Guess what? I'm going through this comments section tomorrow morning and evicting anybody who diagnosed anybody here a "Jew Hater." Lifetime ban. How DARE YOU diagnose my readers as Jew haters, because they oppose CHILD MASSACRE.
Petra, I think they would stoop as low as can be imagined. But with due respect, Ammiel is in direct contact with many families in Gaza. I've asked permission to re-print parts of some of his letters. Are you presently persuaded that "it's all staged" in….Gaza? I don't think you mean that. Please spell it out or I will miss it.
The destruction isn't staged obviously but what they show us of children, blood and bandages is ... which isn't to say that children aren't being killed - they no doubt are one way or another - but what they show us is staged.
In the longer video linked to below with Dr Mark Perlcutter, at 6:29 you see very brief footage of what looks like an infant in the middle of the road being shot at. This is staged. Who's videoing it? See the pile of clothes behind what looks like a baby? This is very common in staging. They put a pile of clothes to look like a body.
There's plenty more if you want to scour imagery of children, blood and bandages for fakery ... but it's a horrible way to spend time.
It's a pogrom ... but without the carnage first, at least if it's happening that's not what they're showing us. They're distracting us with the blood and bandages from the fact that they're really just moving people out. They're banishing Palestinians so they can take over.
There are many, many real life incidents of governments & states killing their own citizen-subjects and then blaming these killings on an external enemy. Obviously these killings include “CHILD MASSACRE”. I wonder why there isn’t more reporting on how many Israeli civilians were killed by the IDF and then blamed on Hamas — fully realizing that Hamas ALSO killed and captured (for hostage negotiating purposes) — on 7 October 2023. An inconvenient truth?
I also wonder why there isn’t more reporting on the ratio of enemy combatants killed in the Gaza Strip to civilians killed during this military operation by the IDF. Another inconvenient truth?
Recently, I published a post, Are false flags a thing? where I make the case, in fact, that there aren't these "real life incidents", they're all fake - it's not A commits crime C and blames B, it's A with participation of B fakes C and merely pretends to blame B.
It's called "staged hostilities" equivalent to the kayfabe of WWE.
As soon as I heard of the alleged "hostage crisis" I thought, "That'll be staged," and sure enough the evidence shows supposed hostages looking awfully relaxed considering the situation they're supposedly in.
I'm not sure what I thought when I heard about the Israelis massacring Palestinian children but I looked for what was being said on Bitchute and Fakenukes Phil has published numerous videos showing the fakery - rubber dolls, etc.
The thing is UNDERNEATH THE PROPAGANDA THEY ALWAYS LET YOU KNOW (it's their rule), they always stage their events sloppily so you can tell. Admittedly, in this case some of the fakery has even had me convinced but the thing is even if some seems pretty convincing other fakery is very clear.
This is my analysis of the longer video showing Dr Mark Perlmutter (Jewish) speaking about his experience volunteering in Gaza. He is clearly lying just as Dr Ibrar Majid (Muslim) clearly lied about "scenes from a battlefield" after the 2017 Manchester bombing when - unusually - they didn't even bother with an evacuated bombing, they faked the whole thing - no bombing, no nothing. They wheel out people of the same religion as those who've allegedly committed the atrocity to "show" that normal Jews / Muslims etc don't support it (we surely don't need to be "told" this, assuming it were true) - when it's all kayfabe, all propaganda.
I assure you we have NO IDEA what a real bombing where people are killed and injured looks like, none at all. I once saw a YouTube video (since removed) of a guy who looked like he was in India or neighbouring country who'd just had his legs blown off. It was a truly horrific and distressing sight and I'm sure he died soon after. All the images we see of alleged bombings don't show anything of this nature. We do not know what maiming from a bombing looks like because they fake it every time ... and if they're doing it for real - which obviously does happen - WE DON'T SEE IT.
So why the staged hostilities? I'm not sure but one reason I can think of is to distract from what's really happening which is that they are effectively committing a Palestinian pogrom - moving Gazans out - but simply not committing the carnage first of the pogroms that happened in the past - and quite honestly I'm dubious about all history at this point.
However this subversion of the senses is accomplished, I don’t pretend to know the intricacies of the Machiavellian machinations. It’s like trying to get into the mind of a genetic, biological, essential psychopath. I cannot penetrate the malignant & depraved abnormalcy.
Me neither but these are techniques they use one can still appreciate:
1. Pushing out things against themselves can work very, very well for those in power especially as the seeming counterintuitiveness of doing such a thing people find hard to take onboard and often those things really prey on people's sensitivities, eg, child massacre - you cannot prey on people's sensitivities more than that ... but they will do that no problem at all - they don't let any opportunity to prey on us go by.
3. Any button-pushing news breathlessly reported around the world will more than likely be staged. Honestly, I don't watch TV but say I'm at my local cafe and glance up at the TV there (which usually doesn't have the sound on), I'll see some images and captions and think, "That'll be staged" - bus accident, missing person, bombing, you name it. One I didn't suspect was the faked death of Dr Michael Mosley - I must admit it shocked me when I saw Miri AF's substack on it but made so much sense when I read it. (His name might only mean something to you if you're from the UK or Australia.)
You’ve never heard of asymmetrical warfare?!?! I think that Hamas — and all Islamist jihadist terrorist organizations — need to be so utterly defeated that they are forced into unconditional surrender.
When Buckner asked for terms, Grant replied, "No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted." The Confederates surrendered, and President Lincoln promoted Grant to Major General of Volunteers. The Battle of Fort Donelson earned Grant the nickname “Unconditional Surrender Grant.”
There are people on social media — including on Substack comments sections, including yours — who admit that they hate “the joos” and who are proud of their hatred. But you would rather issue a lifetime ban on those who call out that hatred and pride. Who exactly are you protecting in this case?
It seems like accusing the Israeli state of genocide (rhetorical hyperbole if you ask me) and accusing Zionism as being demonic & of the devil and accusing someone being guilty of antisemitism as being a fake ad hominem and accusing “the joos” being at the core of a global conspiracy to financially enslave the world and accusing Israel of destroying the United States and accusing the United States government of being owned by AIPAC is all socially acceptable and valid analytical criticism, but identifying “Jew hatred” on your comments section is cause for censorship. This seems extremely weird and strange to me.
If you think that I deserve a lifetime ban for calling someone a “Jew hater” for virtue signaling about his opposition to children being a casualty of warfare (When in the history of mankind has this NEVER been the norm?!) as he singles out Israel being guilty of (so-called) “genocide”, then I will gladly ban myself from your Substack.
I am requesting that Israel's actions be permitted to be analyzed and strongly objected to without incurring a cheap diagnosis of anti-semitism. If I see real anti-semitism I will address and possibly delete it. Along with hostile diagnoses of anti-semitism.
I trust then that you have enough discernment to judge the real from the cheap. I don’t know what you mean by “hostile”. Sometimes simply calling a spade “a spade” is perceived as “hostility”. According to (arguable) common sense, calling a spade “a spade” is a figurative expression which refers to calling something "as it is" —that is, by its right or proper name, without “beating around the bush”, but rather speaking truthfully, frankly, and directly about a topic, even to the point of bluntness or rudeness, and even if the subject is considered coarse, impolite, or unpleasant. You know what it means. I provided the meaning BECAUSE a (so-called) “diagnosis” can often appear to be “hostile” BECAUSE the subject matter is coarse and unpleasant. What are we supposed to do? Self-censor as soon as fighting words start being utilized, regardless of who starts it? What would you say about a mind given over to hatred of an entire people or a cultural community? Would communicating with this mind and having this mind communicate back to you generate hostility? I can’t imagine it not.
Fwiw, after a very long journey, utilizing the "discernment" you support in your link to the Buddhist understanding of the concept, I have arrived at 95% certainty regarding the laundry list you lay out in the second paragraph of this comment. But here's the thing, I am not interested in discovering truth merely to figure out whom I should oppose and to whom I should commit violence, physical, rhetorical, or otherwise. I believe this world is whole; that everything and everyone serve a purpose, even if those appear on the surface to be malign. I seek only understanding. All I want to do is see, reconcile, and enlighten. So if I say that Jews are intentional social engineers who drive human development through chicanery and dishonesty, I vehemently reject the idea that makes me an "anti-semite" as that term is used. Nobody will keep me from truth with labels. Every little lie in this world comes from dividing. All my enemies are turning into my teachers. One day I aim to reach the summit from the right-hand path, where I will meet and embrace the countervailing force that arrived via the left-hand path. We will then embrace in truth.
Regarding “discovering truth” and “I seek only understanding. All I want to do is see, reconcile, and enlighten”: kudos to you. Sincerely. Your post encourages me to think on the things which are virtuous and praiseworthy.
It wouldn’t be a “sacrifice” — not in any way or shape or form — to never post on this Substack’s comments section ever again. I presume that you know what a “sacrifice” is. I probably presume wrongly about this. Here you go:
sacrifice (n.)
late 13c., "the offering of something (especially a life) to a deity as an act of propitiation, homage, etc.;" mid-14c., "that which is offered (to a deity) in sacrifice," from Old French sacrifise "sacrifice, offering" (12c.), from Latin sacrificium, from sacrificus "performing priestly functions or sacrifices," etymologically "a making sacred," from sacra "sacred rites" (properly neuter plural of sacer "sacred"…
By the way, a “shill”, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization, or have been paid to do so.
I don’t have a “close relationship” with Ms Farber and I’m not getting paid. Please attempt to use proper English. Thanks.
Didn’t you read my qualification, which nullifies any implied (so-called) “promise”, poet? Again, try reading for comprehension.
I wrote to the author and the owner of this Substack “If you think that I deserve a lifetime ban for calling someone a ‘Jew hater’ for virtue signaling about his opposition to children being a casualty of warfare…”
If and when Celia Farber writes back to me here about what’s so wrong about calling a spade a spade, then I will comply with Celia’s request.
Then what do you think about using children as shields in schools and other community facilities? That is what Hamas have been doing and has been evidenced.
It is also important to realise the using "children" is an highly emotional issue, and that is being exploited for propaganda reasons by the media as you will see below.
The Hamas controlled Health Authority issue the numbers on casualties, but there is no real subdivision of casualty numbers. Can we trust the numbers?
We don't have any breakdown of age groups of any sort, we also have no breakdown of non-Combatants by age or sex.
There are no Combatant numbers either. Its total obfuscation.
Then there is mathematical and statistical proof numbers are manipulated.
But of course Celia it is your substack and you can decide and I respect that.
It's *her* Substack, and she has every right to apply the rules according to her criteria. Celia is one of the most impossibly tolerant substackers on earth, my goodness.
I’m not saying — or even implying — that Celia doesn’t have the “right” to censor. It’s her domain. Heck, all sorts of social media sites practice censorship. Why not here?!
