I have found this short summary on who Jim West is:
«The author, Jim West, independently found massive evidence to support his hypothesis that persistent pesticides caused The Great Polio Epidemic, post-WWII, and organochlorines in milk caused the great 1916 epidemic in New York City. His book contains original graphs and statistical analysis, regarding epidemiology, virology, and dose/response.
West has been acclaimed globally by many independent authors and researchers. His work has been used by medical critics to review the properties and politics of disease paradigms. West has virtually no detractors who are able to debate him in any forum that could be made public. Mainstream responses to his simple and civil arguments include closing forums and threads.
West has served as Chairman of the Science Committee for the NoSpray Coalition, which successfully litigated against New York City over the matter of aerial pesticide spray programs. He is a member of GreenSpeakers, a Toastmaster group.
His work was the foundation of an article in The Ecologist, the world's leading ecology journal, acclaimed as a "Hot Topic" for six months.
He has devoted much of his life to the study of medical science and politics, a study initiated at an very early age as a matter of survival. He has a scientific background, with a university level education in engineering, physics, chemistry, advanced math and various psychologies, though without completing his degree. He is self-taught in microbiology, biochemistry, toxicology, electronics and computer assembly language. He has some commercial achievement in designing chemical products.
Jim is a dedicated researcher, journalist and advocate for the environment and responsible industry. He sees significant research advantages beyond those in official professional capacities. With less political complications, he is able to critique the professional medical mainstream in areas of scientific truth where a professional can be limited by a web of beliefs, rules and laws influenced by vested interests.»
I like the idea of toxemia, perhaps it has a greater explanatory of diseases than germ theory. Including spirochetes/Lyme disease/CF/ME. Perhaps everything can be explained with toxins/poisons.
I am wary of monocausality, though.
Regardless, it's interesting how viruses and dysbiosis are always blamed for acute neurological damage that becomes chronic disability. It seems like a cop out. The old Hegelian anti-human crap. For example, some people like to pretend that things like the so called "Major Depressive Disorder" and "Bipolar Disorder" are caused by a chronic viral infection in the cerebelum. However, it's more likely those two diagnoses are caused by the treatment of Depression, which includes acute exposure to toxins like imipramine, bupropion, lithium among many other things that have been experimented on people for more than seven decades, causing tremendous damage, which is always blamed on anything but what the psychiatrists force on patients. In contrast, evidence for infection is very scant and questionable. People should be publicly shamed for even mentioning the possibility of infections, after people have been intoxicated so much, so many times.
About gut dysbiosis and chronic disease, well, the arguments look a lot like the argument from a story by Agatha Christie novel. It's very convoluted. I suspect behind that there are psychopathic doctors trying to mislead the public.
So, maybe Mr. West is right about his allegations against the conclusions and methods of Wakefield et al. However, the defenestration of Wakefield served the purpose of pre-censoring any more research on the acute damage of any vaccine. And Wakefield may have been wrong about his hypothesis, but he was not wrong about his observations. It's still a case of scientific fraud perpetrated by public health institutions against the public.
Wow you are a fool. Sorry that I have to say that. It is clear.
Just look what you wrote:
So, maybe Mr. West is right about his allegations against the conclusions and methods of Wakefield et al. However, the defenestration of Wakefield served the purpose of pre-censoring any more research on the acute damage of any vaccine. And Wakefield may have been wrong about his hypothesis, but he was not wrong about his observations. It's still a case of scientific fraud perpetrated by public health institutions against the public.
The fact remains unpalatable to you that Wakefield lied in fact because you flew his flag. He made many cardinal errors including non-disclosure. That should tell you about his character.
Furthermore his observations were clearly incorrect as he ignored another fundamental-Toxicity
Mr. Shitface, the observations of Wakefield include the fact that children were being severely harmed right after vaccination. Do you deny this? Just because of that he is a better scientsits than the devils who worked for public health institutions and deny reality, because their job is to deny the eugenics democide.
I'm not interested in our opinion or in your feedback. You have manners or common sense, and I expect nothing good from you in the future. Bye.
