Peter Navarro, Hours Out Of Prison, Met With A Roaring Standing Ovation At The RNC Convention: "In Trump's America, You Didn't Have To Worry About Being Locked Up For Disagreeing With The Government."
Peter Navarro, Hours Out Of Prison, Met With A Roaring Standing Ovation At The RNC Convention: "In Trump's America, You Didn't Have To Worry About Being Locked Up For Disagreeing With The Government."
Navarro is not a leader, he is a technician. They are completely different roles. He is a quintessential staff officer, loyal, dedicated, brilliant, resourceful. Leaders are lazy and well spoken. Vance fits that mold reasonably well. Leaders often can’t be trusted. That also fits Vance, but not Navarro. The country is never going to be run by truly good people through and through. Those people just don’t have the aggressiveness to be ruthless when needed. We are stuck with what we have. We just have to hope this time we get a coterie of Navarro’s supporting Trump and not a bunch of lazy would-be leaders. His picks for the Departments really matter. They matter more than he does.
It is disingenuous to call a new leader, such as Vance, lazy and say they can’t be trusted. Who are you to demonise them before they even start. Stop condemning and get behind everyone in the team! Without unity America will fall. Be a voice for change and support instead of a cowardly keyboard destroyer.
You go Vance and show the naysayers what you will do for America!!!
Professor Navarro is a policy wonk. However, he is the only academic economist that started warning US leaders in 2006 that China was going to eat our lunch. Because he continued with those warnings, he is considered a “fringe economist”. He was right about China. We can’t go to war with China over Taiwan because China makes the components that make up the parts that make up our military equipment. China owns the US now.
Such optimism. I know of several people with Stage IV cancer who were told they would be dead in a month , one being my late step father, who fought courageously, refused chemotherapy, never stopped smoking, had hands laid on him by 4 dutiful and faith-filled women, who lived another 15 years to tell his testimony (which he didn't but I do). I've know others who did different things but the one common thing they did have: THEY NEVER GAVE UP THE FIGHT!
Many power hungry elites and their greedy, spineless puppets need to finally be held accountable and true justice must prevail in order to save our crumbling country from destruction. So, "FEAR NOT", unless you have done harm to the great nation of America and the American people.
Strange, the whole thing to me, all of it, as it always has been. “Navarro ‘out of prison,’ just in time to give speech ant RNC.” What are the odds? Are all of these things scripted? I’ve never felt at home in either the Democratic or Republican parties (and have always looked at these “conventions” as alien gatherings of super rich people who have little in common with me). Of course, like many I have been fooled otherwise. But since 9/11 and especially since “COVID,” everything has become a “who the fuck are these people” moment for me.
Yes we are subjected to horrific "messaging" but I doubt Navarro showing up at this conference is a further example; for I doubt they plan GOP conferences around one man's ability to show up.
Well...... lots of people are mrna investors if they hold any 401Ks or money markets or anything like that. I can't hold anything against a person who tries to make money at the casino called the stock mkt.
Vance was AGAINST mandates. Watch the video Metaxas did with Vance a few yrs ago.
I saw that, it does concern me, however mNRA tech is a delivery system, not a stand-alone treatment. His Fund's investment was made in 2021, I have not seen the company having delivered a Covid product which for me would be a horrific red flag. It is possible that this tech, although IMO it's future seems horrifically bleak, may have merit in cancer treatment.
Of course it will have "merit". That's why they seeded the country with the off the charts dioxin (E Palestine derailments- thanks Vance for helping create the cancer market so you can clean up via your investments- yeah that was on his watch in Ohio!). Young and energetic, grew up poor so he must be a dude with a conscience who will stand up for you and I against the Crown bloodlines really running the show. Theil has no expectations for his 10mil to get Vance in the game. He isnt trying to put you in a FEMA camp or anything. And he definitely isn't trying to hack your neurons or genes. He is just a super cool super smart super gay entrepreneur and isnt that what we all want for our kids? Let's just take more hopuim and unite and everyone will be released from their slavery contracts and they will remove the RFID chip sets they have in everyone and stop spraying the skies and ditch vaccinating and bombing babies to make way for condos and best of all they will all start telling the truth! Utopia around the corner. Just vote correctly kids. "Give Vance a chance" cuz not all.politicians are immoral and controlled by Intelligence. That's crazy talk. Look how generous they are to those poor people from other countries just trying to get their piece of the American dream. Stop being so selfish and give them one of your extra bedrooms!!! Don't fight-just Unite!
