So if we adapt it to 2023 King joe is fresh out of an IVY league with a woke world view and need an idea to keep the Cash flowing. . . Oh Trangenderism will do just fine !
That also is not suppose to solve "your happiness" deficit but it keep the money going !
Over heard on an international flight from Frankfurt to NYC. Two Lufthansa stewardesses working the beverage cart together, coming towards my row, one leaning into the ear of the other -- after stepping back two rows to extra-serve a demanding American (*) who wanted more ice in his cup.
Interesting for sure, and disturbing on some level. I definitely wince when I see the measure of success of and in this country quantified by per centage of refrigerators owned.
Having said that, there's a lot to reflect on there....although clumsily depicted, there is a lot to be grateful for here, in America, although I, personally, don't measure it in ice.
My mother, and three of my grandparents, and all of my great-grandparents, were born in Europe. Those who left Europe came here for relief from wars and poverty and ethnic tensions and hatred. None came here for the ice or bathtubs. None of my grandparents ever had cars or even drove, whether in France or America. Those who did come here, including my mother who came of age under German occupation , were supremely grateful to this country for providing them an opportunity to move on, to leave the blood, bloody past behind....
Then current iteration of the American Dream is an abomination...the perversion of (possibly) the best becomes the worst....Big Tech, Pharma, Military, Media.....manipulating, oppressing, terrifying us into abject misery at every level.....I don't know when this collapses, or how it will play out, but what is left of free will, the human spirit and the sacred must, and will, survive, in whatever rubble we are left to play in and rebuild.
Well known Canadian pundit Rex Murphy opined that we in North America suffer from a severe lack of gratitude. Jordan Peterson also spoke of the miracle that is our continent. We have so much compared to much of the rest of the world, and yet we take it for granted. It works! We are sublimely interconnected and until now (who knows for how much longer?) we are largely employed, have access to an extensive, seeming endless supply of foodstuffs (including fruits in winter not available 70 years ago) housing, warmth, coolness, transportation, electronics, furniture ... I could go on for paragraphs. Because we get up in the morning and have a workplace to go to, it works - and we all benefit. All.
American Heather Mac Donald, in a recent interview with Jordan Peterson, reminded us of the stunning miracle of electricity. Our forbearers had no running water, hot water or indoor plumbing, and washed their clothes with a scrub-board. Music was what you heard at the community hall if you were lucky - and if you were one of the rare families with a piano. Today a Mozart symphony can be in our ears. How blessed we are. We just need to travel around the world to see the deep poverty that plagues too many - and now growing in North America. Why? It is due to (planned) mismanagement.
The film, dystopian? Perhaps it is in that it underlines our lack of gratitude, our lack of understanding that we are so foxtrotting privileged and blessed. We have time to riot on the streets over manipulated, trumped up causes without thinking of what our ancestors created and left for us on this continent. We pull $800 phones out of our pockets; phones imagined and created by others, to film the riot we are in - a riot that protests so-called inequality or a perceived cultural supremacy. Better yet for more to get up in the morning, put on those bigboy pants, find a workplace, and contribute to the great largesse we all enjoy. And at the end of the day, fall to our knees and thank God for our immense riches - and devise better ways to share them with those in need.
A capitalist propaganda film. Nevertheless, it conveys certain positive vibe behind a productive economy. In contrast, our current reality shows the utter betrayal of American worker by that same Capital, and they aren’t done! They are taking us toward a world of scarcity, impoverishment, wars, death, totalitarianism,.., all to protect the capital owning class. Malthusianism reigns! In comparison, this propaganda looks positively utopian.
Yup--as the handful at the top automate away any need for workers, and then enclose the commons. At the current rate, most of us will be serfs pretty soon (IF we survive).
Apparently, the rulers don't even have the inclination to please their subjects, whose whole country and their own personal assets have been used as a collateral for the government loans from the Federal Reserve. Americans already own nothing, but they fail to notice it.
From Over Here: Look at the UK in 1953, when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned, and 2023, when King Charles III is crowned, and tell me it's the same country...
War, post-war austerity (I was a very young child, but family members fill in the facts). It was portrayed as a New Age. Post-Covid should be a New Age, not Dystopia...
He may be frowning as he learns he is valued not so much for his inherent skills but for his willingness to work in the factory doing the boring, low-skill, specialized job of running machinery, and being part of the greater system.
There’s a reason he is bolting out the door when the whistle blows. There is some polish being put on the dehumanized job experience.
The video lays out the American system well but focuses on the factory worker, the glories of his private life, and the system that gives him time and money to spend. The apparent goal is an implied contrast with workers in a socialist system.
As the notes under the video say, cold war propaganda, which is motivational and educational, to fight socialist forces at work within the country.
“Television and advertising played key roles in constructing the image of an ideal American way of life. American propaganda functioned to shore up support and national pride by projecting an image of prosperity, freedom and strength. In many ways, however, these images were fantasy. They contrasted and conflicted with many American's real life.”
