I think you are right Celia. This is how Trump injects a topic into the conversation. Both chemtrails and vaccines are used as weapons against the people, while being portrayed as beneficial by those who have an evil agenda.

We are continually witnessing aspects of The Great Awakening.

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I agree, but are chemtrails ever touted as ‘beneficial’? Do they pretend they are spraying crops? Not likely if they aren’t spraying farmland…

I hope with all my heart that ‘vaccines’ and ‘virologists’ will be exposed as the danger and liars they are. A lot of people, especially parents of ‘vaccine’ damaged and killed children will be even more heartbroken than they already are, and may not even accept that it was their action in allowing their child to be injected that caused the harm - extremely difficult to live with…anti-vaxxers will be vilified for this reason alone and so perhaps the truth will never truly come out or at least not for many years, when all those so terribly affected are dead.

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The people behind the climate change scam use geo-engineering to ostensibly block the sun to prevent "global warming". They believe in their "scientism", and have convinced governments of this nonsense. There are of course other negative affects of chemtrails.

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I wonder if governments are convinced of man’s ability to block the sun, or whether the politicians are just lining their pockets. Do they imagine they won’t be harmed along with everyone else? One can pretend to have taken the poison jabs but one can’t stop breathing…

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They pick and choose where they spray. Mostly cities.

In Costa Rica for example there is little to no spraying. South Africa also little to no spraying. But Oxnard and Ventura California near Point Mugu naval base planes are spraying non-stop. There is also a large Hispanic farm workers population in Oxnard, so many illegals from mexico are an easy target area to experiment on without recourse from a community that in large part will not say anything. They strategically spray certain zones.

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I would like some scientific documentation on these supposed chemtrails. Lots of arm-waving level talk about them but zero detail makes me highly suspicious of that. What chemicals? How are they being distributed, by who and by what? What is the purpose(s)? Where are the chemical analyses? Get the details would be step #1 if you want to develop an effective opposition to that.

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Yes Marion, they're lining their pockets, but are also THAT stupid to think THEY won't also be effected by the poisons they're breathing. Of course, equally stupid and naive is the collective that vote for them without any effective system of vetting them before they run for office. Without that, the most parasitic elements of the society will continue to run for office. It amazes me that so much of the public take what a politician says at face value.

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Right, Dave. ". . . and have convinced governments of this nonsense." This is just one point that illustrates how truly stupid the people in key positions of government are. Of course, these same idiots will also accept huge bribes to do the bidding of their "donors." I'm guessing that some are also being blackmailed.

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Actually, Juan O'Savin just last week told Nino Rodriguez that the atmospheric aerosal injections were part of America's nuclear defense system. For what that's worth. Juan added that, at present, the chemtrails are still necessary, but hinted that a new technology is coming in to replace them and the trailing will be phased out.

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That just sounds crazy to me. We don't have a nuclear defense system, chemtrails would do zip to stop nuclear missiles.

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I know. Me, too. But I heard Juan say it, so....

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Holy shit vortex? 🤣

If it's not already TM'D I'm stealing it:)

With proper attribution of course

Every day I find something pulls me further in to the vortex. Especially since 2020

But it's been going on for me at least 3-4 decades, maybe longer. Perhaps one of biggest vortex pump contributors in the last few decades was 9/11. Not the main thing. We clearly saw the planes crashing in to the towers. It sucked but did not defy our sense of reality. Two big planes hit two big buildings and the buildings come down. OK, wasn't expecting that. But we saw it happening and the buildings coming down after being impaled by jets full of fuel seemed reasonable. Most of us aren't structural engineers.

But then suddenly building 7 collapses ALL BY ITSELF. Holy shit. Don't see THAT very often. Buildings sometimes collapse but typically there is a clearly apparent reason. With building seven it was as if the building decided it had had enough of watching the madness and decided to check itself out. Now suddenly we're not so sure it's as simple as two planes with Arab bad guys crashing in to towers.

Every day yet another event adds to the Holy Shit vortex

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Yes, and clearly the other buildings were also set with detonation charges used in building demolition, as was done with Building 7. I'm still open to the possibility that drones were used instead of the passenger planes. They (the deep state) used a missile to attack the Pentagon, not a passenger plane, so......

