I read the following on Badlands Media substack- Bibi Netanyahu spoke for 52 minutes, and received 58 standing ovations, which is a record for any speech of any length ever given in Congress. What makes it even more unique is that the standing ovations were bipartisan. For those 52 minutes, Congress was completely united on an issue, which must be some other kind of record, as well.

For context, the existing record was a speech given in 2015, which lasted 48 minutes and received 28 standing ovations, which were also bipartisan.

That speech was given by Bibi Netanyahu.

Rounding out #3 is a speech given in 2022: 21 standing ovations in 23 minutes— all bipartisan—and the speech was given by... Volodymyr Zelensky.

So by now, it should be pretty evident to everybody that our government—particularly, Congress—is bought and paid for by foreign interests.

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I was focused on the opening nearly 3 minute one, which I sat through. I didn't go through the whole talk. But now I have changed it to 52 standing ovations. I appreciate these details!

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Pat Buchanan called it out decades ago when he said US Congress was Israeli occupied territory.

Last fall, Glen Greenwald played some old footage from the GHWBush days. Apparently his administration was the last to stand up to Israel by refusing to give them more money until they stopped the illegal settlements. AIPAC controlled Congress then had hearing to grill Sec of State Baker, who held firm to NO money until Israel stops settlements. The next day, papers called Baker an "antisemite" (see how it works? If you don't give them what they want, they use their media to smear you). According to Greg Felton's book, The Host and the Parasite, there was later a Mossad assassination plot against GHWBush in Spain. Also in that book, Lt Col Karen Kwiatkowski said that Israelis walked around the Pentagon like they owned the place. Normally, foreigners have to wait for an escort but not the Israelis (this was during the GWBush Iraq war years--apparently Mossad was running the occupation of Iraq, according to Scott Ritter)

US govt is completely infiltrated. Whitney Webb warns about the coming false flag cyber attack and says Israeli intelligence is infiltrated into all US critical infrastructure (water, electric, nuclear, etc). Says they want it big like 9/11, but over many days, to be blamed on Israel's enemies. Apparently the Israeli guy in charge has spent his career trying to get the US to go to war w/Iran. There is no oversight from Congress, but obviously they wouldn't do anything anyway. Says Tiabi and Shellenberg know this info, but interestingly say nothing. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Mi4GZ96Ab96j

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Israel blackmailed Clinton into bombing Iraq. They eavesdropped on the WH and threatened to expose the Lewinsky affair. He did, they leaked it anyway.

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The only illegal settlements are those of the Fakestinians.

You don't know what you are on about and either does Celia.

You are all accursed of God and ignorant as the day is long.

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We have Pedophiles in Power everywhere from Ukraine to Israhell and WE also have Self-righteous Pedophiles that are sadists and masochists and very amazingly, ALL in the name of God and Enemies are invented to fulfill their self-fulfitting Prophecy !!!!

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Let's subpoena Jeffrey Epstein's ghost:).

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

You are imagining things. Mainly, the delusion that you have a clue.

The people you describe are the Fakestinians and their supporters.

Its tragic you lack the sense to realize you are the next target of Islam.

They have been telling you, explicitly, for decades now... Death to Israel. Death to the Little Satan, Death to Israel. Death to the Big Satan, Death to America.

You all must be dumber than the proverbial box of rocks for something that blatant to never register.

And all you imaginary Christians are doubly without excuse for your devotion to the Highway to Hell that is Jew Hate.

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People clap hands to rebuke devils in some cultures, or so I remember from that boring movie with Brad Pitt about the Tibet and the Dalai Alpaca or Chenilla or Llama or something like that.

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I believe those were guanacos on an exchange program.

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oh, I see. That explains everything.

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The standing Os from the vast majority of Democratic Congressmen & women is as good of an indicator as any that the Mainstream Left tilts pro-Israel -- and that the pro-Palestinian Leftists (who had minuscule representation that day (e.g., Rashida Tlaib) are a small minority fringe.

Coupled with this reasonable conclusion, we may add that for decades prior to Oct. 7, the Mainstream Left tended to tilt anti-Israel & pro-Palestinian (poor oppressed Brown People).

