Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Eugenicist organizations formed in 60's and 70's should be considered as part of the picture of the strategy to poison with vaccines and medical treatments.

The World Wildlife Fund, The Club of Rome, The Trilateral Commission to name some.

Out of penumbras the Supreme Court declares abortion a constitutional right.

One child policy imposed on the tyrannized Chinese population in late 70's, soon after Kissinger and President Nixon, with financing from the World Bank and IMF, assist the opening and modernizing of China, a western elitist, bankers, project.

Then in early 1980's the physically depleted and ravaged from self-abuse gay community is singled out and propagandized and murdered with so called treatments for a likely fictional virus. A successful campaign of fear with promised cure is established to be used on the world as a whole in 2020, with practice runs with SARS, MERS, ZIKA, and Ebola, with official legal framework established and further enhanced after 9/11 under the Patriot Act.

More pandemics are promised to us as impending and world government declared as necessary, taking human rights away for the good of humanity (not to mention climate change scam).

This is a Big Picture. scenario we must consider, many pieces to the puzzle. The few want to have the ideal world population of 500 million. Above that number, "they" decided is too many.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

100%. Covid is a eugenics operation. Peace.

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Bravo. You managed to encompass a lot of the criminal agendas which would appear to be increasing in spite of our robust objections.

That is the Big Picture but where is the Big Solution?

I have been writing about the globalist rulers for a decade, warning and warning about their cold-hearted intentions. I can't bring myself to do it any more.

I will be honest.

The solution requires:

> the complete dismantling of the United Nations, unipolar and multi-polar formats included.

> the complete dissolution of all secret societies, especially the religious categories.

> an honest international court in which to hold trials which has ZERO relationship with the Temple Bar.

> a rapid assessment of the education system ridding it of unfounded indoctrination.

> an end to war and weapons.

> a massive clean up of the environment including discontinuing rare earth mining.

> clean air and water for all.

Too tall an order?

The Black Nobility KNOW it is..... that is why they created this hell on earth. It is intended to be inescapable! When they wrote up Agendas 21 and 2030 they liked to use the phrase "Nobody left behind". What that actually means is NOBODY ESCAPES.

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Members of the Anthrax Gang have been involved in every "public health emergency" since AIDS. While many hyperfocus on Fauci, the others are ignored while some have been elevated as Covid heroes but in reality they're zeroes.

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The Big Picture is that they know that Earth is in the Great Solar/Cosmic Reset Red zone. They know most of humanity will not survive. They are concentrating wealth in preparation for leading humanity after the next great pole shift and flood.

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Don't expect Joe Public to see through the murderous 'Covid' Scam'. Most of them probably believe that Pearl Harbor came as a surprise to FDR and the US High Command; that the North Vietnamese really attacked the USS Turner Joy and Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin, that LHO shot JFK, that the murderous attack on the USS Liberty was a case of 'mistaken identity'; that OBL was responsible for 9/11; that the 'Boston Bombings' were perpetrated by a couple of young Chechens.

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If only Dr Mercola could see that COVID was also not a virus, but a fraud....

And then baby steps to see that the same applies to flu and other viruses.

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Is Mercola another Alt-Scientist who believes Covid is real, and/or that it really killed people on a scale that requires any concern whatsoever (let alone global panic)? Why is it we Non-Expert Nobodies can see through the psy-op, but these vaunted Alt-Experts can't? I'm really getting tired of this.

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Yeah, just like McCullough.

Here's a good quote about the issue they have...

"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "

-Sasha Latypova

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deletedJul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023
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With this phenomenon including Mercola and virtually all the other Alt Experts Who Should Know Better, we see them indirectly reinforcing the same damned Narrative they are busy otherwise opposing (when I say "indirectly" I'm being generous). This reflects either that

1) they are controlled opposition

2) their minds have been so strongly brainwashed to trust the Mainstream they can't think outside that box.

I don't know which of the two is worse; and there is no 3rd reasonable explanation for this behavior.

