That's a great quote from John (and the title of your post). Thank you for sharing information and real people who are standing up for truth. I hope others will find the courage to stand up for truth... wherever it comes from, and be just as tenacious in seeking truth, and sharing it...

Keep looking up, Celia!

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Boy, this has been an interesting morning as I reflected on Celia's beautiful eulogies about the two people who have recently died.

I was reminded of a quote I had heard long ago, and have wanted to have printed in the program for my own funeral.

"Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come" - Rabindranath Tagore

I found it within some correspondence I had with an old friend, following the funeral of my own mother. She was abusive, and wracked with mental illness. I had attempted in the year before her death to reconcile with her, and when that failed spectacularly, I had to distance myself emotionally from her.

And so... faced with little to say at her funeral that was positive, I chose instead to read a talk found here, https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/10/like-a-broken-vessel?lang=eng titled "Like a Broken Vessel".

I'll share the excerpt from it that I shared with my friend then, who also suffered with a mentally abusive mother who was yet still alive.

"Whatever your struggle, my brothers and sisters—mental or emotional or physical or otherwise—do not vote against the preciousness of life by ending it! Trust in God. Hold on in His love. Know that one day the dawn will break brightly and all shadows of mortality will flee. Though we may feel we are “like a broken vessel,” as the Psalmist says, (Psalm 31:12) we must remember, that vessel is in the hands of the divine potter. Broken minds can be healed just the way broken bones and broken hearts are healed. While God is at work making those repairs, the rest of us can help by being merciful, nonjudgmental, and kind.

"I testify of the holy Resurrection, that unspeakable cornerstone gift in the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ! With the Apostle Paul, I testify that that which was sown in corruption will one day be raised in incorruption and that which was sown in weakness will ultimately be raised in power. (1 Corinthians:15:42-43) I bear witness of that day when loved ones whom we knew to have disabilities in mortality will stand before us glorified and grand, breathtakingly perfect in body and mind. What a thrilling moment that will be! I do not know whether we will be happier for ourselves that we have witnessed such a miracle or happier for them that they are fully perfect and finally “free at last.” Until that hour when Christ’s consummate gift is evident to us all, may we live by faith, hold fast to hope, and show “compassion one of another,” (1 Peter 3:8)"

And then.. the final song of our congregational meeting was a vigorous hymn that focused on truth. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/hymns/let-us-all-press-on?lang=eng

1. Let us all press on in the work of the Lord,

That when life is o’er we may gain a reward;

In the fight for right let us wield a sword,

The mighty sword of truth.

Fear not, though the enemy deride;

Courage, for the Lord is on our side.

We will heed not what the wicked may say,

But the Lord alone we will obey.

2. We will not retreat, though our numbers may be few

When compared with the opposite host in view;

But an unseen pow’r will aid me and you

In the glorious cause of truth.

Fear not, though the enemy deride;

Courage, for the Lord is on our side.

We will heed not what the wicked may say,

But the Lord alone we will obey.

3. If we do what’s right we have no need to fear,

For the Lord, our helper, will ever be near;

In the days of trial his Saints he will cheer,

And prosper the cause of truth.

Fear not, though the enemy deride;

Courage, for the Lord is on our side.

We will heed not what the wicked may say,

But the Lord alone we will obey.

I hope that, like those highlighted by Celia, we will all have the tenacity to seek after truth, and the courage to stand up and share it.

Truth is eternal. Truth is light.

Thank you Celia, for prompting further thoughts. I had been looking for that quote for awhile, and your postings prompted me to find it in an old email from years ago.

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"Freedom Next Time" is a good book of Pilger's, which really informed me about the workings of colonialism when I read it. He has been a faithful friend and colleague to Julian Assange.

Job Well Done, Sir!

See you next life.


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To our Creator we belong, to Him we shall return. RIP Mr. Pilger. Thank you for dedicating your earthly life to fighting the good fight.

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99% of today's journalists are "agents of power."

They don't even try to hide it anymore.

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Dec 31, 2023
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poetinapaperbag -

Yes, that rumor has been circulated, & shared by you here, obviously, but his work stands on its own & reveals deep truths that gate-keepers would never share. SO you are wrong.

And bad on you for insinuating & posting a putdown without proof, links, or background.

