The best thing that came from the covid nonsense is that now ALL JABS are in question. And its quite mainstream.

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Non fully informed & consensual injection of proteins or other substances by any means is rape in my book. We've been getting mass raped & looted for decades, but only recently, like the abused children that never knew it was abuse are we waking up to it

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Yes! I'm going to be be uncharacteristically optimistic here (which, strangely, is my general outlook at the moment) and say that I think the whole vaccine idea has been fatally wounded. It's going to take some time to sink in properly but any work or investigation into vaccines is just going to solidify their inherent danger. People might be resistant to the idea that our doctors have been deliberately injuring and killing us for decades - centuries, really - but they will come round to accepting it. In the meantime - and long before it becomes a recognised truth - people will avoid vaccines as a behavioural default, even if they are still on the fence as to their dangers.

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Common—-I have a friend in Tennessee—-He has 15 children and over 50 grandchildren…..All delivered by midwives——NOT ONE CASE OF AUTISM. NOT ONE VACCIND except for the boys who went into the military. There are no coincidences. Lew

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I was born on the farm. Doctor came and delivered me at home. No vaccines until I was 19 years old and entering the military. My mother breastfed for 6-12 months. Had natural immunization. Never sick until I contracted covid in 2022 by being exposed to shed spike proteins. Never had measles, mumps, chicken pox as my older brother and sister had them while my mother was breastfeeding me and I assume I picked up the antibodies from breast milk. Look at the Amish. No inoculations. NO AUTISM. NO CANCER.


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One thing I've noticed is the increase in articles about the "dangers" of Vitamin D. Now Vitamin D is protective against respiratory infections as well as cancer. Nice piece of predictive programming to get the normies afraid to take something that might save them before they release the next "virus."

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I researched vitamins and found the ingredients are mostly purchased from an international market place where the ingredients are as usual the cheaper the better…your vitamins are likely sourced and manufactured in China and I won’t wax poetic about that except to say there’s no product I’d ever buy that’s made in China, ever nothing. I rely on local herbalists if I feel something’s necessary. Plant based prepared by people I know.

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Good point. I buy from Premier Research Labs, Mercola and a couple of others that claim to get their ingredients from reputable sources.

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“Claim” …

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While I like some things Mercola talks about, he is after all a supplement salesman.

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I am exiting vit D because I don't believe it even comes close to providing the benefits of getting some sun. Thinking about this, the clowns are trying to block the sun and some of the things in vit D...how do we know it is safe and does what they claim?

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Getting your vit D through sun exposure is the very best way you can do it. And at the same time, you will be getting lots of melatonin too, as it's made in the mitochondria powered by far infrared light, whether from the Sun or from sitting in front of a cozy wood or coal fire.

There are numerous other benefits to real sunshine and to real fires. Our bodies naturally feel good when they get just the right amount of exposure to these things.

But for people who don't or who can't get enough vitamin D from the sun or anywhere else, they are facing potential health problems because not getting enough vitamin D really does damage health. Just because Bill Gates wants to block the sun, take over old Macdonald's farm and inject everything on two legs or four, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

How do we know it's safe and does what they claim? Well, a lot of claims for a lot of things are BS, as we all know. And we can't know everything, but we have a better chance of knowing more by making the effort to study and appreciate the available evidence. I'm not trying to convince anybody, but from my personal experience the benefits of many vitamin supplements are substantial and will improve people's overall health if taken at least semi-consistently as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Now it could be that there are piles of bodies piled up of people who were killed by vitamins. I don't think there are. But if there are, then I think they've been very cleverly hidden.

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Jun 3
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Who said Vitamin D supplements are fatal?

Let's go through this again, for those at the back of the class who were not paying attention. Lots of people have said vitamin D supplements are fatal. Including this Surrey coroner (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-surrey-68436576) and the people who point out, quite correctly, that vitamin D is used as a rodenticide.

But your point is not that they can be fatal in sufficient quantity, but that they can cause rapid & early onset varicose veins in people who don’t have m/any risk factors. I understand.

I haven't seen this in my circle, although most people in my circle don't take vitamin D supplements, and most people in my circle are not very young.

I don't see young or otherwise healthy people with reticular veins in their arms or legs? And I have not developed spider veins, hemorrhoids, leg cramps or water retention my extremities?

