New Greg Reese Video: Documentary Film Maker Who Penetrated "Pat-Con" Dark Agenda To Use False Flags To Criminalize US Patriots Warns Us NOT To Fall For The Texas Border Trap Which Is Their New Jan 6
New Greg Reese Video: Documentary Film Maker Who Penetrated "Pat-Con" Dark Agenda To Use False Flags To Criminalize US Patriots Warns Us NOT To Fall For The Texas Border Trap Which Is Their New Jan 6
These useful idiots may be getting paid very well now, but they are just as expendable like the rest of us, and so are their loved ones, and she thinks there is a seat on the ark saved for her. Ha! Dumb @ss!
Is that any way to speak of the true ruler of your country? All hail the Empress of fire and corpses! Let bones crack and blood flow in the gutters in her honor, for she yearns to feast on the odor of burning flesh and the screams of the dying! And don't forget Kagan the Pagan, the blubbery avatar of destruction, and husband to this flabby Valkyrie!
Thought the same exact thing. Just saw a video about Barbara Bush talking about the same thing. I’ll never look at them the same again. Disturbing to say the least.
I ditto your intuition. These entities or imposter spirits are dark, dark fallen ex-god or human who have by their own volition lost all connection with Divine impulses (soulless). Humans can conjure these spirits and become possessed, which then shows in their physical forms. Their existence in the material world must be publicly acknowledged. This is a simple action everybody so inclined can take that drains demonic power. Another practical esoteric consideration, ask: "Demon (also known as Fallen Angelics), what can you teach me?" (Usually...not much, but it's an interaction. Nobody's an island). Stand in your Divinely-inspired power. No fear.
Some people do align their wills entirely with Hell and become perfectly possessed.
Never talk to demons. That is not an interaction you can possibly benefit from, and is a form of idolatry. Even in an exorcism, they just extract the information necessary to banish it. Demons are spiritual sewage, and interacting with them is equivalent to eating sewage. Thinking you can win is spiritual pride, which will lead to your downfall.
The adversarial demonic powers play important roles in the Divine evolutionary progress of humanity. Lucifer (who was a reincarnated Creator God at some point) was chiefly responsible for the accelerated transition from group mind behavior of infant humanity to more "adult" concepts of individual freedom and sovereignty.
True, he jumped the gun for his own takeover agenda, and humanity was not ready for this step, planned for a later timeline. So, the Creator Gods' "blueprint" was altered to delay this manipulation via erecting the "bloodline" aspect of "Divine Right of Kings", which spilled on both sides of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This allowed humanity to "catch up" to the ideal of independent autonomy.
Penances are always available to any entity regardless how far they have fallen towards "evil" in disrupting the harmony required of Life. They are pretty strict, though, some involving starting completely over, i.e. re-experiencing Old Saturn in a complete "makeover." Most see this as impossibly difficult, and apparently rarely chosen (even though one's immortal essence is inevitably sacrificed).
Divinely influenced humans are superior to disincarnated demons. But we have things in common. I lay down strict ground rules, so am not bothered. But if one "didn't know its place", I would deploy my spiritual powers (we all have them but require a routine of celestial study and practice).
Nope. There are more of them (MTFs) in the public view than people realize. It was discussed more openly on Themtubes a few years ago. All that questioning got removed during some big purges of the alternative media sites.
A test would be to present Victoria with a handbag or purse made from genuine crocodile leather. If she flinches or feels uncomfortable when receiving the present, or if she says that she doesn't use accessories made from bits of cousins, then I would take that as a very big clue that she may not be woman.
Read what can happen under 'marshal law' or a 'civil war'. 1st thru 5th Amendments are gone. It looks like Jan 6th was a trial run. And to top it off, the president can stay in office while under marshal law. Nazi Germany's gun laws were actually so the government had records of those that had the guns (our gun law is almost word for word last time I looked)because under marshal law they can come into your house and take them. That has already be tried and done in New Orleans after Katrina. The military went door to door and took the registered gun owner's weapons. There won't be any uprising, our elected officials have mostly shown us, so what do we do? Solutions? "The weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal,...." You do not defeat an enemy on their terms. But, we CAN defeat them on ours. Look through history. The '300' and Persia. Joshua and the people of Israel. Moses. The Vietcong. Charles Finney and Father Nash. Catherine Kuhlman. How many people worldwide feel the same as you and I? The enemy wins when you think you are alone. WE ARE NOT. United prayer can change the world. Sure helped Joshua(bible 'stories" can also be historic facts)Wouldn't it be great if across Facebook or X, Tik-tok we could get people world wide focused on one day on one main theme? Salvation from the rampant evil going on would be great. What do the masses want? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Religious freedom? Just saying.