It's clear that character assassination rumors go on even after one's death, unfortunately. :/


Excerpt: "From his first ITV documentary, in 1970, Pilger made waves. In The Quiet Mutiny, for Granada Television’s World in Action current affairs series, he broke the story of the disintegration of morale among US troops in the Vietnam war – and reported that some officers were being killed by their own soldiers."

"Following a complaint by the US ambassador in London, the ITA – then commercial television’s regulator – rapped Granada over the knuckles, setting the tone for future battles with Pilger over questions of balance and impartiality."

"His ITV series Pilger (1974-77), made by ATV, looked into many controversial subjects in Britain, Pilger’s adopted country after he left his native Australia in 1962. He reported on 98 uncompensated thalidomide victims, NHS cuts, racism, poverty and the treatment of children with learning disabilities. Abroad, he went undercover to interview Czech dissidents."


"Many of his documentaries exposed human rights abuses. At great personal risk, Pilger and his regular director, David Munro, entered countries run by military dictatorships. In Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy (1994), he interviewed eyewitnesses to genocide by the occupying Indonesian regime in East Timor and revealed an unreported massacre. In Inside Burma: Land of Fear (1998), he uncovered the generals’ torture."

"For Apartheid Did Not Die (1998), Pilger interviewed Nelson Mandela and caused discomfort to both white and black South Africans by describing a new “economic apartheid” that kept many black people in poverty."

"He explored UN sanctions on Iraq in the decade before the US-led invasion in Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq (2000), globalisation in The New Rulers of the World (2001) and the Middle East in Palestine Is Still the Issue (2002)."

"When Pilger made Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror (2003), he unravelled the background to 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan, highlighting “hypocrisy” by the US and British governments. He opened with the words: “This film is about the rise and rise of rapacious imperial power and a terrorism that never speaks its name because it is our terrorism.”

Pilger's fine work stands on its own.

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Jan 1, 2024
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Have you seen this hilarious, sardonic summary by James Corbett of what we were told about 911 at the time that it was rolled out? No one does sarcastic commentary better imo. Laughing opens up minds, right poet? (Hmmm... Why does the email return address to me (re: your posted comments to me here) say the email is from an address at:

Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot, I wonder?? Conspiracy fer shure. Best to dig into that...)

> Blowing the Whistle on 9/11 - James Corbett on The Whistleblower Newsroom

The Official Corbett Report Rumble Channel - 1 year ago (orig interview aired Oct 22, 2019)


SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=33585

James joins Kristina Borjesson and Celia Farber of The Whistleblower Newsroom to discuss 9/11 Whistleblowers. Using whistleblowers and a laser beam focus on the forensic evidence, this conversation exposes just how preposterous the official 9/11 narrative really is.



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Jan 2, 2024Edited
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You had asked me before WHY Pilger didn't cover any of the facts or forensic info about the 911 ff so I gave you & others here one of the better investigators' analysis of the event imo, showing how entirely convoluted the info still is - after 22 years of digging & speculation. Capiche?

You asked above: And I don't know why you posted the same link to a particular piece of his four times in that one post.

My answer: The links were copied & pasted from the 1st link & are NOT the same link, but different links to the same info. in case one of the links is not operational. You understand that, right?

You asked me: As well, I don't know, (if true) why you try to ascribe a Daisy Moses Crackpot email address to me.

My answer: Because I often receive emails from various other known email/or substack email addresses when I receive emails from you or others. Your comments here came as emails from this email address:

Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot


So, how is that possible when we are both responding in Celia's substack comments & yet you are sending email comments to me as Daisy Moses email address thru substack etc etc? Do you know the answer to this "mystery" of "wrong" email origins?

You say: What I do know Lucinda, is that in all the work of James Corbett he maintains the mainstream orthodoxy of planes flying into buildings and buildings collapsing.

My answer: That is just simply NOT true. I've also watched all of James investigations on 911 & he does far more comprehensive overall work on the false flag than most. If you want forensic info, then check out the group A & E for 911 Truth, for example, as I mentioned to you. > Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: Science of 9/11 - https://www0.ae911truth.org

> Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of architects, engineers, and affiliates dedicated to researching and disseminating scientific information about the complete destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11, 2001, with the ultimate goal of obtaining a truly independent .investigation and supporting the victims in their pursuit of justice.

> Not every journalist or investigator has the same background or expertise to be able to comment on aspects they don't know.