Yes. An enlightenment begun in 1987 by Peter Duesberg, and taken to new heights first in 1993 by The Perth Group. I'm delighted Dr. Kaufman eventually got interested. The more the merrier. I believe in sourcing history, fairly and accurately, not starting the clock when you arrive.
There is a genuine health crisis and it's only going to keep getting worse. The best way to cover it up is by overlaying a fake health crisis on top of it.
Naaahh. I don’t “resort” to the things that you accuse me of. I simply don’t wish to discuss pandemics, Covid-19, viruses and vaccines with you. It would be a waste of my time and my energy.
I think Kennedy could have walked away with the election if he was sane on Israel. I would have voted for him if he didn’t think all those blown up and starving kids were pampered. And I stopped voting after Obama’s 1st term.
I’m beyond flabbergasted that more Americans don’t mind that their government is owned by Israel. Especially dem voters who thought that Russia owned Trump and the GOP.. Israel doesn’t even try to hide it anymore..
My feelings also. I did not think Kennedy would necessarily win, but I was excited for his candidacy because I thought that it would gain him msm exposure and he would focus on the systemic corruption in this country which culminated in the fake pandemic and murderous protocols.
I have not listened to him at all since his interview on Jimmy Dore last August.
I was gobsmacked. So very disappointed.
I have written it before that I believe that he does NOT believe what he is saying about Israel/Palestine. I think he got the visit from the men in black.
I am utterly disillusioned at this point. And also beyond flabbergasted that more Americans don't realize how the sausage is made. And who writes the recipe.
All the focus on Ukraine, Europe, Israel, Iran, attempted assassinations, East Palestine, Hawaii fire..... while so many people have died and are dying from that big cvid lie. I think most people have forgotten about cvid. Except to do a test if they have a sniffle.
Do you honestly believe that Kennedy could be elected if he weren't dancing to AIPAC's tune? He's got enough opponents from Pharma to contend with. I decided that his anti-Pharma qualities outweighed this deviation of his.
You are missing the point dear chap or chapess. The first word of the Hebrew Bible text is 'bereshit'. That is in the beginning there was shit or 'be re shit'.
Still, I see you say 'bullshit creations' so you believe in creation. That's a plus. :)
The whole fricking thing is a SCAM. There is NO "bird flu". And the vaccine scam is ONLY A MONEY LAUNDERING AND GET RICH SCHEME by the evil Big Pharma.
And WHERE does this money come from to pay for the 4.8 million doses the government "ordered"??? It's all a huge scam, not to mention, another control mechanism.
This tyrannical government needs to come to an end.
Of course there isn't. Fake pandemics are possibly as dangerous as war, nuclear war, perhaps more. Hence, Bobby Kennedy is rare. I agree it's incomprehensible what he stated about Israel and Gaza. I expect him to explain it one day.
"Expect him to explain one day"?!?! No, how about he fucking explains himself NOW. Why should anyone wait for an explanation while RFK Jr IS ACTIVELY LYING ABOUT THE PALESTINIANS??? And he went on Jimmy Dore and spent 30 goddamned minutes spewing one lie after another completely misrepresenting Israel's gangster government in one of the most sickening displays of revisionist history I've ever witnessed. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté from The Gray Zone literally debunked EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE Kennedy uttered. He needs to get that vile "rabbi" Schmulei Boteach's dick out of his mouth and stop lying nonstop about GENOCIDE. PERIOD. Otherwise, he can go to fucking hell forever with the rest of the genocide apologists/supporters.
And Celia, not a good look shilling for this bastard either.
I don't believe Ms. Farber is shilling, but I do disagree vehemently with the notion that Kennedy might explain himself later.
Uh uh. I had the same thought when I was desperately trying to figure out how he could have said what he said on Dore. Maybe it's a long game??
Well, I am not interested in long games. That's politics as usual. I am not interested in politics as usual. I HATE politics as usual.
I am interested in the truth. No matter what. I think we need someone to stand up against Pharma AND AND AND any other huge special interest lobby group - like the AIPAC!!!
How on earth did we let this happen. How on earth does another country - ANY COUNTRY - get to pay off politicians in America???
It's insane. And Kennedy of all people! A champion of the US Constitution!
I'm sure he has his reasons for the long walk off first base, and that is his prerogative, but it does not satisy me.
I know I am naive thinking that there will ever be a politician who just tells it like it is and succeeds. But I won't support a long game.
To add insult to injury, for years Israel has been our Nation of choice for top amounts of aid which can then be used to buy off our politicians. Hmmm. Good news is the Foreign Aid to Israel probably finds its way back to US? 🤔
And you're offering *this* up as an excuse to follow along blindly behind Kennedy??? More despicable equivocation over a miserable POS LIAR, supporter of GENOCIDE.
because I can guarantee you, if he doesn't, it won't matter when the Palestinians have been ALREADY BEEN EXTERMINATED.
"COWARDS" are what we call people who are only concerned with protecting their own sorry ass while INNOCENT CIVILIANS ARE SLAUGHTERED.
If people would just understand our power will not be accessed by "voting" in a patently rigged game. It's impossible. It's a myth we've been sold, our votes are entirely meaningless, other than that our continuing to participate provides these fucks with "cover" because we continue to overlook the staggering criminality.
Instead, we could immediately cripple what's happening by national rolling general strikes, en masse boycott of voting in the "elections," declare our government to be illegitimate and treasonous.
Mr. Kennedy has stated. He does not support the second amendment. Nor does he support the First Amendment? Therefore I will never support him. No American citizen should that is completely unacceptable. We have enough gun laws on the books. He's made it very clear that he will outlaw. What he considers to be guns that citizens do not need.In his opinion he can take his opinions and shove them straight up his ass as far as i'm concerned.
I encourage you to listen to what RFK Jr says in his podcasts, articles and interviews, and to read his books. Explore He is the strongest supporter of all our constitutional rights that we will have in our lifetimes. He has defended our rights for 40 years and will continue to do so.
Please don't be swayed by the army of nay-sayers that has been deployed by the scared powers-that-be to spread doubt, confusion and untruths about him.
I heard it from him directly that we need to have stronger gun laws and that nobody should have an A.R15 that's all I needed to know about His position, anyone that does not support law.Abiding legal gun ownership is the enemy in my opinion
He wouldn't have the power to do anything about that. Almost certain he wouldn't even go there. He will be fighting for his life to take any power from our Global Overlords. If the 2nd ammendment ends it will come from the DemonRat party, make no mistake about it.
I respect your opinion, Beth C, and would have written the same thing before August 2023 when Kennedy appeared on the Jimmy Dore show and spoke about the Israel/Palestine situation. And his subsequent ardent support for the state of Israel.
I learned a great deal from him between April 2020 and August 2023. I am a member of Children's Health Defense. I think I listened to every single interview he did in 4 years.
But he's done a left turn that I cannot support. I think he went completely off message. Instead of focusing solely on the corruption that has caused the condition of America right now, it has become politics as usual.
He is not a strong supporter of our constitutional rights when he is advocating for a foreign country that has a HUGE lobby that pays our congresspeople. THAT IS NOT Constitutional. Sorry for the uppercase - it's indicative of my disappointment in him, and my utter disgust with our government.
I am not a Kennedy nay sayer by any means. I imagine he has his reasons for not going up against Israel. But that in itself should scream the obvious.
Beth - that is simply untrue. There is ONE man who has the power and support to protect our rights from this tyrannical government. What can RFK actually do to shut down this government? Nothing.
Trump wants people who burn the flag to go to prison for a year.
Trump helped Ukraine jump start the war by sending them lethal weapons that Obama refused to and he gave Johnson permission to send Ukraine $61 billion.
Well, Sam believe it or not. I don't think you should go to jail for burning a flag. But there's a few caveats that come with that number 1, 1st and foremost being. Did you buy it and does it belong to you? If The answer to this question is yes. You can do whatever the hell you want with it That being said, you light up old Glory in front of me. There's.
Gonna be problems. Before anybody goes batshit, I wish to be clear. The government has no business telling anyone what they can do with their private property but myself as a private citizen. I reserve the right to Express my displeasure with any idiot that would burn a flag. And I most certainly will do . I don't want the government involved.These are problems that we the people can resolve ourselves.
The f lag belongs to all Americans. Part of US problem is an attitude of anything goes. I was raised when ths picture on Iwo Jima occurred. My brother, my brother in law and my husband fought for it. I doubt if you did
You jumped to a whole lot of conclusions there. I'm guessing you didn't read my entire Post. And I also have several family members that served in the military as well. My great-grandfather was in World War 1 Combat veteran. My grandfather fought World War 2 Combat veteran also But till the day he died , he never spoke about it to me or my cousins only my grandmother The only thing we were ever told is that he
Shot nazis.My stepgrandfather [ Evil stepmother's father] whom was One of the kindest gentlest human beings i've ever known was inThe battle of guada canal.. He
Never spoke about it except one Thanksgiving.I was in high school.We were studying about World War 2 and I asked him. What
He did. He spoke for less than 5 minutes. I've never forgotten it. I never will. It still brings tears to my eyes to this day, what the man Witnessed and had to do to stay alive. It Will haunt me till the day I die.I will never forget the look on his face and his voice.. And the unbelievable horror the man had to endure.
. My uncle Robert 20 year marine babe. was in Vietnam. Did some stuff in Cuba as well. The man had some very interesting stories about Castro and the CIA and the Marine Corps.I'll leave it at that. So that and 5 Dollars will get us a cup of coffee at Starbucks. I guess the point that I'm trying to make is freedom is the freedom to choose to do what you want with your own property. If I bought the flag from the store it does not belong to the American public. It belongs to me. I understand when you say. The symbol and what it stands for hundred percent complete agreement. And if we're going to put people in jail for burning flags, then all of these wars and all of this was for nothing, The best explanation I've got is freedom of speech doesn't just apply to the things we agree with.
Thank you Ray…… burning a flag is in itself Freedom of Expression and needs to be inherently protected. And if I were a Jew, I would prefer the overt hatred to the hidden one. Covert hatred is often lethal.
How on earth would that "jump start the war"? NATO/USSA started the war by declaring that Ukraine will become part of NATO, which Russia has declared a redline since after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
What the hell are you talking about Skippy? Are you trying to be funny or sarcastic? I don't understand how you could consider a flag. Retirement ceremony as being the same as radical assholes. Burning a flag there is a world of difference between the 2 things. And if we're gonna toss boy scouts in jail, I guess we're gonna have to throw the veterans in jail as well,
What the hell you talking about Skippy this makes 0 sense. Flags are retired through a flag retirement ceremony by veterans and boy scouts. But you are talking something about a Jewish burial of some sort, I don't understand I am puzzled. Perhaps you could explain to me
hey Bill can you put out a APB for suspected bird flu cases before the fact? that is, before it's officially transmitted human-to-human ? :) you are THE MAN on crowdsourcing after all...