It was in February of 1775 that Patrick Henry stated, "Give me liberty or give me death!" as he urged the Second Virginia Convention to deliver troops for the Revolutionary War. At that time in history they were fighting the oppression of the British Crown and the tyranny of King George III. It resulted in the Declaration of Independence being signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776. It read, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government.” The United States Constitution was created in 1789.
Unfortunately, "....the consent of the governed' has been altered(HBO doc:'Hacking Democracy' 120+mins long,NOT 80+) The ability of 'the Right of the People to alter or abolish it' has been altered: 'The Patriot Act',' Insurrection Act'. Definitely a well designed plan spanning such a long time that it makes following the thread difficult. That's why unified prayer seems like the best option. Just saying.
And it didn't help that in 1976, the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, 32 U.S. Senators and 92 U.S. Representatives in Washington signed a Declaration of Interdependence that read, “Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order.”
Seen another way, it is an energetic / psychological war. They spend trillions to gain our emotional and mental consent -- consent of the masses. We can absolutely withdraw that consent easily energetically. And we can do it from the comfort of our own homes. We can also easily (with practice) shift our own energies and put them into what we want to build instead -- not the outcome at first, the energy of it, the truth of choosing to experience safety, liberty, and grant ourselves the ability to do what brings us happiness. To know this is our power ... true power ... to direct our own emotions and mind ... our energy. When a relative few of us do this. it will bring their house of cards down quickly.
Nuland is a neocon. For those who do not understand the lingo, neocon is a euphemism to hide the ugliness of what it really stands for - jewish zionist. Patriot Front headed up by Thomas Rousseau hit right to the point with one of their signs; get jews out of US politics.
They aren't Jews - hands of the Eternal (lit. "His hands"). Ashmedai isn't my Eternal! Perhaps Semitic Zionists. "Semitic" means famous or renowned, in practice those boasting of their fame.
Stop with the semantics. Nuland is a jew hiding behind the necon label. Her only interest is Israel. The goal of neocons is to take the US down. Take heed of the meme, "Join the US army, die for Israel!".
Hilarious pun. Cut the blasphemous crap, Baphomet (Phoenician for "in the face of truth"); Nuland is not a "Jew"; your and its protestations notwithstanding.
Victoria Nuland, real last name Nudelman has dual citizenship with Israel. The Azov Battalion was funded and created by the oligarch Kolmoisky and the entire Maidan Revolution was orchestrated by Victoria Nuland. The Maidan Revolution began on November 21, 2013 and it ousted Ukraine's president, Viktor Yanukovych.
Yes, the very deep role of Kolomoisky in politics needs to be better understood. If you understand Kolomoisky, you understand how the US, the UK, Israel and Ukraine are all controlled, manipulated and harvested by the same small group:
Read where Bush the Child allegedly asked his father, "What exactly is neo-conservatism?" "You want the long answer or the short answer?" Bush 1 said. "The short answer," replied the son. "Israel," said the father.
Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews. There is, of course, some relation/overlap; but it's a mistake to conflate the two. About a quarter of Israelis are not Jews either. The enemy are the NAZI/Neo-Con/Zionists, like Nuland. Nuland's father has Jewish heritage; but her mother is/was British Christian. So Nuland cannot be Jewish.
I told several people I know that January 6th was a trap. Nobody believed me and one couple went to see and support Trump. Fortunately they drove there and didn’t fly, and they never got near the capital. I was proven correct.
The border is another trap.
I think the drone attack “by Iran” in Jordon is another false flag too. The US would never mistake an Iranian drone as one of their own. In fact, it was likely friendly fire and quite possibly intentional.