Who are these people volunteering for the oral mrna studies? Do they truly understand how dangerous this can be for them? I can't imagine being part of this study. You might as well play Russian roulette. Hopefully there are no minors being used in this study. My mind is blown away 🤯
I was wondering this, too - and Mr Kennedy often says that ‘vaccines’ should have better trials, including those intended for newborns, infants and children. Who will volunteer their baby? If no one volunteers their child, how will these ‘better trials’ go ahead? Is this a ruse by Kennedy - that is, if no parent is willing to to risk their child, then trials will have to stop, and so no safety trials, no vaccines, at least for minors who can’t give informed consent….? Of course, no adult should volunteer for any vaccine trial, but there are very many who are utterly brainwashed by the intense propaganda that has been ongoing for many years, lots of doctors and nurses among them. I don’t care what silly, gullible adults do to themselves, as long as they understand that they can’t impose their silly, gullible beliefs on the rest of us re mandates. But children should never, ever be subjected to experiments with these witches’ brews. So, how does Mr Kennedy propose to get around parental horror?
I believe many of these "trials" are performed in countries that experience extreme poverty and adults enroll themselves and/or their children strictly for money and survival. I don't doubt that "informed consent" is not practiced "strictly" to say the least.
Let's not forget the infamous polio and other vaccine "trials" with Bill Gates funding in India and Africa where parents were mislead about the true nature of the trials and many children were paralyzed or worse.
Aren't there cases against Gates in India and Holland related to this criminal activity? Why can't those cases be highlighted to make people aware of their legitimacy? It's time to explain the origins of the Nuremberg Code and why it is more relevant than ever.
Oh yes. Read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Kennedy. Children that fall through, or get pulled through, the proverbial cracks in the 'systen' are perfect guinea pigs. Including 'undocumented' and those bred deep in the devil's lair that most people can simply never comprehend.
That would be a huge scandal and would certainly bring down the industrial medical complex. Although I live in England, I am watching very closely what the US does as I believe your government’s actions will have profound consequences for the world - I hope those consequences will be unbelievably good, but we shall have to wait and see.
"Who will volunteer their baby?" - Probably the same people who volunteer/encourage their children to be transgendered. There's a subset of the population that is inexplicably evil, though they may not see it that way.
Good question: I have so often tried to picture in my mind people volunteering themselves and/or their children for drug studies. I am wondering if they are rounding up homeless/hopeless people, taking them from care homes? Are doctors telling patients to sign up and telling them where to show up? It makes no sense.
Yep. Probably stopping the next mother, Stephanie DeGaray, taking their healthy young daughter, Maddie, to be poisoned, and they will never know the tragic near miss if she is successful.
Maddie's mom portrays herself as a victim. She enrolled her daughter in those trials! Parents should protect their children not sacrifice them at the alter of big pharma. The poor children 😢
I implore others who have indulged in character assassination of Bobby to STOP. With his characteristic grace he soaked up abuse from the likes of Wydon, Sanders and Schumer for a reason. Bobby’s treatment by DEMS like DWS in Jim Jordan’s censorship hearing in ‘23 earned my unshakable disgust and mistrust of the DEM Congress. It was difficult to listen to them in the HHS confirmation hearings.
President Trump’s recent statements highlighting the low autism rate among the Amish is a not-so-subtle clue that Trump is disengaging from the “saved lives” narrative on vaccines. He does everything in a way … “his way” … no one can second guess.
People who want instant gratification from Bobby infer he is “on the take,” an accusation that is irrational, at best attempted manipulation. To say MAHA is only about food safety is truly absurd while those who literally dismiss the imperative of agricultural reform as a frivolous preoccupation (e.g., the stale “organic froot loops” joke) miss the strategy in play … it’s called “winning.” So far, so good. Don’t forget that the DEMS are still there doing their best to infect the nation with jealousy and venom.
I have no doubt whatsoever that Bobby has the poison vaccines and the unconstitutional, tyrannical legislation that facilitated extermination of 1.5M Americans and grave injury to 20M others during the Biden years in his cross hairs. And who talks about it with any reach? ONLY CHD. Who has viewed VAXX lll? They have got to go: PREP, VICA, and the antiquated Jacobsen vs Massachusetts SCOTUS ruling. Read his books. Listen to his interviews. Does anyone really think they know more about it than Bobby does? He made a deal to deliver Gold Standard Science. Unlike the total CRAP that one DEM Senator called “settled science” referring to vaccine safety, the objective scientific truth, formerly redacted from public view thanks in part to these same calcified, ignorant Senators, will be elevated to public visibility and recapitulated 100x over to make it “STICK” in court. A half-assed approach will be only temporary. It’s a process. Let Bobby work. He is preaching to the nation, not just the choir on substack.
