Thanks for being on top of the story Celia.

I have been a childbirth educator agitating for couples to learn childbirth self reliance for just such a time as this.

In class one day I asked, “what if you cannot buy fuel for your car to drive to the hospital?”

Everyone was still. Could that happen?

Yes it can.

Just know that many families are fully prepared to do their own births without any outside help.


We have been getting ready for the past thirty years!


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14 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

"And shame on 'feminists' who pretend women’s lives are harder than men’s."

Shame on feminists, period. Armies of Useful Idiots. What a crock it has all been. Proud to say I never joined that destructive hive-mind.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

There’s nothing wrong with empowering women and children. Theyve always done it in countries like Italy and France. And women maintained their femininity. Alrhough the concept has become warped.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

NoName, I am a well-educated woman (who does not like beer or football!). I can hold my own in most intellectual discussions. I also adore babies and knitting. I am fond of men. I grew up in the midst of North American feminism, always knowing there was something very wrong with it. It was not even about "empowering women". It was simply one of the many cover ideologies the New Marxists used to obtain power and to destroy the West.

It was a ruse. It was a carrot-on-a-stick. As the Communists say, "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution." In other words, their actual aims are always about advancing their political regimes, no matter what the surface story is.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Absolutely! Ditto!

Like Climate Change. Bird flu. Supply chain attacks. Cargo ships running into bridges. I wonder if that ship was electric and navigated by a computer operator somewhere else, as that’s what is said in the video above.

Strike! Another disruption to food supply? Another cover story to starve us. Bolshevik repeat.

I’m going to grocery store now. :/

Right now, the most discriminated class of people are men, specifically white men, but men in general.

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Yes....men are often discriminated against in these post-modern times. White men particularly. Breaks my heart to see young boys who are confronted with that garbage....even from their own feminist mothers! Disgraceful.

How do such women live with themselves?

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

They’re all indoctrinated by sophisticated propaganda, sadly.

I recognized this over 20 years ago in Corporate. I was the natural US Citizen “token white female.” There was usually one of each of the US Citizens…a token white male, a token black male, a token black female, etc. at Accenture (a WEF Partner) ‘All-Hands’ meeting. Then there was a sea of Indians and Pakistanis. So in a meeting of over 100, there were maybe 10 US Citizens.

I wasn’t afraid to speak out and did. Lost my job. I’m sure I’m blacklisted. Oh well. I’d rather die fighting than bow to these people.

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You have all my respect and gratitude!!!

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Good for you! Badge of honour. I am in the club too. There is a growing number of us. We refuse to live that way.

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The good news for feminists though, is that American and French, Presidents' wives can be men.

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Lol! Good one!

I’m afraid to have a conversation with someone for fear they get offended. And it seems as though most under 30 will! Not to pick in the younger generation but they’re poster children for effective propaganda and indoctrination campaigns! Yet, they believe they’re unique and special.


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Unsettling but, you cannot keep fools from their destiny.

Usually, a phenotype (in sociological sense) can easily be made into the stereotype.

And further unsettling is my belief that, given the long duration and apparent results of media and educational indoctrination, we are watching the stereotype evolve and the emergence of a genotype fool.

Were stupidity is passed from parent to child without and environmental influence.

All the above of course tempered by my own vanity perhaps.

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36 mins ago·edited 36 mins ago

Yes....one of the brainwashing tricks is to get people to believe they are special and superior by swallowing the indoctrination kool-aid you are serving them. I mean, as I have said frequently, this is simply the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes" all over again. Human beings do not change all that much unless you are looking at very long periods of evolution.

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I am a self-educated woman (and continue to educate myself- I happen to think that institutional education has a lot of brainwashing tactics involved) AND I love good micro-brew beers and football-though less and less these days. I hate the bashing by women of women who know in their heart that they have suffered at the hands of PATRIARCHY (which is real) but do not know that being for equality involves critical thinking and historical research and context.

I come from a long line of women who knew the value of education, continuous reading (and little to no television watching), and the importance of feeding one's soul and teaching (by example as well) the importance of standing up for one's rights and beliefs.

