The Super Bowl of interviews. Every other journalist is jealous but too insignificant to be in Tucker's position and too lazy to compete with him. And then there's the fact that they are captured by TPTB...

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Speaking of Super Bowl, everyone should tune out. Biggest day, besides Olympics for trafficking chldren around due to vilume of travelers. Plus it's going to be a t a y l o. R show. I w onder if she'll dress up in devil garb? I wonder if her and kwlce will stsrt being pimped out for biden like the kill shots? Ever since s o r o s funded buying her musice iut, through scooter she certainly has changed, if its a she?

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Steveo, do you have proof dirty Soros funded buying her music through Scooter? I’ve heard rumors but would love to know for sure. I for one will not be watching the Super Bowl.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Just what I've researched myself. He certainly didn't have that kind of money to negotiate with. Do we really know with proof? Who knows anymore. It's more connecting dots, I guess circumstantial? Sorry.

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I guess we’ll have to wait to know for sure with her next song 😉

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Bingo! I also smell a politcal backing coming.

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Traylor Trash Show

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Good one, wish i'd a thunk it!

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I notice the cryptic spelling - is the internet censorious Borg beating down negative references of Tailor Big Schwifty?

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I believe so. I believe Michael will soon become the candidate he'll be hyping, and then it will br revealed. 🤡's.


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I'd say more like the world cup, since people around the globe will be watching. Jen Psaki, not so much.

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I’m just laughing so much, I mean they say tucker is CIA, but I just cannot imagine the globalists would have the sense of humour to add this as part of the show 😂😂😂

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Worst case scenario, he is. At this point, it's worth watching the meltdowns it's causing. And I don't see how it (his controlled opposition) would make things worse in any real way, beyond the never ending "it's all a distraction" mantra.

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deletedFeb 8
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Feb 8Liked by Celia Farber

Don't disagree. But going nowhere, I welcome the discomfort of the ruling apparatchiks along the way. Tucker Carlson hasn't made my/our lives a hellhole the last 8 years.

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I agree. I've thought it was pretty funny to read all the blackpilled comments on Tucker being CIA. Those comments probably come from the CIA.

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TC's father was head of Voice of America. Draw your own conclusions.

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deletedFeb 8
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That Mintpress article reveals a lot about T Carlson!! Holy Smokes, must see, Folks!! Personally, I consider Putin a WEF puppet, and Russia is basically in lockstep with Agenda 21 and 2030. I read Edward Slavsquat's Substack for inside info on the ground in Russia. It's a WEF playstation.

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Feb 8Liked by Celia Farber

You might be interested to know that Forbes just did a hit piece on Carlson:

What To Know About Tucker Carlson's Interview Of Vladimir Putin


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Thanks, Edmond. Lol, I'm not a Tucker Toady, but good on him for interviewing Hit... I mean, Putin. That piece by Forbes is pathetic, and if you go to the youtube comments there is unanimous agreement there. They're getting torched. Good, they deserve it. All of the quotes attributed to Carlson, and clearly intended to disparage him, are actually the truth. I haven't seen anything about the interview, yet, but my guess/prediction is that it will be anticlimactic compared to all the current fuss!

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Russia is hardly deepstate if its at war with America???

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Go to Edward Slavsquat's page and read up on some of the current, and proposed, laws in Russia. It's like a WEF playbook. Putin's pals with Klaus, and I'm pretty sure he went thru the WEF Young Global Leaders Brainwashing Program. ''War'' fits in nicely with the aims of the WEF no matter who's zoomin' who. Imho.

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I'd forgotten him. Thanks for refreshing the memory.

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RemovedFeb 8
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So how exactly did you find your way here anyways?

You didn't get notified as your not a subscriber. With all those other 472 blogs you follow it's not likely you have time be randomly looking for posts to attack, as that's primarily your MO.

So Frances got your goad and summoned you here to spread chaos and mayhem?

What's the matter you have nothing to write to attract readers, so you figure by insulting others and disrupting other blogs you'll attract more?

Good luck with that.

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Honestly I’m just enjoying the show whilst living my life.

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RemovedFeb 8
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You’re honestly losing your mind over an interview?

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BB, when your crashh comes, it will be ok. Just remember that pointy things and matches should be left alone. Ttfn...

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RemovedFeb 8
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Well, you do seem to be the winner today for the most ridiculous comments. Have you attempted to use English?

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Removed (Banned)Feb 8·edited Feb 8
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Yes, I’m a bot because I’m not buying whatever it is you’re selling.

You must very young since your language skills are so poor.

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RemovedFeb 8
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You’re name calling and weird word usage are hilarious and it’s over a legitimate interview Carlson has done with Putin. You attacked me after I questioned your comments over an interview. Nice try though.

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Oh my, BB...you're a candidate for that new psych drug?

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RemovedFeb 8
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You're not nearly as bright as the voices in your head are telling you. Get help. Seriously.

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BB is banned for life.

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His rant seemed deeply rooted in bi-polar.

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You seem to have everyone all figured out wise guy .

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RemovedFeb 8
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Wow. Bery best wishes to you, BB.

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When @DonLemon and @TuckerCarlson were fired, Lemon returned to his roots as an unemployed black homosexual activist, while Carlson declined a $100M offer and generated a BILLION+ views on @X before forming his own media company. https://tuckercarlson.com/

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Feb 8Liked by Celia Farber

I was once told, and never forgot, “sometimes you got to get out to get up”. Meaning leaving a job, getting fired, is a good thing.

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Rush Limbaugh bragged about being fired eight times because he was a failure in radio. Being fired was one of the most transformative events I've endured - it's all part of the adventure.

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RemovedFeb 8
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Feb 8Liked by Celia Farber

You eat Swanson, Bilbo? No wonder...