Just checked to see how Vance responded to the East Palestine spill. It seems to me he did a credible job addressing the problem and calling for the administration to step up (see links directly below).
I don't see his Funds one off investment in mNRA research profiting from environmental cleanup. Yes, mNRA research is touted to be useful in cancer cures, but I don't see the direct link you feel is there.
I would never make that kind of a judgement. Al Capone grew up poor, how did that work out? If someone else makes that judgemental leap of faith, that is their view of the world in action in action not mine.
I have no idea if he is good. He appears to be capable, to be ambitious, to want to be well regarded, let's see if that translates into staying on message with Trump's plans to resolve the US's many problems.
As for "Utopia around the corner", neither Trump nor Vance are offering that, they are offering a return to an earlier time of American productivity if we all work together to pull it off.
Vance/illegal immigration
I am not sure how you see Vance on illegal immigration, but I think this is his take on it.
This nation has had a legal immigration program since it founding. It has overall worked well, and the nation is the better for it.
What is happening now, what you refer to as "those poor people from other countries" is mass illegal immigration, notable for its unfettered allowance of undocumented, unchecked, unregulated arrivals.
Do they have criminal records? Do they have disease? Do they have mental illnesses? Are they trafficking children? Are they being sex trafficked? Are they cartel members? NO MATTER, they are allowed in.
And once in they are given free: transportation, housing, money, food, education, medical care. Do legal immigrants receives such generosity? No. How about citizens? Nope. So what the hell is this???
I personally see illegal immigration as an effort to seize permanent control of the government by creating a vast pool of people who you pay to vote for you. If any see it as helping the less fortunate, I have a bridge I would like them to take a look at.
I think people tend to view politicians as if they were fruit picked off a tree, they aren't. They exist in the real world, have real businesses, relationships, families, etc.
A question to ask is; what are his other investments, his other businesses, his view on the entire covid debacle, on vaccines, on the Pharm industry's grip on government? I would want to know a hell of a lot more about his activities and opinions before I decide one investment by a Fund he owns an interest in is a reason to hang him out to dry.
The mNRA tech area was and still is seen as a Gorgon's knot, something that if it can be untangled will yield major reward. I see it as a bottomless money pit, but that's me.
I read his book and I ‘like’ him and his story. However, his connection to Peter Thiel and Palantir (cia) and Silicon Valley ‘elites’ in general (including via his wife) makes me pause.
The problem with Vance is the same problem with everyone in government, namely they are assumed innocent until proven guilty. When it comes to government operators it should be the other way around. Stop identifying as a D or an R. They're all on probation. No excuses. Our constitution should be our guide. Few Americans have even a cursory understanding of the sacred document. Go to: then at the top of the page, click freedom index. This service is a reference for who among our public functionaries is voting in keeping with our Constitution.
Wow, that's a great website. Thank you for pointing it out. It's very sad to see the record of some Republicans that I had higher hopes for. Most of them are swamp rats that need to go.
Incidentally Vance got 100% according to their methodology for this year's roll call
I'm concerned about installation of "let's turn the page" officials in a prospective Trump admin. No, no, and no. These quislings need to be held accountable, and perhaps the best people to realize that accountability are those like Navarro who have felt the pain of tyranny acutely, personally.
I think all the other candidates for VP were too old. Vance is young and energetic. Coming from the poverty he did he will bring alternate perspectives. Plenty of time to evaluate him. He is needed to get PA and Ohio and Michigan to the finish line.
I agree he would’ve been a far better choice for VP, but I fear that in Trump’s America there will be just as much if not more locking up of political opponents. I fear what he will do with the unmitigated power that has just been conferred on the presidency by the Supreme Court.
How about fearing for Nuclear War caused by those who own the Democrat Party? You want to die? You want your kids to die? You want billions to die? Do you have the remotest idea what is happening in Ukraine? How your Democrat/UNI-Party/Neocon government has destroyed a great country and massacred its people with a psychopathic, extreme, sick, demented lust for power.
Maybe you might fear that without Trump/Vance we may be on the edge of the abyss.
