When are the Oscars, I stopped watching them years ago. Wait, aren't they on a Sunday night? You mean, it was last night? I'm sure there were lots of masonic images cast about.

The last time I paid any attention to them was when Ricky Gervaise hosted, and called out all the pedophiles in the audience, like Tom Hanks. Hollywood is irrelevant now.

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Didn’t watch them then but heard about RG’s part.

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I didn't even know the oscars were on last night. The illuminati or as I have heard them called , more accurately, the retardrati or ticket-takers have no sway or place in my life. All you have to do is turn off the legacy media and the TV. They have sold their souls. They are in God's hands now. All you can do is pray for them.

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Celia thank you for that excerpt from Juri Lena.

"Our" finches premiered this morning after a long seasonal absence.

Despite their own little mating battles I project unto them that they know more than humans about the things that matter.

A still hope of mine is to cleanse myself enough to one day have a bird land on me for no apparent reason.

I'll be making use of the gradually warming and longer days to plant and nurture my outdoor surroundings, a place where the diversity of birds bring joy that no amount of virtual exchange can muster.

Be well !

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Hi Mo, the Red-winged Blackbirds returned here to 9000' today. What a joy to see, and feel deeply, this continuance of miraculous life..."My" Rosy finches are starting to leave...maybe they flew to your home?

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Hi Sandy, "maybe they flew to your home?", a wonder-filled thought which I'll gladly accept without question. He, maybe multiples of he is so crimson it almost hurts the eyes.

Red-wings at 9000 feet elevation? Too early still for them at less than a thousand above sea level. But that can change quickly. Bring on the therapists !

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Nature is the most wonderful gift. The more the birds see you and feed around you, the more they begin to trust you. We are a part of nature. Enjoy it as much as possible. The fake climate change tactics are destroying the world in which we live. Yes…. Between the chemicals being sprayed, all of the electronic heating of the ionosphere, and DEW, the trees, wildlife, and insects are dying off at alarming rates. Enjoy nature while you can and pray for God to stop this evil.

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Mooon, despite the rapid pace of things in places, it's still too early to say whether this administration will turn its attention to the spraying. But the towers and satellites are IMO certain to stay.

Last week I saw an interview with an impressive woman from California who was tracking the many aerosolizing flights in her area, diligently researching who are those villains. The pilots who don't have families are the ones most frequently (80 or 90 %) selected to do the dirty work. I'll dig up the link if you like.

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More a blur or mere

winged premise

of a bird in flight,

he lit from nowhere

on a mid-stream stone,

studied me a bit,

squat-jigged on a fringe

of ice, blinked twice

and went on diving riffles,

unruffled, alone.

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Zen poetry, like I was there. I'm equal parts delight by the poem and its author. Thank you.

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I remember Michael Crichton writing once (I may be paraphrasing) that actors are simply people that are paid to say and do what others tell them to do. In other words, they have no original thoughts. I think he was spot-on.

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That's why I don't understand people who think actors/celebrities know more than we do. They are people paid to lie. How can we believe anything they say in that case? Well if Demi Moore does it, then it's okay? Ugh.

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That perception is being very tested now, and I think people are starting to turn against Hwood.

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actors aren't paid for their thoughts but might have some. often, more than public imagines.

it's never been this bad in Hollywood.

Crichton was a writer/director who, like Hitchcock, had a professional bias against actors.

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My sister's one and I can attest to that. She's very intelligent, but for some reason she left intellectual curiosity at the door and traded it for others' words being siphoned through her pie-hole.

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One of my brothers did the same thing. Very sad.

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I remember Hillary Swank, and the euthanasia propaganda movie Million Dollar Baby. They gave her the Oscar. She went to the mic, and started losing it, overwhelmed by emotion. She took so long that they had to take her out with loud music. A couple more minutes and the ATF would have raided the entire venue.

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Wouldn't it be nice to live in a good world? Where "what you see is what you get?" For a short while, I got caught up in the Masonic double-speak and threw out a gorgeous stained glass piece because it could have been taken the wrong way. I put all kinds of stuff in my "garage sale" pile for the same reason. One day it "hit" me that THEY are not entitled to numbers, colors, symbols, etc. if I personally refuse to go along with that stupidity! Whew! I want to live in the Golden Age when it's highly possible that birds will land on people's heads.