I like RFKs stance on jabs. Don't want crap pushed into my blood and body. Starts of with newborns the day of birth. Poor bodies don't have a chance. U S ranks low on infant survival rates and health rankings. The fIeld of ALLOPATHIC medicine needs evaluation. Its built upon disease....not health.
When you say it may be time to accept that bitter pill, what does that mean? Accept it without questioning it? Without demanding to know why someone like RFK, Jr. would so idiotically support that psychotic apartheid geopolitical construct?
As for a "lab-generated pandemic," this just stuns me. At this point to still be voicing that nonsense about a "pandemic" also makes me just shake my head. WTH is RFK, Jr. talking about? He believes the world underwent a "pandemic?" He misses the point entirely? That the "vaccine" was not made for the "virus." The "virus," that critical section of code, was made for the "vaccine?"
Oh, and "Americans" still need someone else to warn them? Then we're doomed anyway.
To acknowledge that pandemics have been faked, but that Covid wasn’t a fake pandemic, conclusively demonstrates (in my opinion) that RFK Jr makes blatantly fraudulent claims. I’m reasonably sure that there are plenty of other examples. “This is what I believe” is very often rationalization and excuse-making. The guy mixes truths with lies, just like any skilled propagandist and politician and litigator.
I am in the same boat. Population deceases are happening in Western Countries. Interesting targets! Gain of Function labs dont exist for nothing. Virus debate is a distraction. Depopulation is a goal as is the elimination of nations...see 2030
Gain of Function labs exist to launder money and promote the idea of a dangerous virus so we (i.e. taxpayers) must ensure the labs are fully secure by spending lots of money on expensive precautions to make sure nothing escapes.
Once people realise that viruses do not cause disease but essentially arise out of metabolism and balancing the body's system, justification for vaccines etc. is taken down. It is the fear of viruses that drives all the nonsense.
Sad thing is, Bobby has unequivocally said that he'd support WHO/NHS/CDC measures for the "next pandemic". He also has unequivocally said he's "not anti-vaccine," but just wants "safe vaccines." How does one make "safe vaccines"? Clinical testing on humans?
The problem is the framework he remains inside and continues to use. Of course, the reality is that it's an impossible situation for anyone who knows and wants to tell the full truth about this Phrma-generated and supported house of cards- and still remain somewhere out there, noticed by the MSM.
Celia, no need to explain yourself.And do not let the”baiters” get to you. Israel is the pimple on the world’s ass. We all have to accept that and wonder why? This has nothing to do with the Jewish Faith. They are a place holder in the Middle East, however we have run out of “place holders” . And that is apparent. The Bib, gave all of his people the most massive genocide AKA injections. A “test lab”. Not a peep about that anywhere.
With all due respect, I think that the establishment of the third Jewish commonwealth in the Levant was a whole lot about the people of the Jewish faith. Not entirely. There were extremely nefarious motives as well. It makes some sense, doesn’t it, that a distinct people who were dispossessed twice earlier — once by the Babylonians and once by the Romans — would regain possession of part of their ancestral homeland. Maybe this time is different precisely BECAUSE they’re Jews. Personally, I flip-flop on the issue, probably because I see political & secular Zionism as evil, while seeing the faith of the Jews in their Law and in their prophets and in their promised messiah as non-evil.
Celia, anyone who's paying attention knows that Israel owns and operates virtually all members of Congress and candidates for federal office.
My point pertained to RFK, Jr., specifically, and your use of language regarding him and that fact. Your use of the word "accept" struck me as provocative. My questions and tone give that away.
I do not 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕 RFK, Jr.'s support for Israel nor his denial of the genocide taking place in Gaza. "We" must 𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 this fact, unfortunately, but I for one do not accept it. Never will. Seems many others on this thread feel the same way.
Secondly, I pointed to RFK, Jr.'s nonsense about "pandemics" and asked questions about that. I expressed my opinion on that. That's all.
As for what I want you to say? Say whatever you wish, Celia. As for suggesting I want or think you can "FIX" "it?" What made you conclude from what I said that I expected 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕?
Lastly, Pamela. "Baiters?" What can I say? A rueful chuckle is all.
No I don't imagine trump is denied access, how many times can you use that excuse? Don't you think by now he, Trump would wake up? If one uses this line of reasoning, that makes the Donald one of the dumbest. Trump is a con,
So you are saying 99% of our politicians are also even more dumb than Trump? And that's not just in the US, that's Worldwide. Why do all these people want to always pick on Trump and ignore every other politician who did worse? TDS at its worst.
Forget Fauci; Trump values his family's opinions. They are ALL sharp people. At least one of them would have questioned the so-called 'pandemic' and subsequent outcomes. They are all following the rulebook, Repubs, Demos and Independents. We either vote the best one in for now or 100 million of us head to DC or perhaps the City of London where the banking elites reside.
If you were in Trump's position you would obey every order the Overlords gave you, one threat and you would shake like a leaf, and be as obedient as a puppy dog.
You just have to give up on the fable that our Government is not completely compromised. You let that happen. Trump could do that damage, at least prevent it from getting worse. Otherwise they will just kill him, next time likely by a heart attack or an aggressive cancer that almost never attacks adults like the CIA did to Hugo Chavez.
Who did all the other 100 or so countries' leaders rely upon? I guess just about every country has their version of Fauci who clearly must have been put in place by a unified entity, demanding lockstep conformity Worldwide. Who has that power?
I believe they follow the US ...probably for economic reasons, secondly because we gave a reputation for being scientic and know what we are talking about. Few know that US health rankings are sone of the lowest for industrial nations. Same for infant survival rates. Our immune systems are lowered with all the attention. I didnt see a doctor until I was about 15. When I hurt myself and have a wound, I don't put a bandage on. Let it bleed and form a scab. Still works for me at age 88
Trump “ warp speeded” unproven vaccines. He still has to answer for it. To shift the blame of his actions upon others, regardless of their intent is disingenuous.
Meanwhile, millions have suffered. That is historical.
Not arguing necessarily. Just ear-marking some identifiers.
I’m not making any excuses for Trump. He simply went along with Operation Warp Speed. It didn’t begin with the Trump administration. The fact of the matter regarding Operation Warp Speed is that it was & is a United States Department of Defense program/operation that was implemented during the Obama administration. The psychological operation named “Covid-19” had been long planned for, in terms of bio-warfare (another pseudoscientific hoax) and a pandemic response to a gain-of-function super-virus (more pseudoscience) inflicted on the homeland by an enemy foreign power. The entire purpose of “Covid-19” was and is to do a Great Leap Forward toward world government aka worsening domination of the masses by sociopathic world (so-called) “leaders”. See
I don’t know what to make of the following claim, but IFF presidents are selected instead of elected, the hypothesis was that Trump was selected because only he could deliver enough strong white men into accepting the injections. Hillary would have faced a massive backlash.
I’m not saying that this is true and I’m not saying that I believe it. I’m just repeating what I read, because it struck an extremely uncomfortable nerve.
In the long run, it probably didn’t matter. The poisonous shots were rolled out and the majority of the world got injected. The plans of the globalists continue to be implemented. It’s rather sad.
Given what I've seen of the "American" people, including men, they can be told anything. By anyone...and they'll believe it regardless of its absurdity. Or unlawfulness.
With this in mind, had the "COVID-17" operation been launched instead -- with the collection of clowns in the 𝑮𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒔' chairs -- "those strong white men" would have acted just as they did for the "COVID-19" operation.
The majority, including men, would have put on their masks -- as they did. They would have complied with injection "mandates" -- as they did. This under Hilary or Biden.
The only difference as I see it -- and all of this is just my opinion, of course -- is that if Trump had remained in office, he would have issued no "mandate" for injection. And 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 "they" could not have, so Trump had to go for Round Two of the "COVID-19" operation -- injection. And with this, willing or unwilling, the majority complied, including "strong white men."
Makes sense. Maybe Covid-19 was just a delay of Covid-17 and Trump being elected (or selected?) didn’t make much difference in what the globalists are working on accomplishing. I still don’t believe that men are ready to accept the leadership of a female president. I could very well be wrong about this too.
Trump was just hyped in the American media. Because most Americans believe that they are the center of the World. This vaccine thing is worldwide, virtually every developed country jumped on the bandwagon, even Russia oddly enough. This is centrally directed, look to our REAL rulers in Davos, Geneva & London.
He's either pretending or really really dumb. I don't think he's dumb, but he did foist the vaccine and brag about it over and over even when booed by his own people for doing that!
Most people didn't know it was a scam, every Democrat politician and 99% of the Republican politicians. Most of them still don't know, or at least won't admit they don't know it. I got double vaxxed until I figured it out, silly me. What makes you think Trump is smarter than 99.9% of the politicians in all the Western governments.
I don't get how you TDS sufferers ignore every other Republican politician, you only demand perfection from Trump. And so we slide down the path to TOTAL Tyranny, a techno-feudal World Government.
Dude I also called out Bernie Sanders, Cornel West, Chris hedges, Jill Stein, Sawant, Glenn Greenwald, Jesse Ventura and others who I liked for continuing to act like we weren't scammed.
It's the same with 911, when Chomsky said it was crazy to question the official story, he was fugazi.
When Assange also did that and didn't say shit about COVID, same thing…
Many many many people deny the truth or like Trump are pretending.
There was a whole lot more than those guys. Even anti-establishment types like Moon of Alabama & Caitlin Johnstone. So why do you focus on Trump? Why not sleazoids like Mitch McConnell? What you are doing is irrational.
Well, if you were president & weren't an expert in all fields, how would you make decisions? You rely on your cabinet. I recall Fauci standing behind Teump who was speaking into a mike. FAUCI WAS SNICKERING Behind his HAND covering his MOUTH AS HE REPEATEDLY STABBED A FINGER Towards Trump's back. As President, Trump was mocked, impeded, ridiculed & obstructed. It was disgraceful. This time, he comes into office with credentials. He proved he knows how to administrate...and we won't be in wars. He is now a politician & we know what an August group that is. Biden is a prime example. Look at the records of policians' financial standing when they enter & leave office. Amazing.
Dear Syd, THEY are all Israeli shills, ALL of them, and just wait a bit later and Normies will lose their sense of Normality, the time to wake up is long, long passed !!!!!
That may be, but Israel is a bit player. The whole region is just a sand pit, first time you go there all you want to do is dig a hole in the sand and have a good dump. The only reason anyone gives two hoots about it is all the oil & gas there. We don't need their oil & gas if we switch to nuclear power, which is why the Overlords are blockading Nuclear Power.
So Israel is a sideshow, it's all about Russia right now, Russia, Russia, Russia. And that focus may make you dead, very soon. Be afraid.
Zionism is a political ideology, like communism and marxism. There is a Biblical reference to Zion, Mt. Zion, but it has nothing to do with the proxy state called Israel. And it has nothing to do with Judaism the religion.