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Jew Hate is just another perversion of the Left and it is anything but a minority of the Left.

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What about the Jewish Leftists who form the majority of Jews in the West?

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You forgot JD Vance, who has received lots of money from AIPAC, and is a tool for Peter Thiel. Palentir is our future if we don’t stand up and say NO right now!

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If there were any hesitation about where Trump's alliances are, Vance was the final nail in the coffin after Israel and vaccines.

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Ivanka & Jared?

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If you had a clue, you wouldn't need anything to clarify.

Trump paid for an hour of network timeto make his dedication to God's People clear before he ran the first time.

You people sure are slow on the uptake.

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Oh another TDS/IDS victim who can’t see the slaughter of an entire country’s people— which is so ironic considering their own very recent history. I’m not “trying to clarify” anything. And I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you drunk?

Also, who cares what he said? You’re joking, right?

It’s always the ones 10 steps behind that call other people slow. And anyway, we disagree- you can just say so and explain instead of aiming to insult, because for that crass approach, all you’re going to get from me is a “fuck off dumbshit!”

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https://21stcenturywire.com/2020/04/22/covid-world-order-trump-hires-thiels-palantir-to-track-americans-with-chinese-style-surveillance-app/ (from 2020)

"leading the way in copying the Chinese system is US President Donald Trump, who has just hired the shadowy artificial intelligence firm Palantir in order to design and implement the ‘big data backbone’ for a new total surveillance tracking system"

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But, but Trump just said that he will protect our rights.

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Learn how to spell Palantir

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OK, I'll bite- learn to end a sentence with a period.

But, I guess, none of us talk good all the time.

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And never ever use a suspended hyphen when a semicolon or a period will do just as well. :)

I'm just glad the lingua franca on Substack isn't French, or German, or Latin, or Chinese, or I'd be at a severe disadvantage when trying to point out other people's punctuation, spelling and gramma errors.

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What is Israel anyway, other than a plot of land occupied by Israeli citizens? It seem to the be funding focal point for the entire world's grift.

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Per Cory Hughes, Israel was created to serve as a shell company for money laundering for Zionist Jewish objectives in the world. Paid for by the US taxpayer.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

There is evidence to show that it was planned prior to WW2, which implications, if you think about it, are horrendous.

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It was planned in the 1800s if not before:).

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I think it was in the early 1800s that Rothschild started buying up land over there. Richard Grove has covered this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej2Q9rQ6RUE&t=2269s

Also, in his 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel, Benjamin Freedman talks about how the Zionists got us into WW1 in order to get Palestine/Balfour (Freedman was an ex-insider, assistant to Bernard Baruch, was at Paris Peace conference, became so disgusted with these people, he broke w/them and spent the rest of his life and personal fortune warning against them)

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The Rothschilds leave very little to chance:).

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From what I understand US zionists promised aid to Britain in World War 1 to help conquet the Ottomon.

Britain and it's allies were losing WW1. I am generalizing, but they promised the land of Palestine, which the Brits controlled at the time, to the US for it's asssistance - meaning entering the war.

Of course there is more to it but out of that came the Balfour agreement.

Lots of chicanery around the situation.

James Corbett did a wonderful, informative video covering this information on his site. "World War 1" I learned a great deal.

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And which is worse, which is more shameful, the entire Congress cheering for the deep state nazi regime in Ukraine, and waving Ukraine flags, in OUR seat of government?

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What's even worse, IMHO, is that the Israelis are bribing the American people's elected representatives with money they got in aid from the American people's taxes.

Apart from that, though, it's the best Congress money can buy.

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Ladies and gentleman, the finest "democracy" that money can buy !

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house of whores. How do I find out what is the fee for my "representatives"?

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At the bottom of the article, there’s a link to check each state.

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Genocidal scumbag who is milking our country dry, killing our people in their planned and architected wars...funded and supported by insane religious supremacists who literally want to see Christians eradicated...and he gets a standing ovation in congress. We are living in insane times. The deception and lies still have most completely asleep.