I don't think feminism is communism...I think it means just what I last stated. I also believe in God and was raised in the church....and I disagree w/ fellow believers who think the Bible is the only book that matters. I don't have to be an ALL OR NOTHING kind of woman.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

I don't think you understand what I was saying, Mindy. Like so many women who were thoroughly duped by feminism, you think it was actually all about women's rights. Hah! They got you. That was just the cover story used to lure in the gullible.

Feminism never had anything to do with anyone's rights. It was a tactic by predators to lure in their prey and Useful Idiots. Who would help them destroy society. It was just a con-artist tactic on the masses. A power grab.

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explain what you mean by "lure in their prey and Useful Idiots" so that I and others can understand what they did that was idiotic. Destroy society? What are you talking about? I think you think people understand your statements without clarification.

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Mindy...you need to study this if you want to understand. You need to read widely and well, for starters. You must know the history of the modern age, and you need to grasp what totalitarianism is. Not putting in that effort, but then complaining that you don't understand, and others must convince you.....is reneging on your own personal responsibility.

I am not going to do it all for you. I spent many years of formal study and many dollars in tuition fees doing it myself. Time for you to put in some effort.

Many people DO understand my statements, Mindy. I have been writing for years, with no lack of readers. You can either stop demeaning and listen to those who have done the work, or do the work yourself.

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I believe A is saying, that the powers that be, used womens' insecurity and credulity to create in them, a sense of rightness that should never be questioned by themselves.

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"I happen to think that institutional education has a lot of brainwashing tactics involved) "

I went though several degree programs at university and kept my mind from being indoctrinated. You tell us that you did not go to university, and yet the Neo-Marxists grabbed your mind through feminism anyway? Bit of an irony there.

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Oh...that explains everything!!! Haa haa "Neo-Marxists".....give me a break! What a joke!!!! ha ha ha.

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That hasn't been my experience. Feminism was/is necessary. Especially in this day of transvestites/transgenders taking over women's sports, etc. There would be no women's sports without feminists.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

No, feminism is not and was not necessary. Unless you too want to destroy society. Perhaps you are a Marxist.

And the only reason we have the Trans-agenda is because the feminism agenda came first and paved the way. All of the Marxist gender ideologies were planned to begin with feminism. No feminism...no Trans-agenda to follow. Simple as that.

So....you think that gaining women's sports -- which to most of us is no big win --- is a reasonable trade-off for bringing in mass legalized abortions and family breakdown and young men having great difficulty through being discriminated against? Not to mention the wonders of women in job positions they did not get through merit. And families now requiring two salaries to make it. This is all costing someone. But as long as you gain women's sports, it is fine?

Funny priorities there.

Gayle...times are finally changing. The scam ideas that you grew up with in the Neo-Marxist 60s/70s are coming home to roost now. People are waking up and realizing at last that they were duped through their vanity to believe this was all superior and progressive. Ever read "The Emperor's New Clothes"? That is how the con-artists took control of the Baby Boomers.

Join those of us who have awakened from that. Or who never drank the kool-aid to begin with. It will be hard if you have been proudly spouting feminism all of your life....but do it selflessly for the sake of the next generation.

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Same here!! The young women in this country are ignoramuses and easily indoctrinated.It is easy to swallow the coolaid than to read and educate yourself

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We're made into ignoramuses by design.

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Monkey See ..Monkey Do, Is instincts design.

Monkey See .. Monkey Question, is the design we need.

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Also, I spent my entire childhood and teenage years being a heavy reader - everything you can think of, topic-wise. It didn't save me from getting sucked into it.

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So true.

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Amen - this from someone who was (gag) working for a short time for a feminist nonprofit org.

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The non-profit model is actually more accurately termed....non-profit industrial complex. It is part of the culling for the rich class. I refuse to take part in that nonsense.

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I certainly wouldn't do it ever again.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Feminism was such a cornerstone of society from the 60s forward, it was very hard to avoid it! The main thing is that you escaped its grasp, Mary Rose.

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Agree - it was a tough awakening. Esp. with the rad femmes, who I see as good allies against the trans agenda. Sadly, they are actually on their side vis-a-vis Marxism, but don't see it.