But then again, I don't take vitamin D supplements all year round. And I don't swallow them a dozen at a time like M&Ms.

Please elaborate—because I assume you are sincere—at what sort of doses are you seeing these rapid & early onset varicose veins in people who don’t have m/any risk factors?

Going back over half a century, my mother and her mother and her sister all developed varicose veins in their thirties. They never took vitamin D supplements and wouldn't have even known such things existed. But they were all heavy tobacco and daily alcohol users, sedentary, vitamin and nutrient deficient due to poor diet and living in the Big Smoke, and had had at least three kids each by that age. That's the sum total of my experience with varicose veins.

Medical opinion—which I know you don't respect very much—has it that there are several potential causes of varicose veins in young people, including:

Genetics and family history:

Varicose veins can have a strong hereditary component, with some individuals being predisposed to developing them. If a close family member has varicose veins, the risk is increased in younger people as well.


The increased blood volume and pressure during pregnancy can contribute to the development of varicose veins, especially in the legs. This is a common occurrence in young women of childbearing age.

Obesity and excess weight:

Carrying extra weight, particularly around the abdomen and legs, can put additional pressure on the veins and increase the risk of varicose veins.

Lack of physical activity:

A sedentary lifestyle with little physical activity can lead to weakened vein valves and pooling of blood in the veins, contributing to varicose vein formation.

Standing for long periods:

Occupations or activities that require prolonged standing, such as teaching, nursing, or retail work, can increase the strain on the leg veins and lead to varicose veins.

Hormonal changes:

Fluctuations in hormones, such as during puberty or in young women taking birth control pills, can affect the structural integrity of the veins and increase the risk of varicosity.

Trauma or injury:

Damage to the veins, such as from a leg injury or surgery, can disrupt the normal functioning of the vein valves and lead to the development of varicose veins.

Are you seeing in your circle, fit, slim, athletic young people at the pinnacle of health developing any of these symptoms? And are these symptoms limited to those who take vitamin D supplements?

If so, then my first guess would be it's probably the clot shot. Especially if it's sudden and unexpected.

And my second guess would be climate change.

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I think v veins could also be a scurvy symptom, which will probably be present any time a person is not getting adequate natural sunlight -- not enough C either. I don't mean 'one needs a piece of citrus' to meet the ancestral need. I am referring to elevated needs due to one's unique profile of ongoing poisoning. When facing mounting exposures (which is true for all of us,) neutralizing all the chemicals and artificial energy requires ongoing dosing of these 'vitamins' / compounds that one can no longer receive from even the best diet. The orthomolecular physicians--over the past century--have demonstrated this time and time again but their work is highly suppressed, re-defined and has been categorized into oblivion. One could argue that each of us has our unique combination of scurvy(C)-rickets(D)-etc. I think this explains why some people feel better on extreme diets. These diets come closer to meeting the elevated needs caused by ever-increasing blanket poisons that society has normalized.

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Jun 1Edited
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1) Where did all the funding for the endless Vitamin D studies come from?

By all means, tell us. All I know is Vitamin D works for me and sunshine is free.

2) How did Europeans survive dark winters for millennia without Vitamin D supplements?

Miserably, by all accounts, huddled around a log fire, covered in sheepskin and woad, covered in lice, fleas and ticks, and sleeping ten to a bed.

But they had one huge advantage over post-modern 21st century Europeans.......

That's right! They were unvaccinated.

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Being unvaccinated is about the healthiest thing you can do.

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Jun 2
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You do realize that when people say, "You do realize blah blah blah, don't they?" they sound patronizing and condescending, even if they don't intend to.

See how easy it is to piss other people off by using that construction? The message is in the "blah blah blah". The meta message is that the speaker or writer knows all about the subject and the recipient knows nothing. I don't address other people, or even to dogs and cats, in that tone, and when other people address me in that tone, I automatically place them in a category of self-aggrandizing authority figures and know-it-alls, and take them a lot less seriously than I would if they adopted a tone of respectful adult-to-adult communication and at least pretended that they considered me to be on an equal footing.

Perhaps I am doing you an injustice here and perhaps I'm being unduly picky. But like most of us, I resent being lectured to or talked down to or having my status invalidated any more than I like wading through pseudoscience and half-truths.

