
Dr. Avery Brinkley's Call For Governor DeSantis To Ban The Jab

Caturano and Ricks

December 19, 2023



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Rick DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis

DR. AVERY BRINKLEY: I'm Dr. Avery Brinkley. I'm a radiologist here in Florida. I've been licensed in the state for 43 years. This is an open message to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

As a Florida-licensed medical doctor for the past 43 years I have never witnessed such diabolical corruption as occurred during the covid plandemic, much of which was based on false positive

PCR tests never designed to detect any specific virus. But my plea today is a request that you immediately use your authority to remove the covid shots from the market in the state of Florida.

Not only do we know these shots were manufactured as countermeasures by the Department of Defense on a contract with Pfizer, but they were misrepresented to the public as vaccines. They are not vaccines in any way, shape, or form. They do not prevent infection or transmission. In fact these shots fit neatly under the federal and state legal definition of bioweapons because they are genetic agents which are distributed to all cells of the body, unlike the covid infection or other vaccines, resulting not only in negative efficacy with each subsequent booster due to immune suppression, but major harms exceeding all past vaccines in history combined.

Recent data estimates some 17 million deaths worldwide and many more disabilities. According to major life insurance companies all cause mortality is off the charts, not due to the virus but occurring after the shots were introduced.

Recent analysis proves that these agents are contaminated with bacterial DNA as well as the SV40 cancer promotor gene. The DNA was supposed to be filtered out during production. This DNA can cause the recipient's gut bacteria to produce mRNA and thus the pathogenic spike protein in perpetuity, which results in ongoing harm and reduction in life expectancy from vascular disease, neurologic disease, immune suppression, and cancers which otherwise would not occur.

We also note that the substitution of certain amino acids in the mRNA of the shots in order to keep the body from recognizing and destroying the mRNA is leading to the production of foreign proteins which may cause disease and further immune suppression.

The resulting effects are not yet clear. But these shots must be pulled from the market. That should have been done in early 2021, but CDC and FDA ignored the safety signals which were obvious to many physicians at that time.

The media, pharma, and CDC continue their collusion to push these agents to the public which is criminal. The Florida Grand Jury to address pharma has been empaneled for almost one year without any visible result, while other states such as Texas and foreign nations are moving forward with legal actions against pharma.

Governor DeSantis, use your authority to remove these covid shots from the market, and order forensic analysis of these agents. Thank you, sir.



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Also relatedly:

Presentation To Adams County Commissioners in Idaho


December 15, 2023


DESCRIPTION: "This is a presentation to the Adams County Commissioners in Idaho. Laura Demaray organized this presentation. Participants include: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay, Dr. Reni Moon, and others."



DR. RENATA MOON: Thank you. So, Dr. Reni Moon, I'm a pediatrician, board-certified. I'm actually from Idaho, I grew up in Idaho, but have practiced for much of my career across the border in Washington State. I trained at a top US medical school, I've had no actions or lawsuits against me, and I'm bringing that up because it's pertinent for what I'll say later in the discussion today.

So I take care of children. And I just want you to think, please, why in the world, with everything that you've just heard, why in the world are we giving this to our nation's children?

Children have a 99.997%, actually higher than that, survival rate from covid. They have a .0027 percent fatality rate from covid. And we're being asked to inject this synthetic genetic product into our nation's children with absolutely no understanding of what it might do, what harms it might cause long term, and with an avalanche of data showing short-term harm and with fatalities that have clearly happened from this product and people who've been injured from this product. Dr. Walskog will speak to that still I think in a few minutes.

This is, this is horrible. And I just want to give you a sense of what we're seeing on the, on the front lines, so to speak.

So I've practiced for over 20 years. I know what the normal baseline for example of myocarditis is. Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, right? We've all heard that associated with these mRNA products. Right? I, in over 20 years of practice, only saw 2 cases of myocarditis in the entire time until these products launched. And now I have direct knowledge of way too many cases of myocarditis in my community, in my friend group, and just in the, in our, in our nation.

