Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

I’m with you. Not sure what to believe. El gato malo today said that train derailments and lots of the other ‘disasters’ we see are more common / baseline than we realize. But THIS one I think is worse than TPTB are letting on. I really hope it bites them BIG time. And hope the locals can find the health and help and sanity they need.

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Pete Buttegieg is on El Gato Malo’s page with the “1 of a a thousand” nonsense, as if all derailments are equal.

It’s like saying Damar Hamlin is just another injured football player.

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Buttpig hates God, family, and America just like his daddy.

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I'm not familiar with El Gato Malo, but I did come across the following statistics regarding train derailments:

"Derailments are a daily occurrence among freight railroads in the United States. A total of 1,042 freight train derailments, which excludes Amtrak derailments, occurred in 2021, according to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). This total yields an average of three derailments per day."

"The Bureau of Transportation Statistics records 54,539 train derailments between 1990 to 2021, an average of 1,704 per year. While that might sound like a lot, the fatality rate from such incidents is low, averaging just four deaths per year over the same period." - (Note: this averages 4.7 derailments per day)

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

Not all train derailments involve the intentional ignition of 14 tanker cars worth of vinyl chloride, plus other toxic chemicals, resulting in the creation of the largest release of dioxins ever, which are amongst the most toxic and persistent chemicals this insane culture has ever created.

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True; but, the excessive number of train derailments (in my view) point to a likely intentional railroad maintenance issue rather than an intentional sabotage issue.

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Of course our infrastructure is the one not being tended to because money is needed for Ukraine’s infrastructure. I believe most of these are intentional to choke off the food and water supply because we are coming close to the end of the Covid era, another depop tool, and the truth about the vaccine is coming out and that will also be an explanation for the coming vaccine deaths. The one thing that to me showed how upside down we are is that illegals get luxury hotel rooms and these people got nothing, not even the Red Cross or FEMA or a donation fund set up!

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Please note that I had to correct my reply just now to state the railroad company responsible for this derailment is billions in the black, NOT billions in the red

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Feb 18, 2023·edited Feb 18, 2023

But,with regard to this particular derailment, it appears that our (railroad) infrastructure was not the cause...the cause was intentionally neglected maintenance by the railroad corporation, which caused an axle to seize, plus a careless neglect by the railroad corporation to place the railroad cars according to weight, where heavier cars would be toward the front of the train. Thus, the heavier cars toward the rear caused the jackknifing. Furthermore, this railroad corporation is reportedly billions in the black. So, it's doubtful that this particular derailment has anything to do with choking off the nation's food and water supply.

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Both intents could apply in this specific case, the maintenance issue for the derailing AND THEN knowingly destroying a toxic factory AFTER the accident. We don't know. (For myself, I KNOW "government incompetence" is not the explanation).

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I don't understand what you mean by, "We don't know. (For msyelf, I KNOW "government incompetence" is not the explanation)? Would you please explain... "We don't know" what? And, who said that "government incompetence" is the explanation, rather than governmental intentional malfeasance? -- Thanks.

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I think it's pretty clear what I meant by "We don't know." We don't know (yet) what the underlying causes/reasons/possible motives were behind the accident. As for government incompetence, that was my opinion; others (not you) have already thrown that out as an explanation. I've heard and read that. For this event, and countless others....

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Then, if train derailments happen daily, all this drama is simply another gaslighting psyop to distract us from something even more malicious. What is not being talked about behind all the useless noise?

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From what I've read, this particular derailing is the perhaps the worst that has ever occurred; and, the ongoing environmental damage from it will continue for years. The cost to human health could be immense.

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What is not being talked about is the number of Americans dying from the Covid-19 injection products they have been jabbed with.

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Yes. During the past twenty years, there have been three to five train derailments per day, as reported in the following Newsweek article:

"How Common Are Train Derailments? More Than 6 Have Crashed This Month"


The above 2/16/23 Newsweek article states there have been more than a dozen derailments in the first two months of 2023, but that is actually a decline in derailments from previous years. For example, according to the above article, in 2021, there were 1087 derailments, for an average of 3 derailments a day. And, between 1990 and 2021 there were an average of 1705 a year, for an average of 4.7 derailments per day.

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Be cautious of where you find your information. They did change many definitions in the dictionary the last few years.

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What info that I presented are you referring to?

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It never bites them; only we the people suffer at the fools’ hands.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

BF, you’ll be happy to know that Gato Malo got slaughtered in the comments on this one. Probably 90-10 against. And not just disagreeing; absolutely roasting him. See here. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/train-crashes-and-base-rate-fallacies/comments

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It makes sense they don't say anything. Since 2020, all hysteria has been related to falsehoods. The non-hysteria fits with the idea of a truth that must be hidden.

Same with the non-hysteria over jabbed people dropping like flies.

It is likely to be true, sadly.

