My best friend, and the closest person I had to a father since my biological father died many years ago, was killed this way.

First he was coerced and hustled into the Covid shots and boosters. Shortly thereafter he suddenly started having seizures, which doctors linked to a previously non-existent but rapidly growing benign tumor in his head. They said there was a medicine to slow down the growth, but only surgery would stop it and he was too old for surgery. He would periodically have seizures which lasted a few minutes but then would be fine. Sometimes a month or more would go by with no seizures, but sometimes he would have two in a week. His family involuntary hospitalized him; he wanted to go home. They wanted to keep him in then hospital so he would be "safe" and to get hurt. The hospital ended up strapping him to the bed for hours at a time because he wanted to go home. ("un-cooperative" was the label assigned to him)

He eventually got home and was in great spirits. I went to breakfast with him and my daughter and some of his family. We had such a good time together; he bounded out the door to his car and we were all so happy.

I never saw him again until he was laid out in the funeral home. A few days after we had breakfast, he had another seizure and the hospital convinced his family that he would be better off "out of pain" so they began to administer some drug that would "break down his body" but he would be out of pain, but would be dead, within a week. I had left town to see family back in NJ when his daughter told me this. I begged her to let him come home to live out his life, with or without seizures but she followed the doctors advice. They began giving him this "medicine" which was supposed to slowly kill him over a week, but he was dead by then following morning.

'This was a man who took one pill for angina and had no other medical problems whatsoever pre-vaccination, and after the shots, had a tumor which led to seizures which led to hospital-sponsored murder. here, in the USA (Detroit), 2022. Not China, Israel, Iran, the Congo...here in the land of the free . They shackled up this poor man and shut lethal drugs into him for their convenience.

Fuck the medical system and fuck the media that keeps silent about the slaughter of our children and families.

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OMG!! I'm so sorry!! How horrific!

The hospital killed my elderly father last August. And they attempted to kill him March 2021--if we hadn't intervened, they would have gotten away with it. I've posted about it a lot on substack and am too tired to write about it again. Bottom line: do everything you can to keep your loved ones out of the hospital (I was just chatting on substack this morning with a guy whose mother was killed at the hospital--I think it happens much more than we are aware of). A retired physician friend told me stay out of hospitals, they are killing machines and just see patients as human ATMs.

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"human ATMs" :(

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The nursing home my mother was in was killing her with morphine. I was told she was near death, but figured out it was just the massive doses of morphine they were giving her. I made them stop that, and she woke up and we had another few months with her.

But they were absolutely trying to kill her slowly with increasing doses of morphine. I think this is probably very common.

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I believe my mom was killed in a nursing home that way after Murderna gave her a stroke. They starved her for three months, then finished her off with morphine. Of course, I can’t prove it because the home was on lockdown most of the time and we couldn’t get her out of there due to the nursing shortage at the time (she needed home care). I was allowed in for one hour, every seven days, for most of that period of time. Nightmarish.

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How terrible. These stories are tragic and infuriating. May we all avoid care facilities!!!

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I honestly feel like the entire experience gave me PTSD. I’m afraid of doctors, hospitals, medications, funerals … I‘ll never be the same.

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I am not surprised ! What little trust I had in allopathic medicine and everyone connected with it was destroyed by their actions.

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I don't doubt that there are workers from that setting who can testify to what you are saying. There needs to be a reckoning. #NoAmnestyForCovidTyranny

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I’m glad you were aware of what they were doing and could intervene.

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when our friend, and former council member was admitted to Marin General hospital, after being jabbed and sufferiing a stroke, a nurse - not his regular nurse, came into the room and tried to administer chemotherapy- it was in a black box with a poison sign. he said no- then the woman told his wife she would have to do it- thankfully he had his wits about him- i asked him to report it- they didn't- It is a surreal situation- i tried to get the name of the nurse- they were badly frightened and angry- they wouldn't give me the name- it still makes me angry remembering that story. I asked him why they would try to give him chemo after. stroke- he and his wife had no idea. It's insane!