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9 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Congratulations on the awakening. Not everyone would work up the backbone to be able to rise to that. Ten points! 😊

Ironically, the Trans-agenda grew from the initial Marxist gender ideology of feminism. If there had been no falling to feminism, there would have been no Trans hysteria to follow.

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A VERY good point! It took me a long time (and many episodes of James Lindsey) to make that connection in my brain. Way TOO long. LOL.

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A-h-h...James Lindsay. Good man. Very intelligent and truthful man. May his posts be widely heard and heeded. I have listened to them from the start. He picked up from my grad training in related fields, years ago.

I always smelled a rather large rat in feminism. Even as a girl. It kept my eyes open to the rest.

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what? how do you come to such a conclusion? I actually see the trans agenda as the agenda of the technocrats. The idea is to de-masculinize and de-feminize men and women so that there is a blending and therefore a negation of both male/female for the benefit of AI and ROBOTICS.

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Mindy, I have formal studies in totalitarianism behind me. I am far too aware of what is behind all of this.

The Neo-Marxists of the 1960s and beyond emanated from the Marxists of the German Frankfurt School who began infiltrating American leftwing universities. Spreading their ideology to students and opening doors for more of their sort to introduce Marxist ideas in academia.

Modern Feminism was brought to birth this way. It was a branch of Neo-Marxist ideology. Their requirements were that it needed to be able to hook the masses, and it needed to contribute heavily to social destruction. Feminism destroyed through the male/female relationship and through downfall of the family. Because the Neo-Marxist goal was to flatten western society in order to build their version of Utopia.

They needed con-artistry that would lure in lots of helpers for them. What better than to convince (especially through universities and media propaganda) half the population that destruction tactics were actually about "empowering women" and "putting the patriarchy in its place"? People often love to think they have been the wronged party, and are being given an opportunity for revenge.

Like luring children with candy. Add in the additional hook that anyone believing this would be seen as a superior progressive (The Emperor's New Clothes all over again)....and you really had them eating it up.

Feminism served another purpose too. It promoted abortion. A vehicle for Eugenics. Mothers killing their own unborn children. You have to be aware that Neo-Marxism has many Psychopaths behind it.

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not all feminists were rad femmes. My mom married in 1960. She definitely would have made different choices if she had the benefit of the women's movement and positive changes like: being able to get a credit card as a woman, buy a house on her own, work in non-traditional women's work positions....hell, some states didn't allow women on juries until the 1960's (3 states in the south). When I started talk therapy at age 30, I had no idea that my mom was so jealous of all the opportunities I had as a woman (I traveled a lot as a single woman-driving alone in my van around the country and took jobs in various tourist destinations in summer/winter, didn't need to get married or stay at home until I could afford to buy my own house, and countless other freedoms I had the benefit of enjoying living in a post feminist movement society) that my mom didn't have (she could be a nurse, teacher, secretary, housewife/mother- she chose being a teacher and a mother).

I appreciate the struggles that many women fought for people like me who they would never meet. The idea that feminism is either all bad or all good is a trap. Don't fall into the trap.

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4 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

There were huge downsides to feminism, Mindy. A trail of destruction. There are probably more unhappy women out there today than in your mother's day. Getting a credit card pales when you have assisted in breaking down marriage and aborting your unborn children. Destruction to men, families and children. Personal and social ruin all around.

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One can be for human equality across the sexes without being a feminist.

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agree...however, without a movement for women's rights...that equality wouldn't have happened. Just like workers had to create a movement to get labor rights...nothing happens without demonstration and a fight.

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Yes that's why I differentiated them. There are mainstream Wokie corporate feminists (3d wave) there are radical feminists (2d wave) and then smatterings of other types. I worked with rad feminists.

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I didn't notice a difference in your post. I don't think it benefits women to trash each other. I think the way to be is to be supportive of the working class....and unite against the rich/ruling class....that is what is really dividing us in in my opinion

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(Former) feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye did a marvelous job of examining her own beliefs and the truth about the world at large in her 2016 documentary "The Red Pill." If you haven't watched it, I recommend it highly! See:


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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

It looks good, Peter. Thank you.

