme weather events, like the suspicious fires in Paradise, CA.
I have friends who still cannot see that the carbon thing is a huge fraud.
They saw the temperature graphs before and after manipulation in the 90s and they still cling onto the co2 hypothesis because they're still not ready to see that even climate scientists are being fed corrupt data.
I think that RFK Jr will realize this at some point.
After all, he was pro vaccine until a friend of his got him to see the issue.
At least he is a real environmentalist who calls out pollution of all kinds, instead of dummies like Bernie who have a narrow focus on carbon as the "worst thing ever".
I hope so. Geoengineering and supply chain sabotage need to stop. East Palistine takes out farmland while fifth columnists destroy processors. Ditch the Fed and take on the ESG pushing globalists who are after our kids and genociding us. Wonder if he knows about DoD OTAs and graphene?
He does indeed. You can be 100% for a healthy environment without having any part in that whole scam. It's ultimately about control (over us) & money (taking ours), just like these things always are.
If humans suddenly did not exist anywhere on this planet, I guarantee you there would still be some rather drastic climate change coming up in the next few decades. Sol & the volcanoes will see to that without needing any help from humans, just like they do every so often. Does the 12,000 yr disaster cycle ring a bell for anyone :)
Yes, if you study the real climate history, you realize it has been changing constantly (the Sahara used to be wet--see Dr. Robert Schoch). And yes, people should do some research on the 12,000 year disaster cycle (Ben Davidson at suspicious observers)--he also goes over the real cause of climate on Earth. People supporting the global warming hoax seem to think Earth exists as an isolated entity, instead of being in a solar system with a powerful sun and an electric universe--there are forces outside of Earth that impact our weather.
Yes, I've been an 0bserver since the beginning. For folks who still really have absolutely no idea what's coming up in the next generation or so - here is an "intro" playlist to the 12,000 yr Disaster Cycle: There's much more of course, but unless you like jumping straight in to the deep end of the ocean (miles deep), best to start here and then expand to more voices too, such as Schock, Diehold Foundation, Thornhill, Perat and others.
Wow, you've been awake to this longer than I have. I got introduced to catastrophism many years ago from alt/independent radio. Looked into it on my own, blown away by Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision. Also listened to Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson with Joe Rogan. Then found my way to Robert Schochs book (his new edition he seems to embrace the solar induced dark age and micronovas), Doug Vogt/Diehold, and Ben at Suspicious Observers. It's amazing that they have kept all of this hidden from us (evil actually). And forgot about independent scientist James McCannney (he talked a lot about the work of Velikovsy and the flash frozen mammoths). The fact that all of this has been kept hidden, proves what a fraud modern science is. (though according to Ben, some on the inside, know he's right but will lose their careers if they go public).
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Am honoured as I follow your stack. Yes WHO shit is another facet of this farce. Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova are on it for me as well as James Rugovski
I'm a die hard conservative who LOVES Robert Kennedy Jr. and would love to see him be our president. I am researching all the history that led up to 1963 and have gained new respect for JFK and RFK. I was 10 years old when the assassinations began. Bobby is a man of integrity and poise.
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Thanks Celia. He is a an interesting Renaissance man.
I am re-reading "American Values," a book RFK Jr wrote in 2018 about his family and his upbringing. It is a fascinating slice of history. If we want to get the measure of this man and his roots, this is the book.
I suspect the last three years have mellowed and sharpened him in a unique way (as it has all of us), so I am looking forward to his stump speeches.
Bernie Sanders is not a socialist. A democratic socialist is not a socialist, anymore than everyone in Scandinavia is socialist. He does not have eight houses. The three "houses" he does have are 1. A low-class split level that has not been updated since the 80s 2. A tiny condo in Washington which he bought after 20+ years of going back and forth to Vermont on the train every weekend. He could afford that because of his book sales. 3. The summer "camp" with several log cabins that was bought with HIS WIFE'S MONEY after she inherited her parents' home when they died. She sold that and bought the "camp" for their whole extended family to use in Northern Vermont. The cabins are not at all luxurious. The whole property looks like a boy scout camp. Compare Bernie's net worth to other senators'. There are plenty of TRUTHFUL bad things to say about Bernie in the last five years without making shit up.
Bernie Sanders has never done anything in his life. He’s been on the government dole his entire life. In fact, I don’t think he’s ever introduced and passed a bill...ever. I could care less what his houses look like. He can hire an interior decorator with “government funds”...from throwing the election with Clinton.
He got so much stuff passed during one period that he had a major article written about him in MSM. The "government dole" comment is also false. He did not "throw the election with Clinton." The DNC did that, and it was all over the news. What he did was capitulate to the DNC. FFS--get your facts straight.
Huh? I do not support any MSM. I mentioned the article because it was something that was considered important EVEN by MSM. It is extremely rare that anything Sanders does is legitimized by MSM, because he was public enemy #1 for daring to run against Queen Hillary. However, this article was published long before that "dreadful" hubris on his part, thinking the DNC would allow the legitimate candidacy of someone who drew crowds in the tens of thousands, versus the sad ethics-free hag who could barely raise an audience of a few hundred. She's so pathetic she can't think of anything to do but blame fantasies in her head for her ignominious losses. First it was all Bernie's fault, then it was "the Russians." LOL. At any rate, Bernie turned out to have feet of clay when the DNC ax fell, and he had even more feet of clay when the Biden psy-op went down. Now he has become a sad caricature of himself, and is a total tool of the fascistic Biden regime. "Truth of the matter"--JFC.
Exactly. I'm all for fixing the economic system by getting rid of the ridiculousness of making money by merely owning stuff. Michael Hudson calls it Rentier capitalism.