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Thanks for naming the hospital. I spent time there last year. And may return this year, I will resist!

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holy moly, wish you got a picture of the nurse (mugshot)😿

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Horrific. Saw this w other families, too. Very sad for your loss of this wonderful man- you were part of his liberation- I’m sure he knew. I believe souls stay close. Ever see movie, “Always”? I’m praying for you tonight, Joe. 🙏

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I haven't seen the movie, but will try to find it. Thanks for the prayers....I need them..he was my best friend. He survived the Jim Crow South, was an Army vet, survived years on the streets of Detroit, but couldn't survive the "care" he received "for his comfort", "for his own good." This system we have is so diabolical, I don't have words for it....

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I am so sorry for your loss. I will pray that your friend in spirit has found his path to the next adventure, one of purpose and the joy of being in better contact with the All That Is. I pray that your grief becomes a burden you can carry with some peace.

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My mom got the booster shot in September 2021 and within a few weeks, was sick. In March of 2022, she was hospitalized and put on a ventilator, which she would never come off of. She bounced between hospitals, nursing homes and hospice for 6 months until she finally passed away in hospice care in October 2022 and she was basically “put to sleep” with Morphine.

Knowing that your loved one(s) have been murdered in cold blood as a result of this diabolical plan to destroy life here on Earth as we know it...well, there truly are no words. The level of anger I feel is indescribable.

I’m so very sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and his family. 🙏🏻❤️

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I can’t imagine the horror of this. I’m sorry for your loss.

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I have lost ALL trust in the Medical Profession when it comes to treating disease. Doctors know NOTHING about health. As a 13 year cancer survivor I KNOW!!! Doctors only know what they been trained to do which is to recognize the symptom/disease, treat it with surgery and/or drugs/vaccines and that's it!

You walk into any doctors office for any type of disease whether it be hypertension, type II diabetes, Parkinson's, etc, you WILL become a lifetime money maker for that doctor. He/she will put you on drugs for the rest of your life NEVER getting to the root cause of your disease and ALL drugs have side effects which compounds your problem and leads to more drugs.

ANY disease can be beaten......by faith in God, eating right, exercise, and removing as many toxins from our lives as possible. And yes it is that easy. A 3 day water fast can heal most diseases and a 10 day water fast will heal any disease. With around 70% of our immune system in our gut, the digestive system will shut down after 2 to 3 days with no food and the immune system will begin to attack any disease in the body and heal it. This is the way God designed the body to heal itself. But man in his infinite wisdom says a man-made pill that is foreign to the body is the way to heal.....WRONG! This IS where doctors make their living and will continue to make their living..........pushing drugs/vaccines/procedures/tests to treat and mask a disease and never getting to the root cause of the problem

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I studied Irish Gaelic for a while, and was surprised that the names of Wednesday and Friday are "first fast" and "fast day":


Seems like the Irish monks who came up with the names did two fasts each week, maybe because they noted that it made people live longer.

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I just finished studying Irish brewing techniques at the Gaelic League here in Detroit tonight, and I must say say they have mastered the art of making stout. They weren't fasting much, although they did refrain from offering meat, and stuck with the fish fry.

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Completely agree. The medical profession, by and large, is the last chunk of the population to figure out what's going on. With obvious exceptions, some prominent and some not, by and large medical professionals are robots who use one or two "tools" to combat whatever they come across: drugs or surgery. Just about any traditional healer in any culture with no formal schooling is light years advanced in comparison to our credentialed professionals.

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Yeah. Your story just soooo opened my eyes. Besides banks, the hospital industry it is all about the money. Pharmacia etc. So tragic. Make up a disease and buy into a Vax. I am so disgusted. I just know I had an inkling in my early twenties regarding any vax that it was a lie. I give it to the Lord and am so thankful. Stay strong please.

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Hey Joe. Thinking of you. God bless.


