I watched this last night and it's incredibly well put together. My issue I guess (not that I could do better) is that it is 95% be afraid, we are losers being unvaccinated and should be shunned and about 2% we were wrong and they just honestly brush it off. It's not like they are looking over their shoulders with an angry mob running after them. Fauci, Walensky, the MSM, Gates and so so many more - why are we so complacent. If anything happens to my grandson from upcoming vax bullshit, I may end up in jail.
There are many of us who feel this way. I am proposing that the first step -- whenever, wherever a person stands up against the narrative and is 'escorted' to the door -- that EVERYone go directly to the doors to PREVENT the exclusion/the arrest of that voice. #wemuststandup #donotcomply
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
I did too, but then I had a cavity, and another tooth root issue. The fluoride touting dentist of mine gave me two shots. Who made the dentist shot? What did I really get? Since my dentist loves fluoride, I think I can say he either doesn't have a clue what is going on or has a clue and is making money off it and keeping HIS mouth shut. Either way it isn't like I can ask him.
You got to understand this isn't over. Don't get me started on the blood supply etc... There are so many ways to poison us.
Swedish dentists ruined my life at age 11. I am just now coming out of all that mercury. I despise mercury and can not BELIEVE they use it in teeth and inject it into babies. It must be the devil himself.
Hi Celia. Have a look into the 'DAN' (Defeat Autism Now) chelation programme as formulated by Dr. Andy Cutler. It's one thing to have the amalgam removed from your mouth, but it wom't do anything to shift the decades-long absorption in the brain and other organs. The DAN programme ususally centers arounf alpha lipoic acid, which is the safest, and probably the most effective, chelation agent for Hg. You take it every 3 hours (amount determined by bodyweight) around the clock for three days. Start each morning with activated charcoal in order to prevent reabsorption in the gut. It almsot invariably take more than one chelation round to get it all out, but once you can take high levels of ALA without any apparent reaction, you're probably in the clear.
I just heard Sasha Latypova on Dr. Jane Ruby on Brighteon say (paraphrasing) "ask for the 'original' anesthesia/novocain and NOT the 'slow-release' anesthesia'" -- which she believes DOES contain hydrogel and/or graphene oxide. And, I get you -- my dentist office is still wearing masks. Protesting the entire 3+ years, I did make a point, a year ago, of printing out the titles of videos with a short explanation and length of time to watch 3 different doctors/caregivers/OSHA workers speak of the deleterious effects and non-efficacy of wearing masks. The office no longer requires their clients to wear masks. And, I piped up all along. And, I'm sure they can't stand me.. ;-(. For me, this all started with Vietnam and Kent State. All of it senseless and deeper than I could have imagined at the time. Marjorie Wildcraft(?) drinks horsetail tea to strengthen teeth/bone and even she admits to having to see the dentist. Be informed. Sit tall. ;-) Ask questions. Do the best you can.
I guess I probably did get the freaken hydrogel, graphene oxide, MRNA crap then. He gave me the shot and came back in a few minutes to work on me. It wasn't instant.
My dentist gave his patients a list of questions when the shots were released asking if we got the shot. He got back a full page list of things to do that the doctors from Ron Johnson panel talked about. I'm sure he is loving me too as he tries to give my adult children "EXTRA" fluoride toothpaste to help with their sensitive teeth.
I imagine the Borg sat around the table deciding how many propaganda groups should be allotted. Then the propaganda groups sat around trying to come up with some catchy slogan to tell our capture media to say.
I keep saying how amazed I was years ago when they got women to walk around in protest with pink pussie hats. Made me ashamed to be a woman.
Sorry, but I could not listen to/watch this propaganda then, and I tried, but cannot partake of it now, either....I will not comply with the institutions' sick illusions, to quote the song--not now, not ever. Who can who has any brain cells left?
I watched it in astonishment because I saw NONE of it as it happened, since all MSM has been banned in my house since long before covid and I deleted farcebook in January 2020.
I started a song in my mind just now after posting this comment. Goes to the tune of Carly Simon's Anticipation: Indoctrination, indoctrina-a-tion, is making me sick, making me want to puke my guts out. Sorry, after seeing your comment, I just had to reply....
“…the one thing historically people need to realize is that even if there is some asymptomatic transmission, in all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, ‘asymptomatic transmission’ has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person. Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers.” – Dr. Anthony Fauci, January 28, 2020
I don't know when it was written, but at least thirty or so years ago I read something like this: "The next time they come for you it won't be soldiers with guns and tanks, it'll be people in white lab coats." I wish I could remember who said that so I could find it and quote it verbatim.
