The Truth was made clear when a "Spiritual Commando Force" was formed in the form of "The Aetherius Society" in 1955 by Dr.George King who was a Master of Yoga in cooperation with Adepts from Venus and Mars in metaphysical operations.
Jesus spoke through the voice of George King London1958 in "The Twelve Blessings".
I wrote my book "Metaphysics and The New Age" with my experiences in the A.S.
Now this statement needs to be echoed everywhere. I agree completely, though it will be to the chagrin of so many who will read these words. I believe very strongly that is why everything is being labelled as 'Satanic' these days. Many will of course run to the Jesus narrative, as the coming messiah and savior.
All the hair on my arms stood up as I read your words. I'm so glad I perused this article to run into your comment. It is a highly unpopular thing you have said here, and takes guts. Well done!
What I notice is this - there are various belief systems that push people to 'the light'. and I do not think people are aware of this. Jesus is the way, the light, the truth. New Age/Spiritual beliefs are also all about the light. When I used to communicate with many New Agers, they were always saying or signing their emails off with "love & light". Of course they also love to call themselves 'light workers'.
What I never ran into was this; a single New Ager that was aware of the progenitor of the New Age movement. Alice Bailey. Who was mentored by Helena Blavatsky. Luciferian occultists are the helm of New Age thinking. Alice Bailey, also the creator (at least credited as) the founder of Lucius Trust, which kicks off the United Nations. So we have Bailey, both as the representative person of something labelled 'good' (New Age movement), and also something 'bad' (the U.N.). Hmmmn. That should leave people questioning anything associated with the light.
Now, given that they are labelled as Luciferian occultists, will drive people to the opposite. Jesus (in the West), or perhaps another savior narrative if born somewhere else. This is how psyops always work. thesis - antithesis. Coke vs Pepsi. Right vs Left. What people fail to realize is the false bottom that exists in all of it. Namely, that there is a synthesis that will spring forth from the dichotomy.
Here's what I keep coming back to: Envision "The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible" (Charles Eisenstein's book title), and begin to live that vision now, every day, every moment we can remember to do so until we ARE it. The vision includes mutual kindness, respect and love of life, all life, knowing that separation is an illusion. As we live in that light we become at home in the joy of existence and that naturally spreads to others, whatever their conditioned propagandized beliefs. This includes pointing out the discrepancies in their thinking, but the heart must be opened first to allow the freedom of truth to enter.
There are some in various magical / spiritual communities who hold active "intention groups" and other joint workings regularly, to influence specific things, generally on a smaller, more personal scale, but there's no reason why we can't scale up - I mean, "The Field" really is limitless. Where it falls apart usually is the "shared vision" of what the alternate future reality being intended for consists of. Defining a optimal shared vision that the majority think is good/right/preferred kind of gets hijacked when a lot of different people start layering their own personal political and religious beliefs upon it :(
So true. My "overarching vision" is that all of us be left alone to live our lives without malevolent interference. A small ask, but the only essential one.
There you go - the core / essentials of a group intention could be just that. If everyone left off layering their religious / political ideation on top of it, that would be a great vision to start holding regular "Power of 8" (or 8,000, etc.) Group meditation/prayer/intention workings for.
I have such faith in life that my meditations are for receiving rather than projecting. The way I see it, I am a very tiny particle in this vast cosmos. It has a purpose and I cannot know what that may be. So I wait for my instructions.... and they come to me without fail in the most bizarre ways. A book may fall open at a certain page which conveys some small message. A bird may sit in my company in the garden and inspire me to refill the seed feed or water.
Every moment becomes a clue - IF you know what to look for.
The Globalists, as well as the DNC and RINOS, should not be making laws/rules for our country. I realize Congress does this but we need many more Patriots and Constitutionalists in Congress. We need more who want high marks on the Freedom Index like Matt Gaetz and a very few others. Go look. It's like most of them don't care.