Interesting but each side has a story. Jewish people historically have been expelled from nation after nation but why? Could it be their way of helping each other got established? Or aided financially by other Jews already set up?
The Palestinians are a semitic people, (as are many Arabs who live in the region). So how would you define the actions of the Israelites in Gaza & the West Bank?
There was an uneasy peace until hamASS attacked unarmed and vulnerable Jewish girls and women. The Israelis returned the favor but the initial instigator was hamASS. I know a man who has been to Israel several times and I will be seeing him when he returns shortly. He has been there dozens of times and was there when hamASS attacked unarmed Jewish people at a festival. His take will be interesting and he does not lie, He has close relatives there and is not Jewish. He should be unbiased.
And why did Hamas do this? Not that it is excusable, but perhaps it has something to do with with the Israeli occupation and continual harrassment of Palestinians since 1948.
Israel has long been the country which gets the most foreign aid over all other countries. AIPAC then uses the money to buy off Congress. I believe citizens resent that more than they resent what Israel stands for... a theocracy.
You are absolutely right, the issue is NOT about vaccines it is about the fact they are totally corrupted, and sick, to issue a vaccine when it is not needed. This demonstrates the degree of corruption, and it is off the scales. People will not listen and they will pay the price one day with their, or a loved one's, life or health.
it's been planned for years . Part of depopulation while making profits off sakeboil sold as vaccines while denying meds that would have stopped it. Howcmany patients were murdered in hospitals? Quite a few acto reports. reports. Read 2030 plan.
It's not "dangerous." It's not even water. It's like saying the sky is blue. No Presidential Candidate opposes Israel's genocide, except Jill Green, who is pro-vcxx and all the rest. I wasn't saying "vote for RFK Jr." I wasn't saying "vote." I wasn't saying "I plan to vote." I was stating that two plus two equals four and the sky is blue. There is NO candidate who opposes the genocide. And only one who opposes the genocide on US, by way of vaccines.
Look, anybody who thinks that line was "dangerous" should probably un subscribe. I will re-fund. But I will not apologize for stating a fact and I do NOT LIKE being accused in INFERRING what I did not even IMPLY.
Oh my goodness! Celia! I was simply asking you to make the connection for me from this screaming headline "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Issues Stark Warning To Americans That HHS Has Issued PREP Act Declaration For Bird Flu, Ordered 4.8 Million Doses Of Dangerous "Vaccine—" Kennedy Vows To Stop This Madness" to this first sentence in your essay ""It may be time to accept the bitter pill that Israel controls almost every US politician."
Your anger is unwarranted. I don't want to unsubscribe. I was seeking to understand.
You know what you mean. I didn't. I'm the dunce, no doubt. But your invective is just more of the same now that I'm seeing, so maybe I should just ignore the headlines used as essay and sign onto your little cult.
Not such a great feeling, is it, to be unjustly accused.
It may be simple to a cultist, but it's not simple to a 65 year old man trying to understand an essay that shows up in his Substack. No doubt, I need a PhD to make these connections.
Earning a PhD is like wearing a bulls eye. What is it about one that generates snide comments? This article is really important. At 88, I don't plan to be around much longer. The 2030 manifesto suggests Humans and Nations need to be eradicated. Only by cohesion and binding together can resistance to this plan occur and survival win That cohesion is being attacked. Cohesion of gender, marriage, reproduction,, nations, Humans (see Harari) all are on the block. Symbols are a start. Aligences are under attack. Individualism is primary. I am one that practiced marching to a different drummer. I now believe if Humans are going to survive, we need stick togetherness.
May we all join together to put RFK Jr in the White House so he can leverage his vast 40yr experience successfully suing corrupt corporations and government agencies and clean up the corruption that created this nightmare. He'll stop the bioweapons industry and the nefarious alliances that got us to where we are. He'll make the NIH do its job and identify causes of disease, tackle those causes, and promote therapies to actually heal both body and mind. He knows how to do it. He's the only person in our lifetimes with the ability, determination and independence of big pharma funding to do this, so everyone please do what you can to make it happen. Our lives depend on it.
He may be independent of big pharma funding, Beth, but apparently he is not independent of Israel influence.
I think he could make a stab at ending corruption. Yes, he has the experience. But it would be an uphill battle. And he would need a lot of protection. And a very tough skin.
But I do not think he can accomplish any of that while still tied to Israel.
And before I am accused of anti semitism, I always make it very clear that to me the country and government of Israel is not the Jewish faith or culture. No matter what they say.
It's like equating Roman Catholic with the Irish IRA.
I had no idea, only a hint via Cynthia McKinney years ago, how much influence Israel had in the USA. I don't think ANY country should have that influence.
And I would wish any US President to feel and act the same.
Good grief. The list of things you think RFKJR can accomplish is impossible. He's not God.
He's just a man, and unfortunately, a compromised one at that.
Our government is beyond corrupt. Along with virtually all nations, it's ruled by globalist tyrants who own the means of production of everything we use and need. They own the politicians, the military, our education system, the media, everything. It's all under their control.
Our lives do not depend on any one person, especially a politician. No one's coming to save us. Our fate is in our own hands.
Yes he would. And my point was, everybody has to decide if THAT is crucial enough to give him a pass on Gaza. I can't weigh in, it seems unsolvable. But I have every right to STATE FACTS. It is a "BITTER PILL" that none of them oppose genocide in Gaza. To "accept" said bitter pill means to vote for the anti-American genocide candidate, to not accept it means to not vote. No problem.
Somebody PLEASE explain what makes this "dangerous." And please try to tone down the histrionics.
I appreciate what you are asking, Celia. I understand it. I think many of us who supported RFK Jr's candidacy have asked ourselves the same thing.
I, for one, will not support him. I will not give a Gaza pass because he has spoken up about vaccines.
My feeling is that he bravely spoke up and against vaccines valiantly since 2003, and did yeoman's work with Children's Health Defense. I am so grateful that I started listening to him in 2020.
But I expected that same focus in his campaign. And it is not there. It is almost as if the vaccines are a side issue.
So no pass from me.
I wish he had remained in his position at CHD. Such a strong, well spoken, ardent advocate. I miss him there.
Dr Shiva is not a genocidal maniac! His slogan is TRUTH, FREEDOM, HEALTH. What’s really sad is that is not gaining traction among the folks supposedly in favor of those ideals.
May latest proverb for your consideration.
- “If someone is determined to not learn, an earthquake cannot teach them”-
Proberta they will never discuss any of this… at any debate. That is why they keep RKK jr out of the debates. All of the candidates and elected government officials are captive to Big Harma… if the PTB wanted to use this salvo against one another it would already have been done. They will not touch this with a ten foot poll!
Guess what? I'm going through this comments section tomorrow morning and evicting anybody who diagnosed anybody here a "Jew Hater." Lifetime ban. How DARE YOU diagnose my readers as Jew haters, because they oppose CHILD MASSACRE.
In fact, I'll start tonight.
Celia, Do you think those in power wouldn't stop so low as to fake child massacre for propaganda purposes?
Petra, I think they would stoop as low as can be imagined. But with due respect, Ammiel is in direct contact with many families in Gaza. I've asked permission to re-print parts of some of his letters. Are you presently persuaded that "it's all staged" in….Gaza? I don't think you mean that. Please spell it out or I will miss it.
The destruction isn't staged obviously but what they show us of children, blood and bandages is ... which isn't to say that children aren't being killed - they no doubt are one way or another - but what they show us is staged.
In the longer video linked to below with Dr Mark Perlcutter, at 6:29 you see very brief footage of what looks like an infant in the middle of the road being shot at. This is staged. Who's videoing it? See the pile of clothes behind what looks like a baby? This is very common in staging. They put a pile of clothes to look like a body.
In this image taken from a video by Al Jazeera you can see that the legend mentions "amputated" but at the same time you can actually see the tip of a finger poking out of the bandage; in the video it's mentioned the tongue of the baby was cut out (seriously how would that happen?) but then you see the baby's tongue - it's a typical show-and-tell discrepancy of their Revelation of the Method technique.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
There's plenty more if you want to scour imagery of children, blood and bandages for fakery ... but it's a horrible way to spend time.
It's a pogrom ... but without the carnage first, at least if it's happening that's not what they're showing us. They're distracting us with the blood and bandages from the fact that they're really just moving people out. They're banishing Palestinians so they can take over.
There are many, many real life incidents of governments & states killing their own citizen-subjects and then blaming these killings on an external enemy. Obviously these killings include “CHILD MASSACRE”. I wonder why there isn’t more reporting on how many Israeli civilians were killed by the IDF and then blamed on Hamas — fully realizing that Hamas ALSO killed and captured (for hostage negotiating purposes) — on 7 October 2023. An inconvenient truth?
I also wonder why there isn’t more reporting on the ratio of enemy combatants killed in the Gaza Strip to civilians killed during this military operation by the IDF. Another inconvenient truth?
Recently, I published a post, Are false flags a thing? where I make the case, in fact, that there aren't these "real life incidents", they're all fake - it's not A commits crime C and blames B, it's A with participation of B fakes C and merely pretends to blame B.
It's called "staged hostilities" equivalent to the kayfabe of WWE.
As soon as I heard of the alleged "hostage crisis" I thought, "That'll be staged," and sure enough the evidence shows supposed hostages looking awfully relaxed considering the situation they're supposedly in.
See video, Smiling Grandma Gets Kidnapped in a Golf Cart, Israeli War Hoax -
I tend to suspect that all hostage crises through history have been staged, certainly the one involving Jessica Lynch at least.
I'm not sure what I thought when I heard about the Israelis massacring Palestinian children but I looked for what was being said on Bitchute and Fakenukes Phil has published numerous videos showing the fakery - rubber dolls, etc.
The thing is UNDERNEATH THE PROPAGANDA THEY ALWAYS LET YOU KNOW (it's their rule), they always stage their events sloppily so you can tell. Admittedly, in this case some of the fakery has even had me convinced but the thing is even if some seems pretty convincing other fakery is very clear.
This is my analysis of the longer video showing Dr Mark Perlmutter (Jewish) speaking about his experience volunteering in Gaza. He is clearly lying just as Dr Ibrar Majid (Muslim) clearly lied about "scenes from a battlefield" after the 2017 Manchester bombing when - unusually - they didn't even bother with an evacuated bombing, they faked the whole thing - no bombing, no nothing. They wheel out people of the same religion as those who've allegedly committed the atrocity to "show" that normal Jews / Muslims etc don't support it (we surely don't need to be "told" this, assuming it were true) - when it's all kayfabe, all propaganda.
