I totally have supported Julian Assange since day one; watched all the movies and also PRAYED and still praying. I saw he will released soon? well I saw a byline w/ his name. And bought some of his stuff on line.. just to show support. HIS IMPRISONMENT WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLDWIDE FASCIST New World Order Censorship which includes the US and all the GOVT's of the world who would suppress the written truth. I knew it then and will always know it. History will take note of Julian Assange as a martyr to the beginning of the WORLD WIDE CENSORSHIP which has been ongoing since WW2 (pre) and continues to this day.

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My partner, who is an expert in the common law, tried hard to contact Julian's wife to make her aware of how she would be able to get Julian out of prison as he had done nothing wrong according to the common law. Alas, Julian's wife never responded to my partner's Email.

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"CENSORSHIP"? Everything Assange has "leaked" is all over the mainstream media.

What's wrong with this picture?

Real whistleblowers are never on the MSM

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poetinapaperbag, Thank you for liking my comment.

I'm not sure I understand your comment other than to say that one press published the first two reasons why President Kennedy had been assassinated, Argentina.

I found out when I was the reference librarian at an annex of Mercy College in the Washington Heights area of NYC back in the autumn of 1993. One of my students told several of us that evening.

I had to travel to Buenos Aires to obtain what would become 7 articles documenting what my student told us. You can see that at http://www.truedemocracy.net/w01/1.html

See, President Kennedy wanted peace, the kind of peace we want, not the kind the United Nations wants. That's why I often sign off with


Arlene Johnson



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My meaning is simple ..Assange was recruited, coerced, blackmailed and was willing to be the establishments "whistleblower" distraction limited hangout

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

He was a double agent, hence the ease at fabricating such sex assault ridiculousness. The U$A acted this way because of the embarrassment that it caused. Case in point: Wet Willy Clinton and Monica Lewinsky... let's blow this up for newstime entertainment.

Anotehr thing: infidelity tends to push politicos into adolescence, since they behave as such under duress.

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Further: Imagine Wet Willy and Monica admitting to the MSM,

"Yeah, we did the Big Naughty... so what?"

There would be no entertainment value as there is no secrecy needed.

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Thank yo for explaining. Then, they sure pulled a fast one on Assange.

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It was more a mutual decision on his part.

There is some sympathy for his earlier abandonment by his parents ..and disgust at their latterly volunteering to the psyop but in their defense they seem quite mentally disturbed.

If he does not now tell the truth about the entire Wikileaks psyop then I don't know what redemption means.

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The real story. That is so revealing about the social order in Sweden. Wow, would not want to be a young man in Sweden during the time in life when it's natural for men and women to want to bond. There used to be a saying in the US that men were "hen-pecked"; I think that was before "womens' liberation movement was in full swing. Poor Julian, very naive.

I love your journalism, Celia.

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Huge article. So much information.

Thank you!

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Good business decision re: activating paywall for some content. Part of navigating materiality is obtaining adequate resources, money being primary, to grow and expand the potential for Divine-assisted creativity. Also, a way for you to experience the abundance that Cosmos provides to those who actively support the Life Wave.

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Greta Stunnedburg, a legend in her own freaked up mental midgetry.

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Don't forget the concerted PR assault. I've no idea whether or not she's a Davos adoptee but wouldn't be surprised.

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Another masterful investigative piece. Thanks for going to the "archives."

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As I was reading this article carefully, it came to my mind the work "El amor brujo" ("Love, the Sorcerer") by Manuel de Falla. This is an opera-ballet about love. There are witches, gypsies, ghosts, a conjuration and invocation of Satan and Barabbas, a revenge and a happy ending.

Very 1916 kind of upper-class music.

By the end, the amateur witch Candela sings:

"I'm the voice of your fate!

I'm the fire in which your burn!

I'm the wind in which you sigh!

I'm the sea in which you sink!"

(Original text http://www.kareol.es/obras/cancionesfalla/amorbrujo.htm)


cue 24:53

Who would've thunk that Swedish female policy wonks are actually Gypsy witches. Certainly, not Julian.

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Thank you Celia for this story. I have wondered for years about what happened to Assange in Sweden This story is UFB to a "liberated" American woman. Good grief, who is afraid of a condom or . . . semen? Julian was no Harvey Weinstein. But the Swedish girls were afraid of sex, although they expected to have it. Apparently "enjoy" was not in their vocabulary.

And journalists never got to the bottom of the confused story, satisfied to blame him of literal rape when it was never that.

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Anna & Greta deserve each other.

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Even though I am on VACATION.. some NEWS IS WORTH SHARING and JULIAN ASSANGE's sacrifice for the truth has not gone unnoticed by truth seekers and survivors (my family is included in that, grandmother died in Germany w/ Dietrich Bonhoefer's movement in the famous hospital in Poland). I remember seeing him being released from that Embassy: looked like he was kept in solitary confinement and aged 10 years.

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Much chatter that JA is a tool. If they wanted him hillerized he’d be 6’ under already (and it seems that nobody escapes that fate). AU is not a bastion of freedom and it’s considered one of the last places to go if one is seeking safety (even if it is one’s home country).

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Thank you for sharing your illuminating article from 2017. BTW, for a society "obsessed with the elimination of risk", it's pretty amazing that Sweden declined to implement the full lockdown regimen at the outbreak of covid mass hysteria 4 years ago. I could imagine both the women in your story, however, hunkering down at home and never coming within 6 feet of another person without wearing a mask, perhaps still to this day.

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Teutonic bad habits?

Create unreality to avoid personal responsibility?

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'cause it was published in "Die Welt"...

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