RFK Jr sounds good except for one big problem: he wants TESTING to justify KEEPING vaccines. If you read / follow the authors who write The Needle’s Secret (about the bolus theory) and The Moth in the Iron Lung (about polio), you might question why we need ANY vaccines. I sure do not think we need them. NONE. They’re all based on lies.

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Not sure about rfk but Aaron Siri mentioned a strategy where they say ok, let's do safety testing on vaccines because none of them would pass anyway 😂

Perhaps that's rfk angle to not out right say they suck?

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hey is never clear on this in any of his interviews- it could be that he doesn't want to lose voters if they think he's totally anti-vax or if he's playing both sides- in the beginning i believed that he was doing the first option- no longer sure as i'm watching him lose morals and scruples along the way- did he ever really have any? hard to say now

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I have a similar belief regarding electric shock treatments which Congress exempted from needing FDA approval. They are barbaric abuse, but sometimes people are more receptive if you just say “I only want to require FDA approval, let’s just do that.” I say that knowing full well they could never be approved, and I don’t even think a clinical trial could be approved under existing ethical rules. It’s just a way to open the minds of people.

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One step at a time dude, these people who think you can change the entire World with a snap of the fingers. Elect some new guy and all that dead weight, all that inertia of the old system can be swept away by one person all at once. That problem is complex and it's global, and will be very resistant to change. Ask for too much and you will get zero, maybe less than zero.

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TESTING! PCR tests? How many cycles. Testing DID justify keeping vaccines. Remember when this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated? Well sure. NOBODY was vaccinated or a minority of people until after several months into 2021. If there are no vaccinated people, then the people with Covid will nearly all be vaccine free. Then later they changed medical procedures. Unvaccinated people had to be tested frequently with PCR tests at 35-40 cycles--KNOWN to result in false positives. Also unvaccinated people were mandated to wear masks. Vaccinated people didn't need to be tested and didn't need to wear masks because it was stated that they wouldn't be transmitting Covid. "We didn't know," protested Rachel Walensky former director of CDC. So if you didn't know, how dare you mandate medical treatments based on not knowing?

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Sorry my outrage at unfair/unsafe treatment has seized control of my frontal lobe.

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Yes— no matter where you turn, there will be no actual freedom to decide for yourself (or your children) whether you want a vaccine or not. That’s where this is headed.

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Possibly rabies for emergency use.

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Some interesting history on the whole rabies story if your interested, from another sub called Unbekoming: https://open.substack.com/pub/unbekoming/p/rabies?r=swv8v&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Thanks. Very thought-provoking. First clear elucidation of classical virus isolation I've seen.

Dog bites? While that was the myth taught in grade school and in the Children's World Book, I'd thought bat bites were a greater concern. To humans in caves because of close proximity, though allegedly, free-flying bats bite and infect animals such as dogs, cats, skunks, foxes, etc. (and rabbits). But I'm certainly not a zooepidemiologist. I saw an allegedly rapid bat in Crystal Springs Cave. It looked more like it had a severe cold, and did not exhibit the described symptoms. I did not capture or examine it. If it really was rabid, that would suggest airborne transmission, at least among bats, as was suggested at the time.

Odd about Germany. I was in the Rheinisch-Bergischen Kreis in Germany in 1976. Signs were posted warning foxes, etc. carried rabies. Dunno if valid.

Vitamin C and thermotherapy, which induces interferon, sound far more promising than Pasteur treatment. I may have to let A Midwestern Doctor know. He seems to favor ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI), and did not specify whether extracorporeal, transcutaneous, or intravenous. Should I ever suffer a bite from a rabid animal, I'll wash the wound thoroughly, take vitamin C, and artificially induce fever.

I'll take exception to the assertion "If vivisection has proven anything it has proven the impossibility of man contracting any real disease from a dog". My dog was abducted, taken to the "shelter" (doggy jail), and forced to get a rabies vaccine before release. He brought kennel cough (bordetella bronchiseptica) home, gave it to the tenant's dog, who in turn gave it to the tenant. Despite taking trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, the tenant had it for a year. I was taking large amounts of vitamin C for Omicron and was unaffected.

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Still being fooled America?


These elections, all elections, are sucking you deeper into their spell.



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In contrast to which presidential candidate?

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I agree, no need for vaccines, and it's all based upon lies.

In the entire history of virology, no virus has ever been scientifically isolated or proven to exist. Not one. There's a lot of MDs who began looking into virology when the whole "Covid" (SARS-coV-2) thing began, and that's exactly what they discovered. No viruses have ever been scientifically proven to exist, not even Covid.