But that doesn't stop me from wanting to own stuff while I'm in a system that rewards such behavior. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
If I didn't need to save to retire in this messed up system and/or help my family with their future, I'm sure a lot of us wouldn't be playing the game at all.
Bernie has a lot of things that he can be called out for, but this house thing is like calling a Christian that gets upset at things a hipocrite because they're supposed to turn the other cheek according to their religion. Of course, we know that's ridiculous to expect, but hey let's bash a guy on his economic idealism by calling out his hipocrisy?
Seems we haven't gotten past the "divisiveness using partisan politics" enemy strategy that so many in the "freedom movement" are fond of always bringing up. Connected to that is the perversion of language by many who are totally aware of it being done -- by others. Probably most here don't need reminders/examples of the "woke/progressive" mutilation of words. That's a given. Here's some other examples from the "other side": *"progressive" EQUALS "socialist" Bullshit. *"Progressive" EQUALS supporting and knee-jerk defending the Soviet Union. Bullshit (sorry, Joe McCarthy and all his living followers) *"America" EQUALS "freedom and democracy" Bullshit. The U.S. EQUALS "freedom and democracy." Bullshit. Personally, I don't wear logos or flags for anything.
As for "socialist" Bernie Sanders, I believe he called Hugo Chavez, and I might be paraphrasing, "just another Latin American dictator."
Wouldn't it be great if we had someone who was fearless and right 100% of the time? We don't and we never will so keeping expectations in check is appropriate. RFK Jr has evolved quite a bit over the last 5 years. He is righteously angry at the lost freedoms of this country. It's a good starting point.
What saddens me are those who otherwise agree on hisvvuews about the medical tyranny we experienced under Covid, but who refuse to consider him because of his concerns about climate change and purported pro choice views. I agree with Celia's comments on his character and considerable positive strengths; I fully support him. Divided we fall, and we CANNOT afford that, no not at this crucial time. We need open discussion and a full and continues debate. Please let us not fall into, with Kennedy, the cancellation we have experienced from thise who have only harmed us.
Some say that the Republic finished falling, after the JFK assassination. The first big attempt of the Crown to regain this territory came with the installation/takeover of the Central Bank in USA, a mere 14 years of the signing of the Deck. Every US President that they attempted to assassinate was grumbling against the Federal Reserve. Add in the other global leaders that resisted the World Bank IMF system. All invaded or killed.
Some Founding Fathers were strongly opposed to the formation of a national banking system; the fact that England tried to place the colonies under the monetary control of the Bank of England was seen by many as the "last straw" of oppression which led directly to the American Revolutionary War.
Others were strongly in favor of a national bank. Robert Morris, as Superintendent of Finance, helped to open the Bank of North America in 1782, and has been accordingly called by Thomas Goddard "the father of the system of credit and paper circulation in the United States". As ratification in early 1781 of the Articles of Confederation had extended to Congress the sovereign power to generate bills of credit, it passed later that year an ordinance to incorporate a privately subscribed national bank following in the footsteps of the Bank of England. However, it was thwarted in fulfilling its intended role as a nationwide national bank due to objections of "alarming foreign influence and fictitious credit", favoritism to foreigners and unfair policies against less corrupt state banks issuing their own notes, such that Pennsylvania's legislature repealed its charter to operate within the Commonwealth in 1785. Sound Familiar???
First Bank of the United States
In 1791, former Morris aide and chief advocate for Northern mercantile interests, Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, accepted a compromise with the Southern lawmakers to ensure the continuation of Morris's Bank project;
Hamilton was the Traitor!!!! 1791 was the end of the great experiment.....
JFK was killed because he wanted to keep us on the Silver Certificate Dollar.
Read it and weep. At least you know WHO the enemy is now?
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Yes, DeSantis is bought and paid for. The researchers over at American Intelligence Media reported that he was in a secret society at Yale (not Skull and Bones, but another one), which has since been erased from his record. And in case some don't know, these secret societies are basically where the banking cartel/ruling elite recruit their puppets (see Antony Suttons book "America's Secret Establishment" which is all about Skull and Bones, but also applies to some of the other secret societies are these elite universities). I think this is why when you look at DeSantis' record, it just looks a little too perfect and little too smooth, like his path has already been plotted out for him by powerful people.
Also, I remember when he first ran for FL Gov and he was on Laura Ingraham's show and she was very concerned about the polls (yes, I know they are fake) and she kept grilling him about his ground game. And he just seemed way too calm, way too confident and my immediate reaction, despite liking him and wanting him to win, was OMG, he's bought and paid for, in somebody's pocket and they already promised him it was in the bag.
And of course now that DeSantis has surrounded himself with the likes of Jeb Bush and Karl Rove, it's obvious that he's just another Bushie/GOP establishment puppet. Here are some links I've collected:
A Yale graduate and member of the school’s “St. Elmo Society” (the same secret society former George W. Bush attorney general and Patriot Act architect John Ashcroft is a part of), DeSantis served as an officer in the US Navy in the 2000s, working at the notorious Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, where the US has held and in many cases tortured terror suspects detained without trial.
Lawyers and rights groups calls for greater scrutiny of DeSantis’s Guantanamo record
Lawyers who represent detainees at Guantanamo said the allegations could do ‘incredible damage’ to the standing of the United States. Richard Hall reports
And in case some don't know, a Seton Hall Professor of Law looked into who was really being held in Guantanamo and it looks like most were just ordinary people who their neighbors reported as "terrorists" in order to collect money offered by the US govt (so IMO, this was more state craft to support their fake war on terror)
AIM is brilliant. Spot on about Pilgrims Society, Privy Council Bar Association etc. Thanks for the links all in one place! May have to steal and redistribute!