And yes...why hasn’t Governor Abbott done anything for the past year or two with all these ‘migrants’ streaming over the Texas/Mexico border? With the exception of the little ‘publicity stunt’ he (Abbott) did of ‘bussing’ the migrants out of Texas to other cities around the US, last year, he has done little to nothing to stop the tide of people coming into the US. And then in my home state of Commifornia, our esteemed Governor Newscum is offering free health care to all migrants!
I’ve been at the US Mexico border crossing at San Ysidro, CA, crossing back into the US, from Tijuana and have seen with my own eyes, groups of working age young men being escorted to the front of the line, then being ushered into the building to the SENTRI lane (special pre approved paperwork needed to use that lane), and then cross into the US to busses waiting for them on the US side of the border.
Dear Celia, I greatly appreciate your reporting this, but at what point do Americans standup en masse? Every single issue we are being attacked on from stealing our water rights, land, and very alarmingly the border invasion, we are told to stay home and hide out! Let it happen because it’s going to be another J6 false flag. The difference is we are in a patriot state with Texas, with support from 25 other patriot states. Many are sending their National Guard who are many of our families or friends. We know they (Obiden, Obama, Soros and whomever) are part of this false flag and corruption. They are destroying by arson and other destructive means, farms, food, processing plants, food providers, livestock, etc., etc. China and Gates are buying our farmland and no one hardly bats an eye. They want all our cows, pigs, chickens injected or killed. We know no matter what we do they will try martial law. That’s the plan to stop the elections. But it won’t be with our police and armed forces. It will be the UN and the Chinese nationals they are bringing in to arm and turn on us! So everyone needs to search your soul for the truth. When do we quit hiding and stand up and show them what tens of millions of us armed to the hilt will do for what’s left of America and the land of the free! We all know 2024 is going to be a year like no other because they are going to pull out all the stops to keep the election from happening. Look at what they’ve done to President Trump so far! I am praying without ceasing for everyone going there. I urge others to do the same! We also need to be vigilant where we live. It’s a matter of time when they bring it to most of the states. The problem with J6 is they are in an enemy territory in DC! We all know the truth there and few people came to their aid that should have! The Capital police and jail should have been stormed and those corrupt officers arrested and put there instead of the innocent people who have been tortured and killed with the approval of unlawful and treasonous democrats and rhinos. They have been denied their rights, but, let Antifa and BLM destroy, injure and kill all the people and businesses or homes they want and they get million dollar rewards! We did the march on Washington in 2009 when Obama started his attacks on our rights! It was peaceful with millions of us and there was no littering or damages, nothing! Its obvious who always initiate the problems….radical, liberals! I am a caregiver so I can’t go! So Heavenly Father please protect our brave and courageous patriots standing up for our country in Texas! Keep them safe and may your wrath rain down on the evil that may attempt any harm to them! Amen!
I woke up and got up early today and Greg’s piece was the first thing I listened to and that I shared. Your piece, Celia, has a different graphic than Greg’s so might get a larger reach in some circles. Victoria Nuland is possessed by evil. So many of these entities are so hard to look at; their features get transformed over the years and it is easier to see them for what they are. We have been told to not judge a book by it’s cover, but we have discernment. This new idea of tolerance is an abomination. I have been listening to Michael Yon and others (ToreSays, Alexandra Bruce) and I have the same instincts, that this feels like an orchestrated false flag. Why would Governor Abbott act at this time when he has had 3 years now, to act. As Michael Yon stated last week to Alex Jones on one of the shows, until Abbott renounces his allegiance to the WEF, he is not to be trusted. We pray for the simple rule of law but clearly “We the People” are no longer on a fair playing field. International treaties of proper conduct are being ignored and desecrated. We must all try to “stay the course.”
Todd Callender, in a forum this weekend with two US MDs, two journalists( US and Canada), and a powerhouse activist from Canada, indicated that in January 10, 2023 a declaration was signed by Biden, Trudeau and President of Mexico that ostensibly ceded the national sovereignties of these three nations over to the UN. If that is true, then a stand off between fictitious federal forces and fictitious state forces is something out of the theatre of the absurd. Folks need to keep their eyes on the US northern border and infiltration through the airports and waterways.