No doubt about it. The typical Neoliberal strategy. Force a country into massive debt. Then use that debt to leverage buying most of the countries assets, including public owned assets such as utilities, for bargain basement prices. Right now BlackRock & Vanguard are busily seizing control of Ukraine, worse than Putin.
Depopulated of Ukrainians. Repopulated by obedient migrants from Africa & Asia that will work for bargain wages and live in BlackRock owned grimy apartments in broken down slum cities. The Serf class. A feudal socioeconomic system. Worse than slavery. And with no nationalistic dreams, they won't revolt.
That certainly is one demographic they may be considering.
Alternatively, it perhaps is planned as the all new, all improved, Israel 2.0. That is based on Zelensky saying Ukraine would be the "new Israel" awhile back.
That's not happening. And Zelensky is on his way out, if he isn't assassinated. Israel may well be sacrificed by the psychopaths, Iran is a much bigger prize than Israel. And so is Ukraine. Other than that, the only people they care about are the inner circle of demented psychopaths.
What a ridiculous contention. You know any physics? Neutrons? Chain reaction? E=MC2?
What do you think a nuclear reactor is? Controlled nuclear fission. Just maintains criticality by using a low enriched uranium and a moderator. Use weapons grade uranium or PU-239 and you get prompt criticality and then Mr. Einstein takes control, inevitable as the sun will shine.
Yes the CIA wants us to believe there are these Nuclear Bombs so we will be afraid of war with Russia and decide to make peace with Russia, negotiate over Ukraine, resume trade, don't blow up their pipelines and everybody wins in a live and let live world of cooperation, peace, freedom and mutual respect.
Yep, that's what the CIA really wants. Yep. That's why they want us to be scared of Nuclear war. No, they don't want us to continue wasting $trillions on stupid dangerous wars all over the World and try to control the entire World for the benefit of the Bankster empire. No the CIA doesn't want us to do that. In your World.
Your World reminds me of the Superman comics and Bizarro World where everything is opposite.
ALL Jews blame you for doing to them what ‘they’ are doing to you right now.
This causes ‘cognitive dis-perception’ & allows the Jews to get away with the greatest delusional BS: “Holocaust!”
So ’Honey’-after Creepy Pedo Joe and his crackhead son and Crime Family Gangsters have taken bribes of $50M!
from ALL our Commie rivals, YOU are afraid that Trump (who had ALL his cabinet chased, tried, convicted on ‘Trumped Up’ (sorry!) charges, and the 2KIKES, Mayorkas & AG Garkand are allowing 100,000 kids to die of Fentanyl EVERY YEAR!, you are afraid that there might be BLOWBACK-??
Yikes! And- with the Secret Service ‘failure’ of the most basic protection protocols, WE can now see why Hitler had his ‘Brownshirts’ to protect him. !!
Wait! I thought the Hews called Trump a Russian Spy? Well. Hitler was NOT a Russian Spy. So-Honey, which is it?
Actually from what I can tell most Jewish people overall have a positive impression of Trump. A lot of his businesses funding came from Jewish owned organizations/funds and AIPAC certainly holds him in high regard. Frankly I am more worried about Vance and Trump supporting Israeli than worried about some Jewish people somewhere calling him Hitler.
And yet most Jewish people vote Democrat. For which I will never understand as long as I live. Democrats want Jews to die, yet Jews continue to vote for them
Yes, most Jewish people in blue states do, absolutely.
And many are old time Democrats, people who think Obama was great, and that what John F Kennedy stood for is still their parties platform.
They are living in MSM controlled communities, they are a controlled voter base. It is really not related to their race or religion in my view, I believe they along with many others have just bought a bill of goods.
Supreme Court conferred no power. They do t so that. They simply stated what has always been the case. Nothing has changed. Trump is transactional. He does not have the time in four years to waste with chasing down the thousands oxlc demons who have been trying to destroy us for years. He has likely already forgotten about them.
I agree, historically Presidents have had free reign to access/keep their own records. Clinton keep top secret documents in his sock draw, and that was totally OK.
As for the designation of top secret, once a President says docs are declassified, that's it, they are.
And no president has been charged with crimes committed during their Presidency, for example Obama murdered two US citizens, one a 16 year old boy apparently on a whim. Did anything happen, no.
I’m antigovernment therefore anti politics. While defending an innate need to question everything, I find I only deepened the cavernous divide between fellow beings. Thanks for what you bring to the table. I enjoy your work.