I suspect the filmmaker came to the kind of conclusions that I came to as a young girl -- that feminism was a destructive fraud and a brainwashing project. Thankfully, they never got me.

I am one of the purebloods, in terms of never having been inoculated with the feminism virus. And yet here I am.....with a long and honourable university education, skills, job and family. I did it despite feminism. Hurrah!

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Thank you, Celia. It seems your purpose in this world (one of them, anyway) is to shine your flashlight in the direction that no one else in this darkened world is looking. 🙏🏼

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Thank you for the comment on feminists. I am always moved when I encounter women standing up for men. And when the woman is a true heroine as yourself Celia, it is even better.

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why can't men and women stand for each other and their own sex at the same time?

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Of course they can, but mens pain for not being appreciated/loved as a sex is profound. Therefore it is really heartwarming when you come across a woman, who articulates that she is grateful for the contributions men make.

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Whose going to buy 22,000 containers of crap if we are all dead or impoverished?

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My thoughts, exactly. If majority out of work due to automation, demand for goods dries up. Fits with WEF "You will own nothing."

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He asks same question and discusses tax base.

I guess they can kill us all and enjoy their lives. They won’t need taxes because they’ll own everything and get everything for free.

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I think the impoverished are living in containers.

Some are certainly being shipped in containers.

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When Biden was installed I thought, they may have their Blood Lust Globalists, but we have our Tough as Nails Truckers. Little did I think, the world has Longshoreman. Haven’t decided what exactly that means other than, be prepared.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Listened to the interview with Harold Daggett. I still identify strongly with "working class" jobs as an essential part of American identity and spirit and masculinity, even. The idea of destroying these jobs, and their dignity--and replacing them with "high-minded" bourgeoisie do-nothing managerial (now "bio-tech") "I'm so elite & smart & important" bullshit, like so many "great reset" agendas playing out now--seem to have some of their modern origins in 1960s anti-God, anti-western, even anti-work Marxism/atheism.

There is also the China/India situation to factor in here. On the west coast, where I live, large swaths of these people have been imported over the past twenty years. They are all about the great reset bio-technocracy (totally obsessed with pharmokia and "computers"), have no connection to the America of my ancestors, and are happy to do the bidding of everything Agenda 2030 because it resonates strongly with their own prejudices, and their desire to have money, and status and power. As such, I suspect we no longer have a simple battle between "white working class" vs. "white bourgeoisie greedy billionaire pricks," but a battle between this artificially engineered new Asian "immigrant" population (most of whom are immediately wealthy and benefit from "automation" and could give a shit about white working class people) and people like the longshoremen. I know this has been engineered and is part of "their" agenda and is one of the reasons for "COVID."

God bless the longshoremen. May they succeed in getting the raise they deserve. I have no empathy at all for the billionaire class.

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The real man jobs are the ones that the socialist wannabes don't seem to think are important. They're all for ushering everyone into college, so that they can indoctrinate them. Where are the trade schools, or trades themselves, anymore? I read that soon we will have a major lack of electricians. The socialists want UBI and don't even think about who is going to do the work while they sit on their nonworking asses.

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Indeed. In the West, this, yes, elitist socialist ideology has been pushed hard since the late 1960s, when certain trade and physical labor jobs (say, mechanic, trash collector, factory worker) were deemed as "racist" or "classist" because certain groups of people were "forced" to do them. As such, it was decreed by our managerial class overlords that everyone would henceforth become a "doctor" or "lawyer" or "engineer" or "manager" (hence "elite important person") and not a "dirty low-life neanderthal worker." At the time (late 1960s), when the country was majority European-American, perhaps such a notion had a measure of truth to it. But at the same time, I can still see that a great many of these blue collar jobs had a measure of dignity and security attached to them that has been completely lost today, especially since the taking off the H-1B visa Asian bio-tech "immigration" transformation of America into a major hub of the great reset agenda. These categories of American mythology, which were relatively stable for a century, have been decimated in a couple of years.

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I am aware of the value of my opinion, nevertheless I submit it. It is my opinion that the speed with which the fecal matter is heading toward the ventilating device will increase exponentially between now and November fifth.

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Good opportunity to buy a container of PPE to sell to the punters.