The UN was created and supported by central bankers to control (govern) the planet. Nationalistic peoples are a nuisance and destroying them is acceptable...”for the greater good”. Communism anybody?
"The three countries of North America each made ambitious commitments under the Los Angeles Declaration, particularly regarding regular pathways, including working together to advance labour mobility in North America and have been delivering on these commitments."
Matt Ehret just interviewed Randy Hillier from Canada. A big win with Judge stating everything they did during the trucker event and covid was against the charter. I love Hillier. See Matt's Substack. Hillier is being tortured through the courts still.
I listened to that Greg Reese interview just yesterday while I was doing my annual pruning of my roses. (In SoCA we force dormancy in the winter on roses, to revitalize and regenerate them.) It was interesting and enlightening piece, about the Oklahoma Bombing and all the ‘false flag events’ that have perpetrated by the US Government and their Evil Comrades!
Am I weird for wondering is Victoria Nuland is a woman?
Am I weird for wondering is she/he is human?
Good one!
I warned you not to look her directly in the eyes.
She is just another sadistic fiend. Undifferentiated evil. No space left in her for any sexual vibe or gender.
Why make it about grammar? I don't care what pronouns it prefer.
Maybe her physical and mental morphology is an inverse response to the sexual mien of hubby, Robert Kagan?
In edit: Inverse was the wrong adjective wasn't it...sympathetic perhaps?
That's much deeper than I want to look.
It's the same at any distance.
She has two x chromosomes but they are twisted badly.
Two X chromosomes? More like swastikas.
I thought we agreed that I would do the one-liners.?
These useful idiots may be getting paid very well now, but they are just as expendable like the rest of us, and so are their loved ones, and she thinks there is a seat on the ark saved for her. Ha! Dumb @ss!
The burdens of the woman who choses ugliness as the price of success.
Madeleine Albright another wicked witch of the west.
quoting from David Icke 'another reptilian'. They are ugly because of their dark souls
Well, you might be weird if you think Michelle (aka big Mike) Obama is a woman. Nuland is a straight up psychopath, quite rare for a woman.
But an essential requirement in a neocon government.
In the Antipodes we call it Jewish Mother-in-Law Syndrome.
Is that any way to speak of the true ruler of your country? All hail the Empress of fire and corpses! Let bones crack and blood flow in the gutters in her honor, for she yearns to feast on the odor of burning flesh and the screams of the dying! And don't forget Kagan the Pagan, the blubbery avatar of destruction, and husband to this flabby Valkyrie!
Thought the same exact thing. Just saw a video about Barbara Bush talking about the same thing. I’ll never look at them the same again. Disturbing to say the least.
My first thought too that "she" was not!
I ditto your intuition. These entities or imposter spirits are dark, dark fallen ex-god or human who have by their own volition lost all connection with Divine impulses (soulless). Humans can conjure these spirits and become possessed, which then shows in their physical forms. Their existence in the material world must be publicly acknowledged. This is a simple action everybody so inclined can take that drains demonic power. Another practical esoteric consideration, ask: "Demon (also known as Fallen Angelics), what can you teach me?" (Usually...not much, but it's an interaction. Nobody's an island). Stand in your Divinely-inspired power. No fear.
Some people do align their wills entirely with Hell and become perfectly possessed.
Never talk to demons. That is not an interaction you can possibly benefit from, and is a form of idolatry. Even in an exorcism, they just extract the information necessary to banish it. Demons are spiritual sewage, and interacting with them is equivalent to eating sewage. Thinking you can win is spiritual pride, which will lead to your downfall.
The adversarial demonic powers play important roles in the Divine evolutionary progress of humanity. Lucifer (who was a reincarnated Creator God at some point) was chiefly responsible for the accelerated transition from group mind behavior of infant humanity to more "adult" concepts of individual freedom and sovereignty.
True, he jumped the gun for his own takeover agenda, and humanity was not ready for this step, planned for a later timeline. So, the Creator Gods' "blueprint" was altered to delay this manipulation via erecting the "bloodline" aspect of "Divine Right of Kings", which spilled on both sides of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This allowed humanity to "catch up" to the ideal of independent autonomy.