When we needed to know more about it, Bobby covered Ukraine in a set of comprehensive interviews on Spotify that brought clear understanding of the conflict, the backstory, and the idiocy of the Biden State Department front and center for millions of followers. Scott Ritter and Col MacGregor capped off the series of interviews. I have no doubt Bobby influences foreign policy as well. I would have liked to see an abrupt cut-off of all aid to Ukraine, but I can hardly second guess the process of ending the war and undercutting the influence of neocons so destructively in play for so long, the cold war legacy of Alan Dulles. We heard it from Biden himself and from Schumer just recently. But their gravy train has been derailed.
Yes, and yes again. We are all trust whipped. But meaningful change is going to take time. And there are a lot of hysterical people out there. I trust Kennedy.
JD Vance's investment firm is heavily invested in RNA vaccines, so I don't see that being addressed. Instead I think we'll see a shift from the 'old' vaccines that are 'bad', to the 'new ones'(RNA) that are 'good' I really hope I'm wrong.
I have been listening to Dr Stanley Monteith talk about the Luciferian occult organisations like Council of Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. They plan to murder most Christians. He is an interesting speaker. I wish I found him sooner, though I have listened to him before but maybe I didn't take everything on board. He wrote a book called The Brotherhood Of Darkness that you will find in Archives.
Check out 'The Overlords of Chaos' website - a real compendium of extremely enlightening article and info. Also, check out 'Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini'.
'Overlords of Chaos' includes 'The Protocols' and 'The Secret Covenant'.
Thank you, I am familiar with all those documents. I have been reading William G. Carr Satan Prince Of This World and it all became clearer. Carr was a Canadian Naval Commander and has a very good grasp on the S of Satan and occult societies that shape our world and want to destroy it. You can download it in pdf form in Archives. I have a paper copy that I really have to finish reading. He is extremely well informed. He does refer to Pike and Mazzini's correspondence. I sincerely hope we have at least four years during Trump's tenure to wake everyone up. Difficult when the norm is to trust MK Ultra. This thing is so evil. It is worse than Hitler's 'World Order', seems the Nazis decided to get ambitious and make it the New World Order with Home-Rule from Jerusalem.
Try posting the headline, then in brackets (celiafarber substack). I always use that formula on any 'controversial' website, and it always works, though I suspect I am heavily 'Shadowbanned'.
Unfortunately many people still don't get it. Big pharma is INFESTED with deep state fraudsters and transhumanist demons who are looking for new and different ways to poison the population. They want us to believe that the FDA had no idea that graphene, SV40, and SM-102 were among a host of other poisons scientists found in the C-Jab! Really?? A Pfizer whistleblower even disclosed she saw internal memo's explaining to employees the best ways to NOT answer a direct question of whether graphene oxide was in their shots. Now graphene has been found in many dental anesthetics starting in 2020 but NO ONE has any idea how it got in there? Finding these deadly toxins in anything is deliberate. Which one of their so-called "vaccines" do you want to try next? Buyer beware!!
"The American Life Insurance Council has stated that life insurance policies may deny payments if someone dies from a COVID-19 vaccine, as these vaccines are considered experimental drugs, and policyholders should be aware of this risk."
Here's the title of a post I just received from one of Mike Adams' websites:
Wealthy French businessman died from the COVID-19 vaccine – but life insurance company DENIES PAYOUT, citing voluntary suicide by experimental jab
"The judge in the case determined that the side effects of the COVID vaccine were well-known, and the man willingly chose to get vaccinated despite the risks, essentially committing suicide"
Sasha and Celia...what a fine team of warriors. The end goal is to ban all mRNA substances forever. If that was to happen, big pharma and DARPA would invent a new deadly substance to replace it. All vaccines must be banned permanently.
Good for Kennedy.
Sasha is the best at what she does. She speaks for many people. Thank you, Sasha!
It's great that Shanahan talks about this. Wakefield has to be restored in his status as a scientist.
...to his status as a physician.
There was more to the story than we were led to believe. I too like you felt that Wakefield had been unfairly treated.
But I suggest you read what Jim West said about the study. Not sure if you know of Jim West.
No, I ignore who Jim West is.
I have found this short summary on who Jim West is:
«The author, Jim West, independently found massive evidence to support his hypothesis that persistent pesticides caused The Great Polio Epidemic, post-WWII, and organochlorines in milk caused the great 1916 epidemic in New York City. His book contains original graphs and statistical analysis, regarding epidemiology, virology, and dose/response.
West has been acclaimed globally by many independent authors and researchers. His work has been used by medical critics to review the properties and politics of disease paradigms. West has virtually no detractors who are able to debate him in any forum that could be made public. Mainstream responses to his simple and civil arguments include closing forums and threads.
