Dec 29, 2023·edited Jan 3Liked by Celia Farber


Dr. Avery Brinkley's Call For Governor DeSantis To Ban The Jab

Caturano and Ricks

December 19, 2023



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Rick DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis

DR. AVERY BRINKLEY: I'm Dr. Avery Brinkley. I'm a radiologist here in Florida. I've been licensed in the state for 43 years. This is an open message to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

As a Florida-licensed medical doctor for the past 43 years I have never witnessed such diabolical corruption as occurred during the covid plandemic, much of which was based on false positive

PCR tests never designed to detect any specific virus. But my plea today is a request that you immediately use your authority to remove the covid shots from the market in the state of Florida.

Not only do we know these shots were manufactured as countermeasures by the Department of Defense on a contract with Pfizer, but they were misrepresented to the public as vaccines. They are not vaccines in any way, shape, or form. They do not prevent infection or transmission. In fact these shots fit neatly under the federal and state legal definition of bioweapons because they are genetic agents which are distributed to all cells of the body, unlike the covid infection or other vaccines, resulting not only in negative efficacy with each subsequent booster due to immune suppression, but major harms exceeding all past vaccines in history combined.

Recent data estimates some 17 million deaths worldwide and many more disabilities. According to major life insurance companies all cause mortality is off the charts, not due to the virus but occurring after the shots were introduced.

Recent analysis proves that these agents are contaminated with bacterial DNA as well as the SV40 cancer promotor gene. The DNA was supposed to be filtered out during production. This DNA can cause the recipient's gut bacteria to produce mRNA and thus the pathogenic spike protein in perpetuity, which results in ongoing harm and reduction in life expectancy from vascular disease, neurologic disease, immune suppression, and cancers which otherwise would not occur.

We also note that the substitution of certain amino acids in the mRNA of the shots in order to keep the body from recognizing and destroying the mRNA is leading to the production of foreign proteins which may cause disease and further immune suppression.

The resulting effects are not yet clear. But these shots must be pulled from the market. That should have been done in early 2021, but CDC and FDA ignored the safety signals which were obvious to many physicians at that time.

The media, pharma, and CDC continue their collusion to push these agents to the public which is criminal. The Florida Grand Jury to address pharma has been empaneled for almost one year without any visible result, while other states such as Texas and foreign nations are moving forward with legal actions against pharma.

Governor DeSantis, use your authority to remove these covid shots from the market, and order forensic analysis of these agents. Thank you, sir.



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I’m sending this to Nancy Pelosi! 😏

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And Trump played and is still playing a big part. Continuous rally = sucking money from MAGA to pay for his legal persecution charade. Wake up people!

Once a Trump believer.

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Texans for Vaccine Choice is doing great work, lobbying for medical freedom, and identifying candidates for office who support medical freedom.


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Good afternoon to you Celia, it's still morning Hers and very cool. I will give this piece as listen this afternoon while I replace a broken skylight on the roof of my RV. Blessings to you Ma'am.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Where is the list?

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Thank you Celia for reporting, and thank you Dr Bowden. May this list grow and grow and grow and GROW.

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I'm looking forward to getting John Beaudoin's book:


Hopefully this will initiate lawsuits.

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All elected officials should strive to be moral and ethical via Dr. Ron Paul...aka Dr. NO...to all lobbyists.

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For reader/residents of the United States, see: National American Renaissance Movement >>> https://nationalarm.org/ Please observe the "Legal Actions" tab at the top of the page.

A *Persons of Interest* list is also contained in the Petition and names 65 individuals and or organizations which law enforcement should be interested in interviewing for various reasons.

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George Orwell should stand with Shakespeare as one of the greatest Englishmen, indeed of any nation. Such a capacity to step into the shoes of those desperately poor relations, yet with an ear for the sardonic humour they evinced. A wry Yiddish 'demand' of other poor relations (coal miners of the 30s) is one I cannot forget. From The Road to Wiggan Pier he notes that the mining families slept in shifts and were required to "Sleep faster. Someone else needs the pillow."

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Why is it I don’t feel any kind of relief or peace as I hear more and more being exposed - that truth is finally being known? The atrocities this scamdemic caused will never leave me. I have no hope that the powers who shouldn’t be will ever be held accountable. Nor will Drs and msm who pushed the poison ever apologies and show remorse. I’m still waiting for friends and family to apologize for their cruelty. The thousands of us who lost their small businesses…and the images which will never leave me are of the elderly in the care homes and all the people who died alone with no one to sit by their side or touch them before they died. I feel a silence in me. All I want to hear are the birds, the rain, the wind and children’s laughter. I have no tolerance for anyone who watches msm and if I see anyone wearing a mask, I am triggered (annoyed by that word). Thank you Celia for the compassionate, passionate truth seeking soul you are. You were the first journalist who educated me on the truth & horrors of HIV/AIDS. And I have been digging deep ever since. I too see through the mind control lens now. I hope more people will learn about the history of mind control because IMO, it is the only way people can see what is happening and how there has been a plan in place to destroy the family unit and our Earth. There is proof of it all. Start with the history of the masons and how and why they invented philanthropy and then keep on digging. And for the record Pizza gate is real. The Clinton’s are monsters. They are in the business of actively participating in child abuse, sex trafficking and money laundering all under the guise of their “foundations”.

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Most of these incompetent parasites deeply depend on big pharma payoffs to keep up their sordid living standards.

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Hi Celia, I think I detect a typo reading "The slaughter of the elderly and the inform did not stop there." So far, and at least for the moment, it has only been the informed who have avoided the slaughter.

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This is a great project. I tried to identify the 12 most significant Covid stories, most of which go to the points made in this article. It was all a scam all along. And the conspirators number in the millions.


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