Yes, AIM is excellent--they do amazing research (apparently they have a huge team of "miners" who dig into the history too). I wish more followed their work--I think they are totally correct in pointing to the banking cartel in the City of London and beyond.
Also, yes, kind of blows me away that this is what life has come to for so many of us--info-warriors, collecting and dropping links as much as possible. And we are really short on time--they are moving forward with their agenda at an extremely quick pace.
I'm not the best at navigating their site--but there is a ton of important research there. They connect things to the City of London banking cartel and beyond (say this goes back to Babylon). Also they talk a lot about British/City of London banker control over America. Pilgrim Society, which is apparently about getting the Americans back under British control. I think I even saw a recent post of theirs where they are not sure we ever won the Revolutionary War (I've heard that elsewhere--the treaty at the end of the war was a little suspect). I don't listen to their religious videos, but the ones on the bankers are generally good. I think the guy in the cowboy hat (Mike McKibbon) is exceptionally bright--he apparently created social media technology that was stolen by the US govt. I always learn new info when I listen to them. McKibbon's background is in civil engineering, so he has some interesting insights that you don't find elsewhere.
The elections are rigged. The central bankers have owned America since 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act. 2016 our choice was supposed to be Jeb! or Hillary. Trump was not supposed to win (I think he only won the GOP nomination because conservatives hate the GOP who repeatedly stabs them in the back). And then Trump won against Hillary because she is so hated that all their stealing couldn't help.
PS: I always enjoy your submissions. I have yet to crack your new book, received on the first day it was available, but I soon will when things settle down.
This is it! 18-months of non-stop, hardcore rhetoric! We're ALL finding ourselves in THE ARENA, now, aren't we?! And, are you not entertained?!
Flashback: 1830s America: After completing his official mission for the King of France -- that of examining the prisons and the new-fangled penitentiaries in America, Alexis de Tocqueville set about traveling, exploring the 50-year old nation and its people. He was fascinated by the burgeoning middle class and how their inherent mannerisms and industriousness acted as a power check on "predatory elites". He also expressed his fascination on the spectacle of America's "peculiar" Great American Sport -- CAMPAIGN SEASON.
Hopefully he is “running” for the presidency only to expose the lethargic glassy eyed tv newsaholics to a new reality the presidency is not managed by a president and beware to anyone believing he is in charge
Forgive me, in advance of this un-adult comment. Oh, DO feel free to go savage on Bernie who (am knowingly repeating myself) during his college days, whilst renting from an elderly lady, ran his extension cord to her house and freely availed himself of her electricity. I don't believe Bernie has ever gotten his greedy claws dirty from one shovel of actual work to help others -- other than himself, of course. And now, a millionaire. Some communist. Apparently, some communists live on Animal Farm and though they do not proclaim it -- they blithely 'squidge' themselves into the category of 'some are more equal than others.'
I swore I would never vote Democrat or Republican again. However, RFK Jr. Will get my vote no matter what party he aligns himself with.
So we're about to play (after all that's happened) another rousing game of let's do the same thing and it will turn out great this time, centuries of history notwithstanding.
Extra credit question: who needs leaders?
Answer: followers, that's who.
I am wondering who is still walking one way down the grocery isles.
JFK2 is pro decarbonization and most probably pro-abortion. Abortion is a litmus test for morality...
Decarb is an essential part of the Digi-tatorship:
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Same here.
Yep .. I swore I would never vote Democrat again unless someone is clearly aware of vaccine risks. RFK, Jr will get my vote, and as much time as I can devote.
Same! Switched from Independent to Republican in 2016 because I could never see myself voting Democrat ever again. I was raised by a Boston, Irish Catholic, Kennedy Democrat - and my Mom - who had voted Democrat for most of her adult life, was, in the last 10 years of her life - forced to reckon with the fact that the Democratic party was no longer the party of Kennedy(s). Unlike me - she must have held out some hope because she never switched her party affliation from Independent to Republican and here we are - 16 years after her death and the daughter who learned so much about life from this amazing woman is pretty sure if she were here today - she'd be re-booting her old RFK pins (which I was blessed to have inherited) and whole heartedly cheering on Bobby Kennedy, Jr. This daughter will be doing so as well.
He needs to show discernment on the Net Zero climate scam
His support of the Climate Change scam confuses me also. He has to be smart enough to see that its a scam.
He fearlessly went all out on the toxic cov injections so I know he isn't afraid to speak his mind. I don't get it....
Yes, how can he see that the science is bought and paid for when it comes to the vaccines, but not when it comes to global warming (renamed "climate change" when the warming was no longer working out), especially now when it should be obvious to all that the global warming hoax is part of the Great Reset and is being used as justification for building a control grid over humanity and for genociding billions (you cannot sustain 8 billion people on windmills and solar panels).
And here Allison McDowell calls RFK Jr. out as controlled opposition for promoting the idea that the pandemic was "mismanaged" as opposed to a massive psychological warfare operation based on deliberate fraud and deception:
RFK Jr.'s "Mismanaging a Pandemic" Narrative: Testing, Early Treatment and Repurposed Drugs
Crackpot RFK Jr.: Jail Energy CEO’s in Hague For TREASON – Punish Climate Deniers (Video)
Environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lamented that there were no current laws on the books to punish global warming skeptics. . “I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under,” Kennedy told Climate Depot in a one-on-one interview during the People’s Climate March. The interiew was conducted for the upcoming documentary Climate Hustle.
Kennedy Jr. accused skeptical politicians of “selling out the public trust.” “Those guys are doing the Koch Brothers bidding and are against all the evidence of the rational mind, saying global warming does not exit. They are contemptible human beings. I wish there were a law you could punish them with. I don’t think there is a law that you can punish those politicians under.”...