I once did some real, in-depth "investigative journalism" about a new school system in my town that I thought was pushing radical, woke and dangerous "education reforms." I also learned that the new superintendent pushing this program was a bully and ran-off those who threatened her program (one of those people was my wife, a school teacher in that school system!). I quickly came to view all the supporters of this program as cult-like. Investigating this school system and its leaders was like investigating ... I don't know - Covid myths. Very few people were willing to share what they knew and the people who were hood-winked into buying into this snake oil didn't want to admit they had been fooled.
I now see that experience as a microcosm for the whole world.
You have fear of going against the charismatic cult "leader" and then you have fear of the followers admitting that they might have been wrong. The third fear is ... fear of being exposed for who you really are and what you made possible. The fourth disconcerting fear is that no well-known news organizations in the local "watchdog" press wanted to expose what was happening either. Many people also came to fear me, the guy who was trying to expose all of this. My take-away is that many people fear the truth being exposed. They can't handle it.
And when you live in a world where that's the truth, the future is probably pretty bleak.
It is hard not to agree with your view. People tend to find it incredulous that such an operation is taking place. I would add that they will not accept the possibility of a massive conspiracy because they simply don't want to have to DO anything about it.
"The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realisation of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent" J. Edgar Hoover ~The Elks Magazine, August 1956.
I'll never vote for Biden again. As I was watching this video, I realized that I don't listen to anyone who was speaking in it anymore. There were some people who I respected, but that respect is gone.
What "crazy" are you referring to? Besides the crazy way the MSM constantly trashed him...or his stupid tweets. I personally never liked Trump, especially from that stupid TV show he had. I never looked at him as someone I would invite to dinner, call my "friend" or want to hang out with, that's for sure. But that's not really what one should desire in a president, IMHO. I don't think many can deny under his administration, we paid less taxes; groceries, fuel, utilies and housing were affordable; 401Ks did fantastic; our country and military were respected on the world stage, we were energy independent, there were no new wars and the federal govt was being downsized. Millions of illegal immigrants, drug/sex/human trafficking cartels and terrorists were not flowing into our country from over 160 countries, unabated. They certainly were not being recruited, paid and transported with free housing, food and medical care, into our country as they have been with Biden's help since Jan 2021, at the US taxpayer's expense, ie, you and I ARE paying for this invasion! (Biden has actually set up recruiting centers worldwide, collecting mainly young, single, military age men, thousands from China (unjabbed of course) to help invade our country. There's a huge operation running out of Panama, right now.) I'm no Trump fan now, but that's mainly due to his inability to denounce his "beautiful" killer jabs. So, I'm really trying to understand, what "crazy" was happening that needed to end?
Lots of what you mention had nothing to do with Trump. He was just blessed by being in the right place at the right time. As for your criticism of Biden, I would add much more. Finally, I have two words for you: Paul Manafort. How did the Kremlin's man in Ukraine end up being Trump's campaign manager? A guy with direct connections to Putin's inner circle?
So, you can't name what "crazy" that needed to stop. Got it. If you can't credit him with anything good that happened during his term, you can hardly blame him for anything bad either, then. If Trump was "just blessed to be in the right place", how come our country immediately started going downhill when Biden reversed all of Trump's policies and reversed his EOs. Sounds like you fell for the manufactured MSM hatred and would've vote for a peanut butter sandwich rather than "OrangeMan Bad". 👍
A couple things come to mind. What did the cult of the vax do when Biden, and Fauci decided they were going to start saying they got covid? How did they react? I didn't get to see their reaction as I was already distant from the vaxed around me.
Another thing do they still have the cult mentality as now there are seven, yep SEVEN, shots to take for covid if they want to get it? Are they all still getting SEVEN shots for covid? After all they were a human pin cushion for the first several doses of it, and got covid, did they finally figure it out? Did they say they now had natural immunity and had a couple of shots and now are safe, and don't number 5, 6, or 7?
I would love to hear some interviews from the human pin cushions who took at least five of these things. What are they thinking now? Why won't they get all seven shots?
A lot of people I am aquainted with who got ill after 2 or 3 said similar things like "thank goodness I was jabbed because I was quite ill and without jabs I may have been hospitalised and died." I know of one after lung clot, illnesss then heart issue requiring pacemaker, gladly get bivalent and flu last autumn. Spring boosters on offer for vunerable in UK too.
The CDC has changed all that and have pulled the original vaxes from market. Now, there's only one shot, the bivalent, (the one that was tested on 8 mice) to be up-to-date. I wonder how those that took many doses to be up-to-date feel about that?.
fantastic video, will share this! Sold out souls shilling for the man. But out of all of them, for some reason, Leana Wen was the most irritating for me.