West has served as Chairman of the Science Committee for the NoSpray Coalition, which successfully litigated against New York City over the matter of aerial pesticide spray programs. He is a member of GreenSpeakers, a Toastmaster group.
His work was the foundation of an article in The Ecologist, the world's leading ecology journal, acclaimed as a "Hot Topic" for six months.
He has devoted much of his life to the study of medical science and politics, a study initiated at an very early age as a matter of survival. He has a scientific background, with a university level education in engineering, physics, chemistry, advanced math and various psychologies, though without completing his degree. He is self-taught in microbiology, biochemistry, toxicology, electronics and computer assembly language. He has some commercial achievement in designing chemical products.
Jim is a dedicated researcher, journalist and advocate for the environment and responsible industry. He sees significant research advantages beyond those in official professional capacities. With less political complications, he is able to critique the professional medical mainstream in areas of scientific truth where a professional can be limited by a web of beliefs, rules and laws influenced by vested interests.»
I like the idea of toxemia, perhaps it has a greater explanatory of diseases than germ theory. Including spirochetes/Lyme disease/CF/ME. Perhaps everything can be explained with toxins/poisons.
I am wary of monocausality, though.
Regardless, it's interesting how viruses and dysbiosis are always blamed for acute neurological damage that becomes chronic disability. It seems like a cop out. The old Hegelian anti-human crap. For example, some people like to pretend that things like the so called "Major Depressive Disorder" and "Bipolar Disorder" are caused by a chronic viral infection in the cerebelum. However, it's more likely those two diagnoses are caused by the treatment of Depression, which includes acute exposure to toxins like imipramine, bupropion, lithium among many other things that have been experimented on people for more than seven decades, causing tremendous damage, which is always blamed on anything but what the psychiatrists force on patients. In contrast, evidence for infection is very scant and questionable. People should be publicly shamed for even mentioning the possibility of infections, after people have been intoxicated so much, so many times.
About gut dysbiosis and chronic disease, well, the arguments look a lot like the argument from a story by Agatha Christie novel. It's very convoluted. I suspect behind that there are psychopathic doctors trying to mislead the public.
So, maybe Mr. West is right about his allegations against the conclusions and methods of Wakefield et al. However, the defenestration of Wakefield served the purpose of pre-censoring any more research on the acute damage of any vaccine. And Wakefield may have been wrong about his hypothesis, but he was not wrong about his observations. It's still a case of scientific fraud perpetrated by public health institutions against the public.
Wow you are a fool. Sorry that I have to say that. It is clear.
Just look what you wrote:
So, maybe Mr. West is right about his allegations against the conclusions and methods of Wakefield et al. However, the defenestration of Wakefield served the purpose of pre-censoring any more research on the acute damage of any vaccine. And Wakefield may have been wrong about his hypothesis, but he was not wrong about his observations. It's still a case of scientific fraud perpetrated by public health institutions against the public.
The fact remains unpalatable to you that Wakefield lied in fact because you flew his flag. He made many cardinal errors including non-disclosure. That should tell you about his character.
Furthermore his observations were clearly incorrect as he ignored another fundamental-Toxicity
Mr. Shitface, the observations of Wakefield include the fact that children were being severely harmed right after vaccination. Do you deny this? Just because of that he is a better scientsits than the devils who worked for public health institutions and deny reality, because their job is to deny the eugenics democide.
I'm not interested in our opinion or in your feedback. You have manners or common sense, and I expect nothing good from you in the future. Bye.
Who are these people volunteering for the oral mrna studies? Do they truly understand how dangerous this can be for them? I can't imagine being part of this study. You might as well play Russian roulette. Hopefully there are no minors being used in this study. My mind is blown away 🤯
I was wondering this, too - and Mr Kennedy often says that ‘vaccines’ should have better trials, including those intended for newborns, infants and children. Who will volunteer their baby? If no one volunteers their child, how will these ‘better trials’ go ahead? Is this a ruse by Kennedy - that is, if no parent is willing to to risk their child, then trials will have to stop, and so no safety trials, no vaccines, at least for minors who can’t give informed consent….? Of course, no adult should volunteer for any vaccine trial, but there are very many who are utterly brainwashed by the intense propaganda that has been ongoing for many years, lots of doctors and nurses among them. I don’t care what silly, gullible adults do to themselves, as long as they understand that they can’t impose their silly, gullible beliefs on the rest of us re mandates. But children should never, ever be subjected to experiments with these witches’ brews. So, how does Mr Kennedy propose to get around parental horror?