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Amen to all that, sister ! (I used to teach in the prison system and was advised to change my red-coloured work bag to a different colour as red would upset the gang members whose colour it was......nope. It's mine as much as anybody's and I've used and worn it for decades and not giving it over now, sorry. Pathetic.)

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Way to go! You did something really good in that situation. You put it out that you are sovereign. Nothing is better than that.

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Aww, thank you - my little chest has puffed out over that kind comment ! and brought a smile to my face.

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Yes, I have to say, I was feeling really guilty about owls. I have some paintings with owls and some owl figurines, and basically, I just love owls and always have--so I know exactly what you mean. There's a picture of my husbands sister with like 7 birds on her. They were parrots that had landed on her and were just hanging out.

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Yes, I know what you also mean about owls! I put a very handsome homemade wire owl in the garage sale pile, but then reclaimed him when I reclaimed my head - grin. Our art is a heart's delight and I'd certainly call your photo of your sis-in-law as something to frame. What an experience that must have been. Thanks

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I don't ever watch any Hollywood stuff anymore. Clueless, brainwashed, anti-human, fake beyond belief, self-important, selfish,.... Really could go on and on. The whole thing about the 'masonry' ideal is its born out of 'sacred numbers' and 'sacred geometry' ,..... I just finished watching the documentary by BBCTwo called 'The Code' just last night. It is presented by this mathematician. Their problem(those types of mathematicians) is yes, they see how the world can be represented by perfect geometry and mathematical equations but(and the narrator says it MANY times that they believe that it is the 'secret code' to how the world works). IT IS NOT THOSE EQUATIONS AND GEOMETRY THAT DRIVE OUR 3D UNIVERSE. It is God(or in quantum theory : the wave of potential, in the spiritual landscape: the spirit of God, or in ancient theory: the aether). Different names of the same thing depending on 'orientation'. What the 'masonry ideology' sees is the perfection of God's system. They believe by 'mimicking' God's perfection(by math, geometry, symbols, numbers, sigils,...) they can do what God can. NOT. It does have power, but a joke compared to 'real' power. The best analogy would be like a picture and the camera that took it. They see the perfection of the picture but leave the 'camera'/'God', out of the equation. The picture IS NOT the camera. I found out that 'THAT' was not always the case. A long time ago, all the sciences and math were grouped together with philosophy. Science and math were used to unravel God's methods and reasoning in this world. The more they learned, they realized the existence of 'God' because of how perfect it was. Not the other way around. But over time, 'God' was taken out of the 'equation'. Shoot. Modern physics is actually based on the writings of Maxwell. Then a physicist named Heaviside, took Maxwell's writings, rewrote them, basically leaving 'God' out of the equation(over simplification without getting into physics), and it is what is used today(like a 100-150 years ago this happened). But, I just read an experiment done multiple times by Harvard's physics department, in 2009 by mind you, that proves Maxwell was right. That our ideas/imaginings of the atom, what it really looks like and how it works as is presented today is COMPLETELY WRONG. 'Babbitt' and 'Walter Russell from long ago, were way more right. So the 'masons' and all their 'crap', is exactly that, 'crap' science compared to the truth. Fun facts.

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Have you a link to the Harvard experiment? I've been trying to turn a friend on to the Thunderbolts Project lecture series on Youtube, with no success. He's run the double slit experiment and is committed to the standard model of cosmology, though he does concede dark energy and dark matter appear to be bogus concepts.

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Thanks for that. Pretty wild.

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I 'believe' you are right Celia about masons. Science compared to the 'truth'. Book 2 in the Essene Gospel of Peace, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, outlines: the three paths leading to Truth. How each is used in exclusion of the others and the problems that creates, but all three are very important for our understanding.

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For me personally, I believe 'true science' screams of the presence and magnificence of God. 'Scientism', which is what is taught today as 'science', worships science and its truth and leaves God out of it. I could not find the original texts that Szekely translated from. Do you happen to know where I could find them? When I studied the Bible long ago I used both the original Greek and Hebrew to study the original texts because I did not want someone to tell me what they mean. And sure enough, a lot of mis-intrepritation did I find. Like for example, what Jesus said on the cross. When the criminal said to Jesus, "Remember me when you come into your Kingdom". And Jesus said, "I tell you truly, today you will be with me in paradise." But in the original Greek, there is no punctuation. So it could actually read, "I tell you truly today, you will be with me in paradise." Completely changes the meaning. Which, if it is true that all will be raised in the end like Jesus said, the second one would probably more correct. That is just one example of hundreds that I found, which is why I was asking if you might know where I might find the original texts that Szekely translated from. Thank you.