Meanwhile, if it's #2, it begs the question, why are so many Peasant Nobodies like me better able to see outside the Box than these vaunted Experts who bravely oppose Big Pharma etc?

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I feel the same way about Mercola but I still read him daily except I filter out his virus propaganda. He is likely CO but there are different degrees of being CO, ranging from being one of the cabal or a covert CIA agent to being threatened with physical/financial ruin- in which case all would be forgiven.

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I would read him daily too but he kicked me out for life without explanation. I think for refuting his virus theory in the comments section.

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If only you could read the history of the isolation and CURE of the tobacco plant virus.. you'd find out he's wiser than you think.

For instance about COVID:

Many believe, especially in homeopathic and Germanic medicine, that viruses don’t exist and that they are non-contagious exosomes. 1 Those who don’t believe in viruses ignore how the tobacco plant Mosaic virus was isolated and separated from bacteria through porcelain filters and how healthy plants were infected by it, which proved it was the infectious agent 2

“It took more than 20 years to appreciate its implications because it was inconsistent with the prevailing dogma of the time-Koch's postulates. Although these 'rules' were actually conceived of as guidelines upon which to establish microbial causality and their implementation resulted in many new discoveries, they also had the unintended effect of limiting the interpretation of novel findings.” 3

If there were no viruses, why would governments spend billions in virus weaponization through gain of function? What are those thousands of researchers doing all day?

Anti-viralists accuse that experiments are never conducted with a control group. Yet, this study4 compares Zika impact on cells, with an uninfected sample:

Others do believe viruses exist, but SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated 5 as proven by answers by negative answers by 211 institutions in 35+ countries. 6 Yet, the evidence is undisputable:

In Jan 2020, the first isolation published in the world was from patients with pneumonia in Wuhan to study it in cell cultures. 7

One of the first phylogenetic trees 8

Without isolation, we’d never been able to discover ivermectin as a cure. The second isolation outside China was in Australia in 1 April 2020: only 2 days later, they proved that ivermectin obliterated viral load in the viral cultures. 9 

There are worldwide COVID19 sequence databases like the Global Initiative to Share Data on Avian Influenza (GISAID) 10  and the Virus Pathogen Resources11, which allows building Phylogenetic Trees.

For instance, in Spain, 22 Jan 2021, the Ministry of Health and Instituto de Salud Carlos III published "Integration of genomic sequencing in SARS-CoV-2 surveillance", which is regularly updated.12 About 30 institutions forming the SeqCOVID initiative have grown the virus and sequenced more than 23,000 SARS-CoV-2 samples in Spain. 13

How could Covaxin have been developed, since it was based on inactivated virus? Obviously, it had to be previously isolated.

“the first time a team has imaged a mixture of antibodies purified from human blood after a viral infection to visualize the targets of those antibodies circulating in the recovered individual” in images of antibodies latching onto a protein (RBD-up) on the SARS-CoV-2. 14

Quoting a Mercola article:

• SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated, photographed, genetically sequenced, and exists as a pathogenic entity

• The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention grows the virus in cell culture to ensure widespread availability for researchers who want to study it

• At least part of the confusion appears to be rooted in how the term “isolated” is defined. Some insist a virus is not isolated unless it’s also purified, while others say a virus doesn’t have to be purified in order to be “isolated”

• Another sticking point for some is whether or not SARS-CoV-2 has ever been isolated from a human subject without passing it through animal cells, as such media could be contaminated and therefore the source of the virus

• Researchers have verified that the genetic sequence of the virus obtained from the American Type Culture Collection, a global resource center for reference microorganisms, is an exact match to the virus found in people with symptomatic COVID-19

Some define that a virus is not isolated unless it’s also purified, while others (Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Li-Meng Yan) say a virus doesn’t have to be purified in order to be isolated.