[Important note: Increasingly, for example, there are new, good alternative views/evidence that the persons listed as casualties in the WTC 1 & 2 buildings' 911 demos/explosions were not real people at all but were invented biographies to fill the 3,000+ person-spaces of the so-called dead that were claimed to have died in the event. Do you remember that literally the next day or so after 911 there were thousands of bios posted on the missing persons' walls in NYC which was just NOT physically possible w/out pre-planning/coordination on a big scale to accomplish. Did people drive in from their commuter towns & post bios of missing people?? Is that even logical or real, in your opinion? Nope.

In view of other ff's with known crisis actors & invented bios, I agree with others that this was prob true of 911 also. So, no real planes, just demo/bombs/missiles, 2 empty/hollow WTC bldgs, & no real dead.]

I've looked at Dr Wood's website before & while most of her bldg conclusions seem evidential & reasonable, why are you pushing only her as your single bldg expert? There are other structural experts & forensics experts who have said virtually the same things as Judy Wood in books, articles & on websites such as A & E for 911 Truth. just fyi.

Since you promote Wood here as an experienced structural engineer with expertise in the field, why then do you expect ALL investigative journos to have the same interest in analysing the building infrastructure as she does, when they clearly don't have her specific knowledge or background?? That makes no sense.

Finally, I am not going to continue to respond to your long comments here because Celia's article is about Pilger's passing & his actual work, not about his lack of focus on 911 bldgs & your promotion of Judy Wood etc. At some point when I have time, I'll try to look at Wood's book in pdf, okay? Peaceout.

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Okay, poetinapaperbag - you made the claim that Pilger is a controlled op & a gate-keeper based on critical issues (lack of investigation into 911 forensic evidence?) you identified that he didn't cover or investigate to your liking. And you claim that he never told me (or anyone??) anything that I already didn't know. And yet you still didn't provide any proof or links of your Pilger claims that he was a controlled op.

How do you know what I already knew?? Are you a mind-reader? Pilger def provided critical analysis that many of us were unfamiliar with or facts on the ground that we couldn't know due to info/news black-outs, bans or censorship re: international conflicts & foreign policy intrigues. I have learned enormous amounts of factual info that I wouldn't have known otherwise from John Pilger.

Personally, I don't believe that he delved deeply into 911 info (on the ground) himself because that topic was/is a total time-suk (like JFK or other false-flags that constantly change or censor info to confuse investigations) & mis-direction with so many various contrary pieces of info (deliberate disinfo??) & yes, controlled, 911 contradictory docs/vids.

(The A & E for 911 Truth & several other excellent 911 truth websites have thoroughly researched & uncovered 911 details for over 2 decades now that illuminate all of the 911 fallacies. Esp demolished WTC Building 7 with all of its CIA, covert intel files, & its evidence of Enron etc graft, & missing DoD/money-laundering/stocks-shorts/securities fraud money (as CA FItts explains in her videos/research). And I only recently read a mind-blowing thesis that the 2 WTC's themselves were mostly unfinished floors which is why there was nothing in the way of office debris!! They were mostly hollow tubes which didn't need much demolition fire-power to bring them down. Is the recently, heavily promoted DEW thesis also another controlled misdirect to confuse & send us down another rabbit hole? See what I mean... total time suk.)

Anyway, my point is that Pilger knew that the post-911/ME invasions/war-mongering was set up by the 911 false flag so it's understandable that Pilger & other political analysts have given the details of the 911 conspiracy a wide pass, even as they research 911's effects on military actions & countries world-wide. (My own intense interest in the 911 ff was fed by the fact that my husband (& other friends) worked downtown then & walked by/thru the WTC towers daily.)

Btw, NOT covering something (or every single issue the way you want them to) is not proof of complicity. Not every journo has the exact same identical work interests or focuses on issues the same way. Pilger's life-work was clearly related to analyses of colonialism, imperialism & foreign policy/wars/military funding.

Pilger did write about & covered the so-called War on Terror world-wide, after 2001 & linked it to colonialism & imperialism & globalization overall - but perhaps that wasn't enough for you? Can you share links for me to check out that actually cover the entire 911 false flag conspiracy the way that you would? Dr Judy Wood provides some good info, & 911 theories, just like A & E for 911 Truth, but HOW does that prove Pilger is a front, controlled-op/gate-keeper?