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I'm not so sure about the drones. Pretty sure real planes crashed in to the towers. But the fact we'd even entertain anything other than what we clearly thought we saw shows how much our skepticism circuits have been activated

Only so much time in a day so I don't know what I don't know. But the Pentagon and the Shanksville Pennsylvania still has me scratching my head. Not saying the proofs don't exist. I just haven't seen them. Don't watch much TV and when I sniff around the Shanksville story all I ever see is a hole in the ground. No debris field etc. Just does not add up to what I'd expect from a crash. I'd expect more than just a hole in the ground even for a plane intentionally rammed in to the ground. But what do I know?

Same deal with the Pentagon. Why so precious few pics? Where is the plane debris? Another "what do I know" head scratcher. There are people who've spent decades on these issues but it is hard for me to find time to go through all of it. I've always found the Building 7 thing the easiest to digest. It's like when I heard the mRNA clot shots caused your d-dimer clotting index to rise I had my reason not to EVER take one of those death lottery jabs. Millions of pages further reasons why I shouldn't take those bio weapons but that little fact about d-dimer clinched and simplified it for me so I could move on. Building 7 is like that for me. There is sooooooo much info to take in. But building 7 is kind of binary in it's simplicity (at least for me).

That building CLEARLY was subject to a professional demolition. And even if THAT statement is not clear to every one, buildings simply do not spontaneously collapse so orderly and pretty as that. We can debate about who dun it etc but pretty clear building 7 did not "spontaneously" collapse. And yet nothing really happened to it. Never struck never nada. It just imploded and collapsed like a professional demolition. Hard to conclude that it was anything other than a professional demolition.

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Dave may correct me if I’m wrong, but by “drones” I think he meant remotely controlled pilotless military jets disguised as commercial airliners. Commercial airliners cannot travel at that altitude with such speed because they lack the engine power & structural integrity to do so. It would also be extremely difficult to navigate a commercial airliner at that altitude and speed with such precision by even the most skilled pilots on earth, let alone hijacking “Arabs with knives, oh my!”.

With that said, look at the seamless nature (like a knife through butter) of the entry points. One could postulate a remarkably precisely timed set of pre-planned explosions to allow a jet to pass through so much steel with no resistance.

You referenced the Shanksville & Pentagon crash sites that common sense demonstrates no commercial airliner was involved at either location.

Also understand that nearly absolutely indestructible “black box” cockpit recorders (4 for 4) were not found, and that no hijack signal from any of the 4 commercial airliners was produced (a quick and simple maneuver that by protocol would have been executed as soon as the cockpit was endangered).


The anomalies and absurdities go on, but I won’t continue to belabor myself…I will point out here & now that military “exercises” were being performed that morning as a means of confusing the air-control and “response” situations.

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Yes, very clearly drones were used, in fact you can see the Martin Marietta military control pod on the bottom of the plane as it hit WTC2 in several videos. And that provides the explanation for Shanksville & WTC7. The drone meant to hit WTC7 had a control failure and veered off course where it had to be shot down, which blew it into bits (it probably had explosives on it - shaped charges to penetrate steel), some small piece of debris hit that hole in Shanksville.

The Pentagon attack was likely a cruise missile although a drone may have flown over the building.

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Cheney, anyone?

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Stand down.

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Yup, Building 7 is the smoking gun for me regarding 9/11. There’s no way it was anything other than a controlled demolition.

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That applies to the North & South towers as well.

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Also Shanksville, no possible way a giant 757 could burrow its way into a tiny hole in the ground, there is a thing called Newton's laws of motion. The acceleration would be so great the plane would be ripped apart and spread all over the ground for hundreds of acres.

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Yeah but at least those were hit by planes, so one could still argue that’s what brought them down.

Can’t use that argument for WTC 7…

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Well yeah, but the argument that the planes impact and fire brought the twin towers down is nearly as ridiculous as the pancake theory. All three skyscrapers are “smoking guns,” but if people want to say that Building seven is “more” of a smoking gun, okay—

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The owner bought special insurance coverage just before

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Yeah. That's ANOTHER factoid it's hard to get past

No matter how deeply your "nothing to see here" instinct is implanted DOUBLING the insurance mere days before has the whiff of "the dude knew something". But lots of 3rd rails protecting that guy. So you don't hear much of it.