FYI, the recommended daily intake levels for vitamin D in the United States are as follows:

Infants 0-12 months: 400 IU (10 mcg) per day

Children and adolescents 1-18 years: 600 IU (15 mcg) per day

Adults 19-70 years: 600 IU (15 mcg) per day

Adults 71 years and older: 800 IU (20 mcg) per day

Pregnant and breastfeeding women: 600 IU (15 mcg) per day

In order to achieve these paltry levels, the FDA has regulations that allow for the voluntary fortification of certain foods with vitamin D. This includes dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and some cheeses.

For milk, there is a requirement, not just a recommendation. The FDA requires that all fluid milk products be fortified with at least 400 IU of vitamin D per quart.

Other dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and plant-based milk alternatives are also often voluntarily fortified with vitamin D, typically at levels between 100-200 IU per serving.

Certain breakfast cereals, orange juices, and plant-based products like almond or soy milk may also be fortified with vitamin D, usually in the range of 80-120 IU per serving.

Anyone who thinks these levels of vitamin D are poisonous to humans is welcome to avoid all the above foods. For myself, the evidence I've studied and my own experience suggests to me that such levels are wholly inadequate and that while they are high enough to prevent rickets, they leave large parts of the population with such low levels of circulating vitamin D that it puts them at risk of numerous serious medical conditions including cardiovascular disease and cancer. But I could be wrong. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a scientist. I'm not even a Big Pharma executive. What do I know?

So I say once again, how much vitamin D is too much? And how much is not enough?

You seem to be saying that no amount of vitamin D supplementation is safe because supplements are pharmaceutical products and not self-limiting, but any amount of vitamin D from sunshine is safe because sunshine is natural and self-limiting.

This line of argument seems an overly simplistic appeal to emotion to me because not everything that is a pharmaceutical product is necessarily bad for you and not everything that is natural is necessarily good for you. And in any case, vitamin D is a natural molecule essential to animal life and produced by natural processes; not a synthetic molecule that pharmaceutical researchers invented and that our bodies have never encountered before they began to market it.

FYI: There is no molecular difference between the vitamin D3 produced in the body through sun exposure and the vitamin D3 found in supplements.

The vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) that is synthesized in the skin when exposed to UV-B radiation from the sun is chemically identical to the vitamin D3 found in supplements.

Both forms of vitamin D3 have the same molecular structure and composition. They are both comprised of the same 27-carbon steroid molecule.

The only difference is the source: Vitamin D3 from sun exposure is produced endogenously (within the body) when 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin is converted to cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) upon exposure to UV-B radiation.

Vitamin D3 in supplements is derived exogenously, typically from lanolin (a waxy substance from sheep's wool) or lichen, and then added to the supplement formulation.

Now, although vitamin D production from sunlight exposure is self-limiting to the extent that there is a limit to how much can be produced in one sunbathing session, in general, for a fair-skinned Caucasian adult, about 10 to 30 minutes of full-body, naked sun exposure on a bright summer day in the 30-40 degree latitude range can result in the production in the body of roughly 10,000-20,000 IU of vitamin D.

In contrast, taking a paltry 400 to 800 IU a day of vitamin D in supplement form is not going to give the body any more than 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D and probably less as about 50 to 90% of the dose will be absorbed. Even taking 5,000 IU a day in supplement form will still give a person less than half of what they would likely obtain by summer sunbathing.

Supplementary vitamin D is not self-limiting to the extent that if you take too much you will poison yourself. That is definitely a possibility. But I say again, how much is too much?

Let's put it the question in another way. How many people die each year in the US due to vitamin D poisoning? How dangerous is it compared to things like riding a bicycle, bunjeee jumping, swallowing a cocktail olive, etc?

The answer may surprise you.

According to the available data and research:

Vitamin D toxicity is an exceptionally uncommon occurrence in the general population. The National Poison Data System reported only 8 deaths related to vitamin D toxicity in the United States over a 19-year period from 2000-2018.

A review of vitamin D toxicity cases found that the annual incidence is less than 0.1 per million people in countries with widespread vitamin D fortification.