Perlmutter -
Analysis -
I assure you we have NO IDEA what a real bombing where people are killed and injured looks like, none at all. I once saw a YouTube video (since removed) of a guy who looked like he was in India or neighbouring country who'd just had his legs blown off. It was a truly horrific and distressing sight and I'm sure he died soon after. All the images we see of alleged bombings don't show anything of this nature. We do not know what maiming from a bombing looks like because they fake it every time ... and if they're doing it for real - which obviously does happen - WE DON'T SEE IT.
So why the staged hostilities? I'm not sure but one reason I can think of is to distract from what's really happening which is that they are effectively committing a Palestinian pogrom - moving Gazans out - but simply not committing the carnage first of the pogroms that happened in the past - and quite honestly I'm dubious about all history at this point.
Recommended reading:
Palestinians moved to Dubai and Abu Dhabi during Qatar world cup 2022! The Gaza war is a movie production!
International Public Notice: Israel, Another Incorporated Phantasm
Planning the post-war reconstruction and recovery of Gaza
However this subversion of the senses is accomplished, I don’t pretend to know the intricacies of the Machiavellian machinations. It’s like trying to get into the mind of a genetic, biological, essential psychopath. I cannot penetrate the malignant & depraved abnormalcy.
Me neither but these are techniques they use one can still appreciate:
1. Pushing out things against themselves can work very, very well for those in power especially as the seeming counterintuitiveness of doing such a thing people find hard to take onboard and often those things really prey on people's sensitivities, eg, child massacre - you cannot prey on people's sensitivities more than that ... but they will do that no problem at all - they don't let any opportunity to prey on us go by.
2. They always tell us the truth underneath the magic propaganda dust - that's their rule known as Revelation of the Method so they give the game away with obvious anomalies.
3. Any button-pushing news breathlessly reported around the world will more than likely be staged. Honestly, I don't watch TV but say I'm at my local cafe and glance up at the TV there (which usually doesn't have the sound on), I'll see some images and captions and think, "That'll be staged" - bus accident, missing person, bombing, you name it. One I didn't suspect was the faked death of Dr Michael Mosley - I must admit it shocked me when I saw Miri AF's substack on it but made so much sense when I read it. (His name might only mean something to you if you're from the UK or Australia.)
Abnormalcy is an actual word, numb skull, unlike your misspelling of it.
My understanding of Israel’s current PM is that he’s a lot like you would be if you had his political power.
OK, the "toasted cars" are faked. No number plates and missing door-handles indicate junkyard cars.
By the way, it’s “Israel’s” not Israels’. There’s not more than one nation-state named “Israel”.
You weren’t writing the contraction of “Israel is”, oh grammatically challenged one. Try again.
You’ve never heard of asymmetrical warfare?!?! I think that Hamas — and all Islamist jihadist terrorist organizations — need to be so utterly defeated that they are forced into unconditional surrender.
When Buckner asked for terms, Grant replied, "No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted." The Confederates surrendered, and President Lincoln promoted Grant to Major General of Volunteers. The Battle of Fort Donelson earned Grant the nickname “Unconditional Surrender Grant.”
You seem to imply that 100% of Hamas’s funding comes from Israel. I’ll bet you really, Really, REALLY believe that too. 😂🤣😅
They would prefer to actually massacre children, would they not?
Not publicly but whatever they might prefer, what they show us is clearly staged.
There are people on social media — including on Substack comments sections, including yours — who admit that they hate “the joos” and who are proud of their hatred. But you would rather issue a lifetime ban on those who call out that hatred and pride. Who exactly are you protecting in this case?
It seems like accusing the Israeli state of genocide (rhetorical hyperbole if you ask me) and accusing Zionism as being demonic & of the devil and accusing someone being guilty of antisemitism as being a fake ad hominem and accusing “the joos” being at the core of a global conspiracy to financially enslave the world and accusing Israel of destroying the United States and accusing the United States government of being owned by AIPAC is all socially acceptable and valid analytical criticism, but identifying “Jew hatred” on your comments section is cause for censorship. This seems extremely weird and strange to me.
If you think that I deserve a lifetime ban for calling someone a “Jew hater” for virtue signaling about his opposition to children being a casualty of warfare (When in the history of mankind has this NEVER been the norm?!) as he singles out Israel being guilty of (so-called) “genocide”, then I will gladly ban myself from your Substack.
I am requesting that Israel's actions be permitted to be analyzed and strongly objected to without incurring a cheap diagnosis of anti-semitism. If I see real anti-semitism I will address and possibly delete it. Along with hostile diagnoses of anti-semitism.
I trust then that you have enough discernment to judge the real from the cheap. I don’t know what you mean by “hostile”. Sometimes simply calling a spade “a spade” is perceived as “hostility”. According to (arguable) common sense, calling a spade “a spade” is a figurative expression which refers to calling something "as it is" —that is, by its right or proper name, without “beating around the bush”, but rather speaking truthfully, frankly, and directly about a topic, even to the point of bluntness or rudeness, and even if the subject is considered coarse, impolite, or unpleasant. You know what it means. I provided the meaning BECAUSE a (so-called) “diagnosis” can often appear to be “hostile” BECAUSE the subject matter is coarse and unpleasant. What are we supposed to do? Self-censor as soon as fighting words start being utilized, regardless of who starts it? What would you say about a mind given over to hatred of an entire people or a cultural community? Would communicating with this mind and having this mind communicate back to you generate hostility? I can’t imagine it not.
Anyway… your house, your rules, your perceptions, your discernment. There’s a cool Buddhist take on discernment.
Fwiw, after a very long journey, utilizing the "discernment" you support in your link to the Buddhist understanding of the concept, I have arrived at 95% certainty regarding the laundry list you lay out in the second paragraph of this comment. But here's the thing, I am not interested in discovering truth merely to figure out whom I should oppose and to whom I should commit violence, physical, rhetorical, or otherwise. I believe this world is whole; that everything and everyone serve a purpose, even if those appear on the surface to be malign. I seek only understanding. All I want to do is see, reconcile, and enlighten. So if I say that Jews are intentional social engineers who drive human development through chicanery and dishonesty, I vehemently reject the idea that makes me an "anti-semite" as that term is used. Nobody will keep me from truth with labels. Every little lie in this world comes from dividing. All my enemies are turning into my teachers. One day I aim to reach the summit from the right-hand path, where I will meet and embrace the countervailing force that arrived via the left-hand path. We will then embrace in truth.
Regarding “discovering truth” and “I seek only understanding. All I want to do is see, reconcile, and enlighten”: kudos to you. Sincerely. Your post encourages me to think on the things which are virtuous and praiseworthy.
It wouldn’t be a “sacrifice” — not in any way or shape or form — to never post on this Substack’s comments section ever again. I presume that you know what a “sacrifice” is. I probably presume wrongly about this. Here you go:
sacrifice (n.)
late 13c., "the offering of something (especially a life) to a deity as an act of propitiation, homage, etc.;" mid-14c., "that which is offered (to a deity) in sacrifice," from Old French sacrifise "sacrifice, offering" (12c.), from Latin sacrificium, from sacrificus "performing priestly functions or sacrifices," etymologically "a making sacred," from sacra "sacred rites" (properly neuter plural of sacer "sacred"…
By the way, a “shill”, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization, or have been paid to do so.
I don’t have a “close relationship” with Ms Farber and I’m not getting paid. Please attempt to use proper English. Thanks.
Didn’t you read my qualification, which nullifies any implied (so-called) “promise”, poet? Again, try reading for comprehension.
I wrote to the author and the owner of this Substack “If you think that I deserve a lifetime ban for calling someone a ‘Jew hater’ for virtue signaling about his opposition to children being a casualty of warfare…”
If and when Celia Farber writes back to me here about what’s so wrong about calling a spade a spade, then I will comply with Celia’s request.
Then what do you think about using children as shields in schools and other community facilities? That is what Hamas have been doing and has been evidenced.
It is also important to realise the using "children" is an highly emotional issue, and that is being exploited for propaganda reasons by the media as you will see below.
The Hamas controlled Health Authority issue the numbers on casualties, but there is no real subdivision of casualty numbers. Can we trust the numbers?
We don't have any breakdown of age groups of any sort, we also have no breakdown of non-Combatants by age or sex.
There are no Combatant numbers either. Its total obfuscation.
Then there is mathematical and statistical proof numbers are manipulated.
But of course Celia it is your substack and you can decide and I respect that.
Hoorah for censorship!!
It's *her* Substack, and she has every right to apply the rules according to her criteria. Celia is one of the most impossibly tolerant substackers on earth, my goodness.
I’m not saying — or even implying — that Celia doesn’t have the “right” to censor. It’s her domain. Heck, all sorts of social media sites practice censorship. Why not here?!
You really are quite the comic, “poet”.
By the way, it’s “Israel’s”, not Israels.
I’m guessing that you don’t really believe that Islamist jihadist terrorist organizations practice “barbarism”. Just the Israelis do. Right? 😊
Just came here to say there's no virus. The evidence is overwhelming at this point. Fraud fraud more fkn fraud
We know. If the subject interests you, I suggest:
It does, in 2020 Dr Andrew Kaufman enlightened many
Yes. An enlightenment begun in 1987 by Peter Duesberg, and taken to new heights first in 1993 by The Perth Group. I'm delighted Dr. Kaufman eventually got interested. The more the merrier. I believe in sourcing history, fairly and accurately, not starting the clock when you arrive.
good point
It does seem like we are seeing the same script play out as 2020 with a few changes made. I am just over the nonsense.
There is a genuine health crisis and it's only going to keep getting worse. The best way to cover it up is by overlaying a fake health crisis on top of it.
Et voila.... 'bird flu'.
Regarding evidence of fraud: sometimes absence of physical evidence is evidence of physical absence.
Naaahh. I don’t enjoy discussing serious subject matter with you, poet.
Naaahh. I don’t “resort” to the things that you accuse me of. I simply don’t wish to discuss pandemics, Covid-19, viruses and vaccines with you. It would be a waste of my time and my energy.
I think Kennedy could have walked away with the election if he was sane on Israel. I would have voted for him if he didn’t think all those blown up and starving kids were pampered. And I stopped voting after Obama’s 1st term.
I’m beyond flabbergasted that more Americans don’t mind that their government is owned by Israel. Especially dem voters who thought that Russia owned Trump and the GOP.. Israel doesn’t even try to hide it anymore..
I agree. I loved that guy till he went 100% Zio. Fuck him.
Isn’t that the reason (among others) his dad was murdered? RFK wouldn’t board the political Zionism train.
My feelings also. I did not think Kennedy would necessarily win, but I was excited for his candidacy because I thought that it would gain him msm exposure and he would focus on the systemic corruption in this country which culminated in the fake pandemic and murderous protocols.
I have not listened to him at all since his interview on Jimmy Dore last August.
I was gobsmacked. So very disappointed.
I have written it before that I believe that he does NOT believe what he is saying about Israel/Palestine. I think he got the visit from the men in black.
I am utterly disillusioned at this point. And also beyond flabbergasted that more Americans don't realize how the sausage is made. And who writes the recipe.
