The Real Anthony Fauci is one of the most important books that's been written in my lifetime (perhaps the most important) ... and Celia's quote is the quote that stands out most from the entire book.

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I also read Robert Kennedy,jr ‘s book and it was one of the main reasons I knew I could never take the Covid19 injection. It makes absolutely no sense that CDC and FDA are not forced to prove that these injections are not causing multiple deaths and horrible adverse affects. And the hardest thing for me to reconcile is why aren’t more people asking this same question. Especially since many perfectly healthy persons , including children are being injected. The majority of my family members are not vaccinated with this poison. One of my three daughters, the only one vaccinated along with her husband and two teen aged children are vaccinated and she was angry when I told her in 2021 that I would not take it. She said, “ But dad took that experimental drug for his Leukemia so why would you refuse the Covid injection.” I was stunned that she equated these two things.

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Geez, i better finish reading it then. When i go on some kind of strict diet- its bad for the appetite.

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I not only read it, I wrote a book review (that mentions Celia's quotes). This was one of my first Substack articles and it got picked up by Citizen Free Press. Of course, very few book reviews of the Real Anthony Fauci even got written or published.


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I totally agree!

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Fauci such a VERY EVIL man has far eclipsed Dr. Josef Mengele as a mass murderer.

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Indeed. I don't think Mengele demanded that his victims adore him.

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It’s interesting, Mengele is held up as the great monster of the 20th century, but Shiro Iishi came before him, establishing concentration camps in Manchuria from I think it was 1932 to 1945 and doing horrendous experiments on people the Japanese called “logs.” After the war Iishi and many of the other doctors who worked with him were given immunity by the Americans who wanted all the details of their experiments, just as they brought 1600 of the top Nazi scientists to the US to work at high level jobs and bring the information they had amassed in their experiments. I believe if the number of victims of both those monsters were compared to Fauci’s, Fauci would come out way ahead. Certainly he had 50 years to achieve his killings, and given the same amount of time Iishi and Mengele would have killed many more. But as it stands now, I believe Fauci holds the prize for being the biggest medical mass murderer in history.

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Indeed, if anyone has the stomach for it, go search for "Unit 731" on Wikipedia. I'm certain that the Japanese vastly outperformed the Nazis in terms of bioterror experimentation and warfare.

And yeah. Fauci has outperformed all of them combined. The excess death numbers are staggering and it's getting worse.

Lastly, as I always point out when this topic comes up, the common denominator is government. None of the above (Unit 731, Mengele/Nazis, Fauci, on and on) would have ever made it so far as lone evil masterminds. Only government has enabled such atrocities.

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A really interesting book about this subject: Factories of Death - Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-45, and the American Cover-up, by Sheldon H. Harris, published in 1994.

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I read through the preface and scanned the table on contents on Amazon preview. While the subject matter is horrific, I'm seeing so many things in there that are relevant to what's happened in the past 3 years, that I want to know more about it.

One particular interesting note in the preface was about Japan's post-war NIH. Despite occupation by the United States, they continued to conduct biological experiments on humans, including babies, prisons and psychiatric patients. Those experiments have actually never stopped and the latest documented in that book include using unapproved vaccination of over 200 hospitalized children without their parents' consent (1985) and the experimental use of genetically modified vaccines over a three-year period (1987-1989) on about forty hospitalized children.

I really think this needs to become common knowledge despite (or perhaps specifically because of) how horrific these practices by government "health" agencies has been. I decided to buy the paperback, it's pretty inexpensive.

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Why would anyone look at that unreliable source as a basis of information? Im referring to Wikipedia.

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Interestingly enough, Mengele was also an asset of the US Government. Just read this the other day:

"After the war, Mengele escaped justice by fleeing to Argentina and later Brazil on the “rat lines” operated by CIA agent, future head of West German intelligence and unreformed Nazi Reinhard Gehlen and was protected under the personal order of CIA Director Allen Dulles, who viewed Mengele as a useful ally in his war against the USSR. Mengele died a free man in 1976 and was buried under the name Wolfgang Gerhard in São Paulo, Brazil."

I didn't know that. It's even documented in Encyclopedia Britannica online.

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Trust Britannica if it is in print form never Wikipedia.

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That's the passage that inspired me to go after him.

See pages 146-150 for what you inspired.


(See 146-end if you want to see how the movie turns out)

P.S. Has anyone ever compared you to Robert Shaw as Quint in Jaws before?

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Haha! No. I like it though.

There were MANY of us. So many.

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One last thing. Remember those 1,223 deaths that Pfizer revealed in its Biological License Application? Remember all the "Fact Checks" saying there was "no evidence of a causal link" between those 1,223 deaths and the vaccines?

I realized something about a week ago that I, and everyone else, overlooked something HUGE.