Christine Massey sent FOIA requests to 200+ government agencies asking for proof of Covid and not ONE agency was able to provide proof.

Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, MD, are a few of the MDs that I follow regarding this subject, though there are lots more.

Regarding Bobby, he KNOWS this! He knows there's not scientific evidence for the existence of viruses, yet he refuses to talk with any of the MDs I mentioned above about it. Probably because his pockets are being padded by big pHarma.

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deletedJul 16
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Do you know his other policies? I heard he is fiercely pro Israel and supports destruction of GAZA and he is fiercely against climate change and would support carbon tax, 30 minute cities--ANYTHING to control CO2.

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He’s been a warrior on this issue for a long time. Along with ICAN, no organization other than his CHD has done more on this front. He made a bad attempt to square the circle and appeal to people who still believe in vaccines. He knows none of them are safe.

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I knew when Trump ran for President the first time that his youngest son Baron, was “on The Spectrum”. When I would see him with his Mom and Dad and even when his Dad accepted the nomination back in 2015, I could tell there was something going on with Baron. Trump, Melania and his camp respectfully kept him out of the limelight and sheltered him from the media’s scrutiny.

That is why Trump “knows that vaccines are bad”, because he and Melania have personal experience with ‘vaccine injury’. But that knowledge still doesn’t shield or exempt Trump from the decisions he made (or followed orders) in 2020 with the whole Operation Warp Speed ‘rollout’ of the EUA mRNA ‘vaxxines’.

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I totally agree!

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There are so many doctors who themselves have been personally injured from vaccines but still believe they should be mandated. OR they are scared to speak out for fear of reprisals.

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It’s true and amazing at the same time. It’s about lively hood hanging over them and many others.

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I after all the evidence available, people cannot come to terms with the reality that viruses, vaccines and pandemics are totally fraudulent ..then they are mentally deficient and should not have any public decision making office at all.

If people know and knew that viruses, vaccines and pandemics are totally fraudulent and they still perpetuate the lies, then they should be imprisoned or executed.

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RemovedJul 16
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The kid just looks Germanic to me, not Autistic.

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You needed to carefully watch Baron’s movements , how he rarely makes eye contact, and the way he carries himself around people.

It has nothing to do with him looking “Germanic” or being a “fair Germanic-Slav mix”.🤔🧐

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We have to make a "differential diagnosis." The unemotional Germanic body language may be confused with the autistic lack of affect. That doesn't mean they are the same.

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RemovedJul 16
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There is an ethical guideline for psychiatrists/psychologists. They are not allowed to "diagnose" a person without his permission, just by looking at his public behavior. I am not qualified to give diagnoses--especially for Barron whom I have almost never seen since I hardly ever watch TV or newscasts. I am not a clinician.

I was "pushing back" on the idea that appearing "Germanic" (whatever that means) has NOTHING TO DO with appearing autistic. IF Barron IS autistic, then he is clearly high functioning since he can attend school, play golf, appear in public functions with his father.

I think this thread is speculating about how Trump's political behavior often diverges from his personal behavior. He used to be very sympathetic to "anti vax" sentiments. I have friend who voted for him because he "promised" to remove vaccine mandates from the schools. He did not.

I used the term "differential diagnosis" to highlight our speculations. Probably none of us is qualified to "diagnose" Barron--but we can share opinions. I just wanted to point out that there was some agreement on Barron's behavior--but not on whether he is impaired--or how impaired he is. We might be leaping to conclusions. We would need more evidence to conclude anything.

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RemovedJul 16
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Serious ‘benefit of the doubt’ y’all got going on here.

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RemovedJul 16
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He could be invading Britania any day now, call the legions and tell them to bring more sandals.

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I don’t know if “aged sperm and ova” is related to children being on The Spectrum’. Downs Syndrome and fetal brith defects, perhaps. The only way to know is to know what Barons ‘state of health’ was at birth, and did it change after the crazy ass childhood vaxxine schedule was followed. A ‘schedule’ where bolus’ of vaxxines are given at once to babies and toddlers!

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Please explain to me why you cling to the idea that Baron Trump is autistic. Yes, the Former President discussed Autism with Kennedy, but BARON excelled in school AND sports, which wouldn’t you say is unlikely for someone with autism? I understand he’s extremely intelligent and well adjusted. We have seen NO evidence of behavioral issues to the contrary on ANY front…school, family, or acting out in any way. Sometimes predilections are not kind…and simply fuel… well, let’s say it…GOSSIP. Your perception of Baron Trump, now a young adult on the precipice of his career…is harmful to his future, wouldn’t you say?