All the focus on Ukraine, Europe, Israel, Iran, attempted assassinations, East Palestine, Hawaii fire..... while so many people have died and are dying from that big cvid lie. I think most people have forgotten about cvid. Except to do a test if they have a sniffle.
Do you honestly believe that Kennedy could be elected if he weren't dancing to AIPAC's tune? He's got enough opponents from Pharma to contend with. I decided that his anti-Pharma qualities outweighed this deviation of his.
That seems reasonable to me but people love to get hysterical and bash people as "dangerous." I truly don't know what to "think."
God judged Israel throughout history as its people were invariably 'stiff-necked' and stubborn. He used other nations to bring them to their senses.
You are missing the point dear chap or chapess. The first word of the Hebrew Bible text is 'bereshit'. That is in the beginning there was shit or 'be re shit'.
Still, I see you say 'bullshit creations' so you believe in creation. That's a plus. :)
Ah, well, that is because fortune favours the bald. Something like that. :)
There's no such thing as "bird flu" or any so-called "virus" for that matter. Take your chicken soup and carry on.
You make too much sense. Prepare to be disrespected and verbally abused.
I enjoyed 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind'...
The whole fricking thing is a SCAM. There is NO "bird flu". And the vaccine scam is ONLY A MONEY LAUNDERING AND GET RICH SCHEME by the evil Big Pharma.
And WHERE does this money come from to pay for the 4.8 million doses the government "ordered"??? It's all a huge scam, not to mention, another control mechanism.
This tyrannical government needs to come to an end.
Of course there isn't. Fake pandemics are possibly as dangerous as war, nuclear war, perhaps more. Hence, Bobby Kennedy is rare. I agree it's incomprehensible what he stated about Israel and Gaza. I expect him to explain it one day.
I knew it was a scam. AL I AM 88. NO MASK, NO ISOLATION & NO JAB
"Expect him to explain one day"?!?! No, how about he fucking explains himself NOW. Why should anyone wait for an explanation while RFK Jr IS ACTIVELY LYING ABOUT THE PALESTINIANS??? And he went on Jimmy Dore and spent 30 goddamned minutes spewing one lie after another completely misrepresenting Israel's gangster government in one of the most sickening displays of revisionist history I've ever witnessed. Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté from The Gray Zone literally debunked EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE Kennedy uttered. He needs to get that vile "rabbi" Schmulei Boteach's dick out of his mouth and stop lying nonstop about GENOCIDE. PERIOD. Otherwise, he can go to fucking hell forever with the rest of the genocide apologists/supporters.
And Celia, not a good look shilling for this bastard either.
I don't believe Ms. Farber is shilling, but I do disagree vehemently with the notion that Kennedy might explain himself later.
Uh uh. I had the same thought when I was desperately trying to figure out how he could have said what he said on Dore. Maybe it's a long game??
Well, I am not interested in long games. That's politics as usual. I am not interested in politics as usual. I HATE politics as usual.
I am interested in the truth. No matter what. I think we need someone to stand up against Pharma AND AND AND any other huge special interest lobby group - like the AIPAC!!!
How on earth did we let this happen. How on earth does another country - ANY COUNTRY - get to pay off politicians in America???
It's insane. And Kennedy of all people! A champion of the US Constitution!
I'm sure he has his reasons for the long walk off first base, and that is his prerogative, but it does not satisy me.
I know I am naive thinking that there will ever be a politician who just tells it like it is and succeeds. But I won't support a long game.
To add insult to injury, for years Israel has been our Nation of choice for top amounts of aid which can then be used to buy off our politicians. Hmmm. Good news is the Foreign Aid to Israel probably finds its way back to US? 🤔
And you're offering *this* up as an excuse to follow along blindly behind Kennedy??? More despicable equivocation over a miserable POS LIAR, supporter of GENOCIDE.
because I can guarantee you, if he doesn't, it won't matter when the Palestinians have been ALREADY BEEN EXTERMINATED.
"COWARDS" are what we call people who are only concerned with protecting their own sorry ass while INNOCENT CIVILIANS ARE SLAUGHTERED.
If people would just understand our power will not be accessed by "voting" in a patently rigged game. It's impossible. It's a myth we've been sold, our votes are entirely meaningless, other than that our continuing to participate provides these fucks with "cover" because we continue to overlook the staggering criminality.
Instead, we could immediately cripple what's happening by national rolling general strikes, en masse boycott of voting in the "elections," declare our government to be illegitimate and treasonous.
That's a very good idea.
at what point, and to whom...?
Amen, brother.
charlie parker took a trip on an airplane- that's about as much evidence as you'll get
(and it's purely anecdotal)
Not unless they have insurance
Of course, birds don't get the flu.Everybody knows birds are not real. 🙃🐦 That's why twitter had to change to x.
More fear propaganda. If masks and mandates begin I will be moving into the forest.
if you go down to the woods today...
Mr. Kennedy has stated. He does not support the second amendment. Nor does he support the First Amendment? Therefore I will never support him. No American citizen should that is completely unacceptable. We have enough gun laws on the books. He's made it very clear that he will outlaw. What he considers to be guns that citizens do not need.In his opinion he can take his opinions and shove them straight up his ass as far as i'm concerned.
I encourage you to listen to what RFK Jr says in his podcasts, articles and interviews, and to read his books. Explore He is the strongest supporter of all our constitutional rights that we will have in our lifetimes. He has defended our rights for 40 years and will continue to do so.
Please don't be swayed by the army of nay-sayers that has been deployed by the scared powers-that-be to spread doubt, confusion and untruths about him.
I heard it from him directly that we need to have stronger gun laws and that nobody should have an A.R15 that's all I needed to know about His position, anyone that does not support law.Abiding legal gun ownership is the enemy in my opinion
He wouldn't have the power to do anything about that. Almost certain he wouldn't even go there. He will be fighting for his life to take any power from our Global Overlords. If the 2nd ammendment ends it will come from the DemonRat party, make no mistake about it.
Once again, I'm just believing what the man said.
I respect your opinion, Beth C, and would have written the same thing before August 2023 when Kennedy appeared on the Jimmy Dore show and spoke about the Israel/Palestine situation. And his subsequent ardent support for the state of Israel.
I learned a great deal from him between April 2020 and August 2023. I am a member of Children's Health Defense. I think I listened to every single interview he did in 4 years.
But he's done a left turn that I cannot support. I think he went completely off message. Instead of focusing solely on the corruption that has caused the condition of America right now, it has become politics as usual.
He is not a strong supporter of our constitutional rights when he is advocating for a foreign country that has a HUGE lobby that pays our congresspeople. THAT IS NOT Constitutional. Sorry for the uppercase - it's indicative of my disappointment in him, and my utter disgust with our government.
I am not a Kennedy nay sayer by any means. I imagine he has his reasons for not going up against Israel. But that in itself should scream the obvious.
Beth - that is simply untrue. There is ONE man who has the power and support to protect our rights from this tyrannical government. What can RFK actually do to shut down this government? Nothing.
Trump wants people who burn the flag to go to prison for a year.
Trump helped Ukraine jump start the war by sending them lethal weapons that Obama refused to and he gave Johnson permission to send Ukraine $61 billion.
Well, Sam believe it or not. I don't think you should go to jail for burning a flag. But there's a few caveats that come with that number 1, 1st and foremost being. Did you buy it and does it belong to you? If The answer to this question is yes. You can do whatever the hell you want with it That being said, you light up old Glory in front of me. There's.
Gonna be problems. Before anybody goes batshit, I wish to be clear. The government has no business telling anyone what they can do with their private property but myself as a private citizen. I reserve the right to Express my displeasure with any idiot that would burn a flag. And I most certainly will do . I don't want the government involved.These are problems that we the people can resolve ourselves.
The f lag belongs to all Americans. Part of US problem is an attitude of anything goes. I was raised when ths picture on Iwo Jima occurred. My brother, my brother in law and my husband fought for it. I doubt if you did
You jumped to a whole lot of conclusions there. I'm guessing you didn't read my entire Post. And I also have several family members that served in the military as well. My great-grandfather was in World War 1 Combat veteran. My grandfather fought World War 2 Combat veteran also But till the day he died , he never spoke about it to me or my cousins only my grandmother The only thing we were ever told is that he
Shot nazis.My stepgrandfather [ Evil stepmother's father] whom was One of the kindest gentlest human beings i've ever known was inThe battle of guada canal.. He
Never spoke about it except one Thanksgiving.I was in high school.We were studying about World War 2 and I asked him. What
He did. He spoke for less than 5 minutes. I've never forgotten it. I never will. It still brings tears to my eyes to this day, what the man Witnessed and had to do to stay alive. It Will haunt me till the day I die.I will never forget the look on his face and his voice.. And the unbelievable horror the man had to endure.
. My uncle Robert 20 year marine babe. was in Vietnam. Did some stuff in Cuba as well. The man had some very interesting stories about Castro and the CIA and the Marine Corps.I'll leave it at that. So that and 5 Dollars will get us a cup of coffee at Starbucks. I guess the point that I'm trying to make is freedom is the freedom to choose to do what you want with your own property. If I bought the flag from the store it does not belong to the American public. It belongs to me. I understand when you say. The symbol and what it stands for hundred percent complete agreement. And if we're going to put people in jail for burning flags, then all of these wars and all of this was for nothing, The best explanation I've got is freedom of speech doesn't just apply to the things we agree with.
Thank you Ray…… burning a flag is in itself Freedom of Expression and needs to be inherently protected. And if I were a Jew, I would prefer the overt hatred to the hidden one. Covert hatred is often lethal.
How on earth would that "jump start the war"? NATO/USSA started the war by declaring that Ukraine will become part of NATO, which Russia has declared a redline since after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
I believe that burning a flag should be a felony and that anyone not a citizen caught burning flag should be deported immediately
End all GOF research & production
I am concerned that the dialogs about there being no viruses covers up the Gain Of Function lab products which are real.
What the hell are you talking about Skippy? Are you trying to be funny or sarcastic? I don't understand how you could consider a flag. Retirement ceremony as being the same as radical assholes. Burning a flag there is a world of difference between the 2 things. And if we're gonna toss boy scouts in jail, I guess we're gonna have to throw the veterans in jail as well,
What the hell you talking about Skippy this makes 0 sense. Flags are retired through a flag retirement ceremony by veterans and boy scouts. But you are talking something about a Jewish burial of some sort, I don't understand I am puzzled. Perhaps you could explain to me
I agree. You can never trust anyone or any CYSTem who does not trust law abiding people with firearms.
A while back I read somewhere that 4.8 million doses of Bird Flu vax had already been ordered and produced. What the heck?
I'm also glad one presidential candidate is talking about this.
Thank you, I am too.
