
That's the post. that's it. It's very short. It's just a statement.

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But it is also a very ironic one as from my perspective, being cagey I would have thought has been a basic survival mechanism for centuries, with its' roots in western "civilization."

And the cagiest are the ones that have dominated and controlled nations. It's not for no reason that the spiritually endowed Indians of America declared "White man speak with forked tongue" and this has been its' creed ever since! It is not for no reason that America is quite simply the most institutionalized corrupt nation on planet earth and is thus the cheerleader for like-minded, similarly corrupt nations to rally round! To plagiarize Jiddu Krishnamurti's statement about an insane society 'For those, including vocal critics, who are acclimated and content to live in a cagey society, are themselves, by definition, cagey!"

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What's your definition of "cagey"?


adjective, cag·i·er, cag·i·est.

1. cautious, wary, or shrewd:

a cagey reply to the probing question.

Synonyms: chary, leery, prudent, careful

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Celia, your post was atypically short and struck me as akin to not liking a certain flavor of ice cream.

Way down this thread I questioned whether such an abbreviated opinion could of itself be construed as a cagey comment.

As a matter of fact, not flattery, we both have curious minds that typically question everything.

I understood and essentially agreed with your caginess comment.

And other commenters here have concurred familiar to me patterns, revealing their personal experience of those whose dialogue isn't forthcoming.

In summary, as owner of having a thought-provoking website, the hazard is that one cannot take the easier road by not substantiating all they express.

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I know exactly what you mean, Celia. I married into a family of cagey folk, and I came from a family of them. In fact, as Alice Miller pointed out, most of us are parented in ways that keep us living in fear, and cagey people are afraid. If I am guessing correctly, the specific cagey people you have in mind are afraid of making a mistake and looking like fools, so they simply will not commit to ANYTHING that cannot be "proven" to their satisfaction. Therefore, when you try to share with them something that you've found to be important, chances are they question you, demand that you prove it, tell you you're crazy, come up with a half-dozen ways to "show" that you're wrong, or just insult you.

Caginess is a trauma response that protects from shame and scorn. Cagey people are afraid to swim against the crowd, especially in matters where the cognitive dissonance is strongest: they shut out anything that goes against the narrative that rules their lives and keeps them safe.

This, too, makes sense. After all, we are most sensitive to, and protect most fiercely, those wounds that hurt the most. To an aware observer, these hurts are glaring, because they are the ones that get protected most compulsively, and often, they are the ones that get ruthlessly inflicted on others.

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Cheryl, exactly!!!! I can't "like" your comment, because of a glitch. Lots of glitches lately, will try to get it all smoothed over.

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Cagey, see also Cagy:

as in slick: clever at attaining one's ends by indirect and often deceptive means.

Since this is a 'trademark' behavior of the 'cagey', there seems to be multiple words to obfuscate what they are really up to:

The list almost seems never ending, but like you say, at the end of the day................no thanks, not my kind of 'peeps'.




























































Your turn..............LOL

Thanks as always Celia. Keep the (this word I like much better) 'Amazing' coming our way.


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People who don't want to be pinned down.

So they are not worth engaging with.

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Your description sounds good. You've studied a ton! Congratulations.

What's your solution for people affected with this issue?

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Thanks. I turned the comment into a post. You can read it here: https://cherylruffing.substack.com/p/one-line-leads-to-this

Essentially, what we're talking about are narcissists, and narcissists are created in childhood by not getting their needs met. Keep in mind that not all narcissists are conscienceless psychopaths, and there are different levels of narcissism. I like to think of it as a scale from one to ten. What's more, narcissists, as explained by Alice Miller in "The Drama of the Gifted Child," can be grandiose: resorting to trauma responses that help them feel good about themselves by telling the world that they are better than everyone and treating others as if they are "less than"; or they can be insecure: telling themselves that they're not good enough and deferring to everyone else, but doing it in order to keep themselves safe; this might manifest as "people pleasing." Alice Miller's books are excellent, as are John Bradshaw's and Charles L Whitfield's. Any number of modalities can be used to facilitate healing, including: talk therapy; body work; herbal therapy; energy psychology such as EFT; relationship repair practices, inner child work, and Focusing (developed by Eugene Gendlin).

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Thank you so much.

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You're welcome. Thank you for reading my post and subscribing. I appreciate it.

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Wary; careful.

"a cagey avoidance of a definite answer."

Crafty; shrewd.

"a cagey lawyer."

Wary, careful, shrewd.



On guard; watchful.

"taught to be wary of strangers."

Characterized by caution.