The Endocrine Society's clinical practice guidelines state that vitamin D toxicity is "an exceedingly rare condition" and that no deaths have been conclusively attributed to vitamin D at intake levels less than 10,000 IU per day.

The safe upper limit for vitamin D intake is set at 4,000 IU per day for adults by the Institute of Medicine. Intake below this level is highly unlikely to cause any toxicity.

My comment on this last fact is that if the usual cabal wanted to poison the population with vitamin D, why set the safe upper limit so low? Why set a safe upper limit at all? After all, they haven't set a safe upper limit for the number of COVID jabs or the number of vaccines on the childhood schedule. By your own reasoning, isn't the presence of an official safe upper limit an indication that the murderous cabal is trying to sicken us or kill us by scaring us into taking less vitamin D than is good for us? Think about it.

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Thanks! I take D3/K2 with Zinc & Quercetin but not every day. Living in Louisiana I get plenty of sunshine. My guess about Europeans is that they got lots in the summer and there is a lot in cod liver oil when it's dark in the winter

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Jun 1
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But then again, how much is too much?

“All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison.”

—Paracelsus, 1538

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So true and it definitely raises some red flags. Most vit D comes from China or India and that is scary in itself.

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What a solid example. A key aspect to this monarch programming phenomena: At least one Causal Factor is part of the story but is given the role of 'miracle of modern technology.' In this case: the apple watch. Does anybody know the frequencies being emitted and their impact on a physiologically stressed organism that just ran a marathon? Ask the KY race horses with new implants who have dropped dead https://arthurfirstenberg.substack.com/p/lost-in-limbo. Ask the tennis players and baseball pitchers--who are beamed with microwave-emitting technology to monitor the speed of their serves and pitches--who now have a life-threatening glioblastoma brain tumor. The purpose of these media narratives are not just to propagandize or confuse, but to actually set in one's subconscious mind, an absolute (but invalid) certainty that the obvious change to one's surroundings (what old-fashioned science called the EXPOSURE -- the thing that is causing death or illness) is instead part of the miracle of survival. In this example, the doctor speaks of 'known risk factors' - the authority is ignorant of the truth, which is that the heart is an electrical organ and the impact of EMF on hearts has been well-researched and thoroughly described https://www.radiationresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/EU-EMF2018-6-11US3.pdf.. Also, notice that potential new risk factors are thrown out -- Who here thinks that this marathon runner is obese or has a substance abuse problem? I will add one more nuance: the critical thinkers among us now jump to the assumption that this was caused by one or more injections. At the most, injections are interacting effects, but since radiation is a known factor, it cannot be eliminated from any valid model. I cannot help but notice the the radiation is not only getting off scot-free but is able to increase exponentially in the background. These monarch programs create individualized digital-social trojan horses and we respond by wanting the product that will injury and maybe kill us (i.e., a radiation-emitting device.)

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Thanks for raising this important matter. The evidence is mounting as fast as the towers are installed.

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One thing I failed to consider is all the technology in a vehicle. The close proximity to all that "buzz".

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So true. I will add that to the evolving list in my head.

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Great points, Teresa.

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Jun 1
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Thank you for posting this. I had not heard of these 'things.' Notice the long list of challenges, including that pesky notion we call privacy.

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It is the parade of Demons; and well paid Demons to be sure.

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Has to be one of the most obvious cases of cognitive dissonance ever.

Some of these people will be actively meaning to deflect attention, and others will be, most people, I expect, automatically filtering out the injections as a likely cause to maintain a quiet life, same reason they took the shots in the first place. The banality of evil in plain sight.

The whole spectrum, from the active people intending the deflection, to the passive ones they know will further it, is amazing and genuinely repellent to watch.

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Jun 1
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I wonder along with you about the “I just CANNOT do this anymore!” prospect

Perhaps I wonder about it too much. Maybe because I am shocked when I see the most trustworthy appearing faces delivering HARMFUL lies for dollars

I look at that pic that Dr Naomi Wolf posted of the MSM drones

Looks like a Golden-Handcuffed NBC morning crew. They all have that thousand mile stare. No one can really know what they're thinking but one can imagine they may be pondering "was the price of my soul worth this job?"