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Through experience working with students on the spectrum I can confirm many are high functioning and highly intelligent. Only a few have behavioral issues which is usually a result of how others treat them.

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RemovedJul 16
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No such thing as aged sperm. It constantly regenerates, every 74 hours. A woman is born with all the eggs she will ever produce. Melania was 35 when she got pregnant with Barron. Not particularly old. I gave birth at 46 to a perfectly healthy boy who is now a perfectly healthy young man; but I removed him from childhood vaccine schedule at a very early age.

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I don’t know how anyone could believe this is all not planned/staged. Even the call to his “opponent” was a speech.

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I'm with you.

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More like almost everyone doesn't believe this was planned/staged, with the odd exception, like you. And you don't impress anyone with your knowledge. So there's that.

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What a nasty piece of shit you are, Smith. And an idiot to boot. Keep hero worshipping, you jackass.

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A dramatic production of many acts.

All of them totally ámoral.

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deletedJul 16
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Maybe I’m the fool. That’s been the case many times. But since it’s clear the iatrogenociders are supported by the MIC and the intel community, which are all controlled by the bankers’ narrative engine, and that a complete victory is almost certainly impossible, not least because the Asch 80% will fight us to protect their tormentors, I propose that this signals progress in affecting the narrative, even if it leaves them with the pen.

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Yup, that’s exactly what this little side-job is all about. And it’s still mealy-mouthed.

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RemovedJul 16
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Could very well be. One thing we can agree on is that none of this is “real.”

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Trumps new Running Mate - J D Vance stated "Sack all the nurses that refuse Covid injections"! Scary! Perhaps Trump is secretly invested in the lucrative and profitable (but DEADLY) mRNA Vax market?

We've all learned to suspect that Covid was a Lab Leak. Possibly deliberate!

I have recently sent letters to my Doctor and the UK National Health Service stating that I must never be given an injection of any material (sometimes incorrectly named 'vaccines') that includes mRNA formulation.

I've got two (hopefully minor) operations scheduled but I'm concerned that the NHS might try to use the opportunity of giving me an mRNA injection while I'm unconscious. My letter states "I must NOT, under any circumstances, be given any mRNA injections". Both my Doctor and the NHS have acknowledged my letters.

Furthermore, I've demanded that, in the event of 'complications', I must not be given a 'contaminated' BLOOD TRANSFUSION using blood that comes from a blood bank that cannot differentiate between CONTAMINATED mRNA Covid VAXXED blood and unvaxxed CLEAN BLOOD! I will only accept blood from persons who have not been injected with mRNA Covid or Bird Flu jabs.

My Wife and my Son-in-law are 'unvaxxed' for Covid' and both have Blood type O. They have agreed to 'donate' 'clean blood' if needed. None of my wider family have been Covid mRNA jabbed.

I've previously sent another letter to my local MD demanding the NHS 'Cease and Desist' from inviting me to take a mRNA poisoned injection. Surprisingly, the previously incessant letters stopped the following day, with an emailed confirmation of my request being put on my Health Records.

The next Scamdemic (GoF modified - Bird Flu) is about to be launched. No doubt, the mRNA poisonous jab will already have been formulated.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Doing my bit to highlight the WEF's New World Order Depopulation Plan.

Update a day later = there are conflicting suggestions this is/was a malicious rumour.

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Trump may or may not be invested in the mRNA technologies but Mr. Vance certainly is.

“JD Vance - co-founder of Narya Capital invests in AmplifyBio.

AmplifyBio and RNAV8 Bio announce Strategic Partnership…to support mRNA therapeutic developers from Sequence Design to GMP Manufacture.”

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Well, this revelation surely shoots down statements that Trump has any better idea who he's surrounding himself with than he did in 2020; or, he does realize that, but doesn't give a crap. I will not vote for Trump.

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A friend turned me onto this ‘piece of information’ about Mr. Vance and his ‘investments’ once Trump made the announcement.

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mRNA = death, as far as I'm concerned...

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don't worry- our votes won't be counted and the candy-date who wins will be chosen for us- your so-called choices have already been chosen for you- why continue to continue with the farce?

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When will people realize that Trump is not who they think he is? If he were he’d be dead or censored completely.