It gets even worse. Now they are admitting they had 3 snipers in the two story building next door, which had a half dozen windows overlooking the roof where the kid was, with his rifle, and even took pictures of him from the window and reported it on their radios. Couldn't be bothered shooting him from out of the window. They could easily have shot him in the arm or leg and taken him for questioning. And nobody pulled Trump off the stage. This stinks to high heaven.
Navarro is not a leader, he is a technician. They are completely different roles. He is a quintessential staff officer, loyal, dedicated, brilliant, resourceful. Leaders are lazy and well spoken. Vance fits that mold reasonably well. Leaders often can’t be trusted. That also fits Vance, but not Navarro. The country is never going to be run by truly good people through and through. Those people just don’t have the aggressiveness to be ruthless when needed. We are stuck with what we have. We just have to hope this time we get a coterie of Navarro’s supporting Trump and not a bunch of lazy would-be leaders. His picks for the Departments really matter. They matter more than he does.
It is disingenuous to call a new leader, such as Vance, lazy and say they can’t be trusted. Who are you to demonise them before they even start. Stop condemning and get behind everyone in the team! Without unity America will fall. Be a voice for change and support instead of a cowardly keyboard destroyer.
You go Vance and show the naysayers what you will do for America!!!
A very astute observation Bob. This rule of thumb applies everywhere in life!
“Leaders are lazy and well spoken!” Leaders are also extemely charismatic
And, manipulating if left unchecked and unaccountable to we the people.
Trust is earned. Until then, trust no one.
Like Vance…CIA and Deep State investors….need a map?
Nope. None of these guys get to pass GO unless the Rockefellers say so.
Professor Navarro is a policy wonk. However, he is the only academic economist that started warning US leaders in 2006 that China was going to eat our lunch. Because he continued with those warnings, he is considered a “fringe economist”. He was right about China. We can’t go to war with China over Taiwan because China makes the components that make up the parts that make up our military equipment. China owns the US now.
Such optimism. I know of several people with Stage IV cancer who were told they would be dead in a month , one being my late step father, who fought courageously, refused chemotherapy, never stopped smoking, had hands laid on him by 4 dutiful and faith-filled women, who lived another 15 years to tell his testimony (which he didn't but I do). I've know others who did different things but the one common thing they did have: THEY NEVER GAVE UP THE FIGHT!
Many power hungry elites and their greedy, spineless puppets need to finally be held accountable and true justice must prevail in order to save our crumbling country from destruction. So, "FEAR NOT", unless you have done harm to the great nation of America and the American people.
Strange, the whole thing to me, all of it, as it always has been. “Navarro ‘out of prison,’ just in time to give speech ant RNC.” What are the odds? Are all of these things scripted? I’ve never felt at home in either the Democratic or Republican parties (and have always looked at these “conventions” as alien gatherings of super rich people who have little in common with me). Of course, like many I have been fooled otherwise. But since 9/11 and especially since “COVID,” everything has become a “who the fuck are these people” moment for me.
Except, I remember when he went in--he was sentenced for four months and he went in in March. Sometimes timing is just serendipitous.
Yes we are subjected to horrific "messaging" but I doubt Navarro showing up at this conference is a further example; for I doubt they plan GOP conferences around one man's ability to show up.
What’s the problem with JD Vance?
He’s a mRNA investor, part of the biomedpHARMa globalist machine.
He is???? I didn't know that.
Well...... lots of people are mrna investors if they hold any 401Ks or money markets or anything like that. I can't hold anything against a person who tries to make money at the casino called the stock mkt.
Vance was AGAINST mandates. Watch the video Metaxas did with Vance a few yrs ago.
He's a grub sadie.
He needs to drop a lot of assets he picked up along the way.
He's smart, he can throw investments overboard and take his hands off that stuff.
It'll all go bad soon, anyway, whether he knows that yet or not. ["Great Taking"]
If Kolomoisky can make Zelenskyy a president out of a queer showbiz kid ..then Hollywood can trump that with a Bourgeois Hillbilly.
I saw that, it does concern me, however mNRA tech is a delivery system, not a stand-alone treatment. His Fund's investment was made in 2021, I have not seen the company having delivered a Covid product which for me would be a horrific red flag. It is possible that this tech, although IMO it's future seems horrifically bleak, may have merit in cancer treatment.