"Yeah sure it pays well, I get invited to nice parties that I'm too exhausted & under slept to attend & my spouse, significant other &/or kids pretend to like me (when I have time to see them) but I know, soon as the $$$ & Golden Handcuffs are removed I am a nobody to all of them"

Various things often trigger music memories in me. Looking at that pic I think of the Tracy Chapman song

"...all that you have is your soul.."

Gets me every time

In a reflective moment assessing choices & compromises if that song does not get to you then perhaps you're lucky or you've had a particularly satisfying life and made some really good choices &/or found ways to live comfortably with those choices good and bad

But the soul sucking choices?? Seems like there are an abundance of them. Hard to avoid actually. Pays well and gives you the usual trappings of success required to "win" in the partner sweepstakes. It never hurts to have status & money. The world will be in line to be your bestie. Till you step out of line...

In that pic that is what I see, true or not. Fatigue & boredom. They look like their soul has been sucked out

Anyway. I can imagine that MSM crew having those thoughts as they stare blankly.

The other one that ALWAYS gets me is the Pink Floyd line in "Wish you were here"

“Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?”

If you think of war as a life metaphor, IE you could have been engaged in (a war) for something meaningful and righteous rather than in the cage as a MSM voice puppet spreading lies for your masters to make sure you keep your Golden Handcuffs. Yeah. If you let such doubts seep in, I can see those stares and imagine they may be having such thoughts.

How does one feel when inevitably someone in your circle is hit with clot shot fever consequences & you know you were instrumental in pressing the attack? You know the boss that gives you that big paycheck made the clot shot a non negotiable part of the job. How do you manage the thoughts of betrayal and keep on representing your betrayer? You have to let a bit of your soul die

Mind you it is not with judgement. It really is a rat race and we the lab rats almost always make compromises to remain SURVIVING lab rats. But it can come at real cost.

What do you have to do with your soul for example to get out there on camera in front of millions, then smile & say

Safe And Effective

KNOWING it's a dreadful lie

Then go back to your house in upscale WhereEverVille and think pleasant thoughts while the train wreck horror you pretend won't & isn't happening unfolds with your voice and authority helping it along

Reminds me of the old saying, "that's why they pay them the big bucks"

Just say what you gotta say and make it convincing

The blank stares of the MSM puppets makes me wonder what thoughts THEY have every time they are mandated to spread another lie they absolutely know is spreading harm

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They are deadened, indeed. Even more striking to me is the interviewer, animatedly asking the doctor why it's happening, with apparently genuine bafflement, the shots never even occurring to her as an obvious temporal culprit. That's even more fascinating to me than the soul-sucked panel.

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Lots of dead souls around. Feels like were in zombie world. Recently saw an FDA link in one of these threads,. Pretty sure it was FDA, whatever, it was an "authoritative" recommendation source (IE tantamount to mandating source). STILL pushing/recommending clot shots STARTING AT 6 MONTHS!

How can you sign off on stuff like that?

You make compromises

In some ways it feels like we may be seeing the destruction of institutions as the most competent & conscience driven people escape without fan fare & others resolve to not go into fields that once may have been their dream. Certainly feels like it's happening in teaching. Certainly many heroic competent teachers remain but many leave & surely many others bail in college after seeing what's in their future. Seems like all the teachers I knew took early retirement. Just could not take it any more. They got pretty abused during the pandemic

THAT is a utterly disastrous long term prognosis for the society. We will have the infrastructure of an advanced society but those orgs will be populated with soul-sucked bureaucrats who are the only remaining when the others coming up the line have a crisis of conscience and bail.

Medicine for example. If you are a highly intelligent motivated person with a drive to be a doctor it may be hard to suffer thru what amounts to a 10 year hazing & life altering debt to get your degree if you know part of the bargain is you have to administer murderous injections & protocols on children or lose your license. You may just decide, "perhaps I should just be a YouTuber or sell supplements or something

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I think Noam Chomsky, though unwilling or unable to accept certain major truths or plausibilities, explains correctly why people (some) sign off in his Manufacturing Consent.

They come to know what not to do, where not to step, gradually while growing up, from the approval/disapproval of their parents, then teachers, principals, deans, coaches, professors, sergeants, managers, CEOs, and are advanced or hindered in like measure to how well they conform to the underlying expected behavior, eventually doing so automatically and anticipatorily. The don't need to be told anymore what specifically to do or not do or say, they instinctively know, with every new issue or topic, what the path of their own selfish best interest is. The 10 years ordeal that allopaths endure surely seals that deal for that group, but I think we also have to face the very real possibility that a majority of people are really shallow and thoughtless, easily herded, and wanting to be.

