I'm incredibly shocked watching both Caroline and her horrid son as well as yesterday's hearing with RFK Jr. The dem senators were rude, crude and wholly unattractive. None of them had the slightest regard for RFK's dysphonia. They rushed him, talked over him and they misquoted him without giving him a chance to clarify. It was abhorrent! However, it highlighted what is wrong with the current state of big pharma funding these Senators. Like big oharma, they don't care about people. They only care about grandstanding and lining their pockets. Caroline sits on the Board of Eli Lily, I think. She and her son have degraded themselves and show who they truly are. I had to look away.
Let's analyze Caroline's criticisms of Bobby, shall we? He's unqualified to oversee health policy? Has she made this objection concerning Bill Gates or Tedros Ghebreyesus, neither of whom are medical professionals but who can arguably be said to oversee health policy? Then there's the "standards for thee" but not for me, as in, what were her qualifications to be ambassador to Japan? The piece de resistance was her gratuitous description of evil Bobby feeding the little birdies & mice into the gaping maw of a blender. Was he also wearing a peaked hat & screaming "I'll get you my pretties?" It's sad that anyone could be so lacking in self awareness.
I believe 100% that JFK jr would have supported his cousin RFK jr & don’t believe he would have been very happy with what his sister or nephew did. What Caroline did was outrageous & would have made her mother ashamed but her son Jack has been a liberal out on a limb for years now with very contemptuous behavior.
Trump will need to do one of those recess appointments... after we get tulsi and Kash across the finish line. All these idiots are outing themselves as health ignorant and zero regard for kids. Political activists need to primary all of them.
Trump's HHS secretary (Dorothy Fink - acting secretary) is already an improvement over Xavier Becerra. Fink was appointed by Trump in the first term as deputy director in Women's Health (under HHS).
Stefanie Spear, the new deputy chief of staff at HHS has put out a directive to the health officials that they cannot release a statement or appear at an event as an official without going through a cabinet member first. Spear was the press secretary for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during his 2024 presidential campaign.”
A recess appointment is one way to for RFK to work in HHS if NOT confirmed. Another way is to work as consultant, assistant to Dorothy Fink.
There was a priceless moment (link below) during the Senate Interrogation of RFK Jr., where he exposes them all for being in the pocket of Big Pharma…and Bernie Sanders gets rather panicky at the accusation that he accepted millions. I believe this threat of exposure is the cause of the Bobby Derangement Syndrome that has become so prevalent that it is now more scary than Bird Flu!. Bobby’s legal background surely helped him to deliver the K.O. punch at a critical moment…such impeccable timing!
There is no way that the reality of the V’s would have gotten past JFK. And like his Uncle, RFK Jr has that same capacity to evaluate information. Regarding medical information he’s even more adept. As he said, there is no one else who will be able to clear the swamp of our health care system and make Americans healthy.
I was 9 when RFK was murdered. My dad came in my room and turned on the big black and white TV at 4:00 am (we were driving to El Paso). He said “They killed another Kennedy last night” and went to take a shower. Only recently have I latched on to the phrasing “they.” My dad didn’t like the Kennedys but must’ve known LBJ etc were out to ge them.
I love Bobby and the Kennedy mystique. It is the way that will never be, at least not in this universe. It pained me to watch him defend vaccines when I know what he really knows. It’s too late. This is a limited drama at the conclusion of big one. The aluminum oxide in the air will white this story out. Can’t you feel how untethered everything has become? Would you even notice if people shed 20 IQ points over a couple years? Especially when we have computers doing most of our high level thinking and processing. The mid-air collision in DC the latest in a series of recent close calls and accidents. If you listen to people talk, like at Bobby’s hearing, you’ll notice that they’re slipping, badly. Hardly anybody here has any capacity to put it all together anymore. I’d wager I’m one of the smartest people in the world right now outside the cabal, and I ain’t that smart. They structured this so we’d even lose the capacity to perceive our descent.
I’m in agreement with your comment. These congress-people, somewhere along the way, have forsaken their souls. Tragic.
RFKJ and his supporters model a way forward as a higher civilization awaits. These poisonous tongues and poisonous skies are here to test our resolve 🔥☀️🕯️
So. The American people, with the vestiges of democracy remaining to them, against all odds elect Trump to clear out the cancerous new tyranny corruption threatening the American experiment. And the jackals of corruption attack Trump's emissaries. Do the jackals really think this will restore their popularity with, or tolerance by, the very public that has them in the crosshairs? How'd that work out for King George III?
Please note that.Caroline K’s father imposed himself on one of his lovely 21 year old interns who wrote a kiss and tell. So if the condom is on the father’s d*ck does the label “predatory” apply? My experience with the K’s was the guys were mostly Narcissists until the Grace of suffering (themselves) smoothed the rough edges. Ps: all the sex was consensual; power is catnip to women.🙏😎🙏 Philandering has karmic consequences too when married.🙏
I'm incredibly shocked watching both Caroline and her horrid son as well as yesterday's hearing with RFK Jr. The dem senators were rude, crude and wholly unattractive. None of them had the slightest regard for RFK's dysphonia. They rushed him, talked over him and they misquoted him without giving him a chance to clarify. It was abhorrent! However, it highlighted what is wrong with the current state of big pharma funding these Senators. Like big oharma, they don't care about people. They only care about grandstanding and lining their pockets. Caroline sits on the Board of Eli Lily, I think. She and her son have degraded themselves and show who they truly are. I had to look away.