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It's that we do not know that's sickening. Anyone paying attention knows we were fed a narrative. I knew it that very day. I've watched as the disbelief has grown and morphed over the last 24 years. But we still do not know what happened. And there's been very little discussion about revealing what occurred.

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I think, like the Kennedy assassination, enough moving parts have been pieced together by immaculate researchers to give a fairly clear general idea of what happened (without of course knowing all pertinent details).

Elements of CIA/MossadMIC and the Bush Administration as well as other actors (https://www.booknofurther.com/book/9781489507839) were involved. The head of Saudi intelligence at the time. Prince “Bandar Bush” helped set up patsies (the book Visas for Al-Qaeda is illuminating). There’s so much more to discuss about the who, how and why that’s been written about. Yes, it’s mind-boggling and more complex than the Kennedy assassination. It would take a more knowledgeable, conversant, & smarter person than myself to produce the kind of explanatory narrative you are looking for, but I am certain the available evidence allows for someone to cogently, succinctly, and satisfactorily put forth that narrative.

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Yes, I do appreciate your response. I've followed the story since it happened, and I tend to agree with what you have written. But what I mean is that the truth needs to emerge via our government. Americans need to know, just as they need to know with the JFK et al assassinations. Then we could repeal the Patriot Act and possibly even smash large parts of the intelligence networks. But until that happens, we will continue to be combating false perceptions about our country.

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Agreed. To effect needed changes (such as Patriot Act repeal, etc.) many more Americans need to understand some ugly truths & demand accountability and reform. For such an honest “debriefing” to occur would require a strong sense of fealty to the Constitution (true patriotism) and to our common humanity, as well as immense courage & moxie. Such a group of patriots within govt. with declassification powers would have to have each other’s backs & be able to end-around surveillance to coordinate and time things up for effect.

As with any crime, unless and until people go to jail, the crime continues. Too bad most of the criminality we are talking about comes from very powerful people.

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Planes were flown to Westover AFB. Scenarios revealed in books by Rebekah Roth, a former airline worker, were written based on info told to her. Presumably most were killed, although some people may have been relocated. Very worthwhile reading. Also planes possibly relocated to the "airline graveyard."

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"...What's to think when the debris pile just doesn't stack up?

When the hole is too small, the brand new hardened concrete walls

too thick and many for a carbon nose cone, the targeted accountants

too well-placed and unlucky to make suspected wrong-doing stick?

Doesn't even one impossible maneuver of a question banked hard

in its descending corkscrew still smolder in the back of your mind?..."

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Yep, Pentagon “strike” by a supposed commercial airliner that went way out of its way in making impossible maneuvers to coincidentally strike & kill Office of Naval Intelligence accountants on the trail of missing megabucks that Rumsfeld had (funny that) admitted to the day before without ground effect or debris only to disappear into a hole (like Shanksville) is really some kind of fucking pull my leg bamboozlement of public sentience. Smolders still.

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Yes controlled demolition on all 3 buildings missile to pentagon. Thinking DEW used on twin towers reduced to dust. No jet engines no porcelain.

Could be blue beam to make like jets into buildings.

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DEW is sci-fi. Drone aircraft did hit WTC1 & 2. Pentagon was a cruise missile.

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"But it's been going on for me at least 3-4 decades, maybe longer." - At least since the moon "landing."

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I'm 72. For me it was JFK.

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I guess I'd have to say my awakening has been going on 3-4 decades maybe more.

Before that I was so busy trying to launch my life to know much of what was going on other than what the lying sock puppets in media were telling us. Wasn't reading all the books etc that "Oswald didn't do it". As far as many were concerned Oswald did it. We saw him get shot live on TV.

A more innocent time. Many of us had not been trained to CATEGORICALLY distrust everything the government says. The awakening was brewing 3-4 decades perhaps more. But when they tried to kill us with the bio weapon and the companion bio weapon clot shot from that point on I am what I say I have reached Peak Soviet. Like Eastern block people I no longer trust ANYTHING the government says. The difference between mere distrust and being Peak Soviet is that the cynicism and distrust has been installed at the DNA level. Your kids inherit even if they never speak to you. Enough deceit and the distrust goes to DNA imprint level. Just like most Eastern Europeans I knew growing up. They did not inherit the Leave it to Beaver innocence.