As to the destruction of societal institutions, any one created or being held up by the state should fall, as they are inherently and inescapably captured entities. I believe now in voluntary interaction in all things, and believe that to be the only path forward, and to be the logical and moral one.

Might be a challenge as to roads and bridges, but I think the prognosis for a society of people voluntarily interacting with each other about all things could be a very good one.

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Absolutely 100%

There are a million ways to manufacture consent and most are going on all the time. And if all else fails there is the Bolshevism 101 tactic of violence & the threat of violence

"Do what we say or we'll burn down your cities or worse"

Seen a lot of that lately haven't we?

But it will still be spun as "the sacred Democratic process"

In traditional organized crime it's called "sending them a message they can't refuse"

But in politics intimidating the electorate is called

"the sacred voice of the people has spoken, Democracy is working"

And there is that thing that has nothing to do with consent

It's the illusion of choice. Before we even get to the ballot box the candidates have been so pre-filtered that the choice is not really that much of a choice even when we think there is an existential difference. They have so many ways of control that even "the right guy or gal" will likely be kept in line one way or another. If for no other reason than the whole of government & the permanent bureaucracy has come up through the manufactured consent filtering process. Hard to run an ice cream stand when all the employees are pulling the plugs on the freezers

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Maybe that will be the case with the small % that can face the plausibility that the injections are the main, if not the sole reason for all the maladies listed, but the lion's share of people cannot and do not ever do that. They will block out or deny the info to the bitter end, and will also do everything exactly the same way next time, if not more so.

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Nah, I don't think so. People know something is wrong and they know it's wrong on every level. I think the minority will be those who come away with the idea that it was only the vaccines that were wrong. They know they're still being lied to, being gaslit constantly and they know, as the slogan almost went, "They were all in it together." I don't think the system can even return to its fallback position of "We can make these things right with some minor adjustment.". Every system and institution is broken way beyond repair - and anyway it was never intended to look after you and me.

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Some people do, yeah. Some do, and show it and act on it. Most people I see and interact with do not do either of the latter, even if they may be sensing all the wrongness, but I think it's hugely optimistic to suggest that they are. I see no evidence for that, but even were it true, most people will be diverted into other harmful and futile actions in reaction, if they are inclined to react at all.

The Libertarian Party inviting Donald Trump, proud father of Operation Warp Speed and appeaser of lockdown, to speak at its recent convention, for example, rather than condemning the shots and Trump, and rather than defending bodily autonomy. Trump's no libertarian, no champion of the Constitution - however toothless a document that we now know it to be - but a huge % of the people that are and who rejected the shots are somehow embracing (as savior) or allying with him. That's their reaction to knowing something's wrong, to embrace a corrupt, buffoonish collectivist of another stripe who does not fundamentally respect individual liberty.

My hope is that the people that have actually looked behind the curtain, or at least want to, able to, are tempermentally suited to doing so, will finally be a large enough minority to have to be reckoned with, and can make an impact by rejecting this paradigm, turning its back on it, creating something else, and serving as a beacon of example.

We're not voting our way out of the societal metamorphosis that's taken place since WWII, and particularly since 9/11. I'm certain of that.

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Well, Chris Cuomo is high profile mainstream and has changed his tune of late, having been harmed by the shots, apparently. Suggested a 9/11 style 'commission'.

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Jun 2
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Right, and his suggestion is the predictable one. Drive people into the ditch of yet another pointless 'commission', another report, and declarations that mistakes were made and we can do better, and the majority will then think something happened and will be placated.

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The purchased professionals will never admit to the true cause of the questionable rise in heart attacks in both the young and others, for to do so would open them up to culpability.

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It’s heartening to read the very awake comments under the clip.

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A year into the Covid madness I saw a sign on the side of a NYC transit bus that was advertising for a pediatric cardiac center at one of the major NYC hospitals. The caption read: Kids get heart attacks too. They have been setting this up for a long time. Recently I read that the microplastics in clothing, etc. are contributing to blocked arteries therefore causing more heart attacks. The Monarchs will stop at nothing.

