We suspected it, this proves it - anyone who refuses to see the Agenda after this knowledge is not anyone I want near me.

Evil, evil bastards.

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Hi Celia, thanks for posting. I was fired a few years ago at the NHS in the greater Merseyside area for providing websites raising safety concerns to a young new starter nurse with movie star looks. Worse, I was treated far worse than a criminal who had stolen computer equipment.

I was highly traumatized by this firing for which I never had a chance to defend myself because I was a contractor. Plus I had someone who sat behind me and stalked me in the office and reported my negative comments about the harmful covid injection I received to management.

The NHS hired the solicitor to keep fighting my employment Tribunal. It was a horrific experience since in the UK there is no legal aid for employment law unless you make less than say £700 /month for the entire household!

Contractors are treated like garbage if they say one wrong word.

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I am so very sorry, and I truly understand the deep, deep trauma of this kind of thing, having gone through it myself, more than once. I wonder if you would be interested in writing about what happened. I would be interested in publishing it, and would compensate you. If you are interested, let me know, and I will provide you with an email address here in the comments.

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Am so sorry 😞 . That was so much more than the loss of a job.

When one deserves gratitude yet is reviled it more than doubles the pain—it’s actually how I define evil.

When I lost my job (for similar reasons) it took years for me to process it. When I even talked about the experience it felt like it busted up my mental processor sorta like going backwards through a car wash would clean up my Toyota.

‘People of the Lie’ by Peck helped.

Doing my job elsewhere also helped. Jesus answered evil ppl with scathing rejoinders...but He did help those in need and kept about His work as people who acted ‘nice’ to Him planned His demise.

That same evil force which crucified Love Himself today is afoot. The evil which feels new to the West is actually ancient as Mordor.

Jesus did warn us not to be surprised. Yer...I am...it ever feels alien as a flying saucer and soooo not human.

Every time you use your heart and your talents you answer ‘them’ and also trump their lies powerfully. It feels good. It heals.

What you endured was a seminal assault yet you are not alone. Naomi has brushed with evil sure as Eve chatted with the One Who Slithers. Naomi didn’t buy the lies and fights Bach—with truth, kindness. She inspires. And lotsa others here on substack have felt the slither, the venom: the effects of the lies as Peck would say.

Respect to you.

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Sadly, this is not the only method by which these people stop procreation, and permanently remove women's fertility.....

As a neophyte physician more than 15 years ago, upon leaving medical school I formed a project with a medical focus with a colleague and friend, and we traveled to Nepal to start our effort. A few weeks after establishing our clinic just South of Kathmandu on the property of a monastery, we were more than happy to see that people were booked out several weeks in advance to receive care. The clinic was now thriving, and would remain so. There was so much need that it wouldn't be long before I would take to sneaking outside the monastery grounds at night with my interpreter (who lived on the grounds) and we would enter into he homes of those who needed more treatments than our clinic bookings would allow for.

Treating people in their homes, and being among the community you are treating in has great advantages. the barefoot doctor approach allows you to see why so many come in with complaints of itchiness, for example. Walking around the community far and wide every Sunday, I could see where they were doing their laundry. In a sunken area of ground with public access to water that was nearly the color of automobile antifreeze - that'll lead to itchiness I imagined. Sorted that common clinic complaint!

Being a mirror image of treating in the West, I would see roughly 80% women as clients. Slowly, over time, and learning the language week after week, and how locals expressed themselves, my medical intakes grew more contemplative in nature. In Nepal, many women wear a portuka, a very long piece of cloth around their waists, sometimes as long as 25 feet. I was big on palpation of the abdomen as a means of diagnosis, and so when asked to access their abdomens, women would often say they did not want to remove this much fabric, and bemoaned the process of having to put it back on. It would often require the help of another to wrap it tight enough.