Thanks for this compilation, Celia. I am so glad I never listened to these talking heads, but my husband’s family sure did. I’ll send the video to them!!! They just love the jabs and made sure they got every single one offered, including the flu, shingles, and pneumonia! They ignored God’s immunity since they all had covid, but it didn’t matter. None of them every really got very sick either.
The creator of this video choosing to include a snippet of Keith Olbermann live-streaming to his phone from the balcony of his Upper West Side penthouse apartment on Central Park's west-side gold coast [Central Park West [Avenue]], is the cherry on the top
Boy did they pull out all the stops to r WHAT?? Love that even with all of this they got and keep getting the middle finger from me! I will always do my own research, and the absolute last person I will ever get my medical advice from is the person who won’t shut up about how overpopulated our planet is (Bill Gates). The fact people don’t see it that way is fascinating to me because they aren’t even shy about wanting a dead!
7) "Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response. Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation. This will require developing the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information. "
For some reason, Trump is excluded from the video.
I think it would have been cool if he set the entire video off with Pompeo's announcement that we're in a "live exercise."
Brilliant suggestion to set the stage for the greatest show/play(for pay) on earth.
Biggest reality show, too!
THAT is interesting, Celia.
Video goes black upon opening your stack post... Smhhhh.
I got it and watched it for the second time.
Correct, he was tricked by his advisors, he was duped. Dr. Paul Alexander explained it. https://palexander.substack.com/p/trump-was-misled-massively-by-fauci? He is a real estate mogul not a scientist. Unfortunately, he should have stopped it when he became aware of that.
Question is when did he become aware he was tricked? Nobody can tell you when he became aware. Hindsight is wonderful science.
I watched this last night and it's incredibly well put together. My issue I guess (not that I could do better) is that it is 95% be afraid, we are losers being unvaccinated and should be shunned and about 2% we were wrong and they just honestly brush it off. It's not like they are looking over their shoulders with an angry mob running after them. Fauci, Walensky, the MSM, Gates and so so many more - why are we so complacent. If anything happens to my grandson from upcoming vax bullshit, I may end up in jail.
There are many of us who feel this way. I am proposing that the first step -- whenever, wherever a person stands up against the narrative and is 'escorted' to the door -- that EVERYone go directly to the doors to PREVENT the exclusion/the arrest of that voice. #wemuststandup #donotcomply
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
It would be interesting to find out how much these ass kissers got paid for lying people into a toxic and lethal experiment.
Some are stupid, some have inner authoritarians just waiting to get out, some are paid $$$, some are coerced or blackmailed. That's my guess.
I read that Amazon is secretly removing the novel 1984 from people's Kindles.
This makes me proud to be a factory-original, aka, unvaccinated. I followed my gut instinct and resisted pressure from family and friends.
I did too, but then I had a cavity, and another tooth root issue. The fluoride touting dentist of mine gave me two shots. Who made the dentist shot? What did I really get? Since my dentist loves fluoride, I think I can say he either doesn't have a clue what is going on or has a clue and is making money off it and keeping HIS mouth shut. Either way it isn't like I can ask him.
You got to understand this isn't over. Don't get me started on the blood supply etc... There are so many ways to poison us.
Have you read Dr David Nixon's Substack re graphene oxide/hydrogen in dental anesthetics? I'm terrified to go to the dentist.
Swedish dentists ruined my life at age 11. I am just now coming out of all that mercury. I despise mercury and can not BELIEVE they use it in teeth and inject it into babies. It must be the devil himself.
Hi Celia. Have a look into the 'DAN' (Defeat Autism Now) chelation programme as formulated by Dr. Andy Cutler. It's one thing to have the amalgam removed from your mouth, but it wom't do anything to shift the decades-long absorption in the brain and other organs. The DAN programme ususally centers arounf alpha lipoic acid, which is the safest, and probably the most effective, chelation agent for Hg. You take it every 3 hours (amount determined by bodyweight) around the clock for three days. Start each morning with activated charcoal in order to prevent reabsorption in the gut. It almsot invariably take more than one chelation round to get it all out, but once you can take high levels of ALA without any apparent reaction, you're probably in the clear.