Penances are always available to any entity regardless how far they have fallen towards "evil" in disrupting the harmony required of Life. They are pretty strict, though, some involving starting completely over, i.e. re-experiencing Old Saturn in a complete "makeover." Most see this as impossibly difficult, and apparently rarely chosen (even though one's immortal essence is inevitably sacrificed).
Divinely influenced humans are superior to disincarnated demons. But we have things in common. I lay down strict ground rules, so am not bothered. But if one "didn't know its place", I would deploy my spiritual powers (we all have them but require a routine of celestial study and practice).
Nope. There are more of them (MTFs) in the public view than people realize. It was discussed more openly on Themtubes a few years ago. All that questioning got removed during some big purges of the alternative media sites.
She/it has been twisted by her evil behavior. It hollows out the soul.
I get the same vibe b
A test would be to present Victoria with a handbag or purse made from genuine crocodile leather. If she flinches or feels uncomfortable when receiving the present, or if she says that she doesn't use accessories made from bits of cousins, then I would take that as a very big clue that she may not be woman.
It could amount even as a confession.
I don't know, I'm too skeptic to know anything.
Can I just say, "The Witch Queen of the PNAC Gang"?
Read what can happen under 'marshal law' or a 'civil war'. 1st thru 5th Amendments are gone. It looks like Jan 6th was a trial run. And to top it off, the president can stay in office while under marshal law. Nazi Germany's gun laws were actually so the government had records of those that had the guns (our gun law is almost word for word last time I looked)because under marshal law they can come into your house and take them. That has already be tried and done in New Orleans after Katrina. The military went door to door and took the registered gun owner's weapons. There won't be any uprising, our elected officials have mostly shown us, so what do we do? Solutions? "The weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal,...." You do not defeat an enemy on their terms. But, we CAN defeat them on ours. Look through history. The '300' and Persia. Joshua and the people of Israel. Moses. The Vietcong. Charles Finney and Father Nash. Catherine Kuhlman. How many people worldwide feel the same as you and I? The enemy wins when you think you are alone. WE ARE NOT. United prayer can change the world. Sure helped Joshua(bible 'stories" can also be historic facts)Wouldn't it be great if across Facebook or X, Tik-tok we could get people world wide focused on one day on one main theme? Salvation from the rampant evil going on would be great. What do the masses want? Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Religious freedom? Just saying.
It was in February of 1775 that Patrick Henry stated, "Give me liberty or give me death!" as he urged the Second Virginia Convention to deliver troops for the Revolutionary War. At that time in history they were fighting the oppression of the British Crown and the tyranny of King George III. It resulted in the Declaration of Independence being signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776. It read, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government.” The United States Constitution was created in 1789.
Unfortunately, "....the consent of the governed' has been altered(HBO doc:'Hacking Democracy' 120+mins long,NOT 80+) The ability of 'the Right of the People to alter or abolish it' has been altered: 'The Patriot Act',' Insurrection Act'. Definitely a well designed plan spanning such a long time that it makes following the thread difficult. That's why unified prayer seems like the best option. Just saying.
And it didn't help that in 1976, the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, 32 U.S. Senators and 92 U.S. Representatives in Washington signed a Declaration of Interdependence that read, “Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation; now we must join with others to bring forth a new world order.”
Seen another way, it is an energetic / psychological war. They spend trillions to gain our emotional and mental consent -- consent of the masses. We can absolutely withdraw that consent easily energetically. And we can do it from the comfort of our own homes. We can also easily (with practice) shift our own energies and put them into what we want to build instead -- not the outcome at first, the energy of it, the truth of choosing to experience safety, liberty, and grant ourselves the ability to do what brings us happiness. To know this is our power ... true power ... to direct our own emotions and mind ... our energy. When a relative few of us do this. it will bring their house of cards down quickly.
No, Celia, you are not weird. Nuland is a monstrous war monger and is ugly on top of this.
Nuland is a neocon. For those who do not understand the lingo, neocon is a euphemism to hide the ugliness of what it really stands for - jewish zionist. Patriot Front headed up by Thomas Rousseau hit right to the point with one of their signs; get jews out of US politics.