So to give you an example, I went to lunch with a friend in a city outside of Idaho, but her son, five days after his second dose of mRNA product, had chest pain, palpitations, and was diagnosed with myocarditis while serving in our military. His military doctor assured him that it was not from the shot he received 5 days earlier. Are you kidding me? Of course we know better than that. That young man now, it's a year later, and he's on chronic disability for ongoing heart muscle issues. He was medically discharged from the military.

What are we doing to our nation's children in terms of their heart muscle? In terms of other damage? And even in terms of fatalities? There are children who have died of myocarditis directly attributed to the shot within, within a week or two of the shot having been given. What are we doing?

I want to say that we, on the forefront of medicine, the ones who are actually tasked with ordering this product for children, for the record, I've never ordered this for a child, this product, this data was clear from the outset, it should have been pulled back at the beginning of this, it never should have been out on the market. And yet here it sits. It's, it's terrible.

So why are, why are more more physicians and pediatricians not speaking out? We're not speaking because they're coming after us. I have a clean record of patient care. I've never had any lawsuits, like I said at the beginning, I've never had any actions against my license. I spoke about my concerns about the increase of myocarditis, I spoke about my concerns about giving this product to our nation's children, I spoke at a hearing in Washington DC in December of 2022,* so a year ago, and I just found out a few months ago that as a result of my speaking to my government at a senate hearing in Washington DC, my medical license in Washington state is now being investigated and I'm being accused of unprofessional conduct. For speaking.

Now I'm going to be clear, I took care of Washington State's sickest children for about 19 years. I cared for them in hospital settings, and again, a crystal clear record of patient care. This is outrageous. This is why other physicians aren't speaking out. Dr. Cole** has had his license attacked. Other physicians here have as well.

This is, this is something that has to stop. So we are turning to you at the grassroots level of this, and we thank you for all the work that you've done in the state of Idaho, but we're turning to you to stop this atrocity, this nightmare. This has to be stopped. We need you at the grassroots level to say no, that the fraud and the corruption is so large, so big, that you can stop it by stopping these shots at the grassroots level, at the local level.

Please don't do this to our nation's children, our young people, and to any American citizen.

Thank you.



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* Dr. Renata Moon gave testimony at US Senator Ron Johnson's roundtable on "Covid-19 Vaccines What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries" on December 7, 2022. See the full hearing is on rumble at:


** She refers to Dr. Ryan N. Cole. MD, who also spoke on this Zoom.

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With my profound thanks to you for speaking out:


Governor DeSantis - Please ban the COVID 19 jab immediately

oldschoolcounselor, December 20, 2023



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Rick DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see


Kevin Kervick blogs as Old School Counselor at https://oldschoolcounselor.substack.com/

KEVIN KERVICK: Hi my name is Kevin Kervick. I'm a licensed marriage and family therapist. I practice primarily in New England, although I work around the country.

I'm calling on Governor Ron DeSantis to ban the jab. I've been following the covid 19 situation extensively, as most of us have, since 2020, and it's clear to me that this, you know, this so-called vaccine is dangerous. It's harming and killing people all over the world. I believe it's killed probably about 17 million people around the world and maybe as much as 700,000 people in the United States alone. And millions of people have been seriously injured by this thing.

It's clear to me that this jab comes from a US bioweapons program, and there was a measure and a countermeasure, the measure somehow was released on the world population and did tremendous damage, and then the countermeasure was released in early 2021, late 2020, early 2021, came from the same soup, it came, you know, the same program. Clearly the thing is dangerous, it does not work, doesn't prevent transmission, it doesn't prevent severe injury or death, it does nothing other than harm people.

I believe it's the greatest medical scandal certainly in my lifetime if not in history, so I have no idea why public officials are allowing this thing to remain on the market.

I think the salient point is this. Since early 2021 the data about harms was in. So Governor DeSantis had to know, his folks in Florida had to know. Certainly folks throughout the federal government knew this thing was harming and killing people. Certainly folks throughout all the public health agencies around the country in the various states had to know. And yet they did nothing to stop it. And they're still doing nothing to stop it. In my opinion that is something akin to, you know, while I'm not a lawyer, that looks like something like negligent homicide.