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I've wondered if those people in the allopathic medical professions are given some special juice in the vaccines they take that disable their higher thinking functions and soup up their 'following orders' functions.

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We have all seen the beloved Martha Stewart get the Jab commercial. You think that bitch got the jab? HELL NO!

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Wow, Russ, thanks so much for your post. I totally agree with you on the medical mafia and your recommendations. I've also heard amazing things about fasting.

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YOU are absolutely right! Thank you for writing this. Blessings to you.

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A tsunami of pure evil. Your journey is heart wrenching. I too have experienced the same. They will all be accountable for this. That is a promise from our Father. My brother one of two that died once said to me. If I could trade all my pain and woes of this life in a big pile, I would take my pile back. I feel your pain so incredibly deeply. I could not agree with you more. (Fuck the medical system and fuck the media that keeps silent about the slaughter of our children and families.) I stopped trusting the medical system in my early 20's. God gave us a great immune system. Why would I compromise with a vax? It just seemed odd to me. Same with this pernicious roll out in 2019. So, to all of you on the take for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ you will get exactly what you deserve. Myself, Joe and all of us in this fight will have front row seats to witness your evil end.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. Just terrible what they did to your friend.

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I am sure our comrade gretchen was at the bottom of this.

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Yep. This did not happen yesterday. They have worked on all of The four hidden dynasties forever. Now we are circled like a ring of fire.

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Every night I say " well it cant get any worse " Next day ; its worse.

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I was screaming about this as it was happening. I remember a nurse named Erin Olzewski did an expose and she was attacked even though her video and audio were 100% real. They were drugging and killing people who came in off the street in NYC hospitals and being paid $30K or so for each death. I will never have any faith in the medical community again. They also put infected people in nursing homes instead of using the billion-dollar makeshift hospitals they had set up. Those they never used, and tore down.

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For anyone who missed the whistleblower nurses talking about patients being killed, if you go to the link below and scroll almost to the bottom, there are several whistleblower nurse videos: https://questioningcovid.com/

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That site links to youtube and that specific video has been vanished, although the site has many, many great videos.

You can still view that particular video here:


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Ditto! The link has been saved and shared with many people.

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If you go to

"The FDA’s “Intentional Malfeasance”: Vaccine Injuries include “Deadly Strokes, Bizarre Rashes, Cardiac Arrest, Blood Clots, Neurological Symptoms" at

https://www.globalresearch.ca/do-you-truly-want-end-mandates-then-everyone-must-call-out-fda-withholding-serious-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-event-outcome-information-medical-community-authorized-dispensers-vaccine-recipients/5760435 ,

and scroll down to 4), there are links to nine videos of hospital healthcare personnel whistleblowers reporting all sorts of issues they were facing regarding Covid-19 jab injuries. At least one whistleblower stated that 85 percent of patients who were put on ventilators died.

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Thank you. This is very valuable. I appreciate it.

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Murder is murder. Abortion is murder: they propose to make “abortion” legal even after birth. Its murder. And it takes the evil socialists’ murder of the language to sneakily find a way out of it. Why so sneaky? Because they are aware of their evil.

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This is an incomprehensibly barbaric time in human history.

Still, I am grateful to live through it. Had I been born a hundred years from now, I would have found accurate historical accounts (assuming there will be any) too incredible to comprehend.

I am also grateful for Celia Farber for having the clarity of mind and gift of prose to chronicle these dark days. Bless you Celia ❤️

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Dr. Jane Ruby literally just posted this an hour ago, her calm fierce denunciation of Sarasota Memorial and all U.S. hospitals. "Ms. Ruby," the hospital exec. tells her, "you are on dangerous ground right now." :


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Interesting. She didn't pull any punches and used her time effectively down to the last second.

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Yes, she remained calm and focused, almost quiet. But truly EFFECTIVE.

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Dear God! It’s just so messed up and unbelievable to the balanced mind.

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The BALANCED mind. That's it.