I would often hear women reporting having a 'small stomach surgery', and would ask them to point to where the surgery was. They did not point anywhere near the stomach, and though I couldn't rely on them knowing anatomy, I began to inquire more. "Who offered this surgery, and what complaints did you have at the time to warrant them offering this surgery?" Things of this nature. My trusty interpreter would report back that the U.N. was offering these surgeries and that they didn't fully understand why they were getting them. It then came out that they were being paid to get the surgery; something on par with $1.50 (U.S.). When I finally got them in the habit of removing the portuka, I could finally see the surgery scar that so many women had. It was just above the public bone. As I would treat this scar, sequela related to the surgery that would often present in the heads of these women, began to clear up.

The surgery the U.N. was sponsoring these women, and paying them to get, was a full hysterectomy. I would eventually come across hundreds of these women. And who knows how many more were out there. The scar tissue would invariably cause many women further issues, and of course they would never bare children. Some had no idea what had even occurred. Nepal, being one of the 'poorest' countries on Earth, left these populations a big target for eugenics practices like this. I witnessed others as well. I witnessed the farming practices that were forced on them via Monsanto and Gates et al.

These people have various vectors by which they can achieve their goals. Most Westerners have yet to even awaken to the fact of well...most things being done right under their noses. Shit, they think the U.N. is some organization of good in the world! They still have no clue that Luciferian occultists founded the U.N., founded Planned Parenthood. Shit, they don't even know what an occultist is.

But they definitely know what is on Netflix! When people wonder where are the feminists to care - let me tell you, they do not give a single fuck. They always and invariably cannot handle hearing the truth. They instead choose the echo chamber of a preferred feeling (and want to talk about 'raising their vibration' and ascension - spiritual narcissism) and dub the sharing of a story like my direct experience from Nepal as 'negative' or 'cynical'. It is simply the world we live in, and how the vast majority of people are programmed, and their inability to see that it is Western organizations and institutions that are doing these things. Not organizations the Nepalese concocted.

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Thank you for sharing this story! This is what needs to flood the internet - a tsunami of this truth. I lived in Northern California for several years and it disgusted me to see the UN flags flying high in residential areas... so much ignorance couched in pretentious pride and delusional self righteousness in the ever tolerant Marxists demanding silence of others with differing views.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

The California Teachers Association released a calendar that doesn’t identify July 4th, but includes Buddhist Nirvana day and Ramadan.

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Geezus .. how horrendous. So many "do-gooders" causing so much grief. Thank you for sharing this story.

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This feels like when two ( I believe ) African Doctors mysteriously passed away after exposing HCG hidden in the tetanus vaccines that were being given to young girls which resulted in Bill Gates behind kicked out of the country. Am is off here??? I know read about this years ago. Has anyone tested the new shots for something like this specifically? I know they're being tested for everything else. 😩

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The HCG essentially vaccinated the young girls against being able to carry a pregnancy to term. Obviously without consent. They were supposed to be routine Tetanus vaccines. The hot lots were tested Independently and that's when it was discovered. It was heartbreaking.

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Celia: I think "Holocaust" is an incorrect word and usually refers to the exaggerated lie of WWII incineration of 6 million bodies. What is being done today by Big Pharma is being done by the same cabal that started the holocaust lie on a larger/grander scale. Big Pharma has started a war on unsuspecting innocent civilians all over the world, affecting women and children more.

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I'm a semi-professional nitpicker of words, and I think you are doing it wrong. It has to be done with grace or it gets very stupid.

Let me nitpick your nitpicking. The word "holocaust" was used correctly because it was used in a broad sense of "mass violence caused by ideological possession, using a contrived plan." The mass poisoning campaign, which the Marxist Femninist fomented and pushed very hard for, vexing everyone who did not want to get poisoned, qualifies as a holocaust thus defined.

If you use a very narrow definition that restricts the method of violence, the number of victims, the type of victims, and implicitly denies (haphazardly) the ideological component of the attack, the you are on a path that will lead you directly to argue in favor of mass poisoning campaigns to eliminate all the people who dare disagree with you. It's not a good line of reasoning.

If you really need to nitpick something in posts that denounce harm, you could focus on the fact that people are afraid to denounce the madness of Marxism. They always say it's capitalism or fascism. They don't dare to speak about the real root of the problem, probably because a part of them is still contaminated by that totalitarian occultist sect.