So this thing needs to be banned immediately.

So we're starting with Governor DeSantis because in our opinion, in my opinion, Governor DeSantis is one of the most successful and influential governors in the United States and he's running for president, and he really needs to step up now to ban this thing to stop the killing, and stop you know, the, the harms that are coming from this, this, this bioweapon.

So please, Governor DeSantis, do the right thing now, ban this job. If you do, I think a lot of people like me will consider voting for you because you'll be showing the kind of leadership that needs to be exhibited right now during this international crisis. So please, Governor DeSantis, ban this jab immediately.

This is Kevin Kervick, licensed family therapist. Thanks for watching.



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I’m sending this to Nancy Pelosi! 😏

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Perhaps you should send it with a bottle of vodka.

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😵‍💫 🍹

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And spike that vodka with what her beloved open borders have supplied the USA with such an abundance of

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Nancy is a narcissist.Nothing you say to her makes a difference. She cannot even hear God, because she believes herself to be a God. It’s called insane.

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The “smirk” emoji shows I’m being not serious. Facetious 😏

💯 agree with you!

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And Trump played and is still playing a big part. Continuous rally = sucking money from MAGA to pay for his legal persecution charade. Wake up people!

Once a Trump believer.

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I think we should all rally behind Trump. How else will we get John Bolton and Michael Pompeo back where they can run the US Corp. into the ditch even faster than Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken?

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Dec 29, 2023Edited
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The anti-Trump Alt-People need to explain why the Western Mainstream has been trying to destroy Trump for 6 years. One expects any self-respecting Alt-Person surmises by now that the Western Mainstream is, if not totally captured by the international Cabal (which obviously entails globalists), certainly in the process of becoming captured.

(And by "explain" I mean plausibly, not implausibly.)

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Explanation (I'm sure not the only one): Good cop, bad cop tactic. Someone had to be the scapegoat. And by doing so all of the conservatives who were already onto and fed up with RHINOs would fall in line behind him because he was not from the political establishment. All the conservatives (and maybe some democrats), a lot of blacks, hispanics, and other groups that the corrupt DC swamp had disenfranchised and who knew the whole system was corrupt, could think 'finally, someone who's going to clean up the corruption and change things', because if the MSM hates him, wall street hates him, the establishment political parasites hate him, then he must be a threat to them (logical fallacy).

The western mainstream media attacking him gave great credence to the marketing narrative built around Trump. Finally, all the people who were just totally fed up with the corruption and incompetence, the grift, the arrogance and who, for any or all of the reasons, were (justifiably) down on the federal government but didn't want to look too closely, or think too hard for themselves, who just wanted a savior to come rescue them, all of those 'contrarians' if you will, all they had to do was look at the MSM attacking him and use the 'logic' (logical fallacy) that if the MSM was expending so much effort attacking Trump, he must be the good guy. That's basically the same line of reasoning as 'my enemy's enemy is my friend'. It's a logical fallacy.

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Well said!

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Absolutely agree with you. I’ve long thought that Trump was a patsy for the deep state. Too many things he did just don’t add up. He signed the biggest transfer of wealth to the parasites immediately while taking a year to off crumbes to we the people.

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Sure, that would be the explanation, the controlled op to end all controlled ops I guess. Whether it's plausible is another matter.

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Trump's involvement in the Covid Project doesn't necessarily mean he's controlled op. It could indicate that the forces behind the Covid Project are that powerful that they could twist his arm to go along. That to me is not implausible, particularly if we add the other reasonable speculation that Trump himself wasn't omniscient all along, but was on a learning curve himself on just how broad and deep the Swamp actually is.

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Trump is not on a learning curve whatsoever. He still says he did nothing wrong on covid. He borrowed and printed $9 trillion in 4 years, worse than Bush or Obama in 8 years. Trump still supports trillions in new debt. Trump even complained in April 2020 that Powell didn’t initiate negative interest rates. Trump still praises the warp speed injections. He says his precious injections have saved 100,000,000 lives, which is laughably absurd. I don’t even think Fauci, Hotez, and Offit are claiming a number anywhere near that high. He hasn’t learned anything! And how could he, with such narcissism, how could he possibly admit any mistakes???