I just heard Sasha Latypova on Dr. Jane Ruby on Brighteon say (paraphrasing) "ask for the 'original' anesthesia/novocain and NOT the 'slow-release' anesthesia'" -- which she believes DOES contain hydrogel and/or graphene oxide. And, I get you -- my dentist office is still wearing masks. Protesting the entire 3+ years, I did make a point, a year ago, of printing out the titles of videos with a short explanation and length of time to watch 3 different doctors/caregivers/OSHA workers speak of the deleterious effects and non-efficacy of wearing masks. The office no longer requires their clients to wear masks. And, I piped up all along. And, I'm sure they can't stand me.. ;-(. For me, this all started with Vietnam and Kent State. All of it senseless and deeper than I could have imagined at the time. Marjorie Wildcraft(?) drinks horsetail tea to strengthen teeth/bone and even she admits to having to see the dentist. Be informed. Sit tall. ;-) Ask questions. Do the best you can.
I guess I probably did get the freaken hydrogel, graphene oxide, MRNA crap then. He gave me the shot and came back in a few minutes to work on me. It wasn't instant.
My dentist gave his patients a list of questions when the shots were released asking if we got the shot. He got back a full page list of things to do that the doctors from Ron Johnson panel talked about. I'm sure he is loving me too as he tries to give my adult children "EXTRA" fluoride toothpaste to help with their sensitive teeth.
The mantra "no one is safe - until we are all safe" translates essentially as - "No one is STUPID - until we're ALL STUPID."
'No one is safe until big pharma's safe is full.'
When that happens, the hits shit the fan.....or something like that!
I imagine the Borg sat around the table deciding how many propaganda groups should be allotted. Then the propaganda groups sat around trying to come up with some catchy slogan to tell our capture media to say.
I keep saying how amazed I was years ago when they got women to walk around in protest with pink pussie hats. Made me ashamed to be a woman.
Sorry, but I could not listen to/watch this propaganda then, and I tried, but cannot partake of it now, either....I will not comply with the institutions' sick illusions, to quote the song--not now, not ever. Who can who has any brain cells left?
I watched it in astonishment because I saw NONE of it as it happened, since all MSM has been banned in my house since long before covid and I deleted farcebook in January 2020.
It made me then and now want to puke 🤮
I started a song in my mind just now after posting this comment. Goes to the tune of Carly Simon's Anticipation: Indoctrination, indoctrina-a-tion, is making me sick, making me want to puke my guts out. Sorry, after seeing your comment, I just had to reply....
“…the one thing historically people need to realize is that even if there is some asymptomatic transmission, in all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, ‘asymptomatic transmission’ has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person. Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers.” – Dr. Anthony Fauci, January 28, 2020
The Mendacious Midget™ ‘splains this starting at the 44-minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6koHkBCoNQ
I don't know when it was written, but at least thirty or so years ago I read something like this: "The next time they come for you it won't be soldiers with guns and tanks, it'll be people in white lab coats." I wish I could remember who said that so I could find it and quote it verbatim.
Thank you CELIA!
I once did some real, in-depth "investigative journalism" about a new school system in my town that I thought was pushing radical, woke and dangerous "education reforms." I also learned that the new superintendent pushing this program was a bully and ran-off those who threatened her program (one of those people was my wife, a school teacher in that school system!). I quickly came to view all the supporters of this program as cult-like. Investigating this school system and its leaders was like investigating ... I don't know - Covid myths. Very few people were willing to share what they knew and the people who were hood-winked into buying into this snake oil didn't want to admit they had been fooled.
I now see that experience as a microcosm for the whole world.
You have fear of going against the charismatic cult "leader" and then you have fear of the followers admitting that they might have been wrong. The third fear is ... fear of being exposed for who you really are and what you made possible. The fourth disconcerting fear is that no well-known news organizations in the local "watchdog" press wanted to expose what was happening either. Many people also came to fear me, the guy who was trying to expose all of this. My take-away is that many people fear the truth being exposed. They can't handle it.
And when you live in a world where that's the truth, the future is probably pretty bleak.
It is hard not to agree with your view. People tend to find it incredulous that such an operation is taking place. I would add that they will not accept the possibility of a massive conspiracy because they simply don't want to have to DO anything about it.
"The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realisation of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent" J. Edgar Hoover ~The Elks Magazine, August 1956.
Great point.
I'll never vote for Biden again. As I was watching this video, I realized that I don't listen to anyone who was speaking in it anymore. There were some people who I respected, but that respect is gone.
What made you vote for Biden the first time?
I wanted to end the crazy. Trump disgusts me. He's a joke, but now a very bad joke. The question is who is worse?
Biden, without a doubt.
