
One person harms one baby, and there is an arrest and an indictment.

One covid perpetrator harms millions of babies, and there are awards, prizes, applause and glory for such feat.

Brain dysregulation or not, we see that human behavior is highly contradictory, especially in "social" things.

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As the saying goes

One Death Is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.

Moral of the story? Swing for the bleachers. If you swing big enough they'll give you Emergency Use Authorization and full indemnification for any accountability.

Accidently drop something on someone's foot you could lose your house or even more. Grievously harm and loot BY INTENT??? We got a indemnification law for that.

We make laws in the pursuit of lawlessness all the time. That's a big part of the government's activity. Because in lots of ways it's an organized crime protection racket. They protect each other and especially protect themselves from the lab rat populace they're supposed to represent.

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Exactly! I’m conservative, but I do not support any of these wars that they are killing children, which is all of them!!!

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On the covid front....check this out..... this is how we take down the beast...... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2278395477

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well he is close, the bio warfare external to med system are hydrocarbonic solvents, cartels and j words, who few would expect, a black budget program of immense cash amounts, trucks that deliver packets, so its cartel like in structure, families live by the method,, sealing their houses or breathing their own shit and dying young, its an air currrent war, direction, and location, moving large amounts of toxins in millions and milliions of gallons of it, right under our noses, no pun impuned, they are sick sick pervs, smelling their own dirty shit and projecting it on others.

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Couey is closer than close..... hope you take the time to watch the video....... ;)

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Well done.

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And what about the Babies in Gaza ????????????????

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It must somehow be Trump’s fault, right Rosie?

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i knew rosie o'donnell's assistant, a massively obese homosexual wanna be costume designer who latched on to famous ladies- gwen verdon, chita, marla maples and rosie o- to climb their career ladders. when rosie produced Taboo on broadway, she "gave" him a co-costume design slot (even though the show already had it's UK costume designer) to justify his baby sitting services. i would see chelsea and the other children in production meetings.

we made some tony presenter clothes for her. i'll never forget the fitting. her then girlfriend came into the room, stripped down to the buff and paraded around, rosie sang the first line of sunset blvd at the top of her lungs throughout the entire fitting, a stream of gay cast members came by to curry favor and when my assistant and i were on our knees to mark the hem line, she mussed her hair, sending a cloud of theatrical strength hair spray raining down on us.

it was probably the most unpleasant fitting in my 40 year career of fittings. when we left, i uttered the immortal line "i don't know whether to take a shower now or wait for the rape kit."

she was very good to her assistant, selling his craft books under her name and giving him the royalties, treating him to weight loss surgery for his birthday, paying the deposit and legal fees on his co-op apartment.

my BF sometimes sees him when he occasionally works a broadway show in NYC now that no one asks, and everyone assumes whatever they choose, about his vaccination status. whenever he runs into rosie's assistant, he sends me a picture. the guy has gained back every ounce plus some of the weight he lost after the surgery.

he LOVED Trump (marla was his ticket to all the best parties), who he now despises with a passion that is beyond all reason. he also admired and respected me as someone who made costumes with an artistry that he couldn't begin to achieve. then came covid and he would post things like "i can't wait for all those unvaccinated people to hurry up and die already." i have a feeling that whatever regard he once had for me would not have exempted me from the i-will-cheer-at-their-deaths group.

i was in the audience at a BC/EFA easter bonnet fundraiser (all the costume shops were pressured into making free gowns for the star ladies) when marla was the MC. she announced the cumulative total raised by all the Broadway shows over the past year and then Trump walked out to the surprise and rapture of the crowd. he said something like "you guys did great; you raised a really nice sum of money and you should all be proud. but i like round numbers, so here's my check to take you up to a better number."

mick jagger in his heyday couldn't have gotten such a response from such an adoring crowd. i can promise you that every person in the audience that afternoon now hates him and would deny that A) they were ever in the audience that day, B) even if they were, it was unpleasant to be that close to someone so repugnant, and C) if you remind them that they were there and that they applauded the future orange monster, they will publicly smear you as a racist fascist white supremacist nazi and pray that you die soon and miserably, while feeling smug and superior.

i always hated those events. in all my time working in theater, i never once saw any charitable work for breast or ovarian cancer, not that i think donations to such charities benefit anyone other than the charity itself.

i remember an easter bonnet event when a very famous Broadway leading lady (Cats), who was riddled with ovarian cancer and would soon die of it, performed a song about absent friends, meaning all the men who had died of an avoidable sexually transmitted disease but not any of the women who died of cancers that simply using a condom or being a bit more discerning in their choice of sexual partners would not have prevented.

that was the moment i became immune to future requests for donations to that particular charity.

all i can say now is that rosie's assistant didn't do a very good job raising her trophy children.

and i'm so glad i no longer live in NY.