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Except that Trump rolled out operation Warp speed, a genocidal campaign under the cover of 'public healthcare'. Who was targeted mostly again....oh yes, the working class for fear of losing their jobs. Kennedy you say? Who KNOWS the carnage these shots are causing yet conveniently shifts our focus to healthy foods. No healthy organically grown foods will recover severely injured, or dead, babies. DEAD BABIES. Trump/Kennedy + Biden/Harris = two sides of the same globalist coin.

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Absolutely. A big clown show, created for our distraction. Laughably ridiculous. How is it even possible that Trump, Kennedy and Musk are seen as "heroes"? It's crazy. I wish people would wake up.

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All the "candidates" are pro-abortion, pro-zionist, pro-va666ine, ad nauseum.

The devil wins whomever is selected. It is all rigged and lies and murders.

Better to take up the cross and follow Jesus out of this evil, matrix world. Matthew 7:13-14 is the way out.

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The devil wins, 100%. Look where we've gotten to, when it's the popular mainstream opinion that fetuses are "parasites" to be gotten rid of? So sick! And so luciferian.

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Only winning now because we are under God's judgment for apostasy.

But the devil, of course, loses all at the end.


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Well, God can't lose. The devil wins now, but it's just a battle.

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It's a delusion.

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"Follow Jesus" ???????

Jesus is the candidates Pied Piper....Leading believers away from material action.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs ago

Iain McGilchrist and Mattias Desmet -- two modern thinkers/writers whom I admire -- agree with one another that the more mechanistic left-brain thinking that the population narrows their lives to....the more their outer reality will reflect that.

In other words, they are saying the insanity we see now is a reflection of what came first -- attitudes and strictly left-brain thinking -- encouraged these past 400 years. Including atheism and shutting out God.

I think they have something there. I really do.

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They absolutely do. What I am seeing is a large resurgence of Christianity as a result, which is pretty amazing to watch. Myself and two previous "lefty" friends discuss C.S. Lewis and the bible now, and are venturing into things like Orthodoxy and theology. Thank God for it.

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Very good path, Mary Rose! Not towards extremism, but towards the balanced middle in terms of God. That's all he asks. And life becomes so much more meaningful.

I was raised a Catholic convent school girl. Took it very seriously. Strayed away in university. Came back to Christianity in my life when I had my children baptized. Best move.

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Amen! I was raised Catholic as well.

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Thanks for mentioning feminists. I once considered myself a feminist, but now it means dominating men with the help of DEI, and supporting the killing of unborn children. I used to be pro-choice, but seeing Democrat/Liberal women frothing at the mouth demanding they can kill a fetus at any point in its development, plus learning all about how fetus tissue is used, made me barf my guts up. Finally, the trans agenda is supported by mainstream feminists who do not even realize that its whole raison d'etre is misogyny. And even the radical feminists who detest the trans agenda support abortion at any stage of the fetus' life. Sorry this is so off-topic, but modern feminism has become yet another post-modernist avenue towards Marxism and communism.

Great article - we've been conditioned to ignore the miraculous contributions of men to the cultivation of modern civilization, which is pretty insane when you break it down.

Ever read the real story of what the novel Moby Dick was based upon? It's enough to blow ones' mind, how tough men were and what they were capable of and what they'd risk only 200 years ago. Now, we have stylish soy boys shopping with their wives at Macy's. Except for the men such as longshoremen, the truckers who defied Turdeau, and a host of others that are being marginalized and crowded out by "technology."

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I recently read the historical account of "The Wager" by David Grann. I am so impressed by the thoroughness of this man's research. Years ago, I read his other book "The Lost City of Z". The seeking soul of the explorer amazes me. Heartbreaking what they and sailers endured.

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Whalers seems to me to be a whole other species - lol. Those men were TOUGH!

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Keep intending to read Moby Dick...

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The real story behind it might be even more interesting - I thought it was.

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You said it! It's been years, but I think I listened to that book on audio, about that horrific event of those whalers. The whale had very little to do with them other than defending his pod as they were being harpooned; he rammed and damaged the ship then moved on, right? But, how those poor men suffered when the ship was lost.

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They had to resort to cannibalism, and even that didn't save 'em.