I don't even completely trust what is in my head because after seeing what DARPA and the boys have been up to since uni bomber and Timothy Leary days at Harvard for all we know many of the thoughts in our heads could have been installed by military grade psyop methodologies They spend BILLIONS via Operation mocking bird and similar ongoing operations to fill are heads with lies that we think are real. Takes quite a bit of energy to find tiny grains of unquestionable truth.

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With all these national traumas, the devil is in the details, so examination is critical to finding the truth. As Brigadier General Benton K. Partin pointed out, in his cursory reports on the OKC bombing, the steel rebars of the building were pointing out towards the street, exactly the wrong direction had the truck bomb caused the majority of the destruction. And, local media reported "unexploded devices" being removed mid-afternoon, with film of the bomb squads in action. Those reports are still available on the internet, but they're not easy to find.

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No, I think a lot of people didn't believe the Oswald narrative. I buy old magazines to read--especially when I am on a road trip. And one of the fascinating things is reading the letters to the editor. I get the very distinct sense that most people did not accept the narrative. Ruby shooting Oswald on live TV was the icing on the cake for millions of people. Disgust with the Warren Commission report along with the escalation of the Vietnam war lead to the extreme cynicism of the 70s, of which the capper was Watergate.

I grew up in the 70s and the feeling of disgust was palpable. Ironically, that fueled the situation we are facing today. People lost faith in government and with disgust stopped paying attention. They became less engaged and started being steered by 'issues' raised on our television programming. Things were transformed into 'feelings' and feelings became more elevated than thought.

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Yes I suspect you are correct. I lived through that era but in retrospect was probably not even reading magazines etc. to get an idea of the mindset of other probably much wiser people. Just had my head down trying to pass exams etc and make enough money to keep the gig going. Was of course VERY aware if Vietnam and cynical as hell about it but all the back room drama as to how we got there etc (other than LBJ was the anti-Christ:) had not trickled into my brain yet. I was WAY behind the curve on catching on and catching up to ALL the lies.

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Yes, and especially yes to LBJ. I too was trying to get on with my life and had certain periods I paid less attention to. And while I was always deeply skeptical of the CIA (I learned by the age of 20 what they had done to Arbenz) and of the media--there were still whole swathes that I missed--particularly after the second election of Bush. I became very dispirited seeing him elected. I had also voted for Nader in 2000 and had all kinds of abuse heaped on me--even though I lived in NY state at the time and knew that NY would always go blue. It has been a battle.

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Watch the videos and you will see the perfectly executed demolition of high rise buildings falling into their own footprint, and dustification.

Then ask the question "What would happen if planes did hit the Towers?".

Answer: It would have sprayed death, destruction, shrapnel and body parts all over Lower Manhattan.

Mercifully that did not happen.

No planes hit the World Trade Center.

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They were drones. No passengers. The passenger aircraft flew to Westover airbase where the impossible phone calls were made. Then likely the passengers & crew were gassed & murdered.

You can see the control pod, standard military issue, on the bottom of the plane that hit WTC2, in some of the videos. The drones likely had shaped charges fitted to penetrate the steel outer frame of the buildings.

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Yes, I've heard all that, all the theories, all the conspiracies, and then i watch the videos.

And I see the perfectly executed demolition of high rise buildings falling into their own footprint, and dustification.

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Dick Cheney knew beforehand everything that was going to happen that terrible day. What will Jesus say to him when he shows up? It’s coming soon Dick, very very soon.

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It wasn't just those 3 buildings. All 7 in the complex were damaged, hollowed out by something. The planes were just to provide a plausible excuse for the towers' collapse. Those towers turned to dust on the way down. The seismic footprint was a fraction of what it should have been. Check out Judy Woods for the answers.

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Has anyone considered the seismic effects of the repeated shocks into the ground of each floor hammering down on the next as a factor? Maybe we should be surprised that other nearby buildings didn’t suffer structural damage leading to a deferred collapse. A less sexy hypothesis for sure.