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In my view, most of Trump's followers are simple sycophants. I believe the same about Biden's adherents, which is why I am a lifelong independent (called "unenrolled" in my state). Sycophants are unlikely to ever realized exactly who they are servilely following, until major events occur which reveal to them that they have been almost completely bamboozled. At that point, they might become disgusted enough, and even angry enough to start interacting with like minds to devise an alternate solution to the predicament they find themselves in. - This my way of writing bullshit in hopes of something which will likely never take place, though I sincerely wish it would (-:

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Would you rather have crooked Joe?

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Why is it that the pink-pilled always assume that if someone doesn't like Trump, they must like Biden???

Personally, I can't stand either one of the llluminati scum.

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I do not assume that if someone says 'I won't vote for Trump' that that means they like Biden; but if Trump does not win, who do you think will? You may not like either of them, but one of them will be president because RFK Jr has no chance. If you have to hold your nose and vote for Trump, that could prevent another 4 years of Biden who clearly is much the worse for the USA.

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I don't think you understand what valeri is saying.

The "election" is a farce. The monsters are letting Americans go through the motions to a) give the impression that our system is still functioning, which it most certainly isn't; and b) distract Americans while they continue to dismantle our country and install the slave system right under our noses.

Do you remember 2020? Did you think that was a fluke? The monsters sent us a clear message that they were fully in charge.

What has happened in the last 4 years to make you think that this time around it'll be a fair election?

The selection has already been made. Anyone, and that means, anyone, who is installed as "president" will be serving the NWO.

"Voting", tragically, is no longer of any consequence.

Prayer and massive resistance to the insanity is what's left.

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Oh, stop with the fearmongering. There's still three and a half months left. Trump and Biden could both be 6-feet under by then. And, if Biden beats Trump, that could only happen via massive fraud/cheating; and, maybe this time, Trump's followers would finally take to the streets with their guns. That would be interesting to watch...from afar, anyway. Wouldn't want to get too close to either of those groups.

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I'm a lifelong independent. What does that suggest to you? (-:

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Strawman argument

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If you haven’t read Vance’s book, please do. What has impressed me about him is that he evolves and changes his mind. Not putting him on a pedestal but keeping an open mind.

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bingo. 🎯 Anyone still under any illusion that Operation Warp Speed Trump is for the people ... it's time to sit for a long time with this.

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Trump’s disgusting take on Israel and “finishing the job” along with his related obnoxious attitude towards the student protests are dealbreakers.

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Tho I think a lot of the protestors were set up by the same cabal. Protest instigators literally funded by Soros and Rockefellers. Food from Pret. 🙄 Sigh. Everything is narrative generation. They want conflict, constant conflict.


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My heart just sank reading that.

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Ooops. TY for this JD Vance info.

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Mick, JD Vance’s comment on sacking the nurses was sarcasm.

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Yes it was sarcasm.

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Evidence thereof?

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Read the tweet. It’s out there.

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Link? I advocate suicide, doncha know?

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https://x.com/CilComLFC/status/1812955629411311756 took me 2 secs by searching x for “Vance nurses”

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Thanks, but I'm not so sure that prove sarcasm. The hospital, etc. RIF was quite intentional. So glad Dorsey, Musk, and Yaccarino don't think you advocate suicide. If you want to send me your 'X' creds, have at it.

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You need to give people an opportunity to evolve. JD Vance started out like a typical country club Republican insider but he changed, he had the depth & integrity to see that the old system was failing and had lost the support of at least the Right (pun intended).

Even Steve Kirsch was all pro vaccine until he started finding out the truth. Now he's their worst enemy. The REAL PROBLEM PEOPLE are the ones who stubbornly stick to their preconceived policies and refuse to even consider a new position. Lot's of those in politics right now, still probably 90% of the Federal politicians.

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deletedJul 16·edited Jul 16
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i totally agree about kirsch- he is a total waste of hot air

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Kirsch actually worked for the DoD's DARPA when he was quite young.

About as trustworthy as Malone.

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trump brags about being the vaccinator in chief- all you have to do is look at his funders, and what he put the country through in his last stint- there was noone he didn't sell out to over time- very clever- as people forget when people doublecross

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Trump had a swag of J&J Stock during the scamdemic.

He even put the boss of J&J on the podium and praised the arsehole.

The temporary banning, then reinstating of the J&J vaccines was the democrats little warning for Trump to pull his fat loathsome head in at the time.