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Controlled opposition; Hegelian dialectic. Do your homework…it is stae theater!!!

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https://watchmanscry.com/?p=6550 posted this everywhere there is a mention of the orange 33er

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Texans for Vaccine Choice is doing great work, lobbying for medical freedom, and identifying candidates for office who support medical freedom.


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Where is the list?

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Dec 29, 2023
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Where is the half that is posted posted?

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Thank you Celia for reporting, and thank you Dr Bowden. May this list grow and grow and grow and GROW.

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I'm looking forward to getting John Beaudoin's book:


Hopefully this will initiate lawsuits.

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All elected officials should strive to be moral and ethical via Dr. Ron Paul...aka Dr. NO...to all lobbyists.

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He is one of the few that still believes in Ending the Fed! I would be happy with him even if he just sat in his house and did his work there, and never came to any full Senate meeting except on his phone or on video.

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If only....

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Yes, if only!

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But it won't happen, sadly. Because as much as I'm sure he would love to, he loves his family even more and will protect them. What I heard was that when he did run for president and actually had a shot at it, they threatened his children. I cannot confirm that, but it takes no stretch of the imagination to see it's well within the known behavior of the evil CIA to do that and even worse. The CIA drugs their own and uses MK Ultra techniques to practice their mind-control experiments. Assassinating someone who would take them down... no problem. Their only problem would be the time it takes to choose from among all the psychopath agents volunteering for the job.

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It feels like it will never be over. I wish it would be.

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I think this is why most are compromised. If they won't accept money or other benefits, they are threatened.

If their reputations cannot be damaged, their families and friends can.

Very sad, and very rabbit hole, but I believe that is what lies at the bottom of it.

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For reader/residents of the United States, see: National American Renaissance Movement >>> https://nationalarm.org/ Please observe the "Legal Actions" tab at the top of the page.

A *Persons of Interest* list is also contained in the Petition and names 65 individuals and or organizations which law enforcement should be interested in interviewing for various reasons.

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George Orwell should stand with Shakespeare as one of the greatest Englishmen, indeed of any nation. Such a capacity to step into the shoes of those desperately poor relations, yet with an ear for the sardonic humour they evinced. A wry Yiddish 'demand' of other poor relations (coal miners of the 30s) is one I cannot forget. From The Road to Wiggan Pier he notes that the mining families slept in shifts and were required to "Sleep faster. Someone else needs the pillow."

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Weren't they both social engineering projects?

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UK Coronavirus: Unlawful do not resuscitate orders imposed on people with learning disabilities

Unlawful 'do not resuscitate' orders are being placed on patients with a learning disability during the coronavirus pandemic without families being consulted.

20 June 2020: Despite being reported and challenged, the illegal 'practice' went on and on and on...


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Why is it I don’t feel any kind of relief or peace as I hear more and more being exposed - that truth is finally being known? The atrocities this scamdemic caused will never leave me. I have no hope that the powers who shouldn’t be will ever be held accountable. Nor will Drs and msm who pushed the poison ever apologies and show remorse. I’m still waiting for friends and family to apologize for their cruelty. The thousands of us who lost their small businesses…and the images which will never leave me are of the elderly in the care homes and all the people who died alone with no one to sit by their side or touch them before they died. I feel a silence in me. All I want to hear are the birds, the rain, the wind and children’s laughter. I have no tolerance for anyone who watches msm and if I see anyone wearing a mask, I am triggered (annoyed by that word). Thank you Celia for the compassionate, passionate truth seeking soul you are. You were the first journalist who educated me on the truth & horrors of HIV/AIDS. And I have been digging deep ever since. I too see through the mind control lens now. I hope more people will learn about the history of mind control because IMO, it is the only way people can see what is happening and how there has been a plan in place to destroy the family unit and our Earth. There is proof of it all. Start with the history of the masons and how and why they invented philanthropy and then keep on digging. And for the record Pizza gate is real. The Clinton’s are monsters. They are in the business of actively participating in child abuse, sex trafficking and money laundering all under the guise of their “foundations”.