I realize that, which is why we need to choose better candidates with moral backbone who won't be bribed or threatened. Matt Gaetz and Tom Massie are two of those great men.
It's an appealing idea; but how many people of the desired moral character would want to be sent to wade in the DC swamp? Would it be better to withdraw our time and attention from all our subverted national institutions and instead invest our time and attention in enforcing the Constitution and re-building our institutions from the ground up somewhere other than DC?
Well, as Catherine Austin Fitts says - if they don't have something to blackmail you with they will make it up. And with today's deep fake it's pretty easy to do. I agree with you but with cheating in elections this is a huge mountain to overcome. I do have hope, but think we need to be more creative than we have been to date.
"Where there is a will, there is a way." Could this mean that the way lies where the strongest will is? By predictive programming a massive will is generated, opening up the way for the event? The question then becomes, how do we generate a stronger, oppositional will? Just rainy day thoughts; the rain stopping me from finishing a job. But I'm going to will enjoying the rain and see where it takes me. Hope you have a great day. 😁
Yes, and the strongest will is generated by people getting together in groups (preferably in multiples of three, ie, 3, 6, 9, etc) to pray together out loud - far more effective than praying in silence and/or alone.
It may sound strange, but effective prayer and what we call miracles are actually the result of scientific method/process. Jesus spent many years before beginning his ministry learning the science of prayer and miracles. The Bible hints at the importance of numbers ("Where two or three are gathered together..."). Sorry to say, I do not have this knowledge; but I do understand that the key to everything is numbers and frequencies. I think Nikola Tesla knew, or at least had some understanding:
To me the whole "people are asleep" meme revolves around our forgetting that we are first and foremost spiritual beings. We are capable of higher stages of consciousness not based on "knowledge", which is dependent on physical-sense perception of the material world all organized around reason.
Our essence which is our souls can access cognition totally separate from the outer world. We don't need seven-sense perception of the physical world. Indeed, to reach higher hierarchal realms the material world is left behind.
The soulless can't do that. They are totally dependent on futile manipulations of the mechanics of physicality (spells, witches brew, black magick). Most are disembodied, and have to go through corporeal human incarnates chained to Karma and totally oblivious to their connection to spiritual power.
Don't fool ourselves: this physical experience is seductively evocative, yet underlaid with an undertow of unspeakable danger (where some of the sweetest pleasures can be found). Our human vessels are simply astounding, and provide opportunity to personally and collectively gain the maximum out of this stage of human evolution.
The trick is stay focused and surf that fulcrum between what really matters and doesn't. Easy to fall off, become lost, and get swept up in the broad expanse of traumatic events such as 9-Eleven and SARS-CoV.
You want to get off the wheel? The 8? The Ouroboros? Finally go somewhere? Higher? You are the Captain––>set your intention, course, and damn the physical torpedoes.
It might be still useful to frame things in the context of enchantments, if only to underscore the modus operandi at play, and the innate tools we have the potential to use. They love Pyrotechnics, Weapons, Diversion, and Illusion; but their true source of power stems from a Charm. It’s the Charm that holds holds one’s focus, and misleads intention.
The defense against an Illusion, is at its most basic level, to disbelieve, involving skepticism from the intellect. The defense against a Charm can be more challenging, as it calls for Wisdom, especially the capacity to resist emotional manipulation.
The Charm being used is not a simple one, not a one-off, but rather a long enchantment, *conditioned* through repetition, and for lack of a better word, *boosters*. Most everyone has been born into the ongoing Charm enchantment, just at different points along its arc. Resisting the Charm and breaking free of it are two different things. Breaking the Charm is often permanent, once achieved, it loses its hold forever, dispelled; whereas momentary resisting of the Charm (often a single booster event or two) often results in people choosing to return to the comfort of the matrix.
