
I'm elated and furious and hysterical and calm and everything all at once. I can't eat, or think, and I feel like hollering. At some snooty former left leaning moronic rotten not friends or other, out there, who've been insulting me ALL my life, and probably most of you too. Fire all your friends who refuse to see a truth even when it is obvious and clear and who follow fashionable NOTIONS, instead of using their own minds. IMAGINE how the J6 prisoners and their loved ones feel. I want to yell at somebody.

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God Bless us All.

It is not over.

Maintain focus.


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PRAY? That is one of the vital things they use to PREY upon us.

But what's in a word éh?

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You either know how to pray or you don't. It is not "petitioning the Lord", as Jim Morrison pointed out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ikMxHAW_YM

"Prayer is not asking God to carry your water. Prayer is carrying your water", as per a Buddhist saying.

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Poor Jimmy the Lords' son. I loved that keyboard sound but Morrison left me cold.

Now, who then are prayers petitioning?

They say the first sign of madness is talking to yourself, so I guess the cure for madness is to correspond.

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You're more of a Deep Purple kind of guy.

There was a good organ player there, too.

Madness' primary cause is modern architecture.

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Deep Purple too alpha beta for Moi.

Steely Dan always seems satisfying.


And I love the way Mahler leans you over the edge of the cliff then slowly brings you back.

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So you are saying you have no consolation, at all.

Humans need consolation. Go listen to Liszt if you don't believe that.

The praying mantis needs no consolation. When they hatch, baby praying mantises are very cute, or terrifying depending on how you look at it. They move so fast! We need super slow motion cams! Most of them will die, eaten by birds or spiders or fish or whatever. They are natural beings, only.

But humans belong to Nature and to the Heavens. Nature is never enough. So we pray.

Tell me about something you love, something beautiful.

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Humans need consolation all right. And there is nothing more consoling (or comforting) than getting up off your knees.

The praying mantis preys on his siblings. but perhaps it is trying to entreat the supreme insect ...who knows?

And many things beauteous are learned, dosed out like anesthetic.

Beauty needs no endorsement from me, and its' appropriation is no endorsement of me ..or anybody else for that matter.

I would imagine that most prayer is being offered up when the innocent, and the guilty, are in deathly jeopardy.

In edit: What I am saying is that Perhaps it's best not to allow yourself to get into positions where prayer is thought of as a way out.

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Praying for guidance, not "things" is a way forward through the minefield.

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And are those prayers self-entreaties, or prayers to an exogenous anthropomorph?

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As a rejoinder, realize that all prayer and meditation require humility, like a musician in training has to be humble and patient before he can gain access to making beautiful music.

For example: www.youtube.com/embed/V9HIWGklegI

Think that when people seek consolation in prayer or anywhere else, they are also gathering strength. Later, their strength may cause actions that are acceptable to you.

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Self-hypnosis can be beneficial for the work at hand for sure.

But when the work is done ..remember you were entreating yourself and not an exogenous deity.

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I am very angry at the "press" for lack of a better name. The evil persecution of J6 citizens has been one of the worst crimes they ever did.

The comedians of the regime were particularly awful about this. And we know they will pretend they didn't do it or the old "it's all over now let's turn the page"

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Just like Covidmania.

All is NOT forgiven.

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I expect the grub Stephen Colbert will play the same angle.

Hardy Ha! Ha!

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Yell at is putting it mildly.

I am sorrowed for the Perma family and for those sequestered for up to 3 1/2 years.

How about the knuckleheads who took plea bargains because they were 'scared'? I know it was a difficult decision to bail on the country in pursuit of personal freedom - but look at them now.

My question is whether there will be retributions coming - for both the innocent and the guilty.

It's time to think about putting that blonde cow from Wyoming in solitary for the rest of her life.

Such a traitor to her country.

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Too bad one can't fire family.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

My sister fired me--even before the nondemic. My kids don't yet get the full picture. They are still ultra-respectful. They will get it. I am the advanced adopter. My stock will go up until I croak, after which I want a big party with fancy horses and a parade.

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love "nondemic"

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My friends in Mexico say I can have a parade with fancy horses. Then I didn't want to die again so I could see my parade, like the fake funeral in MASH. I think Donald Sullivan did die recently.

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Sutherland, yeah.

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I want to yell at somebody too. But who? That's the problem with this unaccountable and criminally corrupt tyrannical regime. Its head of state is obviously mentally incompetent, so he can't be held to account. Whoever is pulling his strings wasn't elected, so neither can they.

Who will made to answer for this tragedy?

We are all being held captive by an unseen force.

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There is evidence of the crimes committed on Jan.6.

It has been hidden by the press and the sold out FBI.

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You did an excellent job of describing the situation.

It’s the perfect scenario for the evil ones. No accountability!

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The puppet master has God and Jesus on a string.

The audience is too in love with them to tear down the curtain.

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Absolutely. I'm curious to now what will pan out.

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As a flash in the pan ...That's why elections are held.

They are the forget the past psyop.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Nothing will happen as long as the Dumbocraps control the Executive. And, nothing will happen if Trump is elected this fall, because he doesn't have the balls and showed us he cares nothing about the J6ers, as he did nothing for them. I would like to believe that Kennedy gets it, but I really do not know if he does.

This showcases a failure of our country, when there is no inescapable avenue to hold people in power accountable who purposely injure others.

I would like to see Garland and all of his prosecutors who charged J6ers with 1512 in jail for the maximum number of years served in jail by any of the J6ers charged with 1512.

But, thank God for the conservative SCOTUS justices who were in the majority.