Of course it will have "merit". That's why they seeded the country with the off the charts dioxin (E Palestine derailments- thanks Vance for helping create the cancer market so you can clean up via your investments- yeah that was on his watch in Ohio!). Young and energetic, grew up poor so he must be a dude with a conscience who will stand up for you and I against the Crown bloodlines really running the show. Theil has no expectations for his 10mil to get Vance in the game. He isnt trying to put you in a FEMA camp or anything. And he definitely isn't trying to hack your neurons or genes. He is just a super cool super smart super gay entrepreneur and isnt that what we all want for our kids? Let's just take more hopuim and unite and everyone will be released from their slavery contracts and they will remove the RFID chip sets they have in everyone and stop spraying the skies and ditch vaccinating and bombing babies to make way for condos and best of all they will all start telling the truth! Utopia around the corner. Just vote correctly kids. "Give Vance a chance" cuz not all.politicians are immoral and controlled by Intelligence. That's crazy talk. Look how generous they are to those poor people from other countries just trying to get their piece of the American dream. Stop being so selfish and give them one of your extra bedrooms!!! Don't fight-just Unite!
On Vance/East Palestine
Just checked to see how Vance responded to the East Palestine spill. It seems to me he did a credible job addressing the problem and calling for the administration to step up (see links directly below).
I don't see his Funds one off investment in mNRA research profiting from environmental cleanup. Yes, mNRA research is touted to be useful in cancer cures, but I don't see the direct link you feel is there.
Vance/growing up poor=good guy
I would never make that kind of a judgement. Al Capone grew up poor, how did that work out? If someone else makes that judgemental leap of faith, that is their view of the world in action in action not mine.
I have no idea if he is good. He appears to be capable, to be ambitious, to want to be well regarded, let's see if that translates into staying on message with Trump's plans to resolve the US's many problems.
As for "Utopia around the corner", neither Trump nor Vance are offering that, they are offering a return to an earlier time of American productivity if we all work together to pull it off.
Vance/illegal immigration
I am not sure how you see Vance on illegal immigration, but I think this is his take on it.
This nation has had a legal immigration program since it founding. It has overall worked well, and the nation is the better for it.
What is happening now, what you refer to as "those poor people from other countries" is mass illegal immigration, notable for its unfettered allowance of undocumented, unchecked, unregulated arrivals.
Do they have criminal records? Do they have disease? Do they have mental illnesses? Are they trafficking children? Are they being sex trafficked? Are they cartel members? NO MATTER, they are allowed in.
And once in they are given free: transportation, housing, money, food, education, medical care. Do legal immigrants receives such generosity? No. How about citizens? Nope. So what the hell is this???
I personally see illegal immigration as an effort to seize permanent control of the government by creating a vast pool of people who you pay to vote for you. If any see it as helping the less fortunate, I have a bridge I would like them to take a look at.
MRNA is bullshit..just like viruses.
Yes, probably.
Hard no on the technology as well. There are zero reasons to trust it, and zero safety and efficacy studies.
I don't disagree, it has been around for 40 years and so far all it has delivered is a hell of a lot of dead lab animals.
what about the wheelbarrows filled with the remains of the human test subjects...?
For the second hand body parts trade.
So how does one/Trump support an investor? Many ambiguities here.
I think people tend to view politicians as if they were fruit picked off a tree, they aren't. They exist in the real world, have real businesses, relationships, families, etc.
A question to ask is; what are his other investments, his other businesses, his view on the entire covid debacle, on vaccines, on the Pharm industry's grip on government? I would want to know a hell of a lot more about his activities and opinions before I decide one investment by a Fund he owns an interest in is a reason to hang him out to dry.
The mNRA tech area was and still is seen as a Gorgon's knot, something that if it can be untangled will yield major reward. I see it as a bottomless money pit, but that's me.
If Vance is intelligent ..then he knows viruses are bullshit.
If he is an arsehole, he'll keep his gob shut about it.
I read his book and I ‘like’ him and his story. However, his connection to Peter Thiel and Palantir (cia) and Silicon Valley ‘elites’ in general (including via his wife) makes me pause.
He's got one of those Two majuscule letters for a Christian name.
Would sound a lot cooler if he was DJ Vance.