ICYMI - Perhaps you never watched Pilger's 2003 documentary "Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror" - John Pilger - "Six months after the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 and two years after the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, John Pilger's documentary "Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror" highlighted the hypocrisy and double standards of the American and British adventures of 2001-3, which led to the deaths of more of more than a million people."

Watch > Breaking The Silence: Truth And Lies In The War On Terror (13 yrs ago)


"The film opens with a series of haunting war photographs. Over the carnage, George W Bush says, ‘The United States will bring to the Iraqi people food and medicines and supplies, and freedom.’ His voice dissolves into the high-pitch of his co-conspirator, Tony Blair, who exalts his actions as ‘a fight for freedom’ and ‘a fight for justice’."

"Pilger asks, ‘What are the real aims of this war and who are the most threatening terrorists?' In a remote village in Afghanistan, he interviews Orifa, who lost eight members of her family, including six children, when an American plane dropped a 500-pound bomb on her mud-brick home. This is juxtaposed with Bush telling Congress that the United States is ‘a friend to the Afghan people’. Few countries have been helped less by the United States – less than three per cent of all aid to Afghanistan is for reconstruction from war damage."

"Kabul, the capital, is a maze of destruction, with cluster bombs not cleared from the city centre and families living in abandoned buildings. ‘I’ve spent much of my life in places of upheaval, but I’ve rarely seen such a ruined city as Kabul,’ says Pilger, standing in a shoe factory where the populations of two villages have squatted, destitute."

"Most of the damage was inflicted not by the ‘official enemy’, the Taliban, but by warlords backed, trained and funded by the United States, who restored the poppy harvests and opium trade, which the Taliban had banned. " etc etc

Look, poet... , I don't know anything about your background or your work (are you really a poet?) or where you live, etc. but I assume your moniker a "sad Cassandra" refers to truth-telling. > Cassandra - Cassandra or Kassandra in Greek mythology was a Trojan priestess dedicated to the god Apollo and fated by him to utter true prophecies but never to be believed. In modern usage her name is employed as a rhetorical device to indicate a person whose accurate prophecies, generally of impending disaster, are not believed. Cassandra was a daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Her elder brother was Hector, the hero of the Greek-Trojan war." etc > Fated to be dis-believed, aye??

I realize that I prob won't convince you of Pilger's integrity but you certainly have not convinced me that he was a calculating careerist or controlled actor.

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Oh no... He was a light in the darkness. Ever notice how the good among us die early deaths as compared to, let's say, the Rothschild clan? The "Windsors"? Kissinger... Is it simply a life of excess and comfort that keeps them going? Personally, I don't think so... You would think the darkness that lives inside them would consume them but it doesn't seem to work that way. It's as if the Truth tellers take on the sins of the world and it is too much for the material body to handle. Goodbye, John, you will be missed.

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A great loss... I am sad...but life is that moment...May he rest in peace.

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Amen, a true giant. I was saddened to see the news about John Pilger earlier today. And the news yesterday about Kristina Borjesson. More than a hundred journalists assassinated in Gaza already, many more in 3+ months than in 20 years in Vietnam. Everyone should look up their stories, what their co-workers, friends & remaining family have to say about them. Sad, for sure, criminal for sure, but also uplifting & enlightening to witness the perseverance of honor & allegiance to reality.

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a man, a mensch, what we crave in men and so rarely get. even more rarely in "journalists" — what we used to call newspapermen, or writers. there used to be a creed, a breed, a code of honor. it still exists sort of, shifting phosphorescently among translucent keyboards. he fought the fight. he's in Valhalla. the record stands. r.i.p.

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I so appreciate, I so much love - your wealth of knowledge. I will be watching this movie.

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Thank you Celia, John, from the ground up.

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Oh. We have lost a great one. Yes, RIP John..

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Huge admirer and follower of John Pilger's exemplary journalism.

What a great loss! HE WILL BE MISSED!

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He was one of the greats. The first journalist I followed when I 'woke up' 13 years ago. I followed every word, video, speech he gave. He was the foundation that launched me forward into research of all kinds.

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We need so many more and another all Conservative news channel like Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones already have.

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You would know how the afterlife works if you listened to Apollymi Mandylion speaking to Merrily Milmoe. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2023/07/25/merrily-milmoe-apollymi-mandylion-parts-1-2/

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