OK, try again. Mark unlocked the post.

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I see it as deleted as well. 10:43 am Central Europe time Sunday Jul 17

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Looks like it's been deleted.

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Nazi germany is here again.

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Note from Celia: The VIDEO will be WATCHABLE soon, please check back later. Mark is changing the settings, but is not near computer now. Sorry! It’s now 12:07 pm EST.

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Without fake numbers, Covid doesn't exist. Just like HIV.

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Thank you Celia.

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Only paid subscribers can watch the video. ... Why limit who can view. This information needs to get to the masses -- paid subscriber or not. !!

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None of my content is "behind a paywall." If that message comes up, it must be on Mark's end. I am trying to amend the situation--as noted in the post and in comments section. I'll hopefully have it resolved soon. Again--none of my content is behind a paywall.

That's more of a male thing.

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Wow, I pretty much gave up commenting because whenever I tried, I was blocked because I was not a paying subscriber. I often have comments to your very interesting posts, but up to now, only one has gone through. I'm an old man on a fixed income, which seems to be shrinking, otherwise I would be a paying subscriber. Celia, I look forward to your very interesting posts. Thank you.

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Fellow Canadians, I just sent this letter to my local newspaper. I suggest you do something similar, either with regard to travel restrictions or the approval of toddler jabs. Take any of the ideas or wording here that you find useful:

July 15, 2022

Dear editor,

I hope that you will see fit to publish this letter in the Lethbridge Herald:

On July 14 Health Canada announced its approval of the Moderna Spikevax for children from the ages of 6 months to 5 years old. That evening, on the CBC’s “The World at Six”, in a segment starting at minute 8, a pediatrician, Dr. Daniel Flanders, says with regard to convincing vaccine hesitant parents, “When you weigh the risks and benefits of this vaccine it’s really not debatable.” Not debatable? Really?

In response to the Health Canada decision the Canadian Covid Care Alliance put up a couple of videos and a pdf on its website that walk you through the evidence. They conclude that kids do not need the shots, that they don’t work, and that they have NOT been proven safe. Perhaps they are wrong.

But why does the CBC never put anyone on who actually helps us all grapple with the evidence? All you ever hear is something like “After a thorough and independent scientific review of the evidence, the department has determined that the vaccine is safe and effective at preventing COVID-19 …” Okay, but then why not explain why the Canadian Covid Care Alliance is wrong?

Government funding for the CBC is well over a billion a year. Is that why they never present arguments that go against government policy? Preston Manning has called for a commission that is independent of government funding to assess the way that the government has managed the Covid crisis. You can find his proposal at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. You may not agree with anything else that Manning stands for, but I say let’s support him on this. What say you?


Andrew Blair

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It's unlocked, so everybody try again.

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Who would want to enter Canada though? 😀

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There are plenty of us here in Chinada who steadfastly oppose the tyrannical leadership we are currently enduring. It may not be a place you want to visit now, but will be again in the future, if we can remove this atrocious regime. Do not write us off yet....

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Just because the leader is corrupt does not indicate that Canada does not have very nice citizens and extremely interesting places to visit.

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I DO!!!

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I get the Freedom Travel Alliance emails. The cost of their flights are prohibitive IMO. They are basically chartering private planes for the flights. Air travel costs are higher than than ever…in CA and the Southwest alone, prices have gone up $100 or more on some destinations! From last year!

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Thank God for solutions-oriented people like Susan! I have watched her for years, finding loopholes around tyranny and seeking out the gifts in every individual so we can jigsaw a better future for our children.

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Hey, no one can ever claim government makes thing better.

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That is damn ridiculous!!! Turns my stomach.

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Do you see that idiot 'Public Health Officer' wearing the black face nappy constantly fiddling with those passports? No concern at all that they could be covered in 'the virus'. Who taught him basic hygiene? Give some people a little bit of power and - well he IS oxygen deficient (probably deficient with or without a mask).

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I remember this behaviour, and it wa expected, whern I hitch-hiked through certain African countries eons ago and more recently trying to enter some central Americal countries on a motorcycle trip 20 years ago - sure, some wanted a little present to smoth things, but I never paid a bribe and just sat under a tree and waited - after a few hours they'd always back down. But to see this in Canada is just disgusting. Mind you I know of 2 different people who had the AHS Nazis try to give them a hard time whern coming back into Alberta from Montana. How Canada has fallen and all down to one single gobshite, Emperor Blackface of Ottawa, who has single handedly managed to make even the border officials in the Democratic Replublic of Congo blush!! I never thought they could be surpassed, but good ol' Canada has managed that.... amazing!!!

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We have Emporeress Jacinda who has backed away over the last few months.

Today the editorial in the local paper is calling her a wimp and I guess getting ready to push the National Party (our Tories) forward to do the job 'properly'.

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Q: HOW does the imposition of fines stop transmission of disease? All they do is allow THE RICH to avoid being imposed upon.

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