While it’s true the video exaggerates and isn’t representative of all American’s experience, it does lay out the vision for a customer-focused, capital-driven system that lifts all boats.
What would a video to extol the ideals of real market capitalism - not the corporate crony capitalism - look like today? Even then there was more to the American economy than just factories. There are also small businesses, investors, services, arts, entertainment, non-profits, volunteering, etc. With a focus on equal opportunity and freedoms, one can find things one loves to do, or choose to settle for something not loved for a time, and make one’s way either way.
In contrast, what would a video of today’s real life experiences look like? Would it be filled with robots, AI, unproductive workers in a declining economy that can’t make ends meet, oppressive government interference in private life, people with their heads in their device’s missing oot on what matters, crushing if religious traditions, tycoons and corporate-government corruption, immigrants filling menial roles that robots can’t do and that many lack the will to do hard work and who instead may prefer unemployment and live off others?
Pffft. "prefer unemployment"--what point is there to working hard when it doesn't pay enough to LIVE ON? ...when you can't get to that job w/out a car (and by "car" I mean a 12-year-old rust-bucket) and the job only pays enough to keep that car on the road? Or, by "live off others", do you mean ppl who live off their capital gains?
Nutrition—facilitated by refrigeration, and hygiene—clean water, isolation and treatment of sewage—have made us happier and healthier. Vaccines have nothing to do with less infectious disease. Unvaccinated people are healthier.
Somalians in Minnesota, born in Somalia and unvaccinated; Israeli Ethiopians, born in Ethiopia and not vaccinated; and the Amish, unvaccinated, also have zero autism and fewer problems with chronic diseases.
I was 6 years old when that was made. The Free Enterprise model was true then and it's true now, but it has long since been ditched for Warfare, welfare, deindustrialized, consumer economy ruling over a largely incapable and ignorant population. The cartoon noted the downside of competition and replacement and made light fun of consumerism and convenience. The human condition was exposed.
Convenience - the cheese is always free in the mousetrap.
I've got an app for that...
So if we adapt it to 2023 King joe is fresh out of an IVY league with a woke world view and need an idea to keep the Cash flowing. . . Oh Trangenderism will do just fine !
That also is not suppose to solve "your happiness" deficit but it keep the money going !
Imagine a factory worker being able to afford a house and car and other goods.
"Ahk. Die Amees (*) und ihr Eis." (sotto voce)
Over heard on an international flight from Frankfurt to NYC. Two Lufthansa stewardesses working the beverage cart together, coming towards my row, one leaning into the ear of the other -- after stepping back two rows to extra-serve a demanding American (*) who wanted more ice in his cup.
Interesting for sure, and disturbing on some level. I definitely wince when I see the measure of success of and in this country quantified by per centage of refrigerators owned.
Having said that, there's a lot to reflect on there....although clumsily depicted, there is a lot to be grateful for here, in America, although I, personally, don't measure it in ice.
My mother, and three of my grandparents, and all of my great-grandparents, were born in Europe. Those who left Europe came here for relief from wars and poverty and ethnic tensions and hatred. None came here for the ice or bathtubs. None of my grandparents ever had cars or even drove, whether in France or America. Those who did come here, including my mother who came of age under German occupation , were supremely grateful to this country for providing them an opportunity to move on, to leave the blood, bloody past behind....
Then current iteration of the American Dream is an abomination...the perversion of (possibly) the best becomes the worst....Big Tech, Pharma, Military, Media.....manipulating, oppressing, terrifying us into abject misery at every level.....I don't know when this collapses, or how it will play out, but what is left of free will, the human spirit and the sacred must, and will, survive, in whatever rubble we are left to play in and rebuild.
Well known Canadian pundit Rex Murphy opined that we in North America suffer from a severe lack of gratitude. Jordan Peterson also spoke of the miracle that is our continent. We have so much compared to much of the rest of the world, and yet we take it for granted. It works! We are sublimely interconnected and until now (who knows for how much longer?) we are largely employed, have access to an extensive, seeming endless supply of foodstuffs (including fruits in winter not available 70 years ago) housing, warmth, coolness, transportation, electronics, furniture ... I could go on for paragraphs. Because we get up in the morning and have a workplace to go to, it works - and we all benefit. All.
American Heather Mac Donald, in a recent interview with Jordan Peterson, reminded us of the stunning miracle of electricity. Our forbearers had no running water, hot water or indoor plumbing, and washed their clothes with a scrub-board. Music was what you heard at the community hall if you were lucky - and if you were one of the rare families with a piano. Today a Mozart symphony can be in our ears. How blessed we are. We just need to travel around the world to see the deep poverty that plagues too many - and now growing in North America. Why? It is due to (planned) mismanagement.