I believe many of these "trials" are performed in countries that experience extreme poverty and adults enroll themselves and/or their children strictly for money and survival. I don't doubt that "informed consent" is not practiced "strictly" to say the least.
Let's not forget the infamous polio and other vaccine "trials" with Bill Gates funding in India and Africa where parents were mislead about the true nature of the trials and many children were paralyzed or worse.
Aren't there cases against Gates in India and Holland related to this criminal activity? Why can't those cases be highlighted to make people aware of their legitimacy? It's time to explain the origins of the Nuremberg Code and why it is more relevant than ever.
Why is that guy still walking free?
B R I B E R Y, which seems to make the world go round!
I keep thinking of those missing trafficked children crossing the southern US border. Are some being used for medical testing?
Oh yes. Read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Kennedy. Children that fall through, or get pulled through, the proverbial cracks in the 'systen' are perfect guinea pigs. Including 'undocumented' and those bred deep in the devil's lair that most people can simply never comprehend.
Fauci is another Dr. Mengele. Evil nasty man.
That would be a huge scandal and would certainly bring down the industrial medical complex. Although I live in England, I am watching very closely what the US does as I believe your government’s actions will have profound consequences for the world - I hope those consequences will be unbelievably good, but we shall have to wait and see.
"Who will volunteer their baby?" - Probably the same people who volunteer/encourage their children to be transgendered. There's a subset of the population that is inexplicably evil, though they may not see it that way.
Yep. Moms who enjoy the attention given to them for having a tranny kid. I knew some of them. Vile women.
🎯 Exactly! It's all about them, not the kids.
Better vaccines? Looks like a snowjob in motion.
I know 2 Dr's who put their young children in the first c-19 jab trials. I still can't believe they did it.
Almost unbelievable- but then I remember they are doctors….
Agree 💯 It is reckless and in my opinion child abuse.
Good question: I have so often tried to picture in my mind people volunteering themselves and/or their children for drug studies. I am wondering if they are rounding up homeless/hopeless people, taking them from care homes? Are doctors telling patients to sign up and telling them where to show up? It makes no sense.
Yep. Probably stopping the next mother, Stephanie DeGaray, taking their healthy young daughter, Maddie, to be poisoned, and they will never know the tragic near miss if she is successful.
Maddie's mom portrays herself as a victim. She enrolled her daughter in those trials! Parents should protect their children not sacrifice them at the alter of big pharma. The poor children 😢
I often ask myself the very same question, Annie.
I implore others who have indulged in character assassination of Bobby to STOP. With his characteristic grace he soaked up abuse from the likes of Wydon, Sanders and Schumer for a reason. Bobby’s treatment by DEMS like DWS in Jim Jordan’s censorship hearing in ‘23 earned my unshakable disgust and mistrust of the DEM Congress. It was difficult to listen to them in the HHS confirmation hearings.
President Trump’s recent statements highlighting the low autism rate among the Amish is a not-so-subtle clue that Trump is disengaging from the “saved lives” narrative on vaccines. He does everything in a way … “his way” … no one can second guess.
People who want instant gratification from Bobby infer he is “on the take,” an accusation that is irrational, at best attempted manipulation. To say MAHA is only about food safety is truly absurd while those who literally dismiss the imperative of agricultural reform as a frivolous preoccupation (e.g., the stale “organic froot loops” joke) miss the strategy in play … it’s called “winning.” So far, so good. Don’t forget that the DEMS are still there doing their best to infect the nation with jealousy and venom.
I have no doubt whatsoever that Bobby has the poison vaccines and the unconstitutional, tyrannical legislation that facilitated extermination of 1.5M Americans and grave injury to 20M others during the Biden years in his cross hairs. And who talks about it with any reach? ONLY CHD. Who has viewed VAXX lll? They have got to go: PREP, VICA, and the antiquated Jacobsen vs Massachusetts SCOTUS ruling. Read his books. Listen to his interviews. Does anyone really think they know more about it than Bobby does? He made a deal to deliver Gold Standard Science. Unlike the total CRAP that one DEM Senator called “settled science” referring to vaccine safety, the objective scientific truth, formerly redacted from public view thanks in part to these same calcified, ignorant Senators, will be elevated to public visibility and recapitulated 100x over to make it “STICK” in court. A half-assed approach will be only temporary. It’s a process. Let Bobby work. He is preaching to the nation, not just the choir on substack.