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Trump cannot be trusted. Look at what happened last time when he promised to look into vaccines. I’m sure RFKJR doesn’t trust him either. WARP speed was and is political propaganda. Gain of fiction is a narrative that keeps the virus make believe alive. Fear porn for sure.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Agree about Trump. But same goes for RFKJR. Following are 2 quotes from JFKJR (courtesy of Sage Hana's Substack);

"I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine". To which Sage asks, "How the hell can you be pro-vaccine or pro-anything if you acknowledge that none of them have been properly safety tested?"

And this: "I don't think that we ought to be mandating medical interventions for UNWILLING Americans UNLESS we know precisely that vaccine is going to end up helping people rather than hurting them."

RFKJR leaves that unconstitutional door open with that word "unless" that allows the government to vax you against your will.

After all, if they (who are "they"?) know *precisely* that a vax is "helpful" , they can mandate that you get it. Don't want it? Too bad, because, "they" know what's best for you UNWILLING Americans.

If this were an actual, real election, the candidates are so horrendously awful, that voters would be justified iin showing their disgust by boycotting voting completely.

But just like the plandemic, it's all completely fake.

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I totally agree. I think Kennedy is also disingenuous around vaccines and the germ hypothesis. I no longer vote as it is just a dog and pony show.

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Operation WARP speed was political propaganda and make believe?

I sure hope you didn't imply viruses be fiction. Is your moniker just AI with an 'l'?

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Are you AI trying to discredit me. I sure would like to see a paper that showed an isolated virus using the scientific method. No one has shown one yet. The germ hypothesis and contagion has been disproven many times over.

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thank you for this statement- as long as people believe in invisible things and believe that it rules their health, their minds will be ruled as well

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Plenty. Do some research.

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I have done plenty of research. Perhaps you haven’t read the methods sections of these so called experiments. Do you know how they claim to isolate a virus? If so please explain.

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The original method, long before viruses were discovered, was finding transmissible infectious agents in porcelain filtered, such as Pasteur-Chamberland, serum. Granted, that won't exclude mycoplasmas

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If you have an open mind and do your own research, please spend a few hours on this substack and prepare for your world to be completely different.

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Actually, you should.

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Bye. No time for subverted AIs.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

AI believes what they're told by their programmers, so they believe in viruses.

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deletedJul 16
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Then to what did gain of function apply?

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Nothing. It's what those in power would rather you believe if you're not going to believe all of it. They cannot allow the biggest weapon in their arsenal to be disbelieved by the masses.

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Will Trump once again ask Bill Gates and go by his lying advice like last time when he left rfk Jr and Aaron Siri hanging without giving them access to the vaccine safety database?

Haha he said he stopped them because of Gates said it was not worth doing.... As if letting them look would change anything according to Gates and Trump believed him?

Trump should be ashamed for promoting the shots up to 2024.

People died because of his lying.

Not good as Donnie would say.

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But his willingness to embrace RFKjr, shows his views have evolved. While you stubbornly stick with perfectionism and absolutism. Who are you promoting?

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I'm in for none of the above narcissists and psychopaths.

Let's test anyone in a position of power for these 2 key disabilities. Both disabilities have issues with empathy and lying.

If a blind person cannot drive, how can someone with a deranged sense of self and broken empathy "drive" others in a business or in politics?

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The issue is that only narcissists and psychopaths have any desire whatsoever to rule over others.

So here we are.

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I've met many managers at my work that were normal working class guys like you and I.

They took the position because they cared about keeping the company going.

The worst were those who even as tradesmen were bullies and liars. If management wasn't so ignorant, these wouldn't have been promoted.

But then, in Amerika, we value narcissism as we notice with celebrities etc.

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It may work in smaller companies for short periods of time, but in politics of end-stage 100% corrupt government? I'm going to stick with only psychopaths have any interest in participating.

Funny thing is that if our government actually followed the Constitution, people would barely care which party was in charge of the Federal government because they could do very little.

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I used to think that but remember the slavery and how they slaughtered native Americans from the start….

The Constitution was so lacking that they had to AMEND it with the bill of rights, because people were protesting the lack of rights in the Constitution!


"We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is." - Judge Charles Evans Hughes

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin

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it's all theater- just keep watching-

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The problem I have with RFK is that during all the years of working to stop the lobotomizing children's vaccine protocols, while RFK was being imaged to us as the Champion Of Anti-Vaxx, the number of children's vaxxines has almost tripled.

I would love to love RFK, but I lost trust in him years ago.