Protect yourselves, people. Don't give in to fear, hysteria or anything else.

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Over Here, if it's a distraction, it's a bloody cruel one.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

An autopsy would be helpful to confirm if the toxins have reached that far.

It would also be helpful to measure the surrounding levels of non-native Electromagnetic Radiation where the birds were found, as this is also killing birds (and many other species). This is an important missing metric and confounding variable to consider.

Here is an article by independent scientist and author, Arthur Firstenberg, regarding the sudden death of birds on the Dutch island of Texel—and its relationship to non-native Electromagnetic Radiation (which was blamed on Avian flu): https://cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Birds-on-Texel-Island.pdf

If the FB post includes the address, we could see how many antennas and cell towers are within a 3 mile radius of where the dead birds were found: antennasearch.com This is not a complete metric, as it doesn't include real-time ground readings, satellites, user devices, Wi-Fi routers, Smart Meters, etc., but it does help show density.

Non-Native Electromagnetic Radiation adds a biological strain on birds, in addition to possible toxins from Ohio.

Unfortunately, there have been many dead birds in this area already. Here is an article from 2022: https://www.kentucky.com/news/local/counties/fayette-county/article266974446.html

Sending love to all—with hopes this topic reaches greater awareness. 💚 We are all a part of nature, and our habitat is ailing.

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Agree. Melville gave us a wake up call long ago but in a culture blinded by serial abuse from these hubris filled totalitarians we either cannot or do not want to see. It’s a cover up alright - but one we agree to participate in. Whether we want to see it as Stockholm syndrome or apply another term - it is the same idea. The way out of any serially abusive relationship is OUT.

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But out where is the question.

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Agree - Have asked this question myself as we all should be. There is no easy answer but we can begin asking much better questions. I tried to do this earlier today and came up with some places to at least begin looking.

(1) https://open.substack.com/pub/kwnorton/p/the-microsoft-chatbot-monster-as?r=boqs0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

And got some unexpected help from a reader and fellow writer:

(2) https://open.substack.com/pub/kwnorton/p/the-wef-harari-schwab-and-transhumanism?r=boqs0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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That's why Darth Brandon was installed.

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God bless you for your tirelessness, Celia. You are a capillary of freedom. "It’s clear we have no government, no President, nobody in any official position who 'cares.'" At least since Elizabeth Drew published "Politics and Money" in 1983, no American has any excuse for not knowing this. We have the best government that money can buy. It has nothing to do with the common good. It is high tech, digitized feaudalism, the serial murderousness of which doubles every 18 months according to the provision of Moore's Law, which posits that computing power doubles during that time. Few of us are actually guilty of the crimes of our government. But we're all responsible for it. How many dead chickens coming home to roost will it take for us to recognize this and revolt? Or will Pfizer develop a vaccine to protect us from ourselves?

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The "worst government money can buy."

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Don't know if you saw this video of dead hens about 10 miles from Palestine. There are also reports of thousand of dead fish in streams miles from the derailment and pet sick and dying.

[video] - "Ohio Woman Finds All of Her Chickens and Rooster Dead 10 Miles from East Palestine Following Mushroom Cloud of Toxic Chemicals Released into Air"


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I saw it, 100,000 hens were killed. There’s more too, from around the country in the last 60 days

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Holy heck- 100,000! That lady looked at her hens as if they were her babies, felt so sad for her. I heard a cat died he was an indoor cat to, he looked young

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Perhaps dead birds in Lexington are from toxins sprayed in the atmosphere above Lexington. An autopsy will show nothing unless biopsies are analyzed for geoengineering nano-sized chemicals: aluminum, barium, strontium and polymer fibers described in the patents and discovered by individuals scientists in rain samples all over the world. Raise your chin and open your eyes (but hold your breath.)

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I wonder if you follow Firstenberg; I get his newsletters, and had to read his most recent one twice to make sure I understood well: " This is also true of EMF activists and the people protesting 5G: a huge number of them believe in “chemtrails,” or “geoengineering” as it is now wrongly called, and do not believe in global warming. This discredits us and makes it more difficult to gain traction with the media and with environmental organizations."


Double whammy? Chemtrails is out, global warming is in? I think I am going to unsubscribe.