"a wary glance at the black clouds."

Cautious of danger; carefully watching and guarding against deception, artifices, and dangers; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous; careful.

These days, being wary of Government and Media is a virtue that defines surviving or not =)))

The full plan exposed, and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet



No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


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Yes, open, honest, straightforward and truthful is the way to be.

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In your heart, yes, but not always externally.

It can get you killed a hundred times over, which may not be the best use of your precious life. Cagey is not the opposite of that; intelligent is, and discerning.

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Cagey can be considered an essential life skill that can be used for good or ill. When it comes to cagey elitists and mad scientists, they should all be caged.

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I'm having a messenger conversation with an old skool-friend. He's being cagey about con-vid... he thinks it's real. Jeez

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True Lisa but were I to not oppose what and who the enemy is, I would not be able to look in a mirror without puking and what kind of life would that be?

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Tennesse Williams complained about people who played it too close to the vest, when there was so little vest left. even more true now.

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What is this in reference to?

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I guess she's being ironic, as the comment without context is 'cagey' itself, or enigmatic, anyway, so it's a goof. That's my theory.

If not, then I think she means scheming types, as cagey just means wary or shrewd (which she might not like, either, I guess), but I still don't understand the note either way.

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It's not a goof. It's an unusual post, I grant. But it was what came to me. It references nothing in particular. I am just overall allergic to the sound of "cagey" people when I read them. Hard to explain.

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Cagey = cunning But that is not what she is referring to. I believe she is referring to "deceptive." or "dishonest." Unfortunately the world is as the group Marmalade stated in the lyrics to their song, "Reflections of My Life" and the line is "The world is a terrible place to live but I do not want to die."

In my experience I have noted that most live a dualist existence, that is, they have two sides to expose to others. The one side is the real them and the other side is the fake them which is usually a side they want to hide as it is nasty.

In my existence and life I deal extensively with women and have come to find they want three things from a man...understanding, respect and cherishment. One of the last I welcomed as a friend at her request I warned her I was a sh*t disturber by way of necessity made so by the reality that dishonesty, greed, and selfishness are the three "mores" many embrace to their bosom. Whe3n I told her I was a sh*t disturber she just looked at me and said, "I know." She had done her homework but had made up her mind she wanted me in her life in a unique relationship not romantic but still inclusive of emotional intimacy.

What she embraced was my statment that "I have no time or energy to try to pretend I am something and someone I am not. What forms in my head generally ends up coming out my mouth and that gives a real picture of what I am all about.

Cagey can also mean shrewdly manipulative and this borders on dysfunctionality whereby specific people seek to use others for their own ends.

I have no problem spouting out about my battles with the corrupt CYSTem as I have fought it oveyselfr decades and won merely by setting Truth free and watching it do its damage.

The problem today is that many people are insecure and refuse to rock the boat. I had a woman tell me once that I made it hard for myself but what she really meant is that I could have gotten along to get along. But that was not nor is not my character. Up here in Canuckistan there are three ways of thinking and three ways of doing things...the right way, the wrong way and the Canadian way but everyone does and thinks the last two ways.

The most hurtful people who I know are those who are misjudged by fools and just as there is an unforgivable sin stated in scriptures surely there an unforgivable sin I refuse myself to forgive. I read of a young boy bullied by his peers and he killed himself. There are little girls who are called fat or ugly and these suffer immense pain and can and do kill themselves.

I have a particular problem with the police up here who have turned into stalinist useful idiot criminals going along with a slime minister who lies more than a calf with scours takes bowel movements for the duration of its infection. I remind all that the TPS went way out of their territory in a convoy WITH AN AMBULANCE IN IT abd shot dead an unarmed elderly semi retired gunsmith and the OPS on horses trampled an elderly disabled woman on her access scooter. Then we have the CPS who arrested people especially ministerial leaders for daring to hold services Sundays. Tell me, just why is it that when the mandates were imposed that the liquor stores were not closed but qualified as essential services. WHF????

Let me remind you that just because cops wear a blue uniform does not mean that they are honest, in fact, I have proof of that. Did men wearing priests robes guarantee that they were not pedos?

The worst thing one can do to anyone is declare them guilty when they are in fact innocent as turdo is doing with the Truckers freedom Convoy. There are no more good cops, just the rejects doing what their political masters tell them right or wrong.

I best stop there. Everyone close to me makes sure that they do not misjudge me. Just because a biased JP snowflake says someone is guilty does not make it so. In fact, the CYSTem is more corrupt than the anal area of an elephant in quantity and in odor. And for my trouble I have yet to have a criminal record regardless of what liars and bureaucraps have tried.