If we only consider direct “isolation” from humans, not passing through monkey kidney cells, some argue that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist: one of the most counterproductive arguments of the health freedom movement? 15

The virus has been photo-micrographed16, whole-genome sequences of the various strains are available17, and with the appropriate credentials anyone can obtain the virus: CDC grows the virus in cell culture to ensure widespread availability for antiviral research, vaccine development, virus stability research and pathogenesis research. 18

The sequence of the virus obtained from ATCC [the American Type Culture Collection, a global resource center for reference microorganisms] matched exactly what people who had the virus: “Study participants underwent testing for SARS-CoV-2 from fecal samples by whole genome enrichment NGS [next-generation sequencing] (n = 14), and RT-PCR nasopharyngeal swab analysis (n = 12). The concordance of SARS-CoV-2 detection by enrichment NGS from stools with RT-PCR nasopharyngeal analysis was 100%. Unique variants were identified in four patients, with a total of 33 different mutations among those in which SARS-CoV-2 was detected by whole genome enrichment NGS” 19

A paper detailed the isolation and full-length genome of the virus taken from COVID-19 patients in Italy:

“At the beginning of March 2020, the first nasopharyngeal swabs positive for SARS-CoV-2 started to be detected in the Northern Eastern Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia ... Swab contents were seeded on Vero E6 cells and monitored for cytopathic effect and by an RT-PCR protocol using primers for the N region.

Cell culture supernatants from passage 1 (P1) of four isolates were collected, and RNA was extracted with QIAamp viral RNA minikit (Qiagen) and quantified with an in vitro-transcribed RNA standard ... The quantity and quality of the RNA were assessed ... For each sample, 100 ng of total RNA was processed using Zymo-Seq RiboFree ribosomal depletion library preparation kit (Zymo Research).

All the obtained libraries passed quality check and were quantified before being pooled at equimolar concentration and sequenced ... Sequenced reads that passed the quality check (Phred score ≥30) were adaptor and quality trimmed, and the remaining reads were assembled de novo using Megahit (v.1.2.9) with default parameter settings.

Megahit generated in all cases 7 contigs with more than 1,000 bp and 100× coverage; all of these assembled contigs were compared (using BLASTn) against the entire nonredundant (nr) nucleotide and protein databases.

In all cases the longest and more covered contigs were identified as MT019532.1, 20 ‘Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 isolate BetaCoV/Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-04/2019, complete genome,’ with 99% identity and 0 gaps.

The longer sequences were named hCoV-19/Italy/FVG/ICGEB_S1, _S5, _S8, and _S9 and were deposited in GISAID ... Sequence analysis showed an uneven coverage along the SARS-CoV-2 genome, with an average range from 126 to 7,576 reads and a mean coverage per sample of 1,169× ... Phylogenetic trees were inferred using the maximum likelihood method ...

The first sequences deposited in GISAID (EPI_ISL_410545 and EPI_ISL_410546) were collected in Rome from a Chinese tourist from Hubei province who got infected before visiting Italy, and another one (EPI_ISL_412974) was from a test-positive Italian citizen returning from China.

Only two sequences were reported from the Lombardy cluster (EPI_ISL_412973 and EPI_ISL_413489). In this report four additional sequences from cases epidemiologically linked to northern Italy have been examined ... Sequence analysis showed a good coverage along the SARS-CoV-2 genome for all four isolates.

Based on the marker variant S D614G, all four sequences grouped in the Bavarian rooted subclade G, which is dominant in Europe, including the sequence from Lombardy, but distinct from the three sequences mentioned above originating directly from China.

Intriguingly, the new isolates were more closely related to EPI_ISL_412973, while EPI_ISL_413489 was more distant. No evidence could be found for the putative 382-nucleotide (nt) deletion in ORF8 detected in Singapore, which has been proposed to indicate an attenuated phenotype.” 21

The complete genome sequence of the virus taken from a German woman who tested positive but had no symptoms at the time of the test was used to isolate the strain. Table 1 in the paper compares the nucleotide variants found in the sampled virus and those of a reference strain already logged in the gene bank.

If there's no virus, what are those 200 scientists working full time in Wuhan?

