You wrote: "We have no idea how deep this all goes."

Some of us do, but we've been highly marginalized and/or censored, and/or (for those in Europe) imprisoned. It's only after October 7 that I personally now feel safe enough to no longer use a pseudonym to post my research and analysis about Talmudic Jewish Power / Jewish Supremacism.

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Indeed. This is fundamentally deep, a spiritual war.

One must engage and follow the Divine.

Can you imagine yourself living in Gaza without respite?

This human anguish feeds demonic entities.


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Although Trump is undoubtedly compromised to high heaven, in all fairness, let's remember that everything that comes out of Netanyahu's mouth is a lie. Has he *ever* told the truth? I doubt it.

I'm sure Netanyahu has Trump compromised nine ways from Sunday to not be able to call it out if it is a lie. Similar to when Trump had to take the blame for the assassination of General Soleimani, when everyone knew it was Israel's doing. (Well, everyone who had pre-October 7 awareness.)

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I saw some photos of bibi visiting at Mar a Lago....I can't quite find the right words to describe my feelings....revulsion?...(why does anyone need a house with GOLD chandeliers and a thousand servants} ...betrayal? (he tries to give the impression he is like other Americans by flipping a few burgers at MacDonalds...does anyone who can't buy their groceries or hire a babysitter give a sh*t about that?}

Besides his hair is fake. It's obvious.

I have the sneaking feeling America is getting the president it deserves.

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I don't much like Trump either, but my concerns have more to do with the dubious people he surrounds himself with (specifically, genocidal Zionists and Big FinTech autocrats). Their influence can greatly impact Americans' lives, than does the superficiality of Trump's vulgarian ways. The former results in policies that require purposeful intelligent study, while the latter is just plain TDS, lite or otherwise, which brilliantly keeps people distracted from engaging in positive, solutions-based activism.

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"...the dubious people he surrounds himself with..." - Excellent description!

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like Ronald Reagan, he is a hero to the elites, for convincing the plebes that their servitude is noble and 'worth it'. I have noticed the first thing the GOP cabinet members have mentioned to accomplish, (after the flurry of deportations) is to make permanent the tax cuts for the wealthy from his first administration.

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What about Epstein List ????

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You are correct - they are not Jewish. They are Zionist. Zionism hijacked Judaism and assumed its appearance, its customs, everything but its values.

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Read "The Empty Wagon" and watch interviews with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro. He is often featured on The Katie Halper channel.

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Thanks. I haven’t read the book but I am familiar with Rabbi Yaakov. Infact he recently sat down with a Zionist podcaster:


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The situation feels so far beyond anything any thinking compassionate human would want. it just feels like an inhuman force is slithering around creating dramatic atrocities that we are powerless to stop.

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Are joos "human"?

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I was not thinking of any particular group when I used the word slithering, other than those who are deceitful and ultimately evil. I would never use the word you have used, and I do not have proof myself that any one particular group is ultimately calling the shots. My cut-off point for 'human" is those who treat other humans as less than human. If you are human, in my book, you do not do that. humans have regard for other humans. If not, your humanity is questionable, to me.

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If you want my continued support, you need to drop the "joos" sneer. It's petty and makes us look like a basket of deplorables.

There is a point about Jews and humanity, but you fail to make it. They consider themselves above goyische humanity. OTOH you come across as defiantly sub human and this isn't impressing anyone. Clean up your act. You're in somebody else's house.

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Billy: Your use of the word "....us....", making it clear which side you're on. Somewhere in Evolution, the joo inherited snake like morals. I'm glad you understand why I use don't use the correct spelling of the evolved snakes.

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Political correctness is what has got us into this sissy position. We aren't allowed to say certain words or critise anyone or week are seen as mean and nasty. Sheesch! 🙄

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"Joos" sounds dumb. It reflects poorly on the writer. Think of a clever put down if you want to insult them. Make us smile not cringe.

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Any person who feels "relief" by hearing that the war will continue if necessary is a person who needs to spend months or years of deep meditation on what life means.

Trump is not a savior. He is not a persecutor, and certainly not a victim. Trump is a personage from a tarot card: it's dead, flat, meaningless, nihilistic, demonic and a total historical fraud.

Is Trump entertaining? Yes, because pro wrestling is a great entertainment. So is politics. So is heroin. None of the three are real or produce anything real.

I think the American Jews would do better in shunning the State of Israel. Same for any other Jew living outside Israel. After this genocide, it's too risky to be friendly to the mass murderer of Netanyahu or any of his friends. No one will be safe in Israel, or in any other place, as long as they support the war industry or are friends with people who support the war industry.

If my calculations are correct, European countries are about to turn "right" and then a sudden change will happen. The right wing parties grown and indoctrinated by zionists for the last fifty years will become anti-zionist overnight. Plot twist by the bankers! It's not going to be pretty for non-bankers.