Kennedy saved his most venomous comments for the Koch Brothers, accusing them of “treason” for “polluting our atmosphere.”
“I think it’s treason. Do I think the Koch Brothers are treasonous, yes I do,” Kennedy explained.
“They are enjoying making themselves billionaires by impoverishing the rest of us. Do I think they should be in jail, I think they should be enjoying three hots and a cot at the Hague with all the other war criminals,” Kennedy declared.
“Do I think the Koch brothers should be tried for reckless endangerment? Absolutely, that is a criminal offence and they ought to be serving time for it,” he added.
Kennedy previously called for jailing his political opponents. Kennedy Jr. lashed out at skeptics of 2007 declaring “This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors” In 2009, RFK, Jr. also called coal companies “criminal enterprises” and declared CEO’s ‘should be in jail… for all of eternity.”
RFK Jr. always cites the planning. Always. Event 201 and 60 similar CIA drills.
Damn that is scary. I didn't realize he was THAT adamant about Climate Change. Just great....I guess he will be the one to usher us into climate change hell just like Trump ushered us into the toxic injections....
I ultimately do not believe that anyone as President can do anything about what's happening. The corruption is too entrenched. I paid very close attention to what happened during the Trump years and bottom line is that he was pretty much blocked by all sides. People often complain that "he didn't drain the swamp, he surrounded himself with the swamp," but they fail to realize that so many of the appointments he made had to get approved by the Senate, where Mitch McConnell was in charge. So Trump could have chosen Catherine Austin Fitts as his Secretary of Treasury, but then McConnell simply would have said "I can't get her approved, but here's a list of people I can get approved" (all swamp rats). Of course, Trump's ego would never let him admit this, but that's how it works,. Same for the nominations for the Supreme Court---Trump didn't chose them, someone gave him a list of "pre-approved" people.
I just don't believe there is anyway to stop anything at the Federal level--the elections are stolen and all of the key positions are controlled. I'm not a Trump groupie, but I think it's important to study what really happened, as a way of determining if we can ever take the govt. back and I just don't think so. To his credit, Trump did try to fight back on covid--he immediately called it out as a possible hoax (I think he said is this the Democrats next hoax?). And I think he pointed out something along the lines of "why are we getting so much hysteria from the media, we only have x number of deaths, which is far less than we have from the flu each year, and we never have this level of hysteria." But the media is simply too powerful and they set the narrative--they got the whole nation hopped up on fear, all the other politicians got in line with the narrative, so Trump was out there on his own and eventually caved. And I also think it's hard to fight back on a medical issue as a non-medical professional--so he had to defer to those around him Fauci and Birx who were part of the operation.
I truly believe our only hope is at the state and local level. And the other hope, which still would be a disaster, is an event like the Carrington Event of 1859 which blew out the power grid. We are apparently due for such an event, and though it would be catastrophic for humanity, it would put an end to their Great Reset digital slave grid.
No one is coming to save humanity. Too many people on the planet - or so say the powers that shouldn't be. Eugenics is what they prefer to practice. Also, they historically like experimenting on the masses, like during the last 3 years. Right now they have to push the save the environment, save the planet, climate change agenda. Look over the candidates for 2024. Anyone pushing 15 min cities, digital ids, CBDC, the trans agenda, climate change, and war, proxy or regime change, most likely is the one who will win in 2024. As Carlin said before he passed, "America is finished". I sure pray someone proves Carlin wrong!
Yes, I agree-nobody is coming to save us. And I personally think there's no hope of taking back the federal govt--the corruption is too entrenched and the federal govt has been captured (in 1913 by the banking cartel, and now even more so--see Mike Whitney's The Plan to Wreck America at The Pentagon is already working on a "zero trust" policy with regard to the internet, so by 2027 we will be required to have digital ID to access the internet. And apparently, there are already plans for smart cities in Dallas, Chattanooga, and Pittsburgh (I think Sage Hana had a post on this). So, I guess my point with all of this is that there is so much infiltration and subversion that these agenda items are moving forward, I guess by the permanent govt, and it doesn't seem like the "elected"/selected government can really do anything to stop any of this. All they seem to do is have hearings and write angry letters. The agenda continues to move forward.
I have more hope at the local and state level, but that really requires all of us to start working on informing them. I know that there are some states that are moving forward with trying to make gold/silver legal tender, which at least gives us another option for when they deliberately collapse the dollar.
Forgot to add, on the point of Trump being blocked on all sides, Paul Ryan and other members of his party decided not to run, so that in 2018 control of the House could go back to the Dems and they could move forward with impeachment. And his own party opened investigations into the Russia Hoax, which was cooked up by Hillary. We basically have a uniparty--they are a tag team that works together to protect and advance the elite agenda.
To his credit, Trump tried to have a more sane foreign policy, but with all of the pressure on him with the endless investigations, he eventually caved and his policy became more in line with the establishment. Mike Whitney does an excellent job in outlining out this happened:
I think the best RFK Jr. can do is to use his campaign as an opportunity to inform and educate the American people about the Great Reset, vaccine dangers, etc. in the same way that former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul used his campaigns for President to educate millions of us about the Federal Reserve.
That makes sense.
Ronald Reagan changed right after he got shot... early into his presidency. I can imagine Skull & Bones class of 1948 G.H.W. Bush, who just happened to be V.P. at the time, sticking his finger into his bullet hole, as he is lying in his hospital bed, and whispering in his ear, "It's the economy stupid." "We have six ways from Sunday... "
The is back on. join us.
Send in the asteroid!!
Yeah, I think about that too....