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You're right on all accounts. I was born into a generational Masonic family, put through MKUltra and know a lot about the Clintons. It's all real. I have no doubt about Pizzagate. It's real. If anyone gives money to any of these so-called philanthropic organizations without first looking deeply into them they are funding the nightmare of child abuse. The Shriner's Hospital. Operation Underground Railroad. The Clinton Foundation. The list goes on and on.

God Bless you for saying it.

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God Bless *you* Pirate Studebaker. Learning about this subject has turned my world upside down. I can’t begin to imagine how you feel or what you endured. I hope you are in a safe place now - in body mind and spirit🙏

There is a very informative and detailed report I read on the Clintons showing the timeline of Hilary’s work specifically involving infants and children. I’m ashamed to admit many years ago I was a Hilary supporter. I had no clue. I was so naive about the world and it’s ‘leaders’.


I have spent hundreds of hours reading/learning and connecting the dots from Masonry to the banks, to the military, to the Vatican and churches, to our National Parks, to Hollywood and to the White House.

It’s also shocking to me how many people I’ve encountered, especially Jewish people who have educated me on the holocaust but didn’t know about Operation Paperclip. Thank you for reminding me about Operation Underground Railroad. I’ve been learning about all the underground tunnels. Just recently I learned through Jessie Czebotar affidavits about a school, small businesses and local police and tunnels where she experienced her abuse. This beach town is half hour away from me. It is everywhere. What is so disheartening is no one I know believes me or wants to hear anything about this subject because they say it’s too dark or it’s impossible this is happening. How will anything change if people aren’t even willing to explore it? How will anyone be able to recognize the signs in these children who are suffering or any suspicious behavior in adults around them? Sorry for the long winded reply, but I am consumed over these atrocities and believe this is the root of most or all of the problems happening in the world.

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In my experience you are totally correct. The sexual abuse, torture and murder/sacrifice of children is going to be the downfall of this country and humanity everywhere.

Because if you can persuade people to commit these atrocities or ignore them willfully against their own children, their own flesh and blood, their own future, you can make them do anything. And I mean anything. And then they are slaves. To evil.

I know what you mean about people like the Jewish people being so blind to their own horrendous persecution at the hands of the Nazis, they have allowed Nazis to infiltrate every position of power in this country and the next without saying a word. I say "Nazis" when I mean fascism. Most people are cowards and willfully blinded by their cowardice. When people say looking at the truth of child abuse/sacrifice is "too dark for them" I want to throw up. But I then understand that this is why cowards are the first on the list to be discarded by God. Because they are discarding those who need their help in favor of their own "comfort level". Not because God is merciless. He will give them what they showed they valued by their actions in this life.

There is an enormous Masonic Temple right next to the White House and Congress where during the inauguration of any President, Satanic/Masonic rituals are conducted in a secret inauguration. The Studebaker family which I am a part of has a brass name plate in the "special" name plate room of the Temple. Many other families do as well. This is the real seat of earthly power in America. And we should never overlook the female branch of the Masons, The Eastern Stars. Who many say are the even more covert and powerful group behind the male cult. Isis and her dead husband Osiris and the progeny of their unholy union, Horus. In Satanic imitation of the conception and birth of Jesus Christ.

The exact same struggles here on earth between the Egyptians and the God fearing sons of Abraham are ongoing as they were in the days of Moses and Noah and Jesus Christ himself. Nothing is any different and all is playing out exactly according to God's magnificent plan.

Don't ever feel guilty about falling for evil manipulators like the Clintons. I voted for Bill even though I knew better. Your innocence of heart is what made you vulnerable to their machinations and God loves you for that innocence. Though we all have to grow up and take responsibility for our own lives. That is what free will is all about. That you have opened your eyes and matured is wonderful. It's also rare as you know and can be very lonely and isolating at times, but Jesus told us those who are chosen by God will be set apart from this world. He never said it wouldn't come at a price. But what thing of great value doesn't come at great price?

