Jun 18, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Ceilia, I'm nearly finished reading your excellent book, Serious Adverse Events, and I just found your awesome The Truth-Barrier. I am very impressed with your intelligence, courage, and writing!!! I'm hooked. Thank you!!!

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

“But in the catacombs, the dirty truth tunnels, smaller ants have carried their heavy twigs for so many years, in obscurity, which is the only place where this kind of work gets done properly. “

I know I have said this a time or two before, but I absolutely love your writing style!!

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Thanks so much for this post, Celia. Let's hope it helps.

Meanwhile: Aside from C.J. Hopkins, as Drats_or_Grats notes here, there's also Mickey Z, Del Bigtree. Meryl Nass, Jennifer Bilek, Janet Phelan, Sam Husseini—and, of course, RFK, Jr.; and there are surely others I'm forgetting at the moment. In short, the remnant of the non-Covidian left is considerably bigger than just Naomi Wolf and me. (Also, Matt Taibbi has now, finally, come around, conceding, in his recent interview with C.J., that he missed the boat on COVID.)

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

I think C.J. Hopkins is a standout from the American left that is missing. He does live in Germany now, but he deserves mention as he is "see"-ing, authentic, and courageous in one of the craziest, guilt-ridden, turned-left-crazed cultures around.

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Radical edit—hopefully fixed the problem now.

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Another lefty to mention is comedian Jimmy Dore whose realization came after he was vaccine injured and now refuses to shut up about the ignorance and injustice he witnesses from the jokesters and wokesters all around hime. And having followed him for some time. his dedication to the truth has paid off - His audience has increased from 200 thousand to well over a million since started ranting about Stupid 19.

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I look forward to the day when we recognise that the two wings propel one body. A day when we focus our attacks on the heart of the beast and not berate each other for getting diverted by clever politics, COINTELPRO or experimental drugs or alarming disinformation.

The entire human race is under a multi-front attack.

The adult thing to do is take down the infrastructure which delivers the murder weapons rather than whine about the psy-ops they employ in their advertising!

Yes, there has been a slew of propaganda, but it was hardly a masterpiece!

It was transparently globalist, manipulative and in-yer-face 24/7.

The purpose of it was to create shock and awe, fear and terror but that does not mean that the entire fiasco had no basis in reality.

Lurking underneath the veneer of words are the silenced voices of all those people who suffered hypoxia and the consequent breathing difficulties. Those people who died before the vaccines were rolled out. Their story seems to have been lost.

Look at the consistent chronological and geographical correlations between 5G initiation and C19 clusters. Observe the uncanny plethora of 5G towers, thrown up while we were all in lockdown.

So no. I don't think this recent episode was merely a propaganda masterpiece.

I think it was just the start of hell on earth for all of us, left, right and even unborn.

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“I hate to say I told you so but I was on record decades ago saying Noam Chomsky was a total phony”

I love that you told us so!

Unfortunately, I never heard about it. Can you please share where we can learn more?

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Give me a break

If Greenwald is the good news we're in more trouble than formerly imagined.

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A great, intelligent, passionately sincere piece, Celia. I always appreciate your nuances within your overriding themes and opinions. I admit I was unaware of you and your work before Psychosis 2020 hit, and I actually discovered you soon after March 2020 when I watched "House of Numbers" online (have since purchased DVD). That led to your Substack, prior work on AIDS, current writings and newly released book, etc. I'm guessing many -- but far from enough -- self-proclaimed "leftists," who were honestly unaware of the dark side of HIV that you, Jon Rappoport and several others so bravely exposed, have opened their eyes. But certainly a minority, to say the least. I also appreciate your distinctions between Taibbi and Greenwald. I always rated Greenwald higher for consistent quality. Plus Taibbi has a history of "hiply" denigrating the challenges to several giant mainstream narratives. Covid is the latest (with any "changes" coming belatedly and pretty meaninglessly). I won't forget his blatantly hostile attempts to denigrate David Ray Griffin six years AFTER Sept. 11, 2001.

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If they dismissed the libel case on grounds that it's just opinion... That can be used to dismiss cases when the predators try to take us to court for libel.

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Mark is a hero of mine as are you– Subscribed!

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So what can we individually do to help you?

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Words I learned today: sarabande; kafkaesque 🤓

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For me so many reasons, but like Celia, this re the "left": "This is precisely why, all these years, I have been careful to clarify I do not identify as a “lefty,” but also because I didn't want the stench of the bloodbath of all the various communist massacres near me..."

I mean, how does anyone align with anything that has any connection to this??? "Repudiated" or not...

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