Simple resisting of a Charm can be born of reflex, distrust, and a degree of skepticism, but what’s required on a deep level is not simple willpower or even intention. Those things can still be subject to misdirection and manipulation. To truly break a Charm, and its hold completely, requires true faith. Faith in one’s ability to perceive and discern, without discarding one’s heart, faith in a truth more expansive and resonant than our individual selves. Once the Charm is dispelled, it is dust, and our capacity for true sight is unleashed.
This takes wisdom…something in short supply these days…but it can be cultivated and nurtured.
Some New Age groups believe we have a group consciousness and if enough people have an awakening then the entire group will do so as well. This is the same idea as the "100th monkey effect". If this theory is correct, then we should project positive thoughts instead of dwelling on all of the negativity and fear porn the PTB put out.
Yes, certainly! Start with people (many) taking the free course on The Constitution from Hillsdale and also reading The Tuttle Twins with every family you know who will listen.
Since early on, I've been reminded of the vampire movie, "Let the Right One In." In that movie, the vampire can't come in unless it's invited. Maybe they have to be invited - at least to some degree.
During 2020 the Catholic Bishops in California re-consecrated California to Blessed Virgin Mary. It was led by Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles. You might still be able to watch a replay on the Los Angeles Cathedral YouTube channel. To people knowledgeable about spiritual warfare, this is done because Satan and his minions can't touch anything that has been entrust to Blessed Virgin Mary. This would also include spells and curses, which are all carried out by demons. Read Revelation Chapter 12. Satan can't touch Mary,who has a role on earth in the Last Days. He can go after the followers of her Son, but she is protected and Satsn knows it. This is similar to placing all your assets in a trust and appointing a trustee. Any thing, person, place, state or country that is consecrated to the Immaculata is entrusted to her the same as if it was placed in a trust and she was named the trustee. She holds ii, protects it, and possesses it. Satan and his minions (including those carrying out cursesvor magic) can take from people, and can destroy people. But they can't take anything that has been entrusted to Mary. In fact, Satan and his minions are afraid of her. (Next time you see an image of Blessed Virgin Mary notice she is usually crushing a snake with her feet.) So to answer the question, should groups of people pray in public against these diabolically inspired plans and assaults against humanity when they're announced by these satanists and Luciferians: the Bishops (who all of the authority of exorcists and give permission for any exorcism that takes place in their diocese) take care of the situation by making a public consecration of their region (and all the people) in it to Mary. It was done for Southern California in 2020. (Probably other Bishops consecrated their region to Mary too.)
Obviously the consecration has done nothing to improve life in California. How long will it be before rather than praying, the people DO something for themselves?
It is doubtful such consecrations are effective but some have faith in them.
I left the Catholic Church and found the teaching of Dr.George King (1919-1997) and inspired by the words of Jesus through his voice whilst he was in a selfinduced Samadhic trance for "The Twelve Blessings".
It was in London 1958, and I am of the last who were present.
"The Aetherius Society" was created in 1955, and has continued to expand and active on the web.
There are books and recordings of the transmissions by Jesus and Cosmic Masters through George King, invaluable for christians and any seeking the truths which have been hidden.
I wrote the book "Metaphysics and The New Age". and blog on :
The CDC is completely controlled by the globalists. So one of the biggest "revelations" was the CDC VAERS database, which shows unprecedented injuries and deaths from the clot shots. Why didn't the CDC simply censor all adverse effects? Was it "fair warning"? Or are the PTB trying to cull those "stupid" enough to still take the shots despite the VAERS reports? Some have also suggested that "surging" deaths/injuries are a PSYOP. (Perhaps the real purpose of the shots it to quietly sterilize as many people as possible- and "sudden deaths" are a distraction from that.) I know several people who were likely vax-injured but the vast majority of people I know are fine despite having up to 4 shots.
Indeed, its been estimated that about one third of the jabs are poison, the rest saline etc.