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SO open your window and YELL ! : I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!

https://youtu.be/ZwMVMbmQBug?feature=shared 😎

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Fired all my friends. All family too (excepting husband and twon sons who fortunately grasp what is going down).

Would live to see TCallendar sue the govt on behalf of the incarcerated J6'rs but lawfare has been rendered impotent with regard to justice.

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Ask a Judge, he'll tell you it's about the law ..it's not about justice.

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Huge ditto Celia, velvet glove/iron fist! And big ditto, maintaining focus is huge- and flexibility. Just read CAF report - years in the planning this one world ‘utopia’ three things in the way:

Democracy, Unions and people’s endeavors to create a better life for themselves!

1978 Club of Rome - Dr Rennie Whitehead, from the Canadian chapter.

I’m so glad that these folks are free, at least from their current horrible situations.

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I don't know what is happening big picture. But part of me wants to believe in "justice is coming" type of thing. I am still naive and try to believe, even though I know all the reasons not to, ever. Today was a big day for deplorables. Let's enjoy it?

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Justice won’t come until We the People mete it out!

Voices and Votes Will. Not. Fix. This!

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It makes me wonder why it took so freaking long for the Republicans to bring up the videos.... Not just the sealed videos but public videos people took showed that it was not what was said.

It's just like how slow they are to stop the quackzines.

We still got them focusing on fauci, but he was just following orders, why not also bring in the military that ran the operation?

Oh right, Republicans will never call out the military. 😂

Fake opposition on both sides, all serve the same ma$ter$.

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Exactly my thoughts. And the timing! Give me a break. It’s not one side vs. the other. They’re pulling the strings and we’re all the targets.

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Three years late, but still outstanding news. I wonder if the victims, (the ones who are still alive anyway,🤬) will be compensated for their unlawful persecution and imprisonment?

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Only if they have good lawyer!

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I’d give 5$ to a good fund raiser for each of them. Too bad a lawyer can’t do a lawsuit for them collectively.

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Of course they can. It's called a class action. They're filed all the time--but not often against the government...

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They should be. But who pays? I think you know the answer.

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I'd rather my tax dollars go to the J6er's than illegals!

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Sad that’s so many families were destroyed by this. Trump should have pardoned every person involved. Why didn’t he?

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I'm sure he will if they actually let him win. The timing would've been problematic at the time though. Most were charged long after he left office, and convicted much later.

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Sue them if you can. Do not let them push you around any longer. Get advice from others and expose them by suing then, denoucing them, exposing what they did and how they did it and give facts along with signed statements, and more. They should not be able to get away with what they did.

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Im so happy for them, finally they get freedom. Im sad for Mathew Perna.

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When do we get to see Piglosi pay for this travesty??

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It was time !!! Or was SCOTUS just waiting to be sure that Biden would not be re-elected?

Biden is the perfect Manchurian candidate (puppet who does everything he's told to do by the deep state).

Will masons will still try to place him as President by stealing the elections again (like 2020 and 2022 USA, in 2022 Brazil, and many other countries)? Or will they push Michelle ("Big Mike") as an emergency candidate as previously planned?

J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


In 2022, the same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the demonstrations of millions of Brazilians against the stolen elections through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:



Weaponization of migration to destroy nations


All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!


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They will try killary.

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The sober realization!

sentenenced to life with perpetual cackling laughter, like the Joker...

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Thank god. May Christ bless them and free them of their pain. But I sense that all of this is being done to increase division and unleash more chaos, just like everything else that has occurred since 2020. Obiden has facilitated the intentional transformation of America into a neo-Maoist hellhole. Is there a way out? In California, I don't see it. If anything, I am ever more Biblically Apocalyptic about America's future, at least the America that I grew up in and loved. California is China-Hindu Techno-Authoritarian-Stan, with "whites," blacks and Latinos making up the new feudal service class, lest we want to work in "healthcare" or "bio-tech" or some other death-making demonic "career." I know that large parts of America do not see this yet, but I do, in San Diego.

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Followed Julie Kelly from early days. She has done a wonderful job of reporting. Wow. This is BIG news. Game changing...

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Thank you for the good news, but I don't understand... aren't there hundreds of political prisoners still imprisoned in the American Gulag?

Does this SCOTUS ruling mean they're going to be released? And if so, when?

In the aftermath of the debate debacle the legacy "news" media is not covering this story. It seems important.

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Thats big! I hope their entire house of corruption falls. These j6rs need to be freed and damages sought.

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Hard to know who takes their clues and ques from who.

The Jews and their tools in congress and the "security agencies" finance and facilitate an ágent provocateur exercise on Jan 6 and a bunch of naive protestors get blamed and jailed by corrupt lawyers and judges.

Then the Jews and their tools in Israel, finance and facilitate an ágent provocateur exercise with Hamas, and thousands of innocents are murdered and dispossessed in the Levent.

So, suck up that reality dear faithful and don't turn to or tell me anything about that Jewish God or his illegitimate Son, for anything but injustice.

Because those that create this heaven for you, are using your faith to legitimize their hell raising.

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Have you all read Matt Perna's story? I did not know about this. I cannot tell you how disturbing this story is to me.


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Truly heartbreaking 💔 😞🙏🏼

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Thanks for the update. Big deal!

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Celia, according to Matt Perna's aunt, "Matt . . . hung himself in his garage," not in prison.

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January 6 looked phony to me immediately, and it was. Staged planned chaos by Democrats to stop the Trump lawyers for presenting their evidence of election fraud. Mission accomplished.

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