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Thank you for posting this link.

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Attempts at 'normalizing' incidents of acute and chronic diseases due to long-standing environmental factors such as lifestyle and pharmaceutical interventions are becoming more common, and not being adequately questioned by most. Unfortunately, much of what we use, eat, and wear in our daily lives is more toxic than it should/could be, but without the general public understanding this, there's no impetus to figure out a better path forward.

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"not being adequately questioned by most". Just a little...🤣😂🤣

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These characters remind me of a past incident.

While at Lilly, 3 upper management types came to speak to our group. We got consecutive scripted "impromptu" propaganda performances using language that so lacked any genuineness or human connection that it caused me to wonder where they had learned to speak in such a detached manner.

As in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, with aliens inhabiting human bodies, yet lacking the human characteristics that make us human.

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Brainwashed, mind-controlled zombies. God help us.

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The jovial, well-paid, lying dolts have no clue what it could be…these wicked people have no moral compass. “If only any of them had a conscience,” Jake Tapper.

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Mount Sinai in New York? Well surely SOMEONE is going to mention the antenna on the roof and all through the city?


I guess it will have to be me..... again.


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This is the problem, isn't it? This is all a coverup. Of course the medics still need to be sent to their magnolia waiting room in Hell and to the personal reliving of the pain and harm they caused all their patients, but even they won't be responsible for the bulk of the deaths coming. That will be 5G and our cesspool electromagnetic environment. Still, we ought to be decapitating these people while we have the opportunity. I have to say I've been wondering lately whether our masters might be worried this is getting out of control? I think they may have run into one of those universal truths where, at some limit, you can't know what's going to happen. I'm sure I can come up with a better example but the one that comes to mind is Heisenberg and not being able to know both velocity and position of a particle at any one time.

On an optimistic note - and there's no one better to mention it to first than you - I think AI is going to crash and burn (in fact there's a halfway decent argument for saying the whole internet will meet that fate). What's created by AI is just going to end up as litter. Thousands of people are using AI to write books. They get the theme, the ideas, the storyline and even the style from AI and then publish the book as though they wrote it themselves. But what are these books going to be worth? They're not adding to knowledge, insight or understanding and there's no factual content that isn't known already (or the AI wouldn't have it). The purpose was just to make money, not to provide something of lasting value. Now imagine millions of these things filling every Bestseller list! The cry is going to be "Give me something written by a bloody human!" and the books will just end up as landfill. Like the internet it's just going to be a mass of self-referencing tropes and you're not going to be able to get near anything of value, ever. Once people fully recognise that - and the philosophical hurdles that it needed to overcome -they will stop using it. We're already pretty fed up with pressing "Skip Ad" every four minutes on YouTube as though we're some rat in a Skinner box pressing a bar for food. In the not to distant future I see that as being as unacceptable as the government locking you in your homes for weeks or months; just utterly cuckoo to have even accepted it as OK in the first place.

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AI is already litter, blowing thick in the wind and obscuring the view. I never see a single advertisement on YouTube because I use Brave browser. Try it. xx

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Her literal job is to investigate. Never once did the question of “could “ it be the vaccine?

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It's obviously caused by schlong covid.

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"This is how revolutionists think, speak, and control. You are meant to believe in the Brand New Threat, flown like a red kite in the windy sky of ominous developments— by them." This is a very important deconstruction. We should read this post several times to understand how blatantly they lie every single time. It boggles the mind how saturated we are with all their lies.

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Lies will continue until the economy improves (narrator voice: the economy will not improve)

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This JUST in…..

WATCH: World Health Organization Director-General Tedros, speaking at the World Health Assembly happening this week in Geneva, says, “It’s time to get aggressive with anti-vaxxers.” https://thecanadianindependent.substack.com/p/watch-world-health-organization-director

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So, the mean commie bastard from the horn of Africa wants to hurt the feelings of people. I doubt he has time to devise a good plan because he has to spend all his Machiavellian talent in protecting the rapists from the evil UNESCO and UNICEF.

It would be best for him to simply retire now to Siberia, where he belongs.

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I hope he doesn't mean, ".... like the Hutus did with the Tutsis."

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