Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

There never was “not” a case for condemning Israel as this was a inside job from the start.

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Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

Wholeheartedly concur with you, Celia. This is NOT “self-defense.” This is cold, calculated, psychopathic murdering of innocent adults and children. I have lost every bit of any respect at all for this apartheid state. The world should respond to stop them and put all their mentally ill leaders in jail for life for these crimes against humanity. “This is war” doesn’t cut it either, people.

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I'm not going to mince my words. Anyone who commits or supports these acts does not have any right to call themselves part of humanity. Psychopaths, every last one of them. Nothing justifies this.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

The Zionist State of Israel is what it is…a Zionist State not an Israeli State…Americans (especially Evangelical Christian Americans) and the US Congress/Government have been ‘duped’ by the Zionist State of Israel since it’s founding and used to do it’s bidding…who do you think was behind 9/11? If they could ‘do’ an event like that, what’s a few hundred people dead here and there in Gaza…doesn’t matter how they ‘murder’ them….its the ‘elimination’ that’s the key.

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Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

Condemnation of Israel is not enough. What Israel does is made possible by the American Jewish community and the lobbyists that operate for them through AIPAC and ADL.

Biden doesn't need to call Netanyahu; he needs to call in the US military to shut down the IDF and the settlers. He doesn't because off the lobby. That lobby has to be shut down; the dual loyalty class in the administration and congress need to be shut down.

Imagine the USAF imposing a no-fly zone over Gaza and the West Bank; the US holds the keys to ending the carnage across the Middle East. The only people can make that possible are the Jewish Americans.

I won't be holding my breath.

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must watch. The cabal is doing this intentionally. They own the entire game.

Oct 7 was an inside job video


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I read the other day that the IDF, guided mindlessly by Lavender AI, took down 4 buildings full of human beings because they suspected one Hamas militant had gone into one of them. This is all normalized now, the constant violation of human rights conventions, and there's nothing anyone can do about it but speak out, one voice at a time. Around the world.

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Ugh they're using AI as the excuse and pushing that out so they can pretend that it wasn't their fault.

Once again, would you keep following a GPS that says go straight when there's a wall coming up in front of you?

They're blaming the GPS for the accidents.

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Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

My God, what on earth has gone wrong in the minds of Israelis? We know they want Palestinians gone, that they want the seaside resort land and the lucrative gas and oil off shore, but to resort to abject slaughter, in the 21st century, after all of the violence we've seen around the world (and should have ended by now), what makes these people so depraved as to do this to anyone?

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Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

The Pandora’s box has been opened and nothing good will emerge from it I’m afraid.

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Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

AI is truly evil. Not because it’s AI (that is simply pattern recognition), but because lazy governments would rather use it to “bomb now” and “ask forgiveness” later. It’s not wrong to say that it’s all about the Benjamins (thanks Ilhan for ruining that one)…because it is. Human lives have been monetized.

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Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

"If this does not strike people as worthy of strong condemnation, we have to assume nothing would."

I've been assuming this ever since killing fetuses somehow morphed into "reproductive healthcare".

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Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

I don't believe the world is Godforsaken. There are more of us than them. Maybe we could get together as a group and meditate for peace in this region and the world. See The Power of Eight.

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Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

I’ve avoided taking a position on this issue because I cannot get a grip on it. Every supposed fact produced by someone is contradicted by another supposed fact pointed out by someone else. All of them seem legitimate. Having read so much, I could make a good argument for both sides, but I remain unable to choose one. It seems as though there’s plenty of blame to go around but, even so, I have a cultural connection to Israel whereas the Islamic culture is one that I find utterly alien and deeply disturbing. I admit that I don’t want to see it thrive and continue to be exported. There’s no question that Muslims have created chaos and violence in countries that have welcomed them. It’s notable that countries near Gaza, to which they might be expected to flee, don’t want them. There’s a reason for that.

I do notice a rather naive, unrealistic, and astonished outrage at civilian deaths among people I know. Civilians have always suffered most in any war. They should never be specifically targeted and that should be condemned, but the scenes of civilians weeping over dead babies are scenes that have taken place in every war ever conducted; they’re nothing new or especially notable except when deliberately targeted. People in the comfortable West don’t know what war is really like. Every war is like this, a horrible and sickening culling of the innocent and helpless. If we understood that, perhaps we’d be less keen to start them. The goal of a war is, after all, not to spare civilians but to WIN. That’s the reality, and the reason we should do everything possible not to start these conflicts. Once started though, reasonable and sane people can take issue with the actions or methods of either side without being a traitor to "their" side. The Palestinians should release the hostages, and the Israelis should cease using AI since it's clearly out of control. I firmly believe the Palestinian release of the hostages should come first. Love of one's country and people doesn't mean we think they're perfect.

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Apr 4Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks for reporting, always from the heart. This whole situation is so heartbreaking... I try not to get as many news. I have a feeling that this time the Israeli government is not going to get away with international pity and support.

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War is hell. Did Hamas and those Gazans who now vote 90% that Hamas was right to attack civilians on Oct 7th,,,think that Israel would not attack and defend itself. Celia, why aren't you demanding the full release of ALL innocent hostages back to Israel? Why aren't you demanding Hamas stop stealing the aid and lying to the Gazans, who say they would vote back in the Hamas if there was another election (since they have had only one in what 50 years?) Why aren't you demanding for the past 20 years that Hamas and Hezbollah stop shooting hundreds of missiles into civilian cities and homes every day? No, for all these years there has been silence from the world and probably you. Hamas needs to be wiped out..The American gov't is so corrupt, as they took Falujah in 2 weeks and killed 100,000 civilians! American gov't has killed civilians in Iraq, in Syria, in Libya, in Lebanon---for its evil aims, iincluding destroying ISIS and other "terrorists" but Israel doesn't have a right to protect itself from people who SWEAR and civilian bombers who swear to kill ALL JEWS TO THE DEATH, DRIVING THEM TO THE SEA. When you demand they repent and put down their arms, and swear that Israel has the RIGHT TO EXISTENCE,,,then you can take this arbitrary high road against Israel.

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