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it's not rfk's fault that the number of children tripled- that's mixing apples and oranges- he's not a super hero- but he is being presented as one now- he is no more capable of 'hope and change' than obama or any of them- he is just one human being- and he has no chance of winning- he is simply one more distraction and he could have done humanity much better by staying true to himself - it's a very sad thing to watch someone do to themselves what he has done

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How would you know he has no chance of winning? Do you have a crystal ball? Remember it's 2024!

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deletedJul 16
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So who are you voting for?

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why would anyone bother to vote?

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

It was a trick question. I do not. However, there are a lot of dumbass Trump supporters who have a blind eye to every ridiculously terrible stance Trump has on hundreds of different things, even when they pretend to have their eyes open.

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What are you, the substack psychologist?

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Bobby Kennedy III... Isn't he married to a former CIA officer?

Hint: It's one big club, and all the ruling class are in it. That includes Trump, Kennedy, Biden....

Time for the slaves (us) to revolt (see the movie, Jones Plantation).

Also, read the book, "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larken Rose, to help you clarify what's really going on. The sooner you do, the better off we all will be.

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If you think they're all equally guilty, then why won't they allow RFK to even participate in anything?

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Mind manipulation.

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Not allowing RFK to participate is manipulating who's mind to believe what?

But let's see. We have 3 candidates. Which one has sued the government hundreds of times to protect people from being harmed by corporations? Doesn't seem like the other 2 are a part of that club.

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Bobby's lawsuits either have done absolutely nothing, or helped only a few people. Smoke and mirrors, I think.

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He has been in court suing the government for his entire f'ing life. That is a different club. And you skipped the question.

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No I didn't. You just didn't get it. They won't let Bobby participate because they want his supporters to think he's the heroic underdog.

And just because he's been with all his buddies in the government and in large corporations suing them (into doing basically nothing) within their own system his entire f'ing life proves nothing. Psyops are sometimes planned for decades.

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it's good for the narrative. There has to be fake divisions for people to choose sides and fight. They need division to conquer.

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So if they're all an equal part of the club, why did Dems basically kick RFK Jr out of the party? It's insane to think that these 3 people are all part of the same club, when one of them cannot possibly be included in anything.

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They need to keep us entertained, engaged, and enraged, so that we continue to be slaves to their system of government.

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I agree, but trying to make RFK go away and completely limit his exposure is not doing that. It's just limiting his exposure.

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The policies that succeed are always the same no matter who’s in office, with minor inconsequential exceptions used to pretend there are differences. The military industrial complex, the big banks, the intelligence, the pHarma medical / insurance complex, DHS, etc are supported by all.

I used to think there was a chance that a person of integrity could make it thru the gauntlet of the cabal machine, but RFK Jr is a limited hangout. He’s kept very quiet about DOD declaring the “emergency” that enabled the fake pandemic as well as making and distributing the jabs using Pharma as cover. He reacted to being called an antisemite by declaring unlimited support for Israel. He doesn’t call out the “elections” as being a long-standing cabal puppet show. So that tells me he’s not serious about dealing with the globalist reality. I have friends working for his campaign. I feel it’s time we ended settling for half truths.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

You're talking to an anarchist so I don't need education on corrupt government.

However, to say that they're all the same when discussing RFK Jr. is a bunch of complete bullshit.

He has made a thousand mistakes in his campaign which is very disappointing and he wasn't going to be able to do anything anyway if he were elected, but I am a fan of a person with a tiny spec of desire to do what is right and will not call him equal to Trump, Biden and the rest of the psychopaths that want to rule over everyone, kill millions, and steal all their money.

Obviously since neither party wants to engage him on ANYTHING, they also agree with me. He is not part of their club. That's why he was expelled.

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I literally have been talking with folks involved with his campaign since before he announced. He’s not telling the whole truth. Don’t you think we deserve someone who does? I do. I don’t think the parts he’s leaving out are irrelevant. I think they’re central to the whole game. If he’s in the game to wake people up, he needs to pony up the whole truth. We don’t have time for these games anymore.

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It's all Hegelian dialectic. They need people choosing 'sides' while they push forth their agendas and move the goal posts.

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Guess what? If Biden dropped dead today, RFK Jr wouldn't be let in to the Dem party. And he never will be again. His views are way too different, and they are not wanted by the elite. He is not allowed to be elected under any circumstances. Therefore, he is not in the same club.

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I disagree.

RFK Jr is 100% in the club.

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I agree (unable to "like" any comments here).

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You are possibly right but trying to motivate 'believers' is almost impossible BECAUSE even under these difficult times people are too comfortable; the worst is yet to come.

Or maybe not.