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the Oscars ceased to be relevant long ago, even on its own terms, when Weinstein demonstrated that one could successfully orchestrate campaigns to secure the "Best Picture" prize (i.e., "Shakespeare in Love", "The Artist"). but is this elaborate ritual any less pointless than its "unwoke" counterpart, The Super Bowl?

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The Stupor Bowl is "unwoke" - how?

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you don't think that enthusiastic endorsements of "real man" indulgences like beer-guzzling, sports gambling, thinly disguised gladiatorial combat aren't "unwoke"?

btw, the above should probably read any MORE pointless... in any event, it's a toss-up.

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No, I don't. The Woke I know all indulge themselves in that behavior, have Stupor Bowl parties and especially love the commercials and the satanic ritual half-time shows.

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so is the Stupor Bowl after all that has been said and done the cultural touchstone that unites "wokedom" and "unwokedom"? the foundation upon which future concord depends? of course, of course, I see it so clearly now -- it is where all revitalizing aqueducts intersect. how could I have been so myopic, so unicellular? let us clasp hands (virtually) and rejoice in unison: HALLELUJAH!

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Indeed, it's where degeneracy culture (Hwood & music industry) meet "Pro" (fixed) sports. The intersection of the worst of both worlds.

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You know we're nearing the end when it gets as blatant as that. The gloves are off and they do not care. Here's the absolutely best and most fascinating presentation on their signs and symbols that everyone should invest the time in watching in order to recognize them:

Symbols Rule This World Part 1 - Mike Hoggard: Sons of God & the Daughters of Man: https://old.bitchute.com/video/Ph6qgsn5iqOj [1:50hours]

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I think a main theme here is that even though we may see and be disturbed by the imagery and dystopian stage-play, Hollywood has a massive soft-power impact on the world and young people. It has an impact that is enormous, so even though we see it and do not participate, many, many do. And that is why it's important. The imagery has an impact; the themes have an impact; the celebrities have incredible influence capability. This slowly corrodes and steers and aligns the sheep to a way of thinking. Or non-thinking, as it were. It is sadly laughable, to be sure, but it is very, very bad and caustic to our world. There are people who are half-awake though life, and this hypnotizes them into lock-step. And the two sides are mounting forces and becoming more antagonistic to each other. A war is coming. Slow at first, but we are in the top of the first. [RFKJr threw down the glove yesterday, calling everyone out. By name. He tore the curtain down and pointed, and we'll see how they respond.]

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you might think you don't participate.

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"I sometimes wonder if “Hollywood” has ever portrayed a normal woman."

This above will never happen because it's "boring," but real life often is. However, it is perspective and perception. Now I am mature, I appreciate the moments in life that are genuine and the beauty that we don't realize is around us. People tend to focus on the negative rather than what is good because, IMHO, we are "programmed" to. They call them programs for a reason while we just channel their evil energy watching their channels and programs.

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Lillian Gish

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I quit watching Hollyweird & any tv two decades ago when I figured out what they were really all into. I won’t get into it but I’m sure if you’re awake you know exactly what I mean. These people are disgusting.

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It is almost impossible to find anything decent to watch on Netflix. Amazon will have older stuff....so it's better. But it is annoying....and what's worse....I look to be annoyed...it seems. I always look for the wokeness....and then it affects my movie watching.

Although, I did see a Ron Howard movie recently that was good. A story about Herman Melville writing Moby Dick....Heart of the Sea...or something.

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" The Freemasons should control all men of every class, nation and religion, dominating them without obvious compulsion; uniting them through a strong bond; inspiring them with enthusiasm to spread common ideas; and with utmost secrecy and energy, direct them toward this singular objective throughout the world."

Adam Weishaupt, Munich 1765.

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“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling co regain their consciousness of divinity.”

— Manly P. Hall

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wow. Manly Hall. I've got a book of his. he's got a Hollywood connection via an Anna May Wong flick.

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TODAY in Masonic History Manly Palmer Hall Passes Away


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The only possible way I could have noticed would be to have actually watched, which I would not have ever done even if I had a TV.

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