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This is what you would call hearsay evidence but -- a friend of mine told me about the son of someone she knows who tested positive for Covid but felt okay. He may have had mild symptoms or no symptoms, I don’t recall. The medical people insisted he be hospitalized. They must’ve really needed that Covid bonus. This poor young man got worse after drugs were administered. I don’t know what they were, but you can be sure it wasn’t IVM or HCQ. Soon he was non-responsive and in a coma. His mother had to remove him from life support. This happened in 2020. Just disgusting.

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Incentivized Murder at the hospital death camps. This killed more than covid did. And now we have the jabs to finish the job

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My neighbor told me about a book they bought over a year now from a nurse in NY describing what was going on in hospitals during Covid. I will try to find more information next time I talk to them 😉

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On amazon- Nurse Erin Olzewski

Undercover Epicenter Nurse: How Fraud, Negligence, and Greed Led to Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst Hospital

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

Yes, there were several whistleblower nurses on social media in 2020 saying they were killing people in the hospital and nobody cared. Some of them were crying (the nurses in the videos I mean.) I tried calling Cuomo’s office to report it but got no answer so I called my senator’s office. They were aware of the videos.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Be very careful with Thomas Renz. Mathew Crawford has written about him. I sucked it up and watched this video. There is nothing there.

I am definitely not saying that the hospitals are not killing people. I know they have. One of my favorite priests and another fit young man I knew died without good early treatment and care at the hospital. Remdesivir killed thousands.

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Can you tell me what you mean? I have no knowledge of Renz being problematic. Is there evidence of something not good?

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Farmer Jones (a lawyer; on Bitchute channel) had initially some reservations about Renz´ professional capabilities, but this may have subsided over time.

Mathew Crawford nurses a few bugbears, some of them possibly imaginary (Stew Peters, in conjunction with Died Suddenly). With Renz, he is sore due to the DMED data he has laboriously collected and analyzed, only to be shunned.

Then there is Karen Kingston, who has complained about lawyers in the covid-1984 field in general (presumably including Renz) for not taking up her well-researched and documented suggestions for further legal action.

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I just did a search on (Renz, "Mathew Crawford") and came upon a video of Crawford on CHD with lots of comments beneath it, suggesting that Crawford is controlled opposition. So, if you want to be taken seriously, it would behoove you to point us to something pertinent. That keeps you from having to make any statement, but allows us to judge whether there is anything to your cautioning of us "be(ing) very careful with Thomas Renz." -- Thanks.

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The only person one disparages with a backhand comment like this is oneself.

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I’m not touching that one. Too many lawsuits in the MFM. I’ve studied this for 3 years now. I know when it is time to pull out of (Fill in the blank), Inc.

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Please give me the heads up on that. Thank you in advance.

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I am certain they are perverted- but I think you meant 'previous'...


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I spent too much of last year in hospitals with a heart problem. Be sure to have a friend designated as your agent, so the hospital has to clear their treatments with that person. In some ways I am lucky to have no living parents or children, so my friend, who works in a healing capacity, can understand what the hospital may say and stand up to them when necessary. Nevertheless, I am reluctant to go back to the hospital. It's a sad day when you do not feel safe in a hospital. But we need to be realistic.

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I'm a little bit cautious with Thomas Renz. Crawford seemed to be disappointed with his behavior over the DMED data stuff and he seems to have been part of Clay Clark's Reawaken America tour which appears to be filled with dubious new age spiritualists and assorted liars in general including (AFAIR) Flynn.

The doctor/pharmacist seems genuine though.

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a family member was one of these . YES, Im thankful that they are joining voices and forcesagainst thos ongoing push towards genocide satannic evil. Stand for TRUTH while you can.

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Recent stats from The National Vaccine Injury Compensation program show a 70% increase in injuries from covid treatment with the largest percentage of cases being remdesivir and ventilators used in hospitals. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/70-increase-in-taxpayer-jab-injury

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Good to see their are some answering their conscience

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