A cull of the incessantly jabbing? It is well under way... of course, TPTB have failed to jab most of us to completion( death/sterility/miscarriage) so their only strategy is to finish off those compliant fools.God forgive them, they still don’t know what they do. Owning their new woke religion.
And these same powers can do battle with those of true integrity, strength based on knowledge and faith. Truth will win this spiritual battle; it always has.
Yes, clearly many are going to be killed by the dangerous jabs. But, what if that simply serves to provide future evidence that will come out increasingly, that evil was in charge throughout the entire pandemic. And, that evil will continue to be out'd to build a narrative of a 'Satanic' deep state. One in which Trump will be brought in to mop up. He was all about 'cleaning up the deep state' verbiage and claims during his first Presidency. Trump also fancies himself the chosen one; he looked to the sky and said this on the White House lawn. there's clips online. But wait, Trump was in charge of ushering in the jabs, and has many many positive statements about them.....hmmmn.
But there is more than likely much more to the jabs. Even Moderna's website admitted that something akin to a computer's operating system was being injected into people. Perhaps CRISPR-CAS tech, or something similar. Or something we're not even allowed to know about. It could be something preparing people for the next cycle here on Earth. Much more than a depopulation desire that we all clearly see, there is a huge push to recapture units of consciousness. So all will not be culled with the jabs. They need us to create their next cycle/vision.
Where is all this leading? Its so confusing, and such a mess.
New Agers and spiritual types seem to want to 'raise our vibration' so E.T.'s waiting up in space can finally come down and interact with us. Or meditate their way bto something new, a new resolution; or to '5D'.
But how many of those who subscribe to these notions are aware of who the progenitor of the New Age movement is? Alice Bailey - Luciferian occultist. Now that I have used the word Lucierian, many will think 'Jesus is the answer then!' But why would an organized, syndicated force of evil leave the Bible untouched...? That doesn't make sense either. They invert everything here, but not Script-ure.
We/they are following a script here on Earth. That explains the predictive quality of so many things - from The Simpsons/South Park/Family Guy type adult cartoons, to the Bible, to quotes from Rudolf Steiner et al.
Good luck to all as we continue to build and hone discernment.
I increasingly think the whole thing is a distraction and part of a much bigger plan. There's a reddit post from 2016 that I think reveals the Big Picture:
Seekers for hidden Truth can always find it on the web.
My favorite is metaphysical operations of the postwar period and work of Dr.George King in cooperation with Alien Adepts where "Truth is Indeed Stranger Than Fiction".
My website has some provoking attributes : 'The Divine Heresies ".
Sorry, Liverani's argument strikes me as a recipe for giving the conspiracy theorist (I don't mind the term and own it proudly) license to cut the cord of reason and go free-floating in outer space cut off from the mothership. Here, the license is based on the CT being able tweak the Conspirators' modus operandi & motives in terms of our speculation about them -- the tweaking basically covering every anomaly that may come up, including anomalies that make no sense for a dastardly Conspiracy managed by, we reasonably assume, powerful, wealthy & intelligent Conspirators.
Heart felt Prayers got me through some gang stalking. Experienced supernatural protection, impossible to explain but very real.
I think we all need to be prayer warriors right now.
& Notice how the evildoers all hate Jesus? And God?
For warriors of Love and Truth Dynamic Prayer, was taught by Dr.George King (1919-1997) founded "The Aetherius Society" in London 1955.
Hadn’t heard of that, thanks.
The enemies of Truth are weak. In ways only we in Truth can know.
In what way are they weak?
A spiritual war has been going on.
The Truth was made clear when a "Spiritual Commando Force" was formed in the form of "The Aetherius Society" in 1955 by Dr.George King who was a Master of Yoga in cooperation with Adepts from Venus and Mars in metaphysical operations.
Jesus spoke through the voice of George King London1958 in "The Twelve Blessings".
I wrote my book "Metaphysics and The New Age" with my experiences in the A.S.
My website ; kasselmain,com has blogs relating.
