Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I love you, Celia, because you never run away from truth.

No matter how much it hurts.

Thank you, sister, for all you show us.


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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

"If somebody could tell me how to devote my life to fighting this evil, I would. Most of us would. Today I heard a survivor of sexual abuse in his work as a young actor, a black man, describe his torment."

Celia, your answer is in the thesis of this article. Strong, loving fathers. Strong men. Masculinity. Strong families need a strong leader. Families are made of one male and one female. Those counterparts make a beautiful symphony. But it's the man's role to lead, protect, and defend his family. One of the other lies is "toxic masculinity" which lampoons this natural, and necessary propensity. There's nothing toxic about fatherhood, nor in being a husband. So, if you really want to do something to fight this evil, look around you and notice the families that are straining to stay together. Model and actively encourage the sacrificial love that makes marriage possible, and give those folks around you who are tempting divorce encouragement hold on. Encourage the husband to sacrifice himself to his wife in service and duty to her. Encourage the wife to value, encourage, and uplift her husband because of his service to her. How does this work? Maybe I should write a blog for you to post... Just know that it does! I faced a divorce once too. The only thing that stopped us from doing it was that we were both too stubborn to do the paperwork. However, what turned us around was embracing our natural, God-given roles: mine as the submissive wife. His as the strong, loving protective leader. Feminists just rage screamed. I don't care. Masculinity is beautiful, and seeing it that way saved my marriage. Seeing myself in a more feminine way--actively being more feminine in submission to my husband--that turned the ship around and got us sailing to better shores. We're 14 years into marriage today, and plan to die together. Thank the Lord.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

The fact that NAMBLA is still around is very disturbing. Why is this even allowed?

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Add to the list some of the loudly lauded French intellectuals of the 20th century. Andre Gide for example who experienced an 'epiphany' via penetration of a boy in North Africa...

The vulnerability of poverty, especially the parentless variety.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Contrary to popular belief, there is a cure for pedophilia. The recidivism rate for dead pedos is ZERO PERCENT.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

It's good to see you keeping this subject in the loop, and hopefully it will become a regular almost weekly thing for you and other influencer's moving forward.

The Reese Report brought some focus to the issue and movie

They like to keep it in the family. I suggest you watch the ReeseReport video with one of the Rothschilds stating just that about his family and to applause from the crowd.


Also listened to the Kim Iverson show where she interviewed Liz Wheeler about this subject as she has a book coming out 9/26/23 "Hide Your Children", which she says chapter 12 is a blueprint on how to combat the issue. The interview with her starts about 46 minutes in.


Hide Your Children: Exposing the Marxists Behind the Attack on America's Kids

Having captured all the major institutions in our society, the left is waging its final assault—on America’s children. In her new book, Liz Wheeler exposes the Marxists behind the attack on America’s kids and challenges conservatives to fight to win. Everything is on the line.


Sadly the NY Slimes finally had to report on the Sound of Freedom though not so favorably and I don't pay so have to rely on others.

https://www.realhistorychan.com/anyt-07122023.html With rebuttal by Mike King

Finally -- after 2 weeks of advance online and in-person ticket sales so strong that additional theaters have decided to feature Sound of Freedom while the ones already showing it will be extending its amazing run -- the "paper of record" has been forced to break its disrespectful and conspicuous silence. One article is a film review by Glen Kenny -- and the other, by Marc Tracy, is a news story about the phenomenon itself.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you for writing about this. It makes me feel sick just reading what you have written. I never realised until recent years just how much evil stalks the earth.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Difficult to “like” this article.

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We err when we suppose most trafficked children come from broken homes. We are forgetting the cult breeders who never see the light of day, nor those well-to-do generational families - the Windsors and Rockerfellers and Bidens and Bushes, etc - whose themselves, and their children, have had things done to them very few of us could ever comprehend.

Sound of Freedom never touches on these things, giving us a stereotyped, far-away-over-there view of trafficking, when in fact the perpetrators are our neighbours, teachers, policemen, doctors, politicians, butchers, plumbers, housewives, churchgoers and military brass - people you would *never* pick in a million years.

I've learned you *cannot* stereotype this evil, who the perpetrators are. It's like an entire hidden subculture, bubbling to come to the surface now in our age of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Celia - it’s hard to “like” this stack.

We are living in modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Might this sickening, stomach turning tragedy reunite the masses????

People need to start wondering now that we all know how everyone is constantly being spied on, why TPTB don’t put a stop to this. I can’t possibly be that hard. Can it?????😢😢😢😢😡😡😡😡😡

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“And one of the members told me,” he says, chillingly: “You can never cure us. But you always tell the court ordered counselors what they want to hear.”

Perhaps they cannot be cured but I wonder what their response is to the question: "What do you think it is that makes you want to treat people in such a way that makes them feel so terrible?" And if they try to argue against that being the case, present them with the testimony of people who've suffered the crime and see what they say.

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks for writing these latest 2 pieces Celia & shining a light on this evil

I watched 2 of the documentaries you linked to from yesterdays piece last night. I had never heard of the Franklin scandal or the pulled Yorkshire TV film. It reminded me of The Mark Dutroux case in Belgium which I stumbled on to by accident about 10 years ago. Have you come across that case? It was my first introduction in to how captured our institutions are & how depraved and sick so many powerful people are. But then I kind of forgot about it all until 2020 as I was distracted by our fake materiel world....

I just started watching the interview you shared with your friend Nick, looking at the comments the 2 hosts are comedians which explains the jokes. I’ll finish it later today

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Ginsburg became Buddhist & started Naropa Univ in Boulder CO. Burroughs shot his wife & walked free. Both protected & promoted as the current thing in artists at the time . . .

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Jul 13, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Like the poor, pedophilia will always be with us.

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I had a funeral for my witty, intelligent, generous to fault 31 year old son last Saturday. His father and I were married, we went to church, thought we were doing all the right things. I am Catholic and I was aware of the perils there- no, you can’t be an altar boy. Why is a bachelor with no kids your baseball coach? My son was gang raped by older kids from a baseball team when he was 11. His behavior radically changed and we could never figure out why. It took 18 years for him to ‘remember’ what happened to him. We tried so hard to help him. Psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, doctors, lawyers. We tried everything we could think of and at the end he couldn’t live in his own head anymore. I never had an inkling that he had been abused, I almost fell out of the car when he told me. It was 3 years from when he recovered the memories until he finally found peace. It was his 4th suicide attempt. He’d flatlined twice before, I knew he wouldn’t survive another attempt. I understand the mans thoughts that he’s already dead. I hope his mom is there to give him a hug and tell him she loves him. I wish to God I could hug my son.

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Sticking to what is! Brava!

The Franklin Network is possibly connected to the disappearance of the paper boy, Johnny Gosh, I think.

In my neck of the woods, false memory syndrome is seen as the 'truth' and abuse as 'false.' It's seems that many people do not want to know that pedophiles are alive and well amongst us. Lowering the age of consent is occurring in some U.S. states, pedophilia is normalized as a sexual orientation, and the WHO, with the U.N. promotes educating children in sexual activity: https://stopworldcontrol.com/children/

From the U.N. document as cited in the above link. "On page 71, educators are instructed to teach little kids from the age of 5 about kissing, hugging, touching and sexual behaviours, 9-year-old children are to be taught about masturbation, sexual attraction and sexual stimulation." Is this grooming or education?

The site stop world control makes a comment about the film, The Sound of Freedom, reminding readers that pedophiles are not just found in the jungle but in the towers of New York. My friends and I watched the film last night and agree. Why is so hard for people to see the problem?

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