For those blaming only 5G, toxins, etc.: prove it!

1. It's not just bilateral pneumonia, it's the full detailed evolution of the new sickness. For example, 37.5°Celsius fever, not more, not less, the number of days for the viral and inflammation phases, the huge lack of blood oxygen in a walking patient, etc.

2. People using early the 30+ cures experience immediate recovery after 2 hours. Medicines that didn't work for EMF sensible people worked for COVID. Nasal sprays were very effective preventing contagion. People from zero cell phone coverage got those symptoms. Same objection for the other arguments, toxins, etc.

3. The hospital COVID ICU admission rate and ICU capacity rate are proxies of the real COVID waves.


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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One thing that told me it wasn't anything new... Total deaths in most nations in 2020 were close to past years. This is during a harsh lockdown, over use of masks, harmful medicines like remdesevir and midalozam used, ventilators for the wrong reason...

Hmm, oh yeah, the average age of a COVID death was usually a year or two above life expectancy in many nations.

Denis Rancourt ran the data on the USA and found that somehow the virus respected state borders, lol.

What engineered virus? Oh right, the deaths to COVID did increase, after the vaccine was introduced, but those deaths were called COVID deaths instead of vaccine induced...

So yeah, 2020? No pandemic, besides the panic at first..

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Not one, not one person on a plane part of the crews flying the supposed 'deadly 'virus' got sick. The way the said 'virus' was spread through the world. So, if in 1918, a so called 'virus' attacked in USA and then simultaneously attack people on other continents, how did it get there with ox wagons and horses and steam ships as ways of travelling? The vacs were all ready to go everywhere they wanted a 'pandemic'. So no I do not swallow your 'science'. My country had all the airport open taking all the thousands of travellers from the 'deadly virus' zones back in, with no protocols to stop a 'deadly virus' from coming in and spreading in our country. So why this after it was nationally announced the previously day with great fanfare from the main international airport by the Minister of Health: 'we are ready'. Really? And the first so called "Covid' death in our country was a lady going to emergency with an asthma emergency : she was not treated, sent home because the emergecy was not 'Covid ready'. She was murdered and used to promote evil! If everyone look under the hood they will find the evil lies.

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Scientific Progress,

I haven't read your whole post, my apologies,

and I don't want to comment on COVID, because this topic has been discussed

ad nauseam during the last three years.

But as you've mentioned "Zika" and the "tobacco plant virus",

I'd like to ask you the following questions:

1. Could you provide a link to the Zika study that you've mentioned?

(That is, if it's available online and for free)

2. What study do you refer to when you write about the "tobacco plant virus"?

More precisely, what is the source for the following part of your statement:

"1 Those who don’t believe in viruses ignore how the tobacco plant Mosaic virus was isolated and separated from bacteria through porcelain filters (…)"

For example, in the frequently mentioned work by Ivanovsky*

the results for infection/disease after inoculation are as follows:

9/12 for filtered sap,

11/12 for non-filtered sap

He concludes (my translation from Russian): „This experiment leaves no doubt that the causative agent of the mosaic disease are bacteria, because spores of fungi cannot possibly pass through Chamberland filter-candles.“

And later, he states that although he tried to use different culture media,

he did not succeed in cultivating (and isolating) the bacteria.**

There is no mention of a "virus" or any isolation of such.

Another example: In their paper ("Letters to the Editor") Bawden (et. al.)*** don't mention any filtration at all. And although they mention isolation of a protein, they state at the end of their article:

„These results have a certain intrinsic interest, but this would naturally be greatly enhanced could it be shown that these rods are in fact virus particles. This conclusion seems to us both reasonable and probable, but we feel that it is still not proved, nor is there any evidence that the particles we have observed exist as such in infected sap.“****

[*„O dvuch boleznjach tabaka. Tabacnaja pepliza. Mozatcnaja bolezn´ tabaka“,1892 - partially translated into English as: „Concerning the mosaic disease of the tobacco plant“;

**p.16,17 in my pdf.-edition;

***"Liquid Crystalline Substances from Virus-infected Plants". Nature, 1936

****Nature, 1936, December 19, p. 1051, 1052]

3. How can the mosaic disease be cured? (I'm genuinely curious :))

Many thanks in advance for reading (and maybe even responding)!