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Thank for your reply and the link. I just read through it quickly - am going to have to go back and read more carefully. My jaw is on the floor. There must be something I do not understand. I have read his book Invisible Rainbow more than once and think he is a terrific writer. So I will need to think on this...Is he basically saying that people who acknowledge man-made weather and weaponized climate intervention and atmospheric ionization, etc -- is he calling all of us conspiracy theorists in a subtle way, without using the phrase? It seems that people can only take a small bite from a single thin slice of the Awake Pie. Is he seriously blaming people who are just as passionate about a different (but related) aspect of The Great Poisoning for our inability to make positive change? That is insane. Perhaps our inability to make any headway results from a failure to unite against global poisonings--the list is very long. The Poisoners -- they certainly have aligned. They have fused. As an epidemiologist, I study all exposures and their impact on health of populations (or lack of health, as demonstrated by centuries of evidence.) Why 'believe' or focus on a summary statistic called global warming when the umbrella treasonous activities of total atmospheric domination via decades of chemicals and radiation cause total destruction of everything (in addition to acknowledged man-made pollution,) not just warming? Ice nucleation is also happening, which throws off temperature averages. I am against toxins. I am against non-ancestral, harmful frequencies (studied by the military for a century) now on and in my child's school and every 3 miles on every road. I am against fluoride in the water. I am against aerosol spraying, which cannot be acknowledged because it is illegal, even though I watch it from my porch every windless, hazy day, miles from the ocean, where storms used to blow in and out in under an hour. I am against injecting aluminum and mercury and other metals into people and animals. All of this, while supporting free speech. Do I have to choose just one thing? Can't we unite under a "I prefer nature to poison" and "i'm allowed to say it" mantra? Anybody who has the goal of getting everybody to 'believe' what they believe will be disappointed. Shouldn't the goal be Clean People on a Clean Planet, regardless of belief system? Again, thank you for your reply, although I was less frustrated before reading it. :)

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Complete agreement, and thank you for giving your well-reasoned position in full. I am glad I am not alone in having to reread the newsletter. On the third reading, I find that Firstenberg has presented arguments so inane that he effectively provides an open invitation for anyone to question his judgment. The phrasing is so counter-productive that I initially thought the text might by a forgery. But it is still up on the website. Do we need to ask, Where is the real Firstenberg?

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

It's time that sensible people realize that the people that hold themselves out as administrators (and supporters of) "public health" couldn't care less about our well-being. They knew all along the disastrous results of the corona hoax policies -- they didn't need it to be proven to them.

This is just an extension of that particular degree of "concern" for our well-being. And, yes, absolutely. There absolutely is more billions in "aid" (aka grift) headed to Ukraine and friends.

Because all of it is a shake down. All of it is nothing more than a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. Squeezing the blood from the proverbial turnip(s) -- that'd be you and me.

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It’s like having no president at all when he is demented. A perfect situation for corrupt oligarchs. They have the most powerful military and intelligence apparatus ever assembled, with an unlimited budget. Anything they can imagine, they can do. Dark arts on steroids. Even Obama said no to them sometimes!

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Remember the Terminator series was about a war between man and machines in the not to distant future. I always wondered who would build them and why. And while Ahab was the ultimate antagonist, I see Brandon as a pathetic little puppet - his strings are being pulled by the masters of war and destruction.

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I hope this will not prove to be an example of how conspiracy theories get started; but, the following is one crazy article. The reason I'm posting it is the last paragraph, which I've posted under it. If both the substation incident and the EPA/FEMA livestock/pets killings are true, Heaven help us...

Marines Catch FBI Trying to Sabotage Substation in Idaho, and Kill Them.


"As an aside, on Tuesday, we asked our source if White Hats had looked into the East Palestine derailment since residents have fallen ill from the release of vinyl chloride into the air. Real Raw News has also heard unsubstantiated rumors of a joint EPA-FEMA task force killing livestock and pets near the derailment. Our source said, “it’s being looked at,” but had no further info to share. He also wouldn’t comment on tales of hordes of walking wounded, supposedly effected by mind-altering petrochemicals, roaming the streets."

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Is this for real? Marines and other army units don’t have any legal authority to be involved in domestic military operations as I understand it. We are living in such weird times that I can’t dismiss anything entirely however.

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I really do not know if it's for real. Some people believe Real Raw News (RRN) is fake news. I agree that it would seem to be a National Guard responsibility. But would the Guard be trained sufficiently well to be able to handle FBI saboteurs? - Another problem with this is that "General Smith" sounds like General Eric M. Smith, a four star who is the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, the second highest Marine. I would think this would be a administrative position with no operational command authority over United States Marine Corps forces. But, if there have been substation attacks in several states, who knows, because, that would necessitate activating a different National Guard each time.

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“Leaving it up to God” shows a misunderstanding of what God is. This truly is a situation where need to go the way of the Heart and not the way of rage. Thanks for showing the way of the Heart.❤️

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

We all should know, this is not the first time in a decade we've had dead birds in large groups in the Lexington/Fayette County area (where I live near by to). And, the storm front that distributed the rain & snow over east Ohio was a Canadian cold front being confronted by a tropical warm front.

Thus, prevailing winds (and rain) for the Bluegrass region had been coming up from the south & east, not down from the northeast. So, while this American Chernobyl is deadly grievous, the fallen birds are likely not a result of East Palestine, Ohio.

Anyway, it is way to soon to tell and especially since now we see clearly our governments have finally & openly abandoned us. Time to depend on us, not them.

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