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great comment. Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing, incredible stuff.

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Wow, what a wild bunch of experiences. The level of brainwashing in our society is enormous which is why so many people hate Trump.

I don't recall a War on Cancer ever being declared but none of the charities trying to cure it do anything meaningful.

Whenever our feral federal government declares war on something, we suffer with more of it. The socio-psychopath LBJ's War on Poverty of his Great Society program institutionalized, and made poverty in the poor black community intergenerational which was its intention all along. Reagan, and his V.P, the closeted homosexual sexual abuser of children, and narco dealer, GHW Bush, declared a War on Drugs while Bush was running IranContra cocaine into the U.S. And, Bush, the Stupid, AKA GW Bush, declared War on Terror after the false flag of 911 so the world could experience far more terrorism than it had previously to his declaration. The terrorist are mostly funded by the U.S. Israel, and our client state Saudi Arabia.

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richard nixon declared the war on cancer in 1971. you may be younger than i am; i remember it well. it just corroborates all your other examples- cancer rates have only gone up since then. cancer wings are profit centers for hospitals. cancer drugs do less and less for more and more. the covid vaccine will vastly accelerate cancer and drug companies are salivating at the possibility. you have to wonder if the war on ivermectin was in part motivated by the fact that they knew it not only worked for covid but also for cancer. imagine if everyone had taken IVM and the pandemic had vanished but a year or so later, epidemiologists found that cancer rates had dropped as well. that would kill your business model

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Just another product of the sick environment we live in especially in crazy Rosie O’Donnell’s world and i don’t mean b/c she’s gay! I have plenty of gay friends with children who don’t end up like this. I feel really sorry for this poor girl and hope she finds the peace and healing she needs in order to care for her innocent child.

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Read the book “pedophilia” it was made the same time that movie about child trafficking was made. A straight man has 20 victims over his lifetime. A gay guy has 350. Stick up for them all you want, you will never understand the sick things they do That they don’t tell people about.

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I’ll read it thank you!

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But every straight man like with minor women ?

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It’s on Amazon by the way

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Yes, correct

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If you think those alleged stats are real you're delusional. Who procures such stats, how do they do their procurement, and where are stats of victims of pedophiles kept? There's ZERO credible evidence of any difference between gay, and straight pedos in terms of the numbers of victims.

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Lol. or you could just think about it for a few minutes.

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I just told you I read it from the book!! I even named the book!! She’s been a pedophile expert for many many years and is the primo pedophile expert because she been studying it since college. Read it.

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I went to rehab for drinking in late 80’s& again in 93. Out of 40 people, 3 of us asked for help. The rest were mandated by the court or a gesture to regain custody of children. It helped me, but it’s a mill. I did AA meetings for a few years. I noticed it was encouraged to identify as what your weaknesses were. They forgot to tell everyone to push through the victim -hood and encouraged antidepressants on most in recovery.

Anyway that was during crack & ecstasy era , I have no idea how much worse it is with meth and fentanyl out there now. & really strong weed compared to last century.

I see meth ruining middle class Caucasian families in Florida and my brother in upstate New York is struggling with meth & various other addictions.

& remember all the young people who went to the dentist or had a broken bone and were given OxyContin. We lost thousands of people in their prime.

PS alcoholism runs in my family, no doubt a genetic link. Had an abusive pedophile grandfather who traumatized all of his daughters and grandchildren.

My mom is mk ultra . Certain topics, she blanks out and after a pause, starts crying talking about the weather or tomatoes.

Grandfather was CIA late 1940’s on .

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Praying 🙏

….that’s a lot of reasons to drink! CIA,mk ultra, pedophilia ….

Our culture glamorizes alcohol drugs.

The dark side is not glamorous.

Trauma by degree duration has been a shared experience most of us have experienced.

Some friends have gone out drinking and suiciding

This earth plane is tough on sensitive souls.

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when asked how he managed to control the eastern front without military presence,hitler said: drugs and music.

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those i know who have been to AA say it's an open air drug bazaar. switching out the booze for even more harmful stuff

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Sexual abuse of children also runs in families, and the child traffickers, and the Criminally Insane Asswipes (CIA) know this so they recruit people who were sexually abused. Cathy O'Brien's book, "TRANCE formation of America," explains so much about our system run on sexual abuse, and blackmail.

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OMG so sorry for your trauma. Asking God to remove this evil from the planet

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The result of being raised by a person with mental illness.