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Yes, insane times and it keeps getting worse. Looks like the staged fakery on 7/13 had to do with some Jewish prophesies (Torah)

https://x.com/seethroughit2/status/1812563497340870685 (screen shots of passages)

By Trump having his right ear pierced, he has now volunteered to extend his "servitude forever" to his Israeli Masters

https://x.com/seethroughit2/status/1812557980048531572 (screen shots of passages)

You can't make this up boys, there is a fucking rashi on the right ear, guess what it's about... "If you buy a Hebrew servant (and) the servant declares, ‘I love my master and do not want to go free,’ He shall,,,pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life"


To clarify the anti-christ/christ (Messiah ben David) scenario Trump can only serve the anti-christ role bc he's not a Jew (tribe of Judah) Anti-christ role is still important bc he helps jews build the temple, then wants self-worship where he is defeated by the "real" Messiah

https://x.com/davidicke/status/1816345484404879826 (video)

"Some would call this insanity. Others would say this is exactly the plan. You?"

Rabbi says because of 7/11 (staged) piercing of his ear, Donald Trump is anointed as God's messiah to serve Israel, he's going to build the 3rd Temple, establish Jewish kingdom over all of mankind in Jerusalem, new UN in Jerusalem, America will never become great country,etc

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Sure looks that way. It's clear who Trump serves. Funded by the Synagogue, surrounded by the Synagogue. Draining the swamp my arse. He's hiring the swamp again. Daughter and Jared are high level Lubavitchers. Trump is rumored to have converted to Judiasm. Just by looking at all of his actions, it's clear he doesn't give a S about America. He's all about himself, the Greater Israel Project and helping the Synagogue with their scripted, satanic Talmudic-Noahide NWO.

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Yes, Trump is MIGA all the way. I don't think MAGA ever existed.

And Chabad is a mafia: http://www.chabad-mafia.com/

More on Trump and Jewish mafia here:


And he might even be crypto-Jewish:


"few weeks ago I came across this photo. Caption reads: "Fred C. Trump, who donated the land for the Talmud Torah of the Beach Haven jevvish Center..." It got me wondering.Why is the Trump family so entangled with jevvs, professionally & personally. Is DJT a cryptojew?"....(long thread) ...Trump's involvement with Resorts International is an interesting part of his story. Resorts International was used a front by the C¡A & møssād to launder profits from drugs & arms sales. Trump stepped in as front man of Resorts International in 1987 & became famous from there.

Also seems like he's been captured by the bankers:

From twitter link above: "In 1990, when Trump's Atlantic City Taj Mahal casino was about to put him out of business, "Wilbur Ross, then an investment banker working for Røthschild Inc, helped bondholders negotiate with Trump," ultimately saving his business. Doesn't talmud tell jevvs not to help goy?"

https://x.com/TheResetSniper/status/1814509118104785358 David Rockefeller when Chair of Chase bank kept his failed casino & property 'Empire' going with a bottomless overdraft. Those that dont see it are stupid.

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100% and absolutely Drumpf is a Crypto Jew.

There is no excuse with the information (currently) available at our fingertips for people to stil be so misled, misinformed and brainwashed. The truth is glaring them in the face from SO many angles now; screaming about how both "sides" are actively selling our health, freedoms, finances and futures to the NWO...and yet they still somehow think Trump is just some "outsider" with a magic force field around him who is going save them.

Meanwhile, we're marching to depopulation/genocide, cultural destruction, WW3, the next plandemic, the Great Taking, biological/transhumanist editing against our will, and if you survive all that...a reset into inescapable technocratic slavery. All food/water and all natural resources are the next targets for the JWO banking cabal and before you know it, you won't even be able to hug a non-GMO 15-minute city tree, without paying a huge carbon credit fee.

The sad part is people are too apathetic and lazy to seek the truth about pretty much ANY of this -- still just too big, scary and "conspiracy theorish" (or the truth is just too "antisemitic") -- and most would prefer to stick their heads in the sand and wait for it all to go away. It's like we're literally living in a different dimension of consciousness than most of humanity at the moment.

But alas, I guess it's just so much easier to pretend you're not being fisted, and just bet your entire hand on the "MAGA" messiah. After all, there is a great-new series on Netflix tonight.

“Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.” – Albert Pike 33 Degree Mason

Trump Converted to Judiasm?


RIP Matthew North: Who Was Matthew North? His Open Letter To Zionist Puppet Trump Supporters! [2018]


Matthew North on Trump's Russian Mafia Connections Exposed




Wait, I thought Jews loved American Christian Zionists, right?? Oh wait...






America's Greatest Ally: They Love Christian Zionists (who believe in Jesus), right?




According to the Talmudic, Noahide "Jews"; to worship Jesus Christ is considered idolatry. Here's the best part; idolatry is literally punishable by decapitation (or stoning), according to ‘Jewish’ [Pharisaic Talmudic] law:





Bush Signed Noahide into Congressional Law in 1990!





Why then, are so many Christians' blindly supporting the people controlling Israel who believe Christianity to be idolatry and paganism?? Why are we supporting Zionists that follow the Talmud and want the world governed by Noahidism?? It's a good set of questions, no??

Bibi supports Noahide:


But don't worry, we also have Noahide Don to Make America Great Again! DJT is a "Christian", right? Sure he is! Oh wait...



Wake up people!

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Thanks for all of the links. On Matthew North, I just learned about him. Someone on twitter said that he went missing after posting all of these videos on Trump. I haven't seen the one on Trump Russian Mafia connections, so I'll watch that. And from my understanding the Russian Mafia is actually Jewish mafia (Russian, Ukrainian, Israeli mafia)--there's a book Red Mafiya by a Jewish guy, who I think died mysteriously after writing his book. I've been listening to old Michael Collins Piper audios on bitchute and he also recommended SuperMob by Guss Russo, and The Money and the Power, both on the Jewish mafia.

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I heard the same about Matthew North. I haven't been able to confirm anything about his disappearance or death. I heard he was shot in his car...whether that's true or not, I dunno. What a smart young man he is/was...his research and videos are pretty incredible.

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Totally agree!! No excuse not to be aware of all of this- our futures are at stake.

A lifetime of brainwashing and fake history has brought us to this point. Most American have no clue anything is wrong.

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Watching the entire Congress of the United States of America applaud this monster is possibly the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen. Even more disturbing than the war criminals acts in Gaza. A true horror. Who DOES this? What kind of Satanic spirit possesses every single person in our Congress? It’s as sick as anything we’ve ever seen in human history.

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There is a satanic spiritual sickness that has descended upon these people- same one that has gripped Israel and most of its citizens (poll says vast majority agree with statement that ISR "is not doing enough against the Palestinians").

We've not seen such outright evil on proud display, I think, as we now see with this Congress. The same spiritual evil that gripped the "health care" industry and media during "COVID".

What do we do? What can we do, besides watch it all happen before our eyes with mouths agape?

If you're a praying man - pray to God to deliver us all from this evil. Do spiritual reparation for all their sins - and ours.

I don't have any words. The nightmare just continues to unfold. I haven't any answers. I am just sickened by that display of overt wickedness.

No shame, no compunction, no morals - none at all. I'd really like to see a list of names of those who applauded and cheered, those who did not, those who protested in some way, or who absented himself - just to know if more than a couple had a semblance of humanity left in them. I know Massie was absent on purpose and Tlaib held up signs saying "murderer" or something.

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Please write about the sole non-AIPAC guy in Congress, Thomas Massie.

And what happened to his wife a couple of weeks after his appearance on Tucker.

(Can we trust Tucker? Up to a point. All mega names with mega bucks are out there for a reason.)

Thank you for laying out this Israeli-led corruption of the Congress so clearly. Everyone is "Israel First" more than "America First."

Netanyahu is the de facto foreign secretary / secretary of state / president of the US. Did you read about how the Ns bring over suitcases of dirty laundry (literally) for the US staff to clean for them?

How many more humiliation rituals does the USG normally go through today?

JFK wanted the Zionist group registered as a foreign agent back in the day, with help from his AG brother, Robert. Besides planning to shut down their nuclear weaponry. Look where that got him. (So some people say.)

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Yes good point, I will.

