Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you Celia, You do great work . I saw up close the AIDs ‘epidemic in Zimbabwe . I was there to design a clinic for a “Mother to Child transmission “ prophylactic program . ‘ Comibvir ?’ Anyway .

I was working with a Stanford infectious disease Dr. he showed me the pandemic up close . Lots of aids orphans , big pharma , UNAIDS, the Zimbabwe government , med school students , on and on .

Once a patient was diagnosed with HIV, it was a death sentence . So people refused to be tested , because there was no treatment available in Africa , at the time (2001) The Doctor who bought me there recently died in Harare from ‘covid ‘ . ( Remdesiver)

The symptoms of AIDs in Africa are the same as mal nutrition and starvation . The president of South Africa at the time ( Talbo MBeke) claimed AIDs was an illness caused by poverty . This ties into what you and Jon Rappaport have been saying . It’s a long story , just thank you for all your work . I agree with you

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A member of our Rethinking AIDS Group, and an expert in microbiology is Dr. Rodney Richards, who worked with AMGEN years ago on Alpha Interferon. He and an associate were called upon to develop the first standard and approved HIV Antibody test using Gallo's patented test for antibody testing. This was under employment by Abbott Laboratories.

Dr. Rodney Richards has examined and questioned many of the issues concerning HIV "testing" and the use of AZT and other "antiviral treatments"

In one published study, Rodney proved that the survival rate of malnutrition patients with "HIV antibodies" was higher than those who were put on drugs like AZT. These results were all backed by large group studies with statistics.

Rodney was a bit cynical with the study results and title, that basically said "Malnutrition proved better for AIDS patients than AIDS drug treatments."

Obviously Rodney wasn't suggesting that malnutrition was good. But HIV positive Africans and others like them, were far more inclined to recover from malnutrition and other poverty-related diseases WITHOUT AZT and these toxic drugs.

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The main question I have is : is there proof positive that HIV causes AIDs? When Dr.Karry Mullins ask Dr.Montagnia (sp) the discoverer of HIV what evidence did he have that HIV caused AIDs, he said he had no tests results proving that fact.

There seems to be a missing link.

In the gay community , multipul sex partners and use of amil nitrate plus vaccinations given for Hepatitis B seem to be related to the breaking down of the immune system , there by allowing opportunistic diseases to take hold , including cancer. The AZT concept seemed to be a mostly deadly treatment .

African AIDs seemed to be more based on malnutrition and poverty like conditions . I lived 4 years in Gabon a mostly rainforest country , there was very little malnutrition by comparison to Zimbabwe where most people seemed hungry . I hear it was the same in Botswana , Malawi , Mozambique and South Africa . Where the transmission of AIDs was not homosexually related. I realize this is a very complex issue . There are thousands of AIDs orphans and my work was trying to help doctors create a center outside of Harare to test ways to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV.

Did Combiver work?

Combiver is made by the same folks ( Giliad) that make Remdesiver . Unfortunately the doctor I worked with , Dr.David Katzenstein died in Harare in 2021 due to respiratory illness ( Covid , + Remdesiver) , he could answer a lot of question and he knew Fauci and Dr Mary Bassett ( New York health administrator) there are 2 schools of aids

1, it is caused by the HIV retro virus , and 2) it is caused by social behavior and malnutrition . The symptoms of HIV are the same as malnutrition

( thrush in the mouth , wasting away , cancer , low energy , susceptible to many diseases , etc)

The issue I believe Celia was trying to make is that HIV does not cause aids , and I believe that it scientist have never been able to give someone the “AIDS virus” the same as Covid . They have not been able to actually give someone any of these viruses in a lab / clinical setting .

If what I am saying is true , the whole thing was a scam just as Covid is a scam. Please prove me wrong .

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Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber

Celia, the reason you have lived after this cult is to teach those who haven’t experienced what you have. You have used your misfortune, for the benefit of many, to see and hear what many of us never could have imagined what is really going on.

Thank you.

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Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber

Celia, i agree with d k, you are telling us the truth of what happened in the 80s with hiv/aids. I am reading your book right now and what happened with hiv in the 80s is exactly what happened with covid. What they did to Duesberg is incredible, how they just tried to earase him from history but he was always there. As well as all of you fighting for the truth to come out!

I thank you for all you have done, do and will do!

It is a cult, as i mentioned before, hope they wake up before they are told to jump off the bridge to save the planet!