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People don’t know how to process their emotional responses to what’s happening / has happened. And they don’t want to let go of myths they value. It’s hard I totally admit. Betrayal is a very hard emotion to deal with.

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Great to see someone mention this book!

I would add Mel Stamper's, "Fruit From A Poisonous Tree." Many still don't know countries are corporations, that they circumvent the organic Constitution with changes to the UCC and by declaring endless emergency scenarios.

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Thank you, I will check-out that one also.

Mark Gober wrote one, An End to Upside Down Liberty. I haven't read it yet, but appreciate what he has said on a few podcasts I've listen to of him.

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How are we to square the fact that both Trump and RFK Jr HAVE PLEDGED THEIR FEALTY TO ISRAEL??? Both are fully onboard with the agenda of genocide/extermination of the Palestinians. RFK Jr in particular has promulgated horrific lies about both the Palestinians themselves and the history of how Israel came into being. Absolutely despicable AF.

If you are anti war, you cannot possibly support these men, and if you do, it represents a complete abdication of your moral integrity, as well as a betrayal of HUMANITY.

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Isn't it strange how every potential president has to say they are a friend of Israel, and not a friend of a similar sized country like Denmark?

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rfk jrs main plank- to stop forever wars, is what got his campaign going in marin county,- then he said that it was ok to use white phosphorous on the civilian population in palestine- that israel was patient and kind- at that point, i realized that he had lost his mind or that someone else was controlling it and that he had become useless to himself and others- now just hot air- don't bother

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So you're saying we have to reject 99% of the federal politicians. Who do you support? Another perfectionist and idealist. Be practical, be pragmatic and a realist.

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She is being practical, pragmatic and realistic. Anyone who supports genocide in Gaza and the West Bank is morally defunct.

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If that's the case, then everyone who believes that is an anarchist because there are zero politicians that do not.

I am an anarchist, but most are afraid to even consider themselves one.

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Funny how many people are touting the genocide in Gaza, but were completely silent about the much larger genocides in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and the supreme genocide of all time in Ukraine. That was not done by Israel. That was done by the good ol' USA.

The conclusion I have is the Gaza genocide is a Psyop designed to focus attention from the Covid genocide, the Covid jab genocide, their bioweapons R&D genocide and most of all their proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. Israel is a diversion, absorbing Russia into the Borg is the big prize that they are literally salivating over. They will kill millions to achieve it.

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Funny how you assume that I do not understand the geo-politics. It is abundantly clear that you know nothing whatsoever about me and my writing here on Substack if you dare to insult me with your vague generalisations and crap insinuations.

Try reading this and learn to get off your high horse and recognise that you cannot surmise the entirety of someone’s opinions from one or two sentences:


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Funny how you assume what I actually do assume. I'm not assuming anything about you. I'm just stating my opinion on what is some of what is REALLY happening in the World. I have no idea what all your opinions are and I wasn't referring to "your opinions". I was talking about some specific points you made that I consider false.

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I don't care what you consider false. You are not in charge of truth.

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Where's the part where YOU grow a fucking spine, exhibit some moral integrity, and STOP COLLUDING WITH CRIMINALS PERPETRATING EVIL???

When does that part happen because personally I am sick to fucking death of the majority of our population continuing to participate in OBVIOUSLY RIGGED, SHAM "ELECTIONS" like it means anything whatsoever.

What about an en masse boycott of voting? What about a prolonged general strike of our entire population? How about we stop participating in Wall Street funding all these wars?

Why in the fuck do you think our only course of action is to support whomever they shove in our faces?

ALL OF THE "CANDIDATES" ARE OWNED BY THE ZIONISTS - Trump, Kennedy, Biden, and Stein. Each of them has been deliberately groomed to capture a particular demographic. They're just fucking ACTORS. Good god, have you entirely forfeited your mind, are you incapable of imagining doing ANYTHING DIFFERENT???

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Well, I'm going to have to spit out a bit of nuance here. Zionism is just one spoke in the wheel. It's not the only one.

Big Pharma is also a big one and they aren't going to allow RFK Jr to take part.

Banks are probably the biggest one.

However, I am 100% on board with boycotting elections. I have voted for NONE OF THE ABOVE for the last 23 years by not voting. And I do consider that my vote.

Imagine if everyone did and no one thought the US election was legitimate. Real change would have to happen, then and only then.

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As to RFK Jr, if the Zionists decide one of the things they want is to gut what's left of the "medical freedom movement," all RFK Jr has to say is these 6 words, "A safe vaccine has been created."