I think there would have been no First world war or Second world war without Marxism.

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Well Agent Roger, you know…I totally agree with you. I am about to write about this in a new way. I think you especially will "get" it.

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Perhaps the word 'democide' would be useful in the context under discussion here. That word is not used often, and is therefore largely unburdened with historical connotations and controversy. Targeting reproduction is obviously one powerful means of democide.

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And done with grace!

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Very good.👍🏻👍🏻

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The jew!

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Jul 14·edited Jul 15

We need to differentiate what "Jews" we mean. Most of the "Jews" of today are not the original, true Jews. That's why Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 speaks of them the way it does. They are "Ashkenazim 'Jews'" (Eastern European) who infiltrated and were "converted" to Judaism a long time ago, and who sought to, and succeeded in, eradicating most of the true Jews, finishing most of them off in the Holocaust. They only have about 27% percent Jewish blood, through intermarriage and procreating with true Jews over the generations since that time.

But they falsely believe they are "superior" to all of us non-Jews, and that they have to eradicate us too; and, thus, they are well on the way to doing so. They have been filling most of us with synthetic poisons for generations, starting particularly in the 1950s with convenience, highly-processed "foods" filled with additives, pesticides and other artificial ingredients, as well as with the poison-filled "vaccines", so that generations later most non-Jews', as well as most Ashkenazim, bodies would be permanently genetically damaged, and so we would have "immune systems" increasingly susceptible to further poisoning and disease such that we would help pour billions of dollars into Satanic "medicine" (Satan's counterfeit of True Medicine, the herbs, and natural treatments and remedies, that God gave us in abundance upon creating the Earth). It is obvious that we were only meant to consume natural products, but all along the ways of this benighted planet, we have been deceived.

I have a tendency to want to "excuse" most of the Ashkenazim because the majority of their people were just as much "bamboozled" as most non-Jews were, but there are no excuses for their rejection of the Messiah, their (along with the true Jews before them) mass-murdering Christians for two thousand years, including the majority Jewish Christians at the beginning of that period (Jesus, all of the apostles, and most of the Christian disciples were Jewish), and no excuses for what their Ashkenazim "leaders" are perpetrating now with the pharma neo-holocaust, nor for the average "Ashkenazim" allowing and thus furthering it.

A good example of these inexcusable average Ashkenazim is the way they run so many, particularly medical, institutions, as well as homeless shelters, etc., running them such that they are increasingly becoming like prisons. I live under the auspices of Ashkenazim who own and operate my HUD Section 8 elderly-disabled, subsidized apartment complex., and they have nothing but contempt for the non-Jews who reside therein, and for the liberty, freedom and rights delineated in the U.S. Bill of Rights, especially the Fourth, privacy, Amendment. They actually have a completely-unconstitutional "rule" in the lease and/or house rules that the tenants supposedly have to inform them, on a special form just for that purpose, who we have stay with us, with all of their basic personal information, thus illegally leaving us no constitutional anonymity and privacy in this and other ways, as well as leaving our overnight guests with no constitutional anonymity and privacy either. This is how blatantly "anti-rightness", and anti-liberty-freedom-and-privacy, these Ashkenazim "Jews" are, because most of them serve evil, as do most non-Jews as well. They are neo-fascists in disguise.

These "Jews", in addition to the vast majority of non-Jews, are of the synagogue and/or church of Satan. This is because they reject their Maker, God the Father through Jesus the Messiah, and fit in to the "matrix control grid" and the mostly Satanic world, making them enemies of God (James 4:4). All such enemies of God, particularly those at the top of the pyramid, the Ashkenazim "leaders", are a threat to the entire planet, and to every single one of us. Their lord and master, Satan, as well as his Ashkenazim servants, including the non-Ashkenazim "'Christian' Zio-fascists", are seeking to murder most of us before we've had a real chance to repent and get right with our Creator, thereby guaranteeing that most of those victims lose their souls for all eternity. That's how much Satan and all of his evil minions, particularly his Ashkenazim servants, hate humanity and want most of us dead.