And in the end the devil gets his dues. And do not forget that all is often all is not as it meets the eye.

Nuff said.

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Ah yes, the poet in a porta potty once again seeking to be verbally drubbed which tells me he might be one those twisted twerps sucking a soother in one hand while revelling in the pain he seems to love.

Thank you for analyzing me but you made a big mistake. I deal with women in my profession a lot and have never been rejected but do get hugs, kisses on the cheek and take the liberty to caress proferred hands to be kissed by me. But what the hey Pontiac, if oyu think you gotme straight this only proves you are one twisted "sister" and in a battle of wits with me you are totally disarmed. I am told that there are more than a few who enjoy seeing me dessicating your ego and kicking your ample ass verbally to the can.

I ask once more are you for real? Do you enjoy getting kicked around the room and being a laughing stock? So sorry to ruin your side show but take heart and realize that I am not your regular herd member. I think you have an inferiority complex but take heart, I actually defended you a few days ago. Some clod was talking to a woman and asserted that "puppet in a pulpit" was caught throwing stones at school buses and stalking little old ladies. I immediately told her that was a lie, puppet in a pulpit has never thrown stones at anything.

As to my life story, much of it consisted of shutting down blow hards like yourself and working for a living in a profession with more injuries and fatalities than in police and firefighter work.

I advise you to run for political office, your are just full of what those clowns are themselves full of as well. But one question here Pontiac before I move on. Wh made you the grand pubah giving orders to me and others here?

If you do not like me, go pack a lunch. I always defer to the site/owner and operator. If he/she thinks I am a liability I take no offense if asked to move on. I juat do it? WOULD YOU Schmergatroid?

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You Go Keg! It is so obnoxious

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and cagey!

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Smart ass gal. I like wit as a characteristic of women.

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Me too. Has anyone figured out what our lurking unknown comic is yet?(besides an ahole)😥

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Please, read this satirical book from 1918, titled "In defense of women": https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1270/1270-h/1270-h.htm

Your written reaction could be absolute comedy gold!

Just the table of contents will floor you.

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Boom! Love you, Keg. Your writing is off the chain celebratory 🥳🔥

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But I do have another side reserved for ingotical idiots like poetinaouchebag. I wonder who washes his clothes.

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No endorsement of Israel's genocide?

Why not..have you exposed yourself and now trying to deflect at all cost?

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I never deflect, I am a man, not a mealy whiny mouthpiece like you.

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Okay. Try this though I have already said it. Methinks you must be high on dope or are one. I endorse the complete annihilation of scum sucking terrorists who gang rape little Jewish girls and fools with mental issues like pissant in a pisshole. Got it soy boy sop? I bet you are familiar with golden showers.

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Bysee bysee pip in a portapottie. I expect to see you tomorrow.

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Would that be like dodgey? People who never directly answer the question or create an answer that has nothing to do with the question, (ie Pres Secretary, political witnesses - protecting a lie, with something to hide), skating around the issue, avoiding impact despite the unbelievable, ridiculous look. If that's what you mean, it is extremely tiresome.

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dodgy, like Dickens' Artful Dodger, sly, cunning, criminal. Fauci !

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Faith in a God that loves us seems an antidote to all things cagey.

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Yes. But I endorse the same God who is Wrath and slew over ten thousand of His own people for being ingrates and whiners in the Sinai desert. He also "hates the workers of iniquity' and who "looked and saw that the imaginations of man were on evil continually and it grieved God that He had made man."

Right now I think He feels the same way about the mess being made on Earth.

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Vulnerability is strength.

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So true, so true.

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The person(s) she is directing the comment towards knows who they are! 😉😏

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I think Celia is referring to someone who I think is intentionally trolling her. My advice is to assiduously ignore anyone who posts comments that are not straightforward, open, honest, forthcoming, etc. If I were Celia, I'd block that person from commenting on this Substack, though likely the troll will continue to post further comments using other "handles." I also wonder if Celia is a Targeted Individual without realizing it. Please see the website TargetedJustice.com/ for information about what that refers to. I am a Targeted Individual and have been for thirty-four years (that is half of my entire life.) The vast majority of TI's are UNAWARE that they are being targeted! Most of them end up committing suicide because of the torture to which they are subjected. My life partner was one of them.

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Truthbird, if I told you the full extend over the decades of the trolling…well, you would have your suspicions confirmed.

I deny it to myself because I don't want to be a TI.

When it hits me it's a FREQUENCY. It contains malevolence, caginess, often flattery, or outright viciousness (sort of preferred.) The days of me wanting to commit suicide are over. I would never do that.