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Rosie is has always been on the edge every now and then she pops up saying really stupid things.

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The edge of insanity until she fell in head first. I just wish she meant whst she said, luke when she said she was going to move out of the country. Maybe she tried and no one would have her?

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Partially, yah

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The clinics exist for those with means. A visible pretty facade that tells society that drug addiction is just another illness that is treatable by your trusted medical profession. So it’s okay. But the real money is in the methadone addiction clinics throughout the country in any town over 20K population handing out subsidized heroin alternatives to people who have no intention of quitting. Always tethered to the clinic. Always a missed “legal” fix from the street. Notice the neighborhoods these clinics are located near don’t look anything like the celebrity clinic locales.

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Used to drive a client to a methadone clinic.

She would go 7 days/week. The downtown part of Portland OR. Looked like a movie scene of homeless people, tents on sidewalks, shopping carts being pushed, there’s 3 of these clinics I know of. People stream in out all day. Tough looking crowd.

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So true, Mike!

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Thanks Celia for raising this important issue. There are at least 2 more layers of complexity in Complex PTSD with adopted. 1. We may or may not know about the prenatal environment, whether there is alcohol drugs or poor nitric that impacts braining organs. 2. We may or may not know about the experience from the moment of birth until adoption. I have a fuzzy memory in my psychology trying that I think there was a higher incidence of schizophrenia among the adopted. When I was pregnant in the 1980s we were very aware of the importance of bonding immediately after birth. My 3 children were born at home and there was an emphasis on bonding. I also remember their very first cry was a cry of terror - as it was the first time they experienced hunger. After that, they learned that when they cried they would immediately get a breast in their mouth, so hunger was a signal to cry to get fed.

As you claim, there is a need for trauma informed treatment which can include detraumatiization and biological, nutritional strategies, energy medicine, etc. There are highly specific methods of testing and treatment for orthomolecular psychiatry, functional, naturopathic and regenerative medicine. The earlier the better.

Also a need for mercy over justice.

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I despise Rosie but she is not responsible for this. Biology is destiny. She was born addicted to heroin and went back to her birth mother at age 18... Rosie described her as mentally ill back in 2017 and judging from her appearance and history Rosie seems correct. https://nypost.com/2024/10/19/us-news/rosie-odonnells-daughter-arrested-on-child-neglect-drug-charges/

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Not really. One of my best friends was raised by a drug addict and prostitute and had to pass the drugs and spoon around to her mother's friends as a young child. She doesn't use and has never used drugs. We are not victims of our biology or our environment. Although those things play a role, we still have free will. Most meth addiction tends to stem from parental neglect or abuse. Many adopted children wind up being narcissists or borderline.

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It's incredibly naive to believe biology is destiny, and that people have no responsibility for their actions. Neither is true, and it's far more complex than a trite take of biology is destiny, and Rosie bears no responsibility for her actions.

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Good Morning Celia: I am reading a book titled "Crooked Smile" by Jared Klickstein. The foreword is by Michael Shellenberger. The book points out the same issues as you do. I bought it because, in Canada, some places believe in Safe Supply. Here is a short documentary by Adam Zivo Government Heroin 2: The Invisible Girls - YouTube

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Thanks for the add. So tragic.

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Celia, you are quite correct to point out that the treatment of wealthy celebrities' children often often fails to get at the root causes of their problems, which often includes C-PTSD.. However, Complex PTSD is probably not the only factor in Chelsea or in today's troubled children generally. Rosie's adopted daughter Chelsea was reportedly born addicted to heroin. So we have that plus her natural parents' heredity and probable addiction to consider. Also, Chelsea was likely repeatedly vaccinated like most other children her age, which many peer-reviewed published studies show produces higher rates of depression, anxiety (two of Chelsea's admitted problems), ADHD, autism, other neurological disorders, food allergies and addictions (which can lead to drug addiction) as well as over 400 other diseases and disorders, as reflected in the written warnings inserted by vaccine makers with every vaccine. Not to mention poor nutrition, GMOs, toxic chemical exposures, and more.

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Objection: hearsay.

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vax injury may be a compounding factor - watch the junkies in nyc, they medicate like crazy for some peace of mind. hard to overcome 72 shots of aluminum to the brain

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B.C. had an Election yesterday. At the moment it is neck and neck between the NDP - who have decimated our province and the BC Conservatives who want to repair it.

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Does Bibi Netenyahu have any kids?

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He has a son living in Miami

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The societal fruits of "Joy."

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To me u r approaching this issue from the proper perspective , thankyou !

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