Tucker Carlson is not necessarily my mouthpiece but he did give me pause when he said that the queers, gays and bisexuals are not the real problem. It's the Trannies who are the pedophiles.
Well Tucker might not have taken a glimpse into the process of surrogacy and adoption by gay men. There are a few horrific cases of pedophilia. Some of these people adopt and then molest. We will probably never know how many.
I totally agree, judging from all the evidence that has come out about trans loons and their behavior, that their degenerate behavior breaks all sorts of societal norms which would include pedophilia. And it's right there in postmodernist views, taught in universities everywhere.
Before posting I edited my comment above when I decided to use "real problem" instead of bigger problem.
None of this stuff is all or nothing; it's a matter of degree.
I'm repurposing RFK's descriptor "Greenhouse" about colleges/universities as incubators for "antisemitism", a term I detest because it's so misleading. Greenhouse is a useful term where it concerns social engineering, in this case cultivation of sexual perversion, including pedophilia.
Mutual thanks. The unavoidable nature of fast moving forums such as TTB is that comments are more often closer to sound bites than a dialogue often leaving posters (at least me :- ) yearning for more than the accustomed, albeit friendly, hit-and-run scenario.
face it. men are the problem. they come in many guises, sometimes pretending to be women — as they historically have, over and over again. in the church, in the theater, they like to play dress up and deprive women of our rights. of our personhoods. of our subjectivities.
A tip of the hat to globalists for their efforts at addressing this problem by creating wars, famine and all things imaginable to shrink the male population :- )
Edit/afterthought, I was in a rush and didn't notice you'd included the Hamamoto link. I got through 1/3 of his podcast yesterday then had to abruptly leave. More viewing today.
Perversions towards kids is not solely a male problem but the percentage of male/female proclivity for exploitation I'm guessing may closely correlate with psychopathic behavior. It's unimaginable to me, even if they're destitute, those stories of women that sell their kids into slavery.
It seems only logical that as a subspecies women would not destroy the very thing they helped bring into existence.
I didn't bother watching all of Aisling O'Loughlin's takedown. she's so peevish and eager to debunk Candace Owens, she's as annoying as C.O. however C.O. bases her remarks on research by French observers of the Macrons, so it doesn't matter if C.O. gets the French, she's leaning on their research.
Thank you! Before watching, I am guessing that they are banking on the fact that MSM never needs to be debunked, even if they are proven to lie? Are they waiting to see this go around the world so that it will become "truth" whether true or not?
Maybe RFK Jr. misspoke, and it’s “gender-ism” "that is History's Most Deadly Plagues," With Universities As "Greenhouses." …
IMO Prof. Hamamoto repeats the old projections on ancient cultures — paganism, human sacrifices, weird sexualities etc…
No! It’s precisely our own. It’s the multi trillionairs overlords who want to live forever. Fear of death moves them to erase nature and re-create the technological world. Pathetic and dangerous!
They are an arranged couple. They got engaged 17 days after meeting. She claims to be a big Christian but then lauds Elon Musk for creating yet another fatherless kid outside of marriage. She's probably controlled op. Look at how many followers she has.
Christian - my ass. She's a gossip girl. She keeps the circus going. She defies her own faith on a daily basis. But then, that's part of the aim of people like her. Fake Christians.
I was hoping Professor Hamamoto with a long stringy grey beard would be a fun zen monk. he's a hopped-up me-me-me guy who insults his audience. longwinded, annoying.
I am interested in his subject. I'm fascinated by Brigitte. I speak fluent French. and I'm not transphobic per se. I do believe the entire gay community was coopted and destroyed from within by the Clintons et al. LGBT was branded and exploited and is now a universal mockery of the human spirit.
but I'm with Freud — we're all polymorphously perverse. this concept scares the pants off people. and nothing, nothing will ever shake the Puritanism of the USA.
"Cabaret," anyone? That musical we all love, praised the degeneracy that was burgeoning prior to WWII. One of the things that were targeted by the Nazis.
History just keeps on repeating.
Notice that by the time "Cabaret" hit theaters and stages here, we were in such utter empathy with the Holocaust and its victims that we missed the plot. Degeneracy takes ahold of societies that have been color-revolutionized and its intent is to divide and destroy, as well as put degenerates in office and in other positions of authority.
Viewed with that lens, it's not all that surprising that there are now several trannies in high places.
I wonder if Candace Owens will put big Mike under the spotlight next?
it's funny they can't just say, "Men are the problem." it's not the trans, it's the male-to-female or MTF as we used to call 'em. it's the men giving up on being men, pretending to be women, and becoming impossible. they're scarier than real men. they've still got the muscle and sense of entitlement, they're often ugly, and they hate women. they really want to make women's lives unbearable. they're much worse than plain ol' men, who at least acknowledge the vital importance of having women in their lives.