But I still wonder if there is a way for us to break free by setting up parallel economies and working together, though we will need a medium of exchange and we will all need to start growing food. And by growing food, I mean that anyone with a yard should be planting fruit and nut trees and have huge garden---imagine how much food an entire neighborhood could generate if they worked together and did that.
thanks Sandra. That video of RFKjr at the gatewaypundit should shake people to their senses who support this democrat nutcase. Just because he is right about the vaccine, doesn't qualify him to be president. Any politician who speaks the way Kennedy did in that video disqualifies him in my mind to be president.
Yes, I found it quite shocking. Yet others seems to dismiss it as "well that was nine years ago." Sorry but someone who has such a tyrannical mindset and believes those who rightly disagree with him should be treated as war criminals, is nobody I want as President.
And yes, I completely agree with this: "Just because he is right about the vaccine, doesn't qualify him to be president," especially given his continued support of the global warming hoax, which is being used by the ruling elite psychopaths to set up a digital slavegrid over humanity.
BINGO - no one gets into that House of White unless they stamped and approved by the powers that shouldn't be who run the planet as their personal empire. As Carlin said "forget the politiicians. They're put there to give you the illusion you have a choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have OWNERS. They own YOU" - Carlin also said, it's a private club and you and I are not in the private club. What's the old saying, if voting really mattered, they wouldn't allow you to vote. Whoever wink wink "wins" in 2024 has an agenda to carry out. Climate change is the next big agenda to be pushed hard by whoever is the next Prez.
With you on the pandemic narrative/real virus or not critique. The climate change link is from 9 years ago. What has he said (if anything) since?
Still pushing the BS that carbon is an existential threat:
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Mod 3 months ago
I’ve spent 40 years fighting to stop the oil and coal titans from contaminating our water, our air and our children with toxins, arsenic, benzene, PAHs, the mercury that has poisoned every freshwater fish in America — AND the carbon which now poses an existential threat to our planet.
I have litigated these issues for almost four decades. I know the science backward and forward. It is ironic to me that activists awake to Pharma’s corruption and greed still remain blind when it comes to Carbon’s. Predatory industries employ the same playbook. Pharma convinces the public that the autism epidemic is an illusion. Big Tobacco swears smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Monsanto convinces us that glyphosate is harmless. Similarly, Big Oil and King Coal go to great lengths to persuade us that carbon doesn’t heat the planet.
They all capture regulators, tame reporters and corrupt lawmakers to subvert democracy. They use the same phony tobacco scientists and mercenary biostitutes to gin up fraudulent studies that sow doubt and give political cover to their corrupt politicians.
In the 1970s, Exxon employed the world’s most brilliant carbon scientists to understand oil production. The company prided itself on knowing more about the fate of the carbon molecule than anyone on Earth. Internal documents show that those scientists warned Exxon that business as usual would melt the Poles, cause sea levels to rise and trigger cataclysmic climate change.
Rather than changing its business model, Exxon and its Carbon Cronies invested half a billion dollars in a four-decade campaign of lies and deception to gull the public. Their campaign was abetted by their deep-state allies, the intelligence apparatus, the military-industrial complex, and the MSM, which took cues from its oil and automobile advertisers. This cartel engineered a suicide pact for humanity and the planet. They are the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed.
Please try to escape the seduction of their lies and propaganda and help us fight these villains.
fwiw - He posted the above comment as a "moderator" twice over there.
And although I've heard that they censor comments over there at CHD on this very issue, these two were allowed to be posted:
VOICE OF REASON: "Net Zero Will Lead to the End of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist". The author notes that the emphasis on a false climate crisis is becoming a “tragedy for modern civilisation”, which depends on reliable, affordable and environmentally viable energy. “The windmills, solar panels and backup batteries have none of these qualities,” he states. This falsehood has been pushed by what has been termed a climate industrial complex, comprising some scientists, most media, industrialists and legislators. Furthermore, he continues, this grouping has “somehow” managed to convince many that CO2 in the atmosphere, a gas necessary for life on Earth, one which we exhale with every breath, is an environmental poison.
I am a retired chemist in my 70’s and have studied this anthropogenic global warming > global warming > (now) climate change and it is obviously an huge scam designed by the murderous scumbags that brought us the global lockstep covid hoax and the Warp Speed, died suddenly and unexpectedly, clot shots. The climate change hoax is the designated primary engine to depopulate the vast majority of the planet and leave the small percentage that remain in a state of neofeudalistic thralldom depicted in The Hunger Games. Of course the climate changes. The vast majority of geologists believe that much of Canada was under 2 km of ice 20,000 years ago. So who can dispute that the climate of our planet changes? Clever name change. The rest of it is total crap science along the lines of Neil Ferguson, the well paid whore of Bill Gates at the fittingly named Imperial College, with his lifetime of failed computer projections, topped off with his infamous computer modeling of the covid hoax. With your intellectual brilliance including litigating the details involving scientific research, it cannot but enter my head that you are a limited hangout despite all your good work.
Again, I don't understand how he can continue to promote this utter BS--he knows the science is bought and paid for when it comes to the vaccines, but then somehow things the science around "climate change" which clearly has BIG MONEY behind it, is somehow not bought and paid for?
Meanwhile, there are others who have intellectual integrity and are able to change their position on issues in light of new evidence. One such person is Mark Crispin Miller--he used to promote global warming/climate change, but no longer does and has in fact posted on the possibility of weather weapons being used to create some of the extreme weather events, like the suspicious fires in Paradise, CA.
Thank you.
Yes, and I found an article about him being in support of AOC's Green New Genocide Deal.
I have friends who still cannot see that the carbon thing is a huge fraud.
They saw the temperature graphs before and after manipulation in the 90s and they still cling onto the co2 hypothesis because they're still not ready to see that even climate scientists are being fed corrupt data.
