Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I'm nowhere near Canada, I don't partake in MSM, don't have tv, the info I've been exposed to is primarily from substack, rumble, occasionally YouTube. I could see through this guy, BJ Dichter, the first time I saw him. None of the truckers involved in the actual convoy or in Ottawa or Alberta knew who he was or considered him a trucker or part of them. He doesn't come across as sincere, he comes across as a player, playing a part. In comments under any videos he's in people have written he's not a trucker, he's part of Trudeau's people. Enough people harped to Viva Frei about him that he interviewed him. During that interview Dichter acknowledged he is not a trucker. He claimed his brother is a trucker and that he invested in his brother's truck, when mandates became frustrating his brother told him to get out for a bit by taking a run with the truck. He could not explain how he scheduled a load or why he wasn't out on the street protesting with everyone else. Viva seemed pacified by his bs, I wasn't. He set off all my bs detectors. His name is well established. Have his personal bank accounts been seized? Driver's license and car insurance cancelled? There's got to be a way to find out.

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Bravo for you. I never even saw him either. I rarely watch but sometimes watch lame stream media. I missed the Viva interview of BJ. Bj is BS.

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deletedFeb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber
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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

I've not seen him via the media. He and a couple of others are the ones that set up the GoFundMe account and later the givesendgo. I kept hearing his name mentioned during posted trucker videos, they all said they didn't know who he was, he wasn't a trucker, not an organizer and that none have seen any money or donations.

While I wouldn't know what the media's pushing, I suspect this guy is doing something fraudulent and has been pushing himself...

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deletedFeb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber
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I haven’t even watched your link because I don’t trust YOU Frank GL. But this point is true about NGOs. In Europe they are rampant and successful and essentially “pretty” mafia.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

This is incredible work, writing, perception. Thank you Celia. Reality is a kaleidoscope pretzel at this point.

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Thank you Simon. This space and everybody here is to me the greatest opportunity to really do the work I have always wanted to do.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you, Celia. You're kind of my hero these days, if that makes any difference.

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I live in Ottawa and was helping with food even before they arrived. We all suspected there would be a variety of people getting in the mix, from controlled opposition to grifters to people who really want to help but have trouble getting along and people with checkered pasts and so on. This is also part of the evil overlords' plan, but we have to go with what we've got. We made it much bigger than they wanted it to be. These psychopaths don't understand love or humour or faith. We will beat them with bouncy castles. By the time they finally got around to the police brutality part, the world had seen the example of how to protest in a comically peaceful way. When the cops steal your gas, have 5,000 people walk around with empty jerry-cans. This is how we win. Free food for everyone. Wood fired Jacuzzis. Hockey in the street. Dance parties all night. Sure, Canada just slipped into authoritarian rule this evening, but we are winning the war. Truth and love and light will prevail. I am confident in the victory of good over evil.

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022Author

Mark, it sounds SO amazing. It will be remembered in 100 years, what you all did, in Ottawa. But only you will know how much fun it was.

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I am not healthy enough to venture out into the city in an unknown situation in Ottawa winter, so I was unable to attend even though it is literally right up the street. I am basically slowly dying from an antibiotic called Levaquin and have been fighting BIG PHARMA for a long time. We totally saw this fake planned event coming and called it out two years ago as it got going. What really sucks, though, is that we were saying all along that the evil overlords were using this to install a social based credit system where you have to comply or you will not be able to conduct transactions. We were of course mocked and censored for this, but the incongruent part is that instead of recognizing that we were right as the government freezes and seizes bank accounts, most are instead cheering it on. Each time things don't make sense like this more people see. Slowly but surely people are waking up.

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I read this, your article, in March 2022. I, too, thought the trucker convoy a false flag before they arrived, but was enheartened by the spirit I felt in the streets, once they were here. Nevertheless, I thought your conclusion correct.

I've been at the Lich-Barber trial since Sept. 6, 2023 or Day 2 and I've begun twitting on it. You may find my twits interesting. See https://twitter.com/whollymcgreal

I'm a semi-retired librarian in Ottawa. I arrived here in 1993, and it's been an education in corrupt security services. For instance, in Ottawa, in 2010, four men burned down an RBC bank on Bank St. Three men were arrested. (The fourth man was active OPP Officer, Denis Leduc, undercover.) Two men were charged, and one man went to jail. Can we guess which one of the four men wasn't working for a security service? Why would police burn down a bank? The RCMP's budget went from $2.8B, 2010, to $4.1B, in 2011 [Source: Main Estimates]. Their operations budget doubled. I haven't checked for other services.

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TRUE. It’s such a kaleidoscope of FEELINGS at this point…. My mind is literally blown with @CeliaFarber and her great info.THANK YOU CELIA!!

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You're most welcome! Thank you for being part of it.