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Certainly not a crazy hypothesis from my perspective. I don't know enough about the physics to say it could or could not happen. In fact when I first saw building seven collapse I remember thinking along those lines. "Could there have been enough rumbling and shaking to bring down Building 7". Not something I can dismiss even now. It is true that soldiers can collapse a bridge just but energizing it with the magic harmonic marching cadence.

All I know is I don't know what happened FOR SURE and won't know till I know (if that ever happens)

On the other hand, we do know that the guys who invest trillions of our taxes into creating events like this put a HUGE amount of effort in to deception. And if you start to catch on they still have lots of plausible deniability to rely on. In the end like JFK their hope is that all those involved and all those who would care are long dead before we find truth. I fully expect for example that with the release of the JFK papers we still will be left hanging. Or the experts in that area start to expire before they can complete an analysis. Lots of them are getting old.

Hard for me not to believe that there aren't living people who read threads like this who smirk because they know what happened because they were engaged with doing it

The rest of us just serve as entertainment to them. Unless we figure it out and justice is served. But that almost never happens. Even if it is figured who REALLY planned and executed 9/11 I suspect the result for the perps will be "they figured it out but I'm still here free and unmolested so you can't say I didn't get away with it"

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Speaking of Holy Shit Vortices, conspiracy realist David Icke has a very well researched book on 9/11 called The Trigger....

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David Icke has been saying the same thing for 30 years.

People are finally starting to listen.

Sandy, have you seen Icke's amazing breakdown and decode of Princess Diana's assassination? Mind expanding!


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I'll have to take a look. It is hard to swim out of so many Vortex's. Especially when they spin up everywhere and spin so fast.

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....and supposedly Bldg 7 was where they had stored all the court documents from the Enron trial!

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Mark H. Gaffney’s book “Black 9/11: Money, Motive, and Technology” is resourceful. I will here copy/paste a portion of a review on Amazon which partially gives one a “flavor” of the books contents. (if you are averse to Amazon purchasing, Alibris (.com) may have it— nevertheless reviews on Amazon can be helpful/interesting in themselves.


“Following up on his 2008 book, The 9/11 Mystery Plane: And the Vanishing of America, Mark Gaffney has put together a well-referenced exposé of probable factors leading up to the world-impacting events of 11 September 2001 in the United States, as well as documented facts that make the official story of what happened incomplete and impossible.

With copious footnotes, Gaffney spends the first 140 pages telling us about the history of financial elements that appear to have played a key role in motivating the events of that fateful day.

Not counting the Appendices, the last 90 pages deal with the failure of claims that try to show how the aircraft used in the attacks were steered by young, inexperienced pilot hijackers.

The book includes a Foreword and Afterword by engineer/researcher Aidan Monaghan detailing the use of autopilot technology in existence well prior to 11 September 2001 as the only plausible explanation for making the difficult flight manoeuvres that were observed by radar.”

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Who needs DOGE? This looks like government efficiency and synergy all in one. Lots of birds killed with a few stones posing as airplanes.

If you're going to do an op as big as 9/11 why just limit yourself to a BOGUS weapons of mass destruction war in Iraq, and get the terrorists war in Afghanistan & the Patriot act.. For an operation THAT big it is time to settle ALL scores.

Like Michael said in the Godfather. Today I settle all family business. It is good the government has had so many organized crime "influencer" to give them advice since before JFK.

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The pancake theory is an absurd joke. All three buildings were obvious high-tech controlled demolitions. The North & South towers were freaking pulverized (blown up requiring massive amounts of energy that no physical crashing can produce) and the symmetrical “falls” were aided by a simultaneous “cutting” of all the core columns.

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The building below was designed to carry that weight as it always has. The floors below would slow and stop the faulty floors above. The buildings fell at free fall speed like there was nothing slowing the decent. Why are you trying to explain something away with such stupid logic.

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Exactly. One of the “themes” of the operation was “no resistance”. Also, as in no resistance to the fairy tale official story (conspiracy theory) proffered for public consumption.

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Ad hominem means ya got nothin of interest. Take off you hoser.

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Your postulation was “stupid” in that it involved a physical impossibility.