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I agree with you 100%. We've been duped. More than 10 yrs ago I told my Christian friends don't by Christian books from secular stores it will water down the books and hurt CHRISTIAN bookstores. Now they're gone and the quality you get are horrible psychobabble. They thought I was crazy. I said the same thing about Amaxon, Walmart, Target,... 85% of the small Now the mom and pop stores where they knew your name and gave you great service are gone. I wonder how many of the homeless are men and women are those we thought were unimportant are those who've lost jobs because of our indifference. The list goes on...

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I'm grossed out by the so-called Christians like Candace Owens shilling for the "Hallow" app. Really? We need an APP to talk to God? REALLY?

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Why are you grossed out? Because she's Catholic? Whatever the context of my post was the collapse in the marketplace we, the consumer, did not understand the implications for supporting large global companies.

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No, I'm Catholic. I'm grossed out by what I said: Christians hawking apps to "talk" to God. That's akin to the tax collectors/thieves in the temple, trying to make a buck.

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*is horrible; Amazon 😱

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Welcome back Celia from what turned into a 'working ' break. Globalists want control over everyone's life including the ILA, & every other transport business. Thank you for zeroing in on the evils of automation., and the growing resistance A resistance that is ready & willing to go to the wall to stop the money grab. Time has come to tell corporate globalists that enough is enough. The people don't want, & will fight against, Wall Street's endless push for greater wealth even if it means automating every human job into extinction. Enough is enough !!!

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I have zero interest in hearing the opinion about this from any economist of any academic sect who defends genocides and mass poisoning campaigns and the evil socialism of the social engineering of high-tech companies.

The opinion of the enablers of communism is worthless, on any issue, relly

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Forgive me for fixating on the following topic, Celia, but it's a topic I worry is being purposely rekindled. All of us are being pressed emotionally on all sides, but this front is the most important, imo. For starters (so you may know where I'm coming from), my husband and I have 3 children. Each of them was breast-fed and weaned around 18 months old. I got to stay home and school them through graduation. While they were doing their lessons, I was always there reading and learning new things, leading me to where I am today. In the Christian home school community there are very conservative, "woman-be-silent" types. With the boom of the internet, forums and websites arose out of terrible abuses happening in authoritarian, conservative churches. For a couple years I was a moderator/editor of a blog started by a man whose family life was severely damaged by authoritarian church leadership.

Fast forward to the present. This past week, in just 2 days, 2 popular substackers in the alt community published on the scourge of feminism. Each citing a woman's point of view (I don't know if it's the same woman, but one says feminism has its origins in the occult). That substacker wrapped up his essay with a quote from Plato saying women are only good for child-bearing and keeping the home. The comments were mostly supportive and angry against feminism, but a few expressed hesitation at the severity of the solution (a return to patriarchy). Given my exposure to the abuses of these authoritarian "Christian" groups (note: I never suffered such abuses - I came upon this on my own), I'm very suspicious of this sudden flare-up pitting "feminism" against "conservatism". I believe each has long been infiltrated. Mainstream feminists don't give a flying leap about abused women and children, but neither do these patriarchal church groups. There is a book published in 1910 (or thereabouts) by woman missionary Katherine Bushnell called "God's Word to Women". I hope Christian men and women will buffer themselves by discovering the religious history of this spiritual, ancient war once again stirring up the latest hate intent on destroying our most fragile, social fabric: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/356376

Sorry..not sorry ;) , but I can't be silent!

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Pearl you are exactly intuitively right—they get us coming and going, they lock the exits, they infiltrate all sides, always and we are ping ponged around and nothing seems right or true. I also sense genuine ugly misogny in a lot of alt right circles. And anti-cats sentiment. :)

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Exactly right. I'm so glad you see it too. Thankfully, I haven't read anything against cats; I'd be traumatized for sure. But honestly, when it comes to substack, I'm on the cusp of burnout myself. Your absence was the longest week ever. And I really appreciate your response. Thank you.

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Why are we importing oil? Texas sits on the well in history, not to mention Natural gas.

Under Trump, we were energy-independent and even exported fuel.

Now, we are back to depending on other countries?

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