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deletedFeb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022
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Yes, I had a HORRIFIC adverse reaction to Cipro and then Levaquin, prescribed back to back in 2007, and have been disabled ever since. Umpteen years later I am still in so much pain that it's a bummer to wake up alive every morning. I have been a leader in the community of people harmed by these incredibly toxic drugs but was ostracized by the half of the "floxies" who think the 20k or so of us who have found each other represent millions but the millions claiming vaccine injury are all quacks. I am trying to get my writing about this organized and should have some articles coming out soon under some different headings. Here's a newscast I was in from Global TV in Toronto about 10 years ago. Can you imagine investigative reporting about the injections like this? I urge people to watch this and to search the word "floxed" and follow where it takes you. You need to know about this, especially since they use these toxic drugs as part of the shitty covid protocol killing people in a lot of places.


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deletedFeb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022
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I am done with western medicine, period. No pills, no injections, no procedures, no imaging. Nothing.

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Good journalism.

BTW, Peterson is a moron. He says good things sometimes, but suffers from thinking that he's got the truth... Watch his debate with zizek.

Keep in mind he also told people to clean their room but later he od'ed on benzos and did rehab in Russia for it. He also took the jabs.

He's an example of "physician, heal thyself".

Jordan, save yourself, wake up and stop being a fake authority on psychology.

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Tough words, but true. The bottom line here though is that it is psychology itself as a discipline which is fake. So if you are going to set up as an authority within that field, the fake is baked in.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Great work, Celia, fills in the picture nicely on the trucker "leadership". I would nitpick with the comments about Trudeau's paternity. There actually is a hole in the official timeline (pointed out in a recent article in Medium, and no doubt elsewhere), and the similarity in facial features is astonishing. So I wouldn't call it settled, but all the man has to do is get a DNA test (obviously from a trustworthy third party) to settle this. I predict that never happens. Does it matter? Well, no, I suppose not, other than it confirms once again, truth is stranger than fiction. Then again...maybe it matters a little.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

what article in the medium

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Holy Cow, that was news to me! Its always amazing what I don't know. Thanks

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is Malone ‘controlled opposition’... started out completely on-board with him ... posted a positive comment way back & someone viciously attacked me, misinterpreting my ‘who’ for ‘WHO’... dismissed it but have started to scrutinize him after reading Diana West’s evaluation and follow-up... is he toying with us, ‘WHO is Robert Malone’ Substack.

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Thanks for the intel, my wife and I always thought there was something fishy about that BJ guy each time we saw him doing those "press conferences".

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Is it NS Lyons who states:

The virtual people swim with narrative fish

I'd add....in an ocean of deceit that pollutes their ability to see clearly

An ocean of literal plastic

Metaphorical too

Oh, and virtual people smell badly too, to my nose

The substacker I loosely quote is referring to technocrats as the virtuals

Hope I said that all well...

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Wow. I had a funny feeling, because Dichter never really confirmed he was an actual trucker, but no one ever questioned him on that, either. I overlooked it. Amazing Polly was the first time I saw anyone really questioning Dichter and the other ''leaders.'' Going forward, it wouldn't shock me if Dichter was found murdered, and that it is immediately blamed on ''truckers,'' in a false-flag event, in order to discredit the genuine truckers. I think ol' BJ is gonna be in deep doodoo, either way.

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OMG good points.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks. Yeah, once you read Celia's excellent expose' and realize that Dichter's been playin' with fire forever, it stands to reason that anything goes at this point. I doubt if he has a standing army to protect him, a la Klaus, Turdeau, Ardern and the rest.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Wow--makes sense. We know how they like to operate and "infiltrate" and this is vey much the M.O. It seems that time is relevant--that we must move so as to not give them more time to manipulate and re-adjust the plan.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

The Ray Epps of Canada.

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Feb 22, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Great work Celia! I live near Toronto and I heard suspicions that some of the convoy leaders were fake. Thank you for revealing the whole story!!!

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Wow. I have to go back and look at everything with new eyes... again.

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Celia, thanks for the transcript, I've shared bits with my audience, this would make a grand radio interview if you're interested. https://thekingdude.substack.com/p/bj-dichter-and-the-canadian-freedom

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Mike, I read your piece. Thank you!

I want to read more of your work. I'll subscribe. (ps. I have a bug in my system that only permits me to subscribe for free, ie the "apple pay" thing is the only option and it's frozen.)

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This revelation about Dichter is quaking the ground in Middle Reality Earth (did you see this? https://theupheaval.substack.com/p/reality-honks-back ). I have heard from many people that suspected controlled ops in Ottawa but couldn't pinpoint it. I plan to explore this on-air today and might dredge up some new leads from the radio/TV audience. If I do, I'll pass 'em along!

God bless,

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I can't sub to any thing. Can't work Apple anything, or any or this tech stuff. Phones ring for a reason, as I always tell my kids. Wanna sub? Gimme a phone #. But I share your stuff Celia; sometimes. I have no reach though.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

From the UK, I never in a million years would have thought this terrible situation could happen in Canada.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Celia Farber

Received by email Part 1, Part 2 and your request to confirm that we received Part 1 and Part 2. :-) Fantastic work, thank you.

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Thank you Karen!

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