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No excuses, dude, you are a lying jew, ain't you?🤡🤔🤣😎 Cool story though!

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Don't be ridiculous. As far as I know I'm NOT Jewish (or Ashkenazim), though I have reason to believe that I may be partly the latter, but I am completely against the counterfeit, Godless "Judaism" that they represent. And, if I found out for sure that I'm part Ashkenazim, I would continue to be completely against what they stand for. Plus, I am certainly NOT a liar, for I completely disbelieve in lying, and don't take part in lies, but stand up against them. I am a 68 year old man who has studied God's Word(s) in-depth for forty-five years, and only stand with and for True Christianity, and NONE of the counterfeit "Christianity" and "Judaism", aka Satanism, that controls most of the world today, particularly the Ashkenazim anti-liberty-freedom-and-rights phonies who, just below Satan, run most of the world.

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So please don't make excuses for theTalmudic synagogue of satan, right!!! They want all the unchosen one dead! Can't you see it right before your eyes every day!

I think they have already killed more than 30,000,000 and seriously injured more than a Billion on Our world. Wakey² my brother! It's the jews, by no other name!!!

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

I was saying that I'm TEMPTED to excuse most of the Talmudic, Satanic, Godless Ashkenazim, but I don't fall for that temptation, though I attempt to be loving even towards them, rather than hateful towards them; because, as I already said in my original comment, most of them are just as deceived by those above them, as most Gentiles (non-Jews) are. We are supposed to love our enemies, while hating ONLY their sins, or evil, not be hateful towards them whatsoever, and supposed to fulfill our God-given duty to at least try and wake them up along with the non-Jewish, and try to help them to get truly, fully and completely right with God the Father through Jesus the Messiah before it's too late, and those it is not too late for, yet. Thus, I DO "see (the truth of what's really going on in the world) right before (my) eyes every day", and see right through the Godless and those who are "fitter-inners" to worldliness, Satan's "reality", and to the mass-insanity most are part of.

Otherwise, you have apparently missed the point of much if not most of what I was saying; and, due to your own Godlessness, you twist words around, misinterpret what people are saying (such as myself), jump to conclusions and assumptions that are wrong, and thus cannot at all be reasoned with due to your shortsightedness.

"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":

"...Get... behind (Jesus the Christ), Satan[ist(s)]..."! "...You are of your (lord and master) the devil, and the lies of your (lord and master, Satan) you... do (perpetrate and perpetuate)..."! "...Repent, for the kingdom of (God and of) heaven is (very near) at hand..."! [Matthew 16:23, John 8:44 and Matthew 4:17; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

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Mass death by attrition. The optics are so much better than the periodic engineered starvations & slaughterhouse wars of the past century or two. MUCH better optics. You don't pay the bio weapon scientists & their manufacturing partners the big bucks for something that won't work and won't be optically acceptable.

Granted, they were able to ignore the existence of the death camps with the stink and weird smelling smokestacks for a impressively long time. Even had NYT cover for their existence if I heard the history rumors correctly. They way I always heard it was that the Allied soldiers showed up at those camps all shocked and surprised. As if they did not know. Hard to believe they were THAT blind to what was going on. But when you have banal ambiguous optics like infertility you don't even need to put that much effort into cover ups. Starvations, while massively effective, get a bit hard to ignore when the populace starts eating each other. But they haven't given up the starvation angle yet. The goal is to completely control the food supply and force us to eat whatever they decide we should eat. When that is the case they can make the living infertile or thin out the living if the death by reproductive attrition is working too slowly

Makes sense now that they insisted on mandates for college age kids. Don't want those educated women wasting their degrees on being mothers when they can graduate and be Starbucks Baristas or take some other exciting life path

The culture has gotten very sick. But if the optics stay tolerable enough lots of people will just sleep walk thru it. You can sterilize the population and get away with a lot. On the other hand if you just mass thin the herd & the bodies start piling on the sidewalks someone may take notice. So stealth death is part of the bio war campaign. Make us sick and infertile in mysterious ways. In the bio weapons maker's perfect dream the target victims just start to think God has it in for them and become agnostic and angry. Or if you can gin up some mass psychosis the herd may just spontaneously start killing each other thereby completely exonerating the murder orchestrators because it will look as if they had nothing to do with it. It's all about killing you without you noticing and without unambiguous traceability back to the perpetrators.