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Feb 28·edited Feb 29

Yes, the whole scam/deception/fraud is incredible, including what they did to Duesberg. They tried to do the same to Jesus. It's an old, old playbook and they're still using it. Shame on us for still falling for it :(

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Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber

I'm so with you on wanting to live before this cult existed. I'll settle for living after this cult is a pile of ash.

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I'm afraid this cult - or at least the cult which gives birth to this cult and all the other cults - has been around for a very long time :-(.

Perhaps we will get rid of it, but I doubt it. The battle between good and evil is eternal. And it must be - for without the choice to be evil, what value is there in choosing good?

Really we should be grateful. We have an opportunity to choose good which is better than any other opportunity in many decades :-).

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Evil wouldn't be evil if they didn't have impunity, weren't enabled and the truth tellers criminalized

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

The battle between good and evil is eternal only in this plane/dimension. We must aim higher.

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Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber


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I see others of your readers echo your heart's cry (as do I) about wishing you had been born way before the "cult" existed.

The internet has ushered in the "beast" and I truly believe the "beast" mentioned in the Revelations of the Bible is the technocratic power mongers who have engulfed our very essence of life. "Virtual" is NOT "real" and NEVER WILL BE!!


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I'm sorry those monsters went after you.

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Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber

You are an amazing person with the gift of writing. You were put on this earth at this very time in history to wake people up. You are doing a great job which is why they need to send the "cult" after you to instill doubt in your words. Keep true to yourself and the love you have for humanity in uncovering the truth. You are truly admired by those that are awake!! Thank you!

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Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber

Cult thinking has always been a signature to Darkness.

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Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber

Yes, and the "black" in BLM is for Dark Lives, those who are anti-light and anti-life. It has nothing to do with skin tone. These Dark Lives live to put out the light of the world. If we were to flip it and claim "White Lives Matter" it would include the good souls of all skin tones, all who walk away from evil when confronted with it, engaging it only when insinuates itself into their sphere. To actively seek it out and think one can "fix it" or "expose it" is purely ego driven. My brother was in an armed cult in the 70s after his stint in 'Nam. Cult bastards will not let their apostates go and will drive them crazy for the rest of their lives. Dear Celia and her reactions all this time later, after her break from them, is a textbook example.

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Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber

I've never thought of their cult-like activities as inverted churches--that makes so much sense. They live like spoiled adolescents in their superegos. Never learning, growing or contributing in a real way. The ones that have stood strong and have been a beacon amidst all of the confusion, like you, Celia, are different. You've taken the wounds that have been inflicted on you and turned them into something that has helped others. Jesus was the ultimate example of this. Developing the ability to turn our wounds into pure gold is a superpower that helps society become stronger and better.

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Feb 27Liked by Celia Farber

We’ve lost swaths of our lives, professions, loves and joy to many such cults. They feed off of us. And these real blood sacrifices to their demons (puppet-masters, wizards-behind-the-curtain) never seem to be enough. But we never forget. And should never forgive them

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Isn't it about time we not only stopped falling for their scams and deceptions but also started pushing back hard?

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But I would only recommend circumspection: don’t meet them on the frontline that they have prescribed, but make the walls of your own secret garden inpenetrable and invulnerable. I have concluded that this is the civilized way to win: letting them putrefy in their own immoral poison. Our own victory—the humans—isn’t assured, but the victory of these inane, sociopathic but still powerful is left very much in doubt.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Once enough of us wake up, victory will be ours. We humans are far too creative and smart not to be able to out-maneuver their tired, old wash-rinse-repeat playbook. They're going down!

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Not directly on-topic, but germane:

​ Why Would Anyone Kill Themselves to Stop a War? On Aaron Bushnell and Others. Colonel Ann Wright

​ Six years ago in 2018, after returning from a Veterans For Peace trip to Vietnam, I wrote an article called “Why Would Anyone Kill One’s Self In an Attempt to Stop A War?”

Now, six years later, in the past three months, two people in the United States have taken or risked taking their own lives in an attempt to change U.S. policies on Palestine and call for a cease-fire and stop U.S. funding to the State of Israel that would be used to kill in the Israeli genocide of Gaza. An yet unidentified woman, wrapped in a Palestinian flag, set herself on fire in front of the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, Georgia, on December 1, 2023. Three months later authorities have yet to release the name of the woman. Her condition was unknown as of mid-December.