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In truth, the seismic data indicate less mass struck the earth than we have reason to expect. The buildings were dustified on their way down. Thus, the pyroclastic dust clouds, made of concrete and steel, both, and a too-small seismic signature. No pancake collapse.

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A silly idea. The University of Alaska analysis proved the only way WTC7 could have fallen the way it did is with the simultaneous severing of all 79 support columns:

“Our study found that the fires in WTC 7 could not have caused the observed collapse,” said Professor Leroy Hulsey, the study’s principal investigator. “The only way it could have fallen in the observed manner is by the near-simultaneous failure of every column.”..."

Demolition expert, Danny Jowenko, observes WTC7 collapse, and emphatically remarks: "this is a controlled demolition --- absolutely":


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Yes, and the debris pile just didn't add up.

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I suspect a change of "definition" is coming soon, to lower that rate as much as possible.

A lot of diseases or, rather, non-diseases, are just an administrative category. Real disease is a lot like real crime: in real crime, there is a victim, and a perpetrator. If there is no victim, there is no crime. Same with disease: if there is nothing wrong, the diagnosis is just utter socialdemocratic rubbish.

In the case of autism, clearly, something is wrong. There is damage. Which, coincidentally, also means there is a crime going on.

But I guess it's possible that some people with a label of autism are perfectly fine, no damage. Maybe they are just weird, like an artist or a scientist. But that's has nothing to do with real brain damage caused by vaccines.

I don't think they can lower the rate fast enough. The trend is blatantly there, and all the perpetrators know their time is going to come.

Maybe we get to see a miracle: vaccinologists being persecuted as pereptrators of a decades-long genocide. And journalists and editors. Vaccines would not exist without journalists and editors who censored every iota of useful information.

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Please remember children are not jabbed but for the evil corrupt pediatricians in the pocket of pharma. Peds are the pushers who at best lack basic knowledge about how the class of products they push is brought to an unsuspecting public (and lack the critical thinking to go find out) and at worst understand enough yet perpetrate the frauds and harms anyways. They dupe the parents for the chance. They abdicate their oath to their wee, vulnerable charges. It is the fingers of pediatricians that depress the plungers, while their other hand extends behind their back, palm up, for payment.

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Mockingbird media is so complicit...

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Something has changed in regard to chemtrails after Trump became president. At least where I live in the south of Spain. This is usually spray season and they usually spray every other day. Since Trump came into office there has not been one day of spraying. I can also see that people from different parts of the world report the same. Many are linking it to USAID…

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They have stopped spraying in South Australia a month ago. Before then it was a daily occurrence!

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Chemtrail spraying still happening everyday in the Pacific Northwest of the US, sadly.

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Still spraying in the Caribbean

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It’s almost daily where I live

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Great news F THE USAID $!!

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Idk, here in California it’s definitely still happening. We had some pretty heavy spraying earlier this week…

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..."spray it around" he says. I think he's talking about glyphosate. The Amish definitely don't use 'Roundup'/glyphosate on their plants and RFK has been talking quite a bit about it recently. It affects us nearly the same way as it does the 'pests' - plays havoc with our systems. Stephanie Seneff is particularly good on this. ... Don't think he can tackle vaccinating yet.

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Trump definitely meant the Amish don’t vaccinate and have no record of autism amongst their children. He said it clearly in that speech or a different one I heard very recently!

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Gotta have pad and pencil for taking notes when Stephanie starts talking.

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And there is glyphosate in new green diesel fuel made from corn which then enters the air via exhaust

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Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!

And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.

Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.

Can't say this often enough!

It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections/pills were/are a huge part of their arsenal! Mistakes were not made!

KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!

Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! virustruth.net

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.


The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

This horrifying Gates, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.




Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Bless and thank you for doing what you do.

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…or you could just label them Malthusian, transhumanist satanists. That gets right to the root.

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Talking to an elderly friend (she's almost 90, why bother to set her straight?) says Kennedy is awful, autism is increasing because of better diagnoses. She caught me off guard and I had no easy comeback but then I dropped it, she's an old liberal

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That would be unlikely to change the rate from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 32-36 (whatever that second number actually is).

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The comeback might be, does that make it not a problem to figure out and fix? Seeing more of a problem? There might be more diagnoses if there is better testing, a definitional change, and other factors as well.