EU ordered some earlier and I believe it was from the same company.
hey Bill can you put out a APB for suspected bird flu cases before the fact? that is, before it's officially transmitted human-to-human ? :) you are THE MAN on crowdsourcing after all...
"All units ... all units - Be on the lookout for a new respiratory virus that goes by the alias "Bird Flu ... Over ...."
DogGoneit bill.You forgot to say A P.B. first,😅🤣😂
I like RFKs stance on jabs. Don't want crap pushed into my blood and body. Starts of with newborns the day of birth. Poor bodies don't have a chance. U S ranks low on infant survival rates and health rankings. The fIeld of ALLOPATHIC medicine needs evaluation. Its built upon disease....not health.
Dr Shiva outlined this a while ago, I believe. But he doesn’t have the family martyr image that voters crave.
I am 100% down with Dr. Shiva.
Can we secede and put him in charge?
no offense- (and not that it should matter) but dr. shiva comes off as a very dry colonic....
When you say it may be time to accept that bitter pill, what does that mean? Accept it without questioning it? Without demanding to know why someone like RFK, Jr. would so idiotically support that psychotic apartheid geopolitical construct?
As for a "lab-generated pandemic," this just stuns me. At this point to still be voicing that nonsense about a "pandemic" also makes me just shake my head. WTH is RFK, Jr. talking about? He believes the world underwent a "pandemic?" He misses the point entirely? That the "vaccine" was not made for the "virus." The "virus," that critical section of code, was made for the "vaccine?"
Oh, and "Americans" still need someone else to warn them? Then we're doomed anyway.
Well, all the candidates support Israel. One of them strongly opposes fake pandemics and deadly vaccines.
What do you want me to say? You want me to FIX it for you? How can I do that?
RFK Jr came right out and said that Covid WASN’T a fake pandemic. What more can he say to evidence that he’s a fraud?
I do not support his candidacy for other reasons, but I do not consider someone a fraud because of their beliefs.
Many of us know about the big fat scamdemic lie and the murders that occurred and are occuring because of it.
But I am not sold on the "no virus" theory.
That does not make me a fraud. Or insane. Not factually.
To acknowledge that pandemics have been faked, but that Covid wasn’t a fake pandemic, conclusively demonstrates (in my opinion) that RFK Jr makes blatantly fraudulent claims. I’m reasonably sure that there are plenty of other examples. “This is what I believe” is very often rationalization and excuse-making. The guy mixes truths with lies, just like any skilled propagandist and politician and litigator.
I am in the same boat. Population deceases are happening in Western Countries. Interesting targets! Gain of Function labs dont exist for nothing. Virus debate is a distraction. Depopulation is a goal as is the elimination of nations...see 2030
Gain of Function labs exist to launder money and promote the idea of a dangerous virus so we (i.e. taxpayers) must ensure the labs are fully secure by spending lots of money on expensive precautions to make sure nothing escapes.
Once people realise that viruses do not cause disease but essentially arise out of metabolism and balancing the body's system, justification for vaccines etc. is taken down. It is the fear of viruses that drives all the nonsense.
Sad thing is, Bobby has unequivocally said that he'd support WHO/NHS/CDC measures for the "next pandemic". He also has unequivocally said he's "not anti-vaccine," but just wants "safe vaccines." How does one make "safe vaccines"? Clinical testing on humans?
The problem is the framework he remains inside and continues to use. Of course, the reality is that it's an impossible situation for anyone who knows and wants to tell the full truth about this Phrma-generated and supported house of cards- and still remain somewhere out there, noticed by the MSM.
Celia, no need to explain yourself.And do not let the”baiters” get to you. Israel is the pimple on the world’s ass. We all have to accept that and wonder why? This has nothing to do with the Jewish Faith. They are a place holder in the Middle East, however we have run out of “place holders” . And that is apparent. The Bib, gave all of his people the most massive genocide AKA injections. A “test lab”. Not a peep about that anywhere.
With all due respect, I think that the establishment of the third Jewish commonwealth in the Levant was a whole lot about the people of the Jewish faith. Not entirely. There were extremely nefarious motives as well. It makes some sense, doesn’t it, that a distinct people who were dispossessed twice earlier — once by the Babylonians and once by the Romans — would regain possession of part of their ancestral homeland. Maybe this time is different precisely BECAUSE they’re Jews. Personally, I flip-flop on the issue, probably because I see political & secular Zionism as evil, while seeing the faith of the Jews in their Law and in their prophets and in their promised messiah as non-evil.
Even Stephen King gets the shivers when he reads the Talmud:):):):).
If I was a Jew, my only allegiance would be to the Torah. Oh, and to the prophets. Certainly not to the State.
I think that reading extremely dark stuff like the Talmud would be to invite the worst devils of the Abyss into one’s soul. No thanks.
Yes, I leave that to others too. But what they say about the text is extremely disquieting.
Celia, anyone who's paying attention knows that Israel owns and operates virtually all members of Congress and candidates for federal office.
My point pertained to RFK, Jr., specifically, and your use of language regarding him and that fact. Your use of the word "accept" struck me as provocative. My questions and tone give that away.
I do not 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕 RFK, Jr.'s support for Israel nor his denial of the genocide taking place in Gaza. "We" must 𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 this fact, unfortunately, but I for one do not accept it. Never will. Seems many others on this thread feel the same way.
Secondly, I pointed to RFK, Jr.'s nonsense about "pandemics" and asked questions about that. I expressed my opinion on that. That's all.
As for what I want you to say? Say whatever you wish, Celia. As for suggesting I want or think you can "FIX" "it?" What made you conclude from what I said that I expected 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕?
Lastly, Pamela. "Baiters?" What can I say? A rueful chuckle is all.
Thumbs up.
Thank you Miss Liberty for your Analysis….. Singing to the Choir….
Thank you, eternalMax.
💯every single thing you say. Thank you.
He's on the stage to sweep up the anti-vax, he runs from no virus. He's a fraud.
Yeah I think he's a good choice for the pharma to clean up cause he won't dig into the frauds done in the name of virology 😂!
Wouldn’t you imagine that Trump is being denied access to quite a lot of issues right now?
I fully believe he was mislead w the ‘covid’ crap so there’s no reason to think he wouldn’t be being mislead by this….
Kennedy has the history of outspoken resistance to vaxes so there’s no way he could be intimidated.
No I don't imagine trump is denied access, how many times can you use that excuse? Don't you think by now he, Trump would wake up? If one uses this line of reasoning, that makes the Donald one of the dumbest. Trump is a con,
So you are saying 99% of our politicians are also even more dumb than Trump? And that's not just in the US, that's Worldwide. Why do all these people want to always pick on Trump and ignore every other politician who did worse? TDS at its worst.
Trump relied on Fraudulent Fauci
Forget Fauci; Trump values his family's opinions. They are ALL sharp people. At least one of them would have questioned the so-called 'pandemic' and subsequent outcomes. They are all following the rulebook, Repubs, Demos and Independents. We either vote the best one in for now or 100 million of us head to DC or perhaps the City of London where the banking elites reside.
If you were in Trump's position you would obey every order the Overlords gave you, one threat and you would shake like a leaf, and be as obedient as a puppy dog.
You just have to give up on the fable that our Government is not completely compromised. You let that happen. Trump could do that damage, at least prevent it from getting worse. Otherwise they will just kill him, next time likely by a heart attack or an aggressive cancer that almost never attacks adults like the CIA did to Hugo Chavez.
He relied on lying RFKs book on Fauci. Full of factsi
Who did all the other 100 or so countries' leaders rely upon? I guess just about every country has their version of Fauci who clearly must have been put in place by a unified entity, demanding lockstep conformity Worldwide. Who has that power?
I believe they follow the US ...probably for economic reasons, secondly because we gave a reputation for being scientic and know what we are talking about. Few know that US health rankings are sone of the lowest for industrial nations. Same for infant survival rates. Our immune systems are lowered with all the attention. I didnt see a doctor until I was about 15. When I hurt myself and have a wound, I don't put a bandage on. Let it bleed and form a scab. Still works for me at age 88
Good Point. But it started with Fauci lies as RFK.Jr pointed out in his Fauci Book.
Trump “ warp speeded” unproven vaccines. He still has to answer for it. To shift the blame of his actions upon others, regardless of their intent is disingenuous.
Meanwhile, millions have suffered. That is historical.
Not arguing necessarily. Just ear-marking some identifiers.
I’m not making any excuses for Trump. He simply went along with Operation Warp Speed. It didn’t begin with the Trump administration. The fact of the matter regarding Operation Warp Speed is that it was & is a United States Department of Defense program/operation that was implemented during the Obama administration. The psychological operation named “Covid-19” had been long planned for, in terms of bio-warfare (another pseudoscientific hoax) and a pandemic response to a gain-of-function super-virus (more pseudoscience) inflicted on the homeland by an enemy foreign power. The entire purpose of “Covid-19” was and is to do a Great Leap Forward toward world government aka worsening domination of the masses by sociopathic world (so-called) “leaders”. See
And it was supposed to be "COVID-17" with Hilary at the wheel. When that didn't happen, TDS went into overdrive.
I don’t know what to make of the following claim, but IFF presidents are selected instead of elected, the hypothesis was that Trump was selected because only he could deliver enough strong white men into accepting the injections. Hillary would have faced a massive backlash.
I’m not saying that this is true and I’m not saying that I believe it. I’m just repeating what I read, because it struck an extremely uncomfortable nerve.
In the long run, it probably didn’t matter. The poisonous shots were rolled out and the majority of the world got injected. The plans of the globalists continue to be implemented. It’s rather sad.
Given what I've seen of the "American" people, including men, they can be told anything. By anyone...and they'll believe it regardless of its absurdity. Or unlawfulness.
With this in mind, had the "COVID-17" operation been launched instead -- with the collection of clowns in the 𝑮𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒔' chairs -- "those strong white men" would have acted just as they did for the "COVID-19" operation.
The majority, including men, would have put on their masks -- as they did. They would have complied with injection "mandates" -- as they did. This under Hilary or Biden.
The only difference as I see it -- and all of this is just my opinion, of course -- is that if Trump had remained in office, he would have issued no "mandate" for injection. And 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 "they" could not have, so Trump had to go for Round Two of the "COVID-19" operation -- injection. And with this, willing or unwilling, the majority complied, including "strong white men."
Makes sense. Maybe Covid-19 was just a delay of Covid-17 and Trump being elected (or selected?) didn’t make much difference in what the globalists are working on accomplishing. I still don’t believe that men are ready to accept the leadership of a female president. I could very well be wrong about this too.
Trump was just hyped in the American media. Because most Americans believe that they are the center of the World. This vaccine thing is worldwide, virtually every developed country jumped on the bandwagon, even Russia oddly enough. This is centrally directed, look to our REAL rulers in Davos, Geneva & London.
So how come Trump didn't know it was a scam?