I have a safe place now. Jesus lives within me through the Holy Spirit and anywhere I go, anything that happens to me, is to God's glory and I am always safe in Him. Even if I am terrified or unsure or tortured. I am safe. I have love and peace beyond understanding through His free gift of salvation. I have tools and weapons He has given me to fight this battle and I am never alone in the fight.

"My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is perfected in weakness."

God's supreme strength is perfected in my weakness. How magnificent is that?

People are flawed. That's what is meant by "all are sinners". People are never going to save themselves or they would have done so already. That is achingly and tragically clear. I suspect it's also why God allows the innocent, the children, the poor, the elderly, the sick to be victimized by other people. In the supreme effort to afford those who can see to see and those who can hear, hear. The Truth. Jesus Christ. My Savior.

Never stop telling other people the Truth of what you see and hear. That is God's work through you. It may feel disheartening, but you never know what seeds you are planting in the heart of another. You may never see the fruits of your labors with your own eyes, but God sees it. That's also why God tells us not to hate the sinner but the sin. The sinner always has a chance to change, but sin does not. Hate it freely.

If you haven't picked up your cross and begun to follow Jesus on the narrow path, I hope you do. It's the best thing I can pray for anyone and the best life possible in this fallen world. By far. And is accompanied by the absolute promise of eternal salvation in the next life.

Thank you so much for your compassion for me and all those who suffer at the hands of evil. It means a lot to me. Your efforts are not in vain. Everything IS being changed. By God Himself. All things work to the glory to God.

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Pirate Studebaker, thank you for your time in your heartfelt reply. Your words made me weep. I can’t begin to express what they meant to me. First and foremost, to hear you speak so wisely with love in your heart and your devotion to Jesus. It warms my heart to know you are no longer in the hands of those who harmed you.

Secondly, for your kind and comforting words to me. They have come at a time when I needed to hear them….too much to express further. Thank you also for your encouraging words to continue to speak up/truth no matter the outcome. I will admit it has been lonely and isolating. I also hope seeds will be planted. A few years ago I recognized the signs of sex trafficking happening next door to my work space which was under the guise of a day spa. I was able to discreetly meet with DHS, however the following day, the criminals fled and cleared out the girls during the night. Coincidence? I’ll never know. I’m suspicious as I know the corruption and cover-ups run deep. This happened in a wealthy beach town in S. Calif. I’m grateful for the additional info/knowledge you shared. I will most definitely research it.

My faith is strong. I know I am never alone. I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless You.

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Now your words make me weep. In joy. Regardless of the outcome with the traffickers and the children next door to you, know you did your best. God has a plan for each and every one of them including you and the heartbreak you must have felt when they disappeared in the night. You are a fine Ambassador for Christ on this earth and are living His gospel in your efforts to help the victims. No matter how it turns out.

We are all doing just fine in Jesus powerful and holy name.

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Thank you Pirate Studebaker for your heartfelt words. The heartbreak just made me more aware and less naive. Happy New Year💚

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Most of these incompetent parasites deeply depend on big pharma payoffs to keep up their sordid living standards.

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Hi Celia, I think I detect a typo reading "The slaughter of the elderly and the inform did not stop there." So far, and at least for the moment, it has only been the informed who have avoided the slaughter.

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INFIRM, to spell it out; the typo occurs more than once, and needs correcting.

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thank you. will correct.

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You are welcome, and best of luck in 2024!

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This is a great project. I tried to identify the 12 most significant Covid stories, most of which go to the points made in this article. It was all a scam all along. And the conspirators number in the millions.


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"And the conspirators number in the millions."

Indeed, but in my experience that claim triggers a thought-terminating response when trying to get someone to consider such things. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "but that would mean thousands/millions of people would have to be in on it, and we all know people can't keep a secret", and voilà! conversation over because he doesn't have time to read a book, a blog or watch a video which proves it. Apart from introducing a parade of whistleblowers off the top of my head, I don't know how to get someone past this point.