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Your first comment reminds me of what my nephew (in that region) told me after reading that supposedly "satire article" of BN's psychiatrist killing himself after dealing with him for quite sometime with no break-through, and supposedly being locked in his basement while he (BN) partied upstairs, and he could no longer (allegedly) deal with him, and was besides himself. I found that article, but could not find anywhere on original as a "satire" disclaimer (even though other sites, state as false) . . . sure seems to me a very strange article.

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Leaving aside the possibility of a bad translation, when can safely conclude that if the psychiatrist wrote the article after committing suicide, then it was satire.

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Someone else supposedly wrote it, afterwards . . . Can't recall his name now.

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Probably satire. I’m 99.9 sure of it because most psychiatrists are big time narcissists, or people who never admit error and are afraid of other people’s judgement of them, and psychiatrists rarely commit suicide because that can be seen as a way of admitting error, or acknowledging the the judgment of other people may be correct, which is inconceivable. When in doubt, assume satire.

Or, maybe the Genocidal Democratic Leader found the odd psychiatrist who is not a narcissist, and proceeded to devour him.

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Interesting take 😆

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Trump Visits Lubavitcher Rebbe's Grave With Ben Shapiro for October 7th, 2024


Trump was presented his award by his daughter Ivanka Trump, who converted to Judaism in 2009. He exclaimed, “I have a Jewish daughter! This wasn’t in the plan, but I’m very glad it happened.”

He (Donald Trump) concluded his remarks with strong comments in support of Israel saying, “We love Israel, we will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1000 percent, it will be there forever.”

05 Feb 2015

Algemeiner Honors Joan Rivers, Donald Trump, Yuli Edelstein at Second Annual ‘Jewish 100’ Gala - Algemeiner.com


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Thank you, Celia--Your photo selection tells the whole sickening story. Trump sold his soul and now is dragging the entire world into WWIII to benefit his sponsors-- the people who have pushed the world into every major conflict for their own profit for 1OO years. ....I have been to this "country" Israhell. It is a small minded little place in which the local people did all the labor and handwork in order to be "allowed" to continue living where they had for generations. As much as I want to believe Donald will save us....I really don't....just like I wanted to believe he miraculously survived an assasination attempt. It made such a damn good story....despite what Mike Adams Health Ranger says....this was an orchestrated event.

Things are going to get a whole lot worse. Buckle up sports fans. This is sure to be interesting.

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despite what Mike Adams Health Ranger says....this was an orchestrated event.


This guy spins nothing but tph evil that is going on and I get it; because it is. I wonder at times if he ever gets depressed from his own reporting, as I certainly would. If the end is the, the end is near.

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Israel exists only because of one document dated 2 November 1917. The Balfour Declaration. And I contend that the most important three words in this letter are the first three. They read:

" Dear Lord Rothschild ".

At the same time a little event now called World War 1 was happening. A key element of this conflict was to destroy the Ottoman Empire once and for all and get control over the former Ottoman territories in the middle east, Palestine being one. That is where today's state of Israel is located. Why were the Rothschilds so keen on this future land grab? I'm not a mind reader but I guess it was to secure a convenient outpost in this key region and prevent other powers - a resurgent Turkey, Egypt, Russia, Germany, or whatever - getting any fancy ideas. Oil reserves, access to the vital Suez canal route to the East, general geopolitics - the Rothschilds think centuries ahead.

That's why they're so rich.

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I found about 6 months ago, their name is also connected with my father's former employer, PG&E . . . . can't seem to escape from them.

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Someone has written a two volume work called " Planet Rothschild ":).

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A 2 volume horror novel🥴and it's appropriate the last name is a "King" 😆

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The Rothies have their fingers in more pies than Jamie Oliver:).

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I've read his daughter and son in law persuaded trump to become Jewish - his allegiance to the Zionist plan would seem to fit his oversized ego.

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Nice Masonic handshake there between Kushnir and Bibi.

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really? now I do not know how i am going to shake another hand in case it is masonic

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Symbology is everything to them...it's to let the others know who is one of them.

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Oh, my, now I never can shake anyone's hand ever. Otherwise I am masonic .........

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Maybe you are Catherina, thou dost protest too much.

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no, i am fed up with all the secret little thingies making people whatever

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I didn't invent the handshake, take it up with them.

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Bibi lies and is trying to avoid his own problems with the courts and public opinion. It's all a sitcom. Wait for the next installment and see where the script has led.

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worth a read IMO:


Trump is not a Peacemaker

‼️The notion that Donald Trump has ever worked toward peace for Palestinians is insane. His policies and inner circle have consistently prioritized Israel’s dominance while sidelining Palestinian rights and freedoms. From reshaping U.S. foreign policy to overwhelmingly favor Israel to the key roles played by his son-in-laws, Jared Kushner and Michael Boulos, Trump’s legacy and any potential return to power are clear threats to Palestinian sovereignty and overall wellbeing

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"Trump is not a Peacemaker"

Far from it!

Trump bombed Syria his first year in office, killing civilians, women and children.

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Very well stated Sandra. 88&8s,Dave

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just watched Sachs say Bibi is the worst President the USA has had.

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Sachs is UN adviser - and the UN has been against Israel for eons. Wow, the UN is now the savior of the world peace?

