Well is anyone surprised? Governments all over the world use these tactics against their citizens. Will the German people stand for it? My guess is they will but Reiner will never let it go! Well done!!!

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I'm surprised and delighted there's proof, evidence that will help him.

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I cry to see such evil occurring against this wonderful man who works to do what God wants him to do. Pray for God’s protection around him, and the destruction of Evil.🙏

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I have followed Reiner for several years going back to his early talks with Dr. David Martin and the entire c-19 op. This is further notice to all the people of the world that governments are not for the people, not for truth, but more the enemy of.

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Prof. Stefan Homburg has been able to explain what the government did, despite their attempts to hide. The video and translation are widely available. I am curious how others can find this with just key words. It is gaining traction day-by-day. My hope is it will help Reiner.

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Thank you for this wonderful news. Pray, pray pray!

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At least he's not "questioning THE holocaust"... Like Professor Anthony Hall "questioned:


"When I faced sharp accusations for standing up for the position that there should be “open debate” on the Holocaust and every other subject, I was moved to think about the nature of the sensitivities surrounding the subject.

I found myself asking if all genocides constitute a holocaust or just some of them. When an event is described as The Holocaust, does it mean that one monumental genocide is meant to tower above all other genocides, all other holocausts? Who gets to decide such things? What are the criteria?

As a Native American Studies Prof. for 20 twenty of my 36 years of teaching university courses, a came to conceive of an inter-generational genocide of Native American peoples unfolding throughout the Western Hemisphere from 1492 until the present."

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As the complex smoke clears (and it's still far from clear), I'm more and more inclined to think that the question of Jews and the Mainstream Narrative on Hitler & Holocaust is the most important issue of all -- possibly on a deep level relevant to all the other major narratives & problems that preoccupy the Alt-Sphere.

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Questions are GREAT as long as you ask "approved questions". LOL :-D

Ask this question and then unravel the fabric .. "Who invented the story of Jesus?"

Do you know the DEFINITION of "Superstition"? <--it means an unreasonable belief!

Wild ideas are sometimes given sacred space .. such as the holocaust. Other ideas are narratives around Santa Claus (most adults know it's fantasy but tell their children lies anyway) .. sled full of toys flying through the air pulled by reindeer .. and that's how they end up under the tree! Superman flies through the air and leaps over tall buildings in a single bound! Jesus walks on water, turns it into wine, and feeds 5,000 adults with a child's lunch and still collects 12 baskets of left-overs. Don't question the narrative or you will be banned!!! Crazy huh!!!???

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He NEVER bought a house with the CC money!!! You are not following! The CC money was protected in a loan. He owed nothing. The house was clear of mortgage.

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surprised that no one else jumped onto this. EXpose, Epoch news, frontnieuws... where are you?

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in other words, high profile opponent of Pig Farma is hounded like Jean Seberg was by the FBI.

PLUS ÇA CHANGE... plus c'est la même chose.

it's great it's out in the open!

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We are not surprised with receipt of this news, Celia. Germany has a very dark face not only internally but in the affairs of the EU and NATO which many of us see as the same flying pig.

Nonetheless, thank you for the clarity on the continuity of German government deception.

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He already owned the house. The proceeds of sale of the house were taken by persons determined to interfere with the objectives for research clearly stated in the organizing documents of the committee. Whether the persons who took the proceeds from the house sale have already spent or transferred the money from the house sale is unclear. The judge seems uninterested in the interests of those who supported the research. The persons who took the money also seem uninterested in the donors, except to invent characterizations of donors.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

I consider this to be more of a press release and not so much bombshell. There is no mention of how the document was obtained and it may have been (deliberately) 'leaked' out. I don't have time to dissect it but found it to be vague and ambiguous and redundant in places. If Reiner's trial is held in a fair court then he will prevail and be vindicated. It may well come down to obfuscation and inadmissibility of evidence ruling of a partisan judge. I've read enough to understand his rationale for using home improvement as equity and collateral that could not so easily be pillaged by bank account freezing or absconding by his adversaries were he to have kept the money in the Corona contributions fund at a bank

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Total Lawfare. Which would explain their interest in prosecuting him.

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Of course an honest, good man has to be prosecuted……

God help us.

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Perhaps a concise statement of the facts regarding Reiner's case, including timeline, would be in order. Anyone?

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google baby

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Beware of g 👀gle.

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worked out great for the good germans, didn't it? now he's the new assange

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