The CDC is not charged with the duty of seeking “evidence of a causal link” between the deaths/injuries and the vaccine because public health protocol dictates that a causal link between side effects and a vaccine is ALWAYS PRESUMED.

To be clear, the CDC’s burden is not to establish the existence of a causal link, but to disprove the causal link already presumed to exist by ruling out the possibility of any association. Thus, they pulled the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine because they could not rule out the possibility of an association between the 4 deaths and 94 cases of paralysis the vaccinations presumably caused.

CDC never lifted a finger to disprove any possibility of an association. They just redefined the presumption instead.

Check my math:


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This is great information. Thank you. "Redefining" presumptions, standards, definitions, etc. Whatever it takes.

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That and the nursing home murders is the thermal exhaust port in the death star.

Every Personal Injury attorney in the world will be smelling blood in the water once they realize it.

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The passage was so perfect, such an expert read on Fauci, there really was no choice.

You need to read pg. 150 to see why the "Jaws" theme is fitting.

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And now Little Mengele and his cohorts will be thrown under the bus in order to conceal that the real criminal enterprise behind the entire covid planDemic is the US government from funding Baric, the biolabs in Woo Woo, and the Uke, to the development and deployment of the mRNA kill shots.

By the way, I was a hospital resident in NY when all the AIDS shite started. It was easy to spot Fauci as an egomaniacal sociopathic prick with a Napoleon complex.

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Once, I quit a care giving job , private duty , with this text to the daughter of my patient " I can no longer participate in your mad Napoleonic quest to conquer Russia ." the daughter was always on us to get vaccinated, she vaccinated her mother three months before dosing her with fentanyl . There was some connection with this vaccination and control - a definite psychosis pattern worth learning about and analyzing . I remember down in Florida , another patient of mine , a neighbor just LOVED Fauci , she wanted me to say out loud that I thought he was fantastic . I had no opinion. I remember the doctor who was in charge of my patients case staring at me and saying " I do not understand ANY of this . " He was at Mayo , and when the red tide came in under the corona harvest moon , as a research doctor who decided to babysit rich people instead , but knew the difference , he knew the whole story was weird . For some reason , Nancy , the woman who just LOVED Fauci , wanted me to pay lip service to the adoration . I am nobody and was nobody then , so the psychosis was very obvious to me , as I have no vested interest in the game . Very thankful that my adult children are able to think outside of herd mentality , are not lemmings running over the edge of the cliff , and also have no fear of dictators , as they were raised with free will .

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An idealogue is a personality that is fabricated on ideation , not spirit . It is not an expression of the spirit , rather it is a parasite that exists in the spirited body which it has taken over . It does not need nicotine , caffeine , sugar , much less meat and potatoes . It does not need oxygen , and it does not need a wife to reproduce . It lives and breathes ideological entanglement , and it the only thing it wants is that it entangles itself with the field of ideas . That is how it eats , how it grows , and how it reproduces . This psychosis makes no sense biologically , which is why the people who are carrying the parasitical personality will go on into deep old age , never stepping down from "power" because they are not actually connected with their biology or the spirit that was placed into their body at birth . When the 'rona rama happened , as a song writer I realized that the power of the word alone meant we were all speaking into the name of this concept as if it were nameable . I did not . I refused to say the name of the concept , but I did analyze it , Beatles White Album style , and Survive on a Rock is Corona Virus spoken backwards . We are here to do more than survive . We are here to create and make a joyful noise . Cecile your passage is genius , keep up the good work .

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Last May St Anthony the Lying Terrible was invited to speak to his minions at a convocation event at Princeton University. I joined in a protest set up by local activists to play my part standing there on a corner on Nassau St watching the passers by, some puzzled, others sneering and a few cheering us on. I walked away seeing once again just how so many have been captivated by the brainwashing and pressure to comply. And the most prestigious institutions like Princeton, Harvard and the rest are the most easily penetrated.

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I read this book when it first came out. I was on the waitlist for months! I couldn’t put it down, and at times, what I was reading FORCED me to put it down! The utter sickening malice and disregard for humans and animals there are no words for.

Thank you Celia! I remember reading all of your commentary. This has been a very long road for you! I want you to know personally how much I applaud your tenacity and passion for humanity. It does not go unnoticed. May God guide you, as He always has!

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Thank you for your usual, fine article. In 1991, reading “The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS” by Michael Fumento and considering Magic Johnson’s announcing his AIDS infection, I defined AIDS as Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.

Then in 2020 with the release of Covid1984 upon the world I dove into AIDS as its harbinger including Peter Duesberg, especially his book “Inventing the AIDS Virus”. This led me to your work and the horrible stories of the Fauci victims like Christine Maggiore and Robin Scovill, their tragedy along with other “Informed Dissenters” which I attempted to eulogize https://responsiblyfree.substack.com/p/in-honor-and-memory-of-the-aids-informed with Pat Metheny’s rebellious dirge “From This Place”.