I'm sorry about your life partner Truthbird. This is a very shocking world we live in.

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Celia, you are too precious to even say that word.

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Celia, I tried for many years to avoid full awareness of what exactly was being done to me. No one wants to be a TI, but if we are, it's better to be more aware than less so. I wish to God I could communicate with you in private but of course that is impossible. I experience all the kinds of directed energy weapons attacks which are described in the Targeted Justice website, and in fact much more than what they describe. I will never commit suicide, either. If I were to die unexpectedly or suddenly it would be because I'd been murdered via stealth weapons. It is very easy to murder people via stealth weapons.

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Frequency, I understand. I have a real problem entering a room full of people for this reason. The malevolence frequency is high, often, especially in groups not composed of strangers. I always prefer outright honesty, even if it is vicious. It reminds me of this bit in My Dinner with Andre--but it is off topic for what you are talking about. Exposure and targeting through the Internet is a whole new beast--and I sometimes wonder if that isn't part of the design. I read that John Lennon book you mentioned and he had a great comment about paranoia which I can't remember verbatim, but it was clever. Something to the effect that paranoia is a survival skill. That really struck home with me.

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Wow…that is very interesting. And are these ‘targeted individuals’ of a certain psychological mindset? That could be vulnerable to the ‘targeting’?

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No, they're not. Anyone and everyone is a potential target. It's the current incarnation of what was once called MKUltra. It's much more widespread and has many more victims now than it had in the past, when that name was at least somewhat publicly known. There are currently millions of people who are Targeted Individuals. The security clearance level required in order to be "read into" the program is far above that given to the President of the United States. They operate entirely outside the law. The program is funded by billions of dollars of "dark money" allocated to the many "intelligence" agencies. Please go to this website for more information: TargetedJustice.com/

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With current technology and sufficient will to implement the system, anyone and everyone is indeed a potential target. But I expect you can shorten your wait in the queue considerably by standing out and doing or saying something provocative. The squeaky wheel will get the grease, or as they say in Japan, the nail that sticks up will be hammered down.

I imagine that the targeting would include activities designed to induce a certain psychological mindset in the targeted individuals, such as fear, dread, terror, shock and awe (remember that one?), surrender, defeatism, desperation, mortification, and our old friend paranoia. And in addition, please remember that just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

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I looked at the linked website.

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Me either. But Nicholas Cage seems pretty cool.

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I cast my vote for Buddy Cage.

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I am not surprised.

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Actually it would be profitable if you took the bag and stuffed it in your mealy mouth.

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With the 5G (soon to be 6G), I'd consider upgrading from a paper bag to a Faraday bag. ;-)

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Would it be better to be a body bag?

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I had to look this word "cagey" up. "hesitant about committing oneself" says Websters online

A matter of judgement, I'd say. Not somethiing to like or dislike. What is the context for this cryptic remark?

Being able to stand (take) not being liked is a mark of character.

Commitment in marriage or similar is about exclusion, excluding others.

The opposite of Martin Buber's motto: All real life is encounter. Which can be expressed as "The only things you will ever truly regret are the times you failed to love."

Does cagey mean procrastination?

The world is full of people who make promises they do not keep. Presumably, these people are not cagey.

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refusing to take a stand or express an opinion when called for, perhaps even at the critical moment.

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Those are cowards.

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Lok up the word VACCINE! They had to change the meaning before Covid was designed to depopulate the planet. Pre-2010 VACCINE meant a solution that included part of the disease that was being used to protect us from. Now the mRNA Gene Therapy can be anything they want it to be AND THE EVIL MAKERS STILL ENJOY IMMUNITY FROM ALL/ANY LIABILITY for VAX DEATHS and VAX INJURIES! Unjabbed Mick!

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Nope. They are liars.

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LOL Webster's sounds 'woke' !

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There once was a booger named poet,

As ugly as sin...did not know it.

He looked in the mirror

And much to his fear

He saw that he did look like dogsh*t.


Time to get down and dirty with you who I surmise is an arrogant little p*eckerhead leftist wokist wanker with the personality of a conk. Ya wanna play Pontiac? Well lets go.

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Sadly, we're virtually surrounded by them, and it's very difficult sometimes to see them for what htey are.

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Relax Joe, you can smell them and the stench of hypocrisy they exude. I can smell biDump and turdo thousands of miles away. Both wear tampons, have streaks on their knickers and reside in rubber rooms but should be executed for treason as well as the ovomit and throw in moochelle for the "halibut."

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