​ This week, on Sunday, February 25, 2024, active duty U.S. Air Force member Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., while he was stating “Free Palestine and stop the genocide.” Bushnell died from his injuries.​..

..While on a Veterans for Peace trip to Vietnam in 2014 and while on another VFP delegation in March 2018, our delegation saw the iconic photo of a well-known Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc who set himself on fire in June1963 on a busy street in Saigon to protest the Diem regime’s crackdown on Buddhists during the early days of the American war on Vietnam. That photo is seared into our collective memories...

..But, did you know that several Americans also set themselves on fire to attempt to end U.S. military actions during those turbulent war years in the 1960s?

​ I didn’t, until our VFP delegation saw the portraits displayed of five Americans who gave their lives to protest the American war on Vietnam, among other international persons who are revered in Vietnamese history, at the Vietnam-USA Friendship Society in Hanoi. Though these American peace persons have fallen into oblivion in their own nation, they are well-known martyrs in Vietnam, 50 years later...

..After seeing one particular portrait again—that of Norman Morrison—I decided to write about these Americans who were willing to end their own lives in an attempt to stop the American war on the Vietnamese people.

​ What distinguished these Americans to the Vietnamese was that, as American soldiers were killing Vietnamese, there were American citizens who ended their own lives in order to try to bring the terror of invasion and occupation for Vietnamese citizens to the American public through the horror of their own deaths.

​..The first person in the United States to die of self-immolation in opposition to the war on Vietnam was 82-year-old Quaker Alice Herz who lived in Detroit, Michigan. She set herself on fire on a Detroit street on March 16, 1965. Before she died of her burns 10 days later, Alice said she set herself on fire to protest “the arms race and a president using his high office to wipe out small nations.”

​ Six months later on November 2, 1965, Norman Morrison, a 31-year-old Quaker from Baltimore, a father of three young children, died of self-immolation at the Pentagon. Morrison felt that traditional protests against the war had done little to end the war and decided that setting himself on fire at the Pentagon might mobilize enough people to force the United States government to abandon its involvement in Vietnam. Morrison’s choice to self-immolate was particularly symbolic in that it followed President Lyndon Johnson’s controversial decision to authorize the use of napalm in Vietnam, a burning gel that sticks to the skin and melts the flesh.

​ Apparently, unbeknownst to Morrison, he chose to set himself on fire beneath the Pentagon window of then-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.

​ Thirty years later in his 1995 memoir, In Retrospect: The Tragedy in Lessons of Vietnam, McNamara remembered Morrison’s death:

​ "Antiwar protests had been sporadic and limited up to this time and had not compelled attention. Then came the afternoon of November 2, 1965. At twilight that day, a young Quaker named Norman R. Morrison, father of three and an officer of the Stony Run Friends Meeting in Baltimore, burned himself to death within 40 feet of my Pentagon window. Morrison’s death was a tragedy not only for his family but also for me in the country. It was an outcry against the killing that was destroying the lives of so many Vietnamese and American youth.

​ I reacted to the horror of his action by bottling up my emotions and avoided talking about them with anyone—even with my family. I knew (his wife) Marge and our three children shared many of Morrison’s feelings about the war. And I believed I understood and shared some of his thoughts. The episode created tension at home that only deepened as the criticism of the war continued to grow.​"

​ Before his memoir In Retrospect was published, in a 1992 article in Newsweek, McNamara had listed people or events that had had an impact on his questioning of the war. One of those events,McNamara identified as “the death of a young Quaker.”​...

..Every Vietnamese school child learns a song and poem written by Vietnamese poet Tố Hữu called “Emily, My Child” dedicated to the young daughter that Morrison was holding only moments before he set himself on fire at the Pentagon. The poem reminds Emily that her father died because he felt he had to object in the most visible way to the deaths of Vietnamese children at the hands of the United States government...

​..One week after Norman Morrison’s death, Roger LaPorte, 22, a Catholic Worker, became the third war protester to take his own life. He died of burns suffered through self-immolation on November 9, 1965 on the United Nations Plaza in New York City. He left a note that read, “I am against war, all wars. I did this as a religious act.”​...

..In the case of U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Aaron Bushnell, Aaron told the world his reason: "I do not want to be complacent in the genocide of Gaza! Free Palestine!." His sentiments are echoed by hundreds of millions around the world who recognize the horrific Israeli genocide of Gaza. For U.S. citizens, it is our duty to keep pressure on the Biden administration to stop funding Israel's genocide of Gaza and violence in the West Bank.