Great video with The Professor, who BTW hails from Commifornia, and was a Professor at UCDavis. He knows as they say euphemistically, “where the bodies are buried”.
All this “transgenderism messaging” originates from the colleges & universities, many here in Commifornia!
I used to be part of the LGBT community, it used to be a helpful thing (decades ago). I know for sure many old school gay men do not understand what the hell “nonbinary” is. But they are supportive of the entire movement because it supplies many needs. Low earning “HIV+” people are given free healthcare and subsidized housing. Gay Mens Health Crisis gives out free lunches and groceries.
I have not seen the following covered anywhere else.
Best source aids research crimes Anthony Fauci 1984 video intent to insert aids virus + SV40 in Hepatitis B vaccine to be given covertly to gay men in SF LA CA, NYC NY USA Robert Gallo UCSF
Whoa! Taylor Swift is turbo aging!
no... that picture is not Taylor Swift...
I need new prescription glasses...
Tucker Carlson is not necessarily my mouthpiece but he did give me pause when he said that the queers, gays and bisexuals are not the real problem. It's the Trannies who are the pedophiles.
Here's a name you should know: https://www.thefp.com/p/eithan-haim-we-took-on-the-federal?hide_intro_popup=true
Well Tucker might not have taken a glimpse into the process of surrogacy and adoption by gay men. There are a few horrific cases of pedophilia. Some of these people adopt and then molest. We will probably never know how many.
I totally agree, judging from all the evidence that has come out about trans loons and their behavior, that their degenerate behavior breaks all sorts of societal norms which would include pedophilia. And it's right there in postmodernist views, taught in universities everywhere.
Before posting I edited my comment above when I decided to use "real problem" instead of bigger problem.
None of this stuff is all or nothing; it's a matter of degree.
I'm repurposing RFK's descriptor "Greenhouse" about colleges/universities as incubators for "antisemitism", a term I detest because it's so misleading. Greenhouse is a useful term where it concerns social engineering, in this case cultivation of sexual perversion, including pedophilia.
Thanks for the revelation.
Thank you for the insightful post, mo. Appreciate it and also the explanation.
Mutual thanks. The unavoidable nature of fast moving forums such as TTB is that comments are more often closer to sound bites than a dialogue often leaving posters (at least me :- ) yearning for more than the accustomed, albeit friendly, hit-and-run scenario.
What's really sick is when a transman and a transwoman get together and start a family. Why is this lunacy allowed?
The males who think they can nurse by taking a cocktail of drugs - which all go into the baby. Sick indeed.
Of course, there are straight people who adopt to molest too, so would need some comparative statistics to make much of a claim there
I wonder how many actually ever get reported.
Sure, but most hetero couples can produce children without having to adopt.
face it. men are the problem. they come in many guises, sometimes pretending to be women — as they historically have, over and over again. in the church, in the theater, they like to play dress up and deprive women of our rights. of our personhoods. of our subjectivities.
A tip of the hat to globalists for their efforts at addressing this problem by creating wars, famine and all things imaginable to shrink the male population :- )
Edit/afterthought, I was in a rush and didn't notice you'd included the Hamamoto link. I got through 1/3 of his podcast yesterday then had to abruptly leave. More viewing today.
Perversions towards kids is not solely a male problem but the percentage of male/female proclivity for exploitation I'm guessing may closely correlate with psychopathic behavior. It's unimaginable to me, even if they're destitute, those stories of women that sell their kids into slavery.
It seems only logical that as a subspecies women would not destroy the very thing they helped bring into existence.
the female of any species isn't a sub-species.
Yeah, I suppose that's correct. What a knuckle-dragger, ey ! To be clear, I would have applied the same subspecies logic to males.
Brigitte Macron is a woman though. Here's how Candace Owens' misled her audience, on purpose. Delighted to see Professor Hamamoto conclude that her transvestigation on Brigitte Macron is an intelligence operation too. https://substack.com/@aislingoloughlin/note/p-157387650?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=1p5pzt
I didn't bother watching all of Aisling O'Loughlin's takedown. she's so peevish and eager to debunk Candace Owens, she's as annoying as C.O. however C.O. bases her remarks on research by French observers of the Macrons, so it doesn't matter if C.O. gets the French, she's leaning on their research.
Thank you! Before watching, I am guessing that they are banking on the fact that MSM never needs to be debunked, even if they are proven to lie? Are they waiting to see this go around the world so that it will become "truth" whether true or not?