The film, dystopian? Perhaps it is in that it underlines our lack of gratitude, our lack of understanding that we are so foxtrotting privileged and blessed. We have time to riot on the streets over manipulated, trumped up causes without thinking of what our ancestors created and left for us on this continent. We pull $800 phones out of our pockets; phones imagined and created by others, to film the riot we are in - a riot that protests so-called inequality or a perceived cultural supremacy. Better yet for more to get up in the morning, put on those bigboy pants, find a workplace, and contribute to the great largesse we all enjoy. And at the end of the day, fall to our knees and thank God for our immense riches - and devise better ways to share them with those in need.
A capitalist propaganda film. Nevertheless, it conveys certain positive vibe behind a productive economy. In contrast, our current reality shows the utter betrayal of American worker by that same Capital, and they aren’t done! They are taking us toward a world of scarcity, impoverishment, wars, death, totalitarianism,.., all to protect the capital owning class. Malthusianism reigns! In comparison, this propaganda looks positively utopian.
Yup--as the handful at the top automate away any need for workers, and then enclose the commons. At the current rate, most of us will be serfs pretty soon (IF we survive).
It wouldn't work now. :)
Apparently, the rulers don't even have the inclination to please their subjects, whose whole country and their own personal assets have been used as a collateral for the government loans from the Federal Reserve. Americans already own nothing, but they fail to notice it.
From Over Here: Look at the UK in 1953, when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned, and 2023, when King Charles III is crowned, and tell me it's the same country...
War, post-war austerity (I was a very young child, but family members fill in the facts). It was portrayed as a New Age. Post-Covid should be a New Age, not Dystopia...
He may be frowning as he learns he is valued not so much for his inherent skills but for his willingness to work in the factory doing the boring, low-skill, specialized job of running machinery, and being part of the greater system.
There’s a reason he is bolting out the door when the whistle blows. There is some polish being put on the dehumanized job experience.
The video lays out the American system well but focuses on the factory worker, the glories of his private life, and the system that gives him time and money to spend. The apparent goal is an implied contrast with workers in a socialist system.
As the notes under the video say, cold war propaganda, which is motivational and educational, to fight socialist forces at work within the country.
“Television and advertising played key roles in constructing the image of an ideal American way of life. American propaganda functioned to shore up support and national pride by projecting an image of prosperity, freedom and strength. In many ways, however, these images were fantasy. They contrasted and conflicted with many American's real life.”
While it’s true the video exaggerates and isn’t representative of all American’s experience, it does lay out the vision for a customer-focused, capital-driven system that lifts all boats.
What would a video to extol the ideals of real market capitalism - not the corporate crony capitalism - look like today? Even then there was more to the American economy than just factories. There are also small businesses, investors, services, arts, entertainment, non-profits, volunteering, etc. With a focus on equal opportunity and freedoms, one can find things one loves to do, or choose to settle for something not loved for a time, and make one’s way either way.
In contrast, what would a video of today’s real life experiences look like? Would it be filled with robots, AI, unproductive workers in a declining economy that can’t make ends meet, oppressive government interference in private life, people with their heads in their device’s missing oot on what matters, crushing if religious traditions, tycoons and corporate-government corruption, immigrants filling menial roles that robots can’t do and that many lack the will to do hard work and who instead may prefer unemployment and live off others?
Pffft. "prefer unemployment"--what point is there to working hard when it doesn't pay enough to LIVE ON? ...when you can't get to that job w/out a car (and by "car" I mean a 12-year-old rust-bucket) and the job only pays enough to keep that car on the road? Or, by "live off others", do you mean ppl who live off their capital gains?
To be fair, ice through the refrigerator door is right up there among the 20th century's greatest inventions.
Nutrition—facilitated by refrigeration, and hygiene—clean water, isolation and treatment of sewage—have made us happier and healthier. Vaccines have nothing to do with less infectious disease. Unvaccinated people are healthier.
Somalians in Minnesota, born in Somalia and unvaccinated; Israeli Ethiopians, born in Ethiopia and not vaccinated; and the Amish, unvaccinated, also have zero autism and fewer problems with chronic diseases.
I was 6 years old when that was made. The Free Enterprise model was true then and it's true now, but it has long since been ditched for Warfare, welfare, deindustrialized, consumer economy ruling over a largely incapable and ignorant population. The cartoon noted the downside of competition and replacement and made light fun of consumerism and convenience. The human condition was exposed.
remember that they gave away the first FM radios as well== propaganda anyone? in your ear 'bud'- 24/7
Usurper joe did it
screwed everything
I wonder if that’s what the current occupant of the White House means when he says, “I’m not Joe King”.
Wow, post WWII propaganda was delusional. I am loving the comments at YT though!
Wow, that was a fine piece of pro-capitalist propaganda! For a reality check, read this:
Highly recommended read: "Stiffed: The Betrayal of The American Man". S Faludi