Kennedy has always been extremely careful to parse his vaccine policies by framing himself as decidedly *not* an "anti-vaxxer." He has proudly said all 6 of his kids are vaxxed. And inexplicably, during the height of covid restrictions, Kennedy and his wife held a dinner party wherein attendees were required to be jabbed.

The Zionists will choose whomever they judge at the time to be in the best position to move their agenda forward.

Notably, given there's a Bird flu conference in early October, and they're already working on jabs for that, I'm thinking Kennedy has a reasonable chance at being installed.

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That's a cop-out. Do zip and claim doing that makes you a rebel. You are sounding like a Nihilist.

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At least I'm not a fucking imbecile who thinks things might get better if I vote.

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Well there must be a lot of imbeciles on Earth, because most people will vote. And a lot of dimwits don't vote.

Don't worry I'm very cynical of the whole process, and it needs major reforms. And if I thought a boycott would work, I would join in. And I also won't bother voting if the choice available is as George Galloway says: "two cheeks of the same ass". You still have no practical solution to the conundrum we're in.

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'Allow politicians to evolve, bro"

Silliness. Feckless

This guy spews nonsense (SmithFS), and has only shaming and the blame game as cards to play from a very thin hand.

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A keyboard warrior. I bet you've done lots. Did you even convince anyone to stop wearing an f'in mask during their Covid crisis? Convince anyone not to vaxx? For all your bellicose rhetoric you achieve nothing, while practical, pragmatic people like Steve Kirsch, or Meryl Nass or Celia Farber here, are actually doing a lot to wake the sleeping populace up. That's just reality not your fantasy world.

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More of the same predictable shame and blame from you . Cute stuff. Boorish

I'm twice over a physician and have helped educate hundreds of people on the incredible dangers of all vaccines, since 2008. But you can't know that because you know nothing about me in truth

Helped prevent entire family lineages from taking COVID jabs too.


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So you are admitting that your absolutism and perfectionism is not the path forward. What you ACTUALLY did achieve is the various type of things that I've been talking about. Baby steps. And no you aren't Che Guevara.

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You grow a fucking brain. We couldn't even convince a small minority of the population to refuse to wear a mask. They are like mindless robots. What'ya going to do? Shoot them? They want you to do that, then they will have the excuse they need to declare martial law, seize control of ALL governments. And then impose CBDC so you can't even eat if you misbehave, even by pissing on the sidewalk.

Sorry, friend. You have to be patient and work the problem or you will achieve worse than nothing. Sacrifice your life for nothing, just like all the poor Ukrainians our government is killing >500k for cannon fodder with their stated policy: "We will fight Russia to the last Ukrainian". Soon you may well be drafted and sent to the Russian front. Maybe, just maybe we can wake up enough people that will refuse to fight their wars.

Baby steps, son, baby steps.

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War speed kills. Trump took no shots.

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deletedJul 16
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Trump himself, an insider since before he bought Resorts International, as All American Savior Hero is also too convenient. https://visupview.blogspot.com/2017/10/goodfellas-hidden-history-of-resorts.html

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Now Trump needs to get over his impulse to take credit for Operation Warp Speed as part of his criticism of Biden (and the impulse to take credit for "locking down quickly" and then "reopening quickly") and begin talking about Covid in a reasonable way.

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Even better, apologize for all of it.

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God forgive us! This has to stop.

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Sadly Farber's posts now all strongly suggest she has taken the juice or lost her astute reasoning through somenother formnof biohacking which is tragic for me. Really looked up to her, especially with her AIDS research and jpurnalism. Perhaps she has been replaced with her clone cuz this is nuts talking.

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Further corroboration of my theory that Trump's instincts and growing learning curve led him further away from the internationally coordinated Covid Narrative, but that he (and/or his family) was extorted or threatened to back off.

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So Trump knew all of this when he locked the nation down, and threw out even that much oversight on the vaccines, with HIS (so proud) "operation warp speed"?

He knew all this while planning to have the military push the vaccines on his citizens?

And for most of the commenters here, knowing that they ignored their consciences and knowledge for political reasons, makes you more proud of these two politicians?

He is the Messiah sent from God that you all believe him to be. Maybe a commemorative gold coin should be... Oh, wait.

I personally will stick with the original.

I was warned about new Messiahs.

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RFK, Jr.’s CHD Hawaii Chapter will not endorse RFK,Jr. for president due to his stance on ABORTION.

He cares about children, but not the unborn. Oxymoronic….

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