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I'm sorry, but there is no honour in suicide. Period. Those poor souls you mention are merely more victims of whatever the conflict and have taken themselves out of the game. Kill yourself to stop war? I beg your pardon?

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I can see that you don't understand their actions and reasoning.

They are the acts of spiritual-warriors, like what Jesus did.

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Jesus, as I understand your story, was the son of g-d and died for our sin. "Spiritual Warior" is an oxymoron in the context of suicide, which is a sin according to that same story. A real warrior would still be in the fight, like your Jesus who drove the money changers (who finance these wars you doth protest) from the temple. Just sayin...

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Jesus (the "story" need not be mine) was crucified as a "troublemaker", a threat to the established order, for driving the money-changers from the temple with a whip. Only Rome could crucify, and only for this one offense.

(My read is that Jesus presented himself as "a son of God", and taught that all humans are that, but most disagree with my view. It is non-essential to the point.)

If all humans are "sons and daughters of God", then all can act similarly in spiritual conflict.

I intend to speak of the act of Jesus of Nazareth in that human-spiritual-actor sense.

The spiritually-driven sacrifice of one's own life is a powerful act to influence the course of human events. This must be spiritually-driven, as I see it, to have a deep power to shape a developing reality. The person who makes the sacrifice must be divinely guided to this decision, which is completely the decision of the person.

Many people are faced with much lesser moral decisions, which they could easily choose not to engage fully. I accepted firing for COVID-19 vaccine-refusal in October 2021, for the moral/spiritual reason that I saw an underclass of sub-humans being created. I knew, and had taught my children, what that leads to. I always taught that it was the sign to get-out, but when it happened in my life, I saw that the spiritual fight against that trend was to stand openly in that group of sub-humans, which the Houston Methodist Hospital Nurses had already done. So I did. It changed the trajectory of my life. I can't say how much my personal act affected the flow of our history, because many chose the same moral/spiritual path. The oppression of the underclass never reached critical mass, and it is in retreat.

What might have been the human moral/spiritual battle that the human-son-of-God was fighting, if not a blood sacrifice ordained by the Loving-Father?

The battle being fought was between the creditor-class, and ordinary people, who demanded the return of the Jubilee. A civil war had recently been fought over that in Greece, and also Egypt. That was "the Gospel", the "good news", debt cancellation. Roman law supported creditors in all cases.

Economic Historian, Michael Hudson, has that story: https://michael-hudson.com/2017/12/he-died-for-our-debt-not-our-sins/

I don't have certainty about the absolute status of the Divine aspect of Jesus, which he expressed when he said, "Before Moses was, I am". I don't have certainty about my own existence before and after this current life.

I hope I have been able to express my perception of contesting in spiritual conflict. "Warrior" is a fraught term for that.

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“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” - Galatians 6:9

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Love this

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The cult has always existed. We choose to engage, or not. Dr Suzanne Humphries just celebrated the 10th anniversary of publishing "Disolving Illusions", which is her struggle with the cult of vaccines (prior to the Covidian cult but laid the foundation for them) and it cost her a career. You still have yours, Celia, despite the deep, festering wounds. And that you are still in the battle is what makes you a hero. Thank you for your sacrifice 🙏

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You’ve paid a terrible price. But your witness is priceless.

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If only people could understand that the oligarchs aren't like normal people. We think that self-immolation will shock them into realizing their mistakes and they will end wars. Has it worked? For the most part, no. Sadly, wars are more prevalent today because violence is ALL they understand. Raw, brutal power. They are either so severely damaged themselves or they were born that way. In order for them to stop they must experience the equivalent level of violence directly. They must be MADE to stop. Not with appeals to compassion or logic. These are like feathers in the wind to them. Pure evil CANNOT, WILL NOT stop for any reason we might try using. We need to stop wasting time and energy trying to make sense of why they do what they do. We must do whatever it takes to stop their reign of global terror.

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They have moved on, to the "mother cult," as you say. And they have brought in a group of obedient "immigrants" to both follow and run the show. It's the Canada-ization (or China-fication) of America. It's very obvious that this is what is going on out here in California. They've found a bigger way to kill and replace everyone who does not obey their technoautocratic strictures.

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They've grown weaker, and you are stronger.

You've been doing works of love for many years, and that has given you strength.

But doing evil is irrational and self-destructive, and that's why weakness is their fate.

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