They hate everything other than themselves. They invented God and Jesus as mind control.
Now this statement needs to be echoed everywhere. I agree completely, though it will be to the chagrin of so many who will read these words. I believe very strongly that is why everything is being labelled as 'Satanic' these days. Many will of course run to the Jesus narrative, as the coming messiah and savior.
All the hair on my arms stood up as I read your words. I'm so glad I perused this article to run into your comment. It is a highly unpopular thing you have said here, and takes guts. Well done!
What I notice is this - there are various belief systems that push people to 'the light'. and I do not think people are aware of this. Jesus is the way, the light, the truth. New Age/Spiritual beliefs are also all about the light. When I used to communicate with many New Agers, they were always saying or signing their emails off with "love & light". Of course they also love to call themselves 'light workers'.
What I never ran into was this; a single New Ager that was aware of the progenitor of the New Age movement. Alice Bailey. Who was mentored by Helena Blavatsky. Luciferian occultists are the helm of New Age thinking. Alice Bailey, also the creator (at least credited as) the founder of Lucius Trust, which kicks off the United Nations. So we have Bailey, both as the representative person of something labelled 'good' (New Age movement), and also something 'bad' (the U.N.). Hmmmn. That should leave people questioning anything associated with the light.
Now, given that they are labelled as Luciferian occultists, will drive people to the opposite. Jesus (in the West), or perhaps another savior narrative if born somewhere else. This is how psyops always work. thesis - antithesis. Coke vs Pepsi. Right vs Left. What people fail to realize is the false bottom that exists in all of it. Namely, that there is a synthesis that will spring forth from the dichotomy.
Sorry you feel that way. I’m all for Jesus. & He changed my life.
I do think organized religion is a mess though.
It has nothing whatever to do with my feelings nor yours. I am simply reporting to you precisely how the Black Nobility think and what they did before Rome fell.
Thanks for the link. I’m still sticking with Jesus.
It will Take a while to get through all your work. Interesting that you have spoken to ramola d, nice.
Jesus was my first influence. You have misjudged me. Not to worry, I am used to that.
Ramola and I are very good friends. That recording was a couple of years ago. We have recorded a few more interviews since then.
Thanks for the link. No offense for misunderstanding you, glad you know about Jesus.
Here's what I keep coming back to: Envision "The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible" (Charles Eisenstein's book title), and begin to live that vision now, every day, every moment we can remember to do so until we ARE it. The vision includes mutual kindness, respect and love of life, all life, knowing that separation is an illusion. As we live in that light we become at home in the joy of existence and that naturally spreads to others, whatever their conditioned propagandized beliefs. This includes pointing out the discrepancies in their thinking, but the heart must be opened first to allow the freedom of truth to enter.
There are some in various magical / spiritual communities who hold active "intention groups" and other joint workings regularly, to influence specific things, generally on a smaller, more personal scale, but there's no reason why we can't scale up - I mean, "The Field" really is limitless. Where it falls apart usually is the "shared vision" of what the alternate future reality being intended for consists of. Defining a optimal shared vision that the majority think is good/right/preferred kind of gets hijacked when a lot of different people start layering their own personal political and religious beliefs upon it :(
So true. My "overarching vision" is that all of us be left alone to live our lives without malevolent interference. A small ask, but the only essential one.
There you go - the core / essentials of a group intention could be just that. If everyone left off layering their religious / political ideation on top of it, that would be a great vision to start holding regular "Power of 8" (or 8,000, etc.) Group meditation/prayer/intention workings for.
I have such faith in life that my meditations are for receiving rather than projecting. The way I see it, I am a very tiny particle in this vast cosmos. It has a purpose and I cannot know what that may be. So I wait for my instructions.... and they come to me without fail in the most bizarre ways. A book may fall open at a certain page which conveys some small message. A bird may sit in my company in the garden and inspire me to refill the seed feed or water.