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Well done, Mr. Tucker! Very well done indeed! You’re a hero, for sure! The whole world is watching, waiting and praying 🙏 for you and wishing you good success!

Please, Tucker, Please arrange an interview with Brother Michael and Brother Peter Dimond of Most Holy Family Monastery, New York as soon as possible! They are the last remaining traditional Catholic Monastery worldwide! Mind blowing, critical and important information for everybody! See www.vaticancatholic.com also mostholyfamilymonastery.com

Send an email to mhfm1@aol.com for further information please! Thank you and God bless you from Ireland. Heartfelt 🙏 many blessings and sincere gratitude ❤️

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I never knew of them. Thank you Mary.

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Thank you Celia! Please take precious time to learn more and listen carefully to the many videos, brilliant debates, fabulous news and comments on www.vaticancatholic.com also known as mostholyfamilymonastery.com

Pray also for the gift of understanding and fortitude so necessary for each one of us. A gentle reminder that Sunday next is the beautiful feast of Our Lady Of Lourdes, France! See Tradition in Action for the info on Saint Of The Day! God bless you Celia! Thank you too. My email address is familywrenne@yahoo.com

🙏 and warmest ❤️ Mary

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Ooh this is so delicious! I can't wait! 🤣😂

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I didn't think you'd be a Tucker fan, and now that Bilbo (more your style) has arrived I think the meaning of your comment being "so delicious", with the laughing faces comes to light.

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I am nobody's fan, Kelly. I just find the whole fiasco hilarious! I am being stalked by BB but it is being done indirectly. It never replies to me, it is always careful not to trigger a notification! I very much disapprove of BB's anti-Semitic aggression as it happens. Thanks for letting me know that it is on my case again.

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I can accept that Frances, we don't have to fans to be interested in seeing what comes of an interview like this, and I have to believe your sincerity for taking the time to respond, and even further I Apologize for making the accusation, especially on other posts before even giving you a chance to respond. So Sorry!

I've noticed (he?) always seems to enter at posts near the top to enter the conversation and cause disruptions. Now I am for Free Speech, which means we have to accept things people say whether we like what's said or not, but I also accept that each writer has their own discretion to decide what's acceptable on their platform if something crosses the line. I think this post from MAA says it best just a statement from withing, and she's half Jewish she states above this portion.

"I will take a million cruel, stupid, and vicious comments from Holocaust deniers in defense of free speech, and I know Holocaust survivors and their relatives who 100% agree with this stance because it is our most important bulwark against tyranny."


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Denying the holocaust is the LEAST form of anti-Semitism I witness online. The kind of content I write really upsets people like BB who want us all to believe "it's the jooz" to blame for everything from global warming to your kitchen sink blocking up.

They don't like me pointing out the real global winners are the European aristocracy, mainly the Black Nobility and so they have always harassed me ever since I first came online in 2010.

I don't know if you noticed (in other comments in this thread) but Celia and I have both blocked BB for life. I do believe in freedom of speech but I won't tolerate stalkers and anti-Semites. I also reported BB to Substack.


I am not Jewish but my paternal grandparents escaped European oppression of Gypsies and Jews long before WW2, in the 1920s, by illegally migrating to London in dire circumstances.

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Feb 8Liked by Celia Farber

The game of making boogey men out of the leaders of other countries for the purposes of waging endless wars for the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex and money laundering only works as long as your citizens are prevented from hearing those leaders' perspective, and this requires a compliant media, powerful censorship and a diet of endless propaganda. To quote Ms Thunberg, "How Dare You, Tucker?"

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Damn them Ruskies, they almost sound normal....actually more normal than U.S. Citizens.

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They are certainly articulate and aware.

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Not what we've been led to believe, though neither are most people in other countries either.

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Hahahah some of the links are not working!!! Most likely the system is crashing from all the request to view content. You go TC!!!! This BOMB is gunna drop and it’s going to be glorious. Can I get a hallelujah?

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For the interview tomorrow, What is the website that Carlson broadcasts from? Tnank you.

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Tucker Carlson.com or on X(twitter)😊

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They say that Putin was an intelligence agent in his youth. They say that Tucker was born into "intelligence" and has always been in the business. It's exciting to see a conversation between these two birds.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Celia Farber

It’s official! I have a serious crush on “Mr. Tucker”!!! 😆🥰😆

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Feb 8Liked by Celia Farber

"Mr. Tucker! Mr. Tucker!" Well, that offers new possibilities for how I can be addressed - "Mr. Ray" - by the media. Or you as "Ms. Celia". Maybe it will catch on. Great to hear the comments from Moscovites.

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I love it! While I live in Ukraine and think Russia is evil, I also think that everybody should be allowed the freedom to make their own case. Freedom of speech! I've recently made a couple of posts on my Substack and plan to dissect the interview, pointing out untruths, as I have done the last couple of days and did back in August when Tucker was egregiously wrong about who blew up the Nova Kakhovka dam.


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Good for you Mr. Graham!

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You support the genociders!

Everything you write is to foul the comment sections anywhere you defacate them.

"Russia is evil"... So, have you signed up as a merc, yet?

One easy way to shut you up.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8Liked by Celia Farber

Media heads exploding over an interview? One thing is for sure, whatever the mockingbird controlled media says in this country, chances are it is the EXACT opposite! I wonder who actually started the CIA? Let's turn over some rocks. Here is a good place to start. Please listen carefully and take notes so you don't miss the part about the border.


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Feb 8Liked by Celia Farber

I know, Celia! It's a little bit of schadenfreude but I think after all this time we can indulge ourselves a bit.🥰😂

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I love it! These other “so called journalists” at MSM are seething with jealousy as their ratings have tanked and “Mr. Tucker” is out on his own getting interviews of this magnitude!

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