I have tried to find recent information by and on Duesberg with no luck. Could you possible get to him to do an interview? This would be, I think, of considerable importance given current Covid1984 events. I would like to know his thoughts on the Virus Vs No-Virus argument, the fact that no government can show official existence of Sars CoV2, the mRNA vaccines, the lab-leak story, etc. Are you still in contact with him? Is an interview possible?

Keep up your good work, stay safe and free.

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He made his thoughts clear on the virus vs no-virus argument, already in the 80s or 90s, he claimed the perthgroup prize saying cloning proves the existence of hiv (and any viruses for that matter). He wasn't paid though, coz they required isolation respecting kochs postulates.

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My understanding of Duesberg on AIDS is that he did not consider it was caused by the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV). As far as I understand, he considers viruses are actual, real, living entities--unlike the Kaufman No-Viruses-Exist crew. So I am interested to get his view on Kaufman's arguments and on whether the thinks Covid-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2. So I hope someone, if not Celia, will interview him on these topics.

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That's what i wrote to you, perthgroup had kaufmans arguments, duesberg already explained his view on that topic in the 90s

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Well said, Celia. Monster Fauci needs to spend the rest of his life in prison.

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First read of you in the bible, RFKjr 's book.

Thank you Celia for bringing light of truth to a confused soul as I.

Always amazed at how Satanthony Fauci managed to eliminate Love, while his brother satanthony Blinken the lessor tries to start war on Russia and now China too .

Rock on.

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Satanthony fauci. Perfect.

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That's a great read. Thank you!

"He destroyed American science by snuffing out its spirit, the spirit of open inquiry, proof and standards."

I've noticed how most people today agree with the following post-modern phrase "Science cannot prove anything."

This is absurd. But we live in absurd times.

Perhaps this idea was invented to make everyone confused about everything.

It's such a weird thing: scientists often laugh at philosophers and criticize them, but scientists and engineers and technologists and data-munchers are doing the philosophers bidding. No one ever criticizes the ultimate truth that there is no truth.

The standards were destroyed so long ago almost no one remembers. People now believe that truth exists only within a range which can be adjusted according to political convenience. That is the scientific method after politics took over everything.

The two most common errors of the most intelligent individuals are the belief that they don't have beliefs, and the immoral utilitarian way of thinking, which always makes them justify genocides.

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I was a young pharmacist during this time running a country pharmacy (for 15 years).

I had one patient that was HIV positive during this time. Her husband, "who never used a condom in his life," her quote not mine, did not test positive for HIV.

Despite multiple tests.

She took, and died, from the AZT, presumably.

Once, against the law, I gave her some Bactrim DS, which did wonders for her.

The period I had no control over was when they were in Kentucky, when she died.

Her husband dies about 2 years ago, but his death can't be blamed on HIV, or Covid, because he wrecked his Panhead, head on into an 18 wheeler. They probably tried to, but somebody probably called them on it.

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No, I haven't, been a long time and I'm not even sure what the symptoms were, although I think they were respiratory, but I can't be sure, particularly now, after I had a CVA.

Doing much better now, and I don't let this stuff get me so worked up now, they are lying too us about everything, so what's the big deal. LOL

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Fauci - ever duplicitous, ever hedging...

(edit: sheer-shearing of language)


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Yes, this passage was like seeing various lids lift off the screen covering the world, reality! Thank you Celia, for your forthrightness, clarity & courage! Onward!

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YES I too thank you for it Celia; -- and I thank the esteemed writer who has so vividly described its effect

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AIDS, COVID and.. childhood vaccines.

Read "Turtles All the Way down: Vaccine Science and Myth". Fauci and friends are using the covid-19 playbook for decades, for childhood vaccination.

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Mr. science is nothing more than a re-incarnation of the WWII thugs from the German 3rd Reich. He believes he can change mankind and in his warped mind will never admit he is totally insane. And we are even more insane for letting this monster lose over the last 40 years to do his murdering in the name of fake science.

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Celia - Very insightful and important! We must find the root of this evil, evil as live backwards, as separate from Source. We must expand our consciousness to include a full realization of our essential unity, of our connectedness to each other and to the earth, Terra, our planet home. How we hold the earth is how we hold each other. Our earth and our bodies know how to keep us strong and healthy. All the plant medicine has been provisioned. We need the clean water, fresh air and sunshine. Our connection to our earth was removed during 500 years of enclosures of the European commons and earlier under the land grabbing, Judeo-Christianity corrupting Roman empire. We must now base our ethics, economics and politics on the truth that THE EARTH BELONGS TO EVERYONE and this by birthright of each and every one of us. The Earth is the gift of the Creator. We must honor this sacred knowing in all ways.

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