I think that RFK Jr will realize this at some point.
After all, he was pro vaccine until a friend of his got him to see the issue.
At least he is a real environmentalist who calls out pollution of all kinds, instead of dummies like Bernie who have a narrow focus on carbon as the "worst thing ever".
I hope so. Geoengineering and supply chain sabotage need to stop. East Palistine takes out farmland while fifth columnists destroy processors. Ditch the Fed and take on the ESG pushing globalists who are after our kids and genociding us. Wonder if he knows about DoD OTAs and graphene?
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
I have the same hopes, basically based on faith if nothing else. I just can't see him tied at the hip to the WEF, Gates, or AOC.
He does indeed. You can be 100% for a healthy environment without having any part in that whole scam. It's ultimately about control (over us) & money (taking ours), just like these things always are.
If humans suddenly did not exist anywhere on this planet, I guarantee you there would still be some rather drastic climate change coming up in the next few decades. Sol & the volcanoes will see to that without needing any help from humans, just like they do every so often. Does the 12,000 yr disaster cycle ring a bell for anyone :)
Yes, if you study the real climate history, you realize it has been changing constantly (the Sahara used to be wet--see Dr. Robert Schoch). And yes, people should do some research on the 12,000 year disaster cycle (Ben Davidson at suspicious observers)--he also goes over the real cause of climate on Earth. People supporting the global warming hoax seem to think Earth exists as an isolated entity, instead of being in a solar system with a powerful sun and an electric universe--there are forces outside of Earth that impact our weather.
Yes, I've been an 0bserver since the beginning. For folks who still really have absolutely no idea what's coming up in the next generation or so - here is an "intro" playlist to the 12,000 yr Disaster Cycle: There's much more of course, but unless you like jumping straight in to the deep end of the ocean (miles deep), best to start here and then expand to more voices too, such as Schock, Diehold Foundation, Thornhill, Perat and others.
Wow, you've been awake to this longer than I have. I got introduced to catastrophism many years ago from alt/independent radio. Looked into it on my own, blown away by Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision. Also listened to Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson with Joe Rogan. Then found my way to Robert Schochs book (his new edition he seems to embrace the solar induced dark age and micronovas), Doug Vogt/Diehold, and Ben at Suspicious Observers. It's amazing that they have kept all of this hidden from us (evil actually). And forgot about independent scientist James McCannney (he talked a lot about the work of Velikovsy and the flash frozen mammoths). The fact that all of this has been kept hidden, proves what a fraud modern science is. (though according to Ben, some on the inside, know he's right but will lose their careers if they go public).
JFK2 is pro decarbonization and most probably pro-abortion. Abortion is a litmus test for morality...
Decarb is an essential part of the Digi-tatorship:
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Am honoured as I follow your stack. Yes WHO shit is another facet of this farce. Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova are on it for me as well as James Rugovski
I'm a die hard conservative who LOVES Robert Kennedy Jr. and would love to see him be our president. I am researching all the history that led up to 1963 and have gained new respect for JFK and RFK. I was 10 years old when the assassinations began. Bobby is a man of integrity and poise.
Yes! Open mind, critical thinker and without a narcissism!
I cannot support him because of his climate change position but I absolutely respect him for his vaccine 💉 journey
Well he's pro-environment. When have you last checked his stance on net carbon?
JFK2 is pro decarbonization and most probably pro-abortion. Abortion is a litmus test for morality...
Decarb is an essential part of the Digi-tatorship:
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Thanks Celia. He is a an interesting Renaissance man.
I am re-reading "American Values," a book RFK Jr wrote in 2018 about his family and his upbringing. It is a fascinating slice of history. If we want to get the measure of this man and his roots, this is the book.
I suspect the last three years have mellowed and sharpened him in a unique way (as it has all of us), so I am looking forward to his stump speeches.
Bernie Sanders is not a socialist. A democratic socialist is not a socialist, anymore than everyone in Scandinavia is socialist. He does not have eight houses. The three "houses" he does have are 1. A low-class split level that has not been updated since the 80s 2. A tiny condo in Washington which he bought after 20+ years of going back and forth to Vermont on the train every weekend. He could afford that because of his book sales. 3. The summer "camp" with several log cabins that was bought with HIS WIFE'S MONEY after she inherited her parents' home when they died. She sold that and bought the "camp" for their whole extended family to use in Northern Vermont. The cabins are not at all luxurious. The whole property looks like a boy scout camp. Compare Bernie's net worth to other senators'. There are plenty of TRUTHFUL bad things to say about Bernie in the last five years without making shit up.
Bernie Sanders has never done anything in his life. He’s been on the government dole his entire life. In fact, I don’t think he’s ever introduced and passed a bill...ever. I could care less what his houses look like. He can hire an interior decorator with “government funds”...from throwing the election with Clinton.
He got so much stuff passed during one period that he had a major article written about him in MSM. The "government dole" comment is also false. He did not "throw the election with Clinton." The DNC did that, and it was all over the news. What he did was capitulate to the DNC. FFS--get your facts straight.
Your first sentence includes the “word” MSM. And that is why the truth of the matter is not apparent to you. Purely semantics…threw vs. capitulate…
BTW, you should look up the record of Hillary in the Senate. And most senators, actually.
Huh? I do not support any MSM. I mentioned the article because it was something that was considered important EVEN by MSM. It is extremely rare that anything Sanders does is legitimized by MSM, because he was public enemy #1 for daring to run against Queen Hillary. However, this article was published long before that "dreadful" hubris on his part, thinking the DNC would allow the legitimate candidacy of someone who drew crowds in the tens of thousands, versus the sad ethics-free hag who could barely raise an audience of a few hundred. She's so pathetic she can't think of anything to do but blame fantasies in her head for her ignominious losses. First it was all Bernie's fault, then it was "the Russians." LOL. At any rate, Bernie turned out to have feet of clay when the DNC ax fell, and he had even more feet of clay when the Biden psy-op went down. Now he has become a sad caricature of himself, and is a total tool of the fascistic Biden regime. "Truth of the matter"--JFC.