Then he could make America funky again.
The funk steaming off that Republican corroboree was already enough to make a skunk cry.
The problem with Vance is the same problem with everyone in government, namely they are assumed innocent until proven guilty. When it comes to government operators it should be the other way around. Stop identifying as a D or an R. They're all on probation. No excuses. Our constitution should be our guide. Few Americans have even a cursory understanding of the sacred document. Go to: then at the top of the page, click freedom index. This service is a reference for who among our public functionaries is voting in keeping with our Constitution.
Wow, that's a great website. Thank you for pointing it out. It's very sad to see the record of some Republicans that I had higher hopes for. Most of them are swamp rats that need to go.
Incidentally Vance got 100% according to their methodology for this year's roll call
I'm concerned about installation of "let's turn the page" officials in a prospective Trump admin. No, no, and no. These quislings need to be held accountable, and perhaps the best people to realize that accountability are those like Navarro who have felt the pain of tyranny acutely, personally.
I think all the other candidates for VP were too old. Vance is young and energetic. Coming from the poverty he did he will bring alternate perspectives. Plenty of time to evaluate him. He is needed to get PA and Ohio and Michigan to the finish line.
He is a scripted actor. From a script writ years ago.
I started to listen, but I don't think my stomach can take it this morning.
I agree he would’ve been a far better choice for VP, but I fear that in Trump’s America there will be just as much if not more locking up of political opponents. I fear what he will do with the unmitigated power that has just been conferred on the presidency by the Supreme Court.
You have zero justification for that "fear".
How about fearing for Nuclear War caused by those who own the Democrat Party? You want to die? You want your kids to die? You want billions to die? Do you have the remotest idea what is happening in Ukraine? How your Democrat/UNI-Party/Neocon government has destroyed a great country and massacred its people with a psychopathic, extreme, sick, demented lust for power.
Maybe you might fear that without Trump/Vance we may be on the edge of the abyss.
AND they want Ukraines rich farmland and vast mineral deposits
No doubt about it. The typical Neoliberal strategy. Force a country into massive debt. Then use that debt to leverage buying most of the countries assets, including public owned assets such as utilities, for bargain basement prices. Right now BlackRock & Vanguard are busily seizing control of Ukraine, worse than Putin.
And they clearly want it depopulated....
Depopulated of Ukrainians. Repopulated by obedient migrants from Africa & Asia that will work for bargain wages and live in BlackRock owned grimy apartments in broken down slum cities. The Serf class. A feudal socioeconomic system. Worse than slavery. And with no nationalistic dreams, they won't revolt.
That certainly is one demographic they may be considering.
Alternatively, it perhaps is planned as the all new, all improved, Israel 2.0. That is based on Zelensky saying Ukraine would be the "new Israel" awhile back.
That's not happening. And Zelensky is on his way out, if he isn't assassinated. Israel may well be sacrificed by the psychopaths, Iran is a much bigger prize than Israel. And so is Ukraine. Other than that, the only people they care about are the inner circle of demented psychopaths.
All evidence says nuclear weapons are a hoax.
Stop worrying about them. They don't exist.
What a ridiculous contention. You know any physics? Neutrons? Chain reaction? E=MC2?
What do you think a nuclear reactor is? Controlled nuclear fission. Just maintains criticality by using a low enriched uranium and a moderator. Use weapons grade uranium or PU-239 and you get prompt criticality and then Mr. Einstein takes control, inevitable as the sun will shine.
I know a psyop when I see one.
Yes the CIA wants us to believe there are these Nuclear Bombs so we will be afraid of war with Russia and decide to make peace with Russia, negotiate over Ukraine, resume trade, don't blow up their pipelines and everybody wins in a live and let live world of cooperation, peace, freedom and mutual respect.
Yep, that's what the CIA really wants. Yep. That's why they want us to be scared of Nuclear war. No, they don't want us to continue wasting $trillions on stupid dangerous wars all over the World and try to control the entire World for the benefit of the Bankster empire. No the CIA doesn't want us to do that. In your World.
Your World reminds me of the Superman comics and Bizarro World where everything is opposite.
CIA is part of the psyop. I guess you believe men landed on the moon, too? 😀
ALL Jews call Trump “Hitler!” Why?
ALL Jews blame you for doing to them what ‘they’ are doing to you right now.