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Nice! ..Could have done with the "Human skin Lampshades and the Jewish fat soap" though for the truly credulous.

How is the hasbara xmas party shaping up?

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mRNA jabs are Permanently destroying fertility. Covid injection is a pre-emptive disaster and must now be regarded as Pre-meditated Murder by Big Pharma's poisonous Covid injections. Possibly the end of humankind! Bird Flu vax will be even more devastating.

And still Pfizer, et al, enjoy total protection from LIABILITY! How can this continue? And why do some gullible people still agree to take the DEATH SHOT? The best they could hope for is Reduced Life Expectancy - the more shots you accept the shorter your Life Expectancy!

Mick (Unjabbed to live longer). I've been warning y'all since 2021! Did you listen?

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Glad someone’s awake…it’s when you are most likely to see how many others are still sleeping.

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That is pretty *ing horrifying - we knew early on that these injections were causing problems, not just for the person injected but also for anyone near them because of the shedding issue. We keep letting these crazy people continue to screw around and we will end up annihilating the whole of at least civilized humanity (if you can actually call it that) I'm sure that the "mass" vaccination thing is still in the works where one won't have a say in whether they are willing participants or not - I shake my head when politicians talk about abortion as though it's a big deal - the bigger deal is that women aren't getting pregnant. And those that do get pregnant and have kids are encouraged to start the damage early on.

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Enlisting the medical establishment into the death plans. Not sure if it is clever or the oldest trick in the book. After all recruiting and building an army of hang men would be so obvious. But who's gonna suspect their doctors? Particularly since the doctors themselves may not be aware they've been recruited.

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I guess doctors (in general) aren't so intelligent after all. Besides which they are considered part of the herd.

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The ones I know are some of the thickest dipshits on the planet.

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Perhaps it comes from arrogance. You may be smart but it is important to be smart enough not to believe your own mythology

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Introspection is anathema to both the stary-eyed and the chronic careerist.

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And once recruited, the lies are permanently etched on the logic. of 99% of the god damn "professionals"

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I can't even wrap my head around this. It's beyond evil and so absolutely sickening. I don't think going into the weeds with an argument about your use of the word "holocaust", as pointed out in a previous confusing comment, is helpful. As a woman, when I watched this video, I cried, too. A war is something that the opposing side can prepare for in anticipation of an attack, and, at least, try to defend themselves. This is something else entirely.

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Yeah, the Japanese distribution study showed that the lipids build up in key organs like the liver, spleen, and ovaries.

I find it weird that many focus on things like mRNA, spike protein, etc ignoring the history of the lipids!


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I suggest checking out the carnicominstitute.org I suspect this audience may have heard of him. Clifford Carnicom has taken this to a much deeper level. He has studied the spraying in our skies for more than 25 yrs. An excellent interview with Elze van Hamelen on solari.com will give you another level of clarity. It is chilling.

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I'm confused... What does spraying in the skies have to do with adverse effects of the vaccines causing sterility?

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It adds another layer to our confusion. Anyone who got the jabs is now and/or will be afflicted with many different problems; it seems chiefly blood clotting and womens' reproduction --and mens' reproductive capacities aren't getting by either--because that's what is most reported. Everyone of us earthlings now have in our bodies synthetic biology; we all breathe the same air --Carnicom explains. Given that the shots have, who knows what else, the damages are endless. It's a long interview and it takes listening to the whole thing to see how these maniacs are working at getting rid of humans.