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The U.N. is far better than NATO, USA, or AIPAC. I think the U.N. get a lot of bad publicity such as Hitler has gotten.

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unelected globalist bureaucrats that enjoy garnering and wielding unearned powers

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Wow! The name says it all ........... 'united' nations? Really?

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Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!

The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.



Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Bless and thank you for doing what you do!

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Why is Izrael so powerful???

"The reason there is so much confusion about real Jews, and the 'Chosen Ones', is because they are all the Chosen Ones IF they are the illegitimate offspring of the Bloodlines (the 13 bloodlines that secretly run the world).

As you know, breeding among the Bloodlines is very calculated and orchestrated. However, rampant sex with the locals was not. So wherever the Bloodlines migrated (they were the Pharaohs in the past civilization) they left behind partial bloodline offspring and communities to raise them.

Being partial Bloodline, the Jews (sons of Jezuits) were the Chosen Ones and therefore educated, specifically in Math, Economics and Finance. That way, wherever the Jews, the illegitimate offspring of the Bloodlines, went they would ultimately control the money, and hence the population.

And the Bloodlines' web of control spread.

Each sect of Jews was given a different version of the Religion of the One True God and there were strict laws about mating. Jews could only marry Jews, and in some sects male Jews were permanently marked in a secret ritual to identify them as Jews, circumcision.

So the Jews, the sons of Jezuits, are the offspring of the Bloodlines.

55% of Swiss males still carry the Pharaonic gene.

Switzerland is the Hive.

Izrael is the Nursery."

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They’re powerful because they’re unthinkably evil, and like in the past, “no one expects the Spanish Inquisition”.

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Yes Phillip!

And, "The greatest trick the Devil ever played was convincing the World he didn't exist."

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Free-Masonry, the Secret Societies, Orders, Brotherhoods, Knighthoods, and Sisterhoods of the Papacy are the Creators of the STATE OF ISRAEL. A book I found at a Roadside sale a few years ago, published in 1844 is very revealing. The book is a book about the Rituals, Signs, Oaths, and Illustrations of Free-Masonry. And it clearly illustrates that the head of all of Free-Masonry is the Pope. All roads still lead to Rome. Donald Trump attended Fordham University, a Jesuit Training University and Military training school. Donald Trump acts like he is fulfilling the oath of a high ranking Jesuit( Jesuits- the Popes Military) Trump- is a Protestant amongst Protestants, Catholic amongst Catholics, Jew amongst Jews, so on and so forth . He is a shape shifter. An Actor, A Q, a Hollywood movie star, a Magician, he is a forked tongue snake. And no I don't hate him, I don't hate anyone.

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Albert Einstein was critical of the Zionist project in the Levant, similarly as he dissented from the hit-or-miss theoretical physics of the quantum school, all wrapped in shadow, as per a book I've got from the library by Adam Forrest Kay. The agreement among quantum theorists is 'hard,' such that they'll cancel you and so forth. Somehow they find out what works from the math that they do, like in the movie Oppenheimer. But the wonder of it sort of wears off quick. All wonder and miracles that come of a megatechnical regard for people and nature, has this murky underside, which Abraham and Jacob could not have understood when their families traveled by donkey caravan into the Egyptian delta for relief from famine and drought. But isn't that where the Bible came from?

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Anyone—ANYONE—who is NOT "THEM" is targeted for elimination, including Jews, Arabs, Israelis, Palestinians, Persians, Ukrainians, Russians, Americans, Japanese, Chinese ... EVERYONE ... AND their cultures and ALL historical evidence of them. As Michael Yon says, some by soft kill, and some by hard kill. And yes, there are various factions of "them."

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In the '30s and into the mid-40s, probably as many British nationals and "not Zionist enough" Jews were killed in Palestine as Palestinian Arabs.

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It seems to me that many are besotted with Israel as if they are a part of a deranged cult. Haaretz published the results of a poll in 2015 that describes Israel as being one of the least religious countries in the world. Besides, a book in the CIA Library describes the founder of Israel, Rothschilds, as being Satanic: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier (1995). Reeks. Perhaps Zionists are under a diabolical spell and those of us who are Of God are immune?

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I have a copy of that book. Had it for years. I’m not CIA. I AM research-driven. I read everything. I also read “people”, too. People are the easiest to “read”.

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Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier (1995).

Free to download from the CIA Library:


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I found it in the Collins chapter. I can't read people or I would never have trusted my government or doctor.

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You don’t even have a clue as to who I am. Be careful with your unkind words. I said nothing unkind to you.

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You are not fit to be a psychologist. You imply I am disingenuous and even corrupt and/or crazy. I just know more than most people because I am a learner. I'm not a raving intellectual but I like to learn and have quite a few letters behind my name, they spill on to the next line. I hate people like you. My entire life has been about proving people like you wrong so I am practiced. So fuck off.

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Might as well get an eye full of this:

The Sacrifice of Jews and Palestinians

The Jewish Shoah (שואה) "catastrophe" and the continuous Palestinian Nakba (نكبة) "catastrophe"


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