He's either pretending or really really dumb. I don't think he's dumb, but he did foist the vaccine and brag about it over and over even when booed by his own people for doing that!
Most people didn't know it was a scam, every Democrat politician and 99% of the Republican politicians. Most of them still don't know, or at least won't admit they don't know it. I got double vaxxed until I figured it out, silly me. What makes you think Trump is smarter than 99.9% of the politicians in all the Western governments.
I don't get how you TDS sufferers ignore every other Republican politician, you only demand perfection from Trump. And so we slide down the path to TOTAL Tyranny, a techno-feudal World Government.
Dude I also called out Bernie Sanders, Cornel West, Chris hedges, Jill Stein, Sawant, Glenn Greenwald, Jesse Ventura and others who I liked for continuing to act like we weren't scammed.
It's the same with 911, when Chomsky said it was crazy to question the official story, he was fugazi.
When Assange also did that and didn't say shit about COVID, same thing…
Many many many people deny the truth or like Trump are pretending.
There was a whole lot more than those guys. Even anti-establishment types like Moon of Alabama & Caitlin Johnstone. So why do you focus on Trump? Why not sleazoids like Mitch McConnell? What you are doing is irrational.
Well, if you were president & weren't an expert in all fields, how would you make decisions? You rely on your cabinet. I recall Fauci standing behind Teump who was speaking into a mike. FAUCI WAS SNICKERING Behind his HAND covering his MOUTH AS HE REPEATEDLY STABBED A FINGER Towards Trump's back. As President, Trump was mocked, impeded, ridiculed & obstructed. It was disgraceful. This time, he comes into office with credentials. He proved he knows how to administrate...and we won't be in wars. He is now a politician & we know what an August group that is. Biden is a prime example. Look at the records of policians' financial standing when they enter & leave office. Amazing.
it's ok to argue (discuss). I grew up in a family where that was the favorite pass time..ha
Dear Syd, THEY are all Israeli shills, ALL of them, and just wait a bit later and Normies will lose their sense of Normality, the time to wake up is long, long passed !!!!!
That may be, but Israel is a bit player. The whole region is just a sand pit, first time you go there all you want to do is dig a hole in the sand and have a good dump. The only reason anyone gives two hoots about it is all the oil & gas there. We don't need their oil & gas if we switch to nuclear power, which is why the Overlords are blockading Nuclear Power.
So Israel is a sideshow, it's all about Russia right now, Russia, Russia, Russia. And that focus may make you dead, very soon. Be afraid.
All my life, Russia has been the "Bad Guy" the object of hate and fear while the US beats its chest & drums of war.
Another Jew hating anti Semite.
Another Israeli butt kisser. Zionism isn’t Jewism
You might enjoy reading this if you want to understand Zionists better, but I’m guessing your mind is closed to facts.
Zionism is a political ideology, like communism and marxism. There is a Biblical reference to Zion, Mt. Zion, but it has nothing to do with the proxy state called Israel. And it has nothing to do with Judaism the religion.
Interesting but each side has a story. Jewish people historically have been expelled from nation after nation but why? Could it be their way of helping each other got established? Or aided financially by other Jews already set up?
I recall an article written by an Israeli which proposed the reason Judaism has survived is their success at being in the victim role.
Nope. I always said "learning is a voyage and not a harbor. I will hit the link.
I will go to scriptures on this one. I am sure this issue has been addressed somewhere there.
The Palestinians are a semitic people, (as are many Arabs who live in the region). So how would you define the actions of the Israelites in Gaza & the West Bank?
There was an uneasy peace until hamASS attacked unarmed and vulnerable Jewish girls and women. The Israelis returned the favor but the initial instigator was hamASS. I know a man who has been to Israel several times and I will be seeing him when he returns shortly. He has been there dozens of times and was there when hamASS attacked unarmed Jewish people at a festival. His take will be interesting and he does not lie, He has close relatives there and is not Jewish. He should be unbiased.
And why did Hamas do this? Not that it is excusable, but perhaps it has something to do with with the Israeli occupation and continual harrassment of Palestinians since 1948.
Yes, and which Tribe and father did each of these descendants come from? And why are they at enmity against each other?
That question is answered in scriptures and I will ascertain the truth by reading them.
Israel has long been the country which gets the most foreign aid over all other countries. AIPAC then uses the money to buy off Congress. I believe citizens resent that more than they resent what Israel stands for... a theocracy.
Mislead? The evidence has been clear since 21, we knew it was just a rebadged flu.
How did he with all his experts not know and still shill for the vaccine for years?
I know sometimes people are dumb, but these are politicians who have inside info.
His child was impacted
You are absolutely right, the issue is NOT about vaccines it is about the fact they are totally corrupted, and sick, to issue a vaccine when it is not needed. This demonstrates the degree of corruption, and it is off the scales. People will not listen and they will pay the price one day with their, or a loved one's, life or health.
it's been planned for years . Part of depopulation while making profits off sakeboil sold as vaccines while denying meds that would have stopped it. Howcmany patients were murdered in hospitals? Quite a few acto reports. reports. Read 2030 plan.
"It may be time to accept the bitter pill that Israel controls almost every US politician."
Celia, please, make this connection for me in your essay. If it's valid, I can't see it from what you're posting. (Very dangerous.)
It's not "dangerous." It's not even water. It's like saying the sky is blue. No Presidential Candidate opposes Israel's genocide, except Jill Green, who is pro-vcxx and all the rest. I wasn't saying "vote for RFK Jr." I wasn't saying "vote." I wasn't saying "I plan to vote." I was stating that two plus two equals four and the sky is blue. There is NO candidate who opposes the genocide. And only one who opposes the genocide on US, by way of vaccines.
Look, anybody who thinks that line was "dangerous" should probably un subscribe. I will re-fund. But I will not apologize for stating a fact and I do NOT LIKE being accused in INFERRING what I did not even IMPLY.
Oh my goodness! Celia! I was simply asking you to make the connection for me from this screaming headline "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Issues Stark Warning To Americans That HHS Has Issued PREP Act Declaration For Bird Flu, Ordered 4.8 Million Doses Of Dangerous "Vaccine—" Kennedy Vows To Stop This Madness" to this first sentence in your essay ""It may be time to accept the bitter pill that Israel controls almost every US politician."
Your anger is unwarranted. I don't want to unsubscribe. I was seeking to understand.
You know what you mean. I didn't. I'm the dunce, no doubt. But your invective is just more of the same now that I'm seeing, so maybe I should just ignore the headlines used as essay and sign onto your little cult.
Not such a great feeling, is it, to be unjustly accused.
It's very simple. For years Israel has received way more money than any other country and then they buy DC with it
It may be simple to a cultist, but it's not simple to a 65 year old man trying to understand an essay that shows up in his Substack. No doubt, I need a PhD to make these connections.
Earning a PhD is like wearing a bulls eye. What is it about one that generates snide comments? This article is really important. At 88, I don't plan to be around much longer. The 2030 manifesto suggests Humans and Nations need to be eradicated. Only by cohesion and binding together can resistance to this plan occur and survival win That cohesion is being attacked. Cohesion of gender, marriage, reproduction,, nations, Humans (see Harari) all are on the block. Symbols are a start. Aligences are under attack. Individualism is primary. I am one that practiced marching to a different drummer. I now believe if Humans are going to survive, we need stick togetherness.
May we all join together to put RFK Jr in the White House so he can leverage his vast 40yr experience successfully suing corrupt corporations and government agencies and clean up the corruption that created this nightmare. He'll stop the bioweapons industry and the nefarious alliances that got us to where we are. He'll make the NIH do its job and identify causes of disease, tackle those causes, and promote therapies to actually heal both body and mind. He knows how to do it. He's the only person in our lifetimes with the ability, determination and independence of big pharma funding to do this, so everyone please do what you can to make it happen. Our lives depend on it.
He may be independent of big pharma funding, Beth, but apparently he is not independent of Israel influence.
I think he could make a stab at ending corruption. Yes, he has the experience. But it would be an uphill battle. And he would need a lot of protection. And a very tough skin.
But I do not think he can accomplish any of that while still tied to Israel.
And before I am accused of anti semitism, I always make it very clear that to me the country and government of Israel is not the Jewish faith or culture. No matter what they say.
It's like equating Roman Catholic with the Irish IRA.
I had no idea, only a hint via Cynthia McKinney years ago, how much influence Israel had in the USA. I don't think ANY country should have that influence.
And I would wish any US President to feel and act the same.
Thank you Judith for bringing some good sense to the equation and dialogue…. Thank you…..
Aaaannnd, another great comment, Judith. :)
Good grief. The list of things you think RFKJR can accomplish is impossible. He's not God.
He's just a man, and unfortunately, a compromised one at that.
Our government is beyond corrupt. Along with virtually all nations, it's ruled by globalist tyrants who own the means of production of everything we use and need. They own the politicians, the military, our education system, the media, everything. It's all under their control.
Our lives do not depend on any one person, especially a politician. No one's coming to save us. Our fate is in our own hands.
Bravo ! Thank you Sue……
I doubt RFK Jr will be a contender because he would talk about the vaxx deaths.
And there can be NO DISCUSSION of the vaxx because Trump could not withstand that public scrutiny.
Yes he would. And my point was, everybody has to decide if THAT is crucial enough to give him a pass on Gaza. I can't weigh in, it seems unsolvable. But I have every right to STATE FACTS. It is a "BITTER PILL" that none of them oppose genocide in Gaza. To "accept" said bitter pill means to vote for the anti-American genocide candidate, to not accept it means to not vote. No problem.
Somebody PLEASE explain what makes this "dangerous." And please try to tone down the histrionics.
I appreciate what you are asking, Celia. I understand it. I think many of us who supported RFK Jr's candidacy have asked ourselves the same thing.
I, for one, will not support him. I will not give a Gaza pass because he has spoken up about vaccines.
My feeling is that he bravely spoke up and against vaccines valiantly since 2003, and did yeoman's work with Children's Health Defense. I am so grateful that I started listening to him in 2020.
But I expected that same focus in his campaign. And it is not there. It is almost as if the vaccines are a side issue.
So no pass from me.
I wish he had remained in his position at CHD. Such a strong, well spoken, ardent advocate. I miss him there.
I wish him the best.
Great comment, Judith. Thank you.
Thumbs up emogi. Lol
Dr Shiva is not a genocidal maniac! His slogan is TRUTH, FREEDOM, HEALTH. What’s really sad is that is not gaining traction among the folks supposedly in favor of those ideals.
May latest proverb for your consideration.
- “If someone is determined to not learn, an earthquake cannot teach them”-
Proberta they will never discuss any of this… at any debate. That is why they keep RKK jr out of the debates. All of the candidates and elected government officials are captive to Big Harma… if the PTB wanted to use this salvo against one another it would already have been done. They will not touch this with a ten foot poll!
They just love their phoney pandemics.