When we needed to know more about it, Bobby covered Ukraine in a set of comprehensive interviews on Spotify that brought clear understanding of the conflict, the backstory, and the idiocy of the Biden State Department front and center for millions of followers. Scott Ritter and Col MacGregor capped off the series of interviews. I have no doubt Bobby influences foreign policy as well. I would have liked to see an abrupt cut-off of all aid to Ukraine, but I can hardly second guess the process of ending the war and undercutting the influence of neocons so destructively in play for so long, the cold war legacy of Alan Dulles. We heard it from Biden himself and from Schumer just recently. But their gravy train has been derailed.
Yes, and yes again. We are all trust whipped. But meaningful change is going to take time. And there are a lot of hysterical people out there. I trust Kennedy.
Thank you!!!!!
JD Vance's investment firm is heavily invested in RNA vaccines, so I don't see that being addressed. Instead I think we'll see a shift from the 'old' vaccines that are 'bad', to the 'new ones'(RNA) that are 'good' I really hope I'm wrong.
Bobby's the real deal.
Wouldn't bet my house on that.
My favorite parts of Covid:
It Is Time To Re-Frame
“Unexpected Deaths”
“Expected Deaths”
For the Vaccinated.
Who Are Dying “As Expected”.
Facebook doesn't like me posting your Substack, oooo, I keep getting Zucked.
That said I agree the shadow banning is a digital form of book burning. I wish there was a true Christian forum where the Word was no supressed
I have been listening to Dr Stanley Monteith talk about the Luciferian occult organisations like Council of Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. They plan to murder most Christians. He is an interesting speaker. I wish I found him sooner, though I have listened to him before but maybe I didn't take everything on board. He wrote a book called The Brotherhood Of Darkness that you will find in Archives.
Check out 'The Overlords of Chaos' website - a real compendium of extremely enlightening article and info. Also, check out 'Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini'.
'Overlords of Chaos' includes 'The Protocols' and 'The Secret Covenant'.
Thank you, I am familiar with all those documents. I have been reading William G. Carr Satan Prince Of This World and it all became clearer. Carr was a Canadian Naval Commander and has a very good grasp on the S of Satan and occult societies that shape our world and want to destroy it. You can download it in pdf form in Archives. I have a paper copy that I really have to finish reading. He is extremely well informed. He does refer to Pike and Mazzini's correspondence. I sincerely hope we have at least four years during Trump's tenure to wake everyone up. Difficult when the norm is to trust MK Ultra. This thing is so evil. It is worse than Hitler's 'World Order', seems the Nazis decided to get ambitious and make it the New World Order with Home-Rule from Jerusalem.
Try posting the headline, then in brackets (celiafarber substack). I always use that formula on any 'controversial' website, and it always works, though I suspect I am heavily 'Shadowbanned'.
Thank you
Thank you, Celia!
Unfortunately many people still don't get it. Big pharma is INFESTED with deep state fraudsters and transhumanist demons who are looking for new and different ways to poison the population. They want us to believe that the FDA had no idea that graphene, SV40, and SM-102 were among a host of other poisons scientists found in the C-Jab! Really?? A Pfizer whistleblower even disclosed she saw internal memo's explaining to employees the best ways to NOT answer a direct question of whether graphene oxide was in their shots. Now graphene has been found in many dental anesthetics starting in 2020 but NO ONE has any idea how it got in there? Finding these deadly toxins in anything is deliberate. Which one of their so-called "vaccines" do you want to try next? Buyer beware!!
Interesting phrasing from RFK, "...and fiscal-minded vaccine technology." As in cost-effective? For who, and for what?
Why nobody is talking about the elephant in the room?
Project Stargate!
Trust us we’re engineers…
The record is clear. Sasha stayed clearly in the lane of known and laid it out perfectly.
I wouldn't place too much hope on this pause.
Celia you did an interview with James Howard Kunstler! Y’all should listen!
"The American Life Insurance Council has stated that life insurance policies may deny payments if someone dies from a COVID-19 vaccine, as these vaccines are considered experimental drugs, and policyholders should be aware of this risk."
Here's the title of a post I just received from one of Mike Adams' websites:
Wealthy French businessman died from the COVID-19 vaccine – but life insurance company DENIES PAYOUT, citing voluntary suicide by experimental jab
"The judge in the case determined that the side effects of the COVID vaccine were well-known, and the man willingly chose to get vaccinated despite the risks, essentially committing suicide"
Sasha and Celia...what a fine team of warriors. The end goal is to ban all mRNA substances forever. If that was to happen, big pharma and DARPA would invent a new deadly substance to replace it. All vaccines must be banned permanently.