Every moment becomes a clue - IF you know what to look for.
The Globalists, as well as the DNC and RINOS, should not be making laws/rules for our country. I realize Congress does this but we need many more Patriots and Constitutionalists in Congress. We need more who want high marks on the Freedom Index like Matt Gaetz and a very few others. Go look. It's like most of them don't care.
The majority of Congress has been bribed or threatened. Few have the moral backbone and the courage of their convictions to resist .
I realize that, which is why we need to choose better candidates with moral backbone who won't be bribed or threatened. Matt Gaetz and Tom Massie are two of those great men.
It's an appealing idea; but how many people of the desired moral character would want to be sent to wade in the DC swamp? Would it be better to withdraw our time and attention from all our subverted national institutions and instead invest our time and attention in enforcing the Constitution and re-building our institutions from the ground up somewhere other than DC?
Well, as Catherine Austin Fitts says - if they don't have something to blackmail you with they will make it up. And with today's deep fake it's pretty easy to do. I agree with you but with cheating in elections this is a huge mountain to overcome. I do have hope, but think we need to be more creative than we have been to date.
"Where there is a will, there is a way." Could this mean that the way lies where the strongest will is? By predictive programming a massive will is generated, opening up the way for the event? The question then becomes, how do we generate a stronger, oppositional will? Just rainy day thoughts; the rain stopping me from finishing a job. But I'm going to will enjoying the rain and see where it takes me. Hope you have a great day. 😁
Yes, and the strongest will is generated by people getting together in groups (preferably in multiples of three, ie, 3, 6, 9, etc) to pray together out loud - far more effective than praying in silence and/or alone.
Why the multiples of 3?
It may sound strange, but effective prayer and what we call miracles are actually the result of scientific method/process. Jesus spent many years before beginning his ministry learning the science of prayer and miracles. The Bible hints at the importance of numbers ("Where two or three are gathered together..."). Sorry to say, I do not have this knowledge; but I do understand that the key to everything is numbers and frequencies. I think Nikola Tesla knew, or at least had some understanding:
To me the whole "people are asleep" meme revolves around our forgetting that we are first and foremost spiritual beings. We are capable of higher stages of consciousness not based on "knowledge", which is dependent on physical-sense perception of the material world all organized around reason.
Our essence which is our souls can access cognition totally separate from the outer world. We don't need seven-sense perception of the physical world. Indeed, to reach higher hierarchal realms the material world is left behind.
The soulless can't do that. They are totally dependent on futile manipulations of the mechanics of physicality (spells, witches brew, black magick). Most are disembodied, and have to go through corporeal human incarnates chained to Karma and totally oblivious to their connection to spiritual power.
Don't fool ourselves: this physical experience is seductively evocative, yet underlaid with an undertow of unspeakable danger (where some of the sweetest pleasures can be found). Our human vessels are simply astounding, and provide opportunity to personally and collectively gain the maximum out of this stage of human evolution.
The trick is stay focused and surf that fulcrum between what really matters and doesn't. Easy to fall off, become lost, and get swept up in the broad expanse of traumatic events such as 9-Eleven and SARS-CoV.
You want to get off the wheel? The 8? The Ouroboros? Finally go somewhere? Higher? You are the Captain––>set your intention, course, and damn the physical torpedoes.
All living beings have a soul. It is not possible to be alive without one.
Thanks for that, Celia. I really appreciate it.
It might be still useful to frame things in the context of enchantments, if only to underscore the modus operandi at play, and the innate tools we have the potential to use. They love Pyrotechnics, Weapons, Diversion, and Illusion; but their true source of power stems from a Charm. It’s the Charm that holds holds one’s focus, and misleads intention.
The defense against an Illusion, is at its most basic level, to disbelieve, involving skepticism from the intellect. The defense against a Charm can be more challenging, as it calls for Wisdom, especially the capacity to resist emotional manipulation.