Ah....I often wondered what exactly that term meant as it is often used by certain people.
They aren't Jews - hands of the Eternal (lit. "His hands"). Ashmedai isn't my Eternal! Perhaps Semitic Zionists. "Semitic" means famous or renowned, in practice those boasting of their fame.
Stop with the semantics. Nuland is a jew hiding behind the necon label. Her only interest is Israel. The goal of neocons is to take the US down. Take heed of the meme, "Join the US army, die for Israel!".
Hilarious pun. Cut the blasphemous crap, Baphomet (Phoenician for "in the face of truth"); Nuland is not a "Jew"; your and its protestations notwithstanding.
Chuckle! Looks like someone is out of ammunition. I've no more to add to this exchange.
Bye, Baphomet! (A golem, BTW. Glad you admit you aren't truly volitional, but are just an agent of Ashmedai, and I don't mean the Substacker.)
Victoria Nuland, real last name Nudelman has dual citizenship with Israel. The Azov Battalion was funded and created by the oligarch Kolmoisky and the entire Maidan Revolution was orchestrated by Victoria Nuland. The Maidan Revolution began on November 21, 2013 and it ousted Ukraine's president, Viktor Yanukovych.
Yes, the very deep role of Kolomoisky in politics needs to be better understood. If you understand Kolomoisky, you understand how the US, the UK, Israel and Ukraine are all controlled, manipulated and harvested by the same small group:
Read where Bush the Child allegedly asked his father, "What exactly is neo-conservatism?" "You want the long answer or the short answer?" Bush 1 said. "The short answer," replied the son. "Israel," said the father.
Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews. There is, of course, some relation/overlap; but it's a mistake to conflate the two. About a quarter of Israelis are not Jews either. The enemy are the NAZI/Neo-Con/Zionists, like Nuland. Nuland's father has Jewish heritage; but her mother is/was British Christian. So Nuland cannot be Jewish.
I told several people I know that January 6th was a trap. Nobody believed me and one couple went to see and support Trump. Fortunately they drove there and didn’t fly, and they never got near the capital. I was proven correct.
The border is another trap.
I think the drone attack “by Iran” in Jordon is another false flag too. The US would never mistake an Iranian drone as one of their own. In fact, it was likely friendly fire and quite possibly intentional.
Iran has stated they did not precipitate that attack.
I rather believe them.
And yes...why hasn’t Governor Abbott done anything for the past year or two with all these ‘migrants’ streaming over the Texas/Mexico border? With the exception of the little ‘publicity stunt’ he (Abbott) did of ‘bussing’ the migrants out of Texas to other cities around the US, last year, he has done little to nothing to stop the tide of people coming into the US. And then in my home state of Commifornia, our esteemed Governor Newscum is offering free health care to all migrants!
I’ve been at the US Mexico border crossing at San Ysidro, CA, crossing back into the US, from Tijuana and have seen with my own eyes, groups of working age young men being escorted to the front of the line, then being ushered into the building to the SENTRI lane (special pre approved paperwork needed to use that lane), and then cross into the US to busses waiting for them on the US side of the border.
Dear Celia, I greatly appreciate your reporting this, but at what point do Americans standup en masse? Every single issue we are being attacked on from stealing our water rights, land, and very alarmingly the border invasion, we are told to stay home and hide out! Let it happen because it’s going to be another J6 false flag. The difference is we are in a patriot state with Texas, with support from 25 other patriot states. Many are sending their National Guard who are many of our families or friends. We know they (Obiden, Obama, Soros and whomever) are part of this false flag and corruption. They are destroying by arson and other destructive means, farms, food, processing plants, food providers, livestock, etc., etc. China and Gates are buying our farmland and no one hardly bats an eye. They want all our cows, pigs, chickens injected or killed. We know no matter what we do they will try martial law. That’s the plan to stop the elections. But it won’t be with our police and armed forces. It will be the UN and the Chinese nationals they are bringing in to arm and turn on us! So everyone needs to search your soul for the truth. When do we quit hiding and stand up and show them what tens of millions of us armed to the hilt will do for what’s left of America and the land of the free! We all know 2024 is going to be a year like no other because they are going to pull out all the stops to keep the election from happening. Look at what they’ve done to President Trump so far! I am praying without ceasing for everyone going there. I urge others to do the same! We also need to be vigilant where we live. It’s a matter of time when they bring it to most of the states. The problem with J6 is they are in an enemy territory in DC! We all know the truth there and few people came to their aid that should have! The Capital police and jail should have been stormed and those corrupt officers arrested and put there instead of the innocent people who have been tortured and killed with the approval of unlawful and treasonous democrats and rhinos. They have been denied their rights, but, let Antifa and BLM destroy, injure and kill all the people and businesses or homes they want and they get million dollar rewards! We did the march on Washington in 2009 when Obama started his attacks on our rights! It was peaceful with millions of us and there was no littering or damages, nothing! Its obvious who always initiate the problems….radical, liberals! I am a caregiver so I can’t go! So Heavenly Father please protect our brave and courageous patriots standing up for our country in Texas! Keep them safe and may your wrath rain down on the evil that may attempt any harm to them! Amen!
