As far as Nicole’s comments?

“Talk softly and carry a big stick. You will go far.”

Theodore Roosevelt

And she’s wielding a huge club.

I think it’s about time a political independent showed some backbone, and mama bear Nicole is throwing her weight around like a political heavyweight.

I’m proud of her. And grateful.

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So funny that I just told my husband that she has a soft little voice but she's got a vaccine injured child so they will not shut her up. Kinda like," Speak softly and carry a big stick" ...and then I came over here and read your comment. Totally agree about this.

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I wrote my two democratic senators tonight to confirm Kennedy. Probably a waste of time, but felt the need.

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I did the same, feel as you do.

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Dont know what you wrote, but Thanks! This is what I came up with at the last minute. Sent it to Murray and Cantwell in WA state:

Dear Senator Murray,

I humbly ask you, as one of your constituents, to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as Health and Human Services Secretary. He is eminently qualified to do the job, as evidence by his years of devoted service to Children's health defense. I can attest that the smear campaign unleashed against him regarding vaccines is untrue and deplorable.


David Ulm, father of two severely autistic adult children.

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Murray, the mom in tennis shoes and senator from the great state of Boeing!

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Do you feel your now adult children were ‘Vaxx injured’ as children?

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Same here. We've made several calls to Cantwell and Murray--felt like a waste of time but we did. The last time I wrote them I got on their email list, so this time I called!

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Families can be very toxic. My heart goes out to the brave Black Sheep of the world for we are many.

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Jon Rappoport "The medical cartel is the most dangerous cartel in the world."

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100% absolutely. Who else could shut down the world over a fake virus?

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The UKUSA deep state.

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Donald Trump, by way of the PREP Act. He also implemented, and funded Operation Warp Speed.

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I imagine a few senators had a sleepless night worrying about the performance their big pharma overlords expect from them today. I look forward to Kennedy schooling them as well as the American public. Can't wait for them to claim he's "anti-science" as he demonstrates more knowledge about the science of vaccines than all of them put together.

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Your comments about big pharma tearing families apart really struck me. This has happened in my own family and made me realize that no one is immune. I hope that someday soon all of the therapies and the truth that has been suppressed for so long to help our nation heal from this madness will all come to light. Robert F. Kennedy is definitely one that can help the healing process along.

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I'm not in favor of the tactic of billionaires manipulating democracy, even if in this case I'd probably appreciate which politicians Nicole Shanahan would attempt to oust. I don't like Harvard bending to its big Jewish donors to ban speech when it is allegedly anti-semitic. See where this goes.

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At least two of Trump's nominees (Bondi and Stefanik) showed themselves to be strong opponents of free speech with regard to the student protests. See Bondi's interview on Newsmax and Stefanik's embarrassing display in that dog and pony show with the college presidents.

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Same... also everyone cheering the executive orders, that's basically rule by one person.

Why are we OK with this? Because those EOs are working for us now? How short-sighted.

What the past few weeks has done has shown that billionaires can now fund the legislation they want in the open, influence law, and made congress basically irrelevant.

And we're supposed to cheer this? Nope.

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Not OK with it at all. I’m with you Mary Rose. I’m okay with using XO’s to undo the last clown’s XO’s or to enforce existing law. But not to replace the legislative process. Rule by XO is lazy at best, autocratic at worst. Just because it’s “our boy” doing it doesn’t make it right.

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Couldn’t Trump simply have used one Executive Order to nullify Biden’s EO orders?

He’s definitely a showman!

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Substack and X have been applying bright light on all this. Thank you Celia.

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“Pharma” is an arm of the military, and the military is ordered by the elite to control us and reduce the population. Katherine Watts does an amazing job here in just 16 minutes!


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Healthy living is one thing but injecting "never-safety-tested" poisons into children for absolutely zero benefit is a definite No-No. Big pharma is the where the real War on Drugs should be focused which is why there is the push back.

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when I phone Nevada's two Dem Senators later today, one of my directives will be this:

ask yourself: if Mr. Kennedy's bold dismantling of Anthony Fauci's grotesque status as our medical lord and savior was spurious, then why didn't Fauci sue him for libel from here to the moon?

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I called my 2 senators. I asked friends and family to do the same. These senators, from both parties, need to be held to account. Vote No to big pharma and big ag. MAHA! 👍

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If you’re so inclined..please also request that your reps not cut Medicaid which among other programs ,funds day programs, transportation and workers for people like my 29 yr old son who are vax injured by the childhood vax schedule. Thx.

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Good! We need as much financial muscle as possible pressuring our polis for RFKJR to fight the other SIGs and Lobbyists.

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I just told one of my senators with a bad track record he better get on board with Kennedy or he’s out in 2026.

The other? I was nicer to him cause he’s a constitutional conservative with a great track record! 😀

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Convenience at the fingertip 👆🏾

Remind your senators what Mel Gipson stated “daddy’s home with the belt” or suffer the consequences 🤣😆😂

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