The Charm being used is not a simple one, not a one-off, but rather a long enchantment, *conditioned* through repetition, and for lack of a better word, *boosters*. Most everyone has been born into the ongoing Charm enchantment, just at different points along its arc. Resisting the Charm and breaking free of it are two different things. Breaking the Charm is often permanent, once achieved, it loses its hold forever, dispelled; whereas momentary resisting of the Charm (often a single booster event or two) often results in people choosing to return to the comfort of the matrix.
Simple resisting of a Charm can be born of reflex, distrust, and a degree of skepticism, but what’s required on a deep level is not simple willpower or even intention. Those things can still be subject to misdirection and manipulation. To truly break a Charm, and its hold completely, requires true faith. Faith in one’s ability to perceive and discern, without discarding one’s heart, faith in a truth more expansive and resonant than our individual selves. Once the Charm is dispelled, it is dust, and our capacity for true sight is unleashed.
This takes wisdom…something in short supply these days…but it can be cultivated and nurtured.
Spells are counter-prayers. Just keep praying you our Lord in Heaven.
Just keep praying, and then pray some more.
I’m at the praying unceasingly part. Every conscious moment incorporates prayer.
Some New Age groups believe we have a group consciousness and if enough people have an awakening then the entire group will do so as well. This is the same idea as the "100th monkey effect". If this theory is correct, then we should project positive thoughts instead of dwelling on all of the negativity and fear porn the PTB put out.
Yes, certainly! Start with people (many) taking the free course on The Constitution from Hillsdale and also reading The Tuttle Twins with every family you know who will listen.
Since early on, I've been reminded of the vampire movie, "Let the Right One In." In that movie, the vampire can't come in unless it's invited. Maybe they have to be invited - at least to some degree.
During 2020 the Catholic Bishops in California re-consecrated California to Blessed Virgin Mary. It was led by Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles. You might still be able to watch a replay on the Los Angeles Cathedral YouTube channel. To people knowledgeable about spiritual warfare, this is done because Satan and his minions can't touch anything that has been entrust to Blessed Virgin Mary. This would also include spells and curses, which are all carried out by demons. Read Revelation Chapter 12. Satan can't touch Mary,who has a role on earth in the Last Days. He can go after the followers of her Son, but she is protected and Satsn knows it. This is similar to placing all your assets in a trust and appointing a trustee. Any thing, person, place, state or country that is consecrated to the Immaculata is entrusted to her the same as if it was placed in a trust and she was named the trustee. She holds ii, protects it, and possesses it. Satan and his minions (including those carrying out cursesvor magic) can take from people, and can destroy people. But they can't take anything that has been entrusted to Mary. In fact, Satan and his minions are afraid of her. (Next time you see an image of Blessed Virgin Mary notice she is usually crushing a snake with her feet.) So to answer the question, should groups of people pray in public against these diabolically inspired plans and assaults against humanity when they're announced by these satanists and Luciferians: the Bishops (who all of the authority of exorcists and give permission for any exorcism that takes place in their diocese) take care of the situation by making a public consecration of their region (and all the people) in it to Mary. It was done for Southern California in 2020. (Probably other Bishops consecrated their region to Mary too.)
They need to redo that -- maybe every day. LA is a mess.
Obviously the consecration has done nothing to improve life in California. How long will it be before rather than praying, the people DO something for themselves?
It is doubtful such consecrations are effective but some have faith in them.
I left the Catholic Church and found the teaching of Dr.George King (1919-1997) and inspired by the words of Jesus through his voice whilst he was in a selfinduced Samadhic trance for "The Twelve Blessings".
It was in London 1958, and I am of the last who were present.
"The Aetherius Society" was created in 1955, and has continued to expand and active on the web.
There are books and recordings of the transmissions by Jesus and Cosmic Masters through George King, invaluable for christians and any seeking the truths which have been hidden.