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Brava to you and bravi to Drs. Duesberg -- I HAVE one of those letters he wrote, replying to a “thank you for your courageous life-saving work and integrity” I sent him ten years ago! -- and Mercola.

Kudos to you all

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Oh wow. That's wonderful. I have one too! He wrote it in 1988. I have it on my phone..as JPG.

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Celia, you have done wonderful work, thank you. What you suffered after your Harper's article on HIV was horrendous. But the truth will out, eventually.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Celia, Fauci is a piece of garbage and you are an absolute American heroine. He may have ruined your life but I hope you can take solace in knowing that your reporting saved lives. No one will ever know how many, but it’s beyond question that many HIV positive people read your writing and avoided AZT. Your courage cost you much, but it also profited many. Your reward in heaven will be great.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

We loved the interview Celia. Thank you! We love both of you (you and Dr. Mercola).

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Saw this first thing this morning and until then didn't know your credentials on HIV and our favourite f**k head Fauci - thanks for the enlightening conversation and retroactive education!

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Could it be said Fauci was at least in some part responsible for the death of Freddie Mercury?

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Of course.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

And Arthur Ashe. And Rudolf Nureyev.

Has anyone been responsible for the deaths of more Americans than Fauci?

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A single American? Probably not.

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I think Bill Gates and him are neck n neck.

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Bill Gates is still small-potatoes compared to Fauci. His vaccine-pushing will lead to no good, but it's nowhere near the scale of Fauci's weaponizing of the CdC.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

No one I can think of. I saw a Time Magazine cover from 2020 which named Fauci Guardian of the Year. The good little doctor wanted it to be Savior of the Year but they were afraid it might upset some people.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Too bad, maybe they would have nailed his ass up.

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The Bush/Clinton/Obama/Biden cabal?

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Fauci is a certified mass-murderer. Millions of people know it. No "leader" will do anything about it. Only RFK Jr. tells the truth about Fauci. Peace.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Fantastic, Celia! I have listened to Dr. Mercola for years. He is amazing and I have such respect for him and his work. I love that he uses himself as his own guinea pig for so many new ideas...his work has enriched my life, no question whatever; plus I have learned of so many other awesome people in the natural healing arena. Well done!

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Amazing interview! Amazing book! Thank YOU Celia Farber!! Peace. 👍☺️🙏

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Celia, that was an absolutely brilliant interview! Well done and worth doing.

Plus I loved the cameo appearance by Lewis!

Congratulations on your well deserved increase in subscribers!! Thank you for all you do!!

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Thank you Dale! I forgot about Lewis' cameo! So…you did not encounter a paywall, as Marilynne did?

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I didn’t encounter a paywall but I couldn’t watch it just by clicking. I had to send my email address and confirm it to get access. I really enjoyed watching it. And it comes with a transcript, which helps an English learner like me to comprehend better. Thank you!

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I did not.

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I did hit the paywall I guess. The link brought me to Mercola's site and it looks like it might be a paywall? I could not access the interview.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Watched on His site first . Excellent content

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Hi good evening everyone

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I wish Edward Hooper’s book, The River, would go through another printing and at a an affordable price.

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I should have paid closer attention to that book. One was always fighting/running/drowning. Fog of war. I now move closer to "bio-weapon" Hep B vaccine as catalyst theory. But who cares what I think. I'm just saying, I think we all had a blind spot here.

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I care what you think.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Me too. Peace. ☺️🙏

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Me too 💕

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Me too.