Exactly. I'm all for fixing the economic system by getting rid of the ridiculousness of making money by merely owning stuff. Michael Hudson calls it Rentier capitalism.
But that doesn't stop me from wanting to own stuff while I'm in a system that rewards such behavior. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
If I didn't need to save to retire in this messed up system and/or help my family with their future, I'm sure a lot of us wouldn't be playing the game at all.
Bernie has a lot of things that he can be called out for, but this house thing is like calling a Christian that gets upset at things a hipocrite because they're supposed to turn the other cheek according to their religion. Of course, we know that's ridiculous to expect, but hey let's bash a guy on his economic idealism by calling out his hipocrisy?
Seems we haven't gotten past the "divisiveness using partisan politics" enemy strategy that so many in the "freedom movement" are fond of always bringing up. Connected to that is the perversion of language by many who are totally aware of it being done -- by others. Probably most here don't need reminders/examples of the "woke/progressive" mutilation of words. That's a given. Here's some other examples from the "other side": *"progressive" EQUALS "socialist" Bullshit. *"Progressive" EQUALS supporting and knee-jerk defending the Soviet Union. Bullshit (sorry, Joe McCarthy and all his living followers) *"America" EQUALS "freedom and democracy" Bullshit. The U.S. EQUALS "freedom and democracy." Bullshit. Personally, I don't wear logos or flags for anything.
As for "socialist" Bernie Sanders, I believe he called Hugo Chavez, and I might be paraphrasing, "just another Latin American dictator."
Exactly, and never said a word about the Guaido nonsense.
Wouldn't it be great if we had someone who was fearless and right 100% of the time? We don't and we never will so keeping expectations in check is appropriate. RFK Jr has evolved quite a bit over the last 5 years. He is righteously angry at the lost freedoms of this country. It's a good starting point.
What saddens me are those who otherwise agree on hisvvuews about the medical tyranny we experienced under Covid, but who refuse to consider him because of his concerns about climate change and purported pro choice views. I agree with Celia's comments on his character and considerable positive strengths; I fully support him. Divided we fall, and we CANNOT afford that, no not at this crucial time. We need open discussion and a full and continues debate. Please let us not fall into, with Kennedy, the cancellation we have experienced from thise who have only harmed us.
Some say that the Republic finished falling, after the JFK assassination. The first big attempt of the Crown to regain this territory came with the installation/takeover of the Central Bank in USA, a mere 14 years of the signing of the Deck. Every US President that they attempted to assassinate was grumbling against the Federal Reserve. Add in the other global leaders that resisted the World Bank IMF system. All invaded or killed.
Some Founding Fathers were strongly opposed to the formation of a national banking system; the fact that England tried to place the colonies under the monetary control of the Bank of England was seen by many as the "last straw" of oppression which led directly to the American Revolutionary War.
Others were strongly in favor of a national bank. Robert Morris, as Superintendent of Finance, helped to open the Bank of North America in 1782, and has been accordingly called by Thomas Goddard "the father of the system of credit and paper circulation in the United States". As ratification in early 1781 of the Articles of Confederation had extended to Congress the sovereign power to generate bills of credit, it passed later that year an ordinance to incorporate a privately subscribed national bank following in the footsteps of the Bank of England. However, it was thwarted in fulfilling its intended role as a nationwide national bank due to objections of "alarming foreign influence and fictitious credit", favoritism to foreigners and unfair policies against less corrupt state banks issuing their own notes, such that Pennsylvania's legislature repealed its charter to operate within the Commonwealth in 1785. Sound Familiar???
First Bank of the United States
In 1791, former Morris aide and chief advocate for Northern mercantile interests, Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, accepted a compromise with the Southern lawmakers to ensure the continuation of Morris's Bank project;
Hamilton was the Traitor!!!! 1791 was the end of the great experiment.....
JFK was killed because he wanted to keep us on the Silver Certificate Dollar.
Read it and weep. At least you know WHO the enemy is now?
JFK2 is pro decarbonization and most probably pro-abortion. Abortion is a litmus test for morality...
Decarb is an essential part of the Digi-tatorship:
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
While I have an immense amount of respect for RFK - we’re all kidding ourselves if we think he’ll out primary Trump or Desantis.
I have respect for all 3 men.
The significant separating factor in the upcoming election is the level of pissed off that the average American is at their government.
Trump and Desantis are willing to go out publicly and BRAWL with the evil of the world - and constantly call out corruption, illegality, and lying.
Will RFK does this - sure he will - just not as boisterously - and that’s why he’ll never make it past the primary.
Golden Ticket for election is Trump/ Desantis (yes, I know the obvious problems standing in the way currently between the two)
Silver Ticket for election is Trump (or Desantis) with RFK as VP.
GRANTED, general election talk is pointless if everyone reading this doesn’t start knocking on doors - after primary.
We’re at a tipping point and the available avenues to correct our country away from Socialism/Communism are getting fewer by day.
Sorry do not trust De Santis. Smells like a WEF plant. Nikki Halley and Vivek too.
Yes, DeSantis is bought and paid for. The researchers over at American Intelligence Media reported that he was in a secret society at Yale (not Skull and Bones, but another one), which has since been erased from his record. And in case some don't know, these secret societies are basically where the banking cartel/ruling elite recruit their puppets (see Antony Suttons book "America's Secret Establishment" which is all about Skull and Bones, but also applies to some of the other secret societies are these elite universities). I think this is why when you look at DeSantis' record, it just looks a little too perfect and little too smooth, like his path has already been plotted out for him by powerful people.