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We've been following the work of Ana Marie Mihalcea, MD and Ph.D, a practicing physician from Lacey, WA, for several years now. She's also collaborated with Clifford Carnicom, and done exceptional work documenting what the contents of the jabs are doing in people's blood (jabbed and unjabbed). There appear to be two primary modes of transmission to the unjabbed: shedding by the jabbed, and the aerial spraying (chemtrails) we're being sprayed with...

In this piece which came out recently, she ties the contents of the jabs and the contents of the chemtrails together and it's a terrifying picture she's illuminated:


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We've been following the work of Ana Marie Mihalcea, MD and Ph.D, a practicing physician from Lacey, WA, for several years now. She's also collaborated with Clifford Carnicom, and done exceptional work documenting what the contents of the jabs are doing in people's blood (jabbed and unjabbed). There appear to be two primary modes of transmission to the unjabbed: shedding by the jabbed, and the aerial spraying (chemtrails) we're being sprayed with...

In this piece which came out recently, she ties the contents of the jabs and the contents of the chemtrails together and it's a terrifying picture she's illuminated:


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Thank you. I will follow this link. Dr. Anna M. has been an important voice in these discussions.

I have been listening now to Dr. Anna on SGT Report. Wow. Now one can see how the polymers --microplastics-- are part of the rubbery blood clots.

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She also discusses how these nanoparticles gaining access to our brains will enable mind control. What these monsters and sociopaths have in mind for us is beyond terrifying, and is already affecting a sizeable amount of our population.

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Feminism was a force designed by The Men to make women think they were making progress. Gloria Steinem was a CIA employee. who, after half a century at the helm of this "movement", has done squat to further women's quality of life. I recall MS Magazine came out after the passage of the (un)Affordable Care Act and celebrated how much progress it was for women. Barf in a bag.

I absolutely hate the word - and being called - "Ms".

Uggh. Sounds like something you want to swat at - or a mosquito's mating call.

Thank you, Naomi, for your dedicated, hard work.

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Yes. And who were these "men"? Rockefellers et.al. Feminism, what a crock, always thought so. Oh, and the pronoun Ms.

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In the light of this jab-induced holocaust on women, not to mention men and neither of the above, we are going to have reconsider this 2010 Bill Gates statement again: What did he mean and was it taken out of context?

"The world population is heading up to about 9 billion people. Now, if we do a really great job on vaccines, we can lower that by 15%."

That's certainly a provocative statement, but suspicious? No. There's nothing suspicious about it at all, as this helpful Reuters fact check explains:

"“First, we've got population,” he said during the talk organized by TED, a non-profit organization devoted to spreading ideas. “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.”

However, Gates was not suggesting the global population should be killed off using vaccines. He is instead saying that improving public health using vaccinations can reduce unsustainable population growth in the future – and with it, lower carbon emissions."

Even if you only want to reduce population growth by a modest 10 or 15 percent, I'd say the Covid jabs qualify a big success. Great job, Bill. Really great job!

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I listened, in horror, to Bill Gates' Ted-Talk; I knew exactly what he meant with his crafty wording "health-care and reproductive "health services". No, we're not gonna kill directly -that would be too obvious. These cultists think they can get away with murder this way -plausible deniability. Like Fauci saying: "I did not force anyone to take the vaccine.

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That kind of Bill Gates bullshit is an easy sell to a certain crowd, and Tim Groves was sitting in the audience applauding the great creeper.

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I'm curious, who is Tim Groves. As I watched that presentation I wondered what kind of crowd was there. S--t for brains

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Tim Groves is the man of his words.

If the reader can see through them.

Substack is crawling with controlled opposition, uncontrolled opposition, hasara hacks and Wack jobs.

be lucky.

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Funny thing: I got a "like" for my comment from Tim Groves. And I agree with your statement what's crawling around

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Psychopaths enjoy their path.

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Get on the train you upwardly ámoral child.

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No words can capture how PURE EVIL these MONSTERS are!

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The best appellation I have is the definition, That Nancy Palosi has one and is one.

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Maxine Waters has one too, and is obviously very fond of it. Look how lovingly she pets it.


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I am baffled yet not surprised.

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🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑...🦧 huh?

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