I am midway through this professor's lecture. I will circle back and give my opinion after I have recovered from the emotional torment.
I can relate to your comment. Thank you.
Maybe RFK Jr. misspoke, and it’s “gender-ism” "that is History's Most Deadly Plagues," With Universities As "Greenhouses." …
IMO Prof. Hamamoto repeats the old projections on ancient cultures — paganism, human sacrifices, weird sexualities etc…
No! It’s precisely our own. It’s the multi trillionairs overlords who want to live forever. Fear of death moves them to erase nature and re-create the technological world. Pathetic and dangerous!
Candace Owens' husband George Farmer was the president of the infamous Bullingdon Club at Oxford. https://open.substack.com/pub/aislingoloughlin/p/oxfords-infamous-bullingdon-club?r=1p5pzt&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false
They are an arranged couple. They got engaged 17 days after meeting. She claims to be a big Christian but then lauds Elon Musk for creating yet another fatherless kid outside of marriage. She's probably controlled op. Look at how many followers she has.
Christian - my ass. She's a gossip girl. She keeps the circus going. She defies her own faith on a daily basis. But then, that's part of the aim of people like her. Fake Christians.
That's because "she's" a man.
Well, that's a new one. I saw her little girl and baby pics, so I don't know how they managed that, of course now that deep fakes exist, who knows?
Mr E is your friend:).
Mr E on James Delingpole's podcast https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/the-delingpod-the/mr-e-elite-gender-inversion-1t6Ox8mHigz/
The world's number 1 transvestigator!
It's not a crowded field, admittedly. 😃
I don't see anything about Candace Owens being trans. Funny stuff there. You'd think Melinda & Bill Gates would be in there.
Melinda Gates is another one. Just look at her. And Bezos's two wives.
I was hoping Professor Hamamoto with a long stringy grey beard would be a fun zen monk. he's a hopped-up me-me-me guy who insults his audience. longwinded, annoying.
I am interested in his subject. I'm fascinated by Brigitte. I speak fluent French. and I'm not transphobic per se. I do believe the entire gay community was coopted and destroyed from within by the Clintons et al. LGBT was branded and exploited and is now a universal mockery of the human spirit.
but I'm with Freud — we're all polymorphously perverse. this concept scares the pants off people. and nothing, nothing will ever shake the Puritanism of the USA.
"Cabaret," anyone? That musical we all love, praised the degeneracy that was burgeoning prior to WWII. One of the things that were targeted by the Nazis.
History just keeps on repeating.
Notice that by the time "Cabaret" hit theaters and stages here, we were in such utter empathy with the Holocaust and its victims that we missed the plot. Degeneracy takes ahold of societies that have been color-revolutionized and its intent is to divide and destroy, as well as put degenerates in office and in other positions of authority.
Viewed with that lens, it's not all that surprising that there are now several trannies in high places.
I wonder if Candace Owens will put big Mike under the spotlight next?
Or maybe the Brigitte Macron thing is to draw attention away from "Mrs." Obama.... once discredited, no one will go there. Perhaps.
I'd love to see you and Prof Hamamoto in conversation together, in whatever format.
Thank you Celia.
As soon as we talk about it it will go away - how to do that when the bubbles are so fanatic though?
it's funny they can't just say, "Men are the problem." it's not the trans, it's the male-to-female or MTF as we used to call 'em. it's the men giving up on being men, pretending to be women, and becoming impossible. they're scarier than real men. they've still got the muscle and sense of entitlement, they're often ugly, and they hate women. they really want to make women's lives unbearable. they're much worse than plain ol' men, who at least acknowledge the vital importance of having women in their lives.
just for fun:
Great video with The Professor, who BTW hails from Commifornia, and was a Professor at UCDavis. He knows as they say euphemistically, “where the bodies are buried”.
All this “transgenderism messaging” originates from the colleges & universities, many here in Commifornia!
Gavin Newsom's partner Jennifer Siebel is trans.
I used to be part of the LGBT community, it used to be a helpful thing (decades ago). I know for sure many old school gay men do not understand what the hell “nonbinary” is. But they are supportive of the entire movement because it supplies many needs. Low earning “HIV+” people are given free healthcare and subsidized housing. Gay Mens Health Crisis gives out free lunches and groceries.
I have not seen the following covered anywhere else.
Reminds me of Manson
Celia Farber Substack x.com twitter
https://x.com/BarrierTruth 2022-2025
https://x.com/Celia_Farber 2011
Best source aids research crimes Anthony Fauci 1984 video intent to insert aids virus + SV40 in Hepatitis B vaccine to be given covertly to gay men in SF LA CA, NYC NY USA Robert Gallo UCSF