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A capsulated example is the Mai Lay Massacre that occurred in Vietnam during the US led war. A small village was invaded by over 600 US troops. If memory serves me correctly, no enemy combatants were found. Around 100 of the US soldiers and officers proceeded to massacre the entire village. It became a bloodbath with rape and torture and brutal murders executed that went on for hours and hours. The other 500 US soldiers who didn't participate in the atrocities just stood by and watched.

Many years later, a drunk soldier was in a bar and he began telling people about the massacre. A military officer who heard the stories the man was telling began investigating to determine if what the drunken soldier said was true. It took another string of years until finally the truth came out. The massacre had indeed occurred and a couple of officers and soldiers were eventually prosecuted.

People were aghast when they realized over 600 US soldiers and officers had kept quiet for years about what happened that horrible day in the village of Mai Lay.

Thus proving it is entirely possible for a large number of people to remain silent in a conspiracy of silence years after it was even possible for them to be damaged by blowing the whistle.

Historical fact. Defeating all arguments that a large number of people won't keep horrible secrets. Because they will.

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Scott Peck wrote a good chapter on this massacre and the dampening down of any censure in his book People of The Lie. Probably time to ready that book again.

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Yes. That's where I first read about it. In his great book. I have a copy and have been thinking it's time for another read as well. It's a great instruction manual for recognizing and negotiating through the sickening mire of human evil.

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His choices really pick up on the 'banality of evil'. I think it's the first chapter that details his sessions with a couple who gave as a birthday gift to their surviving teenage son the gun his brother had used to kill himself with. And were puzzled that that might have caused him - distress.

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The banality of evil is one of its' most powerful weapons because it's so hard to see and easily hidden in plain sight.

That story of the parents and the rifle and their surviving son is one of the most evil things I have ever read. And here's what's weird. When I've recounted it to other people to illustrate banal evil, the majority say they see nothing wrong in what the parents did.

Chilling as well.

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Thanks Yvette! I was going to follow-up to ask where Studebaker's quote came from. Just looked up the title and will definitely read it. So apropo. Many thanks.

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Another excellent example. Thanks so much for this.

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Keep up the good fight, pearl. God loves you for it and because he just loves you.

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I'm speechless and touched. Right back atcha, Stu!

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"Secrecy in the Manhattan Project was so complete that many people working for the organization did not know what they were, working on until they heard about the bombing of Hiroshima on the radio. The need for haste clarified priorities and shaped decision making", granted, different times, no internet etc, but still....

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Yes, that's a very good analogy and example from history. As you point out no internet back then, but that's why they had to completely control the MSM and what information was allowed to be seen, and more importantly, not seen on the internet.

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Ooh, that's perfect. I'm using that next time.

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I know; it's definitely counter-intuitive. The bigger the conspiracy - the more people who are "in on it" - the more likely it's going to work.

But most people aren't active participants in said conspiracies. They just work in "captured" organizations and know what the "authorized narratives" are. They know what subjects they must go along with to be left alone or move up the organizational chart.

The master 3-D chess players that start the key conspiracies are the people who created and then control or reinforce all the operative narratives.

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Yes, good point.

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You are right about the way 'normies' will respond to that. I think that most of the conspirators were just doing what 75% of the test subjects did in the Asch Conformity Experiments. "The study revealed that people are surprisingly susceptible to going along with the group, even when they know the group is wrong."


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Scary, right?

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Dec 29, 2023
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That may be a bridge too far; they have a hard enough time with it being an inside job. But I appreciate the suggestion.

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Dec 30, 2023
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In English (UK) Nursing homes they use Midazolam to treat (= 'terminate') unproductive humans (inmates) who have 'passed their use-by date'. Midazolam is the drug used in US Death Row Prisons = join the dots! it's all part of the Covid Scamdemic and DEADLY Vax, CULL, planned over decades by The World Economic Forum (with their New World Order).

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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