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I agree with your interpretation 100%, Celia.

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A century of deception, at the benefit of those who benefit first from corporatism, while the deceived have to do more with money that's now worth less?


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That’s how I took it too. I actually live in Pennsylvania and have lots of interactions with the Amish . They do not vaccinate. They also do not use prescription medications if only absolutely necessary, like an injury. They use a lot herbal and natural methods. They also utilize chiropractic. as their first go to for medical issues

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The "autism index" is several years behind. Since the trend has been accelerating over 50 years, it might be closer to 1 in 25 or worse. But it is going to be difficult to pin this on one reason such as vaccines which has now become the most obvious.

Big pharma is not going to give up their terrifying vaccine empire as much of the DC swamp is taking bribes from them in one form or another. I would bet DOGE would uncover massive fraud in this area as well. These cretins will firmly resist changing from criminals to highly regarded masters. Won't happen.

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Totally agree. We have to listen very closely. As you say, the inflection, the pausing. And it's beyond that somewhat of an intuitional way of listening. Especially to Trump.

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Could be referring to spraying pesticide? I have personally been contaminated by endocrine disrupting cypermethrin spray used on local Sitka spruce plantations. The contamination was revealed in my hair sample. But because the test was unaccredited, it won’t stand up in a court of law. Bummer, bummer

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Might work in small claims court.

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How many people remember Trump saying the same thing last time?

He promised he was going to "look into" children's vaxxines, Chemtrails, Fracking, and provide us with an UN-redacted JFK assassination report.

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I remember. The other thing that’s interesting is that RFK Jr. seems to be the only agency head constrained by a commission. Has anyone here ever seen a commission formed by the government in order to get to the truth?

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Yes, all eyes are on vaccines as the culprit. But the real elephant in the living room is ULTRASOUND. As soon as they started exposing developing babies to this lethal, radiation-emitting technology in the 1970s, children started developing autism. And while I agree that vaccines are throwing children over the edge into autism, the fact is, the groundwork for the genetic, brain and neurological damage in these children is being laid in the womb with ultrasound scans, doppler fetal heart monitors (also ultrasonic) and parental use of wireless devices, all of which is literally electro-shocking and short-circuiting the children. It is time to wake up folks. These technologies are destroying us and or bloodlines.

For those who want to understand more, please consider reading my ultrasound book which contains over 1800+ citations to back up what I am saying here. You can only find the paperback book on my website since Amazon banned it and all other outlets followed suit. In fact, they've banned all my books for revealing too much Truth. Here's a link where you can learn more and do read the testimonials from other readers. These books are very important. https://birthofanewearth.com/books/

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If you truly read between the lines, you'll see that Trump is entertaining the people who voted for him and keeping them happy and excited, while the technocrats snap the control grid in place. The US constitution is in the way before bankers get total control over the US fiscal policy and hence, must be destroyed by the establishment (deep state). We're being entertained and pacified with fake heroes.

"So, you (US citizens) are getting lectured by an UNELECTED guy wearing a baseball cap, from South Africa, about the legal structure. [....]

If you can't get rid of the constitution, then the way the bankers get control of the fiscal policy, is to have contractors run everything and banks control them. [....]

The establishment has decided to strip out the civil service and turn fiscal control over to the bankers. [...]

I cannot share the (6-minute) video but you can find it on the Solari website run by Catherine Austin Fitts.

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The establishment IS the deep state. And it's largely unelected. 3-letter agencies, including the SES, which deserves a post-length expose in itself. Senior Executive Services. Ten Thousand members. Mid-level managers, with tenure. Starting salary: something like $170,000 per annum. Have their own flag. Betsy and Thomas, over at AIM4Truth talk about the SES all the time.

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Nice 5D chess theory, but it doesn't hold water. Trump is the real deal. But the conspiracy is international, much bigger than just the USA. It's a war and it is happening right now, in Europe as much as in America.

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In total agreement. Trump, through his spokespersons, J.D. Vance and Pete Hegseth and Marco Rubio, have just called the European community's bluff. The globalists who have usurped power expected US to send troops to Ukraine. Trump said "nope, not happening." So let's see what the Brits and the Germans do now.

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Beautifully said.

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