What "crazy" are you referring to? Besides the crazy way the MSM constantly trashed him...or his stupid tweets. I personally never liked Trump, especially from that stupid TV show he had. I never looked at him as someone I would invite to dinner, call my "friend" or want to hang out with, that's for sure. But that's not really what one should desire in a president, IMHO. I don't think many can deny under his administration, we paid less taxes; groceries, fuel, utilies and housing were affordable; 401Ks did fantastic; our country and military were respected on the world stage, we were energy independent, there were no new wars and the federal govt was being downsized. Millions of illegal immigrants, drug/sex/human trafficking cartels and terrorists were not flowing into our country from over 160 countries, unabated. They certainly were not being recruited, paid and transported with free housing, food and medical care, into our country as they have been with Biden's help since Jan 2021, at the US taxpayer's expense, ie, you and I ARE paying for this invasion! (Biden has actually set up recruiting centers worldwide, collecting mainly young, single, military age men, thousands from China (unjabbed of course) to help invade our country. There's a huge operation running out of Panama, right now.) I'm no Trump fan now, but that's mainly due to his inability to denounce his "beautiful" killer jabs. So, I'm really trying to understand, what "crazy" was happening that needed to end?
Lots of what you mention had nothing to do with Trump. He was just blessed by being in the right place at the right time. As for your criticism of Biden, I would add much more. Finally, I have two words for you: Paul Manafort. How did the Kremlin's man in Ukraine end up being Trump's campaign manager? A guy with direct connections to Putin's inner circle?
So, you can't name what "crazy" that needed to stop. Got it. If you can't credit him with anything good that happened during his term, you can hardly blame him for anything bad either, then. If Trump was "just blessed to be in the right place", how come our country immediately started going downhill when Biden reversed all of Trump's policies and reversed his EOs. Sounds like you fell for the manufactured MSM hatred and would've vote for a peanut butter sandwich rather than "OrangeMan Bad". 👍
I'm never going to vote again full stop!! I've quit playing their games!!
Thank you very much for that video. I think we might say 'Nobody is sane until everybody is sane'.
However, should the insane care to die off quickly this will speed matters up no end.
This includes the WEF etc.
"Schwaby is a loony, Schwaby is a loony!"
A couple things come to mind. What did the cult of the vax do when Biden, and Fauci decided they were going to start saying they got covid? How did they react? I didn't get to see their reaction as I was already distant from the vaxed around me.
Another thing do they still have the cult mentality as now there are seven, yep SEVEN, shots to take for covid if they want to get it? Are they all still getting SEVEN shots for covid? After all they were a human pin cushion for the first several doses of it, and got covid, did they finally figure it out? Did they say they now had natural immunity and had a couple of shots and now are safe, and don't number 5, 6, or 7?
I would love to hear some interviews from the human pin cushions who took at least five of these things. What are they thinking now? Why won't they get all seven shots?
at this point it's not a vax program of shots but an IQ test
To be fair it always was, it was just that some of us realised it was a test early on.
To pass the test is simple; don't get tested (or have a vax etc).
A lot of people I am aquainted with who got ill after 2 or 3 said similar things like "thank goodness I was jabbed because I was quite ill and without jabs I may have been hospitalised and died." I know of one after lung clot, illnesss then heart issue requiring pacemaker, gladly get bivalent and flu last autumn. Spring boosters on offer for vunerable in UK too.
The CDC has changed all that and have pulled the original vaxes from market. Now, there's only one shot, the bivalent, (the one that was tested on 8 mice) to be up-to-date. I wonder how those that took many doses to be up-to-date feel about that?.
fantastic video, will share this! Sold out souls shilling for the man. But out of all of them, for some reason, Leana Wen was the most irritating for me.
You know, and I'm sure she does not, that a "wen" is an old medieval word for an oozing cyst.
Thanks for this compilation, Celia. I am so glad I never listened to these talking heads, but my husband’s family sure did. I’ll send the video to them!!! They just love the jabs and made sure they got every single one offered, including the flu, shingles, and pneumonia! They ignored God’s immunity since they all had covid, but it didn’t matter. None of them every really got very sick either.
Some have got very sick though. Others didn't though.
They died instead. Silly Billies.
The creator of this video choosing to include a snippet of Keith Olbermann live-streaming to his phone from the balcony of his Upper West Side penthouse apartment on Central Park's west-side gold coast [Central Park West [Avenue]], is the cherry on the top
The sight of him gives me hives. 🤬
Boy did they pull out all the stops to r WHAT?? Love that even with all of this they got and keep getting the middle finger from me! I will always do my own research, and the absolute last person I will ever get my medical advice from is the person who won’t shut up about how overpopulated our planet is (Bill Gates). The fact people don’t see it that way is fascinating to me because they aren’t even shy about wanting a dead!
Right from Event 201:
7) "Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response. Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation. This will require developing the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information. "