This causes ‘cognitive dis-perception’ & allows the Jews to get away with the greatest delusional BS: “Holocaust!”
So ’Honey’-after Creepy Pedo Joe and his crackhead son and Crime Family Gangsters have taken bribes of $50M!
from ALL our Commie rivals, YOU are afraid that Trump (who had ALL his cabinet chased, tried, convicted on ‘Trumped Up’ (sorry!) charges, and the 2KIKES, Mayorkas & AG Garkand are allowing 100,000 kids to die of Fentanyl EVERY YEAR!, you are afraid that there might be BLOWBACK-??
Yikes! And- with the Secret Service ‘failure’ of the most basic protection protocols, WE can now see why Hitler had his ‘Brownshirts’ to protect him. !!
Wait! I thought the Hews called Trump a Russian Spy? Well. Hitler was NOT a Russian Spy. So-Honey, which is it?
Actually from what I can tell most Jewish people overall have a positive impression of Trump. A lot of his businesses funding came from Jewish owned organizations/funds and AIPAC certainly holds him in high regard. Frankly I am more worried about Vance and Trump supporting Israeli than worried about some Jewish people somewhere calling him Hitler.
And yet most Jewish people vote Democrat. For which I will never understand as long as I live. Democrats want Jews to die, yet Jews continue to vote for them
Yes, most Jewish people in blue states do, absolutely.
And many are old time Democrats, people who think Obama was great, and that what John F Kennedy stood for is still their parties platform.
They are living in MSM controlled communities, they are a controlled voter base. It is really not related to their race or religion in my view, I believe they along with many others have just bought a bill of goods.
Supreme Court conferred no power. They do t so that. They simply stated what has always been the case. Nothing has changed. Trump is transactional. He does not have the time in four years to waste with chasing down the thousands oxlc demons who have been trying to destroy us for years. He has likely already forgotten about them.
I agree, historically Presidents have had free reign to access/keep their own records. Clinton keep top secret documents in his sock draw, and that was totally OK.
As for the designation of top secret, once a President says docs are declassified, that's it, they are.
And no president has been charged with crimes committed during their Presidency, for example Obama murdered two US citizens, one a 16 year old boy apparently on a whim. Did anything happen, no.
How to do a quick diagnosis on your politician.
Q1: What is your position on the genocide in Palestine?
Q2: What is your position on vaccines for viruses that don't exist?
Main Question: What's your position on the Ukraine Russian proxy war?
"Tie a Yellow Ribbon 'Round the Old Oak Tree..."
Best piss-take on Navarro yet. :-D interesting take on Vance
Shades of Kolomoisky creating Zelenskyy as President, from a movie script.
Indeed it is a pantomime
Wasn't he in charge of the ventilators that killed so many people during COVID
I try to keep up on the basic basics— me, too.
I’m antigovernment therefore anti politics. While defending an innate need to question everything, I find I only deepened the cavernous divide between fellow beings. Thanks for what you bring to the table. I enjoy your work.
After last week how can we take any of this seriously? It's all gonna play out... the hoopla, the speeches, the "glory"... the anointing.
We need a new path forward.
I'll take a strategic retreat and let the circus go on up the road without me.
Deep state…crank-up the internal divisions and immigration while the economy collapses during the ascendency of BRICS?
What ti make of this?
Trump literally puts a blood pack on his ear the puts it on the podium. Watch the magicians trick….
You are deluded!!!
Sounds like more CIA propaganda. Nobody with any knowledge, believes that crap.
Link doesn't work, and doesn't "exist"... repost please, I would like to see what I saw live in real time...
Taken down? Watch his hand just before it drops beneath the podium…he tosses a concealed white “object” on to the podium.
It must have been. I tried the above link again, and it is not there.
Link doesn’t work.
The real story of the assassination attempt is there is zero doubt this was another Deep State/Bankster Overlord operation like the JFK assassination:
Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People - Peak Prosperity, Chris Martenson:
It gets even worse. Now they are admitting they had 3 snipers in the two story building next door, which had a half dozen windows overlooking the roof where the kid was, with his rifle, and even took pictures of him from the window and reported it on their radios. Couldn't be bothered shooting him from out of the window. They could easily have shot him in the arm or leg and taken him for questioning. And nobody pulled Trump off the stage. This stinks to high heaven.