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Yes, I was highly suspicious when Massie's wife suddenly died, just weeks after he went on Tucker's show and told the world that everyone in the US Congress has an AIPAC handler. I don't trust Tucker at all- I think he's part of the alternative mainstream network. He just did an interview with a Jewish guy, forget the name, maybe a comedian, and Tucker said he was reading the Talmud and it's interesting, with a smile on his face, which is kind of strange given what the Talmud has to say about non-Jews.

Yes, on JFK, Michael Collins Piper wrote a book on that, Final Judgement, all about the Israeli/Zionist role in his assassination. There's also a book on the Kennedy assassinations (JFK and RFK) by Lauren Guyenot. And there's a new guy on twitter, Matthew Tower, ex-Jew, now Christian, who made a documentary on the assassination and more:

Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, and Palestine


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Yes, and I find it suspect that Thomas Massie's name does not appear on the AIPAC Watch website, including on their Candidates to Support section. As you stated, it was he who kicked off this whole recent AIPAC discussion.

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Rep. Cynthia McKinnon called it out years ago.

And look what happened to her.

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JFK was trying to stop nuclear proliferation in Israel. We see where that got him, among other things!

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Hope this link works. I had no idea about Massie's interview with Carlson and his wife's rather sudden death.

This is a good article. Don Jeffries.


If link does not work, go to donjeffries substack. It is a recent article.

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Truly sickening. Mass Slaughter of Innocents is just fine and dandy in US Congress opinion.

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And they cheered when Netanyahu slammed Americans who protested his slaughter. And of course the cops did the government’s bidding by attacking and arresting peaceful protesters. Why anyone supports the blue is mind boggling. They get away with killing over a thousand of us every year.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Zionism is NOT Judaism. Many Christians have been confused and tricked into supporting this gross deception. Perhaps this statement by the NWO Genocide Judas should be displayed on billboards all across America: "Anyone who wants to thwart (prevent) the formation of a Palestinian state should support bolster Hamas and financially aid them. It's part of our strategy." - Benjamin Netanyahu to his own Likud party Knesset members in March 2019. Don't be deceived... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S17Fr8z_Oo&ab_channel=TRTWorld

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Nor are the "Jews" in Israel even remotely decendents of the Israelites from the Bible. We are dealing with a case of the largest stolen identity in human history. We are being deceived and setup for a culling, by the very people we support and fund. People need to turn off the TV, wake up and study true history, why they still have time...it actually seems we've run out...

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You might enjoy this article on how many Holocaust survivors tried to derail Zionism. If so please share.


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Yes, many knew that they were being herded, that the Bible wasn't calling for a a modern-day physcal state of Israel...and clearly that the theft of land and genociding of people was wrong. Heck, there are "Jews" in Israel that protest Zionism and and the state of Israel, even today.

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I do not equate Jewish with zionism. I make it a point. It's like equating Catholic with the IRA.

From what I understand there were (are?) many Christian zionists. Back in the day they supported a Jewish state, Israel, because they wanted the Jews out of the USA.

It's all so despicable.

That show in Congress is the most upsetting thing I have seen since Pelosi and the lot took the knee wearing the African scarfs. God, are the bought and paid for. By everyone.

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Not sure what I meant by that last sentence.

I think it should read "God, they are all bought and paid for. By everyone".

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What pictures!

So, is it that politicians get donations from reptiles end up transmogrified and their faces end up looking reptilian, or is it that the black and white filter really makes their souls shine through those pictures?

I don't see a third option to explain so much uggghhh response.

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All of 'em doing their best to provoke civil war, eh? ;-)

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It is all so unsettling; I feel as if I live in a completely different world than most in Congress and perhaps most in our StateHouses. I really don’t know what I am witnessing—a complete descent into wickedness?

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"Our" elected representatives are mostly AIPAC's paid-actors, paid to stand up and cheer for the highest quality lies from the head-liar.

That which cannot persist forever will fail at some point in time.

Help it fail sooner.

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Talmudic Thinking in action. CounterAct this satanic cult or be destroyed. https://faiezkirsten.substack.com/p/talmudic-thinking-in-action

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