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As a young man, i was penniless and went into my local bookstore to read "The River" one chapter at a time. When i reached halfway through, i decided i had to buy it regardless. I've always had a soft spot for Ed Hooper and sympathised greatly with his efforts to get to the bottom of African AIDS. Where i think he went wrong was in his cleaving so closely to the official origins narrative (although he posited an iatrogenic exposure route). The reality is that the Wistar's vaccine campaign may well have triggered a wave of immune collapse in central Africa, but no "virus" would be required for that. Unfortunately, since the Wistar "lost" its vaccination records for the time and place of its Belgian Congo experimental vaccine trial, we cannot know which other excipients or adjuvants were present in their shots.

As for "bio-weapon" thesis, i think there's no doubt that vaccines in general are a weapon against our species. I just don't see the "bio" part.

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Celia, thank you for so beautifully showcasing the unparalleled scientific integrity of Peter Duesberg, both in your book and in this conversation with Dr. Mercola. I was there at UC Berkeley when brainwashed HIV/AIDS 'researchers' relentlessly trashed him starting 36 years ago. The way Fauci's attack dogs, the ActUp activists (funded and egged on by Big Pharma Burrroughs Wellcome greedy psychopaths) set out to destroy you and other truth seekers is despicable.

I hadn't known about how they bullied and threatened the Semmelweis Society into dis-inviting you and Duesberg from the event that was to have honored you with awards. Semmelweis, too, was vilified and demonized by the medical establishment of his time, for the sin of pioneering antiseptic procedures for practitioners attending childbirth, and was eventually vindicated. Both of my daughters were born in the Ignaz Semmelweis Klinik, a humane maternity hospital in a peaceful, tree-lined neighborhood of Vienna, Austria.

May there one day be a Peter Duesberg Institute for Open Critical Inquiry into Health and Disease.

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Marilyn: I think that part of Celia's *ennui* is that she knows that there will never be a duesberg Institute -- at least not one with NIH funding.

Semmelweis himself is a doubly sad story. First, he was vilified by his colleagues (and died in very sad conditions). Second, his almost common-sense ideas have now been weaponized by the psychopaths, hence all of the hand-washing/elbow-bumping during covid.

Our modern medical society runs because it fails to tell us just how *insalubrious* the industrial era in the UK etc was. Instead, it lets normal people believe that the 19th century was 'normal', but 'viruses' were everywhere. We idolize doctors for saving lives, but in reality it was garbagemen and civil engineers who did so (surgeons, too). Non-surgical doctors should be paid vastly less than garbagemen.

There's a beautiful interview with david Rasnick, a colleague of duesberg, where he points out that he was in Papua New Guinea with the peace corps in 1968-ish, and all of the denizens were blindingly healthy -- no glasses, only rare illness, beautiful teeth. I recently saw a documentary of the island from 2010-ish -- let's just say that things have changed.


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Thanks ShiYen, you're right of course abut the recent weaponization of germophobia. And while Semmelweis' insights have been picked up on by heroic garbage collectors and civil engineers, sadly they were also co-opted by the subsequent proliferation of narrow-minded microbe hunters, whom Duesberg describes in detail in his book "Inventing the AIDS Virus".

The Duesberg Institute I envision won't come into being in my lifetime or during the existence of the current corrupt NIH and its ilk. But, who knows what might happen a few hundred years from how. If humans are still around, I think there's a chance for a breakthrough.

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A "tell" in poker is a change in a player's behavior or demeanor that give clues to the player's assessment of their hand. Opponents can gain an advantage when they recognize the meaning of another player's tell, particularly if the tell is unconscious and reliable.

As in poker, observers will note similar "tells" among serious scientists and charlatans; one difference being that, while the serious stoically hold their cards, the charlatans display overt tantrums, insults, and indignation in their defensive bluffs. They are noisiest when playing their games within federally-funded universities - the profligate gambling halls where the painted whores and dandiest cheats inflate their CVs and egos.

Herr Duesberg showed me that the most gifted and intellectually curious scientists are often childlike and playful in their research and discoveries. We are honored to know him and pray that he finds peace and satisfaction in his meritorious achievements, virtue, and discipline that the charlatans will never know.

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