Caroline may have sat on the board in the past, but currently is not listed as a board member
Yes, it was tremendously disappointing to read C’s vicious attack on her uncle. It has forever cast her in an unfavorable light.
Let's analyze Caroline's criticisms of Bobby, shall we? He's unqualified to oversee health policy? Has she made this objection concerning Bill Gates or Tedros Ghebreyesus, neither of whom are medical professionals but who can arguably be said to oversee health policy? Then there's the "standards for thee" but not for me, as in, what were her qualifications to be ambassador to Japan? The piece de resistance was her gratuitous description of evil Bobby feeding the little birdies & mice into the gaping maw of a blender. Was he also wearing a peaked hat & screaming "I'll get you my pretties?" It's sad that anyone could be so lacking in self awareness.
So good to hear and learn that John John loved and respected his cousin, RFK Jr
Here are some photos of Cumberland, the Cumberland Chapel, and JFK Jr and Caroline Bessette in their wedding attire---at the Cumberland Chapel:
Thank you for this, the most grounding piece of heaven on Earth I've seen lately.
Thanks for the link. Found a couple interesting books in there!
Thank you, Celia and Colleen McGuire. Great hunting skills.
I believe 100% that JFK jr would have supported his cousin RFK jr & don’t believe he would have been very happy with what his sister or nephew did. What Caroline did was outrageous & would have made her mother ashamed but her son Jack has been a liberal out on a limb for years now with very contemptuous behavior.
Trump will need to do one of those recess appointments... after we get tulsi and Kash across the finish line. All these idiots are outing themselves as health ignorant and zero regard for kids. Political activists need to primary all of them.
Trump's HHS secretary (Dorothy Fink - acting secretary) is already an improvement over Xavier Becerra. Fink was appointed by Trump in the first term as deputy director in Women's Health (under HHS).
Stefanie Spear, the new deputy chief of staff at HHS has put out a directive to the health officials that they cannot release a statement or appear at an event as an official without going through a cabinet member first. Spear was the press secretary for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during his 2024 presidential campaign.”
A recess appointment is one way to for RFK to work in HHS if NOT confirmed. Another way is to work as consultant, assistant to Dorothy Fink.
There was a priceless moment (link below) during the Senate Interrogation of RFK Jr., where he exposes them all for being in the pocket of Big Pharma…and Bernie Sanders gets rather panicky at the accusation that he accepted millions. I believe this threat of exposure is the cause of the Bobby Derangement Syndrome that has become so prevalent that it is now more scary than Bird Flu!. Bobby’s legal background surely helped him to deliver the K.O. punch at a critical moment…such impeccable timing!
Sanders was a crook from the get go. I'm surprised many can't see that. A loser like him only gets into politix for one reason - to grift.
There is no way that the reality of the V’s would have gotten past JFK. And like his Uncle, RFK Jr has that same capacity to evaluate information. Regarding medical information he’s even more adept. As he said, there is no one else who will be able to clear the swamp of our health care system and make Americans healthy.
I was 9 when RFK was murdered. My dad came in my room and turned on the big black and white TV at 4:00 am (we were driving to El Paso). He said “They killed another Kennedy last night” and went to take a shower. Only recently have I latched on to the phrasing “they.” My dad didn’t like the Kennedys but must’ve known LBJ etc were out to ge them.
I love Bobby and the Kennedy mystique. It is the way that will never be, at least not in this universe. It pained me to watch him defend vaccines when I know what he really knows. It’s too late. This is a limited drama at the conclusion of big one. The aluminum oxide in the air will white this story out. Can’t you feel how untethered everything has become? Would you even notice if people shed 20 IQ points over a couple years? Especially when we have computers doing most of our high level thinking and processing. The mid-air collision in DC the latest in a series of recent close calls and accidents. If you listen to people talk, like at Bobby’s hearing, you’ll notice that they’re slipping, badly. Hardly anybody here has any capacity to put it all together anymore. I’d wager I’m one of the smartest people in the world right now outside the cabal, and I ain’t that smart. They structured this so we’d even lose the capacity to perceive our descent.
I’m in agreement with your comment. These congress-people, somewhere along the way, have forsaken their souls. Tragic.
RFKJ and his supporters model a way forward as a higher civilization awaits. These poisonous tongues and poisonous skies are here to test our resolve 🔥☀️🕯️
So. The American people, with the vestiges of democracy remaining to them, against all odds elect Trump to clear out the cancerous new tyranny corruption threatening the American experiment. And the jackals of corruption attack Trump's emissaries. Do the jackals really think this will restore their popularity with, or tolerance by, the very public that has them in the crosshairs? How'd that work out for King George III?
Please note that.Caroline K’s father imposed himself on one of his lovely 21 year old interns who wrote a kiss and tell. So if the condom is on the father’s d*ck does the label “predatory” apply? My experience with the K’s was the guys were mostly Narcissists until the Grace of suffering (themselves) smoothed the rough edges. Ps: all the sex was consensual; power is catnip to women.🙏😎🙏 Philandering has karmic consequences too when married.🙏
I didn't see it, did they manage to go all four hours without ever saying the words "Covid Vaxxine Deaths"?
Don't worry, A/i is cooking up a new batch of mRNA poisons just for this new syndrome. Be ready by Saturday afternoon. Good to go.
May I correct that? “Media” - No. Propaganda outlets - Yes.