Also, I remember when he first ran for FL Gov and he was on Laura Ingraham's show and she was very concerned about the polls (yes, I know they are fake) and she kept grilling him about his ground game. And he just seemed way too calm, way too confident and my immediate reaction, despite liking him and wanting him to win, was OMG, he's bought and paid for, in somebody's pocket and they already promised him it was in the bag.
And of course now that DeSantis has surrounded himself with the likes of Jeb Bush and Karl Rove, it's obvious that he's just another Bushie/GOP establishment puppet. Here are some links I've collected:
Robert Barnes on DeSantis' background
A Yale graduate and member of the school’s “St. Elmo Society” (the same secret society former George W. Bush attorney general and Patriot Act architect John Ashcroft is a part of), DeSantis served as an officer in the US Navy in the 2000s, working at the notorious Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, where the US has held and in many cases tortured terror suspects detained without trial.
Lawyers and rights groups calls for greater scrutiny of DeSantis’s Guantanamo record
Lawyers who represent detainees at Guantanamo said the allegations could do ‘incredible damage’ to the standing of the United States. Richard Hall reports
A second ex-Guantanamo detainee says Ron DeSantis attended brutal forced feedings
For Ron DeSantis, freedom means not having to discuss Guantanamo in new book
And in case some don't know, a Seton Hall Professor of Law looked into who was really being held in Guantanamo and it looks like most were just ordinary people who their neighbors reported as "terrorists" in order to collect money offered by the US govt (so IMO, this was more state craft to support their fake war on terror)
AIM is brilliant. Spot on about Pilgrims Society, Privy Council Bar Association etc. Thanks for the links all in one place! May have to steal and redistribute!
Yes, AIM is excellent--they do amazing research (apparently they have a huge team of "miners" who dig into the history too). I wish more followed their work--I think they are totally correct in pointing to the banking cartel in the City of London and beyond.
Also, yes, kind of blows me away that this is what life has come to for so many of us--info-warriors, collecting and dropping links as much as possible. And we are really short on time--they are moving forward with their agenda at an extremely quick pace.
Who is AIM?
American Intelligence Media
I'm not the best at navigating their site--but there is a ton of important research there. They connect things to the City of London banking cartel and beyond (say this goes back to Babylon). Also they talk a lot about British/City of London banker control over America. Pilgrim Society, which is apparently about getting the Americans back under British control. I think I even saw a recent post of theirs where they are not sure we ever won the Revolutionary War (I've heard that elsewhere--the treaty at the end of the war was a little suspect). I don't listen to their religious videos, but the ones on the bankers are generally good. I think the guy in the cowboy hat (Mike McKibbon) is exceptionally bright--he apparently created social media technology that was stolen by the US govt. I always learn new info when I listen to them. McKibbon's background is in civil engineering, so he has some interesting insights that you don't find elsewhere.
Thanks for these. It's upsetting, but will check them out. I had heard of Guantanamo, but not all this other stuff too. Jeez.
I’m open to this argument - but let’s not kid ourselves that RFK is ever gonna front run this next election.
And RFK has the problem of the DNC rigging the primaries:
DNC Lawyers Argue Primary Rigging Is Protected by the First Amendment
The elections are rigged. The central bankers have owned America since 1913 and the Federal Reserve Act. 2016 our choice was supposed to be Jeb! or Hillary. Trump was not supposed to win (I think he only won the GOP nomination because conservatives hate the GOP who repeatedly stabs them in the back). And then Trump won against Hillary because she is so hated that all their stealing couldn't help.
Totally agree about Haley being WEF plant. Vivek appears to be a grifter.
Dearest Celia, do go savage on Bernie. Then, combined with David Knight, I can enjoy it in stereo. 😄
PS: I always enjoy your submissions. I have yet to crack your new book, received on the first day it was available, but I soon will when things settle down.
Just finished it. I think it's masterful, in the Gary Webb "Dark Alliance" sphere.
Excellent, then I will enjoy it. It's a shame (an understatement) what they did to brave and talented Gary Webb.
Boom, baby! This CAMPAIGN SEASON's gonna be lit!
This is it! 18-months of non-stop, hardcore rhetoric! We're ALL finding ourselves in THE ARENA, now, aren't we?! And, are you not entertained?!
Flashback: 1830s America: After completing his official mission for the King of France -- that of examining the prisons and the new-fangled penitentiaries in America, Alexis de Tocqueville set about traveling, exploring the 50-year old nation and its people. He was fascinated by the burgeoning middle class and how their inherent mannerisms and industriousness acted as a power check on "predatory elites". He also expressed his fascination on the spectacle of America's "peculiar" Great American Sport -- CAMPAIGN SEASON.
Hopefully he is “running” for the presidency only to expose the lethargic glassy eyed tv newsaholics to a new reality the presidency is not managed by a president and beware to anyone believing he is in charge
I'm Canadian. I would vote for him if I could !
We certainly don't have anyone here anywhere close to RFK
Forgive me, in advance of this un-adult comment. Oh, DO feel free to go savage on Bernie who (am knowingly repeating myself) during his college days, whilst renting from an elderly lady, ran his extension cord to her house and freely availed himself of her electricity. I don't believe Bernie has ever gotten his greedy claws dirty from one shovel of actual work to help others -- other than himself, of course. And now, a millionaire. Some communist. Apparently, some communists live on Animal Farm and though they do not proclaim it -- they blithely 'squidge' themselves into the category of 'some are more equal than others.'