Here is a substack I just received about the attacks on our food supplies and most people are clueless and think those grocery store shelves will always be full:
And this is happening now and you know it was arson!!!!
When Greg Abbott was asked to denounce the WEF and Klaus Schwab, he refused.
Here he is at the 2020 WEF meeting.
The first link must have a paywall, does not work.
Hmmm... It works for me and I've not payed them anything. Try another browser.
I woke up and got up early today and Greg’s piece was the first thing I listened to and that I shared. Your piece, Celia, has a different graphic than Greg’s so might get a larger reach in some circles. Victoria Nuland is possessed by evil. So many of these entities are so hard to look at; their features get transformed over the years and it is easier to see them for what they are. We have been told to not judge a book by it’s cover, but we have discernment. This new idea of tolerance is an abomination. I have been listening to Michael Yon and others (ToreSays, Alexandra Bruce) and I have the same instincts, that this feels like an orchestrated false flag. Why would Governor Abbott act at this time when he has had 3 years now, to act. As Michael Yon stated last week to Alex Jones on one of the shows, until Abbott renounces his allegiance to the WEF, he is not to be trusted. We pray for the simple rule of law but clearly “We the People” are no longer on a fair playing field. International treaties of proper conduct are being ignored and desecrated. We must all try to “stay the course.”
Todd Callender, in a forum this weekend with two US MDs, two journalists( US and Canada), and a powerhouse activist from Canada, indicated that in January 10, 2023 a declaration was signed by Biden, Trudeau and President of Mexico that ostensibly ceded the national sovereignties of these three nations over to the UN. If that is true, then a stand off between fictitious federal forces and fictitious state forces is something out of the theatre of the absurd. Folks need to keep their eyes on the US northern border and infiltration through the airports and waterways.
The UN was created and supported by central bankers to control (govern) the planet. Nationalistic peoples are a nuisance and destroying them is acceptable...”for the greater good”. Communism anybody?
"The three countries of North America each made ambitious commitments under the Los Angeles Declaration, particularly regarding regular pathways, including working together to advance labour mobility in North America and have been delivering on these commitments."
Tell everyone. And all the truckers. Abbott is WEF and has had plenty of time. Plus the gates are open nearby. Optics only.
Matt Ehret just interviewed Randy Hillier from Canada. A big win with Judge stating everything they did during the trucker event and covid was against the charter. I love Hillier. See Matt's Substack. Hillier is being tortured through the courts still.
Love Greg Reese. I get his substack too and have already line it up for my Substack tomorrow.
Nuland has & is just getting away with to all , as are the rest of them
I watched this last night. Incredible, and it shows how what we are going through was happening back then. We just didn't know. God help us.
I listened to that Greg Reese interview just yesterday while I was doing my annual pruning of my roses. (In SoCA we force dormancy in the winter on roses, to revitalize and regenerate them.) It was interesting and enlightening piece, about the Oklahoma Bombing and all the ‘false flag events’ that have perpetrated by the US Government and their Evil Comrades!
I understand the need for wisdom and caution but the problem And proper response outlined by Jon...
I completely agree with him and posted my response above!!!!
As with all Marines, "Semper Fidelis" Greg!