I wrote the book "Metaphysics and The New Age". and blog on :
The CDC is completely controlled by the globalists. So one of the biggest "revelations" was the CDC VAERS database, which shows unprecedented injuries and deaths from the clot shots. Why didn't the CDC simply censor all adverse effects? Was it "fair warning"? Or are the PTB trying to cull those "stupid" enough to still take the shots despite the VAERS reports? Some have also suggested that "surging" deaths/injuries are a PSYOP. (Perhaps the real purpose of the shots it to quietly sterilize as many people as possible- and "sudden deaths" are a distraction from that.) I know several people who were likely vax-injured but the vast majority of people I know are fine despite having up to 4 shots.
Indeed, its been estimated that about one third of the jabs are poison, the rest saline etc.
A cull of the incessantly jabbing? It is well under way... of course, TPTB have failed to jab most of us to completion( death/sterility/miscarriage) so their only strategy is to finish off those compliant fools.God forgive them, they still don’t know what they do. Owning their new woke religion.
And these same powers can do battle with those of true integrity, strength based on knowledge and faith. Truth will win this spiritual battle; it always has.
What if instead it works like this.....
Yes, clearly many are going to be killed by the dangerous jabs. But, what if that simply serves to provide future evidence that will come out increasingly, that evil was in charge throughout the entire pandemic. And, that evil will continue to be out'd to build a narrative of a 'Satanic' deep state. One in which Trump will be brought in to mop up. He was all about 'cleaning up the deep state' verbiage and claims during his first Presidency. Trump also fancies himself the chosen one; he looked to the sky and said this on the White House lawn. there's clips online. But wait, Trump was in charge of ushering in the jabs, and has many many positive statements about them.....hmmmn.
But there is more than likely much more to the jabs. Even Moderna's website admitted that something akin to a computer's operating system was being injected into people. Perhaps CRISPR-CAS tech, or something similar. Or something we're not even allowed to know about. It could be something preparing people for the next cycle here on Earth. Much more than a depopulation desire that we all clearly see, there is a huge push to recapture units of consciousness. So all will not be culled with the jabs. They need us to create their next cycle/vision.
Where is all this leading? Its so confusing, and such a mess.
New Agers and spiritual types seem to want to 'raise our vibration' so E.T.'s waiting up in space can finally come down and interact with us. Or meditate their way bto something new, a new resolution; or to '5D'.
But how many of those who subscribe to these notions are aware of who the progenitor of the New Age movement is? Alice Bailey - Luciferian occultist. Now that I have used the word Lucierian, many will think 'Jesus is the answer then!' But why would an organized, syndicated force of evil leave the Bible untouched...? That doesn't make sense either. They invert everything here, but not Script-ure.
We/they are following a script here on Earth. That explains the predictive quality of so many things - from The Simpsons/South Park/Family Guy type adult cartoons, to the Bible, to quotes from Rudolf Steiner et al.
Good luck to all as we continue to build and hone discernment.
I increasingly think the whole thing is a distraction and part of a much bigger plan. There's a reddit post from 2016 that I think reveals the Big Picture:
I am all for truth and freedom, and blog on the metaphysical operations of the postwar period, and still ongoing whenever an outlet offers.
website :
Seekers for hidden Truth can always find it on the web.
My favorite is metaphysical operations of the postwar period and work of Dr.George King in cooperation with Alien Adepts where "Truth is Indeed Stranger Than Fiction".
My website has some provoking attributes : 'The Divine Heresies ".
Sorry, Liverani's argument strikes me as a recipe for giving the conspiracy theorist (I don't mind the term and own it proudly) license to cut the cord of reason and go free-floating in outer space cut off from the mothership. Here, the license is based on the CT being able tweak the Conspirators' modus operandi & motives in terms of our speculation about them -- the tweaking basically covering every anomaly that may come up, including anomalies that make no sense for a dastardly Conspiracy managed by, we reasonably assume, powerful, wealthy & intelligent Conspirators.